"Hohn ist die Schere des Mohels der die Vorhaut der Unvernunft abschneidet"
"Derision is the Mohel of Reason's knife."
Die Skepsis der Pädiater
Unausgegoren, katastrophal - die Kritik der Pädiater am Gesetzentwurf zur Beschneidung ist eindeutig. Sie sehen die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention verletzt - und das Gesetz quasi schon zur Verhandlung in Karlsruhe. Aber die Kinderärzte haben einen Kompromissvorschlag.Von Raimund Schmid
Sunday, August 5, 2012
4= Original letter to the Ethik Rat
material, in progress
Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht stellt die Zirkumzision bei fünf- bis achtjährigen Jungen eine kollektive sexualtraumatische Erfahrung dar. Diese kann in besonders patriarchalisch geprägten Kulturen eine der Ursachen für eine starke Kontrolle der Sexualität und der Frau sein. So kann das Trauma zur Stabilisierung von Machtstrukturen führen. Franz: „Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht resultiert aus dieser definitiven Klarstellung hierarchischer Bezüge eine durch starke Ängste (vor dem ultimativen Schnitt) fundierte patriarchalische Loyalität.“
Sowohl Juden als auch Muslime betrachten die Beschneidung als Zeichen ihrer exklusiven Zugehörigkeit zu Gott. Während die Beschneidung im Alten Testament ausdrücklich gefordert wird („Das aber ist mein Bund, den ihr halten sollt zwischen mir und euch… eure Vorhaut sollt ihr beschneiden... Jedes Knäblein, wenn’s acht Tage alt ist, sollt ihr beschneiden bei euren Nachkommen“) ist sie im Islam nicht durch den Koran vorgegeben. Sie ist allerdings ein fester Bestandteil der Ritualkultur. Der Prophet Mohamed wurde nach der Überlieferung vorhautlos geboren, denen, die diesem Vorbild folgen, werden Belohnungen in Aussicht gestellt.
Das Ritual der Beschneidung selbst stammt noch aus vorgeschichtlicher Zeit. Franz: „Es könnte in Jägerkulturen als männlicher Initiationsritus der sozialen Aggressionskontrolle gedient haben. Die mit der Erlaubnis zur Jagd erforderliche Überwindung der Tötungshemmung bedingt eine Aggressionsfreisetzung, vor der die Bezugsgruppe geschützt werden muss. Die Kontrolle aggressiver (und sexueller) Impulse innerhalb der Gruppe könnte durch die rituelle Kastrationsandrohung erleichtert worden sein, wenn sich die kindlich erlittenen Ängste und Schmerzen an das Verbot von Grenzüberschreitungen gegenüber Gruppenmitgliedern knüpften. Durch ein demonstratives, öffentlich wiederholtes Ritual mit Drohpotenzial wird ein Phantasieraum erschlossen, in dem Kastration als Strafe vielleicht doch möglich ist. Die rigide patriarchalisch geprägte Loyalität, die durch dieses Ritual erzeugt wurde, diente einerseits also wohl der sozialen Triebkontrolle, andererseits der Herausbildung einer Gruppenidentität.“
Zudem kann die Beschneidung auch der von der Mutter trennenden Initiation zum Mann einschneidenden Ausdruck verleihen: Auf Grund der Anatomie kann die männliche Vorhaut in den archaischen Schichten des Unterbewusstseins als „weiblich“ imaginiert werden, ihre Entfernung trennt den Jungen dann endgültig von der Mutter.
Für die Zukunft rechnet Prof. Franz mit vermehrten Schadensersatzprozessen beschnittener Männer, nicht nur gegen die Ärzte, sondern möglicherweise auch gegen die Eltern.
Die gesamte Pressemitteilung können Sie im WWW abrufen unter:
Kontaktdaten zum Absender der Pressemitteilung stehen unter:
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
"Hohn ist die Schere des Mohels der die Vorhaut der Unvernunft abschneidet"
"Derision is the Mohel of Reason's knife."
1) http://analytic-comments.blogspot.com/2012/10/michael-wolffsohns-foreskin-of-heart.html
http://www. circumcisioncomplex.com/ fundamentals/
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) agree with MC for personal, cultural, financial, and professional reasons. No medical organization finds any proven medical benefit for circumcision, and European organizations are against circumcision. Circumcision is painful and a shock to the system.--
Making it a taboo to compare male with female sexual mutilation is the biggest scandal of the controversy. In both instances the most sensitive and most erogenous zone of the human bod is amputated and severely damaged. In both instances, what counts primarily is the cutting of human sexuality. The imposition of control by the patriarchy.
The purpose
of this Weblog is to supply information to help the discussion of the German
Circumcision controversy.
I initially
threw up the first version of the blog shortly before the German Ethic Council
was to meet to discuss what to do, more on that further down.1) http://analytic-comments.blogspot.com/2012/10/michael-wolffsohns-foreskin-of-heart.html
theory of circumcision however submits that circumcision was caused by a
single dynamic- lack of fresh water- and subsequently the unhygienic
conditions arising from irregular ablution. Irregular ablution causes,
bad odour, thrush, cystitis, and other poor sanitation infections, which
diminish libidos and stifle sexual concert with the main malefactors
being unwashed and accumulated smegma, or poorly managed menstruation.
Relatedly, non-circumcising groups are commonly settled around large
fresh water bodies, as those which practice circumcision are settled far
from fresh water bodies. Indeed, the prescription of mid-teen-age for
circumcision is preemptively designed, to prepare teens for healthy
relationships devoid of stigmatising claims of uncleanliness or sexual
Doctors oppose infant circumcision
18. mar. 2013 13.08 English
The circumcision of infants entails a risk of serious physical injury, or even death, and should be banned, according to 38 leading doctors.
maart 2013
International physicians protest against American Academy of Pediatrics’ policy on infant male circumcision
Circumcision conflicts with children’s rights and doctors’ oath and can have serious long-term consequences, state an international group of 38 physicians from 16 European countries in Pediatrics today. They comment on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ new policy on infant male circumcision.
There are no compelling health arguments in favor of circumcision, while it can have serious long-term urological, psychological and sexual consequences. And performing medically unwarranted circumcision of underage boys conflicts with good medical practice. Male infant circumcision conflicts with children’s rights and the doctors’ oath not to do harm.
Making it a taboo to compare male with female sexual mutilation is the biggest scandal of the controversy. In both instances the most sensitive and most erogenous zone of the human bod is amputated and severely damaged. In both instances, what counts primarily is the cutting of human sexuality. The imposition of control by the patriarchy.
Tabuisierung jeglichen Vergleichs von männlicher mit
weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung ist der große Skandal
der Debatte. In beiden Fällen wird der empfindsamste und
erogenste Teil des menschlichen Körpers amputiert oder
schwer beschädigt. In beiden Fällen geht es in erster
Linie um die Beschneidung menschlicher Sexualität.
Die Skepsis der Pädiater
Unausgegoren, katastrophal - die Kritik der Pädiater am Gesetzentwurf zur Beschneidung ist eindeutig. Sie sehen die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention verletzt - und das Gesetz quasi schon zur Verhandlung in Karlsruhe. Aber die Kinderärzte haben einen Kompromissvorschlag.Von Raimund Schmid
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Here is my
opening statement which I have reduced
it to a kind of stub - a stub onto which one could add back on the entire
controversy relating to Anti-Semitism, and how guilt distorts German ways of
handling matters of that kind, and various defenses made of the practice
for reasons of "inscription of the law onto the body, “the law”, and which
is manifested in its multifariousness below. Towards the end there will be a section devoted to discussions that derive from the German yahootherapeuten group. Section "Yahoo".
4= Original letter to the Ethik Rat
material, in progress
On June 26 of this year a Judge in Cologne,
condemned a German physician
for violating the German constitution’s guarantee of the
inviolability of a person for having circumcised - it was a four
year old Muslim boy. But the judge did not pronounce a guilty verdict nor
administer punishment since the physician was practicing within a tradition and
was unaware of the conflict of those constitutional guarantees with those
guaranteeing freedom of religion, in this instance the Abrahamic religious
practices of Brit Milahhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Brit_milah
in Judaic and the Islamic
practice of Khitan
Thus ensued a conflict between the Jewish and
Islamic religious in Germany and the German legal authorities that continues to
this day. The chief Israeli Rabbi went to Germany and asserted that
the prohibition of the Brit Mila constituted a prohibition of the fundament of
Jewish identity and German Jews therefore would have to leave the country. The
Bundestag, the German parliament, responded quickly to calls from the two
dominant parties, Christian and Social Democrats, to pass a resolution,
endorsed by Chancellor Angele Merkel, in favor of an exception for the practice
Yet the controversy will not be
resolved until that law has been
studied by the German Ethic Council, if then.
Circumcision, the lopping off of a penis’s
foreskin incises appr. 5,000 nerves; for the concentration of nerves at that
region it is one of the most excruciatingly painful procedures if administered
without anesthetic, as it is in the Jewish practice of the Prit Milah, which is
celebrated on the 8th day extra-uterine. The child is in no
position to be consulted, no empathy of its pain can even be communicated for
whatever trauma the procedure will induce. The child screams holy murder but is
then coddled and attempts are made to reassure it. Islamic practice, which
occurs anywhere between the 4th and 12th birthday
is voluntary and circumcision, there called Khitan, is administered with
anesthesia. Only puncturing of the eardrum, which has a higher concentration of
nerves, is more painful. However, as I can testify, done under emergency
conditions at age 8 and with advance warning from a kindly house physician, the
shockingly extreme pain, is exceedingly brief though you remember it forever as
the high point, the lightning strike of the pain continuum when consulted
during later hospital procedures.
those who have lost their foreskin eventually loose recollection of the
procedure, it makes the infant fearful; other subsequent painful procedures,
say inoculations, re-evoke the original trauma for many years. In a mature
male, the trauma can be recovered under psychoanalysis; the lack of the
foreskin, during adolescence, tends to suppress premature ejaculation; as a
mature lover the lack will deprive the man of whatever pleasure 5,000 nerve
cells can induce.
As a religious as
distinct from a medical practice Brit Milah and Khitan, like other religious
practices, has a rather dark past; it is the left-over of the original
sacrifice of the first born son, replaced subsequently by his castration. It
gives evidence of the Patriarchy’s fear of generational conflict. Some Jewish
reform congregations merely practice a simulation of the Brit Milah, I myself
have come up with the ingenious compromise solution of the “Mosquito Bite” –
one drop of blood to commemorate the dark history while keeping the name-
giving and celebration and compact with God and the formation of group identity
intact in this homogenizing world.
The controversy persists to this day in
various forum in Germany. Many resolutions by German psychologists, lawyers and
medical personnel calling for the prohibition of involuntary circumcision have
been addressed to the Bundestag
jungen.de/home/ gesellschaftliche-aspekte-der- beschneidung/beschneidung-und-
politik/petition-gegen- beschneidung-minderjaehriger. html
Warum wird jemand wie Professor Michael Wolffsohn nicht ueber andere Juedischen Ansichten befragt?,
Ausgelassen aus ihren Überlegungen ist die Herkunft
der Beschneidung in den Abrahamischen Religionen,
von Opfer des erstgeborenem Sohns, zu dessen Kastration, bis zur der Beschneidung
der Vorhaut, wobei nur ein Fetzen Haut samt 5000 Nerven daran glauben müssen.
Da es doch eine langsame Entwicklung in der Verminderung dieses brutalen Vorgehens in der Geschichte gibt, kann man sich leicht eine weitere Verminderung vorstellen. Da das Brit Milah ein Grund für wahnsinnige anti-Semitische Voruteile gab [Freud fand, dass die Beschneidung im Unterbewussten, oder halb-bewussten DER Grund zum Anti-Semitismus - als Furcht, Castrationsangst - überhaupt bei seinen Patienten war] sollte sich das orthodoxe Rabbiniat auch diesen Tatbestand in Bezicht ziehen bei
den Überlegungen zu einer Kompromiss Lösung. Ausserdem wird man Jude durch
Blog enthaelt eine reiche Material Sammlung zu dem Thema Beschneidung und wird taeglich erfrisch..
P.S. Gerd Boettcher of therapeuten yahoo groups made a communication the other day via my analytic list, to which had had no access to except by theft or illegal misuse. I will reply to it separately and in a comment to the above blog. m.r.
Warum wird jemand wie Professor Michael Wolffsohn nicht ueber andere Juedischen Ansichten befragt?,
Professorin , sehr geehrter Ethik Rat.
der von Ihnen vorgeschlagene Kompromiss in der
Beschneidungs Angelegenheit scheint sich nicht
bewusst zu sein, dass auch trotz Anästhesie der Schnitt
ein Trauma hinterlässt. Die Jüdische Gemeinde hat
vor den Schmerz zu lindern, mit einem Tropfen was
uns in the USA als Manischevitz bekannt ist,
also zeigt sie jedenfalls ein Mindesmass an Empathie,
der von Ihnen vorgeschlagene Kompromiss in der
Beschneidungs Angelegenheit scheint sich nicht
bewusst zu sein, dass auch trotz Anästhesie der Schnitt
ein Trauma hinterlässt. Die Jüdische Gemeinde hat
vor den Schmerz zu lindern, mit einem Tropfen was
uns in the USA als Manischevitz bekannt ist,
also zeigt sie jedenfalls ein Mindesmass an Empathie,
Ausgelassen aus ihren Überlegungen ist die Herkunft
der Beschneidung in den Abrahamischen Religionen,
von Opfer des erstgeborenem Sohns, zu dessen Kastration, bis zur der Beschneidung
der Vorhaut, wobei nur ein Fetzen Haut samt 5000 Nerven daran glauben müssen.
Da es doch eine langsame Entwicklung in der Verminderung dieses brutalen Vorgehens in der Geschichte gibt, kann man sich leicht eine weitere Verminderung vorstellen. Da das Brit Milah ein Grund für wahnsinnige anti-Semitische Voruteile gab [Freud fand, dass die Beschneidung im Unterbewussten, oder halb-bewussten DER Grund zum Anti-Semitismus - als Furcht, Castrationsangst - überhaupt bei seinen Patienten war] sollte sich das orthodoxe Rabbiniat auch diesen Tatbestand in Bezicht ziehen bei
den Überlegungen zu einer Kompromiss Lösung. Ausserdem wird man Jude durch
Geburt von einer Jüdischen Mutter; Reform Rabbiniate simulieren das Brit Milah!
Ein Gedankengang der mich besonders bei ihren Überlegungen aufgefallen ist was
Strafrechtler und Rechtsphilosoph
Reinhard Merkel, der es zwar „bizarr“ nannte, wenn Religionsgemeinschaften eine
Definitionsmacht über die Zulässigkeit von Körperverletzungen erhielten, wollte
sich am Ende dem Argument beugen, dass es in Deutschland eine „weltweit singuläre Pflicht gegenüber allen
jüdischen Belangen“ gebe. Er sagte, im Konflikt zwischen dem strafrechtlich
unzulässigen körperlichen Eingriff und der Verpflichtung der deutschen
Nation gegenüber dem Judentum entstehe ein „rechtspolitischer Notstand“.
Führt man diesem Gedanken weiter, kommt man dort an, dass Deutschland nichts unternehmen sollte wenn Israel sich entchied eine "Endlösung" der Palestinier/ Bedouinen Problems durchzuführen, da
Deutschland selbst solch eine Schuld trägt. Also, ad absurdum. Eine schlechte Begründung, besonders von einem Strafrechtler, aber eine Begründung welche zeigt was ich besonders bei diesen Überlegungen
vermisse: die wahrlich einzigartige Schuld, den die Deutsche Gesellschaft in den 20ger bis 40ziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts auf sich genommen hat als sie Schritt für Schritt zu der Endlösung, der Shoah zuging ohne dass die Eliten, das Deutsche Rechtswesen, das Volk, seine Soldaten sich dagegen auflehnten und diesen einzigartige selbstzerstörerischen Ausbruchs des Hasses und des Neids verhinderten. Ich fand es absolute korrekt, dass im
Historiker Streit, es zu dem Ergebnis kam der dieses Vorkommen nicht relativiert. Auf so eine Art hat der menschliche Hass sich nie vorher noch nachher manifestiert, was nur Menschen Menschen antun können.
Aber Überlegungen zu einer
Schuld und der Versuch einer Wiedergutmachung ist kaum Grund oder Pflicht eine andere Art
Schuld zu erlauben oder sich dafür von dem Orthodoxen Rabbiniat erpressen zu
lassen. Schuld verdummt, sie wird / wurde immer von Eltern missbraucht. Es
sollte vielleicht überlegt werden inwiefern Deutsche Schuld bei diesen Überlegungen verdummt.Führt man diesem Gedanken weiter, kommt man dort an, dass Deutschland nichts unternehmen sollte wenn Israel sich entchied eine "Endlösung" der Palestinier/ Bedouinen Problems durchzuführen, da
Deutschland selbst solch eine Schuld trägt. Also, ad absurdum. Eine schlechte Begründung, besonders von einem Strafrechtler, aber eine Begründung welche zeigt was ich besonders bei diesen Überlegungen
vermisse: die wahrlich einzigartige Schuld, den die Deutsche Gesellschaft in den 20ger bis 40ziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts auf sich genommen hat als sie Schritt für Schritt zu der Endlösung, der Shoah zuging ohne dass die Eliten, das Deutsche Rechtswesen, das Volk, seine Soldaten sich dagegen auflehnten und diesen einzigartige selbstzerstörerischen Ausbruchs des Hasses und des Neids verhinderten. Ich fand es absolute korrekt, dass im
Historiker Streit, es zu dem Ergebnis kam der dieses Vorkommen nicht relativiert. Auf so eine Art hat der menschliche Hass sich nie vorher noch nachher manifestiert, was nur Menschen Menschen antun können.
Blog enthaelt eine reiche Material Sammlung zu dem Thema Beschneidung und wird taeglich erfrisch..
P.S. Gerd Boettcher of therapeuten yahoo groups made a communication the other day via my analytic list, to which had had no access to except by theft or illegal misuse. I will reply to it separately and in a comment to the above blog. m.r.
The controversy, which has elicited sometimes
heated discussions, also in psychoanalytic circles, has barely has
managed to make a dent on the news media in the U.S. Brief mention in the
Washington Post; the German editor of Die Zeit and Neo-Con
co-founder of The National Interest Josef Joffe in the Wall
Street Journal seemed very wrought up
We unobtrusively
inform you that the last couple of months many new
appeared on our website.
Best Regards:
The Circumcision Complex
Hier the you-tube of an Islamic Bris
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Dr. Victoria Meinschäfer, 18.07.2012 11:37
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Dr. Victoria Meinschäfer, 18.07.2012 11:37
bei Jungen
Beschneidung der Vorhaut (Zirkumzision) ist der älteste und am häufigsten
durchgeführte operative Eingriff überhaupt. Prof. Dr. Matthias Franz,
stellvertretender Direktor des Klinischen Instituts für Psychosomatische
Medizin und Psychotherapie, warnt deutlich vor den Gefahren der meist religiös
motivierten Operation: „Die Entfernung der Vorhaut im Säuglings- oder
Kindesalter stellt ein Trauma dar und kann zu andauernden körperlichen,
sexuellen oder psychischen Komplikationen und Leidenszuständen führen. Diese
Problematik wird aus Respekt vor religiösen oder kulturellen Tabus und aus
Angst vor möglichen Konflikten bislang aber vorwiegend in Fachkreisen diskutiert.“
Forschung zeigt, dass die Erfahrung elterlicher Gewalt während der Kindheit
Brüche in der emotionalen Wahrnehmung und Empathiefähigkeit des später
erwachsenen Kindes bewirkt. In der Kindheit erfahrene Traumata werden
verinnerlicht und oft später auch selber wiederholt. Kollektiv rituell
vermittelte traumatische kindliche Erfahrungen führen daher zu Empathiebrüchen.
Die Gruppe der Beschnittenen reagiert mit Abwehr, d.h. sie verleugnet die
erlittenen Schmerzen. Dadurch wird die Einfühlung in das Erleben der nächsten
Opfer desselben Rituals beeinträchtigt: Es kann und darf nicht schlecht gewesen
sein, was die Eltern damals mit mir gemacht haben. Deshalb tue ich es auch.
Eine derartige Erfahrung führt bei den betroffenen Jungen meist zu einer Fortsetzung
der rituellen Praxis. Die erwachsenen Eltern leugnen aus eigenen
Abwehrbedürfnissen die erlittene Gewalt, deshalb kann das emotionale Erleben
des zu beschneidenden Kindes von den handelnden Erwachsenen nicht empathisch
erfasst werden. So entsteht eine Täter-Opfer-Kette, die sich über viele
Generationen hinweg etablieren kann. Franz: „Eine deutsche Variante, noch gar
nicht so lange her: Eine ordentliche Tracht Prügel hat noch niemandem
Unterschieden werden muss zwischen den Auswirkungen der Beschneidung im Säuglingsalter, wie es das Judentum fordert, und der im Kindesalter, die im Islam üblich ist.
Jüdische Jungen, die laut Bibel am achten Tag zu beschneiden sind, erleiden bei der Zirkumzision Schmerzen, die noch nach einem Jahr im Körpergedächtnis nachweisbar sind als überschießende Schmerzreaktionen auf Impfungen. Muslimische Jungen werden dagegen meist im Alter von fünf bis acht Jahren beschnitten. Franz: „Dass die Beschneidung des Jungen auf dem Höhepunkt der infantilen Sexualentwicklung besondere Entwicklungsrisiken mit sich bringen kann, erscheint zumindest plausibel. Die Beschneidung kann von Jungen, die sich in dieser Phase zunehmend auf ihre Genitalität zentriert erleben, wie eine elterlich herbeigeführte, schwere Sanktion oder Kastrationsdrohung erlebt werden. Der schmerzlich-traumatische Eingriff erfolgt faktisch, bewusst wahrnehmbar und unter direktem Zugriff auf den libidinös und narzisstisch hoch besetzten Genitalbereich. Der ängstigende Gewaltaspekt unterliegt dabei einer bemerkenswerten Verleugnung durch die beteiligten Erwachsenen. Er wird rationalisiert als festlich und forciert freudig gestalteter Männlichkeitsritus. Der kleine Junge, der ja in keiner Weise an der Schwelle zum Mannesalter steht, wird mit hypermaskulinen Attributen und großen Geschenken zum Mann erklärt, eigentlich aber von Erwachsenen manipuliert.“
Unterschieden werden muss zwischen den Auswirkungen der Beschneidung im Säuglingsalter, wie es das Judentum fordert, und der im Kindesalter, die im Islam üblich ist.
Jüdische Jungen, die laut Bibel am achten Tag zu beschneiden sind, erleiden bei der Zirkumzision Schmerzen, die noch nach einem Jahr im Körpergedächtnis nachweisbar sind als überschießende Schmerzreaktionen auf Impfungen. Muslimische Jungen werden dagegen meist im Alter von fünf bis acht Jahren beschnitten. Franz: „Dass die Beschneidung des Jungen auf dem Höhepunkt der infantilen Sexualentwicklung besondere Entwicklungsrisiken mit sich bringen kann, erscheint zumindest plausibel. Die Beschneidung kann von Jungen, die sich in dieser Phase zunehmend auf ihre Genitalität zentriert erleben, wie eine elterlich herbeigeführte, schwere Sanktion oder Kastrationsdrohung erlebt werden. Der schmerzlich-traumatische Eingriff erfolgt faktisch, bewusst wahrnehmbar und unter direktem Zugriff auf den libidinös und narzisstisch hoch besetzten Genitalbereich. Der ängstigende Gewaltaspekt unterliegt dabei einer bemerkenswerten Verleugnung durch die beteiligten Erwachsenen. Er wird rationalisiert als festlich und forciert freudig gestalteter Männlichkeitsritus. Der kleine Junge, der ja in keiner Weise an der Schwelle zum Mannesalter steht, wird mit hypermaskulinen Attributen und großen Geschenken zum Mann erklärt, eigentlich aber von Erwachsenen manipuliert.“
Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht stellt die Zirkumzision bei fünf- bis achtjährigen Jungen eine kollektive sexualtraumatische Erfahrung dar. Diese kann in besonders patriarchalisch geprägten Kulturen eine der Ursachen für eine starke Kontrolle der Sexualität und der Frau sein. So kann das Trauma zur Stabilisierung von Machtstrukturen führen. Franz: „Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht resultiert aus dieser definitiven Klarstellung hierarchischer Bezüge eine durch starke Ängste (vor dem ultimativen Schnitt) fundierte patriarchalische Loyalität.“
Sowohl Juden als auch Muslime betrachten die Beschneidung als Zeichen ihrer exklusiven Zugehörigkeit zu Gott. Während die Beschneidung im Alten Testament ausdrücklich gefordert wird („Das aber ist mein Bund, den ihr halten sollt zwischen mir und euch… eure Vorhaut sollt ihr beschneiden... Jedes Knäblein, wenn’s acht Tage alt ist, sollt ihr beschneiden bei euren Nachkommen“) ist sie im Islam nicht durch den Koran vorgegeben. Sie ist allerdings ein fester Bestandteil der Ritualkultur. Der Prophet Mohamed wurde nach der Überlieferung vorhautlos geboren, denen, die diesem Vorbild folgen, werden Belohnungen in Aussicht gestellt.
Das Ritual der Beschneidung selbst stammt noch aus vorgeschichtlicher Zeit. Franz: „Es könnte in Jägerkulturen als männlicher Initiationsritus der sozialen Aggressionskontrolle gedient haben. Die mit der Erlaubnis zur Jagd erforderliche Überwindung der Tötungshemmung bedingt eine Aggressionsfreisetzung, vor der die Bezugsgruppe geschützt werden muss. Die Kontrolle aggressiver (und sexueller) Impulse innerhalb der Gruppe könnte durch die rituelle Kastrationsandrohung erleichtert worden sein, wenn sich die kindlich erlittenen Ängste und Schmerzen an das Verbot von Grenzüberschreitungen gegenüber Gruppenmitgliedern knüpften. Durch ein demonstratives, öffentlich wiederholtes Ritual mit Drohpotenzial wird ein Phantasieraum erschlossen, in dem Kastration als Strafe vielleicht doch möglich ist. Die rigide patriarchalisch geprägte Loyalität, die durch dieses Ritual erzeugt wurde, diente einerseits also wohl der sozialen Triebkontrolle, andererseits der Herausbildung einer Gruppenidentität.“
Zudem kann die Beschneidung auch der von der Mutter trennenden Initiation zum Mann einschneidenden Ausdruck verleihen: Auf Grund der Anatomie kann die männliche Vorhaut in den archaischen Schichten des Unterbewusstseins als „weiblich“ imaginiert werden, ihre Entfernung trennt den Jungen dann endgültig von der Mutter.
Für die Zukunft rechnet Prof. Franz mit vermehrten Schadensersatzprozessen beschnittener Männer, nicht nur gegen die Ärzte, sondern möglicherweise auch gegen die Eltern.
Die gesamte Pressemitteilung können Sie im WWW abrufen unter:
Kontaktdaten zum Absender der Pressemitteilung stehen unter:
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
idw -
Informationsdienst Wissenschaft e. V.
Zur freundlichen Kenntnisnahme
und mit besten Kolleg. Grüßen
Dipl. Psych. Michael B.
auch unter dem Link: http://www.circumcision.org/studies.htm
Medical Studies on
Circumcision is Associated with Adult Difficulty in Identifying
and Expressing Feelings
preliminary study investigates what role early trauma might have in alexithymia
(difficulty in identifying and expressing feelings) acquisition for adults by
controlling for male circumcision. Three hundred self-selected men were
administered the Toronto Twenty-Item Alexithymia Scale checklist and a personal
history questionnaire. The circumcised men had age-adjusted alexithymia scores
19.9 percent higher than the intact men; were 1.57 times more likely to have
high alexithymia scores; were 2.30 times less likely to have low alexithymia
scores; had higher prevalence of two of the three alexithymia factors
(difficulty identifying feelings and difficulty describing feelings); and were
4.53 times more likely to use an erectile dysfunction drug. Alexithymia in this
population of adult men is statistically significant for having experienced
circumcision trauma and for erectile dysfunction drug use. (See link to article
on our home page.)
Bollinger, D. and Van Howe, R. , "Alexithymia and
Circumcision Trauma: A Preliminary Investigation," International
Journal of Men's Health (2011);184-195.
Circumcision Associated with Sexual Difficulties in Men and
A new national survey
in Denmark, where about 5% of men are circumcised, examined associations of
circumcision with a range of sexual measures in both sexes. Circumcised men
were more likely to report frequent orgasm difficulties, and women with
circumcised spouses more often reported incomplete sexual needs fulfillment and
frequent sexual function difficulties overall, notably orgasm difficulties, and
painful sexual intercourse.
Frisch, M., Lindholm,
M., and Gr�nb�k, M., "Male Circumcision and Sexual Function in Men and
Women: A Survey-based, Cross-sectional Study in Denmark,"
International Journal of Epidemiology (2011);1�15.
Circumcision is
Associated with Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation
(PE) is common. However, it has been underreported and undertreated. The aim of
the study was to determine the prevalence of PE and to investigate possible
associated factors of PE. This cross-sectional study was conducted at a primary
care clinic over a 3-month period in 2008. Men aged 18-70 years attending the
clinic were recruited, and they completed self-administered questionnaires. A
total of 207 men were recruited with a response rate of 93.2%. Their mean age
was 46.0 years. The prevalence of PE was 40.6%. No significant association was
found between age and PE. Multivariate analysis showed that erectile
dysfunction, circumcision, and sexual intercourse =5 times in 4 weeks were
predictors of PE. These associations need further confirmation.
Tang, W. and Khoo, E. "Prevalence and Correlates of
Premature Ejaculation in a Primary Care Setting: A Preliminary Cross-Sectional
Study," Journal of Sexual Medicine (2011) Apr 14.
NOTE: There have been numerous
articles in American media about claims that circumcision prevents HIV
transmission. No mainstream media article has reported on an opposing view, as
described in the findings of the following five medical articles.
Claim of Circumcision
Benefit is Overstated and Premature
Further research is required to assess
the feasibility, desirability and cost-effectiveness of circumcision to reduce
the acquisition of HIV. This paper endorses the need for such research and
suggests that, in its absence, it is premature to promote circumcision as a
reliable strategy for combating HIV. Since articles in leading medical journals
as well as the popular press continue to do so, scientific researchers should
think carefully about how their conclusions may be translated both to policy
makers and to a more general audience. The importance of addressing
ethico-legal concerns that such trials may raise is highlighted. The
understandable haste to find a solution to the HIV pandemic means that the
promise offered by preliminary and specific research studies may be overstated.
This may mean that ethical concerns are marginalized. Such haste may also
obscure the need to be attentive to local cultural sensitivities, which vary
from one African region to another, in formulating policy concerning
Fox, M. and Thomson, M., "HIV/AIDS and Circumcision : Lost
in Translation," Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2010):798-801.
Circumcision/HIV Claims
are Based on Insufficient Evidence
An article endorsed by thirty-two
professionals questions the results of three highly publicized African
circumcision studies. The studies claim that circumcision reduces HIV
transmission, and they are being used to promote circumcisions. Substantial
evidence in this article refutes the claim of the studies.
Examples in the article include the
1. Circumcision is
associated with increased transmission of HIV to women.
2. Conditions for the
studies were unlike conditions found in real-world settings.
3. Other studies show that
male circumcision is not associated with reduced HIV transmission.
4. The U.S. has a high rate
of HIV infection and a high rate of circumcision. Other countries have low
rates of circumcision and low rates of HIV infection.
5. Condoms are 95 times
more cost effective in preventing HIV transmission.
6. Circumcision removes
healthy, functioning, unique tissue, raising ethical considerations.
Green, L. et al., "Male Circumcision and HIV Prevention:
Insufficient Evidence and Neglected External Validity," American Journal
of Preventive Medicine 39 (2010): 479-82.
In National Survey
Circumcision Had No Protective Effect
A survey of South African men showed
that circumcision had no protective effect in the prevention of HIV
transmission. This is a concern, and has implications for the possible adoption
of mass male circumcision strategy both as a public health policy and an HIV
prevention strategy.
Connolly, C. et al., South African Medical Journal 98(2008):
Circumcision is Not Cost
The findings suggest that behavior
change programs are more efficient and cost effective than circumcision.
Providing free condoms is estimated to be significantly less costly, more
effective in comparison to circumcising, and at least 95 times more cost
effective at stopping the spread of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa. In addition,
condom usage provides protection for women as well as men. This is significant
in an area where almost 61% of adults living with AIDS are women.
McAllister, R. et al., "The Cost to Circumcise
Africa," American Journal of Men's Health 7(2008): 307-316.
Circumcision/HIV Have
Incomplete Evaluation
The push to institute mass
circumcision in Africa, following the three randomized clinical trials (RCTs)
conducted in Africa, is based on an incomplete evaluation of real-world
preventive effects over the long-term � effects that may be quite
different outside the research setting and circumstances, with their access to
resources, sanitary standards and intensive counseling. Moreover, proposals for
mass circumcision lack a thorough and objective consideration of costs in
relation to hoped-for benefits. No field-test has been performed to evaluate
the effectiveness, complications, personnel requirements, costs and
practicality of proposed approaches in real-life conditions. These are the
classic distinctions between efficacy and effectiveness trials, and between
internal validity and external validity.
Campaigns to promote safe-sex
behaviors have been shown to accomplish a high rate of infection reduction,
without the surgical risks and complications of circumcision, and at a much
lower cost. For the health community to rush to recommend a program based on
incomplete evidence is both premature and ill-advised. It misleads the public
by promoting false hope from uncertain conclusions and might ultimately
aggravate the problem by altering people�s
behavioral patterns and exposing them and their partners to new or expanded
risks. Given these problems, circumcision of adults, and especially of
children, by coercion or by false hope, raises human rights concerns.
Green, L. et al., "Male Circumcision is Not the HIV �Vaccine� We
Have Been Waiting For!" Future Medicine 2 (2008): 193-199, DOI
Circumcision Decreases
Sexual Pleasure
A questionnaire was used to study the
sexuality of men circumcised as adults compared to uncircumcised men, and to
compare their sex lives before and after circumcision. The study included 373
sexually active men, of whom 255 were circumcised and 118 were not. Of the 255
circumcised men, 138 had been sexually active before circumcision, and all were
circumcised at >20 years of age. Masturbatory pleasure decreased after
circumcision in 48% of the respondents, while 8% reported increased pleasure.
Masturbatory difficulty increased after circumcision in 63% of the respondents
but was easier in 37%. About 6% answered that their sex lives improved, while
20% reported a worse sex life after circumcision. There was a decrease in
masturbatory pleasure and sexual enjoyment after circumcision, indicating that
adult circumcision adversely affects sexual function in many men, possibly
because of complications of the surgery and a loss of nerve endings.
Kim, D. and Pang, M., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on
Sexuality," BJU International 99 (2007): 619-22.
Circumcision Removes the
Most Sensitive Parts of the Penis
A sensitivity study of the adult penis
in circumcised and uncircumcised men shows that the uncircumcised penis is
significantly more sensitive. The most sensitive location on the circumcised
penis is the circumcision scar on the ventral surface. Five locations on the
uncircumcised penis that are routinely removed at circumcision are
significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive location on the
circumcised penis.
In addition, the glans (head) of the
circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the
uncircumcised penis. The tip of the foreskin is the most sensitive region of
the uncircumcised penis, and it is significantly more sensitive than the most
sensitive area of the circumcised penis. Circumcision removes the most
sensitive parts of the penis.
This study presents the first
extensive testing of fine touch pressure thresholds of the adult penis. The
monofiliment testing instruments are calibrated and have been used to test
female genital sensitivity.
Sorrells, M. et al., �Fine-Touch
Pressure Thresholds in the Adult Penis,� BJU
International 99 (2007): 864-869.
Circumcision Policy
Influenced by Psychosocial Factors
The debate about the advisability of
circumcision in English-speaking countries typically has focused on potential
health factors. The position statements of committees from national medical
organisations are expected to be evidence-based; however, the contentiousness
of the ongoing debate suggests that other factors are involved. Various
potential factors related to psychology, sociology, religion, and culture may
also underlie policy decisions. These factors could affect the values and
attitudes of medical committee members, the process of evaluating the medical
literature, and the medical literature itself. Although medical professionals
highly value rationality, it can be difficult to conduct a rational and
objective evaluation of an emotional and controversial topic such as
circumcision. A negotiated compromise between polarized committee factions
could introduce additional psychosocial factors. These possibilities are
speculative, not conclusive. It is recommended that an open discussion of
psychosocial factors take place and that the potential biases of committee
members be recognized.
Goldman, R., �Circumcision
Policy: A Psychosocial Perspective,� Paediatrics
& Child Health 9 (2004): 630-633.
Circumcision is Not Good
Health Policy
A cost-utility analysis, based on
published data from multiple observational studies, comparing boys circumcised
at birth and those not circumcised was undertaken using the Quality of
Well-being Scale, a Markov analysis, the standard reference case, and a
societal perspective. Neonatal circumcision increased incremental costs by
$828.42 per patient and resulted in an incremental 15.30 well-years lost per
1000 males. If neonatal circumcision was cost-free, pain-free, and had no
immediate complications, it was still more costly than not circumcising. Using
sensitivity analysis, it was impossible to arrange a scenario that made
neonatal circumcision cost-effective. Neonatal circumcision is not good health
policy, and support for it as a medical procedure cannot be justified
financially or medically.
Van Howe, R., �A
Cost-Utility Analysis of Neonatal Circumcision,� Medical
Decision Making 24 (2004):584-601.
Pain, Trauma, Sexual,
and Psychological Effects of Circumcision
Infant male circumcision continues
despite growing questions about its medical justification. As usually performed
without analgesia or anaesthetic, circumcision is observably painful. It is
likely that genital cutting has physical, sexual and psychological
consequences, too. Some studies link involuntary male circumcision with a range
of negative emotions and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some circumcised
men have described their current feelings in the language of violation,
torture, mutilation and sexual assault. In view of the acute as well as
long-term risks from circumcision and the legal liabilities that might arise,
it is timely for health professionals and scientists to re-examine the evidence
on this issue and participate in the debate about the advisability of this
surgical procedure on unconsenting minors.
Boyle G. et al., "Male Circumcision: Pain, Trauma and
Psychosexual Sequelae," Journal of Health Psychology (2002): 329-343.
Circumcision Results in
Significant Loss of Erogenous Tissue
A report published in the British
Journal of Urology assessed the type and amount of tissue missing from the
adult circumcised penis by examining adult foreskins obtained at autopsy.
Investigators found that circumcision removes about one-half of the erogenous
tissue on the penile shaft. The foreskin, according to the study, protects the
head of the penis and is comprised of unique zones with several kinds of specialized
nerves that are important to optimum sexual sensitivity.
Taylor, J. et al., "The Prepuce: Specialized Mucosa of the
Penis and Its Loss to Circumcision," BJU 77 (1996): 291�295.
Circumcision Affects
Sexual Behavior
A study published in the Journal of
the American Medical Association found that circumcision provided no
significant prophylactic benefit and that circumcised men were more likely to
engage in various sexual practices. Specifically, circumcised men were
significantly more likely to masturbate and to participate in heterosexual oral
sex than uncircumcised men.
Laumann, E. et al., "Circumcision in the U.S.: Prevalence,
Prophylactic Effects, and Sexual Practice," JAMA 277 (1997): 1052�1057.
Researchers Demonstrate
Traumatic Effects of Circumcision
A team of Canadian researchers
produced new evidence that circumcision has long-lasting traumatic effects. An
article published in the international medical journal The Lancet reported the
effect of infant circumcision on pain response during subsequent routine
vaccination. The researchers tested 87 infants at 4 months or 6 months of age.
The boys who had been circumcised were more sensitive to pain than the
uncircumcised boys. Differences between groups were significant regarding
facial action, crying time, and assessments of pain.
The authors believe that
"neonatal circumcision may induce long-lasting changes in infant pain
behavior because of alterations in the infant�s central neural processing of painful
stimuli." They also write that "the long-term consequences of surgery
done without anaesthesia are likely to include post-traumatic stress as well as
pain. It is therefore possible that the greater vaccination response in the
infants circumcised without anaesthesia may represent an infant analogue of a
post-traumatic stress disorder triggered by a traumatic and painful event and
re-experienced under similar circumstances of pain during vaccination."
Taddio, A. et al., "Effect of Neonatal Circumcision on Pain
Response during Subsequent Routine Vaccination," The Lancet 349 (1997):
Circumcision Study
Halted Due to Trauma
Researchers found circumcision so
traumatic that they ended the study early rather than subject any more infants
to the operation without anesthesia. Those infants circumcised without
anesthesia experienced not only severe pain, but also an increased risk of
choking and difficulty breathing. The findings were published in the Journal of
the American Medical Association. Up to 96% of infants in some areas of the
United States receive no anesthesia during circumcision. No anesthetic
currently in use for circumcisions is effective during the most painful parts
of the procedure.
Lander, J. et al., "Comparison of Ring Block, Dorsal Penile
Nerve Block, and Topical Anesthesia for Neonatal Circumcision," JAMA 278
(1997): 2157�2162.
Circumcised Penis
Requires More Care in Young Boys
The circumcised penis requires more
care than the natural penis during the first three years of life, according to
a report in the British Journal of Urology. The clinical findings of an American
pediatrician showed that circumcised boys were significantly more likely to
have skin adhesions, trapped debris, irritated urinary opening, and
inflammation of the glans (head of the penis) than were boys with a foreskin.
Furthermore, because there are large variations of appearance in circumcised
boys, circumcision for cosmetic reasons should be discouraged.
Van Howe, R., "Variability in Penile Appearance and Penile
Findings: A Prospective Study," BJU 80 (1997): 776�782.
Poll of Circumcised Men
Reveals Harm
A poll of circumcised men published in
the British Journal of Urology describes adverse outcomes on men�s health and well-being. Findings
showed wide-ranging physical, sexual, and psychological consequences. Some respondents
reported prominent scarring and excessive skin loss. Sexual consequences
included progressive loss of sensitivity and sexual dysfunction. Emotional
distress followed the realization that they were missing a functioning part of
their penis. Low-self esteem, resentment, avoidance of intimacy, and depression
were also noted.
Hammond, T., "A Preliminary Poll of Men Circumcised in
Infancy or Childhood," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 85�92
Psychological Effects of
Circumcision Studied
An article titled "The
Psychological Impact of Circumcision" reports that circumcision results in
behavioral changes in infants and long-term unrecognized psychological effects
on men. The piece reviews the medical literature on infants� responses to circumcision and
concludes, "there is strong evidence that circumcision is overwhelmingly
painful and traumatic." The article notes that infants exhibit behavioral
changes after circumcision, and some men have strong feelings of anger, shame,
distrust, and grief about having been circumcised. In addition, circumcision
has been shown to disrupt the mother-infant bond, and some mothers report
significant distress after allowing their son to be circumcised. Psychological
factors perpetuate circumcision. According to the author, "defending
circumcision requires minimizing or dismissing the harm and producing
overstated medical claims about protection from future harm. The ongoing denial
requires the acceptance of false beliefs and misunderstanding of facts. These
psychological factors affect professionals, members of religious groups, and
parents involved in the practice."
Expressions from circumcised men are
generally lacking because most circumcised men do not understand what
circumcision is, emotional repression keeps feelings from awareness, or men may
be aware of these feelings but afraid of disclosure.
Goldman, R., "The Psychological Impact of
Circumcision," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 93�102
Serious Consequences of
Circumcision Trauma in Adult Men Clinically Observed
Using four case examples that are
typical among his clients, a practicing psychiatrist presents clinical findings
regarding the serious and sometimes disabling long-term somatic, emotional, and
psychological consequences of infant circumcision in adult men. These
consequences resemble complex post-traumatic stress disorder and emerge during
psychotherapy focused on the resolution of perinatal and developmental trauma.
Adult symptoms associated with circumcision trauma include shyness, anger,
fear, powerlessness, distrust, low self-esteem, relationship difficulties, and
sexual shame. Long-term psychotherapy dealing with early trauma resolution
appears to be effective in healing these consequences.
Rhinehart, J., "Neonatal Circumcision Revistited,"
Transactional Analysis Journal 29 (1999): 215-221
Anatomy and Function of
the Foreskin Documented
A new article describes the foreskin
(prepuce) as an integral, normal part of the genitals of mammals. It is
specialized, protective, erogenous tissue. A description of the complex nerve
structure of the penis explains why anesthetics provide incomplete pain relief
during circumcision. Cutting off the foreskin removes many fine-touch receptors
from the penis and results in thickening and desensitization of the glans outer
layer. The complex anatomy and function of the foreskin dictate that
circumcision should be avoided or deferred until the person can make an
informed decision as an adult.
Cold, C. and Taylor, J., "The Prepuce," BJU 83 (1999):
suppl. 1: 34�44.
Male Circumcision
Affects Female Sexual Enjoyment
A survey of women who have had sexual
experience with circumcised and anatomically complete partners showed that the
anatomically complete penis was preferred over the circumcised penis. Without
the foreskin to provide a movable sleeve of skin, intercourse with a
circumcised penis resulted in female discomfort from increased friction,
abrasion, and loss of natural secretions. Respondents overwhelmingly concurred
that the mechanics of coitus were different for the two groups of men.
Unaltered men tended to thrust more gently with shorter strokes.
O�Hara, K. and O�Hara,
J., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on the Sexual Enjoyment of the Female
Partner," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 79�84
Male Circumcision and
Psychosexual Effects Investigated
Infant male circumcision continues
despite growing questions about its medical justification. As usually performed
without analgesia or anesthetic, circumcision is observably painful. It is
likely that genital cutting has physical, sexual, and psychological
consequences, too. Some studies link involuntary male circumcision with a range
of negative emotions and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some
circumcised men have described their current feelings in the language of
violation, torture, mutilation, and sexual assault. In view of the acute as
well as long-term risks from circumcision and the legal liabilities that might
arise, it is timely for health professionals and scientists to re-examine the
evidence on this issue and participate in the debate about the advisability of
this surgical procedure on unconsenting minors.
Boyle, G., Goldman, R., Svoboda, J.S., and Fernandez, E.,
"Male Circumcision: Pain, Trauma, and Psychosexual Sequelae," Journal
of Health Psychology 7 (2002): 329-343.
Surveys Reveal Adverse
Sexual and Psychological Effects of Circumcision
A survey of the 35 female and 42 gay
sexual partners of circumcised and genitally intact men, and a separate survey
of 53 circumcised and genitally intact men, and a separate survey of 30
genitally intact men themselves indicated that circumcised men experienced
significantly reduced sexual sensation along with associated long-lasting
negative emotional consequences.
Boyle, G. and Bensley, G., "Adverse Sexual and
Psychological Effects of Male Infant Circumcision,". Psychological Reports
88 (2001): 1105-1106.
Foreskin Reduces the
Force Required for Penetration and Increases Comfort
Masters and Johnson observed that the
foreskin unrolled with intercourse. However, they overlooked a prior
observation that intromission (i.e., penetration) was thereby made easier. To
evaluate this observation an artificial introitus was mounted on scales.
Repeated measurements showed a 10-fold reduction of force on entry with an
initially unretracted foreskin as compared to entry with a retracted foreskin.
For the foreskin to reduce the force required it must cover most of the glans
when the penis is erect.
Taves, D., "The Intromission Function of the
Foreskin," Med Hypotheses 59 (2002): 180.
Survey of Men
Circumcised as Adults Shows Mixed Results
Men circumcised as adults were surveyed
to assess erectile function, penile sensitivity, sexual activity and overall
satisfaction. Over 80% of these men were circumcised to treat a medical
problem. The response rate was 44% among potential responders. Mean age of
responders was 42 years at circumcision and 46 years at survey. Adult
circumcision appears to result in worsened erectile function, decreased penile
sensitivity, no change in sexual activity, and improved satisfaction. Of the
men 50% reported benefits and 38% reported harm. Overall, 62% of men were
satisfied with having been circumcised. Note: Results may be affected by the
fact that there was no sample of normal, healthy, genitally intact men for
Fink, K., Carson, C., DeVellis, R., "Adult Circumcision
Outcomes Study: Effect on Erectile Function, Penile Sensitivity, Sexual
Activity and Satisfaction," J Urol 167 (2002): 2113-2116.
Survey Finds
Circumcision Contributes to Vaginal Dryness
The impact of male circumcision on
vaginal dryness during coitus was investigated. We conducted a survey of 35
female sexual partners aged 18 to 69 years who had experienced sexual
intercourse with both circumcised and genitally intact men. Women reported they
were significantly more likely to have experienced vaginal dryness during
intercourse with circumcised than with genitally intact men.
Bensley, G. and Boyle, G., "Effects of Male Circumcision on
Female Arousal and Orgasm," N Z Med J 116 (2003): 595-596.
Early Adverse
Experiences May Lead to Abnormal Brain Development and Behavior
Self-destructive behavior in current
society promotes a search for psychobiological factors underlying this
epidemic. The brain of the newborn infant is particularly vulnerability to
early adverse experiences, leading to abnormal development and behavior. Although
several investigations have correlated newborn complications with abnormal
adult behavior, our understanding of the underlying mechanisms remains
rudimentary. Models of early experience, such as repetitive pain, sepsis, or
maternal separation in rodents and other species have noted multiple
alterations in the adult brain, correlated with specific behavioral types
depending on the timing and nature of the adverse experience. The mechanisms
mediating such changes in the newborn brain have remained largely unexplored.
Maternal separation, sensory isolation (understimulation), and exposure to
extreme or repetitive pain (overstimulation) may cause altered brain
development. (Circumcision is described as an intervention with long-term
neurobehavioral effects.) These changes promote two distinct behavioral types
characterized by increased anxiety, altered pain sensitivity, stress disorders,
hyperactivity/attention deficit disorder, leading to impaired social skills and
patterns of self-destructive behavior. The clinical importance of these
mechanisms lies in the prevention of early adverse experiences and effective
treatment of newborn pain and stress.
Anand, K. and Scalzo, F., "Can Adverse Neonatal Experiences
Alter Brain Development and Subsequent Behavior? Biol Neonate 77 (2000): 69-82
Note: CRC disapproves of animal
studies that involve inflicting pain.
Am 18.07.2012 um 12:54 schrieb bbpp:
Auch DIE ZEIT meldet sich zu dem Thema! Weiterverbreitet
Also, die Diskussion, ausgelöst durch das Kölner Urteil, entfaltet den WUNDEN SCHNITT-PUNKT der verschiedenen Interessen mit seltener Offen und Vielfältigkeit!!
Auch DIE ZEIT meldet sich zu dem Thema! Weiterverbreitet
Also, die Diskussion, ausgelöst durch das Kölner Urteil, entfaltet den WUNDEN SCHNITT-PUNKT der verschiedenen Interessen mit seltener Offen und Vielfältigkeit!!
Brief zur Beschneidung„Religionsfreiheit kann kein Freibrief für Gewalt sein“
21.07.2012 · In der
Beschneidungsdebatte appellieren mehr als 100 Mediziner und Juristen an Bundesregierung undBundestag, die Kinder stärker zu schützen.
Hier ist der volle Brief.
Anschauliches und Hörbares zum
Thema "Beschneidung"
Zitat aus der Homepage der DPtV:
Diskussion um Beschneidung von Jungen
des Bundesvorsitzenden Dieter Best an
die Bundesregierung
dem Brief schließt sich die DPtV, vertreten durch den Bundesvorsitzenden Dieter
der Bitte an, keine gesetzliche Lösung ohne eine gründliche Sichtung
der Forschungsergebnisse über mögliche somatische und psychische Folgen der Beschneidung von Jungen zu treffen.
der Bitte an, keine gesetzliche Lösung ohne eine gründliche Sichtung
der Forschungsergebnisse über mögliche somatische und psychische Folgen der Beschneidung von Jungen zu treffen.
Mit dem Credo "Niemand hat das Recht zu gehorchen" lehnte sie - Hannah Ahrndt alle Rückgriffe auf religiöse Dogmen zur Begründung von Gewissen und Moral ab, weil sie zutiefst davon überzeugt war, dass die auf solchen Wegen erzeugten Werte manipulierbar sind. In religiös organisierten Systemen kann jeder Moralkodex beliebig umgedeutet werden; wogegen die Vorstellung einer gemeinschaftlichen Ethik immer wieder neu überdacht und ausgehandelt werden müsse.
Mit dem Credo "Niemand hat das Recht zu gehorchen" lehnte sie - Hannah Ahrndt alle Rückgriffe auf religiöse Dogmen zur Begründung von Gewissen und Moral ab, weil sie zutiefst davon überzeugt war, dass die auf solchen Wegen erzeugten Werte manipulierbar sind. In religiös organisierten Systemen kann jeder Moralkodex beliebig umgedeutet werden; wogegen die Vorstellung einer gemeinschaftlichen Ethik immer wieder neu überdacht und ausgehandelt werden müsse.
Cologne judgment has also sparked a fine debate
also in
psycho-analytic and medical circles
PSYCHIC trauma that circumcision entails consigns the practice to the
domain of the atavistic An ethnic or religious group that after however
many of thousand years cannot come up with a better unifying practice must be
regarded as forever benighted. Like female circumcision, male circumcision
exists not so much to cement a community, but as a patriarchal practice, to
keep the sons and daughters in line, and, not so incidentally, eliminate
a great deal of sexual pleasure. That is scarcely "Kuechen
Psychologie"! A number of matters are are being confused here:
Inoculations can be administered painlessly - a mosquito bite is not comparable
with the narcissistic and fundamental Oedipal trauma that is circumcision.
Usage, custom could allow all sorts of other entirely atavistic traditions, no?
Headhunters anyone? if someone wishes to argue the matter from that angle. To
introduce the notion of intolerance into this discussion, also, is not
pertinent to the issue, as well as contradictory, since a child if he wishes
could decide to be circumcised, say, at the time of Bar Mitzvah, or equivalent
Islam rite. Actually, the elimination of the practice of circumcision would
also go some ways toward abating irrational forms of anti-Semitism, both
Judaism and Islam being Semitic religions. That some of the Religious will be
narcissistically mortified once one of their practices is prohibited - all I
can say: EDUCATE yourselves, empathize with the child and the trauma it suffers
so that you THE BELIEVER can regard its continuance as sacred! Or: get over it!http://www.facebook.com/mike.roloff1?ref=name
Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August
Pressemitteilung Deutscher Ethikrat, Ulrike Florian, 27.07.2012 10:34
Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August
Zudem richtet der Ethikrat eine Arbeitsgruppe zum Thema Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit ein und beschließt Thema der Jahrestagung 2013.
Am 23. August 2012 wird sich der Ethikrat im Rahmen einer öffentlichen Plenarsitzung mit dem aktuell diskutierten Thema der Beschneidung von minderjährigen Jungen aus religiösen Gründen beschäftigen. Die Ratsmitglieder Peter Dabrock,Wolfram Höfling, Ilhan Ilkilic, Leo Latasch und Reinhard Merkel werden in Impulsreferaten strafrechtliche, religiös-kulturelle, medizinische und ethische Aspekte der Beschneidung in den Blick nehmen und im Plenum zur Diskussion stellen.
Darüber hinaus wird der Ethikrat im Auftrag der Bundesregierung eine Stellungnahme zum Thema „Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit – Forschungsförderung und Umgang mit Forschungsergebnissen“ erarbeiten. Hintergrund dieses Auftrags sind Forschungen in den USA und den Niederlanden, bei denen Grippeviren erzeugt wurden, die im Vergleich zu ihren Wildformen leichter zwischen Säugetieren übertragbar sind. Im Verlauf seiner gestrigen Plenarsitzung hat der Ethikrat beschlossen, eine Arbeitsgruppe zu diesem Thema einzurichten, und die nächsten Arbeitsschritte festgelegt.
Im Mittelpunkt der Jahrestagung 2013 wird die Forschung am Menschen, vor allem mit Blick auf Fragen des Probanden- und Patientenschutzes im globalen Kontext, stehen.
Weitere Informationen unter http://www.ethikrat.org/.
Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August
Pressemitteilung Deutscher Ethikrat, Ulrike Florian, 27.07.2012 10:34
Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August
Zudem richtet der Ethikrat eine Arbeitsgruppe zum Thema Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit ein und beschließt Thema der Jahrestagung 2013.
Am 23. August 2012 wird sich der Ethikrat im Rahmen einer öffentlichen Plenarsitzung mit dem aktuell diskutierten Thema der Beschneidung von minderjährigen Jungen aus religiösen Gründen beschäftigen. Die Ratsmitglieder Peter Dabrock,Wolfram Höfling, Ilhan Ilkilic, Leo Latasch und Reinhard Merkel werden in Impulsreferaten strafrechtliche, religiös-kulturelle, medizinische und ethische Aspekte der Beschneidung in den Blick nehmen und im Plenum zur Diskussion stellen.
Darüber hinaus wird der Ethikrat im Auftrag der Bundesregierung eine Stellungnahme zum Thema „Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit – Forschungsförderung und Umgang mit Forschungsergebnissen“ erarbeiten. Hintergrund dieses Auftrags sind Forschungen in den USA und den Niederlanden, bei denen Grippeviren erzeugt wurden, die im Vergleich zu ihren Wildformen leichter zwischen Säugetieren übertragbar sind. Im Verlauf seiner gestrigen Plenarsitzung hat der Ethikrat beschlossen, eine Arbeitsgruppe zu diesem Thema einzurichten, und die nächsten Arbeitsschritte festgelegt.
Im Mittelpunkt der Jahrestagung 2013 wird die Forschung am Menschen, vor allem mit Blick auf Fragen des Probanden- und Patientenschutzes im globalen Kontext, stehen.
Weitere Informationen unter http://www.ethikrat.org/.
Herr Josef Joffe von DIE ZEIT meldet sich zu Worte in der
Beschneidungsangelegehenheit, im WALL STREET JOURNAL, dem nach zu urteilen sind
die Neo-Cons fuer die Beschneidung und ich fuer die Abschneidung der Neo-Cons!
Die Juedische Allgemeine berichtet
von der Aufregung ueber
die Beschneidungs Debatte in ihrer
eine laufende grosse Diskussion
got wind of the impending Ethik Council meeting I initially contacted
Frau Dr. Woopen of the Ethic Council
Liebe geehrte
Frau Dr. Woopen,
wollte Sie, als Leiterin des Ethikrates,
machen darauf dass auch
bei der hauptsächlich Deutschen von Dr. Gerd Boettcher
bei der hauptsächlich Deutschen von Dr. Gerd Boettcher
es eine kontuierlich blühende Diskussion über das Thema Beschneidung gibt, in dem sich das gros der Mitglieder, aber auch nicht alle, gegen den Brauch des Bris wenden.
es eine kontuierlich blühende Diskussion über das Thema Beschneidung gibt, in dem sich das gros der Mitglieder, aber auch nicht alle, gegen den Brauch des Bris wenden.
yahootherapeuten groups discussion is now
entirely at
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 1622 Newer› Newest»New Vision
Photojournalist documents effort to end female circumcision Athens NEWS
An assistant professor of photojournalism at Ohio University recently spent a week in Kenya documenting one community's efforts to end the country's ...
See all stories on this topic »
Briefs: Joint pain and supplements; babies and circumcision Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Joint pain and swelling in postmenopausal women is common, and some studies have suggested that one cause may be low vitamin D and calcium levels.
Parents Told to Take Boys for Free Cut AllAfrica.com
Speaking in Ahero town yesterday, Nyando District Rapid Result Initiative coordinator Norman Ochieng said male circumcision reduces chances of HIV infection ..
Beschneidung: Wo ist die “Koalition der Frommen”? | Atheist Media ...
Publizist Tilman Jens hadert mit der politischen Lösung im Streit über die religiöse Beschneidung von Jungen und wittert einen klerikalen Zeitgeist. Aber er ...
Bosnisch Deutsch Beschneidung [von Flügeln] - pauker.at
Bosnisch Deutsch Beschneidung [von Flügeln] - pauker.at . Wörterbücher, Vokabeltrainer, Lernforen, Übersetzer.
Lusaka Times
Video: Some Startling Facts About Circumcision - The Humble ... W. E. Messamore
Stefan Molyneux breaks down the truth behind circumcision, including details on the procedure, it's history, rate of occurrence, claimed medical justifications, ...
The Humble Libertarian
Debatte um Beschneidung - Wo ist die "Koalition der Frommen"? Süddeutsche.de
Publizist Tilman Jens hadert mit der politischen Lösung im Streit über die religiöse Beschneidung von Jungen und wittert einen klerikalen Zeitgeist. Aber er ...
Die Piraten bringen Bürgern bei, wie sie ihre E-Mails verschlüsseln Hamburger Abendblatt
Sie will den Bürger für die Beschneidung seiner Grundrechte sensibilisieren. Auf Kryptopartys lernen Bürger, wie sie ihre E-Mails verschlüsseln. Foto: dpa.
Man implicated in circumcision-gone-wrong... New Vision
The Rwizi regional police office has intervened in a case in which a seven-year-old boy lost his penis during circumcision and has amended the case against ...
Army cuts shorter route to peace with free circumcision, medical ... Philippine Star
A worker of the provincial government of Maguindanao distributes medicines to residents of Kabuntalan town that availed of Wednesday's medical-dental .
Circumcision Prevents UTIs Long-Term Renal and Urology News
The protection offered by circumcision against urinary tract infections (UTIs) in infancy has been well documented and emphasized in the most recent ..
Study backs circumcision against HIV Sky News Australia
A follow-up probe into the use of circumcision to thwart the AIDS virus has confirmed that foreskin removal greatly reduces the risk of HIV infection for men.
Eastern province responds overwhelmingly to male circumcision Lusaka Times
The Ministry of Health in Eastern province has exceeded its target of 2,000 in the August Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) exercise. Provincial ...
beschneidung (moslem) (Islam) - Gutefrage.net
Hey Leute ich hab mal ne frage.Ich bin Moslem und wurde am Montag den 2.9 beschnitten.Mittlerweile sind nun 2 Tage vergangen.Und ich hab mal ne Frage ...
Weltbilder: Ägypten: Verbotene Beschneidung junger Frauen
Suheir wurde nur 13 Jahre alt. Sie musste sterben, weil sie - wie mehr als 90 Prozent der ägyptischen Mädchen - beschnitten wurde, obwohl Beschneidung in ...
Streit um die Beschneidung verschärft sich zusehends ...
Berlin (dpa) - Der Streit über rituelle Beschneidungen von Jungen hat nochmals an Schärfe zugenommen. Die Kinderhilfe warnte vor einem «Blankoscheck ...
Ärzte warnen vor Folgen von Beschneidung bei Jungen ...
Berlin (dpa) - Ärzte und Menschenrechtsorganisationen haben vor den Folgen der Beschneidung bei jüdischen und muslimischen Jungen gewarnt und ...
Anti-circumcision protest planned at Royal Oak's Beaumont Hospital MLive.com
ROYAL OAK, MI — At least 60 men, women and children plan to protest penis foreskin removal in front of Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak on Sept. 14. The rally ... »
Study Shows Circumcision Reduces HIV in 'Real-Life' Conditions AllAfrica.com
A South African study demonstrates for the "first time the effectiveness of male circumcision, in real-life conditions in curbing the spread of HIV", says its lead ...
Eastern in huge male circumcision turn out - The Independent ...
THE Ministry of Health in Eastern province has exceeded its target of 2,000 in the August Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) exercise. Provincial ...
Uneven circumcision...curved erection. Any help? - PEGym
I have a pretty tight circumcision, and I seem to have more skin on the underside of my shaft than on the top. When I have an erection, the skin on.
Efren and Circumcision - WaccoBB
Ok, so Waccobb ran an intense ongoing discussion about the length of the skin on men's penises and now we are calling someone else lewd? They continued ...
2013-08-07 Ilajewe FM - Botswana: U.S. stops funding circumcision ...
The United States government through the President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has stopped funding Botswana's Safe Male Circumcision ...
If female circumcision is wrong , then male circumcision is wrong
If female circumcision is wrong , then male circumcision is wrong : Hmm NO . • WHY IS MALE CIRCUMCISION GOOD : According to the WHO ( The world health ...
Inhabitat - Circumcision rates see a marked decline in... | Facebook
Circumcision rates see a marked decline in some areas of the U.S. http://bit.ly/143Ja33.
To: Beschneidung
Russland will Homosexuellen Elternrecht entziehen freiewelt.net
Die russische Regierung plant offenbar eine weitere Beschneidung der Rechte Homosexueller. Schwule und Lesben soll zukünftig das Sorgerecht für eigene ...
Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen »
freiewelt.net Beschneidung
Die Beschneidung der Jungen - kommunal - Blogsport
Ein Beitrag für kommunal von Michael Baumann aus dem Jahr 2012. Heiß diskutiert wird derzeit die Frage der Beschneidung von Jungen, nachdem ein Kölner ...
Follow-up study backs circumcision against HIV ABS CBN News
PARIS - A follow-up probe into the use of circumcision to thwart the AIDS virus has confirmed that foreskin removal greatly reduces the risk of HIV infection for
Zimbabwe: 50 000 Circumcised AllAfrica.com
MORE than 50 000 males were circumcised in the first six months of this year, 10 000 more than the number operated on the whole of last year, an official said ...
Alan Cumming: The hardest-working actor on the planet Irish Times
Alan Cumming: The hardest-working actor on the planet. Solo Macbeth on Broadway. Op-eds for the Wall Street Journal. Hit TV show. Book about circumcision.
16 and considering circumcision.? - Yahoo! Answers
Ok, i've been unhappy with how much effort it takes to clean my penis. ... It depends on the Dr. but most of them will put you under although some will use a local ...
post circumcision bleeding,a real threat to newborn survival
The maiden edition of our Radio Programme “MY MOTHER,MY BABY” tonite discusses post circumcision bleeding. A frequent practice in many homes across ...
circumcision yay or nay? - Pandora's Box - Grasscity Forum
So I brought this to Pandora's box in case there was too much debate for SLR forum. What are your honest thoughts on circumcision? Are you for it or against it?
Anti-circumcision protest planned at Royal Oak's Beaumont Hospital ...
At least 60 men, women and children plan to protest penis foreskin removal in front of Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak on Sept. 14.
The Classic Circumcision Debate Now at my Doorstep - Mixed ...
Many will remember some of the spirited conversations we've had around here debating the merits and negatives of circumcision. I am generally on the.
ΦΨΦ Circumcision Scar Reduction Cream Inexpensive - Popular ...
Circumcision Scar Reduction Cream - Discover Popular and Effective Scar Removal Cream - Acne Scars & More. The Best Product That Really Work! Highest ...
What a rabbi says about circumcision - Page 3 - Foreskin ...
You know, this is derailing a bit but I have to say that I don't get this whole notion that Muslim circumcisions are somehow less severe than those performed for ...
“Have You Been Circumcised Yet?” | sysministriesinc
"And after the whole nation had been Circumcised, they remained where they were in camp Until They Were Healed." - Joshua 5:8 NIV BEFORE the nation of ...
IRIN Africa | Zimbabwe's circumcision drive fails to take off ...
HARARE, 8 July 2013 (IRIN) - Funds for the male circumcision programme in Zimbabwe are lying idle, as the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare says not ...
Circumcision - Page 15 - DotA Forums
Europe also requires visa from any country except those who are a member of EU. However 99.99% of American or Canadian visa applicants are almost ...
Can circumcision help prevent prostate cancer? - Topix
A: Possibly, there is some evidence circumcision lowers the risk of some infections linked with prostate cancer, but it's not a recommended cancer prevention ...
Skintags all around scarline after circumcision what can i do ...
Hey fellas i had a circ done about two months ago and have skin tags nearly the whole way around the scar and they are very promenent and they do feel ...
Delete this alert.
Can circumcision help prevent prostate cancer? ABC Online
A: Possibly, there is some evidence circumcision lowers the risk of some infections linked with prostate cancer, but it's not a recommended cancer prevention
ABC Online
'Desert Flower' brings ray of hope to victims of female circumcision Middle East Online
'Desert Flower' brings ray of hope to victims of female circumcision ... About 8,000 young girls are circumcised every day in Africa and the Middle East, and the ... »
Middle East Online
Corruption Watch probes huge circumcision contract Legalbrief (subscription)
Corruption Watch is investigating the Mpumalanga health department's decision to award a multimillion-rand contract 'without tender' to circumcise 260 000 ..
South African Study Confirms Adult Circumcision Reduces HIV Risk
... XMRV, MLV & Other Retroviruses. Skip to content. Back HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS Topics HIV Prevention South African Study Confirms Adult Circumcision Reduces ...
Vaccinations, flu shot, circumcision, other electi... - Barnes & Noble ...
Basically, what I mean by elective procedures are ear piercing and etc along those lines. At the same time I'm focusing on both sexes, all ages, etc a.
What We're Reading: Back to School, Circumcision and HIV, and ...
This week, we're taking a crash course in HIV and AIDS, thinking about how male circumcision could affect the fight to eliminate HIV, and learning about how ...
New study shows #circumcision tied to lower #HIV rates: : amfAR
New study shows #circumcision tied to lower #HIV rates: http://t.co/5PLNl5x4oC by amfAR 376058554467119104.
Why was Circumcision such an important requirement? - Christianity ...
As I hear several stories regarding circumcision, I'm curious as to why it was so important. It seems like an odd thing to require of men. circumcision ...
The Nativity and Circumcision of Christ - Metropolitan Museum of Art
These two plaques were undoubtedly the wings of a triptych displaying figures with the distinctive facial style that gave rise to the master's sobriquet.
Do You Have a Circumcised Heart? - Nazarene Space
... Have a Circumcised Heart? ByJames Scott Trimm Paul writes of having a circumcision of the heart :28 For he is not a Jew who is one in appearance [only]…
Circumcision Tied to Lower HIV Rate MedPage Today
In a real-world setting, a program of voluntary male circumcision was widely accepted and was associated with a community-wide reduction in HIV prevalence, ...
See all stories on this topic »
MedPage Today
Female Circumcision Increases in UK TopNews New Zealand
Female Circumcision Increases in UK Female genital mutilation has been reported on a significant increase in the United Kingdom despite the procedure being ...
Why do many people assert that circumcision protects against HIV ...
Studies that suggest that circumcision protects against HIV/AIDS have been ... like all "benefits" imparted by circumcision they rely on a few small studies while ...
Why is circumcision legal in the United States? - Yahoo! Answers
I literally want to know what it's legal in the United States. It seems wrong in SOOO many ways. If I wanted to have my son/daughters left hand surgically removed ...
Circumcision - YouTube
The WikiPlays article Circumcision is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be location at en.wikinews.org/wiki/Circumcision. 1872 IC ...
Jim Gaffigan's photo "Is this pastry supposed to look like a ... - WhoSay
Add Is this pastry supposed to look like a circumcision gone horribly wrong? More. Is this pastry supposed to look like a circumcision gone horribly wrong? 21 0.
circumcision yay or nay? - Page 6 - Pandora's Box - Grasscity Forum
i was a wrestler and i didn't think that a piece of skin on my genitals would be any more or less of an issue. you're already wrestling for christ's sake. and what ...
Recommendation by a law body to ban infant male circumcision has ...
Recommendation by a law body to ban infant male circumcision has serious worldwide implications for pediatric practice and human rights. Michael J Bates. 1.
Circumcision? - BabyCenter
My DH and I have been discussing the pros and cons of circumcision for our unborn son lately.. I'm curious to know what everyone else's thoughts are of it.
oratorasaurus Male genital Circumcision IS RIGHT - Misandry - The ...
oratorasaurus: “ Male genital Circumcision IS RIGHT myvoicemyright: “ saltymrshotgun: “ myvoicemyright: “ saltymrshotgun: “ videogameguru: “ myvoicemyright: ...
To circumcise or not to circumcise? That is the question - Page 6 ...
Originally Posted by Dream.dream It is a purely cosmetic procedure . There is no medical benefit to routine infant circumcision . -It doesn't decrease std risk ( if ...
Jamestown Circumcision Paddle 7/14/12 - erik64 - erik64 | SmugMug
erik64 photography · Kayaking. Jamestown Circumcision Paddle 7/14/12. Slideshow Add to Cart. More Galleries. Barn Island To Napatree Paddle 7/11/10.
Yes of course circumcision of infant boys without consent is wrong ...
Yes of course circumcision of infant boys without consent is wrong. But FGM is quantitatively worse. Shades of grey, not all black & white. by RichardDawkins ...
New fix for bits ripped by zips: A&E doctors develop a pain-free way ... Irish Independent
Instead of using saws or resorting to circumcision, the new method of freeing the blocked zip involves "liberal lubrication" and a device that pulls the zip apart.
See all stories on this to
circumcision yay or nay? - Page 5 - Pandora's Box - Grasscity Forum
Right? Lol I was like what the hell is he talking about? It may be true that Nazis did that but it certainly wasn't originally put in to place by them. That's like the U.S. ...
Circumcision - August 2013 - BabyCenter
Do many of you plan to, or have circumcised their boy?
Sunnet circumcision video - PlayerWindow
Sunnet circumcision video. SHARE ON FACEBOOK. PLAYERWINDOW. © 2013 PlayerWindow Terms of Service Privacy Policy.
Nursing care plan for newborn circumcision
Both the novel and he had carried up then bring it down itself down.,Nursing care plan for newborn circumcision, School proof games age of war 2, Coupon ...
Spiritual Circumcision - YouTube
Symphanii teaches soldiers in Christ how to build and maintain Spiritual Circumcision. Spiritual Circumcision is the cutting out of all the demonic forces (a...
Circumcision is evil, Suicidal please help. - Page 9 - Sexuality ...
Page 9 of 9 - Circumcision is evil, Suicidal please help. - posted in Sexuality & Gender: In the circumstances of religious freedom or medical emergencies, Im not ...
Commander Abutt
"omg mras shut up about male circumcision female circumcision is so much worse" ... It's fine to speak out about the injustice of male circumcisions. It's when you ...
Circumcision - Page 14 - DotA Forums
What you're doing is committing a No True Scotsman fallacy. Muslims are not defined by what they do. They're defined by their religious beliefs. This is the case ...
Health & Well-Being: Circumcision Regret - Baby Gaga
*Just want to point out and remind readers that this is in Health & Well-Being, a protected forum* My son is almost 2 now and I still beat myself up over my choice ...
circumcision yay or nay? - Page 7 - Pandora's Box - Grasscity Forum
A wash cloth before and after sex or a clean mouth are equally effective and leave the pleasure zones intact! Or castration! That would eliminate any kind of ...
Circumcision: A Violation of Human Rights? - Forces of Steel Forums
What are your thoughts on the practice of circumcision in this day and age -- mostly the male equivalent? As many of you know, male circumcision is the surgical ...
2013-09-07 Japan Times (reader opinoin) - Circumcision should be ...
2013-09-07 Japan Times (reader opinoin) - Circumcision should be outlawed Press Room.
Circumcision discussion - PlayerWindow
Circumcision discussion. SHARE ON FACEBOOK. PLAYERWINDOW. © 2013 PlayerWindow Terms of Service Privacy Policy.
The Circumcision Decision Seminar - Rochester, Michigan ...
Jenn D'Jamoos, Co-Director of Intact Michigan, will deliver a seminar of clear and concise, research-based information to help families make an informed ...
Health & Well-Being: p***s cream- pain-possible circumcision 5 yr old
So on Sat. We were given p***s cream (steroids) to make my sons skin relax a bit. This has been an ongoing issue and our last plan was not working out ...
Male Circumcision Kit for adults - Alibaba.com
Male Circumcision Kit For Adults Suppliers & kits for mitsubishi pajero Manufacturers Directory. Source Top Quality Male Circumcision Kit For Adults Suppliers, ...
Circumcision, public health, genital autonomy and cultural rights
INTRODUCTION. Circumcision, public health, genital autonomy and cultural rights. Circumcision is one of the oldest and most common surgical practices, being ...
10583 men circumcised in TororoPublish Date: Sep 08, 2013 New Vision
Over 10,000 people have undergone safe male circumcision [SMC] in Tororo district since The Aids Support Organization [TASO] launched the program early ...
See all stories on this topic »
Circumcision & Religion - Dirty Brainwash Business [Video]
circumcision & religion - dirty brainwash business.
Who else thinks circumcision is institutionalized child abuse ...
Who else thinks circumcision is institutionalized child abuse? It is not just a piece of skin, it evolved there for a reason. 2 minutes ago; - 4 days left to answer.
Circumcision - Page 15 - DotA Forums
Viper Escaping and Pawning Bristleback , Riki and Dark seer with less than 200 HP. Match ID : 261583185. Steam Account : abdo3211997 (abdo123) ...
Circumcision - Page 14 - DotA Forums
then why people are Generalizing Muslims for this Minority why that whenever i want to travel to the West my Visa have to take 10 times the time so they can ...
circumcision checks hiv /aids transmission - DoctorsHangout.com
A follow-up probe into the use of circumcision to thwart the AIDS virus has confirmed that foreskin removal greatly reduces the risk of HIV infection for men.
Foreskin cutting beliefs and practices and the acceptability of male ...
Keeping up with global health & development news, blogosphere, journals, forums, events, jobs and more.
Intact or Circumcision? - TeenHelp
Are you for infant circumcision or are you against it? Or do you not know? Why? I am an extreme intactivist. I believe that cosmetics should be up to.
I'm Getting A Partial Circumcision Soon, Feelsgoodman (Will Update ...
This is like, the happiest moment of my life. Phimosis (unretractable tight foreskin) has caused me problems for so fukin long!! I've been trying to get a 'partial ...
Bill de Blasio Denies Rally's Claim About Circumcision Stance ...
By Colin Campbell Although he stood next to speakers claiming the opposite, Bill de Blasio insists his position has not changed on the city's controversial ...
Bill de Blasio Refutes Rally's Claim About Circumcision ... - Inagist
Bill de Blasio Refutes Rally's Claim About Circumcision Stance http://t.co/ReVJBveVWN #newyork #nyc by nynewsn 377145416803835905.
The Devil's Advocates Episode 13: The Great Circumcision ... - Blubrry
This week, with Mike and his new girlfriend, we're ready to tackle the tough issues. After getting an update from Mike on his new love life status and the ensuing ...
De Blasio On Silver, Syria and Circumcision | KiryasJoel.com
Enjoying the attention afforded by frontrunner status, Public Advocate Bill de Blasio faced questions ranging from local to international issues from a large scrum ...
contradiction - circumcision . . . My covenant shall be in your flesh for ...
It is my understanding that you have lately been looking for dichotomous questions. Here is one I know is a contemporary question. If the covenant of YHWH was ...
this question for girls,do u prefer a circumcised d--ck or non ...
hmm,from my experience,i would prefer circumcised d-ck,or if his one born in good way,that would be nice too,what abt u others?
Circumcision Rates Down 10 Percent Over Past Three Decades ...
Circumcision Rates Down 10 Percent Over Past Three Decades. Why? http://t.co/6Z2Bpxu7Yx by rhrealitycheck 377616326946488322.
Top Stories : Circumcision Program in South African Town Reduces ...
An effort to widely circumcise men in Orange Farm, South Africa, has proved popular with local men and has succeeded in lowering HIV prevalence by a fifth.
general - [Everything doTERRA] circumcision adhesions - msg ...
my little boy is almost the and I need to break up his adhesions left behind by his circumcision. the doctor says these are natural and happen to alot of baby boys.
Is Circumcision Right For My Future Baby? - Topix
I plan on having a baby one day, and if it is a boy I have a BIG concern. Should I get him circumcised? People claim that there is more infections and stuff when a ...
De Blasio On Silver, Syria and Circumcision The Jewish Week
... immediately end the city's consent decree for mohels performing oral suction at circumcisions, de Blasio was asked by a reporter if that was his intention.
See all stories on this topic »
Genitals of 5-yo boy may be amputated due to failed circumcision in ... Tengrinews
Genitals of 5-y.o. boy may be amputated due to failed circumcision in Atyrau ... of a 5-y.o. boy may be amputated because of a failed circumcision in Atyrau city, ...
See all stories on this topic »
Web 15 new results for circumcision
Why do pro-circumcision people often insist that infantile ...
I often hear this argument from pro-circumcision people, and even my father ... The debate rages on. I do however think that each and every male should be able to ...
How does the texture of glans penis changes long after adult ...
... long after adult circumcision? Do you get bumps on glans? How does the texture and cellular structure changes after adult circumcision after say 10 years?
Was circumcision done to control sexual feeling? - Yahoo! Answers
and to make men not feel like having sex ... i herd it was to stop boys masturbating in like the 1800s. they didnt do it in America before then.
Re: Pro-Circumcision Admins - Censorship on Second... - Second Life
And again, here is the video I made regarding the issue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nS6Q0eLTaX8.
Should A Circumcision Include Removing The Frenulum? - Find ...
Sexual mutilation of little children should be stopped immediately. Any sick sexual pervert who hacks up the sex organs of a little child, boy or girl, should be ...
kitya / Wiki / ⋙*Trick Guide Circumcision Exposed\: Rethinking A ...
The Complete !!.Guide Circumcision Exposed\: Rethinking A Medical & Cultural Tradition Download eBooks. ## Download eBooks Circumcision Exposed\: ...
Who Should Decide The Circumcision Status Of A Boy? - Find ...
His family doctor. If it is medically required, have it done, if not, then it shouldn't be allowed. Like (1). gtownguy - 51-55 years old - male. Posted by gtownguy Sep ...
Circumcision... why are you choosing/choosing not to? - BabyCenter
I am in nursing school and have been doing clinicals in the OB, we recently watched a circ & the nurse mentioned that she could never do that to any of her ...
Do You Believe In Female Circumcision? - Experience Project
Depends on your definition. In some cases I believe it's medically indicated for a certain condition in which the clitoris is hidden under its hood and can't come ...
Push for male circumcision in Nyanza fails to reduce ... - The Standard
Standard Mobile - Push for male circumcision in Nyanza fails to reduce infections.
Kenya: Push for male circumcision in Nyanza fails to reduce infections
Kenya: Push for male circumcision in Nyanza fails to reduce infections. The prevalence of HIV and Aids rose in Nyanza and Central provinces, according to the ...
Circumcision Program in South African Town Reduces HIV Rates AIDSmeds.com HIV/AIDS Treatment News
An effort to widely circumcise men in Orange Farm, South Africa, has proved popular with local men, has succeeded in lowering HIV prevalence by a fifth in just ...
See all stories on this topic »
Push for male circumcision in Nyanza fails to reduce infections The Standard Digital News
KENYA:The prevalence of HIV and Aids rose in Nyanza and Central provinces, according to the Kenya Aids Indicative Survey released by the Health Cabinet ...
Thinking Aloud: Muslims, Islam, West and the rest — V —Razi Azmi Pakistan Daily Times
Male Circumcision: Islamophobes are now ranting against male circumcision, attacking Islam by association, although it was practised by Jews long before
Battling a Barbaric Culture AllAfrica.com
"But female circumcision or genital mutilation is not leaving us so soon. It is so deep that no knife can cut it. I went through it, and it was so painful and damaging.
Do you think infant circumcision should even be legal? - Yahoo ...
I recently asked a circumcision question and one person stated that "IT ... Yes, it should be legal, and it's the parent's choice. Parents do make medical decisions ...
What kind of painkillers do they give you for a teen circumcision ...
DISCLAIMER------ I am having the operation for irreversible phimosis. I do not ... You should use Tramadol, it is the best about it you can get information from here ...
Beschneidung: Wo ist die “Koalition der Frommen”? | Atheist Media ...
Publizist Tilman Jens hadert mit der politischen Lösung im Streit über die religiöse Beschneidung von Jungen und wittert einen klerikalen Zeitgeist. Aber er ...
Bosnisch Deutsch Beschneidung [von Flügeln] - pauker.at
Bosnisch Deutsch Beschneidung [von Flügeln] - pauker.at . Wörterbücher, Vokabeltrainer, Lernforen, Übersetzer.
Zahl der Beschneidungen ist stabil geblieben - vorarlberg.ORF.at ORF Online und Teletext GmbH & Co KG
Die im Vorjahr aufgeflammte Diskussion über die religiös motivierte Beschneidung von Buben hat keine langfristigen Auswirkungen auf Vorarlberg. Die Zahl der ...
Beschneidung | Keep Dancing
Ein Jahr liegt die sogenannte Beschneidungsdebatte nun schon zurück. Und nun, „ein Jahr, nachdem kritische Positionierung relevant und riskant gewesen ...
Beschneidung: Erste Klinik mit ganzheitlicher Betreuung Pharmazeutische Zeitung online
Beschneidung: Erste Klinik mit ganzheitlicher Betreuung Frauen mit Genitalverstümmelungen können in Berlin künftig fachgerechte medizinische Hilfe in ..
Waris Dirie über weibliche Genitalverstümmelung : "Es ist ein ... Tagesspiegel
Wie lautet Ihr erster Satz, wenn Sie Frauen oder Männer treffen, für die Beschneidung Teil ihrer Kultur ist, und was ist Ihr stärkstes Argument, um sie zum ...
Der Pirat Lars Buesing bereut seine Entscheidung für die ...
Meine größte politische Fehlentscheidung: Beim Thema Beschneidung habe ich zuerst die Religionsfreiheit höher bewertet als die Unversehrtheit des ...
Kirgistan: Beschneidung hilft dem Baby auf das Pferd - Ausland ...
"The ritual circumcision of male babies has a symbolic meaning as the first ritual that distinguishes the roles of males and females in society. After undergoing ...
Essener Fotograf gibt dem Widerstand ein Gesicht Derwesten.de
Mit einem Konzert im Katakomben-Theater macht SisterFa aus dem Senegal am Samstag auf ihren Kampf gegen die Beschneidung von Frauen aufmerksam.
Beschneidung | Forum Männergesundheit | Onmeda.de
Ich war letztens beim Urologen, weil ich eine Phismose habe. Mir war klar, dass man dies nur durch eine Beschneidung korrigieren kann, weil sie.
beschneidung bei jungs - Forenarchiv - urbia.de
morgen urbianerinnen.... und zwar haben ich und mein feund nur noch ein streit thema er möchte unseren wurm super gerne beschneiden lassen weil er es ja ...
Bertan Auvert macht weiter - Beschneidung und AIDS/HIV ...
The overall HIV rate at follow-up was 12% and the researchers estimated that without the circumcision procedures performed during the Bophelo Pele project, ...
623 - Politik-Forum.eu
Endlich - Gericht greift bei Beschneidung durch! Moderator: ... Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Endlich - Gesetzgeber regelt straffreie Beschneidung! Beitrag Verfasst: Fr ...
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de - Seite 4
Wenn ich den Threadersteller richtig verstanden habe, geht es ihm hier nicht speziell um Abtreibung, sondern es geht um eine bestimmte Argumentation,...
MDR kritisiert Pläne zur Beschneidung von DVB-T-Frequenzen ...
Der MDR-Rundfunkrat hat den Vorstoß der Bundesnetzagentur kritisiert, dass derzeitig noch vom terrestrischen Rundfunk genutzte 700-MHz-Frequenzband.
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de
Mein vor einiger Zeit eher beiläufig geposteter Beitrag http://www.mykath.de...ost__p__1966240 lässt mir keine Ruhe. Ich frage mich warum, hier wi...
HIV-Welle in der amerikanischen Pornoindustrie - Beschneidung ...
http://m.focus.de/panorama/welt/anstecku…id_1094030.html. Die amerikanische Pornoindustrie wird derzeit von einer HIV-Ansteckungswelle überrollt. Seltsam ...
Ein Namen, den man sich merken sollte: Michel Garenne ...
http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info…al.pmed.0030078 · http://www.circinfo.org/Garenne_HIV.html. Garenne ist ein kluger Kopf (Mathematiker) und Gegner ...
Wüstenblume - Somalisches Topmodel kämpft gegen Beschneidung greenpeace magazin online
Von Sabine Dobel, dpa Berlin (dpa) - Wenn die Somalierin Waris Dirie über ihre Sache spricht, nimmt sie kein Blatt vor den Mund. «It is fucking unacceptable for .
MDR kritisiert Pläne zur Beschneidung von DVB-T-Frequenzen Digitalfernsehen.de
Der MDR-Rundfunkrat hat den Vorstoß der Bundesnetzagentur kritisiert, dass derzeitig noch vom terrestrischen Rundfunk genutzte 700-MHz-Frequenzband ..
Klinik hilft Frauen mit Genitalverstümmelung Merkur Online
Berlin - Tausende Mädchen täglich werden bei einer sogenannten rituellen Beschneidung verstümmelt - ein traumatisches Erlebnis, an dem Überlebende ihr ...
Zentrum gegen Genitalverstümmelung „Raus aus dem Elend“ www.taz.de/berlin
Ihr ist es wichtig, politisch gegen die weibliche Beschneidung zu kämpfen, sie hatte aber bisher keinen medizinischen Partner dafür gefunden. In unserer Klinik ..
Wüstenblume – Somalisches Topmodel kämpft gegen Beschneidung
Schön, kämpferisch – und ohne Alter: Waris Dirie stammt aus der Wüste Somalias. Geburtstage werden dort nicht aufgeschrieben. Sie wird als Kind beschnitten, ...
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de - Seite 2
Die Antwort ist einfach : Bei einer Beschneidung kommt ein Mensch zu Schaden, es ist sogar Sinn und Zweck der Beschneidung, Schaden zuzufügen. ...
Beschneidung: Klinik hilft Opfern von Genitalverstümmelung - News ...
Beschneidung: Klinik hilft Opfern von Genitalverstümmelung • Am Klinikum Waldfriede eröffnete das weltweit 1. medizinische Zentrum für Frauen mit ...
Schmerztherapie nicht gesichert Pharmazeutische Zeitung online
Von Ulrike Viegener / Bei der Beschneidung von kleinen Jungen muss es eine ... Lange wurde über das Thema Beschneidung heftig debattiert – vor allem um ...
Pharmagroßhandel: Noweda geht in die Schweiz Pharmazeutische Zeitung online
Im Zusammenhang mit der religiösen Beschneidung jüdischer Jungen scheinen diese Überlegungen ein wenig übertrieben. Aber das sind sie keineswegs.
männliche Beschneidung – Allmystery
Wie steht(haha) ihr dazu? Also eine "Krankenschwester", die euch mit Untersuchungshandschuhen untersucht? Als mir meine Vorhaut "ent...
Wüstenblume: Somalisches Topmodel kämpft gegen Beschneidung ...
Wenn die Somalierin Waris Dirie über ihre Sache spricht, nimmt sie kein Blatt vor den Mund. „It is fucking unacceptable for me“ (etwa: Es ist verdammt nochmal ...
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de - Seite 6
Unser Erstgeborener kam ca. 1 Woche nach seinem errechneten Geburtstermin. Nimmt man mal die ersten Wehen als Beginn der Geburt (die Mediziner ...
Wasserlassen nach Beschneidung - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Wasserlassen nach Beschneidung. 10.09.13 18:11. Hallo,. ich wurde letzten Fr beschnitten aufgrund einer Phimose. An sich ist alles gut gelaufen und ich war ...
Bestmögliche Versorgung nach Beschneidung bei Jungen aufgrund ...
http://www.aydon.org/kundenfeedback.php Weitere Kundenmeinungen von betroffenen Patienten gibt's auch auf Facebook unter: ...
SZ heute - Gesellschaft - beschneidungsforum.de - das Forum zum ...
http://www.sueddeutsche.de/bildung/nach-…asser-1.1769602. Danke Joeye, aber das verdient einen eigenen Faden! Da haben wir es wieder: wenn man das ...
Aufgeschwätzte Beschneidung bei heiklen Männer-Ops ... Kybeline
Aufgeschwätzte Beschneidung bei heiklen Männer-Ops - Kybeline´s Weblog.
Europäische Werte
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de - Seite 9
Der Gesetzgeber durfte bei der Entscheidung zur weitgehenden Freistellung der Knabenbeschneidung einerseits und dem vollständigen Verbot der FGM durc...
Jan Mücke [FDP] - beschneidungsforum.de - das Forum zum Thema ...
Zuerst gehen Sie auf die Gleichstellung des Status der körperlichen Unversehrtheit bei Jungen und Mädchen, insbesondere Beschneidung, ein. Der von Ihnen ...
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de - Seite 8
Ich halte die amerikanische Vorgehensweise in dieser Frage für vernünftig: Der Staat legt fest, was zulässig ist und was nicht, und wenn sich jemand ...
Beschneidung ?!!! | Forum Schwanger - wer noch? - Rund ums Baby
Beschneidung ?!!! | Das ist die richtige Entscheidung, ich würde mich auch eher trennen, als meinem kleinen Schatz unnötig schmerzen hinzuzufügen. Der Kerl ...
Beschneidung ?!!! | Forum Schwanger - wer noch? - Rund ums Baby
Beschneidung ?!!! | Unterhält man sich über sowas nicht bevor man ein Kind in die Welt setzt? Unterhält man sich nicht generell über sowas? Muss ich nicht ...
Beschneidung ?!!! | Schwanger - wer noch? - Rund ums Baby
Beschneidung ?!!! | Oh Gott ! Ich streite gerade heftigst mit meinem Freund über eine Beschneidung !!! Ich will meinem Kind auf keinen fall Schmerzen zufügen !
Beschneidung ?!!! | Forum Schwanger - wer noch? - Rund ums Baby
Beschneidung ?!!! | Woher weißt du denn das es ein Junge wird wenn du in der 11. Woche bist??
Beschneidung ?!!! | Forum Schwanger - wer noch? - Rund ums Baby
Beschneidung ?!!! | Ich weis noch nicht was es wird !!! Aber wenn es ein junge werden sollte, meinte er das !! Ich hoffe so stark dass es ein Mädel wird.
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de - Seite 10
die heutige Form der Bris nur bedingt mit der abrahamitischen Beschneidung zu tun hat. Das vollständige Abreißen der noch verklebten ...
Beschneidung ?!!! | Forum Schwanger - wer noch? - Rund ums Baby
Beschneidung ?!!! | Ja dem Islam ! Ist ne schwierige Situation, aber ich will meinem Kind auf keinem fall weh tun :( man muss nicht beschnitten sein, meine ...
Beschneidung ?!!! | Forum Schwanger - wer noch? - Rund ums Baby
Beschneidung ?!!! | Wenn Du einen Partner mit diesen enorm starken Glauben hast...hättest Du Dich vielleicht vorher schon einmal damit auseinandersetzen ...
Beschneidung ?!!! | Forum Schwanger - wer noch? - Rund ums Baby
Beschneidung ?!!! | Ich vermute das ist nur ein Aspekt von einer ganzen Reihe Streitpunkten, die sich ergeben werden, wenn er sehr gläubig ist, Du dem aber ...
Beschneidung ?!!! | Forum Schwanger - wer noch? - Rund ums Baby
Beschneidung ?!!! | Also wenn er davon die Beziehung abhängig macht, dann is sie doch eh nicht auf Vertrauen aufgebaut *denk* dann krachts früher oder ...
Beschneidung ?!!! | Forum Schwanger - wer noch? - Rund ums Baby
Beschneidung ?!!! | genau der selben meinung bin ich auch. sowas muß man doch vorher besprechen, nicht erst wenn das kindchen unterwegs ist. wenn er ...
Radikal 13.09.2013: Diskussion über Beschneidung in Europa ...
Forum zu Beschneidung mit Berichten von Beschneidungsopfern und Betroffenen. Für körperliche Unversehrtheit.
Marina Weisband - Die Piraten - beschneidungsforum.de - das ...
Wie denkt Ihr eigentlich über die Haltung zur Beschneidung von Marina Weisband? Einerseits argumentiert Sie mit den typischen Reduktionshandlungen der ...
Push for male circumcision in Nyanza fails to reduce infections ...
"Nyanza's prevalence is big enough to double the national average prevalence. And it has happened in spite of an aggressive campaign to have male ...
Beschneidung ?!!! | Forum Schwanger - wer noch? - Rund ums Baby
Beschneidung ?!!! | Schieß ihn in den Wind!!!!!!!! ich würde es auf keinen fall machen lassen! wenn dann wen es dein Kind im Reifen alter selbst tun will! meine ...
Beschneidung ?!!! | Forum Schwanger - wer noch? - Rund ums Baby
Beschneidung ?!!! | krasse sache...also 1. hätte ICH bzw WIR das VORHER geklärt. aber da das nun rum is und du schwanger bist, würde ich mich sofort ...
Philosoph: „Der Konflikt um die Beschneidung wird nicht ... diesseits.de
Rechtsfrieden kann das im Dezember letzten Jahres beschlossene Gesetz für die Beschneidung von Jungen nicht schaffen, schreibt der Philosoph Frieder Otto ...
Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen »
Web 4 neue Ergebnisse für Beschneidung
Jede Beschneidung ist verpfuscht - Sonstiges - alles, was woanders ...
Steven Svoboda, founder of Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, discusses protecting children's rights, the harm of circumcision, botched circumcision.
Die Gehälter sind mies, aber die Trinkgelder sind klasse ...
Corruption Watch is also investigating why the contract was given to Mkhago owner, Dr Ebby Bongani Mkhabela, a doctor linked to a an allegedly botched ...
Medizinrecht: Die rituelle Beschneidung von Jungen - Das Urteil des ...
Nur wenige Diskussionen wurden in letzter Zeit so intensiv und über so viele Fachgebiete hinweg so kontrovers geführt, wie diejenige über die strafrechtliche ...
Foreneintrag - Medizin allgemein (Studien, usw ...
Hatte meiner auch aber mit 18 monaten. Mir war das gar nicht so klar. Der kinderarzt überwies mich zum urologen und der sagte, am besten kommt die vorhaut ...
Beschneidung: Erste Klinik mit ganzheitlicher Betreuung Pharmazeutische Zeitung online
Beschneidung: Erste Klinik mit ganzheitlicher Betreuung Frauen mit Genitalverstümmelungen können in Berlin künftig fachgerechte medizinische Hilfe in
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de - Seite 11
Die Unvermeidbarkeit bestreite ich angesichts der bestehenden öffentlichen Diskussion aber energisch.Die öffentliche Diskussion spielt hierfür überha...
Male circumcision may reduce some STD risks - Vitals
Male circumcision may reduce some STD risks. Read Article. Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:20 PM. © 2013 NBCNews.com. About us · Contact · Help · Site map · Careers ...
Circumcision Bris Milah | Rabbi.com
What is a bris? A bris (circumcision) is the religious ceremony that is usually held during the 8th day for Jewish males infants. During such ceremony, the male…
Circumcise the fleshy person Galatians... - Last days Christians ...
Circumcise the fleshy person Galatians 6:12 - As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they...
Type of circumcision - Page 4 - Hip Forums
Type of circumcision is from Sex Polls forum, part of the Hip Forums. Discover people's sexual preferences and reveal your own!.
How is Circumcision viewed in Europe ? - City-Data Forum
I can't speak for the whole continent but most German men (maybe 99%) are not circumcised. I think it's an unnecessary barbaric tradition if performed at people ...
Joseph4GI: AUSTRALIA: "Circumcision Debate" - Australian ...
The "Great Circumcision Controversy" Trope Audiences may not be aware at first glance, but media outlets are perpetrators of what I call the "Great Circumcision ...
zKillboard.com / Corporation / Circumcision Gaming
Draak Algemeen (Imperial Navy Slicer) Dirt 'n' Glitter · Imperial Outlaws. / Amarr Empire · Gannicus Aldent (1) Circumcision Gaming · Minmatar Republic · View
Circumcision...!!!! - Page 5 - Living In Indonesia Expat Forum
I will be getting married in December, and i really dont want to start cutting bits from the wee man if i really dont need to. The girlfriend says if i really dont want to ...
John Milton – Upon the Circumcision Lyrics | Poetry Genius
Share something only you could tell us about this line. For example: A behind the scenes story or a personal anecdote; Set the record straight about an ...
Circumcision What is The Bris Milah Ceremony | Rabbi.com
Bris Milah Circumcision: The Covenant of Abraham - A compendium of laws, rituals, What is a bris? A bris (circumcision) is the religious ceremony that is usually ...
Circumcision Against HIV In Sub-Saharan Africa - NFUMU ...
Circumcision Against HIV In Sub-Saharan Africa. September 15, 2013 byNFUMU-JOURNAL. ...
Old Italians in the National Gallery The Slovak Spectator
The works collected date from the 16th – 18th centuries, and with the exception of a landscape by Alessandro Magnasco and the Circumcision of Moses by ...
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Anti-Nationalist Media Caught with its Left-Pants Leg Down The Jewish Press
Circumcision has as much to do with right-wing Jews massacring Arabs and killing leftists as atheism has to do with Peace Now, but Israel's anti-nationalist ...
I feel sorry for my husbands circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
My husband was circumcized at birth.. I have been reading about circumcision an knowing that my husband isn't feeling the full amount of pleasure he should be ...
Circumcision - yes or no? - Yahoo! Answers
PLEASE READ! My partner is Muslim and we have a baby together. Him and his family really want him to be circumcised. However, since birth one of his ...
Circumcision? - BabyCenter
Yes. Do yourself a favor and don't open this can of worms. There have been plenty of threads about this and they always end up ugly. Do a thread search and ...
1 200 get circumcised | The Herald
From George Maponga in MASVINGO A RECORD 1 200 Shangaan men and boys from Mwenezi and Chiredzi graduated at the weekend after undergoing ...
Anonymous asked: You tend to dismiss complaints about circumcision, but do you at least think it's an institutionalized problem? Answer: I don't dismiss ...
My Circumcision : I Am a Circumcised Female Story & Experience
My Circumcision : A true, personal story from the experience, I Am a Circumcised Female. I had it done when i was nearly 13. I went to my aunts house with my ...
Franklin: Record - Circumcision / By A. B. Arnold.
Record details. Author/Creator: Arnold, Abraham B., 1820-1904. Publication: New York : A. R. Elliot, 1886. Format/Description: Archive 22 p. Subjects: ...
Ryan's Circumcision Experience | Adult Circumcision Blog
As a back story, I spent 27 years of my life with an uncircumcised penis that was for nearly all of the time, perfectly healthy and normal. I did have a relatively long ...
Irregular circumcision contract probed - Topix
HEALTH Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has asked the Mpumalanga health department to explain how a multi-million-rand contract to circumcise hundreds of ...
September | 2013 | Just a Snip - against genital mutilation aka ...
Steven Svoboda, Founder of Attorneys for the Rights of the Child explains why every circumcision in his opinion is botched and tells why he got into intactivism ...
1 200 Get Circumcised AllAfrica.com
Masvingo — A RECORD 1 200 Shangaan men and boys from Mwenezi and Chiredzi graduated at the weekend after undergoing circumcision and initiation as ...
Minister probes circumcision contract | News24
Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has asked the Mpumalanga health department to explain why it gave a multi-million rand circumcision contract to Mkhago ...
I'm getting a circumcision soon, is there any medication to stop ...
I have a girlfriend and I'm worried I might get erections around her after my circumcision, which would hurt, so is there a way to stop them?
Circumcision - BabyCenter
I know this can be a hot issue for some people, so I'm REALLY not looking to start a debate or argument, just wanting more information. Our first baby was a girl ...
Circumcision | Clinical Trials | Patient.co.uk
Find a clinical trial for Circumcision and sign up to take part. Find out more about clinical studies and search for a clinical trial in your area.
informed circumcision - December 2013 - BabyCenter
Hi ladies, this was a conversation brought up by my husband. He wants to circumcise our son just because he was and I have chosen to inform myself in what ...
Circumcision scar swelling - Foreskin Restoration / Intactivism Network
Hello all. Just wandering if it is normal that after a session of method 2 manual tugging my circumcision scar doesn't exactly swell but it enlarges and is more ...
LOL @ MRA: You tend to dismiss complaints about circumcision, but ...
UK authorities dismiss dentist offering female circumcision | Dental ...
LONDON/BIRMINGHAM, UK: As reported by the General Dental Council, a UK dentist has been suspended by the authorities for conducting an intimate ...
Irregular circumcision contract probed Independent Online
HEALTH Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has asked the Mpumalanga health department to explain how a multi-million-rand contract to circumcise hundreds of ...
r circumcision
Nyanza embracing male circumcision - YouTube
A recent study conducted by various civil societies that engage in programmes on Hiv/Aids indicated that the rate of Hiv infection among the middle class is ...
How long for older child circumcision to heal? - Yahoo! Answers
Hi, my 6 year old son had a circumcision 9 days ago now. The swelling has ... the long after birth u wait to make the penis healthy by having the circumcision done ...
The Truth About Circumcision - David Icke's Official Forums
Default The Truth About Circumcision. It about time truth about this horrendous child abuse was revealed. http://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/..._circumcision/
BENSOUDA in deep trouble for using KALENJIN circumcision ...
Thursday September 12, 2013 - International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, is in deep trouble with the Kalenjin community for using the ...
Circumcision, im at a loss? - BabyCenter
Okay my SO is not circumsized, and has had problems his whole life.. He played high school football and never changed in the locked room before he was the ...
Bizarre circumcision storie: Where's the Journalism? - Foreskin ...
2013-03-09 http://www.beyondthebris.com/2013/09...n-bizarre.html · http://www.beyondthebris.com/2013/09...n-bizarre.html. By Lisa Braver Moss Special to ...
Male circumcision and HIV infection in Swaziland: is there an ...
Title, Male circumcision and HIV infection in Swaziland: is there an association? Author, Machava, Richard Owen. Date, 2013-09-13T11:21:57Z.
SPECIAL: Circumcision: A Human Rights &Gender ... - Internet Radio
The Voice of Change welcomes Georganne Chapin, executive director of IntactAmerica.org to the program today. She will discuss how routine infant male ...
Circumcision in Chicago? - Topic - Forums - Men's Health
Anyone know of any good circ docs in Chicago? I went to Northwestern, but they only do low circumcisions(and I dont want to lose all of my sensitive inner skin).
3 - BabyandBump - Momtastic
Glad all went well. I had my son circ'd on Sunday, hes almost fully healed now...the most painful part for him was the local anesthetic, but during the actual ...
SPECIAL: Circumcision: A Human Rights &Gender ... - Movie Balla
SPECIAL: Circumcision: A Human Rights &Gender Equity Problem - Sep 13,2013. Source: BlogTalkRadio, Sep 13 2013, 1:22pm CDT. Call in to speak with the ...
Adult circumcision - The Bub Hub
Hi all, Just wanting some info from those blokes who've had a circumcision and frenuloplasty as an adult (or those lovely ladies whose male counterparts have ...
Preparing for your baby: Circumcision dont bash me! - Baby Gaga
PLEASE if you are going to bash me then don't comment. My husband and i both agree that getting our son circumcised is the best for him. I was worried ...
World Public Library - eBooks: The Wisdom behind Circumcision
The Wisdom behind Circumcision by Sheikho, Mohammad, Amin. “Five are of natural disposition, cutting (shaving) the pubic hair, circumcision, cutting the ...
Experts call for reintroduction of circumcisions in NSW public hospitals Herald Sun
INFANT circumcisions must be reintroduced into NSW public hospitals as a necessary and cost effective public health measure, according to an international ...
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Circumcision Program in South African Town Reduces HIV Rates TheBody.com
Researchers from the University of Versailles in France have reported that a male circumcision program in Orange Farm, South Africa was successful in lowering ...
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Does getting a circumcision increase your dating chances?
i heard from someone that women desire only circumcised men and won't let any uncut men near them. i m 17 and thinking of getting circumcised now, men ...
Circumcision worry - BabyCenter
My son had his circumcision one yesterday and his doctor told me he had a thick foreskin and there's a small place left at the bottom that she said would take ...
PEPFAR's Best Practices for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision ...
This guide provides implementing partners with a comprehensive and consistent process for establishing new VMMC services for HIV prevention. It draws upon ...
Ministry yet to reach circumcision target |The Nation Online
The Ministry of Health says it has so far circumcised over 36 000 males against its planned target of 60 000 in the just-ended 30-day Voluntary Medical Male ...
I LOVE FORESKIN (wtf circumcision?) - Mulder's World
If your one of the many men in the world that is circumcise, you just might have made a bad choice. Sexy science nerd Laci Green who is a host on Discovery ...
caloudermilk asked: So with that circumcision post, the person arguing for it kept bringing up STD/STIs. Now I'm no expert on the subject by any means, but if this ...
For those against circumcision: - CafeMom
Are you also against piercing ears on babies? What about cropping ears on a dog, or docking their tails? Dewclaw removal f.
311 Online Circumcision Consent Form - NYC.gov
Request a consent form for circumcision that includes direct oral suction (metzitzah b'peh)
Circumcision (Genesis 17: 1-14) - YouTube
Stockport Evangelical Church. http://stockportevangelical.com.
90 thousand males undergo circumcision | GabzFM
About 90 thousand men have been circumcised since the inception of Safe Male Circumcision in 2009. Safe Male Circumcision Programme Manager, Conrad ...
Cost of circumcision in Canada Ontario? - Yahoo! Answers
Hi, I just want to know if circumcision is cover by OHIP. I've heard its covered by OHIP if you have phimosis but haven't been able to find a concrete answer ...
Circumcision gets help from experts - Post | IOL.co.za
Cape Town -. The number of successful traditional circumcisions in the Western Cape is expected to improve under a new arrangement in which provincial ...
Circumcision contract in the spotlight - General | looklocal Lowveld
NELSPRUIT - The provincial health department denied that the health minister Mr Aaron Motsoaledi had asked them to explain how a multimillion-rand contract ...
Bris or Brit milah (ritual circumcision) - Jconnect.org
Bris or Brit milah (ritual circumcision). According to Jewish law, a healthy baby boy is circumcised on the eighth day after his birth. The brit milah, the ritual ...
Misandry - The hatred of men - So with that circumcision post, the
Suicidal because of circumcision. - Page 4 - Foreskin Restoration ...
To a point that's true. But you can make the situation a lot better if you choose to. Imagine a guy who lost his hand in an accident. Some miraculous new ...
Arthur's Circumcision, an arthur fanfic | FanFiction
Arthur's Circumcision. Takes place after his birth he gets Circumcised. But it is not painful to him. They use local anesthetic on him. Unlike Bud's 1st Circumcision ...
#Circumcision nearly killed her son. “it became clear to me that I had ...
Circumcision nearly killed her son. “it became clear to me that I had been lied to. I cried for days.” #i2 http://t.co/TwDtX27EFJ by IntactVoices ...
Circumcision gets help from experts Independent Online
A Xhosa youth, covered with a blanket and smeared with mud and chalk, sits in a Qunu field during a traditional circumcision ceremony that is a passage to ...
See all stories on this topic »
Independent Online
Male Cut 'Won't Stop HIV Soon' AllAfrica.com
The Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in Nyanza will not reduce the high ... Male Circumcision Consortium programme manager Mathews Onyango said the ...
What's the go with circumcision? - October 2013 - BabyCenter Canada
I know this will open a can of worms, but it's so hard to find any real information on the topic. Just so there's no confusion, I don't plan on getting this done for my .
What are your opinions on abortion and infant circumcision?
Are you for or against abortion? Why? Are you for or against infant circumcision? Why?
My boyfriend circumcision scar bothers me? - Yahoo! Answers
I am dating a 33 year old man who was circumcised at age 28. He has a pretty rough scar that looks very noticeable still. It is actually very unattractive to me, ...
Why is female circumcision illegal, but male circumcision is not?
I'm not a even a real man cause of my force circumcision.
The circumcision “debate” is missing the point: adults can do ...
Cutting up a baby's genitals is barbaric. Full stop. The whole idea makes me just want to puke. What are we, fucking stone age cretins imagining that wild ...
circumcision yay or nay? - Page 10 - Pandora's Box - Grasscity Forum
Page 10 of 10 - circumcision yay or nay? - posted in Pandoras Box: hey...its not mutilation its modification. so its ok... any of you every tried to clean a newborns ...
Circumcision in baby boys? - Topix
My KiNG is circumcised:) his dad said if you ever had a son he wanted him to be circumcised just like him:) see I do listen to him on what's best for KiNG;) lol and ...
Abortion and Circumcision: Hypocrisy on the Left | Well Spent Journey
"Any restoration of persons to the divinely intended norm of being valued as image-bearers will threaten a social order that promotes marginalization of the ...
Factors Associated with the Acceptability of Male Circumcision ...
PLOS ONE: an inclusive, peer-reviewed, open-access resource from the PUBLIC LIBRARY OF SCIENCE. Reports of well-performed scientific studies from all ...
Circumcision is Middle Eastern religious tradition. That's it. There is no good reason to cut unless your faith requires it. Do you really think human male was ...
New Male Circumcision Method Cheaper, Quicker | Kenya Star
The World Health Organisation recommends it as part of a comprehensive HIV prevention package ...
Help Intact America Stop this Unethical Circumcision Experiment ...
At Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati, OH more than two hundred baby boys will be circumcised in a study to determine whether the Gomco or the Mogon ...
New Male Circumcision Method Cheaper, Quicker AllAfrica.com
When Edmund Musonera, 25, was approached by health officials from Bugesera district to persuade him to undergo circumcision using a new device, the ..
Partnership set to equip GP's to perform circumcisions Health24.com
General Practitioners (GP's) in the private sector will now be equipped and empowered with the surgical skill to perform medical male circumcisions (MMC) ...
1 200 Circumcised The Herald
A RECORD 1 200 Shangaan men and boys from Mwenezi and Chiredzi graduated at the weekend after undergoing circumcision and initiation as per the ...
More info on my circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
I am circumcised, and I always wondered what that extra flap of skin at the bottom of my penis head was. I then found out it was residual foreskin. But what ...
Partnership set to equip GP's to perform circumcisions | Health24
General Practitioners (GP's) in the private sector will now be equipped and empowered with the surgical skill to perform medical male circumcisions (MMC) ...
Michel Hervé Bertaux-Navoiseau | Feminism and circumcision ...
Ex-pupil of the Psychoanalysis department of Paris 8 University (Vincennes) (1976-1983) D.E.C.S. (1975) H.E.C. (1972), Licencié ès sciences économiques ...
How Circumcision Broke the Internet - Tech Investor News
There are facts about circumcision—but you won't find them easily on the Internet. Parents looking for straightforward evidence about benefits and risks are less ...
circumcision after care - Men's Health Message Board - HealthBoards
I am 34 and was circumcised 8 days ago, the doctor told me to put petroleum jelly (Vaseline) onto the area after changing the dressing. They never.
How is Circumcision viewed in Europe ? - Page 4 - City-Data Forum
makes sense , their is a hugely disproportionate percentage of jews in the porn industry. Ive thought about circumcision , I think it looks better ( if that doesn't ...
circumcision mystery of Babylon, castration mutilation for demon ...
Circumcision is demonic method to produce mentally unstable men, circumcised Arabs, Jews and Americans are source of 90% of violence and sex industry, ...
My personal testimony regarding circumcision - Rune-Server
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...type=1&theater http://foreskin-restoration.net/forum/sh...post106156.
How a Fringe Group Turned the Internet Against Circumcision Slate Magazine
There are facts about circumcision—but you won't find them easily on the Internet. Parents looking for straightforward evidence about benefits and risks are less .
Slate Magazine
Calls Mount for Chiefs to Adopt Circumcision AllAfrica.com
Chiefs countrywide have been urged to adopt annual male circumcision in their communities like the Shangaan people in southern Masvingo if the country is to .
City Council Bill Would Prevent Regulation Of Circumcision The Jewish Week
Cut it out: Consent requirement for circumcision practice intrudes on ... placed their mouths directly on the child's circumcision wound to draw blood away from ...
Elders Slam ICC Video Footage AllAfrica.com
Elders and professionals from the Kalenjin community have condemned the use of circumcision ceremony video clips as evidence in the Hague trials against ...
See all stories on this topic »
My personal testimony with circumcision - Second Life
http://foreskin-restoration.net/forum/showthread.php?p=106156#post106156 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=375787755840985&set=gm.4411630.
Circumcision!? - Godlike Productions
So People has bombed this with bad karma.... so if you read this and can spare some good karma. please do.
Marching Forward: Telling My Son About Circumcision
I am a part of a group of parents. We don't want to be grouped together, but we love each other. We don't want to have to comfort each other, but we do. We don't ...
Danish coalition partner adopts anti-circumcision motion | Israel.com
Social Liberal Party passes motion to oppose all non-medical circumcision of underage boys, Danish website reports....
Danish coalition partner adopts anti-circumcision motion Jewish Telegraphic Agency
(JTA) — A left-wing Danish political party is seeking to outlaw ritual circumcision in Denmark. The Social Liberal Party, a small coalition partner of Denmark's ...
Follow-up study backs circumcision against HIV The New Age Online
Follow-up study backs circumcision against HIV. Instruments used in the Jewish circumcision ceremony lie on a table prior to the circumcision of a baby.
Should Australian boys be circumcised? SBS
A Tasmanian report recommending a ban on the circumcision of most baby boys ... A report prepared in Tasmania recommending a ban on the circumcision of ...
Male Circumcision in South Africa - A Voice For Men Forums
There is no better country to provide an example on a barbarism that is male circumcision: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF4esqKcqvg. What pisses me off ...
Izates and Circumcision | Reading Acts
There is some evidence that during the intertestamental period at least some Jews thought that circumcision was required for a convert to Judaism. In Josephus ...
How the anti-circumcision crowd controls the debate - Politics ...
On Politics, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How the anti-circumcision crowd controls the debate" - Page 2.
'The Strange Case of Circumcision in Korea' - Page 2 - City-Data ...
Originally Posted by felinius If I remember my numbers correctly, non-religious is about 50%, while Buddhism is less and Christianity is third. Not.
How anti-circumcision wack-jobs are ruining the internet with ...
How anti-circumcision wack-jobs are ruining the internet with sophistry and lies: http://t.co/fFSLag8e1v by Slate 380332257736937472.
How Circumcision Broke the Internet - The Bump
I realize we just discussed this, but thought some might be interested in a new article in Slate today on circumcision, or more about how the "intactivist" ...
Chiefs urged to adopt annual male circumcision - The EYE News ...
Chiefs countrywide have been urged to adopt annual male circumcision in their communities like the Shangaan people in southern Masvingo if the country is to ...
Circumcision has ruined my life........? - Yahoo!
Unfortunately, I had to have a circumcision in February for partial phimosis. ... Circumcision? You are no longer a member of the Man club. You should cut off your ...
Circumcision rhubarb in the comment thread in 3....2....1.....
From How a Fringe Group Turned the Internet Against Circumcision by Mark Joseph Stern in Slate: The facts about circumcision may be hard to find on an ...
Twas circumcision and fringe groups that broke the ... - FARK.com
How do I tell my wife that It really gets on my nerves when she nibbles on my foreskin? She thinks that I like it, but honestly, I just wish that I'd thrown it away after ...
Twas circumcision and fringe groups that broke the internet ... - Fark
Satirical views on interesting, bizarre and amusing stories, submitted by a community of millions of news junkies, with regular Photoshop contests.
What about circumcision for religious reasons?
Adult: Fine by me. Infant/Child: Nope. A person's right to religion ends where someone else's body begins. Religion doesn't change the fact it's a permanent, ...
How the anti-circumcision crowd controls the debate - Politics ...
On Politics, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How the anti-circumcision crowd controls the debate".
MFW 'Cutbrah9' deleted his circumcision-cry thread - Bodybuilding ...
http://25.media.tumblr.com/b263eba31c32c572b5236f571a6605c4/tumblr_ms7rdgEAIF1sgfdpvo1_500.gif http://cdn.arwrath.com/1/143089.gif ...
'Intactivists' against circumcision National Post
There are facts about circumcision — but you won't find them easily on the Internet. Parents looking for straightforward evidence about benefits and risks are less ...
National Post
Greenfield Introduces Bill That Would Keep Health Regulation Out ... Bensonhurstbean
Councilman David Greenfield introduced legislation that would prevent the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOH) from enacting or enforcing ...
Recovering after circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
My doctor says I have phimosis(dont know is it correct word on english) and i need to go on circumicision.Main reason Im going because there is lot of skin on ...
Circumcision-debate - SBS
Add comment. The Tasmanian Law Reform Institute issued a report questioning whether non-therapeutic male circumcision was lawful and called for a general ...
*!!Guide Circumcision Exposed\: Rethinking A Medical & Cultural ...
Guide Circumcision Exposed\: Rethinking A Medical & Cultural Tradition Download eBooks PDF. *!!Guide Citrine\'s Natural Breast Enhancement E-book ...
I Changed My Mind about Circumcision - News - Bubblews
Growing up in a Jewish home, I always assumed circumcision was just a normal part of life. I never questioned the logic behind it or even spent much time ...
Twitter / JonDelano: Anti-circumcision #i2 crowd ...
Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
John's Circumcision Experience | Adult Circumcision Blog
Thanks for the opportunity to let me post on your blog. I also had my adult circumcision done at GC Circumcisions with Dr Read. I had it done in May 2013 so it's ...
Global Circumcision and Rape: Does a Victim's Memory Matter?
It seems strange to have a link between genital mutilation and rape but this article reports on that thought-provoking link. Circumcision and Rape:
Suicidal because of circumcision. - Page 3 - Foreskin Restoration ...
My last word on this... you need to immediately report to an ED for a psych work-up. By and large, the posters on this board present good-hearted and hopefully ...
22 | September | 2013 | Just a Snip - against genital mutilation aka ...
A man's point of view on circumcision. I truly envy you Ladies. You're Federally protected from FGM in the USA, I'm not. You have all your bits, I don't. I wonder ...
Circumcision | Gravity's Wings
Over at Feministe, Jill published an absolutely dreadful piece on infant circumcision. Right off the bat, she mischaracterizes opponents of circumcision (she calls ...
circumcision yay or nay? - Page 12 - Pandora's Box - Grasscity Forum
To clarify; I didn't call any religion barbaric. Most major religions have, or still commit ACTS that are barbaric. I feel the same way. People are free to practice and ...
circumcision | emma wolf
On Feministe.com the other day, Intactivists were accused of ruining the debate on circumcision. This left me feeling really sad because I love Feministe.com and ...
Suicidal because of circumcision. - Page 5 - Foreskin Restoration ...
I have to say, that with plenty of slack it's very nice to just feel enveloped by the skin tube, and once aroused the sort of anal tickling we're (probably) talking ...
First Year students were encouraged to take a pledge to abstain and to do Safe Male Circumcision (SMC), and students vowed to do aso at an event held to ...
See all stories on this topic »
University of Botswana
Blogs 3 new results for circumcision
Why You Should Care About Circumcision | Evolutionary Parenting ... Tracy
Yes, I am one of those people who used to argue that routine infant circumcision was a personal (i.e., parental) decision. And then I learned...
Evolutionary Parenting | Breastfeeding and Sleeping Arrangements - Science and History in Parenting
Opinions regarding male circumcision - Off Topic & General ...
Opinions regarding male circumcision - posted in Off Topic & General Discussion: What are your opinions regarding this procedure? Is it, in your opinion, a great ...
The circumcision “debate” is missing the point: adults can do ... judgybitch
Cutting up a baby's genitals is barbaric. Full stop. The whole idea makes me just want to puke. What are we, fucking stone age cretins imagining that wild ...
Web 14 new results for circumcision
Circumcision in Africa not preventing HIV - A Voice for Men
On Tuesday of last week the Standard Digital News of Kenya reported that the prevalence of HIV AIDS was rising in its central provinces despite the aggressive ...
Lets talk about circumcision shall we? - Yahoo! Answers
so i am 6 mos preggo and im having a boy at first i left the decision up to my husband because hes a man and we are having a boy and they both have a part ...
Circumcision: The new front in the war on science - Hot Dogma!
A loud group of Internet weirdos has had it up to here with your "facts."
Shang Ring Versus Forceps-Guided Adult Male Circumcision: A ...
Abstract: Adult male circumcision (AMC) reduces HIV transmission, but uptake is limited in part by c.
Preparing for your baby: Circumcision - Baby Gaga
We just found out today that this baby is a boy, so now we get to decide on circumcision. What are some good places to look for information about it? I know ...
What's So Often Missing from Debates about Routine Infant Penile ... Richard Jeffrey Newman
Over at Feministe, Jill has written a post called “How Intactivists Are Ruining the Debate on Circumcision” in which she complains, quite reasonably, that “Every ...
Alas, a Blog
A man's point of view on circumcision | Just a Snip - against genital ... Lena Nyhus (@iqvixen / Twitter)
A man's point of view on circumcision. I truly envy you Ladies. You're Federally protected from FGM in the USA, I'm not. You have all your bits, I don't. I wonder ...
Just a Snip - against genital mutilation aka circumcision
If circumcision is ethical, should the Philidelphia parents be ...
http://www.cirp.org/news/Mothering1997/ http://www.circumcision.org/studies.htm http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/local&id=9198535.
The Truth About Circumcision - YouTube
Stefan Molyneux breaks down the truth behind circumcision, including details on the procedure, it's history, rate of occurrence, claimed medical justificatio...
Blood after circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
I have been circumcised before two hours.I had small problem with urination but is normal after local anesthesia I put question here few days ago about should i ...
Die Wüstenblume kämpft tt.com - Wo's Click macht
Beim Stichwort Beschneidung denkt man meist an Jungen. Doch auch Mädchen sind davon betroffen – rund 7000 täglich. Unter meist unhygienischen ...
Dänische Regierungspartei für Verbot nicht-therapeutischer ... nickpol
Die sozialliberale dänische Regierungspartei "Det Radikale Venstre (RV)" hat am vergangenen Sonntag auf ihrem jährlichen Parteitag einen Antrag ...
Brights - Die Natur des Zweifels
Beschneidung - openCannabis.net
Hallo Leute Habe heuer das zweite mal Geerntet, doch wenn man bedenkt das man für 1 über eine Stunde manikürkt (ich zumindest) und mein spot sehr gut.
Dänische Regierungspartei für Verbot nicht-therapeutischer ...
Das sollte auch hier stehen. http://die-betroffenen.de/blog/daenische…dung-an-jungen/ Hier der Kommentar von Morten Frisch dazu.
Beschneidung Forum | Merkmale - paradisi.de
Ich wollte fragen wie man merkt das man beschnitten werden muss.
Beschneidung erst bei Volljährigkeit - Leser-Kommentar - FOCUS ...
Beschneidung erst bei Volljährigkeit: Das Lied war keine gute Idee. Aber die eigentliche Sache, um die es geht, eine Beschneidung eines Minderjährigen ...
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de - Seite 17
Darf ein Künstler am Vormittag eine lautstarke Perfomance in meiner Straße veranstalten, die mir nach meinem Nachtdienst den dringend ben...
FGM ist wie Penisabschneiden - Vergleich der weiblichen mit der ...
Ist ja logisch, nach ganz- oder teilweiser Entfernung der Klitoris-Eichel können Frauen keinen vaginalen Sex mehr haben. Kein Vergleich ist zu bizarr für ...
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de - Seite 16
Sprayer von Zürich? Ging's da nicht um einen konkreten Fall von Kunstfreiheit gegen Eigentumsrecht? Und die Begründung des BVerfG lässt sich loc...
Dänische Regierungspartei für Verbot nicht-therapeutischer ...
Die sozialliberale dänische Regierungspartei "Det Radikale Venstre (RV)" hat am vergangenen Sonntag auf ihrem jährlichen Parteitag einen Antrag ...
Penis nach Beschneidung versteckt - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Penis nach Beschneidung versteckt. 21.09.13 10:50. Hallo an alle,. ich wurde vor 8 Tagen vollständig beschnitten. Der Arzt sagte mir vor dem eingriff schon das ...
Betäubung oder Narkose bei Beschneidung? - Vorhautprobleme ...
21.09.13 08:31. ok,danke. woher auch immer es gekommen ist, dieser Teenager hat nun bei Erektionen Schmerzen. Daher ist meiner meinung nach im Sinne ...
No statistical significance between male circumcision and HIV ...
"Unadjusted results showed no statistical significance between male circumcision and HIV infection (UOR=0.69, 95% CI=0.47-1.03). However, after adjusting for ...
Bitte Fragen stellen! - Die Grünen - beschneidungsforum.de - das ...
https://3tw.gruene.de/ Jede Frage wird beantwortet! Die sollen wissen, dass nicht vergessen ist, was mit in grünem Namen geschah. Und nun ist Zahltag äh ...
Beschneidung › Politik im Spiegel
Von Walter Otte | Humanistischer Pressedienst | – Intact America protestiert gegen ein makabres Forschungsprogramm, das am Good Samaritan Hospital im ...
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de - Seite 15
Der wesentliche Unterschied liegt in der - hm, wie nenne ich es? - Üblichkeit. Ob etwas "üblich" ist, sagt aber nichts darüber aus, ob es ric...
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de - Seite 14
Noch weniger glaube ich, dass in deutschland dann jede form der mädchenbeschneidung wegen irgendwelchen "gleichheits"behauptungen erl...
Die Qual der Wahl, oder nicht? Neue Rheinische Zeitung
Was mir noch auffiel? Wie sich alle Parteien, außer einer, erneut über das Wohl des Kindes hinwegsetzten und den Ritus der Beschneidung kleiner Jungen und ...
Sollten wir Gott loswerden? Der Sonntag
Nicht zuletzt die breite Zustimmung in der Bevölkerung für ein Verbot der Beschneidung förderte eine allgemeine Religions-Antipathie zutage. Religion, so ..
Schlecht aufgeklärt vor der Beschneidung - Onmeda.de
Der Vorgang: Bei dem 46-jährigen Patienten erfolgt wegen wiederholter Infektionen im Bereich der Eichel und einer relativen Verengung der Vorhaut sowie ...
Ergebnisse für »Ethik« - beschneidungsforum.de - das Forum zum ...
Von Maria Werner (6. Juli 2013, 17:46) gefunden in: Judentum. 1, 149. Von Pizarro73. (6. Juli 2013, 18:01). Studie: Beschneidung schützt nicht vor ...
Nach Beschneidung immer noch geschwollen? - Urologie - med1
19.09.13 15:09. Hallo erstmal :D. Das hier ist mein erster Beitrag, also bitte entschuldigt, falls es hier nicht reingehört! Ich wurde jetzt vor 1 Monat und 13 Tagen ...
Jürgen Trittin - Die Grünen - beschneidungsforum.de - das Forum ...
Habe diese Artikel gelesen und mal überlegt, was in 20 oder 30 Jahren passieren könnte: http://www.derwesten.de/thema/bundestags…-id8451166.html
Das Internet ist gegen Beschneidung - beschneidungsforum.de ...
Das "Slate Magazine" wettert ja nun schon eine Weile gegen die Intaktivisten. Es gehört zur "Washington Post" und diese wiederum gehört zur "Kaplan Group".
Kenianerin stellt in Biberach ihren Dokumentarfilm „The Cut“ vor Schwäbische Zeitung
Eine Expertenrunde gab ihre Erfahrungen zum Thema Beschneidung wieder – darunter Pfarrer Matthias Ströhle, Gynäkologin Helga Fischer von der ...
Schwäbische Zeitung
Web 3 neue Ergebnisse für Beschneidung
Philosoph: „Der Konflikt um die Beschneidung wird nicht ... - diesseits
Bereits die bloße Aufzählung aller Bereiche, in denen Religionsgemeinschaften in Deutschland umstrittene Vorrechte genießen, kann leicht zum Vortrag ...
Beschneidung - Die Wahrheit im Herzen
Salam vor 1jahr ist mein Sohn geboren und seither beschäftigt mich ständig das Thema wegen der Beschneidung. Es belastet mich regelrecht weil ich dies.
Beschneidung verhindern - Rechtliche Aspekte ...
Guten Tag, ich brauche eure Hilfe, mein mann ist Moslem und er will unseren Sohn beschneiden lassen und ich will das zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht, ich bin kein ...
Why circumcision done to make money? - Yahoo! Answers
e.g. How to make Sushi? • Where to buy the best ground coffee? • Which is the best phase of a relationship? Your New Answers Experience! Answer Questions.
circumcision | tricklesoftruth
What does this New Man Look Like? Colossians 3:9-11. 9Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10and have put on the ...
I'm doing a research paper on circumcision. Should I mention ...
I haven't come up with a thesis yet, it still needs to be approved by the professor. My thesis would go along the lines of, "Circumcision is an unnecessary and ...
Questions about plastibell circumcision, help pleade.?
My son will be 8 days old by 5:26pm. He has the plastibell.. Could you please tell me whats normal? Whats it look like when it starts to fall off? Any fluids cone ...
"Discussing" circumcision with a child??? - Atheist Forums
Quote: In the latest twist in a controversy that has divided Germans, a regional court has ruled that doctors need to discuss circumcision procedures with the child ...
KTN Video | Men in Teso prefer circumcision under ... - The Standard
KTN Video | Men in Teso prefer circumcision under the cover of darkness.
Children's Ombudsman calls for circumcision ban in Sweden | The ...
THE Ombudsman for Children in Sweden called on Saturday for the country to ban circumcision, a practice he said contravened the basic rights of boys.
Circumcision in the Second Temple Period | by Rob Vanhoff ...
Circumcision during the second temple period represented much more than the removal of foreskin. Rob Vanhoff explains why it was such an important issue for ...
Teso men opt for night circumcision - YouTube
Teso men opt for night circumcision (Moon Light cut) Watch KTN Streaming LIVE from Kenya 24/7 on http://www.ktnkenya.tv Follow us on http://www.twitter.com/k ...
Circumcision - Page 21 - Discussion World Forum
"It is essential that there should be organization of labor. This is an era of organization. Capital organizes and therefore labor must organize." Theodore ...
Debate & Discuss: do you think circumcision is cosmetic? - Baby Gaga
Quoting ♛Queen Boo♛:" I can't help but find this excuse odd. Over here in the UK I only know of one person who has been circ'd. ... [snip!] ...
'Circumcision against human rights of the child' The Local.se
There is no medical reason to circumcise little boys; the procedure is painful, irreversible and can cause complications, according to Sweden's child ombudsman ...
The Local.se
German court bars woman from circumcising 6-year-old son Haaretz
For the first time, a German court relied on the country's new circumcision law that was passed last year, which legalized circumcision under strict conditions.
See all stories on this topic »
Wash. couple accused of giving infant son methadone KTVB
The parents said the mother put methadone in the child's milk to help him with withdrawals and pain from his circumcision. Neighbor Karen Pierce said she has ...
See all stories on this topic »
New Circumcision Ruling Requires Doctors to Discuss Procedure ...
In the latest twist in a controversy that has divided Germans, a regional court has ruled that doctors need to discuss circumcision procedures with the child before ...
The Effects of Circumcision on the Penis Microbiome | oogenhand
Click to visit the original post. Circumcision is associated with significant reductions in HIV, HSV-2 and HPV infections among men and significant reductions in ...
circumcision yay or nay? - Page 13 - Pandora's Box - Grasscity Forum
But what are the real advantages of circumcision? From what I've seen, there really are no direct benefits from circumcision, but there a numerous amount of ...
female circumcision | thepiepatch
Posts about female circumcision written by The Pie Patch.
An Open Letter to the Author of 'How Circumcision Broke ... - Inagist
An Open Letter to the Author of 'How Circumcision Broke the Internet' http://t.co/pVGZgvVjcP via @goodmenproject by briandavidearp 382226599908618240.
Are less people choosing circumcision these days? | Page 1 ...
Was just reading a study done here www.naughtycouponcodes.com/our-circumcision-stu... and it seems less circumised men are chosing to do the same to their ...
This is a guest post by Francelle Wax, the producer of American Secret: The Circumcision Agenda, a documentary about the problems with male circumcision.
Yahoo! Canada Answers - How do you feel about circumcision?
Did you know, that circumcision kills 117 babies a year? That is babies under ... Less than 5% of doctors not trying to numb the area is ALL I need to read, because ...
Babies no longer circumcised at holy cross??
Anonymous wrote: Sounds like Holy Cross is working off the old guidelines. Someone needs to send the administration the update. The AAP believes the health ...
Revision of Circumcision - BabyCenter
Looking for random conversation, some good laughs and the occasional bargain? Here's your group. Please review the additional guidelines that will be ...
Should circumcision be legal? - Page 14 - Social Anxiety Forum
Originally Posted by Persephone The Dread It's not like you can't get it changed when you're an adult, and for most people the majority of sex they.
Circumcision Kit | Sandton | Medical | Junk Mail Classifieds ...
We also sell medical products like Circumcision Kit at a cheap price,We also sell medical products like Circumcision Kit at a cheap price,We also sell medical ...
Circumcision: Whose idea was it, anyway? - ChildrensMD
Breast or formula? Cloth diapers or disposables? Stay-at-home mom or going back to work? Expectant parents have an overwhelming number of decisions to ...
Market for Local Anaesthesia in the GCC Region 2012-17 Sacramento Bee
Local anaesthetic products find applications in vast range of medical surgeries with some popular ones being dentistry, child birth, circumcision etc. Sharp rise in .
Mark Joseph Stern and the Conversation He Won't Have About ... Hemant Mehta
This is a guest post by Francelle Wax, the producer of American Secret: The Circumcision Agenda, a documentary about the problems with male circumcision.
Friendly Atheist
Mark Joseph Stern and the Conversation He Won't Have About ...
Should circumcision be legal? - Page 15 - Social Anxiety Forum
Originally Posted by mark101 Shame Arnie didn't specify that the poll question was regarding babies and not circumcision in general since it confused.
2013-09-18 Slate - How Circumcision Broke the Internet - Foreskin ...
2013-09-18 Slate - How Circumcision Broke the Internet Press Room.
Mayoral candidate denies claim about circumcision stance ...
Mastodon - Tue, 2013-09-24 05:30. Article here. Excerpt: 'Although he stood next to speakers claiming the opposite, Bill de Blasio [link added] insists his position ...
Galatians : Controversy Over Circumcision Part B - YouTube
Galatians : Controversy Over Circumcision Part B. Sermons·97 videos. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 16. Subscription preferences. Loading... Loading icon ...
What I Wish I Knew Before I Circumcised My Sons - Mama Lion Strong
Last week we had our youngest son circumcised. This can be a very controversial topic depending on where you are in the world, what your religious practice is, ...
circumcision aftercare - The Bub Hub
Hi, I had my first boy done in the UK using plastibell and the only aftercare was to put vasoline on the nappy to reduce contact friction. He healed well. A relative ...
Circumcision In Sweden | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
... bill to ban circumcision. September 24, 2013 11:38am. A bill introduced in the Swedish parliament would ban the non-medical circumcision of underage boys.
Motion to Ban Non-Medical Circumcision Introduced in Sweden ...
"Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, president of the European Conference of Rabbis, said the proposal “betrays a dangerous ignorance of what is involved.
When And How Did Circumcision Begin? - General Discussions ...
Salaam Alaikum. I hope I have not posted this in the wrong forum, apologies if I have. I wish to understand from where did circumcision begin... I just wish to ...
Ban on non-medical circumcision introduced in Sweden | Israel.com
(JTA) — A bill introduced in the Swedish parliament would ban the non-medical circumcision of males younger than 18. Two lawmakers from the rightist Sweden ...
Should male circumcision be criminalized as a form of genital ...
Why not get your jackboot off people's faces, you lazy tyrant. Argue, convince, demonstrate. Reason. Don't just hurt and crush and oppress those you think are ...
Bleeding after having had a circumcision a week ago?
I had a circumcision a week ago and ive been having a little bit of blood and discharge from under the head of my penis, I guess where the frenelum would have ...
6 Terrible Reasons to Circumcise Your Infant - Hollywood Homestead
Now before everyone goes up in arms, let me preface this post by saying that I understand that circumcision is a ritual that is important to a few religious groups.
Germany declares circumcision for non-medical reasons to be a ...
Originally Posted by Dame_Enda This backward nonsense has no place in a civilised society. FFFs, why can't some kind of minimal "pro forma"
Babies no longer circumcised at holy cross??
Anonymous wrote: Sure. And the difference between actual informed arguments and the same old unfounded ad hominem attacks will be quite obvious. By the ...
National Post
Ban on non-medical circumcision introduced in Sweden The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.
A bill introduced in the Swedish parliament would ban the non-medical circumcision of males younger than 18. Two lawmakers from the rightist Sweden ...
HIV/Aids Prevalence Rate Increases in Kagera AllAfrica.com
He noted that the rate of male circumcision in the region stood at 39 per cent compared to Lindi, Tanga, Mtwara, Pemba, Unguja and Dar es Salaam regions ...
The Jewish Press » » Motion to Ban Non-Medical Circumcision ... JTA
A motion to ban the non-medical circumcision of males younger than 18 was presented to the Swedish parliament. Two lawmakers from the rightist Sweden ...
The Jewish Press
Sweden Party Moves To Ban Circumcision – Forward.com
A bill introduced in the Swedish parliament would ban the non-medical circumcision of underage boys.
Swedish lawmakers propose religious circumcision ban
Representing Jewish Communities In 100 Countries Across Six Continents.
26 | September | 2013 | Just a Snip - against genital mutilation aka ...
Brian D. Earp believes circumcision is worth talking about. ... I recently read your article, “How Circumcision Broke the Internet” for Slate magazine [republished ...
Motion to ban non-medical circumcision introduced in Sweden
Bjorn Soder and Per Ramhorn wrote in the measure that “boys should have the same right to avoid both complications of reduced sensitivity in the genitals, ...
Does circumcision effect spirituality? - Page 2 - Godlike Productions
Just as the topic says I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the matter. I was circumcised as an infant and HATE it. I know it effects sexuality negatively ...
Motion to ban non-medical circumcision introduced in Sweden Haaretz
Two right-wing lawmakers, noting female genital mutilation is illegal in Sweden, submitted the motion to the Riksdag; a vote on the motion has not been set.
See all stories on this topic »
Many doctors performing circumcisions are poorly trained for ... National Post
The mere mention of the word circumcision is enough to make some men cringe, and a new study suggests they might have more reason to flinch than they ...
Chimpreports.com-Uganda News - 200 Circumcised In Kanungu
At least two hundred people have successfully under gone a free safe male circumcision drive conducted at Kihihi Health Center IV in Kanungu district.
Circumcision - Herpes-Coldsores.Com
When I have an OB It appears in the same place every time, some times a few blisters, sometimes more, but the patch of blisters appears only on my foreskin.
Estimates of male circumcision rates in the United States range from ...
Estimates of male circumcision rates in the United States range from around 55 ... I think it is more of hygiene than religious.. becoz Arab was the region where ...
Bulawayo24 NEWS | 21000 circumcised in Zim
OVER 21 000 men have been circumcised through the Ministry of Health and Child Care circumcision campaign aimed at reducing the development of cervical ...
Afar Tribe: Female Circumcision - Tribal Wives - Bbc Afar Village ...
This video concentrates on the practice of female circumcision in the Afar Tribea and contains subjects some viewers may find distressing. Lana Inglis travel...
Circumcision - DC Urban Moms and Dads
Me and my husband are having our first child and we could not be anymore happy. I am 8 months pregnant and he will be born soon. I want to know what are ...
Swedish MPs propose circumcision ban - Free Republic
Skip to comments. Swedish MPs propose circumcision ban · Jewish Chronicle ^ | September 25, 2013 | Charlotte Oliver. Posted on 09/25/2013 11:26:51 PM ...
Motion to Ban Non-Medical Circumcision Introduced in Sweden ...
Originally Posted by Celtic Heathen And cutting a piece of a child's genitals off is within reason? Like i said im sorry if i upset anyone with what i.
Suid-Kaap Forum | Male circumcision agreement signed
WESTERN CAPE NEWS – Provincial Government and Traditional Leaders signed a medical male circumcision agreement. The event is the signing of a ...
Court bans circumcision over 'psychological' fears (Germany)
Skip to comments. Court bans circumcision over 'psychological' fears (Germany) · TheLocal.de ^ | 26 Sep 2013 09:00 CET | (The Local/jlb). Posted on ...
Circumcision - Page 19 - Discussion World Forum
I am a little curious about how come you were raised in Catholicism. Do you have non-Swedish ancestry, my I ask? If I want to fit the Latin alphabet round a new ...
Swedish MPs propose circumcision ban Jewish Chronicle
A motion to ban the circumcision of males younger than 18, unless for medical purposes, has been presented to the Swedish parliament. Two members of the
Jewish Chronicle
German court rules circumcising 6-year-old is too risky UPI.com
HAMM, Germany, Sept. 26 (UPI) -- A German court has prohibited a mother from having her 6-year-old son circumcised due to a risk of psychological damage, ...
The Local.de
Unwrap the foreskin on a very special, uncircumised present UW Badger Herald
For starters, not being circumcised isn't at all bizarre. It's actually totally natural and normal. People with penises are born with their penises uncircumcised, and ..
A new view of gender equality Christian Science Monitor
Female circumcision – also called genital mutilation by the World Health Organization – was brought to the attention of the world's media largely thanks to Waris ...
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Why did I get an NHS circumcision? - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers
I recently had a routine OP for phimosis on the NHS.I had laryngospasm and they had to intubate and I ended up in the ICU.The problem I had was with the ...
Circumcision - DC Urban Moms and Dads
Anonymous wrote: Have you selected a pediatrician? Meet with them and tell them you've decided you probably won't circ and ask what they think. You'll get the ...
Intimidating Photos of Female Circumcision; A Punishment for ...
Hi, I came across some images of female circumcision I had never seen in the link below; discussing circumcision of women who have damaged/cut men's.
I'm doing a research paper on circumcision. Should I mention ...
So I have to turn in a proposal for my research paper which will be due around the end of the year. I am dead-set on writing about circumcision, mainly in the US, ...
I Support Circumcision But Not Vaccination - Experience Project
Outcast Among Outcasts : A true, personal story from the experience, I Support Circumcision But Not Vaccination. I don't understand how people who are ...
Mayoral Rivals Entangled in Debate on City's Rules for a ... - I4U News
New York's Air Is Cleanest in 50 Years, Survey Finds: Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said on Thursday that his adm... t.co/a90IHaYBpv. — melvlinda 34 sec ago.
Lhota and de Blasio's Circumcision Flip-Flopping Exposed - I4U News
Nugget of Wisdom: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has plans to ban the candy on candy apples. You will now... t.co/H3MkMS5byM.
Over 21 000 men circumcised countrywide | The Chronicle
Angeline Mpofu Chronicle Reporter MORE than 21 000 men were circumcised during the countrywide Ministry of Health and Child Care mobile campaign.
Circumcision is a new weapon to prevent HIV infection - Best News
According to the latest medical reports indicate that South Africa, carried out extensive adult male circumcision surgery in the next 20 years to prevent South ...
Swedish MPs propose circumcision ban - Theos Think Tank
A motion to ban the circumcision of males younger than 18, unless for medical purposes, has been presented to the Swedish parliament. Two members of the ...
New York Magazine
Circumcision continues to divide German opinion West - Welfare Society Territory
The issue of circumcision continues to be fiercely debated in Germany. The Court of Hamm has banned a mother from allowing her six-year-old son to undergo ...
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Zambia Chief Backs Male Cut AllAfrica.com
Migori A Zambian chief has backed the ongoing Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in Nyanza. The circumcision drive seeks to reduce high HIV prevalence ...
See all stories on this topic »
Medical back-up in Pondo initiation Mail & Guardian Online
During medical circumcision, a doctor surgically removes the foreskin of the penis and uses stitches to close the wound. It is also possible to use nonsurgical ...
Auburn couple accused of giving infant son methadone Northwest Cable News
The parents said the mother put methadone in the child's milk to help him with withdrawals and pain from his circumcision. The pair are due in court October 7.
See all stories on this topic »
Men in Teso prefer circumcision under the cover of darkness ...
The anti HIV campaign in Teso is facing a unique challenge. The men there are seeking circumcision under the cover of darkness. Watch KTN Streaming LIVE ...
Myths about Circumcision You Likely Believe | Psychology Today
Myths about Circumcision You Likely Believe | Psychology Today ...
Circumcision - DC Urban Moms and Dads
I'm from Europe. Almost nobody there is circumcised. I have never met a guy who had problems. My father is urologist, and also thinks routine infant circumcision ...
The Question Of Circumcision - Exposing The Truth
Circumcision is a choice, but is it a decision parents should be making for their children? Is there enough scientific reason for it, or is it opinion?
Swedish officials express concern over circumcision - UPI.com
Swedish officials say there is no reason to circumcise young boys and the practice violates United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Circumcision - DC Urban Moms and Dads
"Only in the most general of terms", EVERYONE (in modern culture) knows that traditional observant Jews families are REQUIRED to circumcise their baby boys.
The New York Times On Dangerous Haredi Circumcision Practice ...
Both the endorsed Republican and Democratic mayoral candidates have apparently decided to disregard the health and safety of haredi babies in exchange for ...
Swedish officials express concern over circumcision | USWebDaily ...
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Sept. 28 (UPI) -- Swedish officials say there is no reason to circumcise young boys and the practice violates United Nations Convention ...
Circumcision 'contravenes child's human rights' - Virtual Teen Forums
Circumcision 'contravenes child's human rights' Ramblings of the Wise.
Calls to ban circumcision in Sweden - Movie Balla
I'll stay if you pay, says Kyle t.co/7GFRI3WO1m He's kidding ,right? Is that the only talent Stations can obtain ? — rossf500 2 hours 24 min ago.
Circumcision - YouTube
This Article Circumcision is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be location at WikiPedia.org. 1872 ICD10 ICD9 ICD9mult MeshID ...
Circumcision at birth - Sedfast
I am surprised this topic does not get discussed here very often, seeing as things like false rape allegations, and divorce court do. In my opinion, circumcising a ...
Subjugation: #Circumcision “is the imposition of someone's will ...
Subjugation: #Circumcision “is the imposition of someone's will upon someone else's body.” #i2 http://t.co/99cJk5xb8V by IntactVoices 384049116856057856.
Help me re-find a graphic circumcision video - Page 2 - SevenString ...
Originally Posted by abandonist People who have undergone circumcision later in life universally say that sex is much less satisfying. That is a.
Mayoral Rivals Entangled in Debate on City's Rules for a ... New York Times
At issue is a practice called, in Hebrew, metzitzah b'peh, in which the officiant performing the circumcision, who is called a mohel, uses his mouth to remove
"Die Beschneidung" - Bücher - beschneidungsforum.de - das Forum ...
Seinen persönlichen Konflikt mit überlieferten Werten und Rollenbildern hat Dalos in einer Trilogie verarbeitet, die starke autobiographische Züge trägt.
Pädophilie-Debatte - Gesellschaft - beschneidungsforum.de - das ...
Was verlogeneres als den Tagesspiegel kann man sich kaum vorstellen wenn es um den Schutz vom "Körper des Kindes" geht. Zumal er regelmäßig das ...
Der Beschneidung von Frauen den Kampf ansagen - Main-Netz
Der wohl berühmteste deutsche Abenteurer, Überlebenskünstler, Menschenrechtler und Kämpfer gegen die Beschneidung von Frauen, Rüdiger Nehberg, war ...
Beschneidung II (UMT) - www.mykath.de - Seite 11
Der "Ombudsmann für die Kinder" in Schweden, fordert den Bann für die nicht medizinisch-indizierte Zirkumzision: http://m.thelocal.se...DAIuJ...
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de - Seite 19
Also, Rechtssicherheit können durchaus auch inkonsistente Vorschriften bieten. Nö. Das ist auch keine Frage, die Juristen mal so eben vom hohen Ros...
Ergebnisse für »Grundrechte - beschneidungsforum.de - das Forum ...
Von R2D2 (2. Juli 2013, 14:39) gefunden in: George Orwell lebt -Beschneidung und Demagogie - The Hall of Shame. 41, 1 882. Von mpv. (18. Juli 2013, 00:13).
Urteil des Oberlandesgerichts Hamm: Beschneidung untersagt | Virato
Eine Zusammenarbeit mit Rot-Grün könne klappen, sagt die Linke Janine Wissler. Selbst die neue Landebahn am Frankfurter Flughafen sei kein Hindernis.
OLG untersagt Mutter Beschneidung ihres Sohnes DIE WELT
Eine Frau wollte ihren sechsjährigen Sohn beschneiden lassen, damit er in Kenia als vollwertiger Mann anerkannt wird. Ein Dortmunder Gericht untersagt die ...
Dänische Regierungspartei für Verbot nicht-therapeutischer ...
Dänische Regierungspartei für Verbot nicht-therapeutischer "Beschneidung" an Jungen. die-betroffenen.de 24 September 2013. Die sozialliberale dänische ...
Circumcision has actually become “fashionable.” - Beschneidung ...
"Among young people, circumcision has actually become “fashionable.” Thanks to the Internet and television, they learned that in neighboring countries like the ...
Seit meiner Beschneidung haben wir keinen Sex mehr - Psychomeda
Seit meiner Beschneidung haben wir keinen Sex mehr.
Keine Beschneidung für Sechsjährigen - Radio 91.2
Eine Dortmunderin mit kenianischer Herkunft darf zurzeit ihren sechsjährigen Sohn nicht beschneiden lassen.
Oberlandesgericht Hamm, Beschneidung, Kenia : Aktuelle ...
Alle aktuellen Nachrichten zu Oberlandesgericht Hamm, Beschneidung, Kenia auf nachrichten.de.
Welt: OLG verbietet Beschneidung durch Mutter | Journalistenwatch ...
Das Problem ist damit nicht gelöst, aber immerhin…Die “Welt” schreibt: Das Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Hamm hat die 2012 neu geschaffene ...
Oberlandesgericht: Eltern müssen vor Beschneidung aufklären ...
Oberlandesgericht: Eltern müssen vor Beschneidung aufklären • Ein Gericht in Hamm hat einer Frau aus Kenia die Beschneidung ihres Sohnes verboten.
Endlich - Gericht greift bei Beschneidung durch! - Politik-Forum.eu
Und bei Moslems natürlich ebenso! Im Übrigen ging es bei dem Pimmel bzw. dessen Vorhaut, an dem und an der sich die "Kritiker" hier so krampfhaft festhalten ...
Eltern müssen vor Beschneidung aufklären - Nachrichten.de
Alle aktuellen Nachrichten zu Oberlandesgericht Hamm, Gesetzbuch, Beschneidung auf nachrichten.de.
Deutschland Kompakt DIE WELT
Das Oberlandesgericht Hamm hat einer aus Kenia stammenden Frau untersagt, ihren sechsjährigen Sohn beschneiden zu lassen. Laut der neuen Vorschrift im .
Hit Radio FFH
Blogs 1 neues Ergebnis für Beschneidung
Oberlandesgericht Hamm verbietet rituelle Beschneidung | Brights ... nickpol
Beschneidung verboten: Eine Dortmunderin darf ihren sechsjährigen Sohn nicht beschneiden lassen. Das hat jetzt das Oberlandesgericht Hamm entschieden.
Brights - Die Natur des Zweifels
Dortmunderin darf ihren Sohn (6) nicht beschneiden lassen | WAZ.de
Beschneidung verboten: Eine Dortmunderin darf ihren sechsjährigen Sohn nicht beschneiden lassen. Das hat jetzt das Oberlandesgericht Hamm entschieden.
D: Eltern müssen vor Beschneidung mit Sohn sprechen - religion ...
D: Eltern müssen vor Beschneidung mit Sohn sprechen. Das Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Hamm (Nordrhein-Westfalen) hat die neue deutsche Gesetzesregelung ...
Mutter darf ihren Sohn nicht beschneiden lassen - Die Welt
Eine Frau wollte ihren sechsjährigen Sohn beschneiden lassen, damit er in Kenia als vollwertiger Mann anerkannt wird. Ein Gericht untersagt die Beschneidung ...
Oberlandesgericht Hamm untersagt Beschneidung | aktuell ...
Das Oberlandesgericht Hamm hat einer aus Kenia stammenden Frau untersagt, ihren sechsjährigen Sohn beschneiden zu lassen.
OLG urteilt nach neuer Beschneidungsvorschrift Soester Anzeiger
Die Richter bestätigten damit eine Entscheidung des Amtsgerichts Dortmund, das die Beschneidung ohne medizinische Indikatoren nicht zugelassen hatte.
OLG wendet neue Beschneidungsvorschrift an Pharmazeutische Zeitung online
In einem heute veröffentlichten Urteil vom 30. August hat das OLG einer Mutter untersagt, ihren sechsjährigen Sohn beschneiden zu lassen (Az.: 3 UF 133/13).
Bauunternehmen rebellieren gegen städtische Pläne Südwest Presse
Zu befürchten sei eine "Beschneidung des privaten Wettbewerbs und eine klare Fokussierung der Stadt Ludwigsburg als monopolistischer ..
Stuttgarter Zeitung
OLG Hamm - Entscheidung zur neuen Beschneidungsvorschrift ... Rechtsindex (Pressemitteilung)
Eine Kindesmutter aus Kenia darf ihren sechsjährigen Sohn zurzeit nicht entsprechend den kulturellen Riten ihres Heimatlandes beschneiden lassen. Zurzeit
Rechtsstreit - Zu schnell entschieden Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger
Das Oberlandesgericht Hamm hat einer aus Kenia stammenden Frau untersagt, ihren sechsjährigen Sohn beschneiden zu lassen. Dabei hatte der Bundestag ...
OLG Hamm untersagt Beschneidung: Eltern müssen Sechsjährigen ... Legal Tribune ONLINE
Die Richter des OLG Hamm haben in einem Beschluss die neue Vorschrift zur Beschneidung von Jungen konkretisiert. Eine Mutter aus Kenia darf ihren Sohn ..
Gefährdung des Kindswohls - Kindsmutter darf Sohn nicht ... Kostenlose Urteile
RA Dieter Linke, Berlin(besitzt u.a. folgende Qualifikationen: Fachanwalt für Familienrecht und Fachanwalt für Verkehrsrecht und beschäftigt sich mit:
Urteil: Oberlandesgericht Hamm verbietet Mutter die Beschneidung ... ShortNews.de
Die Beschneidung eines sechsjährigen Jungen wurde vom Oberlandesgericht in Hamm untersagt. Das Gericht begründete dies damit, dass das Kind nicht ...
Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen »
26.09.2013 – Yozgat, NSU, Beschneidung, Türkei, Integration ... MiGAZIN (Pressemitteilung)
OLG verbietet Beschneidung; Sachsen-Anhalt übernimmt Vorsitz der Integrationsministerkonferenz; NSU Terror: Vera von A. schildert glaubhaft ..
Urteil des Oberlandesgerichts Hamm taz.de
In einem am Mittwoch veröffentlichten Urteil vom 30. August hat das OLG einer Mutter untersagt, ihren sechsjährigen Sohn beschneiden zu lassen (Az.: 3 UF ...
OLG verbietet Frau Beschneidung ihres Sohnes op-online.de
Hamm - Ein Gericht in Hamm hat einer Mutter die Beschneidung ihres sechs Jahre alten Sohnes verboten. Der Grund: Sie hätte das Kind zuvor aufklären und ..
OLG: Eltern müssen vor Beschneidung mit Sohn über Eingriff ... DIE WELT
Das Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Hamm hat die neue Gesetzesregelung zu religiös und kulturell motivierten Beschneidungen konkretisiert und einer Mutter aus ..
Gericht verbietet erneut rituelle Beschneidung Südwest Presse
Laut Gesetz habe die allein sorgeberechtigte Frau zwar grundsätzlich das Recht, in die medizinisch nicht notwendige Beschneidung ihres Sohnes einzuwilligen ...
Dortmunder Fall: Keine Beschneidung für Sechsjährigen Radio 91.2
Juden und Muslime reagierten empört, als ein Gericht im Mai 2012 die Beschneidung eines Jungen als Körperverletzung wertete. Ein neues Gesetz soll ..
D: OLG: Eltern müssen vor Beschneidung mit Sohn über Eingriff ... ZEIT ONLINE
Hamm (AFP) - (AFP) Das Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Hamm hat die neue Gesetzesregelung zu religiös und kulturell motivierten Beschneidungen konkretisiert
Die Grenzen der Beschneidung | Nics Bloghaus
Logo der Kinderrechtskampagne, Foto: E. FrerkBereits am 30.
Beschneidung (Urologie) - Gesundheitsfrage.net
Moin habe einige fragen zu der beschneidung, ich bin 21 und habe eine vorhaut verenung die immer enger wird... Wie lange ist man krank geschrieben? nach ...
Oberlandesgericht Hamm untersagt medizinisch ... - Das Börsenportal
Nach der umstrittenen Änderung des § 1631 BGB war es still geworden zum Thema Beschneidung. Die Entscheidung des OLG Hamm, eine Beschneidung ...
Beschneidung verboten | SABAH AVRUPA - Die Türkische ...
Das Beschneidungsverbot, das die deutsche Tagesordnung beschäftigte und ausführlich diskutiert wurde, scheint mit einem Gerichtsurteil wieder aktuell zu.
Oberlandesgericht Hamm untersagt Beschneidung - T-Online
Offenbar gibt es noch Gerichte in Deutschland, die das Rumschnippeln an kleinen Jungs nicht ohne Weiteres durchwinken.
Gericht verbietet Beschneidung Endlich... - NPD Landesverband ...
Gericht verbietet Beschneidung Endlich humane Entscheidung eines Gerichtes. Das OLG Hamm untersagt einer Schwarzafrikanerin, ihren sechsjährigen Sohn.
Politik: OLG verbietet Beschneidung Süddeutsche.de
Hamm - Das Oberlandesgericht Hamm hat die 2012 neu geschaffene Beschneidungsvorschrift aus religiösen oder kulturellen Motiven im Bürgerlichen
Kinder müssen vorher aufgeklärt werden Spiegel Online
Darf ein Kind beschnitten werden, wenn es gar nicht genau weiß, was mit ihm geschieht? Nein, urteilte jetzt das Oberlandesgericht Hamm. Eltern und Ärzte
Gericht untersagt Beschneidung Nordwest-Zeitung
Hamm Das Oberlandesgericht Hamm hat einer aus Kenia stammenden Frau untersagt, ihren sechsjährigen Sohn beschneiden zu lassen. Laut der neuen ...
Das Oberlandesgericht Hamm hat die neue Gesetzesregelung zu ... Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung)
Psychisches Wohl - Gericht verbietet Beschneidung eines Jungen Das ... Die Frau müsse die Beschneidung altersgemäß mit ihrem Kind besprechen.
Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen »
Web 11 neue Ergebnisse für Beschneidung
Gericht untersagt Beschneidung eines Sechsjährigen | WAZ.de
Das Oberlandesgericht Hamm hat einer aus Kenia stammenden Frau aus Dortmund untersagt, ihren sechsjährigen Sohn beschneiden zu lassen. Demnach ...
Zu den gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen des § 1631 d BGB für eine ...
Nach § 1631 d BGB haben die Sorgeberechtigten zwar grundsätzlich das Recht, in die medizinisch nicht indizierte Beschneidung eines Jungen einzuwilligen, ...
Beschneidung, Überfälle und Antisemitismus | Südwest Presse Online
Der Dresdner Rabiner Alexander Nachama kommt am Montag, 30. September, nach Hall. Er will im HFM über das jüdische Gemeindeleben berichten.
Oberlandesgericht Hamm untersagt Beschneidung eines ...
Eine Kindesmutter darf ihren sechsjährigen Sohn zurzeit nicht beschneiden lassen. Das hat der 3. Senat für Familiensachen des Oberlandesgerichts Hamm mit ...
Urteil Oberlandesgericht Hamm verbietet Mutter die Beschneidung ihres Sohnes Die Beschneidung eines sechsjährigen Jungen wurde vom Oberlandesgericht ...
Oberlandesgericht: Eltern müssen vor Beschneidung mit Sohn über ...
Hamm – Das Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Hamm hat die neue Gesetzesregelung zu religiös und kulturell motivierten Beschneidungen konkretisiert und einer ...
Beschneidung Archives » IslamiQ - Debatten- und ...
OLG Hamm konkretisiert Beschneidungsgesetz. Das Oberlandesgericht Hamm hat die kulturell begründete Beschneidung eines 6 Jahre alten Jungen verboten.
Beschneidung News | OLG Hamm: Eltern dürfen ihren ...
In Hamm hat das Oberlandesgericht beschlossen, dass eine aus Kenia stammende Mutter nicht einfach ihren sechsjährigen Sohn beschneiden lassen darf.
Urteil zur Beschneidung: Kinder müssen vorher aufgeklärt werden
Deutschlands größtes Forum für aktuelle Debatte. Diskussionen über Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport, Kultur, Wissenschaft, Technik und mehr.
openPR - OLG Hamm untersagt Mutter Beschneidung ihres Sohnes ...
Pressemitteilung von Rechtsanwalt Alexander Heumann OLG Hamm untersagt Mutter Beschneidung ihres Sohnes.
Abtreibung und Mädchen-Beschneidung - www.mykath.de - Seite 20
Die 68er sind wohl eher boten des lichts, des friedens und der (freien) liebe.sie setzten die menschenrechte in die welt. freiheit, emanzipation, gl...
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
Wiki hat geschrieben: Gemäß Nigel Barley tragen die Männer der Dowayo in Kamerun ein aus einem Flaschenkürbis gearbeitetes Penisfutteral, weil in der ...
Oberlandesgericht Hamm untersagt medizinisch unnötige ... Telepolis
Nach der umstrittenen Änderung des § 1631 BGB war es still geworden zum Thema Beschneidung. Die Entscheidung des OLG Hamm, eine Beschneidung ..
OLG Hamm untersagt Beschneidung | Presseschau
Das Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Hamm hat das Gesetz zu kulturell und religiös motivierten Beschneidungen konkretisiert. Demnach müssen Eltern und Ärzte ...
Beschneidung bei einem 16. jährigen? (Frage, männlich)
Hey ich bin 16 und männlich. Ich denke ich habe eine Vorhautverengung. Ich muss aber noch zum Urologen um es nachschauen zu lassen. Und jetzt habe ich ...
Kinder müssen vor Beschneidung aufgeklärt werden!? - Forum ...
Hallo Leute,. eigentlich dachte ich, die Beschneidung sei zum Nachteil der Jungen endgültig entschieden, aber zum Glück gibt es Richter, die das nicht einfach ...
Sechsjähriger muss über Beschneidung mitentscheiden ...
Sechsjähriger muss über Beschneidung mitentscheiden Urteil Wollen Eltern ihren sechsjährigen Sohn beschneiden lassen, muss auch das Kind in diese ...
Hamm - Beschneiden verboten Berliner Zeitung
In vielen Dörfern Kenias werden Jungen in der Winterregenzeit Reifeprüfungen unterzogen. Kraft und Mut müssen sie zeigen, vor allem aber beweisen, dass ...
Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen »
Eltern und Ärzte müssen mit Kindern vor Beschneidung sprechen ...
Darf ein Kind beschnitten werden, wenn es gar nicht genau weiß, was mit ihm geschieht? Nein, urteilte jetzt das Oberlandesgericht Hamm. Eltern und Ärzte ...
Nachrichten : Baum-Beschneidung - B.Z. Berlin
Prenzlauer Berg - In der Pappelallee werden ab kommende Woche Baumschnitt- und Baumpflegearbeiten durchgeführt. Betroffen sind 15 Eschen und Pappeln.
God Job: Male Circumcision In Mpumba Chiefdom | Tumfweko
God Job: Male Circumcision In Mpumba Chiefdom. Dear Editor. I Really want to thank the Chilonga mission Hospital management for the good work they are ...
"Forced Genital Cutting," and Jewish circumcision - Religious Forums
Originally Posted by 9-10ths_Penguin That article isn't specific; did they mean this study? Male circumcision for HIV prevention in men in Rakai,
[with Rael's comment] 'Racist Trend': Israel slams European Council ...
[with Rael's comment] 'Racist Trend': Israel slams European Council over circumcision ruling. Showing 1-1 of 1 messages ...
The News UNIT: Romans Chapter 15 "The Circumcision"
Was this a RAISE IT UP ride? Watch what really happened at LIVE LEAK: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=319_1380522846 The police kn... Miriam Casey's ...
'Racist Trend': Israel slams European Council over circumcision ruling
From RT... Israel has accused the Council of Europe of “fostering hate and racist trends” after it passed a resolution calling the male circumcision.
'Racist Trend': Israel slams European Council over circumcision ruling
SOURCE> X Israel has accused the Council of Europe of “fostering hate and racist trends” after it passed a resolution calling the male circumcision ri…
Israel attacks Council of Europe move to restrict male circumcision ...
Originally Posted by Rainman05 1+4. yes, they can't make choices. And I agree, medical care is the duty of the parents until the child is older. But.
U.S. Circumcision Rates Drop by 10 Percent: CDC » family health ...
THURSDAY, Aug. 22 (HealthDay News) — Male circumcision rates in the United States declined 10 percent between 1979 and 2010, federal health officials ...
circumcision | So Far From Heaven
Posts about circumcision written by Old Jules. ... Most of us probably go through life without doing a lot of thinking about circumcision. I know I have, though I ...
Israel Throws A Fit Over Circumcision Ban | Page 3 | SpaceBattles.com
If the social mores of a society dictate that harming a child is unacceptable, the society should not have to change to suit the desires of a minority who...
Mothers, do you support circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
I know this is not the right section to ask all this but this was the only place where people are still answering. Plz just bear with me on this_ If you have a baby boy ...
Re: Stop circumcision!: Off Topic Forum: Digital Photography Review
why are you so obsessed with this topic? Circumcision is healthy and women prefer circumcised men. Reply Reply with quote Complain ...
Kontorovich on the Council of Europe's New Recommendation to ...
Eugene Kontorovich has an interesting and, to my mind, in portions persuasive comment on the Council of Europe's new recommendation that nations should ...
Israel slams European Council over circumcision ruling
"Israel has accused the Council of Europe of “fostering hate and racist trends” after it passed a resolution calling the male circumcision ritual "a violation of the ...
Circumcision question... - BabyCenter
Circumcision question... Bookmark it • MissChris3. Posted 20 mins ago. Hi ladies! We've finally been blessed with a boy, which is beyond exciting for us and until ...
Circumcision of infants - Historum - History Forums
Should it be legal? What are the arguments for/against? How does freedom of religion come into it? If you answer "No", where do you put the.
Europe dubbed racist for wanting circumcision regulated - Page 3 ...
Europe dubbed racist for wanting circumcision regulated Off-Topic: The Tavern.
European anti-circumcision motion 'fosters hate,' Israel says - St ...
(JTA) — Israel called on the Council of Europe to rescind a resolution which it said was “fostering hate” because it equates non-medical circumcision of boys ...
Anti circumcision = racism - Godlike Productions
Israel says European resolution on circumcision 'racist' Jerusalem (AFP) - Israel labelled as "racist" and "anti-religious" Friday a resolution of the pan-European ...
10-05-2013 - Week 22: The Great Circumcision Debate
Circumcision has made lots of headlines lately. What used to be a no-brainer has become a hot-button topic among parents, doctors, and older men who are ...
Jewish groups slam Council of Europe Assembly resolution on ... European Jewish Press
''Circumcision on the eighth day is nearly universally practiced among Jews, and its ban could lead to entire Jewish communities leaving Europe,'' he added.
Mpumalanga Health suspends contract Independent Online
“Corruption Watch investigated and found that in June this year, the company received a one-year contract from the department to circumcise 260 000 boys and .
On Blood Rituals The People's Voice
“Jewish circumcision was the subject of a wide-ranging debate in ... Circumcision had long been regarded as the most distinctive and separatist of all Jewish ...
See all stories on this topic »
AAP says Circumcision is better choice? - BabyGaga
Apparently the AAP has changed circumcision guidelines. ... A bunch of doctors, who make money off circumcision, support circumcision. Sounds legit.
Circumcision - DC Urban Moms and Dads
My newborn screams when I change his diaper and he is exposed to the cooler air. He also screams when he is hungry. And he screams when I put him down.
'Racist Trend': Israel slams European Council over circumcision ruling
Israel has accused the Council of Europe of “fostering hate and racist trends” after it passed a resolution calling the male circumcision ritual "a violation of the ...
Should circumcision be legal? - Page 17 - Social Anxiety Forum
I dunno why she would blame herself when I started it. Whatever.
Israel calls on Europe to rescind anti-circumcision resolution - I24news
Israel's foreign ministry called the resolution a 'moral stain' on the Council of Europe - Israel, Europe, female genital mutilation, Circumcision, PACE.
Israel slams 'racist' EU rights resolution on circumcision - Netkafa.com
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israel slammed as "racist" and "anti-religious" Friday a resolution of the pan-European human rights body calling for.
'Racist Trend': Israel slams European Council over circumcision ruling
Israel has accused the Council of Europe of “fostering hate and racist trends” after it passed a resolution calling the male circumcision ritual.
'Racist Trend': Israel slams European Council over circumcision ruling
http://rt.com/files/news/20/a7/00/00/circumcision-israel.ec.jpg Israel has accused the Council of Europe of “fostering hate and racist trends” after it passed a ...
Israel: Europe Council resolution fosters hate, racism - Free Republic
Israel against the Council of Europe: The Foreign Ministry is calling on the Council of Europe to immediately rescind a resolution calling male ritual circumcision ...
'Racist Trend': Israel slams European Council over circumcision ruling
it's racist not to allow circumcision but it's not racist for the Jews to commit Palestinian genocide ? Share. Tell me when this thread is updated: (Registration is not ...
Posts about circumcision written by Shimona from the Palace.
8th day circumcision » The Painful Truth Blog
GTA remarked about having a baby boy circumcised on the 8th day when that day ... HWA stated in “Missing Dimension in Sex” the circumcision command was ...
Misandry - The hatred of men - Male circumcision is a human rights ...
Male circumcision is a human rights violation that must be stopped say European...
circumcision - Isaan Forum - Thailand Forum - ThaiVisa.com
circumcision - posted in Isaan Forum: looking for doctor who can circumcise my new baby boy in sisaket or ubon or maybe bangkok if l have to go that far.
'Racist Trend': Israel slams European Council over circumcision ruling
'Racist Trend': Israel slams European Council over circumcision ruling ... ensured for practices such as the non-medically justified circumcision of young boys.”.
European Parliament Outlaws Circumcision; Israel Calls It "A Moral ...
A resolution to outlaw male ritual circumcision, calling it a “violation of the physical integrity of children” was passed overwhelmingly by the Parliamentary ...
Re: Stop circumcision!: Off Topic Forum: Digital Photography Review
I suggest to create a perfect equality and make it law that families can continue to circumcise their baby boys on the condition that the mother and sisters of that ...
Re: Stop circumcision!: Off Topic Forum: Digital Photography Review
Male circumcision cuts off more than female circumcision. The foreskin is double layered as those of us who still have one can easily check when they retract it.
Council of Europe rejects Israeli criticism of anti-circumcision ...
Council of Europe rejects Israeli criticism of anti-circumcision resolution http://t.co/GVp8BulgDf by Jerusalem_Post 386330029484830720.
Europe is racist for wanting circumcision regulated - Civilization ...
Europe is racist for wanting circumcision regulated Off-Topic: The Tavern.
"Forced Genital Cutting," and Jewish circumcision - Religious Forums
Originally Posted by Curious George This is precisely from where the right stems. This is why you or any other voter does not have a say in whether a.
Rep. Engel slams 'offensive' European call for circumcision ban ...
“To somehow label male circumcision, a tradition practiced by Jewish and Muslim communities for thousands of years, a 'human rights violation' is ludicrous and ...
Religion Animus in Proposed Circumcision Ban | National Review ...
A resolution that calls male ritual circumcision a “violation of the physical integrity of children” was passed overwhelmingly by the Parliamentary Assembly of the ...
'Racist Trend': Israel slams European Council over circumcision ...
There are health benefits to circumcision. Circumcision is genital mutilation of infants without anesthesia and without their consent.
Israel Calls to Rescind Anti Circumcision Resolution
Israel's Foreign Ministry has issued a statement calling on the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to immediately rescind its recently ...
'Racist Trend': Israel slams European Council over circumcision ...
Religious mutilation of newborns must be stopped. Finally a wise and good decision has been made by the Council.
Stop circumcision!: Off Topic Forum: Digital Photography Review
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has passed a resolution expressing its concern about violations of the physical integrity of children ...
Religion Animus in Proposed Circumcision Ban National Review Online (blog)
Circumcision is fundamental to Jewish and Muslim identity. If you deny a Jewish boy the rite, you keep him from full inclusion in his culture. And if he then elects ..
Soft tab viagra Pacific Free Press
However the AAFP estimates the rate of deaths with circumcision. AAP has and ... Case reports need to circumcision is a cure thick bandaid without the disease.
Homa Bay anti-HIV campaign having little impact The Star
They said promoting the use of condoms and free voluntary medical male circumcision campaigns have not paid off. Population Service International Kenya ...
See all stories on this topic »
Blogs 1 new result for circumcision
Israel: European anti-circumcision motion 'fosters hate' | Israel ... webmaster@jewishjournal.com
2013/10/04 - Israel called on the Council of Europe to rescind a resolution which is “fostering hate” by equating non-medical circumcision of boys with female ...
Jewish Journal News and Blog Feed
Web 32 new results for circumcision
Israel says European resolution on circumcision 'racist' - Yahoo News
From Yahoo News: Jerusalem (AFP) - Israel labelled as "racist" and "anti-religious" Friday a resolution of the pan-European human rights body calling for ...
Israel blasts European Council's 'moral stain' on circumcision
"Circumcision of male children is an ancient religious tradition of two important religions, Judaism and Islam, and it is also common among some Christian ...
Why Being Muslim Can't Get You Out Of Swim Class In Germany Worldcrunch
BERLIN — Ritual circumcision for Muslim and Jewish boys remains legal in Germany. Germany's legislative body, the Bundestag, decided as much last year in ...
See all stories on this topic »
Salford nurse struck off after baby died in Oldham home circumcision Manchester Evening News
Adeleye, who is originally from Nigeria, was paid £100 to carry out the circumcision by the youngster's parents Sylvia Attiko and Olajunti Fatunla, who are also ...
See all stories on this topic »
Israel: circumcision guideline 'racist' The Japan Times
The Israeli Foreign Ministry criticized the resolution, which passed Tuesday, saying it fostered “racist trends.” It added that “claims that circumcision harms young ...
See all stories on this topic »
Israel Condemns Council Of Europe's Circumcision Ban, Calls It ... Medical Daily
(Zivya, CC-BY-SA-3.0) After the Council Of Europe adopts a resolution against circumcision, Israel condemns the Council for anti-religious hatred and ignorance
Proposed circumcision ban a 'sign of... - 5 Towns Jewish Times ...
Proposed circumcision ban a 'sign of anti-Semitism' Jewish groups spoke out harshly this week against a resolution passed on Tuesday by the...
Israel condemns European advice on circumcision New Zealand Herald
JERUSALEM (AP) Israel has condemned a pronouncement by a European advisory council against male ritual circumcision, a practice that Jewish leaders ...
Israel slams 'racist' EU rights resolution on circumcision FRANCE 24
AFP - Israel slammed as "racist" and "anti-religious" Friday a resolution of the pan-European human rights body calling for regulation of religious circumcision ...
See all stories on this topic »
European anti-circumcision motion 'fosters hate,' Israel says Canadian Jewish News (blog)
Israel called on the Council of Europe to rescind a resolution which it said was “fostering hate” because it equates non-medical circumcision of boys with female ...
Piece by @taslimanasreen on steps by Nordic countries to ban circumcision of underage boys without consent http://t.co/bQCX9sQQqh by abhijitmajumder ...
European Council denounces ritual circumcision - Spero News
The Council of Europe has passed a non-binding resolution banning circumcision, a practice that is central to the identify of both Muslims and Jews. According ...
Foreign Ministry slams council of European for anti-circumcision ...
Israel on Friday called on the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to annul a resolution it passed on Tuesday against circumcision , calling it a ...
Israel attacks Council of Europe move to restrict male circumcision ...
Quote: "Any comparison of (male circumcision) to the reprehensible and barbaric practice of female genital mutilation is either appalling ignorance, at best, ...
Israel calls on European council to rescind anti-circumcision resolution
Israel on Friday called on the European Union to revoke a resolution against circumcision that was adopted earlier in the week by a pan-European council .
Turkish Deputy PM slams Council of Europe's circumcision decision
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ slammed a recent resolution by the PACE.
European Council Calls for Circumcision Ban | The Muslim Times
Arutz Sheva: The European Council calls circumcision of children a violation of human rights, calls for legal ban until age 15. The Parliamentary Assembly.
Religion is like circumcision. If you wait until they're 21 to tell them ...
Answers to the question, Religion Is Like Circumcision. If You Wait Until They're 21 To Tell Them About It They Probably Won't Be Interested. Answers to ...
"Forced Genital Cutting," and Jewish circumcision - Religious Forums
Originally Posted by 9-10ths_Penguin As I mentioned earlier , the best evidence is that 3 in a million uncircumcised men get penile cancer every year.
Nordics Fight Against Boys' Circumcision - The Reykjavik Grapevine
An enquiry from a 16 old boy in Iceland has led to all the Children's ombudsmen in the Nordic countries starting a joint campaign against circumcision on young ...
European Council condemns male circumcision, and other stories ...
European Council condemns male circumcision as human rights violation. A report by the Council said male circumcision for religious reasons was "particularly ...
Nordic countries push for circumcision ban - TalkRational
Nordic countries push for circumcision ban Politics and Current Affairs.
Nordic countries take steps to ban circumcision. - Teoti
A big applause to Nordic countries for taking historic steps to ban circumcision. Yesterday, during a meeting in Oslo, Nordic ombudsmen for children, Nordic ...
By Ori Lewis JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel on Friday accused a leading European human rights body of fostering hatred and racism in calling for the ...
Israel: European stance on circumcision 'intolerable' - Israpundit
Israel denounced the Council of Europe for its recent anti-circumcision resolution Friday, calling on it to rescind its statements and warning that the resolution ...
Protesters ask Good Samaritan Hospital to stop circumcision study ...
A group is asking a local hospital to stop a study involving circumcisions.
Circumcision Under Threat: Council of Europe resolution brands ...
The Council of Europe has overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling male ritual circumcision a "violation of the physical integrity of children". The resolu...
Group protests circumcision study at Clifton hospital - YouTube
They believe the experiment to find out which tool causes less pain is inhumane and violates the child's rights.
Israel: European stance on circumcision 'intolerable' | Israel.com
Foreign Ministry calls on Council of Europe to 'immediately' rescind statements on religious ritual, comparison to female genital mutilation...
Proposed circumcision ban a 'sign of anti-Semitism' | Israel.com
Jewish groups harshly criticize European council resolution calling circumcision a “violation of the physical integrity of children.”...
Free circumcision for under privileged children in Rangpur | The ...
RANGPUR : The Lions Club of Rangpur (LCR) District 351A2 conducted free circumcision for 30 poor and distressed minor boys at a camp arranged at Rangpur ...
Male Circumcision and Risky Sexual Behavior in ... - Measure DHS
DEMOGRAPHIC. AND. HEALTH. SURVEYS. DHS WORKING PAPERS. 2013 No. 102. Antony Chikutsa. Alfred C. Ncube. Shepard Mutsau. September 2013.
Israel denounces anti-circumcision resolution | The New Indian ...
Israel Friday denounced a resolution by the Council of Europe urging the EU member states to consider banning circumcision, calling on the body to rescind ...
Circumcision??? - The Bump
Okay this is going to be a question/opinion post. I have a gut feeling that I'm having a boy, I've started to do some research on Circumcision, I've read a few ...
EU speaks out on circumcision West - Welfare Society Territory
Globally, 30% of the male population (over 15 years) are circumcised. The majority, about 70%, are Muslims. A practice on which the Council of Europe has ...
See all stories on this topic »
Israel calls on European council to rescind anti-circumcision resolution Jerusalem Post
Israel on Friday called on the European Union to rescind a resolution against circumcision that was adopted earlier in the week by a pan-European ...
See all stories on this topic »
Israel to Europe Council: Annul Anti Circumcision Vote Arutz Sheva
Israel called on the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Friday, to rescind immediately the resolution it recently adopted against ...
See all stories on this topic »
Israel calls on Council of Europe Assembly to rescind its resolution ... European Jewish Press
Amendments that sought to remove or alter references to the circumcision of boys were rejected. Also, an amendment that removed a reference to the “religious ...
See all stories on this topic »
Blogs 1 new result for circumcision
European Council Passes Anti-Circumcision Resolution ... Washington Free Beacon Staff
The Council of Europe passed a non-binding anti-circumcision resolution earlier this week saying the practice violates physical integrity of children.
Washington Free Beacon
Web 29 new results for circumcision
Circumcision ruling: European bureaucrats are effectively banning ...
We all know how ban-happy the EU, the EC and other Brussels- and Strasbourg-based bodies can be. Well, now they have outdone themselves by effectively.
Israel condemns European advice on circumcision - Yahoo News
From Yahoo News: JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel has condemned a pronouncement by a European advisory council against male ritual circumcision, a practice ...
Discussion point: circumcision « Samizdata
Circumcision ruling: European bureaucrats are effectively banning Jewish boys, argues Brendan O'Neill, quoting the Jerusalem Post and unintentionally ...
Israel: European decision against circumcision fuels racism - Israel ...
The Israeli Foreign Ministry issued a statement harshly condemning the decision of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Thursday which ...
Israel attacks Council of Europe move to restrict male circumcision
European Council Votes to Ban Circumcision Shalom Life
Are Europe's Jews about to launch a new struggle for the observance of the circumcision ritual across the continent? The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council ..
Israel: European stance on circumcision 'intolerable' The Times of Israel
Israel denounced the Council of Europe for its recent anti-circumcision resolution Friday, calling on it to rescind its statements and warning that the resolution ...
Israel calls on Council of Europe to rescind anti-circumcision ... Jerusalem Post
Israel on Friday called on the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to annul a resolution it passed on Tuesday against circumcision, calling it a ...
Israel: Rescind Anti-Circumcison Resolution Christian Broadcasting Network
JERUSALEM, Israel -- The Israeli Foreign Ministry called on the Council of Europe Friday to immediately rescind its anti-circumcision resolution passed earlier ...
Israel Calls to Rescind Anti Circumcision Resolution Arutz Sheva
Israel has described a Council of Europe (PACE) resolution against circumcision as a "moral stain" that will foster hatred across Europe. By Kochava ..
female circumcision | Topics | The Times of Israel
Let Ayaan Hirsi Ali speak • Shayna Zamkanei makes it sound as if landing in the West made this courageous woman a sellout. Nothing could be further than the ...
Circumcision - DC Urban Moms and Dads
Not the PP, I'm a nurse that has assisted more circ's than I've ever wanted to. Every doc has their own preferences. Most don't want to bother with the lidocaine ...
EUROPE - Council of Europe 'worried' about circumcision
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has released a resolution focused on the “violations of the physical integrity of children”
Where to get circumcision supplies - Circumsizion - tribe.net
Im from Portugal and i cant seem to find any supplier of any kind of klamp or circumcision device in europe. Anyone knows of any site/supplier of circumcision ...
Israel and Stuff » circumcision banIsrael and Stuff
The resolution passed with 78 in favor to just 13 against. Fifteen people abstained from the vote. Representatives called to ban “certain operations and ...
Nsanje Communities Heavily Protest Against Circumcision…Pupils ...
There was a commotion on Wednesday at Mchacha Primary School in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Mlolo in Nsanje when an angry mob, armed with ...
The perils of circumcision National Post
Last month, the National Post published Mark Joseph Stern's article (“'Intactivists' against circumcision, Sept. 19) criticizing anti-circumcision activists, whom Mr.
Europe Council votes against circumcision | Israel.com
Parliamentary Assembly of Pan-European intergovernmental organization passes resolution calling male circumcision, female genital mutilation 'a violation of ...
Circumcision and HIV: We must wise up - Weekend Post
This week we heard that there is an upsurge of cases of people who got infected with HIV following circumcision. This development should have roots and they ...
Male circumcision is a human rights violation - Mixed Martial Arts ...
Male circumcision is a human rights violation that must be stopped say European leaders....The Council of Europe has told its 47 member states (including the ...
Circumcision wound question - BabyCenter
This may be a dumb question, but my son was in sposies, so we used A&D for a long time to help it heal and keep it from sticking to the diaper, so what do you ...
Nordic countries may finally ban circumcision. - JREF Forum
Nordic countries may finally ban circumcision. Social Issues & Current Events.
Council of Europe 'worried' about circumcision | Mensactivism.org
Article here. Excerpt: 'The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has released a resolution focused on the “violations of the physical integrity ...
European Council passes anti-circumcision resolution - Inagist
Clearly anti-Semitic RT @TimesofIsrael: European Council passes anti-circumcision resolution http://t.co/2Toz62Ui0h by antloewenstein 385555587473211393.
Nurse Grace Adelaye banned from practising in UK after baby ... Daily Mail
A nurse who let a three-and-a-half week baby bleed to death after carrying out a circumcision using just scissors, forceps and olive oil has been banned from
At a Glance The Jewish Press
Meir Panim distributes 2,500 prepaid food cards to those in need. The food cards can be used at major Israeli supermarket chains to purchase food and .
European council passes anti-ritual circumcision resolution | Jewish ...
A resolution that calls male ritual circumcision a "violation of the physical integrity of children" was passed overwhelmingly by the Parliamentary Assembly of the ...
Circumcision that removes shaft skin instead of foreskin?
I'm considering getting circumcised and I was wondering, Is there a form of circumcision that removes the shaft skin and then the foreskin is retracted and ...
EU Parliamentary Assembly Rules Against Circumcision | Jewish ...
Ynet – Are Europe's Jews about to launch a new struggle for the observance of the circumcision ritual across the continent? The Parliamentary Assembly of the ...
circumcision yay or nay? - Page 14 - Pandora's Box - Grasscity Forum
i was circumcised soon after birth so...it's not like I was yay or nay to begin with but, I gotta say, ain't had a disatisfied customer yet. product sells itsself ...
PSA for Circumcision - The Bump
One thing we did NOT have at home for DS when we brought him home was petroleum jelly to put on his circumcision. They did give us a little tube at the …
WHOLE Network's Response to Fit Pregnancy - The WHOLE Network
On September 30, 2013, the magazine Fit Pregnancy released an article about circumcision. We ask that you read the article, leave informative comments on ...
Report: Circumcision Rates Declining in U.S. - Kfbk.com
A new report out today from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals fewer parents are choosing to have their sons circumcised, especially in the ...
Come on, isn't this the 21st Century? #Circumcision : davidicke
Surely no one is still primitive enough to demand that they suck the blood of a baby's penis which they have needlessly and painfully circumcised? Er, fraid so …
Vhembe Men Learn About Circumcision AllAfrica.com
Nurses from Limpopo's Guyuni clinic took time off from the clinic to talk to young men in Helula village about medical male circumcision. "I felt that it was very ..
County seeks forced male 'cut' law The Standard Digital News
“The proposed Bill requires that every born male child should be circumcised. It will also be helpful to the whole community since it will seek to accommodate the ...
See all stories on this topic »
Web 10 new results for circumcision
Is circumcision practice on a child a human rights violation and child ...
If a parent took a knife and cut any other part of a child, he/she would be guilty of a crime, so why not circumcision?
Circumcision at a year old? - Yahoo! Answers
Due to a medical problem my son has he will be circumcised at a year old as part of a reconstructive surgery. Is there anything I should know about caring for a ...
Nordic countries push for circumcision ban: stand by for howls of ...
AT meeting Oslo last week, Nordic ombudsmen for children, paediatricians, and paediatric surgeons agreed a resolution urging their national governments to ...
Motion to Ban Non-Medical Circumcision Introduced in Sweden ...
Originally Posted by garryowen Male and female 'circumcision' are definitely NOT the same thing - in fact it's highly misleading to use the same term.
PACE adopts resolution on circumcision, Turkey strongly concerned ...
Strasbourg. Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a report on the circumcision; while Turkey's reaction on the issue was not late, as the ...
Circumcision: Gomco Clamp - Michael Nimaroff, M.D. - Minimally ...
Topic Overview. The Gomco clamp is a metal device with a bell-shaped end. During circumcision using a Gomco clamp, the baby's foreskin is stretched over the ...
PACE accepts anti-circumcision report www.worldbulletin.net
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has adopted a resolution which could see circumcision banned in the European Union. This move
Council of Europe Votes on Circumcision as Human Rights Violation The Jewish Press
Banning Jewish circumcisions used to be anti-Semitic. Today it is called a “violation of human rights.” Why aren't their protests for children's rights to watch porno ...
Sweden: 'We'll Carry on Jewish Tradition' Arutz Sheva
The fight against Brit mila: Following proposals of a law to the Swedish parliament that would outlaw brit mila, (Jewish ritual circumcision) Rabbi Shniur ...
See all stories on this topic »
Cialis health store Pacific Free Press
I was strapped down how circumcision ruined my demonstrable proof. ... If I had foreskin it is not a a cadaver is circumcised on Order cialis on internet backstroke ...
The metzitzah controversy: Informed consent is a Jewish value ...
Metzitzah is a practice where a ritual circumciser, or mohel, sucks out blood from a baby's penis after circumcision, in accordance with an ancient tradition ...
Preparing for ritual circumcision costs - City Press
Nguni people, AmaXhosa in particular, have a custom of circumcision. This is a rite of passage from boyhood to manhood. It is a stage where a boy attains ...
Dasposable Surgical Male Circumcision Kit Manufacturers ...
Dasposable Surgical Male Circumcision Kit, Dasposable Surgical Male Circumcision Kit Manufacturers & Suppliers Directory - Find here Dasposable Surgical ...
European group to vote on whether to call circumcision 'human ...
Amid calls to ban ritual circumcision of boys in Scandinavia, the Council of Europe is slated to vote on whether to define the practice as a “clear human rights ...
Circumcision mystery and female demon - YouTube
Circumcision is demonic method to create mental disorder in men, circumcised Americans, Muslims and Jews are source for 90% of violence and sex industry.
Adult Circumcision (to help other guys thinking about it) - Topic
What's the general rule on when you can start (gently) masturbating again? Once all the stitches have fallen out? A week after the stitches have fallen out?
EJP | News | Official body in Sweden calls for circumcision ban
STOCKHOLM (EJP)---An official Swedish body has called for the country to ban circumcision. The Ombudsman for Children in Sweden, a government agency ...
JURIST - Paper Chase: Sweden children's rights official calls for ban ...
JURIST - Paper Chase: Sweden children's rights official calls for ban on infant male circumcision.
Between Barbarity and Exclusion, Circumcision: the Worst of Racism ...
From AbundantHope.net. Human/Animal Rights Between Barbarity and Exclusion, Circumcision: the Worst of Racism and the Greatest Crime Against Humanity.
Simple circumcision questions | GBCN
I will call my insurance tomorrow to ask, but wanted to see how it worked for you. H and I have separate health insurance and when this kid is born, he will be on ...
After reportedly an injury related to circumcision, Affleck told Jon ...
After reportedly an injury related to circumcision, Affleck told Jon Stewart on The Daily Show , "I hate circumcisions! Get enough in me and I'll tell you how much I ...
Penis Economics: Circumcision and Opportunity Cost » Parent Savers
Circumcision is performed for many reasons. It is often a debated practice. But when I was faced with the decision, I simply looked at the value versus the benefit.
2013-09-28 The Local -Circumcision breaches human rights of the ...
2013-09-28 The Local -Circumcision breaches human rights of the child Press Room.
Circumcision - DC Urban Moms and Dads
You're all boring. The government is shutting down in the middle of a war and all you care about is this. Get your mind out of everybody else's shorts.
Children's ombudsman wants circumcision banned in Sweden
^This! How the fuck can a disease of the blood, transmissible through fluids, can be reduced by mutilating one's sexual organs? It doesn't make any sense.
Circumcision | - SyrianFreePress - WordPress.com
This gallery contains 4 photos. Haaretz reported today that a couple of weeks ago, New York City Councilman David G. Greenfield introduced a bill that …
Circumcision... - January 2014 - BabyCenter Canada
Now that we know we're having a boy my husband and I are having a debate about circumcision. He is for it, I am leaning towards not. The arguments about ...
European group to vote on whether to call circumcision 'human ...
(JTA) — Amid calls to ban the ritual circumcision of boys in Scandinavia, the Council of Europe is slated to vote on whether to define the practice as a “clear ...
Scienceline - An Infographic!! "The circumcision decision:... | Facebook
An Infographic!! "The circumcision decision: Making sense of the data on health and circumcision" by SHERP 31 Joss...
2013-08-07 Jamaica Observer-Is circumcision reversal possible ...
2013-08-07 Jamaica Observer-Is circumcision reversal possible? Press Room.
What information is asked when filling out papers for circumcision ...
Gonna get my son curcumsized he's 3 years old. Anyways what kind of information do they ask for do they need information from the father as well? If so what ...
A big applause to Nordic countries for taking historic steps to ban ... Taslima Nasreen
Yesterday, during a meeting in Oslo, Nordic ombudsmen for children, Nordic paediatricians, and paediatric surgeons agreed a resolution urging their national ...
No Country for Women
Web 28 new results for circumcision
Der Spiegel and the cutting question of circumcision - Patheos
The issue of circumcision has returned to Germany's newspapers — and the manner in which the controversy is being discussed suggests that while the press is ...
FARK.com: (7953737) Sweden getting all snippy about circumcision?
BumpInTheNight: Female circumcision is quite possibly one of the most barbaric things I've ever heard of, right up there with ketchup on steak. Not that bad, but ...
Rebelle Society - CIRCUMCISION DEMYSTIFIED: Is an altering ...
CIRCUMCISION DEMYSTIFIED: Is an altering of the original artwork really necessary? What are the benefits of a convertible vs. a hard top? Is sex better...
Circumcision in the Nagoya Area - GaijinPot Forums
This is not a thread where the merits/weak points of circumcision should be discussed, or how "I can't understand why people do (insert anti/pro circumcision ...
Which religions or subreligions demand circumcision? - Yahoo!7 ...
And why does it care so much about children's private parts(reason behind it)? ... Okay so in Judaism you need to do it and that's about it. You do it since it's like ...
Circumcision and Baptism - Christian Discussion Forums
Romans 4 is very instructive on the issue of baptism. Here's what I wrote recently to our Bible study fellowship: "Was Abraham saved because he was ...
Der Speigel and the cutting question of circumcision - Patheos geoconger
The issue of circumcision has returned to Germany's newspapers — and the manner in which the controversy is being discussed suggests that while the press is ...
Cutting Controversy: German Court Sets New Circumcision Rules Antonio C. S. Rosa
Cutting Controversy: German Court Sets New Circumcision Rules. HEALTH, 30 September 2013. by Der Spiegel – TRANSCEND Media Service. In the latest ..
Danish political parties seek to outlaw circumcision Intermountain Jewish News
The left-wing Social Liberal Party, a small coalition partner of Denmark's ruling Social Democrats party, adopted the anti-circumcision stance last week following ...
Nordic children's ombudsmen take historic step to protect children's ... National Secular Society
The ombudsmen concluded that: "Circumcision without a medical indication on a person unable to provide informed consent conflicts with basic principles of ..
Circumcision Rates Have Dropped Up to 50 ... - Before It's News
(Before It's News). The current generation of infant males will have the lowest routine circumcision rates in 40 years. Recent surveys suggest that parents who ...
Circumcision up for debate Views and News from Norway
Norway's official advocate for children's rights (barneombud), Anne Lindboe, has joined Nordic colleagues in calling for an age limit on male circumcision.
See all stories on this topic »
Controversial circumcisions Haaretz
Rather than battle the New York City Council, Hasidic communities should embrace informed consent for a controversial circumcision practice. By Rabbi Eliyahu .
Bloomberg's nannyism extends to circumcision New York Post
Today New York has a budget of $70 billion a year, twice what it was when Mayor Bloomberg entered office, and some of the highest taxes in the nation. We've ...
See all stories on this topic »
Intact America Protests Good Samaritan's Experimentation On ... DigitalJournal.com
On Thursday, October 3, members of Intact America, an organization devoted to ending the practice of routine neonatal circumcision, will be protesting the
Rael supports European Council resolution on circumcision
LAS VEGAS, Oct. 9, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --PR Newswire Editor's note: The content of this statement may disturb some readers. Rael, spiritual ...
I've got nothing against circumcision, or religion. But let your child ...
Answers to the question, I've Got Nothing Against Circumcision, Or Religion. But Let Your Child Decide Himself/herself When He Grows Up. Answers to ...
Israel Reaches Out to Turkey Over European Anti-Circumcision ...
Jerusalem hopes cooperation between the two countries will ease current tensions and help rescind Council of Europe decision. Israel approached Turkey and ...
NCFM on circumcision - A Voice for Men
NCFM NOTE: On September 22, Mr. Svoboda sent a letter to Canada's leading newspaper, the National Post, and to Slate, in response to Mark Joseph Stern's ...
The Truth About Circumcision (Circumcision is child abuse) - Page 4
This presentation is 30minutes long and completely changed my opinion on the topic; I honestly had not given the topic too much thought and had not done any ...
What is Circumcision and its health benefits ? - Rediff Questions ...
sex,relationships,health benefits,circumcision - What is Circumcision and its health benefits ?
Circumcision - Topix
My infant son needs to be circumcised because he keeps getting recurrent urinary tract infections. I can't afford this procedure. Are there any other doctors, ...
Israel reaches out to Turkey over European circumcision ban | Israel ...
Jerusalem hopes cooperation between the two countries will ease current tensions and help rescind Council of Europe resolution...
Israeli President Makes Appeal to EU Over Circumcision Resolution ... Washington Free Beacon Staff
Israeli President Shimon Peres sent a letter to the secretary general of the Council of Europe asking him to change the council's resolution against circumcision, ...
Washington Free Beacon
Peres asks Jagland to tell Council of Europe to annul circumcision ... McGonagall
lifted from dagbladet. no (google translate) Peres asks Jagland to stop resolution on circumcision Israeli President Shimon Peres asks that the resolution.
Norway, Israel and the Jews
Web 13 new results for circumcision
Israel asks Turkey to join in anti-circumcision ban effort - Israel News ...
News: Council of Europe's decision to outlaw circumcision rite may lead to ease of tensions between Israel, Turkey, as Israel offers to fight ban together.
Circumcision sensitivity.? - Yahoo! Answers
I do not want any anti-circumcision advocates preaching about alternatives. I am 20 and i was circumcised about 3 months ago due to phimosis.
Vaccines and Circumcision - BabyCenter
I wanted to post this question in this forum since I imagine many of you are more "like minded" going the natural route with cloth diapers.....I value everyones ...
Is There A Woman Who Is Pleased With Her Circumcision/sterilisation
Answers to the question, Is There A Woman Who Is Pleased With Her Circumcision/sterilisation Answers to Questions from People Who Know at Ask Experience ...
Meet the circumcised men who want to restore their foreskins Herald Sun
Thousands of circumcised men in Australia and overseas have formed a community devoted to restoring what they have lost and getting their foreskin back.
Eldad: Circumcision – That's the Threat Arutz Sheva
Ex-MK has sarcastic response to European decision on circumcision. 'The council has finally recognized the biggest threat to children.' By Maayana Miskin.
Rael supports European Council resolution on circumcision DigitalJournal.com
LAS VEGAS, Oct. 9, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- PR Newswire Editor's note: The content of this statement may disturb some readers. Rael, spiritual ..
Male involvement in women issues enhanced in Rukwa IPPmedia
Rukwa is among the regions in Tanzania where male circumcision was rarely conducted mainly to the dominant Fipa tribe. Male circumcision, according to
Council of Europe: Religious Circumcisions are LegalIsrael and Stuff
The head of the Council of Europe, Thorbjorn Jagland, responded to a letter Peres had sent earlier in the week, urging the council to reconsider a resolution it ...
IsraeltheRegion #JewishTimes #IsraelInside #ShimonPeres ... - Inagist
IsraeltheRegion #JewishTimes #IsraelInside #ShimonPeres Circumcision won't be banned in Europe, officials say http://t.co/y5tOWeA1b9 by IsraelNewsNow ...
Should circumcision be legal? - Page 19 - Social Anxiety Forum
Too much effort to respond. Here's a video of cats failing instead- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1-ifzqZj90.
Circumcision of infants - Page 14 - Historum - History Forums
I am still pro letting the parents decide. I for one can't see any harm it have done to any male member of my family. I can question it if you like,
Circumcision Archives - Saginaw County Republican Committee
We welcome you to our new site, where you'll find all the information you'll need on political Michigan news, elections and politicians, voting, issues, and getting ...
Men regret circumcision, wish for ways to restore foreskin | Face of ...
The Daily Mail in the UK reports that some angry men are taking to online forums to discuss restoring their manhood. A small but vociferous community of ...
Ritual Male Circumcision | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
There is a clear difference between female genital mutilation and male circumcision for religious reasons, the head of the Council of Europe said in a letter to ...
Eldad: Circumcision – That's the Threat - TV Balla
Eldad: Circumcision – That's the Threat. Source: Arutz Sheva, Oct 9 2013, 1:27am CDT. "The Council of Europe has found at last the greatest threat to kids in the ...
Council of Europe Says It Will Not Ban Male Ritual Circumcision ... Washington Free Beacon Staff
The Council of Europe said on Thursday it would not ban male circumcision in a response to a letter sent to the council by Israeli President Shimon Peres.
Washington Free Beacon
Web 15 new results for circumcision
'Europe respects Jewish traditional circumcision' | i24news ...
European Council committed to religious freedom, says Secretary after resolution to ban the act prompts anger - Muslims, Jews, Shimon Peres, Circumcision, ...
Council of Europe Says Ritual Circumcision Won ... - The Jewish Press
Sometimes anti-Semitism is its own best antidote because it makes its sewage makers look as ignorant as they are. After a Council of Europe body said ...
Council of Europe: There's Nothing Illegal About Circumcision ...
President Shimon Peres was assured on Wednesday that there is no binding law banning male circumcision in Europe for religious reasons. The head of the ...
Circumcision(not a debate) - BabyCenter
Well it may turn in to a debate, but lm curious as your view on circumcision. Did you choose to or not? What were the reasons behind your decision? The reason ...
Circumcision? - January 2014 - BabyCenter
We are having a boy and are so undecided about circumcision. I don't want to get it done and choose for him, but I don't want to leave him and then have him ...
circumcision - CafeMom
If you feel in love with a guy and found out he wasn't circumcised would you leave him.
Council of Europe chief distances himself from circumcision resolution
Quote: "dialogue between... medical doctors and religious representatives, so as to overcome some of the prevailing traditional methods, which do not take into ...
Men Missing Foreskin Fume On Forums Huffington Post
Despite the more than 17,000 registered users on foreskin-restoration.com protesting circumcision, the American Academy of Pediatrics says circumcision does ...
Europe's anti-circumcision ruling called 'racist' Connecticut Jewish Ledger
(Israel Hayom/Exclusive to JNS.org) Israel on Friday condemned a decision by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe that Jewish ritual .
She's Fighting Female Circumcision The Root
(The Root) -- To hear 22-year-old Nice Nailantei Leng'ete answer questions from across a table, you have to lean in. She's that quiet. When she's chronicling her ...
Abraham, the European Ban and the Secret of Circumcision Arutz Sheva
"Who inspired the one from east?" asks the prophet Isaiah rhetorically in this week's haftorah reading. He is referring, of course, to our patriarch Abraham, the ... »
The head of the Council of Europe assures Israel's Peres: Europe ... European Jewish Press
In his letter to Thorbjorn, President Peres said that male circumcision was a ... He said male circumcision did not violate human rights and in a tweet he wrote:
Wiesenthal Center Blasts European Council's Bid to Ban Brit Milah The Jewish Voice
“Historically only tyrants and dictators banned religious circumcision. Now, the institution representing the continent's democratic aspirations, passes a measure ...
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.10.17
Andrew S. Jacobs, Christ Circumcised: A Study in Early Christian History and Difference. Divinations: rereading late ancient religion. Philadelphia: University of ...
Country Tweets: Dierks Bentley on Circumcision « Country Music ...
could have done without seeing my son's "stick out" (as my girls call it) covered in blood. ouch! makes you question the circumcision thing.
Circumcision needs to stop - YouTube
Moms and dads and other concerned people from across the nation, protested on October 3 against the Circumcision Device Experiment being conducted ...
The Council of Europe will not ban male ritual circumcision as it does female genital mutilation, the organization's Secretary-General Thorbjorn Jagland wrote in ...
rabbis that suck the baby's dick after a circumcision should be ...
i don't think circumcision is right anyway but sucking the baby's dick afterwards is just beyond ridiculous. this isn't an anti-semistic thread. you can...
Rael supports European Council resolution on circumcision Sacramento Bee
LAS VEGAS, Oct. 9, 2013 -- /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- PR Newswire Editor's note: The content of this statement may disturb some readers. Rael, spiritual ...
See all stories on this topic »
Council of Europe chief distances himself from circumcision Business Standard
Council of Europe chief Thorbjoern Jagland has distanced himself from a controversial resolution of the pan-European human rights body that calls for ...
"Forced Genital Cutting," and Jewish circumcision - Page 47 ...
Originally Posted by dawny0826 Start back at post #10 and then work your way back to here. A plethora of links have already been shared by those who.
Circumcision of infants - Page 17 - Historum - History Forums
Originally Posted by beorna I don't know the situation in the UK. But in germany circumcision was made, if they did not go to hospitals, by religious &
Announcing son's circumcision on FB - POLL - BabyCenter
I don't know if BBC has given me a false sense of sensitivity around the issue of circumcision or what, but I have had 3 FB friends post statuses about their sons' ...
Female Circumcision Widely Practiced in Malaysia - Page 3
Personally, I consider both male and female circumcision to be barbaric and nothing more or less than genital mutilation. civfanatic ↑ I wouldn't go that.
circumcision | rabbisylviarothschild
Posts about circumcision written by sylviarothschild.
Should circumcision be legal? - Page 20 - Social Anxiety Forum
Can we post some circumcision gifs please? Im yawning here, isnt a troll successful if you feed it? if i were a troll, id be winning right noe.
Circumcision or Uncircumcision - Godlike Productions
Vote which is best I go with circumcision all the way!
Female Circumcision - Term Papers - 2Clint2
Read this essay on Female Circumcision . Come browse our large digital warehouse of free sample essays. Get the knowledge you need in order to pass your ...
Marilyn Milos protests circumcision torture device experiment
One of the founders of American Intactivism (NOCIRC), Marilyn Milos has worked for over 30 years to stop the horror that our nation's doctors so.
Faith in Christ, not rites World Magazine
“Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing” ... Why did the inspired author take such a hard line on circumcision?
Circumcision reduces HIV risk by 60 per cent - Letters - nation.co.ke
Three randomised controlled trials found that getting circumcised reduces a man's chances of becoming infected with HIV through vaginal sex by about 60 per ...
POLITICS - Turkey warns Strasbourg over circumcision resolution
Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek has called on the PACE to take a step against a recent resolution adopting a report on circumcision.
Turkey slams European Council's anti-circumcision resolution ...
Turkish Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek criticized a Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) resolution defining the circumcision of male ...
nascop plans to introduce pre-pex to be used in male circumcision
Kenya National Aids and STI control programme-NASCOP plans to introduce a plastic device,called Pre-pex to be used in hospitals during male circumcision.
CIRCUMCISION?!: so i realise that there are ALOT of contraversial sides to this topic, so please lets not get nasty!
Council of Europe Chief Says Has Nothing to Do With Circumcision ...
After a furious reaction from Israel, Council of Europe chief Thorbjoern Jagland has distanced himself from a controversial resolution.
She's Fighting Female Circumcision | EuropeNews
She's Fighting Female Circumcision. The Root 10 October 2013. By Jenée Desmond-Harris. To hear 22-year-old Nice Nailantei Leng'ete answer questions from ...
Dierks Bentley Explains Circumcision To His Daughters
Last night was a big night for Dierks Bentley. Him and his wife, Cassidy, welcomed in their new son, Knox. Today was an even more interesting day, at least if ...
Boomer » circumcision
Often times, when little boys are born, the dreaded circumcision happens! Here's a pic that Dierks tweeted of him explaining to his girls what a circumcision is.
'Circumcision Reduces HIV Infection' AllAfrica.com
Assistant Health and Social Welfare Minister for Preventive Services says circumcision is one major approach for preventing HIV infection in any country.
Turkey slams EC's anti-circumcision resolution www.worldbulletin.net
Turkish Parliament Speaker Cemil Cicek criticized a Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) resolution defining the Circumcision of male ...
Dierks Bentley Tries to Explain New Son's 'Procedure' to His ... Taste of Country
“I try not to post too many pics of my kids, but this is too good: me trying to explain what circumcision is and why,” the singer wrote later, including the above
When culture and policing collide Eyewitness News
Boys as young as 14, dead as a result of botched circumcisions. These events make for attention-grabbing headlines and short-lived national outrage. But when ...
See all stories on this topic »
Cost viagra Alachua County Today
This already implies that on male and female consider whether circumcision is genital mutilation rates but to uphold decency and adult to do whatever in your ...
See all stories on this topic »
Judaism: Mamrei's Advice Arutz Sheva
According to the Midrash (Tanchuma VaYeira 3), Abraham only circumcised himself after ... Because Mamrei gave Abraham advice about circumcision." Could it ...
See all stories on this topic »
UK Coupon Codes Website Release Interesting Data from Study ... PR-BG.com (прессъобщения) (press release)
www.naughtycouponcodes.com, a website which lists coupon codes for adult toys and other products recently ran a survey of circumcised US and UK parents.
Circumcision or Uncircumcision - Godlike Productions
Vote which is best I go with circumcision all the way!
Female Circumcision - Term Papers - 2Clint2
Read this essay on Female Circumcision . Come browse our large digital warehouse of free sample essays. Get the knowledge you need in order to pass your ...
Marilyn Milos protests circumcision torture device experiment
One of the founders of American Intactivism (NOCIRC), Marilyn Milos has worked for over 30 years to stop the horror that our nation's doctors so.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.10.17
Andrew S. Jacobs, Christ Circumcised: A Study in Early Christian History and Difference. Divinations: rereading late ancient religion. Philadelphia: University of ...
Country Tweets: Dierks Bentley on Circumcision « Country Music ...
could have done without seeing my son's "stick out" (as my girls call it) covered in blood. ouch! makes you question the circumcision thing.
Circumcision needs to stop - YouTube
Moms and dads and other concerned people from across the nation, protested on October 3 against the Circumcision Device Experiment being conducted ...
The Council of Europe will not ban male ritual circumcision as it does female genital mutilation, the organization's Secretary-General Thorbjorn Jagland wrote in ...
rabbis that suck the baby's dick after a circumcision should be ...
i don't think circumcision is right anyway but sucking the baby's dick afterwards is just beyond ridiculous. this isn't an anti-semistic thread. you can...
Council of Europe Chief Says Has Nothing to Do With Circumcision ...
After a furious reaction from Israel, Council of Europe chief Thorbjoern Jagland has distanced himself from a controversial resolution.
She's Fighting Female Circumcision | EuropeNews
She's Fighting Female Circumcision. The Root 10 October 2013. By Jenée Desmond-Harris. To hear 22-year-old Nice Nailantei Leng'ete answer questions from ...
Dierks Bentley Explains Circumcision To His Daughters
Last night was a big night for Dierks Bentley. Him and his wife, Cassidy, welcomed in their new son, Knox. Today was an even more interesting day, at least if ...
Boomer » circumcision
Often times, when little boys are born, the dreaded circumcision happens! Here's a pic that Dierks tweeted of him explaining to his girls what a circumcision is.
"Forced Genital Cutting," and Jewish circumcision - Page 47 ...
Originally Posted by dawny0826 Start back at post #10 and then work your way back to here. A plethora of links have already been shared by those who.
Circumcision of infants - Page 17 - Historum - History Forums
Originally Posted by beorna I don't know the situation in the UK. But in germany circumcision was made, if they did not go to hospitals, by religious &
Announcing son's circumcision on FB - POLL - BabyCenter
I don't know if BBC has given me a false sense of sensitivity around the issue of circumcision or what, but I have had 3 FB friends post statuses about their sons' ...
Female Circumcision Widely Practiced in Malaysia - Page 3
Personally, I consider both male and female circumcision to be barbaric and nothing more or less than genital mutilation. civfanatic ↑ I wouldn't go that.
circumcision | rabbisylviarothschild
Posts about circumcision written by sylviarothschild.
Should circumcision be legal? - Page 20 - Social Anxiety Forum
Can we post some circumcision gifs please? Im yawning here, isnt a troll successful if you feed it? if i were a troll, id be winning right noe.
Faith in Christ, not rites World Magazine
“Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing” ... Why did the inspired author take such a hard line on circumcision?
Circumcision reduces HIV risk by 60 per cent - Letters - nation.co.ke
Three randomised controlled trials found that getting circumcised reduces a man's chances of becoming infected with HIV through vaginal sex by about 60 per ...
POLITICS - Turkey warns Strasbourg over circumcision resolution
Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek has called on the PACE to take a step against a recent resolution adopting a report on circumcision.
Turkey slams European Council's anti-circumcision resolution ...
Turkish Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek criticized a Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) resolution defining the circumcision of male ...
nascop plans to introduce pre-pex to be used in male circumcision
Kenya National Aids and STI control programme-NASCOP plans to introduce a plastic device,called Pre-pex to be used in hospitals during male circumcision.
CIRCUMCISION?!: so i realise that there are ALOT of contraversial sides to this topic, so please lets not get nasty!
Dierks Bentley Tries to Explain New Son's 'Procedure' to His ... Taste of Country
“I try not to post too many pics of my kids, but this is too good: me trying to explain what circumcision is and why,” the singer wrote later, including the above
When culture and policing collide Eyewitness News
Boys as young as 14, dead as a result of botched circumcisions. These events make for attention-grabbing headlines and short-lived national outrage. But when ..
Cost viagra Alachua County Today
This already implies that on male and female consider whether circumcision is genital mutilation rates but to uphold decency and adult to do whatever in your .
Judaism: Mamrei's Advice Arutz Sheva
According to the Midrash (Tanchuma VaYeira 3), Abraham only circumcised himself after ... Because Mamrei gave Abraham advice about circumcision." Could it .
UK Coupon Codes Website Release Interesting Data from Study ... PR-BG.com (прессъобщения) (press release)
www.naughtycouponcodes.com, a website which lists coupon codes for adult toys and other products recently ran a survey of circumcised US and UK parents.
How soon after circumcision - BabyGaga
How soon after circumcision: Can I bathe my son. He's been getting wipe baths which he hates but he's starting to smell lol he ne.
Circumcision of infants - Page 20 - Historum - History Forums
Originally Posted by annelouise17 That would depend on the body modification. Would it? From an objective point of view - and the law must be as.
The circumcision of boys younger than 18 has come under attack increasingly in Scandinavia and German-speaking European countries both by left-wing ...
Forced circumcision stories
Forced circumcision stories. The Fluvanna County Chamber a Chef Here youll is a clairvoyant vampire. Arencibia Attorneys is a always reminds me that 2012 ...
Bible Study 10/11/2013 - Circumcision - YouTube
This was our bible study from 10/11/2013 on the controversial topic of circumcision. For a handout of this teaching please email me at joshua.ensley1990@gmai.
Turkey slams EC's anti-circumcision resolution www.worldbulletin.net
Turkish Parliament Speaker Cemil Cicek criticized a Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) resolution defining the Circumcision of male ...
What Do You Think About Circumcision? - Experience Project
It's pretty common in my area, but I don't think it's necessary - I'm glad I never had a son and had to make the decision whether to do it or not. As far as looking at ...
opportutinity for somali ngo's ,stop male circumcision? - SomaliNet ...
Circumcision DOES reduce sexual pleasure by making manhood less sensitive. Men who had foreskin removed reporting feeling less intense sexual pleasure
Opposing Circumcision Is Antisemitic — Medium
A recent piece by Tanya Gold in the Guardian claims (in its title, no less) that A ban on male circumcision would be an…
CIRCUMCISION. Added by James Power on October 12, 2013 at 2:37pm; View Photos • Previous | Next • CIRCUMCISION. Religious ... Tags: circumcision.
CollegeNET Forum - Circumcision... what do you think?
She is not sure if she wants her baby boy circumcised or not. Personally she ... Is circumcision something parents shouldn't decide for the child? Medically, is it ...
Recommended places for circumcision? - BabyCentre - Community
February 2014 Birth Club: Meet others who are due at the same time as you! Whatever you are going through, you are not alone. Share your experiences (good ...
A ban on male circumcision would be antisemitic. How ... - TV Balla
A ban on male circumcision would be antisemitic. How could it not be? | Tanya Gold. Source: Guardian Unlimited, Oct 11 2013, 11:23am CDT. Jews are wary of ...
"Forced Genital Cutting," and Jewish circumcision - Page 50 ...
Originally Posted by dawny0826 I'm sure you can understand why I trust the AAP over the CPA as an American. Though I don't mean any disrespect, I am.
Female Circumcision Widely Practiced in Malaysia « Stop FGM ...
11.10.2013. Asia Calling reports from Malaysia where female genital mutilation is legal. In 2009 the countries highest Islamic body the Department for Islamic ...
Shangani people embrace modern ways of circumcision The Zimbabwe Standard
A global health organisation, Population Service International (PSI) has hailed the Shangani community for taking up modern male circumcision resulting in the
Web 14 new results for circumcision
Circumcision-A vile practice - Stormfront
Let them eat bagels: Queen Elizabeth's relationship with the Jews remains a mystery - Features Israel News | Haaretz I was sent the above article.
Forced circumcision stories - Like A Woman
South Hume Street on on Roy Clark including. Portable Infrared Heaters will Federal government about prevention forced circumcision stories USA specializing ...
Why do feminists like to talk about how male circumcision is better ...
Ive had skin on my d!ck for 24 years and never had any problems. With proper washing you wont have any problems. Why do feminists think its ok to tell men ...
CollegeNET - Posts made by LissNefertiti tagged with circumcision
LissNefertiti's Page > Posts tagged with "circumcision" ... Anti-circumcision advocates contest that the practice is unethical and it is mutilation, whereas ...
"A ban on male circumcision would be antisemitic. How could it not ...
Jews are wary of identifying antisemitism; it upsets people so much, as if the Holocaust was an intellectual trope invented to win arguments with.
rabbis that suck the baby's dick after a circumcision should be ...
This does happen. And has been happening since the beginning of the religion. I google [media] I couldn't finish watching that. nor could i.
Circumcision? - The Bump
This has probably been discussed before I'm sure, but since I have been gone I missed out on a lot so I am not sure how often it's been discussed.My fiance ...
A ban on male circumcision would be antisemitic. How ... - Inagist
A ban on male circumcision would be antisemitic. How could it not be? http://t.co/c7rf569WGJ by guardian 388773649031110656.
PROGRAM INSIGHTS Expanding Coverage of ... - Shopsproject.org
Male Circumcision through the Private Sector in Namibia. A generalized HIV epidemic ... of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) based on research that ...
WI: 2011 San Francisco Circumcision Ban Passes - Alternate History ...
What if, in 2011, the judge had decided not to strike the circumcision ban referendum and it had stayed on the ballot and passed. How would the jewish ...
The Guardian: 'A ban on male circumcision would be antisemitic ...
Join in the Discussion about “The Guardian: 'A ban on male circumcision would be antisemitic'” on The Student Room's News and Current Affairs forum.
(BE) ForeSkin :: The Truth About Circumcision by True ... - Kicktraq
(Be) ForeSkin :: The Truth About Circumcision is a documentary which dares to explore male circumcision from a female perspective.
Circumcision - Topix
Pisces. If should benefit from someone's generosity and benevolence today. Now, before you get all excited I have to add that this doesn't necessarily mean ...
Forced circumcision stories - Killers
You are forced circumcision stories our largest manufacturer of writing writing pens. Sucking drawing of fluids opportunity to forced circumcision stories yourself ...
Male Circumcision Debate - News - Bubblews
One of my mommy groups on FB has exploded this morning with a raging World War III fight-to-the-death on male +circumcision. It was a few years ago when I ...
Dierks Bentley explains circumcision to his kids... | Bama, Rob ...
I try not to post too many pics of my kids but this is too good: me trying to explain what circumcision is and why http://t.co/HwYlgaPkC5 — D.
A ban on male circumcision would be antisemitic. How could it not be? The Guardian
Male circumcision is almost the only ritual that both progressive and ultra-Orthodox Jews, so often at each others' throats, agree on, writes Tanya Gold.
EU Officials: Circumcision Will Not Banned in Europe Shalom Life
The resolution to ban circumcision is highly unlikely to become official ... You don't expect circumcision to be in a report about children's right to physical integrity.
Study: Circumcision Does Not Prevent Sexually-Transmitted Infections IntactNews
(New York, NY) ‒ Researchers performing a clinical study on over 800 African American men found that circumcision does not prevent STIs (sexually ...
When Culture and Policing Collide - Circumcision Deaths and ... AllAfrica.com
Girls as young as 13, kidnapped and forced into marriages with older men. Boys as young as 14, dead as a result of botched circumcisions. These events make ...
(BE) ForeSkin :: The Truth About Circumcision by True ... - Kickstarter
True Hinds is raising funds for (BE) ForeSkin :: The Truth About Circumcision on Kickstarter! (Be) ForeSkin :: The Truth About Circumcision is a documentary ...
Can Circumcision Be Reversed? – LewRockwell.com
Many men are circumcised at an early age or have to undergo the procedure later in ... Now, a small but vociferous community of circumcised men is gathering ...
Erogene Zonen des Mannes - Beschnitten mehr Gefühl? www.fem.com
Doch, behaupten dänische Wissenschaftler. Allerdings sprechen diese nicht unbedingt von besserem Sex nach der Beschneidung. Die Dänen bekamen sogar
Bürgerbewegung PRO NRW | Beschneidung Archives ...
Am vergangenen Mittwoch veröffentlichten die Gerichtsakten des OLG einen Richterspruch, dereiner Mutter untersagt, ihren sechsjährigen Sohn beschneiden ...
kulturell begründete Beschneidung | Brights - Die Natur des Zweifels
Posts about kulturell begründete Beschneidung written by nickpol.
Beschneidung - Grundrechte - Religionsfreiheit - Hubwenzl
Die Freiheit der Religion hört dort auf, wo die Freiheit des anderen anfängt. Ich darf nicht die körperliche Unversehrtheit im.
beschneidungsforum.de - das Forum zum Thema Beschneidung
Bitte melden Sie sich als Betroffener, als indirekt Betroffene zu Wort! Sind sie von einer Beschneidung betroffen? In diesem Forum können Sie sich mit anderen ...
Winnetou im Irak - Ausland - beschneidungsforum.de - das Forum ...
"It's all about the mixing of families through male friendships. A Yazidi man chooses another man to become his blood brother – the man can be from among the ...
Die »unheimliche« Beschneidung - Socialnet
Rezension von Yigal Blumenberg, Wolfgang Hegener: Die »unheimliche« Beschneidung.
Beschneidung in Kiel Wellingdorf - Das Örtliche
Ein Eintrag zu Beschneidung in Kiel Wellingdorf gefunden. Weitere Angebote: Ektomie, Erektile Dysfunktion.
Kinderbeauftragte fordern ein Ende der Beschneidung | Atheist ...
Gestern, bei einem Treffen in Oslo, vereinbarten die skandinavischen Ombudsleute für Kinder, sowie die skandinavischen Kinderärzte und Kinderchirurgen eine ...
Kinderbeauftragte fordern ein Ende der Beschneidung hpd.de
Gestern, bei einem Treffen in Oslo, vereinbarten die skandinavischen Ombudsleute für Kinder, sowie die skandinavischen Kinderärzte und Kinderchirurgen eine .
Erste Entscheidung zur Beschneidung nach Einführung des § 1631 ... beck-aktuell
Die aus Kenia stammende Mutter hat die alleinige elterliche Sorge für ihren sechsjährigen Sohn. Sie beabsichtigt, ihn beschneiden zulassen. Hiervon erfuhr der ...
Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen »
Parlamentarische Versammlung des Europarates diskutiert über ... Pressrelations (Pressemitteilung)
Parlamentarische Versammlung des Europarates diskutiert über Beschneidung ... wie die Beschneidung von Jungen und Mädchen, medizinische Eingriffe bei
Ärztezeitung 2.10.2013: Brian Morris und John Krieger ...
Das ist eine Ärztezeitung. Und jetzt frage dich mal, wer an der MGM blendend verdient. Der Fetischist Morris macht es auf seine notorische Tour: Studien mit den ...
Erste Entscheidung zur Beschneidung nach Einführung des § 1631 ... Hopper
Die aus Kenia stammende Mutter hat die alleinige elterliche Sorge für ihren sechsjährigen Sohn. Sie beabsichtigt, ihn beschneiden zulassen. Hiervon erfuhr der ...
beck-community blogs
Beschneidung: Spaß am Sex wird nicht beschnitten
Gehen Männer mit der Vorhaut auch eines Stücks Lust verlustig? Seit der jüngsten Beschneidungsdebatte wird diese mögliche Folge einer Zirkumzision wieder ...
Aerzte Zeitung Online
Kinderbeauftragte fordern Ende der Beschneidung | Nics Bloghaus
Die skandinavischen Kinderbeauftragten unternehmen einen historischen Schritt, um die Rechte der Kinder zu schützen Gestern, bei einem ...
Bundestag: Parlamentarische Versammlung des Europarates ...
Mitglieder aller Fraktionen des Deutschen Bundestages nehmen an der vierten Teilsitzung der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates in diesem ...
pro und contra beschneidung | Medizin | - Wer-weiss-was
hallo beim letzten arztbesuch machte mir dieser den vorschlag mich bescheiden zu lassen. grund sei eine fettgeschwulst auf meiner vorhaut. diese sei zwar ...
Beschneidung | Medizin | - Wer-weiss-was
Hallo, beschneidet jeder Urologe den Mann oder muss man dazu in das Krankenhaus. Suche einen guten Arzt, der das in 34... Kassel macht! Bitte um eure ...
Beschneidung - Die Wahrheit im Herzen
Al-salamu aleikum liebe Geschwister. Ich bin ein neuer Konvertit wo kann ich mich zwecks einer Beschneidung hinwenden? Krankenhaus oder Hausarzt?
Was sollte man anziehen nach der Beschneidung | Medizin |
Was sollte man anziehen nach der Beschneidung? Weil meine Eichel ist sehr empfindlich und Sie bleibt an der Unterhose kleben.Es ist jetzt 3 Tage her und ich ...
Mutter darf sechsjährigen Sohn nicht beschneiden lassen ...
Eltern dürfen nur in bestimmten Fällen eine nicht medizinisch notwendige Beschneidung anordnen Eine Mutter darf ihren sechsjährigen Sohn nicht b.
Europäischer Rat verabschiedet Resolution gegen rituelle ...
Eine überwiegende Mehrheit der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates, verabschiedete eine Resolution, die rituelle Beschneidung als einen ...
Verbot der Beschneidung | Brights - Die Natur des Zweifels
Posts about Verbot der Beschneidung written by nickpol.
Beschneidung: Israel will Rücknahme europäischer Resolution - ORF
Israel hat heute die sofortige Rücknahme einer europäischen Resolution zur Fragwürdigkeit von Beschneidungen kleiner Buben aus religiösen Gründen ...
MIZ: Fragmentierter Antisemitismus - Antisemitismus und ...
Der Artikel betrachtet Antisemitismus größtenteils aus anderen Blickwinkeln, aber im letzten Abschnitt geht es auch um die Beschneidung. Mit dem Schlusssatz ...
Beschneidung im Europarat: Kampf bis aufs Messer | Jüdisch ...
Alle haben schon alles dazu gesagt, nun auch der "Europarat" Der 1949 begründete Europarat, dem inzwischen 47 Staaten als Vollmitglieder angehören ...
Unser Sohn - EURO CIRC Diskussionsforum Beschneidung
Unser Sohn, 04 Oct. 2013 10:52. Hallo und guten Morgen, na dann leg ich mal los, und beschreibe Euch "unser" Problem: Ich komme aus einer jüdischen, ...
Europäischer Rat verabschiedet Resolution gegen rituelle ... 02elf Düsseldorfer Abendblatt
Eine überwiegende Mehrheit der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates, verabschiedete eine Resolution, die rituelle Beschneidung als einen
"Nicht vor dem Alter von 15 Jahren" Telepolis
Es gebe keine Rechtfertigung dafür, gesunde Kinder zu beschneiden. Für den Beschneidungsgegner Antony Lempert steht außer Frage, dass den
Resolution Europarat: Israel fordert Rücknahme ... - Bogobogo
Israel reagiert entsetzt auf einen Beschluss des Europarates. Der hatte die religiös motivierte Beschneidung von Jungen als Grund “besonderer Besorgn...
Israel fordert Rücknahme europäischer Resolution zur Beschneidung
Europarat hat die religiös motivierte Beschneidung von Jungen als Grund "besonderer Besorgnis" bezeichnet.
Beschneidung: Israel fordert Rücknahme von Resolution ORF.at
Israel hat am Freitag die sofortige Rücknahme einer europäischen Resolution zur Fragwürdigkeit von Beschneidungen kleiner Buben aus religiösen Gründen .
Israel fordert Rücknahme europäischer Resolution zu ... Europe Online Magazin
Tel Aviv (dpa) - Israel hat am Freitag die sofortige Rücknahme einer europäischen Resolution zur Fragwürdigkeit von Beschneidungen gefordert.
Beschneidung vor 9 Tagen - Onmeda Foren
Hallo zusammen, ich habe eine Frage bezüglich meines Heilungsverlaufes nach der Beschneidung. Ich wurde vor 9 Tagen aus medizinischen Gründen ...
Beschneidung: Israel fordert Rücknahme von Resolution. Israel hat am Freitag die sofortige Rücknahme einer europäischen Resolution zur Fragwürdigkeit von ...
Das Thema "Beschneidung von Jungen" gibt es noch in der Politik ...
Leider erfährt man nur "hinten herum" (weil sich Israel beschwert hat), dass sich ein Gremium des Europarates kritisch zum Beschneiden von Jungen (u.a.) ...
Israels Außenministerium: Die Europäische Anti-Beschneidung ...
Israels Außenministerium: Die Europäische Anti-Beschneidung-Bewegung 'fördert Hass'. Israel fordert den Europarat auf von seiner Resolution zurückzutreten, ...
Würde ich so nicht sagen, da der Grund für die Beschneidung prinzipiell nichts am Procedere der Beschneidung ändert. Ein Kind, das schreit und unruhig ist, ...
Nach Beschneidung: Lässt Intensität des Orgasmus nach? | Planet ...
Hey ihr, ich hab ja schon im Thema geschrieben worum es geht. Hat einer von euch auch dieses "Problem"? Würde mich freuen, wenn es hier ein bisschen...
Europäische Resolution zur Beschneidung - Kritik aus Israel - Politik ...
http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2013-…dung-resolution ".... Die Parlamentarische Versammlung des Europarates hatte in dem Dokument die Beschneidung ...
Israel wehrt sich gegen europäische Resolution zur Beschneidung
Das Außenministerium hat dem Europarat vorgeworfen, mit einer Resolution zur Fragwürdigkeit von Beschneidung "rassistische und hasserfüllte Tendenzen in ...
Israel protestiert gegen Beschluss des Europarats zur Beschneidung
Eine Entschließung der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarats zur Beschneidung von Jungen ist in Israel auf scharfe Kritik gestoßen. Der Europarat ...
Israel: Israel protestiert gegen Beschluss des Europarats zur ... ZEIT ONLINE
Jerusalem/Straßburg (AFP) - (AFP) Eine Entschließung der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarats zur Beschneidung von Jungen ist in Israel auf
Geschichte: Kalenderblatt 2013: 10. Oktober FOCUS Online
2012 – Das Bundeskabinett beschließt einen Gesetzentwurf zur Beschneidung von jüdischen und muslimischen Jungen. Danach soll der Eingriff auch künftig
Israel: Forderung Resolution zur Beschneidung zurückzuziehen ShortNews.de
Israel fordert die Rücknahme einer Resolution des Europarats. Der Rat gab bekannt, dass der Beschneidung von kleinen Jungen aus religiösen Gründen und ..
Israel protestiert gegen Beschluss des Europarats zur Beschneidung sergej_k
Israel hat die sofortige Rücknahme einer europäischen Resolution zur Fragwürdigkeit von Beschneidungen gefordert. Die Parlamentarische Versammlung des ...
Brights - Die Natur des Zweifels
Web 16 neue Ergebnisse für Beschneidung
Streit um Resolution von Beschneidungen: Israel fordert ... - Taz
Israel ärgert sich über eine Resolution des Europarates, in der es um die Beschneidung kleiner Jungen geht. Sie leiste Hass und rassistischen Tendenzen ...
Israel protestiert gegen Beschluss des Europarats zur Beschneidung
'Israel protestiert gegen Beschluss des Europarats zur Beschneidung' auf Yahoo Nachrichten Deutschland lesen. Eine Entschließung der Parlamentarischen ...
Beschneidung: Protest gegen Resolution | Atheist Media Blog
In einer am heutigen Freitag veröffentlichten Erklärung des Jerusalemer Außenministeriums heißt es: »Die Beschneidung von männlichen Kindern ist eine alte ...
Europarat: Israel protestiert gegen Beschluss zur Beschneidung
Jerusalem/Straßburg – Eine Entschließung der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarats zur Beschneidung von Jungen ist in Israel auf scharfe Kritik ...
Beschneidung mit Komplikationen, Fragen (Penis) - Gutefrage.net
Guten Tag, Ich wurde diesen Montag radikal beschnitten. Ich bin 17 Jahre alt. Nach der Beschneidung, als ich wieder zu hause war, begann mein Penis sehr ...
Israel protestiert gegen Resolution zu Beschneidungen
Tel Aviv - Die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen ist ebenso ein Grund für "besondere Besorgnis" wie die genitale Verstümmelung bei Mädchen.
Beschneidung: Israel fordert Rücknahme von Resolution - religion
Matthias Matussek - George Orwell lebt -Beschneidung und ...
Dass ein Landgericht in der Begründung eines Urteils so nebenbei eine mehrtausendjährige religiöse Tradition, die Beschneidung, für gesetzeswidrig erklärt ...
Erziehungsrecht der Eltern, anyone? Natürlich erfüllt die Beschneidung den Tatbestand der Körperverletzung, das tut selbst eine Spritze oder das Stechen ...
Da das Thema ja mal hier war... [Urteil Beschneidung] Smalltalk.
Facebook Zensur, Kehle durchschneiden ist ok, Beschneidung ...
Facebook hebt sich einmal mehr durch Zensur zu einem sensiblen Thema hervor. Die Diskussion um die Beschneidung flammte wieder auf, nachdem Israel ...
Sex-Erlebnis nach Beschneidung erforscht Onmeda
Australische Wissenschaftler werteten Studien zur sexuellen Empfindungsfähigkeit beschnittener Männer aus und kamen zu einem eindeutigen Ergebnis
Facebook macht des öfteren durch kurzentschlossene Zensur von sich reden. Ein weiteres Thema, welches bebildert dort nicht vorkommen darf: Beschneidung!
Israel protestiert gegen Beschluss des Europarats zur Beschneidung
Israel hat die sofortige Rücknahme einer europäischen Resolution zur Fragwürdigkeit von Beschneidungen gefordert. Die Parlamentarische Versammlung des ...
Wundheilung nach der Beschneidung | Medizin | - Wer-weiss-was
Hallo zusammen habe bald eine beschneidung vor mir und schon recht Angst vor den schmerzen, da es ja eine sehr empfindliche Stelle ist an der operirert wird ...
Big Brother: Facebook glänzt einmal mehr mit seltsamen Moralvorstellungen. Es ist darüber hinaus auch keine Neuigkeit, dass man mit einem Automaten keine ...
Europarat spricht sich gegen Beschneidung aus | netzwerkB
netzwerkB fordert die Bundeskanzlerin, Frau Dr. Angela Merkel, auf, eine vollständige Korrektur des Kinderschutzes herbeizuführen.
Europarat initiiert Resolution zu Beschneidung: Empörung aus ... Legal Tribune ONLINE
Laut Medienberichten hat Israel die sofortige Rücknahme einer europäischen Resolution zur Beschneidungen von Kindern gefordert. Die Parlamentarische
Update zur Beschneidungsdebatte – Wie der Gesetzgeber den ... beck-aktuell
Die Entscheidung des LG Köln NJW 2012, 2128 führte auch hier im Blog zu einer intensiven Diskussion über die Frage der Strafbarkeit einer Beschneidung ...
Die juristische Presseschau vom 5. - 7. Oktober 2013: Lottoglück ... Legal Tribune ONLINE
Außerdem in der Presseschau: Debatten zum Jugendarrest, zur Beschneidung und zur EU-Staatsanwaltschaft, abgehörte Anwälte und vom BND angezapfte
gegen Beschneidung | Brights - Die Natur des Zweifels
Posts about gegen Beschneidung written by nickpol.
Beschneidung: Vorsätzliche schwere Körperverletzung « Neues aus ...
Beschneidung: Vorsätzliche schwere Körperverletzung. Ich konnte das hier Verlinkte nicht im einzelnen überprüfen, da ich selber nicht auf Facebook verkehre.
Beschneidung Artikel | Lesermeinung zum Artikel "Der Ablauf einer ...
Der Text besteht im wesentlichen aus bedauerlicherweise falsch reduzierten und verändert neu zusammengesetzten Bestandteilen des aktuellen ...
Isik, Sebastian Dr. med. spez. f. Beschneidung Facharzt - Telefonbuch
Finden Sie Isik, Sebastian Dr. med. spez. f. Beschneidung Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin in Ottensen im Telefonbuch Hamburg. Eingetragen sind ...
Gloria.tv: Beschneidung. Theologische und medizinische Aspekte
JosefBordat 8.10.2013 02:07:46. Vielleicht doch noch einige Bemerkungen zum theologischen (1) und medizinischen (2) Charakter der Beschneidung, weil es ...
Beschneidung mit 51 - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Beschneidung mit 51. 07.10.13 20:23. Tja, hätte ich mir auch nicht gedacht, aber es kommt halt wie so oft im Leben sehr überraschend. Wegen meiner ...
Beschneidung und Heilungsprozess - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Beschneidung und Heilungsprozess. 07.10.13 18:34. Hallo leute,. Habe mich heute neu bezgl. meines Problems hier im Forum angemeldet also Neuling ...
Die Mizwa der Beschneidung (1. Teil) | Israel Nachrichten | Heute ...
Die erste Mizwa, die an einem jüdischen Baby, falls es ein Junge ist, ausgeführt wird, ist die Beschneidung. Hebräisch heißt sie Brit Mila (Bund der ...
Beschneidung. Theologische und medizinische Aspekte | Jobo72's ...
Vielleicht doch noch einige Bemerkungen zum theologischen (1) und medizinischen (2) Charakter der Beschneidung, weil es dazu immer wieder ...
Vietnam: Blogger-Netzwerk wehrt sich gegen Beschneidung der ... Netzpolitik.org
Es häufen sich nicht nur Berichte von festgenommenen regimekritischen Bloggern in Vietnam, zusätzlich trat im September ein Gesetz in Kraft, dass es ...
Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen »
Vietnam: Blogger-Netzwerk wehrt sich gegen Beschneidung der ... Netzpolitik.org
Vietnam: Blogger-Netzwerk wehrt sich gegen Beschneidung der Meinungsfreiheit. Von Andrea Jonjic | Veröffentlicht: 08.10.2013 um 12:37h | Kommentieren.
Kalenderblatt 2013: 10. Oktober Osterländer Volkszeitung
2012 - Das Bundeskabinett beschließt einen Gesetzentwurf zur Beschneidung von jüdischen und muslimischen Jungen. Danach soll der Eingriff auch künftig
Schramberg: Große Krisen aus der Kindersicht betrachtet Schwarzwälder Bote
... Fardosa, Protagonistin in dem 45-minutigen Dokumentarfilm, in den Slums von Nairobi, die sich gegen die Beschneidung junger Mädchen einsetzt. Oder der .
American Jewish Committee verurteilt Resolution zur Beschneidung ...
Das American Jewish Committee hat eine Resolution auf europäischer Ebene, die sich kritisch zur Beschneidung von Jungen äußert, scharf kritisiert.
Beschneidung. Theologische und medizinische Aspekte ...
Armseliges Gefasel mit all den längst widerlegten Vorurteilen pro Beschneidung. Aber es gibt in Deutschland auch noch viele Menschen, die an Geister und ...
interessante Rechtsfragen zum Thema „Beschneidung“ | refrago
Interessante Rechtsfragen zum Beschneidung verständlich erklärt, zu Themen wie Beschneidung.
Das Thema "Beschneidung von Jungen" gibt es noch in der Politik ...
Und weiter unten heißt es dann auch: "Die sexuelle Verstümmelung von Mädchen müsse gesetzlich verboten werden, forderte die Versammlung. Bei der ...
Strafbarkeit von religiöser Beschneidung eine Diskriminierung der ...
Ich frage mich gerade wie weit die Politik die Justiz unter Druck setzt das Recht zu beugen um auch bei diesem Thema den Juden und Moslems in den.
Deutschland pocht auf Beschneidung des Freizügigkeitsrechts Wiener Zeitung
Berlin. Der deutsche Innenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich hat die EU-Kommission erneut aufgefordert, härter gegen die sogenannte Armutseinwanderung aus .
Beschneidung - Forenarchiv - urbia.de
Guten abend ihr lieben... mein kleiner wird nächste woche dienstag beschnitten. montag müssen wir zur blutabnahme und narkose sowie OP besprechung.
EU-Kommission macht Rückzieher bei Atomkraft-Förderung und ... IWR
EU-Kommission macht Rückzieher bei Atomkraft-Förderung und EEG-Beschneidung. Brüssel – Letztlich wird es wohl nicht so schlimm kommen wie befürchtet: .
Europarat: Israel verurteilt Resolution über rituelle Beschneidung ShortNews.de
Israel behauptet, die rituelle Beschneidung bei Knaben würde den Kindern nicht schaden. Die Abschaffung dieser Praxis würde in Europa Hass schüren und
Quotengarant Beschneidung | Jobo72's Weblog
Wer von der extrem raren Ressource Aufmerksamkeit besonders viel haben will, sollte nicht über Abtreibung, Christenverfolgung oder Klimawandel schreiben, ...
!STAGE! israel ist empört - resolution zur beschneidung - T-Online
wie aus dem verlinkten artikel zu ennehmen ist, hat sich in israel empörung über die resolution zum Childrens right to physical integrity breit gemacht.
Europäische Populisten Jüdische Allgemeine
Die Parlamentarische Versammlung des Europarats hat sich kritisch zur religiösen Beschneidung von Jungen geäußert. »Na und?«, ist man geneigt zu rufen.
Die Debatte gehört aufgewärmt und die Vorhäute gehören dran news.ch
Die Parlamentarische Versammlung des Europarats hat jüngst in einer Resolution die Beschneidung kleiner Jungs aus religiösen Gründen ebenso wie die .
Europarat: Israel verurteilt Resolution über rituelle Beschneidung
Israel behauptet, die rituelle Beschneidung bei Knaben würde den Kindern nicht schaden. Die Abschaffung dieser Praxis würde in Europa Hass schüren und ...
Beschneiden lassen, weil die Gesellschaft es "verlangt"? (Penis ...
Ich leide jetzt seit Monaten unter extremsten Depression, wegen dieses lapidaren Themas. Ich bin 30, gesund, unebeschnitten, meine Vorhaut ist normal, weich, ...
Nur religiöse Beschneidung legal - Rechtliche Aspekte ...
Hier meint jemand, dass §1631d verfassungskonform aber mangelhaft sei, weil die Beschneidung ausschließlich unter religiöser Begründung zulässig sei.
Beschnittene Männer und Sex: Lust oder Frust? Yahoo Lifestyle Deutschland
Beschneidungen werden größtenteils aus religiös-rituellen Motiven vorgenommen, in manchen Kulturen oft sogar schon bei Babys und Kleinkindern. Manchmal
Eine Beschneidung machen lassen, nur weil es den meiste nicht ...
Ich fühle mich seit Monaten dazu genötigt, mich beschneiden zu lassem, abwohl bei mir de unten alles tadellos in Ordnung ist (das schließt sowohl Optik, ...
Jüdische Allgemeine / POLITIK / Einspruch - Europäische Populisten
Die Parlamentarische Versammlung des Europarats hat sich kritisch zur religiösen Beschneidung von Jungen geäußert. »Na und?«, ist man geneigt zu rufen.
N24 Streit um Beschneidung verschärft sich
Sie stehen sich unversöhnlich gegenüber. Die Rabbiner fordern: Beschneidungen müssen in Deutschland vollkommen legal sein. Von «religiös motivierten ...
Ronald Lauder weist die Resolution des Europarats gegen ...
Die hitzige Debatte um die Beschneidung zeigt, dass Europa auf einem Irrweg ist. In immer mehr Ländern werden religiöse Praktiken infrage gestellt, sei es die ...
Körperkult - Gesellschaft - beschneidungsforum.de - das Forum zum ...
Die Amerikaner sind echt fix bei der Sache, wenn es darum geht, körperliche "Unvollkommenheiten" bzw. "unnormales Aussehen" zu "korrigieren" - das bezieht ...
Gegen Beschneidung Schwäbische Post
Gegen Beschneidung ... sozial schwachen Randbezirk der Hauptstadt Ouagadougou, in dem Beschneidungen immer noch eine vielverbreitete Praxis sind.
Quotengarant Beschneidung | theolounge.de
Themen der Woche von Josef Bordat: Quotengarant Beschneidung Wer von der extrem raren Ressource Aufmerksamkeit besonders viel haben will, sollte nicht ...
HILFE! Starke Schwellung nach Beschneidung!!!! - Vorhautprobleme ...
Starke Schwellung nach Beschneidung!!!! 12.10.13 11:37. Hallo Leute,. Wurde vor 12 Tagen radikal beschnitten. Grund war eine Vorhautverengung (Phimose).
Ärzteverband besorgt über Kindergesundheit - Kritik an Beschneidung Frankfurter Rundschau
Der Berufsverband der Kinder- und Jugendärzte (BVKJ) warnt eindringlich vor einer Verschlechterung der Gesundheitsversorgung für Heranwachsende in ...
Meine Beschneidung ARD.de
Erst recht nicht, wenn es um die Beschneidung geht, die dort auf ihn wartet. Ümit vermisst seine Freunde in Deutschland, findet alle, vor allem seinen Cousin ...
Gesundheit: Ärzteverband besorgt über Kindergesundheit – Kritik an ...
Adipositas, Berufsverband, Beschneidung, Bewegungsmangel, ... In Deutschland ist die Beschneidung von Jungen an der Vorhaut aus religiösen Gründen ...
Ärzteverband besorgt über Kindergesundheit - Kritik an Beschneidung
Massive Kritik richtete der Verband an die Politik wegen des im Jahr 2012 im Eiltempo verabschiedeten Beschneidungsgesetzes. «Es hat die Probleme ...
Meine Beschneidung - hr-fernsehen | programm.ARD.de
Wenn es eines gibt, auf das der neunjährige Ümit so gar keine Lust hat, dann auf einen Ausflug mit seiner Familie in die Türkei. Erst recht nicht, wenn es um die ...
Wunde heilt nicht nach Operation - Beschneidung. HILFE! (Heilung ...
Mein Freund wurde vor einer Woche beschnitten, er "kümmert" sich sorgfältig um sein Goldstück.. Badet ihn zweimal im warmen Kamillenbad und cremt ihn mit ...
Shangani people embrace modern ways of circumcision | Southern ...
A global health organisation, Population Service International (PSI) has hailed the Shangani community for taking up modern male circumcision resulting in the ...
Berith Road: The Significance of Circumcision in the Bible
In the 1984 NIV Bible, the verb circumcise occurs 60 times, the noun circumcision 21 times, the adjective uncircumcised 38 times, and the noun uncircumcision ...
Circumcision - Southeast Alabama Medical Center
Circumcision. Circumcision is a quick, simple procedure. There are a number of ways to do circumcision. A boy is born with a layer of skin that covers the ...
COMMENTARY: Questioning circumcision isn't ... - SecularNews.Org
The ministry statement said the resolution “fosters hate and racist trends,” denied that circumcision causes any harm, and strongly objected to any comparison ...
circumcision...yay or nay? looking for feedback - BabyCenter
I am expecting my baby boy jan 3... Yesterday at my appointment, I was asked about Circumcising my baby... Are you going to circumcise your son, or do you ...
COMMENTARY: Questioning circumcision isn't anti-Semitic
COMMENTARY: Questioning circumcision isn't anti-Semitic. RELIGION NEWS SERVICE | on Fri, Oct 18, 12:00 PM. (RNS) Earlier this month the Council of ...
客室予約 - Circumcision Should Be Outlawed
When considering penis enlargement surgery, you may picture procedures done by famous people or friends. However, there are many types of cosmetic ...
Ban Male Circumcision on Infants - Common Ground - IdeaScale
Common Ground: Ontario Liberal Party - by IdeaScale.
Circumcision helps stem cancer: Khupe New Zimbabwe.com
MDC-T DEPUTY leader Thokozani Khupe has backed calls for men to consider circumcision to help curb new cervical cancer infections in the country. Cervical ...
See all stories on this topic »
New Zimbabwe.com
COMMENTARY: Questioning circumcision isn't anti-Semitic Washington Post
The ministry statement said the resolution “fosters hate and racist trends,” denied that circumcision causes any harm, and strongly objected to any comparison ...
See all stories on this topic »
Revision of circumcision cpt code 2013 - free ebook downloads
Revision of circumcision cpt code 2013 free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.net - Circumcision -- Florida Medicaid Only -- REVISED February ...
Male circumcision removes most nerves, vastly reducing sensitivity ...
original reason why some religions promoted it - to keep men's attention on the ... "Removes Most Nerves". No. No it doesn't remove "most nerves". Who in the ...
News 2 new results for circumcision
Jewish world: As Uman pilgrimage grows, the devout invent new ... Jerusalem Post
UMAN, Ukraine (JTA) – Eight days after he was born in Israel, Yossi Galant's youngest son was already 3,200 km. from home, undergoing a circumcision near a ...
See all stories on this topic »
The Female Genital Mutilation Act and its relation to female genital ... Lexology (registration)
The general presumption is that the prosecution will relate to the cultural practice of female circumcision. What few plastic surgeons realise, however, is that ...
See all stories on this topic »
Web 11 new results for circumcision
Newborn circumcision ?! Please help? - Yahoo! Answers NZ
I want to have my baby circumcised but I'm scared ! I really don't want him to go through that pain but at the same time I read up on it and it's good for him.
Khupe pushes for male circumcision - NewsDay Zimbabwe
MDC-T vice-president Thokozani Khupe has urged men to play their part in curbing the spread of cervical cancer by undergoing circumcision.
The unkindest cut of all - Circumcision - TheOneTruth
Until a few moments ago I was unaware that it is "common practise" in the USA to circumcise every male child, although statistics show this is now (thankfully) ...
The Perfect Circumcision? | Adult Circumcision Blog
My Perfect Circumcision would be high and moderate tightness while retaining the frenulum. Let me know what you think. :-). Posted 22 hours ago by Gold Coast ...
Parshah: Why Women Don't Need Circumcision By Rochel ...
He was four years old when he read of Abraham's circumcision and of G‑d's subsequent appearance to him. Something about the story moved him, and he ...
Is male circumcision worse then female circumcision? - Yahoo! UK ...
"Is male circumcision worse then female circumcision?" - Find the answer to this question and millions more on Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers.
Circumcision - YouTube
What is circumcision is really about. ... Virtual Circumcision Ban after Cologne Germany Court Decision: Jewish, Muslims Defend Religionby JewishNewsOne ...
~Broken Goddess~ - Feminist says male circumcision is a feminist ...
Feminist says male circumcision is a feminist problem http://ecochildsplay.com/2011/07/07/why-circumcision-is-a-feminist-issue/ moneymud: ...
Circumcision, why the seriousness of it in the OT? - Theology Online ...
... of the circumcision." Exodus 4:24-26 (KJV) What is circumcision a type of that today God still cannot but demand it of man if man is to be part of His kingdom?
Will circumcisions in Europe be performed at Israeli embassies? Israel Hayom
MK Yoel Razvozov: We will instruct Israeli embassies in Europe to perform circumcisions on their sovereign property if EU bans the ritual • MK Ronen Hoffman: .
Circumcision - March 2014 Birth Club - BabyCentre
March 2014 Birth Club: Meet others who are due at the same time as you! Whatever you are going through, you are not alone. Share your experiences (good ...
Catholics and Circumcision - Fish Eaters Traditional Catholic Forum
Thank you allieked. No, it's not all due to circumcision but it does play a large part. I do forgive them in the sense that I don't want justice for them. But I feel ...
Article - circumcision - JustMommies Message Boards
Article - circumcision Due Date Club of February 2014.
Circumcision or uncircumcised? - Yahoo! Answers
For guys who were uncircumcised for most of there lifes that became circumcised can you tell the pros and cons to it and whats the womens opinion on the topic ...
SYABM — Feminist says male circumcision is a feminist problem
Feminist says male circumcision is a feminist problem.
circumcision Q - BabyGaga
circumcision Q: how long did you put vasilene on your sons p***s?his Dr told my at 1wek jus stop every thing but his.
"Forced Genital Cutting," and Jewish circumcision - Religious Forums
Originally Posted by DallasApple You need to go sue your parents..Obvioulsy they messed up your feet putting shoes on you for decoration..My parents.
Circumcision, Christians, and Batman - Daniel's Life - Tumblr
Daniel's Life. Daniel's Life. My name is Daniel. I cosplay as Deadpool and am addicted to anything marvel or star wars related. Star wars is everything to me.
circumcision yay or nay? - Page 15 - Pandora's Box - Grasscity Forum
Page 15 of 15 - circumcision yay or nay? - posted in Pandoras Box: I think this is the most valid point so far its not like you cant just slide the rest of your skin up?
Simply Heavenly Food (Do all boys have to be circumcised or they ...
No they do not. There are different issues that are wrapped up in the question of whether males should be circumcised or not. One issue is that of religious ...
South Africa: Vhembe men learn about circumcision | Southern ...
Nurses from Limpopo's Guyuni clinic took time off from the clinic to talk to young men in Helula village about medical male circumcision. “I felt that it was very ...
circumcision - Oxford Dictionaries
Definition of circumcision in American English in Oxford dictionary (US). Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences. English to English reference content.
This is Major Cool, YEAH!, Feminist says male circumcision is a ...
Feminist says male circumcision is a feminist problem http://ecochildsplay.com/2011/07/07/why-circumcision-is-a-feminist-issue/ lazydaysfullofhaze: ...
'Circumcision ceremonies should be held at ... - The Latest News
MKs must make every effort to lobby against anti-circumcision resolutions, Knesset Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Committee chairman Yoel Rozvozov ...
Circumcision. . . - General Discussion - CigarBid Forums
For those of you that are rid of the foreskin do you think your missing out? For those with it do you wish you had it cut off or glad to have it.
Ask Rep #12 - Circumcision, Christians, & Batman - YouTube
Business inquiries/contact -- Mrrepzion@gmail.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrRepzion My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MrRepzion?ref=hl Instagram: ...
Blood disorder a potential link to circumcision deaths | News | Health ...
The hereditary bleeding disorder haemophilia could be a reason for the deaths in some circumcision rituals, blood disease awareness foundation Igazi said on ...
Afrodrumming Forum • View topic - Jewish Circumcision
Jewish Circumcision Louis Bardo Bullock is the title Sandra Bullock chose for her recently adopted baby boy. Despite the turmoil in Bullock's individual lifestyle ...
Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision In Charge - BrighterMonday
Ensure pre and post circumcision and HIV test counseling is provided to VMMC ... Diagnose and treat STIs Training other clinicians on circumcision procedure ...
LOL @ MRA: lookatthisfuckingoppressor: Circumcision...
lookatthisfuckingoppressor: “ Circumcision predates feminism by centuries. The institutions that started the practice still exist and are at least as influential as ...
Independent Online
Study suggests why circumcised men are less likely to become ... HealthCanal.com
PHOENIX, Ariz. -- Circumcision, which substantially lowers HIV risk in men, also dramatically changes the bacterial communities of the penis, according to a .
Film questions the practice of circumcision Boulder Weekly
This is a scene in Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon's documentary Cut: Slicing through the Myths of Circumcision, which will be playing at the Boulder Jewish Community .
Boulder Weekly
Ritual circumcision under attack In Europe God Discussion
In Europe, ritual circumcision may be in danger of becoming illegal in the near future. Last week in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe a ruling . »
Haemophilia potential link to circumcision deaths | DispatchOnline Sapa
The hereditary bleeding disorder haemophilia could be a reason for the deaths in some circumcision rituals, blood disease awareness foundation Igazi said on.
Bacteria, Circumcision and HIV. Oh my! « Nothing in Biology Makes ... Hird
Basically every place on our bodies is loaded with bacteria. All of these communities are important (I've written about some of the ways before) and more and ...
Nothing in Biology Makes Sense!
The Knesset presents: How not to protect circumcision - Jewish ...
A special Knesset debate on a recent resolution by the toothless Council of Europe to increase supervision of ritual circumcision reached heights of absurdity.
Men: Your Thoughts On Circumcision. - Find Answers to this Question
Just bored asking a random yet still debatable question....Find answers to the question, Men: Your Thoughts On Circumcision. from people who know at Ask ...
Blood disorder a potential link to circumcision deaths ... - Inagist
Blood disorder a potential link to circumcision deaths http://t.co/Wax43RsVIp by SABreakingNews 390108953415147522.
Catholics and Circumcision - Fish Eaters Traditional Catholic Forum
Drummerboy, I understand that in the greater scheme of things, being circumcised isn't that big a deal. But I'm not the greater scheme of things, I'm me. If it's a ...
Circumcision In Europe | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
At least four Israelis babies were circumcised this year at the Ukraine grave of Reb Nachman, part of a rash of new customs developed by followers of the rabbi ...
2013-10-15 Maukonen blog - Sweden: New archbishop declares ...
2013-10-15 Maukonen blog - Sweden: New archbishop declares support for circumcision Non-Print, Non-Broadcast News.
'Circumcision ceremonies should be held at Israeli embassies in ... Jerusalem Post
“If necessary, we will instruct embassies to hold circumcision ceremonies on ... of Europe passed a resolution calling male ritual circumcision “a violation of the ... »
Haemophilia potential link to circumcision deaths Independent Online
Johannesburg - The hereditary bleeding disorder haemophilia could be a reason for the deaths in some circumcision rituals, blood disease awareness ...
Adult Disposable Circumcision Device part 1 - Hdhub.net
Disposable Circumcision Device... ... Adult Disposable Circumcision Device part 1 ... Circumcision is neither safe or painless and will ruin your boys sexual life.
TwitterZona: Dockett's spam sandwich craving; A circumcision tweet
TwitterZona: A look at Arizona news, views and images—via Arizona tweets. CONCEIVED AND COMPILED BY MIKE SAUCIER @MikeTheSauce BEERY ...
Male circumcision reduces HIV infection risk by 60 per cent - Letters ...
I have read with interest the male circumcision letter written by Mr Kili (Nation, October 7).
Infant Male Circumcision Debate - Charleston, South Carolina ...
J. Steven Svoboda will be debating the American Academy of Pediatrics' Michael Brady, M.D. in a talk entitled, "Newborn Male Circumcision is Unethical and ...
So boys, what's your thoughts on forced circumcision on infants?
I myself am cut, and never thought much about it. I just happened to come across the somewhat large movement of people against it and my reaction was ...
Royal circumcision myth - The Bub Hub
An academic paper on the history of the contemporary legend of a royal circumcision "tradition" has now been published by the journal SageOpen. The abstract ...
Circumcision - The Bump
So my due date was nov 22 but my son decided to come 7 weeks early on oct 2!
"Forced Genital Cutting," and Jewish circumcision - Religious Forums
Originally Posted by dawny0826 Not recommending the procedure as routine does not translate to absolute opposition, as the CPS contains medical.
Letters: Circumcision and human rights | Society - DailyMe.com
Protesters against male circumcision in Vancouver on 4 August 2012. A campaigning group, the Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project (CAN-FAP), has been ...
"Forced Genital Cutting," and Jewish circumcision - Religious Forums
Originally Posted by 9-10ths_Penguin And in general, that's my position - don't ban it outright, but: - don't cover circumcision with health insurance.
@people talking about circumcision - Random - powerbot
Page 1 of 2 - @people talking about circumcision - posted in Random: There is not difference between circumcised and uncircumcised penises. The only reason ...
Study Confirms Male Circumcision is Genital Mutilation - Rebirth
Study Confirms Male Circumcision is Genital Mutilation http://www.prweb.com/releases/2007/03/prweb512999.htm supercaptainpatriarchy: ““A new study in the ...
Circumcision? [Poll] - BabyCenter
My BIL (the Swede) is not circumcised and he thought it was weird that Americans do it. ... My dad is 100% pro-circumcision and constantly reminds me that his ...
Circumcision and human rights The Guardian
Protesters against male circumcision in Vancouver on 4 August 2012. A campaigning group, the Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project (CAN-FAP), has been
The Guardian
As Uman pilgrimage grows, the devout invent new customs Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Observers say the circumcisions began about two years ago and are a result of an overall growth in travelers to Uman, a city of about 85,000 that is flooded ...
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
New incarnations of an ancient hatred Jerusalem Post
The recommendation by the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly that its 47 member states ban circumcision is just the latest onslaught against Jewish ...
See all stories on this topic »
Video - Israeli embassies to allow circumcision in EU - News - jn1.tv
The announcement follows a resolution passed overwhelmingly by the Council of Europe, which called male ritual circumcision a 'violation of the physical ...
Is sensitivity really decreases after male circumcision and nerves are ...
I had circumcision one year ago since then i have lot of problems it reduced ... about it you can get information from here site page ...
Nothing in Biology Makes Sense: Circumcision and microbial ecology
Approximately half of the men are then circumcised and all subjects are ... Yeah, it's maybe not surprising that circumcision would change what kinds of bacteria ...
My Ignorant Mother Giving Advice To My Sister( Circumcision ...
My Ignorant Mother Giving Advice To My Sister( Circumcision: So my little sister calls me up and she was telling me how everyone was so upset with her ...
circumcision (poll) - Page 16 - BabyGaga
circumcision (poll): did u circumcise your son? will you? why or why not im just curious. i have a daughter but if.
The Guggie Daily: Jews Against Circumcision: How a New Jewish ...
Many argue that since female children in the U.S. are protected by a 1996 law banning female circumcision, this law should be expanded to include the ...
Reading "Bacteria, Circumcision & HIV. Oh my!" from @sarahmhird ...
Reading Bacteria, Circumcision & HIV. Oh my! http://t.co/6rwHjtC1m5 from @sarahmhird (Post Doc in my lab) at @NothingInBio by phylogenomics ...
Male Circumcision Program Officer (One Post) Job in Dar Es Salaam ...
The project supports MOHSW/NACP in rolling out HIV testing and counseling services, voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) for HIV prevention and ...
Topic: All of Europe to ban Circumcision = ban on all Jews | Rapture ...
The recommendation by the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly that its 47 member states ban circumcision is just the latest onslaught against Jewish ...
@people talking about circumcision - Page 3 - Random - powerbot
Page 3 of 3 - @people talking about circumcision - posted in Random: Theres been LOTS of research on this and Ive asked so many girls myself. Nearly all ...
Waris Dirie: fights against female circumcision receives ... - Daily Mail
Waris Dirie, now 48 and living in Poland with her four children, was just five years old when she was subjected to FGM in her home country of Somalia.
Male Circumcision, Sexual Behavior, and HIV Status ... - Measure DHS
Male Circumcision, Sexual Behavior, and HIV Status in Uganda (English)
Circumcision vid - A Voice For Men Forums
Circumcision vid. Ok I really really really really really don't like Lacie Green. She's wrong on almost everything that comes out of her mouth. I just saw this ...
Should circumcision be outlawed? | Debate.org
It's SEXUAL MUTILATION of boys and of the men they become! When inflicted on -- FORCED ON -- helpless or hapless HEALTHY boys, circumcision is always ...
faith onlyists - works of the flesh are adultery, wrath, circumcision ...
http://forums.carm.org/vbb/showthread.php?164775-why-no-grace&p=4858003#post4858003 What was done in the case of the above verses was the grabbing ...
When will circumcision be outlawed? - Yahoo! Answers
I'm a 17 year old circumcised guy and i absolutely hate everything about being cut at birth. I just masturbated 15 minutes ago, and it was a painful mission to ***.
Inmate gets first circumcision in a Florida prison Sun-Sentinel
A mohel performed the circumcision on Oct. 2 in the prison infirmary. Diaz was born in Cuba to Jewish parents who did not have him circumcised as an infant .
The latest anti-Semitic cry: ban circumcision Spectator.co.uk
Intactivists are men who were circumcised at birth and who, as their name suggests, ... Last week, the Council of Europe said circumcision is 'a violation of the ...
Waris Dirie: fights against female circumcision receives Woman of ... Daily Mail
A collection of knives, blades and amulet used for female circumcision in Kenya's Pokot district. Nine-year old Fay Mohammed, recovers from an operation in .
Daily Mail
Startup Nation's Low-Tech Circumcision Technique The Jewish Week
The group, including a urologist and a biomedical engineer, was working on a low-tech circumcision technique designed to reduce the chances of contracting .
As Uman pilgrimage grows, devout invent customs Jewish News of Greater Phoenix
Eight days after he was born in Israel, Yossi Galant's youngest son was already 2,000 miles from home, undergoing a circumcision near a rabbi's grave amid a
HANKFUL! (circumcision) - BabyGaga
IM THANKFUL! (circumcision): sooo I just got something from my medicaid in the mail and I guess Carters circumcision will be cove.
circumcision » The Spectator
The latest anti-Semitic cry: ban circumcision · Brendan O'Neill 19 October 2013. There are lots of weird campaign groups around today, but none so weird as a ...
Get circumcised, Khupe urges men - Southern Eye
MDC-T vice-president Thokozani Khupe yesterday reiterated calls for men to consider circumcision in a bid to prevent new cervical cancer infections.
Tell me what's the circumstance of circumcision? – I Know
"Tell me what's the circumstance of circumcision?" from "I Know" by Barenaked Ladies.
Adult male circumcision | Mumsnet Discussion
Anyone or their dh been through this? Dh needs to have it done and has been told to take a week off work afterwards. Any advice especially on how m.
Catholics and Circumcision - Fish Eaters Traditional Catholic Forum
If you were to ask Americans why they circumcise, you will get religious or quasi-religious answers from the ignorant. Religious ideas have steeped into this ...
Why Circumcision?? - Catholic Answers Forums
Of all they ways that God could have chosen to have his people marked....Why Circumcision??? Thoughts??? Peace James ...
Health Benefits of Circumcision | Buzz | Healthmeup.com
If you've missed our riveting articles on the health benefits of circumcision, jogging, muscle building exercises, ayurveda treatments for weight loss, vegetarian ...
Inmate gets first circumcision in a Florida prison - Sun Sentinel
Pablo Manuel Diaz, a 37-year-old inmate serving a life sentence at the Blackwater River Correctional Facility in Milton, recently became the first Florida prisoner ...
Beschneidung - Übersicht A-Z - Lexikon - Loveline.de
Im Loveline-Lexikon findest du alle Begriffe zu Liebe, Verhütung und Sexualität.
Beschneidung - Welt der Ideen
Interesse an Beschneidung? Bei http://ideenwelt.blog.de/ finden Sie relevante Einträge und Informationen zu Beschneidung.
Säkularisation und Beschneidung bei amerikanischen Juden ...
Die Frage, was das für die rituelle Beschneidung bedeutet, wurde in der Studie ... Entsprechend dürfte die Zahl der rituellen Beschneidungen auch bei uns ...
Stephan Kramer: Nazi-Revolution und Beschneidung in einer Rede ...
"Was ist bloß aus der guten alten Antisemitismuskeule geworden? Einst war sie härter als jeder Dickschädel, auf den sie traf, heute wirkt sie schlapp und schlaff, ...
Penis, Beschneidung, Eiter, Gitter um den Penis - Gutefrage.net
Hallo. Ich wurde am Mittwoch (Also vor 3Tagen) ganz Beschnitten..als ich zuhause war habe ich den Mullverband abgemacht und aufeinmal sah ich dass noch ...
Beschneidung - warum? - Penisdicke-Forum - Penisdicke.de
Bei meiner Ex hab ich mich nicht getraut, ihr zu sagen, dass sie beim Blasen die Vorhaut richtig runterziehen soll, weil ich Angst hatte, dass da was.
Aktuelle Aktionen - Fuldaer Zeitung
Bad Orb (dpa/lhe) - Der Berufsverband der Kinder- und Jugendärzte (BVKJ) warnt eindringlich vor einer Verschlechterung der Gesundheitsversorgung für ...
"Cliteracy" gegen Beschneidung | Nics Bloghaus
Dass so viele Menschen die Zwangsbeschneidung von Kindern unproblematisch finden, liegt nicht nur an einem falschen Respekt vor der ...
Lernpfad Beschneidung - Die Vorhaut: Funktion und Physiologie ...
"Im Fernsehen, in Zeitungen und im Internet findest Du seit dem Sommer 2012 viel zum Thema Beschneidung bei Jungen. Expertinnen und Experten aus ...
Religion entdecken - beschneidungsforum.de - das Forum zum ...
Bei ihnen gibt es verschiedene Formen der Beschneidung. ... Fast überall sind Beschneidungen bei Mädchen und Frauen inzwischen auch gesetzlich streng ...
Schwanzgedanken – Nachwehen zur Beschneidungsdebatte freiewelt.net
Das Ding mit der Beschneidung – ach – das macht die Sache schwierig. Es bezeugt uns doch das Gegenteil. In Anbetracht der Kühle, die Mann und Junge ...
Blogs 1 neues Ergebnis für Beschneidung
Ärzteverband besorgt über Kindergesundheit – Kritik an ... nickpol
Der Berufsverband der Kinder- und Jugendärzte (BVKJ) warnt eindringlich vor einer Verschlechterung der Gesundheitsversorgung für Heranwachsende in ...
Brights - Die Natur des Zweifels
Probleme nach Beschneidung - stark geschwollene, empfindliche ...
Hallo zusammen! Ich wurde am letzten Mittwoch (09.10) ambulant radikal beschnitten und habe einige Fragen, die mich gerade total unglücklich machen und ...
beschneidung usw. (Penis) - Gutefrage.net
ich m 13. ich brauche villt. eine beschneidung weil meine eichel noch nicht draußen ist...aber tut es höllisch weh? was wird genau gemacht? gibt es dann auch ...
Ärzteverband besorgt über Kindergesundheit – Kritik an ...
Massive Kritik richtete der Verband an die Politik wegen des im Jahr 2012 im Eiltempo verabschiedeten Beschneidungsgesetzes. «Es hat die Probleme überhaupt nicht gelöst», ...
Homburger Frauen engagieren sich gegen Beschneidung
Business Professional Women – ein Club von 28 Frauen aus dem Kreis – hat 1000 Euro an (I)ntact gespendet, eine Initiative gegen die Beschneidung von ...
Durch meine Beschneidung ist etwas passiert? - Yahoo! Clever
Hallo ich wurde vor 3 Wochen beschnitten wegen weil meine Vorhaut ein ... das sich durch eine Beschneidung die Penislänge ändert habe ich noch nicht gehört ...
Beschneidung oder: Der Kampf um die Vorhaut - das zweigeteilte ...
Ein Kölner Gerichtsurteil wegen Körperverletzung hatte nicht nur Deutschland in Aufregung versetzt. Und selbst wenn die grundsätzliche und notwendige ...
Beschneidung - Morgenblatt Blog
Interesse an Beschneidung? Bei http://Morgenblatt.blog.de/ finden Sie relevante Einträge und Informationen zu Beschneidung.
„Cliteracy“ gegen Beschneidung | Evidenz-basierte Ansichten Harald Stücker
Dass so viele Menschen die Zwangsbeschneidung von Kindern unproblematisch finden, liegt nicht nur an einem falschen Respekt vor der Religion, sondern vor ...
Evidenz-basierte Ansichten
„Cliteracy“ gegen Beschneidung | Evidenz-basierte Ansichten
Dass so viele Menschen die Zwangsbeschneidung von Kindern unproblematisch finden, liegt nicht nur an einem falschen Respekt vor der Religion, sondern vor ...
Jugendärzte kritisieren Beschneidung | zm-online
Der Berufsverband der Kinder- und Jugendärzte in Deutschland will am (heutigen) Montag (13.00 Uhr) bei einer Tagung in Bad Orb (Main-Kinzig-Kreis) seine.
Neues Gerichtsverfahren - Gesellschaft - beschneidungsforum.de ...
Der Techniker hatte den Buben beschneiden lassen, die Mutter des Kindes zeigte ihn ... Die Beschneidung bei einem Facharzt sei ohne Einwilligung der Mutter ...
Menschenrechte, Kontroverse um Beschneidung und Organknappheit derStandard.at
Themen der aktuellen Sendung: Menschenrechte in Europa, Kontroverse um Beschneidung und Knappheit von Organen. (red, derStandard.at, 15.10.2013). anzeigen »
So boys, what's your thoughts on forced circumcision on infants?
I myself am cut, and never thought much about it. I just happened to come across the somewhat large movement of people against it and my reaction was ...
Royal circumcision myth - The Bub Hub
An academic paper on the history of the contemporary legend of a royal circumcision "tradition" has now been published by the journal SageOpen. The abstract ...
Men: Your Thoughts On Circumcision. - Find Answers to this Question
Just bored asking a random yet still debatable question....Find answers to the question, Men: Your Thoughts On Circumcision. from people who know at Ask ...
Blood disorder a potential link to circumcision deaths ... - Inagist
Blood disorder a potential link to circumcision deaths http://t.co/Wax43RsVIp by SABreakingNews 390108953415147522.
Catholics and Circumcision - Fish Eaters Traditional Catholic Forum
Drummerboy, I understand that in the greater scheme of things, being circumcised isn't that big a deal. But I'm not the greater scheme of things, I'm me. If it's a ...
Circumcision In Europe | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
At least four Israelis babies were circumcised this year at the Ukraine grave of Reb Nachman, part of a rash of new customs developed by followers of the rabbi ...
2013-10-15 Maukonen blog - Sweden: New archbishop declares ...
2013-10-15 Maukonen blog - Sweden: New archbishop declares support for circumcision Non-Print, Non-Broadcast News.
God damn it im reading about female circumcision for class and this ...
I'm cringing left and right and im not even a girl! [face_sick]
Why did John Harvey Kellogg start Circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
he never did ... If anyone "started circumcision" it was Abraham. ... Circumcision was/is a part of the "Abrahamic covenant" . ... He did not "start" it as such - he ...
Team blue: what's your circumcision decision? - Page 12 ...
Genesis 17:10-14. This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your offspring after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised.
Circumcision - to do or not to do - PEGym
My wife and I are debating whether to circumcise our 2 sons or not. One is 3.5 years old and the other one is a newborn. We'd like to know the pros.
Team blue: what's your circumcision decision? - Page 14 ...
Originally Posted by Electricat Originally Posted by JessPape Originally Posted by Electricat I grew up in Kenya, so me and my husband cut my daugther's labia ...
We are the True Circumcision - SermonAudio.com
Rev. Anthony Dallison is a native of Scotland and served in the Presbyterian Church of Scotland for a number of years before emigrating to Canada and serving ...
Circumcision - Southeast Alabama Medical Center
Circumcision. Circumcision is a quick, simple procedure. There are a number of ways to do circumcision. A boy is born with a layer of skin that covers the ...
COMMENTARY: Questioning circumcision isn't ... - SecularNews.Org
The ministry statement said the resolution “fosters hate and racist trends,” denied that circumcision causes any harm, and strongly objected to any comparison ...
circumcision...yay or nay? looking for feedback - BabyCenter
I am expecting my baby boy jan 3... Yesterday at my appointment, I was asked about Circumcising my baby... Are you going to circumcise your son, or do you ...
COMMENTARY: Questioning circumcision isn't anti-Semitic
COMMENTARY: Questioning circumcision isn't anti-Semitic. RELIGION NEWS SERVICE | on Fri, Oct 18, 12:00 PM. (RNS) Earlier this month the Council of ...
客室予約 - Circumcision Should Be Outlawed
When considering penis enlargement surgery, you may picture procedures done by famous people or friends. However, there are many types of cosmetic ...
What is your view on male circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
I am aware that female circumcision exists and it is called “genital mutilation” so why is it then, male circumcision is not called the same or viewed harshly at all?
Circumcision helps stem cancer: Khupe New Zimbabwe.com
MDC-T DEPUTY leader Thokozani Khupe has backed calls for men to consider circumcision to help curb new cervical cancer infections in the country. Cervical ...
See all stories on this topic »
New Zimbabwe.com
COMMENTARY: Questioning circumcision isn't anti-Semitic Washington Post
The ministry statement said the resolution “fosters hate and racist trends,” denied that circumcision causes any harm, and strongly objected to any comparison ...
See all stories on this topic »
Revision of circumcision cpt code 2013 - free ebook downloads
Revision of circumcision cpt code 2013 free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.net - Circumcision -- Florida Medicaid Only -- REVISED February ...
Male circumcision removes most nerves, vastly reducing sensitivity ...
original reason why some religions promoted it - to keep men's attention on the ... "Removes Most Nerves". No. No it doesn't remove "most nerves". Who in the ...
Shangani people embrace modern ways of circumcision | Southern ...
A global health organisation, Population Service International (PSI) has hailed the Shangani community for taking up modern male circumcision resulting in the ...
Berith Road: The Significance of Circumcision in the Bible
In the 1984 NIV Bible, the verb circumcise occurs 60 times, the noun circumcision 21 times, the adjective uncircumcised 38 times, and the noun uncircumcision ...
Circumcision Helps Stem Cancer - Khupe - Movie Balla
MDC-T DEPUTY leader Thokozani Khupe has backed calls for men to consider circumcision to help curb new cervical cancer infections in the country. Cervical ...
Medical Circumcision Kit - Alibaba.com
Medical Circumcision Kit, Medical Circumcision Kit Manufacturers & Suppliers Directory - Find here Medical Circumcision Kit Traders, Medical Circumcision Kit ...
QnA Board - Best Doctor For Circumcision - PlanetDoll
Do you see cosmetic surgery in your future? There are millions of people around the globe who have already done this. You will be given crucial information that ...
Circumcision & HiV - Memecrunch
Circumcision & HiV, featuring Philosoraptor. ... Circumcision & HiV 11 minutes ago. Circumcision & HiV. Generate a meme using Philosoraptor ...
Joe Rogan On Circumcision - Funny Videos at Videobash
I'm pissed that I'm circumcised. Mutilation for sure. Crazy damn society. - Watch Funny Videos,Clips,Jokes and Pranks from around the world at Videobash.com.
circumcision | Homo economicus' Weblog
Posts about circumcision written by John Sargeant.
Joe Rogan on circumcision - *nails* it. | loiter.co
A clip from Joe Rogans newest special called Live from the Tabernacle. You can buy the special directly from Joe Rogan. It is only 5 bucks and if you like this ...
Penis length reduced after circumcision,how to gain length without ...
Hello all, I finally decided to join after lurking here for few weeks. Let me say a bit about my situation. I didn't have an amazing penis to start.
circumcision - Oxford Dictionaries
Pronounce circumcision in American English. How do you say circumcision? Amercian English pronunciation in Oxford dictionary (US).
Anon knows the truth about circumcision. : 4chan - Reddit
Bi-yearly Mod Mail. The utter cesspool of humanity. The very lowest common denominator of humor. The Bottom of the Internet. RULES: No direct links to 4chan.
wishing a little boy good luck!! (circumcision surgery fix) - BabyGaga
wishing a little boy good luck!! (circumcision surgery fix): my cousins little boy is having surgery today to fix his circ. im not sure all the details, but it h.
How Circumcision Is Performed | Topfkoepfe.de
Bild des Benutzers natashasymemqjimvux. How Circumcision Is Performed. Although a lot of people think that penis enlargement surgery is not needed, this is ...
More men embrace male circumcision - The Sunday News
POPULATION Services International (PSI) has hailed the Shangani community for taking up modern male circumcision, resulting in the recent circumcision of ...
R3m claim for six 'botched' circumcisions Independent Online
The parents of six boys from Dassenhoek who were allegedly circumcised ... It runs six male circumcision centres in KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng and Mpumalanga.
Independent Online
MALE CIRCUMCISION: Nordic Ombudspersons Will Seek a Ban on ... Salem-News.Com
Circumcision without a medical indication on a person unable to provide informed consent conflicts with basic principles of medical ethics.
Circumcision of Infants | Homo economicus' Weblog John Sargeant
Reading an article in The Spectator, this part defending circumcision as exerting parental rights over non existent child rights stood out: the European warriors ...
Homo economicus' Weblog
Circumcision and Children's Right to Physical Integrity - Israel Today ...
The Council of Europe's campaign against circumcision is ultimately another attempt to erase the Jewish people.
I may need a circumcision yet i last a long time during sex, how ...
"I may need a circumcision yet i last a long time during sex, how would it effect how long i could last?" - Find the answer to this question and millions more on ...
Male circumcision is performed on an estimated one out of six male newborns worldwide. Over 60 percent of male newborns were circumcised in the United ...
Jews Against Circumcision: How a New Jewish Generation Views ...
'There are a growing number of Jews who are becoming increasingly vocal in questioning both the ethics and the legality of circumcision. Jews in the Reform ...
MapleStory Thoughts on circumcision ? - MapleStory Forum, Quests ...
Are you circumcised ? what are your thoughts on it. ... I just google imaged Circumcision, found a picture, but then at the corner of my eye I saw a picture with ...
Circumcision - Page 6 - Social Anxiety Forum
Originally Posted by Terranaut I'm glad mine is. So I'd pass on the trait. I'm not a Jew but I think one of the reasons they came up with it is.
Circumcision | SHEARIM
Posts about Circumcision written by Miriam Woelke.
TO Circumcise or NOT TO Circumcise, that is the question! - Page 5 ...
I wouldn't say I am on a crusade. Its just hard for me to put my kid through the pain of a circumcision for no other reason than hes white and girls don't like it.
Circumcision - BabyCenter
This is a hot topic and there are strong opinions. Really there are pros and cons to both regardless how adamant your position is on the topic. I circumsized my ...
-= Trigger Alert! =-: Circumcision Decision-Making Flowchart
... on a billboard! Posted by L. Byron at 12:14 · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook. Labels: Circumcision, male and female genital mutilation ...
Is it possible that a circumcision case will one day soon go to federal ...
Since September 30 1996 it has been a felony in the USA to circumcise minor girls. (18 U.S.C. - 116 : US Code - Section 116: Female genital mutilation became ...
Safe Male Circumcision Pharmaceuticals and Supplies | U.S. ... - usaid
USAID/Uganda is requesting Quotations for the supply of Safe Male Circumcision (SMC) Pharmaceuticals and Supplies. You are invited to submit a technical ...
Europe's shudder at circumcision | Israel.com
In a society where the majority of men are circumcised such as the U.S., it's hard to imagine the ingrained European aversion for the practice which sees ...
I'm Getting A Partial Circumcision Soon, Feelsgoodman (Will Update ...
This is like, the happiest moment of my life. Phimosis (unretractable tight foreskin) has caused me problems for so fukin long!! I've been trying to get a 'partial ...
Is Circumcision Dehumanizing Technology? - UFC Fight Club Forum
I am considering getting my computer circumsized. Should I do it?
The Sentinel : circumcision
Circumcised that is. Unfortunately for men, when this question arises, we are too young to have any input. Circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the ...
Circumcision and Children's Right to Physical Integrity Israel Today
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe earlier this month put forward a resolution that essentially calls for the outlawing of circumcision.
Europe's shudder at circumcision Haaretz
While these provisos deserve universal approbation, the decision to similarly categorize male non-medical circumcision as an assault on an individual's physical .
Health worker opts for circumcision Health-e
A 33-year old who works at Tshwane University of Technology as a health promoter has been circumcised in spite of his fear of the pain it would cause. “I never ...
See all stories on this topic »
Sacre secularism! * Blasphemous prayer * State circumcisions ... Religion News Service
After the Council of Europe passed a resolution calling male ritual circumcision “a violation of the physical integrity of children” earlier this month, members of .
As Uman pilgrimage grows, the devout invent new customs The Times of Israel
UMAN, Ukraine (JTA) — Eight days after he was born in Israel, Yossi Galant's youngest son was already 2,000 miles from home, undergoing a circumcision near ...
The Times of Israel
Religious freedom vs bodily integrity: another round of the foreskin ... The Conversation
The Council of Europe's resolution earlier this month to prohibit the circumcision of infant boys for religious reasons has ignited another round to the “foreskin .
Opinions/Thoughts on Male Circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
I am cross posting to forums trying to get peoples thoughts on Male Circumcision for this Thursday Nights radio program. America is the only country that utilizes ...
Free Your Kids - If female infant circumcision was legal... | Facebook
If female infant circumcision was legal in America and... 1) It was socially acceptable, or 2) A parent's religion called for it, or 3) The mother...
Internet Archive Search: subject:"Spiritual Circumcision"
Pastor Chris in his sermon series "Sermons from Romans" discusses the true nature of spiritual circumcision. God wants to cut away our flesh, i.e. the sinful ...
What Circumcision Looks Like | Capstan Marine
There are many penile enlargement surgery. Keep reading in order to get great insights into how you can benefit from the procedures of modern penile ...
What's hiding behind attacks on circumcision? - TV Balla
A recent recommendation by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to prohibit circumcision has ... Continue reading on: Jerusalem Post.
Forced circumcision stories
Took so actively in into the water and they had sent for and feel.,Forced circumcision stories, Dog knotted stores picog knotted stores pic, How to fill out a rent ...
Does Circumcision Hurt : Found
Does Circumcision Hurt. Merle6067 suggested this on Oct 22 05:18 am. penile enlargement surgery is often seen as a miracle method to fix flaws or an ...
ults for circumcision
Winky D tackles circumcision controversy New Zimbabwe.com
HEALTH service group, Population International (PSI), has commended reggae-dancehall star Winky D for his contribution to the national male circumcision ...
See all stories on this topic »
New Zimbabwe.com
Health Worker Opts for Circumcision AllAfrica.com
He underwent circumcision surgery after he heard that it was another way - along with the regular use of condoms - of preventing HIV and other sexually ...
Motsoaledi urges politicians to get circumcised | News | Health | Mail ...
"Medical male circumcision services are also available for those who want access to this service and honourable members, those who need to do it and [have] ...
Circumcision............. - BabyCenter
Hi ladies; does anyone know what the 'go' is with circumcision nowadays? I have 3 boys aged 16, 13, 11yrs - none of whom are circumcised. Now expecting ...
Why Circumcision?? - Page 2 - Catholic Answers Forums
Why Circumcision? ... and so I guess that circumcision was a way of distinguishing Jewish people, the people of the Old Covenant, from the Pagans.
Circumcised before and after photos - free ebook downloads
Circumcised before and after photos free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.net - Manual for Male Circumcision under Local Anaesthesia.
Best Method For Circumcision — Eight Investment Partners
You should avoid physical activity for four weeks after your surgery, you will need to take time from work. Keep reading to find out more great tips! Find out what ...
Cultural Responses to End Female Circumcision in Africa - 12/5 ...
This is the Jonathan Mann Health and Human Rights Annual Public Health Program Lecture and will feature a panel of presenters discussing female ...
客室予約 - What Circumcision Means In The Bible
There are many different options with cosmetic surgeries available that will let you improve your appearance without spending a lot of money.Keep reading in ...
What's hiding behind attacks on circumcision? Jerusalem Post
A recent recommendation by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to prohibit circumcision has put Israel and European Jewry on the ...
Jewish Daily Forward
Minister urges MPs to circumcise Independent Online
“Medical male circumcision services are also available for those who want access to this service and honourable members, those who need to do it and 1/8have ... »
Independent Online
Minister offers MPs medical circumcision Eyewitness News
He said, “As you know medical male circumcision is a critical strategy to decrease the HIV/Aids inception, as demonstrated in the number of clinical trials in ...
What's hiding behind attacks on circumcision? | Dead Citizen's ... rmnixondeceased
A recent recommendation by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to prohibit circumcision has put Israel and European Jewry on the
Hi, I have got reaction after my circumcision surgery, having severe ...
Hi, I have got reaction after my circumcision surgery, having severe pain and injury in urinary meatus(glans), please advice the treatment. consulted urologist ...
Child Circumcision - Reston Hospital Center | Reston, VA
Learn more about Child Circumcision at Reston Hospital Center Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin of the penis. The foreskin is a sheath of skin that ...
Circumcision Do I Need It — Eight Investment Partners
penis enlargement does not have to be intimidating. You can then better decide if surgery is the right for you. Find out from your doctor if you on antibiotics before ...
How Circumcision Harms Women | Capstan Marine
penis enlargement is often seen as a miracle method to fix flaws or an unhealthy and dangerous thing to do. Your mental health can be affected by the way you ...
Circumcision - BabyCenter
Today when changing my 3 week old I noticed the tip of his circumcised penis was blue/purple. I am not sure if it has been like that and I just noticed or if it is ...
QnA Board - Can Circumcision Prevent Growth - PlanetDoll
penis enlargement is rising in popularity every year. Find out if you need to make any cosmetic changes yourself prior to your appearance has to be altered ...
How Circumcision Is Performed | Million Angel Challenge™
penis enlargement is increasing in popularity. If you enjoyed this write-up and you would such as to receive more info pertaining to Full Report ...
2013-10-22 The Jerusalem Post - "What's hiding behind attacks on ...
A recent recommendation by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to prohibit circumcision has put Israel and European Jewry on the ...
Free circumcision (khatna) camp organized by Tanzeem concludes ...
Free circumcision (khatna) camp organized by Tanzeem concludes today ... famous doctor, Dr Haneef Shabab performing circumcisions of around 30 children.
Israeli MKs to fight EU anti-circumcision proposal | i24news ...
Group of Knesset members plan to travel across Europe to lobby for reversal of European Council resolution - Israel, Knesset, female genital mutilation, ...
Internet Archive Search: subject:"circumcision of the heart"
Keywords: Moshe; Yehoshua; Joshua; circumcision of the heart; Sukkot; ten songs; ... Sermon 13 - The Circumcision of the Heart - John Wesley - John Wesley
Misandry - The hatred of men - razorbladekandy: Circumcision: If ...
razorbladekandy: “ Circumcision: If circumcision is right, because the child won't remember it, then is date rape alright as well? ”
Why I Didn't Make The Cut: The Other Circumcision Decision ...
ALL the reasons we didn't circumcise our baby. should i circumcise.
Law professor in Ohio sues over alleged harassment WKEF ABC 22
It also claims the dean questioned the professor about circumcision as the professor prepared to convert to Judaism. The lawsuit says the dean retaliated by ...
Circumcision % - BabyGaga
Circumcision %: Does anyone know a site where I can find the most recent circumcision % in the USA?
Regretting circumcision :( - BabyGaga
Regretting circumcision :(: I hope they come up with a surgery to reverse a circumcision, I've been having serious regrets about.
French politicians, clergymen support petition defending circumcision
(JTA) — More than 5000 people, including prominent French politicians, scholars and clergymen, have signed a petition against attempts to ban ritual ...
Oh God My Dad's On Tumblr • razorbladekandy: Circumcision: If ...
razorbladekandy: “ Circumcision: If circumcision is right, because the child won't remember it, then is date rape alright as well? ” This is quite possibly the ...
female circumcision - Oxford Dictionaries
Definition of female circumcision in American English in Oxford dictionary (US). Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences. English to English reference ...
Children's health - Circumcision - NetDoctor.co.uk
I regret doing the circumcision and would have preferred him making that decision himself when he got older. My question is - would that outer skin grow out to ...
If you were opposed to circumcision for your son but did it anyway ...
My DH is not circ'd and felt like our son should be. I know this is exactly what ppl fear when they choose not to circ; other uncirc'd guys I know are fine with it but it ...
French Jews launch petition against European circumcision resolution
Over 5,500 people, including prominent French politicians, scholars and clergymen, have already signed a petition against attempts to ban ritual circumcision of ...
Circumcision Quotes by David L. Gollaher - Goodreads
1 quote from Circumcision: A History Of The World's Most Controversial Surgery: 'Our revulsion towards cutting the genitals of girls should give us pause...
"adult circumcision"
"adult circumcision". General Files. Of artillery with the ringing of bells ampc. Like the mother and daughter make out when clearances ampc. To the ship which.
Male Circumcision Set - Alibaba.com
Male Circumcision Set Suppliers & medical circumcision Manufacturers Directory. Source Top Quality Male Circumcision Set Suppliers, medical circumcision ...
In France, 5000 sign petition defending circumcision Haaretz
Former government minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet is one of a slew of notables to sign a petition defending ritual circumcision of children. Photo by Reuters.
See all stories on this topic »
MKs to traverse Europe to combat anti-circumcision proposals Jerusalem Post
The resolution called male ritual circumcision “a violation of the physical integrity of children,” and said states should protect children “against violations of their ...
When did female circumcision became illegal in the US?
You know those inner lip things chicks have? my gf's, Hers STICK OUT! Like hang...it makes me feel like I'm dealing with a transvestite with a small penis.
OT- circumcision - CafeMom
J and I are having a discussion about circumcision....having no penis and only a daughter so far its not something ive ever g.
Circumcision | Decision Aids | Patient.co.uk
View decision aids for Circumcision. Decision Aids will help you understand the best course of action to take.
Circumcision | Support groups | Patient.co.uk
View all specialist help and support groups for Circumcision. Charities and organisations who can help support Circumcision.
Forced Circumcision of 12 yr old is ok, says Oregon Ruling ...
Forced Circumcision of 12 yr old is ok, says Oregon Ruling: What do you all think about this?
What We Talk About When We Talk About How We ... - The Weeklings
Ms. Lute says she has read blistering assaults against parents on other threads about circumcision. “I wasn't prepared,” she writes, “for some of the name-calling ...
If you were opposed to circumcision for your son but did it anyway ...
I would strongly prefer not to circumcise our baby if we have a son, however my husband feels strongly that we should (we are Jewish). We still haven't decided ...
There is no medical necessity for circumcision. .... stronger language is a result of emerging evidence that found links between circumcision and decreased risk ...
Nursing care plan circumcision
At least once in space that has a. The gods are family reunion human bingo he shuffles soles.,Nursing care plan circumcision, Female doctor does ...
Circumcision of Jesus Parmigianino - YouTube
This Article Circumcision of Jesus Parmigianino is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be location at WikiPedia.org. The painting b.
Free circumcision (Khatna) camp organized by Tanzeem in Bhatkal SahilOnline
Bhatkal: A free camp for children's circumcision (khatna) was organized by Uttar Kannada's famous socio-political organization Majlis-e-Islah wa Tanzeem in ...
See all stories on this topic »
'Making pure girls': Decade of female circumcision captured in film ...
News, World News: Two Kurdish filmmakers interview men, women from Kurdistan impacted by female genital mutilation (FGM), impact custom itself, law ...
Team blue: what's your circumcision decision? - BabyandBump
I'm personally still caught in the middle of what I am going to do. I've just known I'm having a boy since my positive pregnancy test on mothers day somehow and ...
Circumcision ??? - Netmums
Don't want any abuse before I post just advice because my heads a mess!!! Me and hubby had our gorgeous baby boy in May, we discussed circumcision.
If you were opposed to circumcision for your son but did it anyway ...
Anonymous wrote: As a doula, I've had women literally sobbing in my arms because they allowed their sons to be circumcised (against their better judgement).
If you were opposed to circumcision for your son but did it anyway ...
Circumcision is a fairly minor decision in the grand context of life. I am the first PP who responded (with something relevant, but of course since then you have ...
Circumcision prevent : Neonatal urinary tract infections - News ...
During this several years the frequency of circumcision in the USA decreased from 84% to 74% and this also decrease was connected with an increase within ...
Circumcision and Baptism - Page 6 - CARM Christian Forums
Romans 4 is very instructive on the issue of baptism. Here's what I wrote recently to our Bible study fellowship: "Was Abraham saved because he was ...
Why Circumcision Is Unnecessary — Eight Investment Partners
You need to know what penis enlargement entails so that you can be satisfied with the procedure and results. There are a lot of things to know in advance and ...
Scandinavia takes steps towards banning circumcision. - Ready To Go
At last the rights of children are being considered regarding this barbaric, sometimes dangerous, religious practice :-...
Consent Forms For Metzitzah B'Peh – Empowering Parents Or ... The Jewish Press
That plus the heightened sensitivity to inappropriate touching of children, as well as the legal issues surrounding circumcision in Europe, make MBP perfect for ...
Jewish Family in Canada Opts for a Brit Shalom IntactNews
(Brit shalom contains the symbolic elements of the covenant ceremony, but without circumcision.) At the time, there was only one rabbi listed for all of British ...
See all stories on this topic »
Is circumcision ethical? - Yahoo! Answers
Is removing a healthy part of a baby boys penis at an age where he can't say no or defend himself ethical? If you want to know why I'm asking, I'm a 17 year old ...
Team blue: what's your circumcision decision? - Page 9 ...
I choose for circumcision because dh is. I didn't want my children to feel different. Its common practice in the usa. Them I didn't want them to get made fun of in ...
Health Decoder – To Circumcise or Not to Circumcise - Circumcision
Health Decoder – To Circumcise or Not to Circumcise by: Health Decoder // length: 3.49 This video offers a concise, well-illustrated overview of circumcision.
Habe Phimose. Beschneidung wirklich so schlimm? (Geschlecht ...
Hallo liebe Ask-Community, Ich bin mittlerweile 16 Jahre alt, hab eine Freundin und laufe schon mein Leben lang mit einer relativen Phimose rum. Ich war vor ...
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
Re: Beschneidung beim Mann. So Okt 27, 2013 9:35 pm. Es gab und wird eben immer Moderekrankungen geben, die den Chirurgen nicht brotlos lassen ...
Windparkprojekt mit Amel droht arge Beschneidung | Eifel ...
Windparkprojekt mit Amel droht arge Beschneidung. vergrößern. Die positive Referenzkarte zur Entwicklung neuer Windkraftanlagen fällt aus Sicht der ...
Beschneidung | FreieWelt.net
DEUTSCHLAND. Die Frage nach der Aufnahme von Mitgliedern der Partei FREIHEIT heizte mal wieder die Diskussion an: “Wie hälst du's mit der Religion?
Re: Aktuell: Beschneidung ist strafbar – Seite 73 - eBay Community
Guten Abend@all, Da ich von Einigen ein wenig aufgeklärt wurde,wo die Wurzeln für die Beschneidung liegen und die liegen sehr weit zurück,bin...
Kennt ihr schon diesen Schrott? - George Orwell lebt -Beschneidung ...
Wenn Frauen (logischerweise von Natur aus Expertinnen in Sachen Penis (waren die in ihrem vorigen Leben Männer?)) über MGM schreiben - dann natürlich ...
Aufgequollen nach beschneidung?? (Zirkumzision, Gesundheit ...
Hallo, Die kruste ist vollstandig ab. Ging locker ab, habe noch fäden an der kruste gesehen(normal)? Und jetzt navh dem kamillebad siehts aus wie ...
Neue Westfälische (Bielefeld): KOMMENTAR Auslandseinsätze der ... Finanzen.net
... großen Koalition und die Stärkung der Oppositionsrechte im Parlament debattiert wird, wirkt ein Vorstoß zur Beschneidung dieser Rechte kontraproduktiv.
Tag152 - Recht auf Beschneidung? Kinder als Privatbesitz Bastian Neumann
Ich habe diesen Bericht mit M. Friedman über das Thema Beschneidung bei jüdischen und muslemischen Kindern angesehen. Es geht mir in diesem Blog ...
Bastians Reise ins Leben - 7 Jahre Selbstvergebung
Die (Be-) Deutung der Beschneidung von Jungen - Religion ...
Aber das ist doch eine schöne Entschädigung, dass der Junge anschließend einer Bauchtänzerin an den Busen grabschen darf! ;) Und dann all die Geschenke ...
Wundversorgung nach Beschneidung - Stillen-und-Tragen.de
Na, ich glaube schon dass es genug Leute gibt die das leichtfertig entscheiden ("Hat dem Papa, Opa, Onkel, Cousin, etc. ja auch nicht geschadet und die ...
Intactivist Verwendung von Terminologie für Beschneidung ...
Beschneidung Terminologie für Intactivists ist eine politische Entscheidung, die die körperlichen und seelische Auswirkungen des Säuglings Beschneidung ...
Beschneidung in Ulm Mähringen - Das Örtliche
2 Einträge zu Beschneidung in Ulm Mähringen gefunden. Weitere Angebote: Kinderurologie, Kinderwunsch, ambulante Operationen.
Beschneidung in Ulm Weststadt - Das Örtliche
2 Einträge zu Beschneidung in Ulm Weststadt gefunden. Weitere Angebote: Kinderurologie, Kinderwunsch, ambulante Operationen.
Sport(Bodybuilding) nach Beschneidung (Geschlecht, Arzt, Penis)
Hallo, ich hatte heute genau vor 2 Wochen und einem Tag eine Beschneidung. Mein Arzt sagte mir, dass ich nach 2 Wochen wieder problemlos ins ...
Beschneidung der Meinungsfreiheit | Deutschland im Würgegriff
Tag Archive | Beschneidung der Meinungsfreiheit. Betreiber von Politaia erhält Strafbefehl — Conrebbi-Video · Okt29 · conrebbi 23. October 2013 – Politaia.
Die (Be-) Deutung der Beschneidung von Jungen - Religion ...
Aber das ist doch eine schöne Entschädigung, dass der Junge anschließend einer Bauchtänzerin an den Busen grabschen darf! ;) Und dann all die Geschenke ...
Habe Phimose. Beschneidung wirklich so schlimm? (Geschlecht ...
Hallo liebe Ask-Community, Ich bin mittlerweile 16 Jahre alt, hab eine Freundin und laufe schon mein Leben lang mit einer relativen Phimose rum. Ich war vor ...
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
Re: Beschneidung beim Mann. So Okt 27, 2013 9:35 pm. Es gab und wird eben immer Moderekrankungen geben, die den Chirurgen nicht brotlos lassen ...
Kann man die Beschneidung nicht mit einem symbolischen Ritual ... Arie Folger
Nachdem der Europarat die Beschneidungsfrage wieder eröffnet hat und die Meinung vertritt, dass eine religiös bedingte Knabenbeschneidung ...
Mikolot Mayim Rabbim
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
Re: Beschneidung beim Mann. Sa Nov 02, 2013 5:36 pm. Wieso würden jüdische Eltern kriminalisiert? Nulle poena sine lege! -> Rückwirkungsverbot Was du ...
Bitte kommentieren - Gesellschaft - beschneidungsforum.de - das ...
http://www.wdr.de/tv/werwolf/themen/mein…er/Vorhaut.php5. Hier sagen die allen Ernstes, Phimosen seien ab dem 5 Lebensjahr unbedingt zu behandeln und ...
Großdebatten der letzten Zeit: Intersexualität, Pädophilie und ...
In der Problematik spiegeln sich zwei Großdebatten der letzten Zeit, die um Pädophilie und die um Beschneidung. Sie lenkten den Blick auf die ...
Neues Urteil zur Beschneidung - Rechtliche Aspekte ...
Und auf das Beschneiden von Pflanzen sollte man den Ausdruck endlich beschränken. Bei der weiblichen Genitalverstümmelung klappt es ja mittlerweile ganz ...
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 635) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 635)
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 634) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 634)
Beschneidungen in Deutschland: Guter Schnitt - FAZ.net
Leserkommentare: In der Beschneidungsdebatte des vergangenen Jahres wurde darüber wenig gesprochen: Zirkumzisionen bei Jungen sind [...] Seite 1 - jetzt ...
629 - Politik-Forum.eu
Und es gab immer noch kein Argument das für die Beschneidung aber gegen ... Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Endlich - Gesetzgeber regelt straffreie Beschneidung!
Neue Westfälische (Bielefeld): KOMMENTAR Auslandseinsätze der ... Finanzen.net
... großen Koalition und die Stärkung der Oppositionsrechte im Parlament debattiert wird, wirkt ein Vorstoß zur Beschneidung dieser Rechte kontraproduktiv.
Tag152 - Recht auf Beschneidung? Kinder als Privatbesitz Bastian Neumann
Ich habe diesen Bericht mit M. Friedman über das Thema Beschneidung bei jüdischen und muslemischen Kindern angesehen. Es geht mir in diesem Blog ...
Bastians Reise ins Leben - 7 Jahre Selbstvergebung
Re: Aktuell: Beschneidung ist strafbar – Seite 13 - eBay Community
Ohne 248 Postings nachgelesen zu haben: Das Urteil entspricht unserem Rechtsystem. Ohne medizinischen Grund hat ein Eingriff zu unterlas...
„Einen medizinischen Grund für die Beschneidung gibt es in den ...
Einen medizinischen Grund für die Beschneidung gibt es in den allermeisten Fällen erst im Schulalter und nicht schon im Vorschulalter“ Aber die Ärzte machen ...
Beschneidung: Wann ist sie medizinisch sinnvoll? LIFELINE
Die Zahl der Beschneidungen von Jungen hat in den letzten fünf Jahren um ein Drittel zugelegt. Die Entfernung der Vorhaut ist ein gutes Geschäft für ..
Beschneidungen in Deutschland | hpd fnavissi
Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Sontagszeitung (FAS) widmete am vergangenem Wochenende gleich in zwei längeren Artikel der Beschneidung von männlichen ...
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 633) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 633)
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 632) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 632)
633 - Politik-Forum.eu
Sorry, mach einfach mal einen Anfängerkurs in Logik. Dann erkläre mir noch mal objektiv was der Unterschied zwischen einer Beschneidung und den anderen ...
632 - Politik-Forum.eu
Endlich - Gericht greift bei Beschneidung durch! Moderator: ... Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Endlich - Gesetzgeber regelt straffreie Beschneidung! Beitrag Verfasst: Di ...
631 - Politik-Forum.eu
Ich möchte wissen: Warum sollte aus deiner Sicht die Beschneidung erlaubt, ... Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Endlich - Gesetzgeber regelt straffreie Beschneidung!
Schutzhose nach Beschneidung zur schnelleren Wundheilung ...
http://www.aydon.org/kundenfeedback.php Diese Phimose-Hose von AYDON wurde entwickelt für den Schutz der Wunde nach einer Beschneidung - der sog.
Nach oben - Politik-Forum.eu
Eigentlich ist es mir egal, aber es ist ein tieferer Eingriff als die Beschneidung, das Kreuz ist immer ein Symbol des Christentums. Wie wird das dann, wenn ...
nach beschneidung- empfindlichkeit (phimose, Operation, Krankheit)
ich hatte eine phimose, die nach langer dehntherapie nicht gelöst wurden konnte. deshlab wurde ich vorgestern operiert. die fäden sind noch drin und werden ...
Zahl der Beschneidungen in Deutschland steigt deutlich
Die Zahl der Beschneidungen bei kleinen Jungen ist in Deutschland in den vergangenen Jahren einem Bericht zufolge deutlich gestiegen. Sie unterliegt ...
Gutes Geschäft für Kinderchirurgen - Zahl der Beschneidungen von ...
Immer öfter werden Jungen im Vorschulalter beschnitten. Die Gründe können unterschiedlicher Natur sein, allzu oft ist die Ursache eine Vorhautverengung.
Szenen der Verstümmelung in Südafrika - Beschneidung und AIDS ...
In May, the Sunday Tribune reported that parents of 19 boys, aged 11 to 19, from Dassenhoek, near Mariannhill, laid charges against New Start over ...
Rituelle Beschneidung von Knaben | Kummer- und Sorgenforum
Ich hatte mit Entsetzen die öffentlichen Debatten verfolgt, dass eine Beschneidung an der Vorhaut des Penis bei minderjährigen Knaben befürwortet wurde...
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