OCCASIONAL COMMENTS ON PSCHO-ANALYTIC MATTERS + CONTIBUTIONS fromMICHAEL ROLOFF Member Seattle Psychoanalytic Institute and Society this LYNX will LEAP you to all my HANDKE project sites and BLOGS: http://www.roloff.freehosting.net/index.html "MAY THE FOGGY DEW BEDIAMONDIZE YOUR HOOSPRINGS!" {J. Joyce} "Sryde Lyde Myde Vorworde Vorhorde Vorborde" [von Alvensleben]

Sunday, August 5, 2012





"Hohn ist die Schere des Mohels der die Vorhaut der Unvernunft abschneidet"
"Derision is the Mohel of Reason's knife."



The purpose of this Weblog is to supply information to help the discussion of the German Circumcision controversy.
I initially threw up the first version of the blog shortly before the German Ethic Council was to meet to discuss what to do, more on that further down.

1) http://analytic-comments.blogspot.com/2012/10/michael-wolffsohns-foreskin-of-heart.html  


 The theory of circumcision however submits that circumcision was caused by a single dynamic- lack of fresh water- and subsequently the unhygienic conditions arising from irregular ablution. Irregular ablution causes, bad odour, thrush, cystitis, and other poor sanitation infections, which diminish libidos and stifle sexual concert with the main malefactors being unwashed and accumulated smegma, or poorly managed menstruation. Relatedly, non-circumcising groups are commonly settled around large fresh water bodies, as those which practice circumcision are settled far from fresh water bodies. Indeed, the prescription of mid-teen-age for circumcision is preemptively designed, to prepare teens for healthy relationships devoid of stigmatising claims of uncleanliness or sexual deficiency.


The World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) agree with MC for personal, cultural, financial, and professional reasons. No medical organization finds any proven medical benefit for circumcision, and European organizations are against circumcision. Circumcision is painful and a shock to the system.-


Doctors oppose infant circumcision

18. mar. 2013 13.08 English
The circumcision of infants entails a risk of serious physical injury, or even death, and should be banned, according to 38 leading doctors.


International physicians protest against American Academy of Pediatrics’ policy on infant male circumcision

Circumcision conflicts with children’s rights and doctors’ oath and can have serious long-term consequences, state an international group of 38 physicians from 16 European countries in Pediatrics today. They comment on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ new policy on infant male circumcision.
There are no compelling health arguments in favor of circumcision, while it can have serious long-term urological, psychological and sexual consequences. And performing medically unwarranted circumcision of underage boys conflicts with good medical practice. Male infant circumcision conflicts with children’s rights and the doctors’ oath not to do harm. 

Making it a taboo to compare male with female sexual mutilation is the biggest scandal of the controversy. In both instances the most sensitive and most erogenous zone of the human bod is amputated and severely damaged. In both instances, what counts primarily is the cutting of human sexuality. The imposition of control by the patriarchy.
Die Tabuisierung jeglichen Vergleichs von männlicher mit weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung ist der große Skandal der Debatte. In beiden Fällen wird der empfindsamste und erogenste Teil des menschlichen Körpers amputiert oder schwer beschädigt. In beiden Fällen geht es in erster Linie um die Beschneidung menschlicher Sexualität.


 Die Skepsis der Pädiater
Unausgegoren, katastrophal - die Kritik der Pädiater am Gesetzentwurf zur Beschneidung ist eindeutig. Sie sehen die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention verletzt - und das Gesetz quasi schon zur Verhandlung in Karlsruhe. Aber die Kinderärzte haben einen Kompromissvorschlag.Von Raimund Schmid


 Sunday, August 5, 2012

Here is my opening statement which I have reduced it to a kind of stub - a stub onto which one could add back on the entire controversy relating to Anti-Semitism, and how guilt distorts German ways of handling matters of that kind, and various defenses made of the practice for reasons of "inscription of the law onto the body, “the law”, and which is manifested in its multifariousness below. Towards the end there will be a section devoted to discussions that derive from the German yahootherapeuten group. Section "Yahoo". 

4= Original letter to the Ethik Rat
material, in progress



On June 26 of this year a Judge in Cologne, Germany
condemned a German physician for  violating the German constitution’s guarantee of the inviolability of a person for having circumcised - it  was a four year old Muslim boy. But the judge did not pronounce a guilty verdict nor administer punishment since the physician was practicing within a tradition and was unaware of the conflict of those constitutional guarantees with those guaranteeing freedom of religion, in this instance the Abrahamic religious practices of Brit Milahhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Brit_milah
in Judaic and the Islamic practice of Khitan
Thus ensued a conflict between the Jewish and Islamic religious in Germany and the German legal authorities that continues to this day.  The chief Israeli Rabbi went to Germany and asserted that the prohibition of the Brit Mila constituted a prohibition of the fundament of Jewish identity and German Jews therefore would have to leave the country. The Bundestag, the German parliament, responded quickly to calls from the two dominant parties, Christian and Social Democrats, to pass a resolution, endorsed by Chancellor Angele Merkel, in favor of an exception for the practice
Yet the controversy  will not be resolved until that law has been studied by the German Ethic Council, if then.
Circumcision, the lopping off of a penis’s foreskin incises appr. 5,000 nerves; for the concentration of nerves at that region it is one of the most excruciatingly painful procedures if administered without anesthetic, as it is in the Jewish practice of the Prit Milah, which is celebrated on the 8th day extra-uterine. The child is in no position to be consulted, no empathy of its pain can even be communicated for whatever trauma the procedure will induce. The child screams holy murder but is then coddled and attempts are made to reassure it. Islamic practice, which occurs anywhere between the 4th and 12th birthday is voluntary and circumcision, there called Khitan, is administered with anesthesia. Only puncturing of the eardrum, which has a higher concentration of nerves, is more painful. However, as I can testify, done under emergency conditions at age 8 and with advance warning from a kindly house physician, the shockingly extreme pain, is exceedingly brief though you remember it forever as the high point, the lightning strike of the pain continuum when consulted during later hospital procedures.
  Although those who have lost their foreskin eventually loose recollection of the procedure, it makes the infant fearful; other subsequent painful procedures, say inoculations, re-evoke the original trauma for many years. In a mature male, the trauma can be recovered under psychoanalysis; the lack of the foreskin, during adolescence, tends to suppress premature ejaculation; as a mature lover the lack will deprive the man of whatever pleasure 5,000 nerve cells can induce.
As a religious as distinct from a medical practice Brit Milah and Khitan, like other religious practices, has a rather dark past; it is the left-over of the original sacrifice of the first born son, replaced subsequently by his castration. It gives evidence of the Patriarchy’s fear of generational conflict. Some Jewish reform congregations merely practice a simulation of the Brit Milah, I myself have come up with the ingenious compromise solution of the “Mosquito Bite” – one drop of blood to commemorate the dark history while keeping the name- giving and celebration and compact with God and the formation of group identity intact in this homogenizing world.

The controversy persists to this day in various forum in Germany. Many resolutions by German psychologists, lawyers and medical personnel calling for the prohibition of involuntary circumcision have been addressed to the Bundestag

http://www.beschneidung-von- jungen.de/home/ gesellschaftliche-aspekte-der- beschneidung/beschneidung-und- politik/petition-gegen- beschneidung-minderjaehriger. html

Warum wird jemand wie Professor Michael Wolffsohn nicht ueber andere Juedischen Ansichten befragt?,




Liebe Professorin , sehr geehrter Ethik Rat.
der von Ihnen vorgeschlagene Kompromiss in der
Beschneidungs Angelegenheit scheint sich nicht
bewusst zu sein, dass auch trotz Anästhesie der Schnitt
ein Trauma hinterlässt. Die Jüdische Gemeinde hat
vor den Schmerz zu lindern, mit einem Tropfen was
uns in the USA als Manischevitz bekannt ist,
 also zeigt sie jedenfalls ein Mindesmass an Empathie,

Ausgelassen aus ihren Überlegungen ist die Herkunft
der Beschneidung in den Abrahamischen Religionen,
von Opfer des erstgeborenem Sohns, zu dessen Kastration, bis zur der Beschneidung
 der Vorhaut, wobei nur ein Fetzen Haut samt 5000 Nerven daran glauben müssen.
Da es doch eine langsame Entwicklung in der Verminderung dieses brutalen  Vorgehens in der Geschichte gibt, kann man sich leicht eine weitere Verminderung vorstellen. Da das Brit Milah ein Grund für wahnsinnige anti-Semitische Voruteile gab [Freud fand, dass die Beschneidung im Unterbewussten, oder halb-bewussten DER Grund zum Anti-Semitismus - als Furcht, Castrationsangst -  überhaupt  bei seinen Patienten war] sollte sich das orthodoxe Rabbiniat auch diesen Tatbestand in Bezicht ziehen bei
den Überlegungen zu einer Kompromiss Lösung. Ausserdem wird man Jude durch
Geburt von einer Jüdischen Mutter; Reform Rabbiniate simulieren das Brit Milah!

Ein Gedankengang der mich besonders bei ihren Überlegungen aufgefallen ist was  Strafrechtler und Rechtsphilosoph Reinhard Merkel, der es zwar „bizarr“ nannte, wenn Religionsgemeinschaften eine Definitionsmacht über die Zulässigkeit von Körperverletzungen erhielten, wollte sich am Ende dem Argument beugen, dass es in Deutschland eine „weltweit singuläre Pflicht gegenüber allen jüdischen Belangen“ gebe. Er sagte, im Konflikt zwischen dem strafrechtlich unzulässigen körperlichen Eingriff und der Verpflichtung der deutschen Nation gegenüber dem Judentum entstehe ein „rechtspolitischer Notstand“.

  Führt man diesem Gedanken weiter, kommt man dort an, dass Deutschland nichts unternehmen sollte wenn Israel sich entchied eine "Endlösung" der Palestinier/ Bedouinen Problems durchzuführen, da
Deutschland selbst solch eine Schuld trägt. Also, ad absurdum. Eine schlechte Begründung, besonders von einem Strafrechtler, aber eine Begründung welche  zeigt was ich besonders bei diesen Überlegungen
 vermisse: die  wahrlich einzigartige Schuld, den die Deutsche Gesellschaft in den 20ger bis 40ziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts auf sich genommen hat als sie Schritt für Schritt zu der Endlösung, der Shoah zuging ohne dass die Eliten, das Deutsche Rechtswesen, das Volk, seine Soldaten sich dagegen auflehnten und diesen einzigartige selbstzerstörerischen Ausbruchs des Hasses und des Neids verhinderten.    Ich fand es absolute korrekt, dass im
Historiker Streit, es zu dem Ergebnis kam der dieses Vorkommen nicht relativiert. Auf so eine Art hat der menschliche Hass sich nie vorher noch nachher manifestiert, was nur Menschen Menschen antun können.
Aber Überlegungen zu einer Schuld und der Versuch einer Wiedergutmachung ist kaum Grund oder Pflicht eine andere Art Schuld zu erlauben oder sich dafür von dem Orthodoxen Rabbiniat erpressen zu lassen. Schuld verdummt, sie wird / wurde immer von Eltern missbraucht. Es sollte vielleicht überlegt werden inwiefern Deutsche Schuld bei diesen Überlegungen verdummt.




Blog enthaelt eine reiche Material Sammlung zu dem Thema Beschneidung und wird taeglich  erfrisch..
P.S. Gerd Boettcher of therapeuten yahoo groups made a communication the other day via my analytic list, to which had had no access to except by theft or illegal misuse. I will reply to it separately and in a comment to the above blog. m.r.

The controversy, which has elicited sometimes heated discussions, also in psychoanalytic circles, has  barely has managed to make a dent on the news media in the U.S. Brief mention in the Washington Post; the German editor of Die Zeit and Neo-Con co-founder of The National Interest Josef Joffe in the Wall Street Journal seemed very wrought up



Dear Member,
We unobtrusively inform you that the last couple of months many new articles appeared on our website.

Best Regards:
The Circumcision Complex

Hier the you-tube of an Islamic Bris

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Dr. Victoria Meinschäfer, 18.07.2012 11:37
Genitalbeschneidung bei Jungen
Die Beschneidung der Vorhaut (Zirkumzision) ist der älteste und am häufigsten durchgeführte operative Eingriff überhaupt. Prof. Dr. Matthias Franz, stellvertretender Direktor des Klinischen Instituts für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, warnt deutlich vor den Gefahren der meist religiös motivierten Operation: „Die Entfernung der Vorhaut im Säuglings- oder Kindesalter stellt ein Trauma dar und kann zu andauernden körperlichen, sexuellen oder psychischen Komplikationen und Leidenszuständen führen. Diese Problematik wird aus Respekt vor religiösen oder kulturellen Tabus und aus Angst vor möglichen Konflikten bislang aber vorwiegend in Fachkreisen diskutiert.“
Die Forschung zeigt, dass die Erfahrung elterlicher Gewalt während der Kindheit Brüche in der emotionalen Wahrnehmung und Empathiefähigkeit des später erwachsenen Kindes bewirkt. In der Kindheit erfahrene Traumata werden verinnerlicht und oft später auch selber wiederholt. Kollektiv rituell vermittelte traumatische kindliche Erfahrungen führen daher zu Empathiebrüchen. Die Gruppe der Beschnittenen reagiert mit Abwehr, d.h. sie verleugnet die erlittenen Schmerzen. Dadurch wird die Einfühlung in das Erleben der nächsten Opfer desselben Rituals beeinträchtigt: Es kann und darf nicht schlecht gewesen sein, was die Eltern damals mit mir gemacht haben. Deshalb tue ich es auch. Eine derartige Erfahrung führt bei den betroffenen Jungen meist zu einer Fortsetzung der rituellen Praxis. Die erwachsenen Eltern leugnen aus eigenen Abwehrbedürfnissen die erlittene Gewalt, deshalb kann das emotionale Erleben des zu beschneidenden Kindes von den handelnden Erwachsenen nicht empathisch erfasst werden. So entsteht eine Täter-Opfer-Kette, die sich über viele Generationen hinweg etablieren kann. Franz: „Eine deutsche Variante, noch gar nicht so lange her: Eine ordentliche Tracht Prügel hat noch niemandem geschadet.“

Unterschieden werden muss zwischen den Auswirkungen der Beschneidung im Säuglingsalter, wie es das Judentum fordert, und der im Kindesalter, die im Islam üblich ist.
Jüdische Jungen, die laut Bibel am achten Tag zu beschneiden sind, erleiden bei der Zirkumzision Schmerzen, die noch nach einem Jahr im Körpergedächtnis nachweisbar sind als überschießende Schmerzreaktionen auf Impfungen. Muslimische Jungen werden dagegen meist im Alter von fünf bis acht Jahren beschnitten. Franz: „Dass die Beschneidung des Jungen auf dem Höhepunkt der infantilen Sexualentwicklung besondere Entwicklungsrisiken mit sich bringen kann, erscheint zumindest plausibel. Die Beschneidung kann von Jungen, die sich in dieser Phase zunehmend auf ihre Genitalität zentriert erleben, wie eine elterlich herbeigeführte, schwere Sanktion oder Kastrationsdrohung erlebt werden. Der schmerzlich-traumatische Eingriff erfolgt faktisch, bewusst wahrnehmbar und unter direktem Zugriff auf den libidinös und narzisstisch hoch besetzten Genitalbereich. Der ängstigende Gewaltaspekt unterliegt dabei einer bemerkenswerten Verleugnung durch die beteiligten Erwachsenen. Er wird rationalisiert als festlich und forciert freudig gestalteter Männlichkeitsritus. Der kleine Junge, der ja in keiner Weise an der Schwelle zum Mannesalter steht, wird mit hypermaskulinen Attributen und großen Geschenken zum Mann erklärt, eigentlich aber von Erwachsenen manipuliert.“

Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht stellt die Zirkumzision bei fünf- bis achtjährigen Jungen eine kollektive sexualtraumatische Erfahrung dar. Diese kann in besonders patriarchalisch geprägten Kulturen eine der Ursachen für eine starke Kontrolle der Sexualität und der Frau sein. So kann das Trauma zur Stabilisierung von Machtstrukturen führen. Franz: „Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht resultiert aus dieser definitiven Klarstellung hierarchischer Bezüge eine durch starke Ängste (vor dem ultimativen Schnitt) fundierte patriarchalische Loyalität.“
Sowohl Juden als auch Muslime betrachten die Beschneidung als Zeichen ihrer exklusiven Zugehörigkeit zu Gott. Während die Beschneidung im Alten Testament ausdrücklich gefordert wird („Das aber ist mein Bund, den ihr halten sollt zwischen mir und euch… eure Vorhaut sollt ihr beschneiden... Jedes Knäblein, wenn’s acht Tage alt ist, sollt ihr beschneiden bei euren Nachkommen“) ist sie im Islam nicht durch den Koran vorgegeben. Sie ist allerdings ein fester Bestandteil der Ritualkultur. Der Prophet Mohamed wurde nach der Überlieferung vorhautlos geboren, denen, die diesem Vorbild folgen, werden Belohnungen in Aussicht gestellt.
Das Ritual der Beschneidung selbst stammt noch aus vorgeschichtlicher Zeit. Franz: „Es könnte in Jägerkulturen als männlicher Initiationsritus der sozialen Aggressionskontrolle gedient haben. Die mit der Erlaubnis zur Jagd erforderliche Überwindung der Tötungshemmung bedingt eine Aggressionsfreisetzung, vor der die Bezugsgruppe geschützt werden muss. Die Kontrolle aggressiver (und sexueller) Impulse innerhalb der Gruppe könnte durch die rituelle Kastrationsandrohung erleichtert worden sein, wenn sich die kindlich erlittenen Ängste und Schmerzen an das Verbot von Grenzüberschreitungen gegenüber Gruppenmitgliedern knüpften. Durch ein demonstratives, öffentlich wiederholtes Ritual mit Drohpotenzial wird ein Phantasieraum erschlossen, in dem Kastration als Strafe vielleicht doch möglich ist. Die rigide patriarchalisch geprägte Loyalität, die durch dieses Ritual erzeugt wurde, diente einerseits also wohl der sozialen Triebkontrolle, andererseits der Herausbildung einer Gruppenidentität.“
Zudem kann die Beschneidung auch der von der Mutter trennenden Initiation zum Mann einschneidenden Ausdruck verleihen: Auf Grund der Anatomie kann die männliche Vorhaut in den archaischen Schichten des Unterbewusstseins als „weiblich“ imaginiert werden, ihre Entfernung trennt den Jungen dann endgültig von der Mutter.

Für die Zukunft rechnet Prof. Franz mit vermehrten Schadensersatzprozessen beschnittener Männer, nicht nur gegen die Ärzte, sondern möglicherweise auch gegen die Eltern.

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Zur freundlichen Kenntnisnahme und mit besten Kolleg. Grüßen
Dipl. Psych. Michael B. Flöter

Medical Studies on Circumcision

Circumcision is Associated with Adult Difficulty in Identifying and Expressing Feelings

This preliminary study investigates what role early trauma might have in alexithymia (difficulty in identifying and expressing feelings) acquisition for adults by controlling for male circumcision. Three hundred self-selected men were administered the Toronto Twenty-Item Alexithymia Scale checklist and a personal history questionnaire. The circumcised men had age-adjusted alexithymia scores 19.9 percent higher than the intact men; were 1.57 times more likely to have high alexithymia scores; were 2.30 times less likely to have low alexithymia scores; had higher prevalence of two of the three alexithymia factors (difficulty identifying feelings and difficulty describing feelings); and were 4.53 times more likely to use an erectile dysfunction drug. Alexithymia in this population of adult men is statistically significant for having experienced circumcision trauma and for erectile dysfunction drug use. (See link to article on our home page.)

Bollinger, D. and Van Howe, R. , "Alexithymia and Circumcision Trauma: A Preliminary Investigation," International Journal of Men's Health (2011);184-195.

Circumcision Associated with Sexual Difficulties in Men and Women

A new national survey in Denmark, where about 5% of men are circumcised, examined associations of circumcision with a range of sexual measures in both sexes. Circumcised men were more likely to report frequent orgasm difficulties, and women with circumcised spouses more often reported incomplete sexual needs fulfillment and frequent sexual function difficulties overall, notably orgasm difficulties, and painful sexual intercourse.  
Frisch, M., Lindholm, M., and Grnbk, M., "Male Circumcision and Sexual Function in Men and Women: A Survey-based, Cross-sectional Study in Denmark," International Journal of Epidemiology (2011);115.
Circumcision is Associated with Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation (PE) is common. However, it has been underreported and undertreated. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of PE and to investigate possible associated factors of PE. This cross-sectional study was conducted at a primary care clinic over a 3-month period in 2008. Men aged 18-70 years attending the clinic were recruited, and they completed self-administered questionnaires. A total of 207 men were recruited with a response rate of 93.2%. Their mean age was 46.0 years. The prevalence of PE was 40.6%. No significant association was found between age and PE. Multivariate analysis showed that erectile dysfunction, circumcision, and sexual intercourse =5 times in 4 weeks were predictors of PE. These associations need further confirmation.
Tang, W. and Khoo, E. "Prevalence and Correlates of Premature Ejaculation in a Primary Care Setting: A Preliminary Cross-Sectional Study," Journal of Sexual Medicine (2011) Apr 14.
NOTE: There have been numerous articles in American media about claims that circumcision prevents HIV transmission. No mainstream media article has reported on an opposing view, as described in the findings of the following five medical articles.
Claim of Circumcision Benefit is Overstated and Premature
Further research is required to assess the feasibility, desirability and cost-effectiveness of circumcision to reduce the acquisition of HIV. This paper endorses the need for such research and suggests that, in its absence, it is premature to promote circumcision as a reliable strategy for combating HIV. Since articles in leading medical journals as well as the popular press continue to do so, scientific researchers should think carefully about how their conclusions may be translated both to policy makers and to a more general audience. The importance of addressing ethico-legal concerns that such trials may raise is highlighted. The understandable haste to find a solution to the HIV pandemic means that the promise offered by preliminary and specific research studies may be overstated. This may mean that ethical concerns are marginalized. Such haste may also obscure the need to be attentive to local cultural sensitivities, which vary from one African region to another, in formulating policy concerning circumcision.
Fox, M. and Thomson, M., "HIV/AIDS and Circumcision : Lost in Translation," Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2010):798-801.
Circumcision/HIV Claims are Based on Insufficient Evidence
An article endorsed by thirty-two professionals questions the results of three highly publicized African circumcision studies. The studies claim that circumcision reduces HIV transmission, and they are being used to promote circumcisions. Substantial evidence in this article refutes the claim of the studies.
Examples in the article include the following:
1. Circumcision is associated with increased transmission of HIV to women.
2. Conditions for the studies were unlike conditions found in real-world settings.
3. Other studies show that male circumcision is not associated with reduced HIV transmission.
4. The U.S. has a high rate of HIV infection and a high rate of circumcision. Other countries have low rates of circumcision and low rates of HIV infection.
5. Condoms are 95 times more cost effective in preventing HIV transmission.
6. Circumcision removes healthy, functioning, unique tissue, raising ethical considerations.
Green, L. et al., "Male Circumcision and HIV Prevention: Insufficient Evidence and Neglected External Validity," American Journal of Preventive Medicine 39 (2010): 479-82.
In National Survey Circumcision Had No Protective Effect
A survey of South African men showed that circumcision had no protective effect in the prevention of HIV transmission. This is a concern, and has implications for the possible adoption of mass male circumcision strategy both as a public health policy and an HIV prevention strategy.
Connolly, C. et al., South African Medical Journal 98(2008): 789-794.
Circumcision is Not Cost Effective
The findings suggest that behavior change programs are more efficient and cost effective than circumcision. Providing free condoms is estimated to be significantly less costly, more effective in comparison to circumcising, and at least 95 times more cost effective at stopping the spread of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, condom usage provides protection for women as well as men. This is significant in an area where almost 61% of adults living with AIDS are women.
McAllister, R. et al., "The Cost to Circumcise Africa," American Journal of Men's Health 7(2008): 307-316.
Circumcision/HIV Have Incomplete Evaluation
The push to institute mass circumcision in Africa, following the three randomized clinical trials (RCTs) conducted in Africa, is based on an incomplete evaluation of real-world preventive effects over the long-term  effects that may be quite different outside the research setting and circumstances, with their access to resources, sanitary standards and intensive counseling. Moreover, proposals for mass circumcision lack a thorough and objective consideration of costs in relation to hoped-for benefits. No field-test has been performed to evaluate the effectiveness, complications, personnel requirements, costs and practicality of proposed approaches in real-life conditions. These are the classic distinctions between efficacy and effectiveness trials, and between internal validity and external validity.
Campaigns to promote safe-sex behaviors have been shown to accomplish a high rate of infection reduction, without the surgical risks and complications of circumcision, and at a much lower cost. For the health community to rush to recommend a program based on incomplete evidence is both premature and ill-advised. It misleads the public by promoting false hope from uncertain conclusions and might ultimately aggravate the problem by altering peoples behavioral patterns and exposing them and their partners to new or expanded risks. Given these problems, circumcision of adults, and especially of children, by coercion or by false hope, raises human rights concerns.
Green, L. et al., "Male Circumcision is Not the HIV Vaccine We Have Been Waiting For!" Future Medicine 2 (2008): 193-199, DOI 10.2217/17469600.2.3.193.
Circumcision Decreases Sexual Pleasure
A questionnaire was used to study the sexuality of men circumcised as adults compared to uncircumcised men, and to compare their sex lives before and after circumcision. The study included 373 sexually active men, of whom 255 were circumcised and 118 were not. Of the 255 circumcised men, 138 had been sexually active before circumcision, and all were circumcised at >20 years of age. Masturbatory pleasure decreased after circumcision in 48% of the respondents, while 8% reported increased pleasure. Masturbatory difficulty increased after circumcision in 63% of the respondents but was easier in 37%. About 6% answered that their sex lives improved, while 20% reported a worse sex life after circumcision. There was a decrease in masturbatory pleasure and sexual enjoyment after circumcision, indicating that adult circumcision adversely affects sexual function in many men, possibly because of complications of the surgery and a loss of nerve endings.
Kim, D. and Pang, M., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on Sexuality," BJU International 99 (2007): 619-22.
Circumcision Removes the Most Sensitive Parts of the Penis
A sensitivity study of the adult penis in circumcised and uncircumcised men shows that the uncircumcised penis is significantly more sensitive. The most sensitive location on the circumcised penis is the circumcision scar on the ventral surface. Five locations on the uncircumcised penis that are routinely removed at circumcision are significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive location on the circumcised penis.
In addition, the glans (head) of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the uncircumcised penis. The tip of the foreskin is the most sensitive region of the uncircumcised penis, and it is significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive area of the circumcised penis. Circumcision removes the most sensitive parts of the penis.
This study presents the first extensive testing of fine touch pressure thresholds of the adult penis. The monofiliment testing instruments are calibrated and have been used to test female genital sensitivity.
Sorrells, M. et al., Fine-Touch Pressure Thresholds in the Adult Penis, BJU International 99 (2007): 864-869.
Circumcision Policy Influenced by Psychosocial Factors
The debate about the advisability of circumcision in English-speaking countries typically has focused on potential health factors. The position statements of committees from national medical organisations are expected to be evidence-based; however, the contentiousness of the ongoing debate suggests that other factors are involved. Various potential factors related to psychology, sociology, religion, and culture may also underlie policy decisions. These factors could affect the values and attitudes of medical committee members, the process of evaluating the medical literature, and the medical literature itself. Although medical professionals highly value rationality, it can be difficult to conduct a rational and objective evaluation of an emotional and controversial topic such as circumcision. A negotiated compromise between polarized committee factions could introduce additional psychosocial factors. These possibilities are speculative, not conclusive. It is recommended that an open discussion of psychosocial factors take place and that the potential biases of committee members be recognized.
Goldman, R., Circumcision Policy: A Psychosocial Perspective, Paediatrics & Child Health 9 (2004): 630-633.
Circumcision is Not Good Health Policy
A cost-utility analysis, based on published data from multiple observational studies, comparing boys circumcised at birth and those not circumcised was undertaken using the Quality of Well-being Scale, a Markov analysis, the standard reference case, and a societal perspective. Neonatal circumcision increased incremental costs by $828.42 per patient and resulted in an incremental 15.30 well-years lost per 1000 males. If neonatal circumcision was cost-free, pain-free, and had no immediate complications, it was still more costly than not circumcising. Using sensitivity analysis, it was impossible to arrange a scenario that made neonatal circumcision cost-effective. Neonatal circumcision is not good health policy, and support for it as a medical procedure cannot be justified financially or medically.
Van Howe, R., A Cost-Utility Analysis of Neonatal Circumcision, Medical Decision Making 24 (2004):584-601.
Pain, Trauma, Sexual, and Psychological Effects of Circumcision
Infant male circumcision continues despite growing questions about its medical justification. As usually performed without analgesia or anaesthetic, circumcision is observably painful. It is likely that genital cutting has physical, sexual and psychological consequences, too. Some studies link involuntary male circumcision with a range of negative emotions and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some circumcised men have described their current feelings in the language of violation, torture, mutilation and sexual assault. In view of the acute as well as long-term risks from circumcision and the legal liabilities that might arise, it is timely for health professionals and scientists to re-examine the evidence on this issue and participate in the debate about the advisability of this surgical procedure on unconsenting minors.
Boyle G. et al., "Male Circumcision: Pain, Trauma and Psychosexual Sequelae," Journal of Health Psychology (2002): 329-343.
Circumcision Results in Significant Loss of Erogenous Tissue
A report published in the British Journal of Urology assessed the type and amount of tissue missing from the adult circumcised penis by examining adult foreskins obtained at autopsy. Investigators found that circumcision removes about one-half of the erogenous tissue on the penile shaft. The foreskin, according to the study, protects the head of the penis and is comprised of unique zones with several kinds of specialized nerves that are important to optimum sexual sensitivity.
Taylor, J. et al., "The Prepuce: Specialized Mucosa of the Penis and Its Loss to Circumcision," BJU 77 (1996): 291295.
Circumcision Affects Sexual Behavior
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that circumcision provided no significant prophylactic benefit and that circumcised men were more likely to engage in various sexual practices. Specifically, circumcised men were significantly more likely to masturbate and to participate in heterosexual oral sex than uncircumcised men.
Laumann, E. et al., "Circumcision in the U.S.: Prevalence, Prophylactic Effects, and Sexual Practice," JAMA 277 (1997): 10521057.
Researchers Demonstrate Traumatic Effects of Circumcision
A team of Canadian researchers produced new evidence that circumcision has long-lasting traumatic effects. An article published in the international medical journal The Lancet reported the effect of infant circumcision on pain response during subsequent routine vaccination. The researchers tested 87 infants at 4 months or 6 months of age. The boys who had been circumcised were more sensitive to pain than the uncircumcised boys. Differences between groups were significant regarding facial action, crying time, and assessments of pain.
The authors believe that "neonatal circumcision may induce long-lasting changes in infant pain behavior because of alterations in the infants central neural processing of painful stimuli." They also write that "the long-term consequences of surgery done without anaesthesia are likely to include post-traumatic stress as well as pain. It is therefore possible that the greater vaccination response in the infants circumcised without anaesthesia may represent an infant analogue of a post-traumatic stress disorder triggered by a traumatic and painful event and re-experienced under similar circumstances of pain during vaccination."
Taddio, A. et al., "Effect of Neonatal Circumcision on Pain Response during Subsequent Routine Vaccination," The Lancet 349 (1997): 599603.
Circumcision Study Halted Due to Trauma
Researchers found circumcision so traumatic that they ended the study early rather than subject any more infants to the operation without anesthesia. Those infants circumcised without anesthesia experienced not only severe pain, but also an increased risk of choking and difficulty breathing. The findings were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Up to 96% of infants in some areas of the United States receive no anesthesia during circumcision. No anesthetic currently in use for circumcisions is effective during the most painful parts of the procedure.
Lander, J. et al., "Comparison of Ring Block, Dorsal Penile Nerve Block, and Topical Anesthesia for Neonatal Circumcision," JAMA 278 (1997): 21572162.
Circumcised Penis Requires More Care in Young Boys
The circumcised penis requires more care than the natural penis during the first three years of life, according to a report in the British Journal of Urology. The clinical findings of an American pediatrician showed that circumcised boys were significantly more likely to have skin adhesions, trapped debris, irritated urinary opening, and inflammation of the glans (head of the penis) than were boys with a foreskin. Furthermore, because there are large variations of appearance in circumcised boys, circumcision for cosmetic reasons should be discouraged.
Van Howe, R., "Variability in Penile Appearance and Penile Findings: A Prospective Study," BJU 80 (1997): 776782.
Poll of Circumcised Men Reveals Harm
A poll of circumcised men published in the British Journal of Urology describes adverse outcomes on mens health and well-being. Findings showed wide-ranging physical, sexual, and psychological consequences. Some respondents reported prominent scarring and excessive skin loss. Sexual consequences included progressive loss of sensitivity and sexual dysfunction. Emotional distress followed the realization that they were missing a functioning part of their penis. Low-self esteem, resentment, avoidance of intimacy, and depression were also noted.
Hammond, T., "A Preliminary Poll of Men Circumcised in Infancy or Childhood," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 8592
Psychological Effects of Circumcision Studied
An article titled "The Psychological Impact of Circumcision" reports that circumcision results in behavioral changes in infants and long-term unrecognized psychological effects on men. The piece reviews the medical literature on infants responses to circumcision and concludes, "there is strong evidence that circumcision is overwhelmingly painful and traumatic." The article notes that infants exhibit behavioral changes after circumcision, and some men have strong feelings of anger, shame, distrust, and grief about having been circumcised. In addition, circumcision has been shown to disrupt the mother-infant bond, and some mothers report significant distress after allowing their son to be circumcised. Psychological factors perpetuate circumcision. According to the author, "defending circumcision requires minimizing or dismissing the harm and producing overstated medical claims about protection from future harm. The ongoing denial requires the acceptance of false beliefs and misunderstanding of facts. These psychological factors affect professionals, members of religious groups, and parents involved in the practice."
Expressions from circumcised men are generally lacking because most circumcised men do not understand what circumcision is, emotional repression keeps feelings from awareness, or men may be aware of these feelings but afraid of disclosure.
Goldman, R., "The Psychological Impact of Circumcision," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 93102
Serious Consequences of Circumcision Trauma in Adult Men Clinically Observed
Using four case examples that are typical among his clients, a practicing psychiatrist presents clinical findings regarding the serious and sometimes disabling long-term somatic, emotional, and psychological consequences of infant circumcision in adult men. These consequences resemble complex post-traumatic stress disorder and emerge during psychotherapy focused on the resolution of perinatal and developmental trauma. Adult symptoms associated with circumcision trauma include shyness, anger, fear, powerlessness, distrust, low self-esteem, relationship difficulties, and sexual shame. Long-term psychotherapy dealing with early trauma resolution appears to be effective in healing these consequences.
Rhinehart, J., "Neonatal Circumcision Revistited," Transactional Analysis Journal 29 (1999): 215-221
Anatomy and Function of the Foreskin Documented
A new article describes the foreskin (prepuce) as an integral, normal part of the genitals of mammals. It is specialized, protective, erogenous tissue. A description of the complex nerve structure of the penis explains why anesthetics provide incomplete pain relief during circumcision. Cutting off the foreskin removes many fine-touch receptors from the penis and results in thickening and desensitization of the glans outer layer. The complex anatomy and function of the foreskin dictate that circumcision should be avoided or deferred until the person can make an informed decision as an adult.
Cold, C. and Taylor, J., "The Prepuce," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 3444.
Male Circumcision Affects Female Sexual Enjoyment
A survey of women who have had sexual experience with circumcised and anatomically complete partners showed that the anatomically complete penis was preferred over the circumcised penis. Without the foreskin to provide a movable sleeve of skin, intercourse with a circumcised penis resulted in female discomfort from increased friction, abrasion, and loss of natural secretions. Respondents overwhelmingly concurred that the mechanics of coitus were different for the two groups of men. Unaltered men tended to thrust more gently with shorter strokes.
OHara, K. and OHara, J., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on the Sexual Enjoyment of the Female Partner," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 7984
Male Circumcision and Psychosexual Effects Investigated
Infant male circumcision continues despite growing questions about its medical justification. As usually performed without analgesia or anesthetic, circumcision is observably painful. It is likely that genital cutting has physical, sexual, and psychological consequences, too. Some studies link involuntary male circumcision with a range of negative emotions and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some circumcised men have described their current feelings in the language of violation, torture, mutilation, and sexual assault. In view of the acute as well as long-term risks from circumcision and the legal liabilities that might arise, it is timely for health professionals and scientists to re-examine the evidence on this issue and participate in the debate about the advisability of this surgical procedure on unconsenting minors.
Boyle, G., Goldman, R., Svoboda, J.S., and Fernandez, E., "Male Circumcision: Pain, Trauma, and Psychosexual Sequelae," Journal of Health Psychology 7 (2002): 329-343.
Surveys Reveal Adverse Sexual and Psychological Effects of Circumcision
A survey of the 35 female and 42 gay sexual partners of circumcised and genitally intact men, and a separate survey of 53 circumcised and genitally intact men, and a separate survey of 30 genitally intact men themselves indicated that circumcised men experienced significantly reduced sexual sensation along with associated long-lasting negative emotional consequences.
Boyle, G. and Bensley, G., "Adverse Sexual and Psychological Effects of Male Infant Circumcision,". Psychological Reports 88 (2001): 1105-1106.
Foreskin Reduces the Force Required for Penetration and Increases Comfort
Masters and Johnson observed that the foreskin unrolled with intercourse. However, they overlooked a prior observation that intromission (i.e., penetration) was thereby made easier. To evaluate this observation an artificial introitus was mounted on scales. Repeated measurements showed a 10-fold reduction of force on entry with an initially unretracted foreskin as compared to entry with a retracted foreskin. For the foreskin to reduce the force required it must cover most of the glans when the penis is erect.
Taves, D., "The Intromission Function of the Foreskin," Med Hypotheses 59 (2002): 180.
Survey of Men Circumcised as Adults Shows Mixed Results
Men circumcised as adults were surveyed to assess erectile function, penile sensitivity, sexual activity and overall satisfaction. Over 80% of these men were circumcised to treat a medical problem. The response rate was 44% among potential responders. Mean age of responders was 42 years at circumcision and 46 years at survey. Adult circumcision appears to result in worsened erectile function, decreased penile sensitivity, no change in sexual activity, and improved satisfaction. Of the men 50% reported benefits and 38% reported harm. Overall, 62% of men were satisfied with having been circumcised. Note: Results may be affected by the fact that there was no sample of normal, healthy, genitally intact men for comparison.
Fink, K., Carson, C., DeVellis, R., "Adult Circumcision Outcomes Study: Effect on Erectile Function, Penile Sensitivity, Sexual Activity and Satisfaction," J Urol 167 (2002): 2113-2116.
Survey Finds Circumcision Contributes to Vaginal Dryness
The impact of male circumcision on vaginal dryness during coitus was investigated. We conducted a survey of 35 female sexual partners aged 18 to 69 years who had experienced sexual intercourse with both circumcised and genitally intact men. Women reported they were significantly more likely to have experienced vaginal dryness during intercourse with circumcised than with genitally intact men.
Bensley, G. and Boyle, G., "Effects of Male Circumcision on Female Arousal and Orgasm," N Z Med J 116 (2003): 595-596.
Early Adverse Experiences May Lead to Abnormal Brain Development and Behavior
Self-destructive behavior in current society promotes a search for psychobiological factors underlying this epidemic. The brain of the newborn infant is particularly vulnerability to early adverse experiences, leading to abnormal development and behavior. Although several investigations have correlated newborn complications with abnormal adult behavior, our understanding of the underlying mechanisms remains rudimentary. Models of early experience, such as repetitive pain, sepsis, or maternal separation in rodents and other species have noted multiple alterations in the adult brain, correlated with specific behavioral types depending on the timing and nature of the adverse experience. The mechanisms mediating such changes in the newborn brain have remained largely unexplored. Maternal separation, sensory isolation (understimulation), and exposure to extreme or repetitive pain (overstimulation) may cause altered brain development. (Circumcision is described as an intervention with long-term neurobehavioral effects.) These changes promote two distinct behavioral types characterized by increased anxiety, altered pain sensitivity, stress disorders, hyperactivity/attention deficit disorder, leading to impaired social skills and patterns of self-destructive behavior. The clinical importance of these mechanisms lies in the prevention of early adverse experiences and effective treatment of newborn pain and stress.
Anand, K. and Scalzo, F., "Can Adverse Neonatal Experiences Alter Brain Development and Subsequent Behavior? Biol Neonate 77 (2000): 69-82
Note: CRC disapproves of animal studies that involve inflicting pain.
Am 18.07.2012 um 12:54 schrieb bbpp:

Auch DIE ZEIT meldet sich zu dem Thema! Weiterverbreitet
Also, die Diskussion, ausgelöst durch das Kölner Urteil, entfaltet den WUNDEN SCHNITT-PUNKT der verschiedenen Interessen mit seltener Offen und Vielfältigkeit!!

Offener Brief zur BeschneidungReligionsfreiheit kann kein Freibrief für Gewalt sein“
21.07.2012 · In der Beschneidungsdebatte appellieren mehr als 100 Mediziner und Juristen an Bundesregierung undBundestagdie Kinder stärker zu schützen. Hier ist der volle Brief.


Anschauliches und Hörbares zum Thema "Beschneidung"
Zitat aus der Homepage der DPtV:
Diskussion um Beschneidung von Jungen
Brief des Bundesvorsitzenden Dieter Best an die Bundesregierung
In dem Brief schließt sich die DPtV, vertreten durch den Bundesvorsitzenden Dieter Best,
der Bitte an, keine gesetzliche Lösung ohne eine gründliche Sichtung
der Forschungsergebnisse über mögliche somatische und psychische Folgen der Beschneidung von Jungen zu treffen.
Mit dem Credo "Niemand hat das Recht zu gehorchen" lehnte sie - Hannah Ahrndt alle Rückgriffe auf religiöse Dogmen zur Begründung von Gewissen und Moral ab, weil sie zutiefst davon überzeugt war, dass die auf solchen Wegen erzeugten Werte manipulierbar sind. In religiös organisierten Systemen kann jeder Moralkodex beliebig umgedeutet werden; wogegen die Vorstellung einer gemeinschaftlichen Ethik immer wieder neu überdacht und ausgehandelt werden müsse.



 The Cologne judgment has also sparked a fine debate 

also in psycho-analytic and medical circles

The PSYCHIC trauma  that circumcision entails consigns the practice to the domain of the atavistic  An ethnic or religious group that after however many of thousand years cannot come up with a better unifying practice must be regarded as forever benighted. Like female circumcision, male circumcision exists not so much to cement a community, but as a patriarchal practice, to  keep the sons and daughters in line, and, not so incidentally, eliminate a great deal of sexual pleasure. That is scarcely "Kuechen Psychologie"!  A number of matters are are being confused here: Inoculations can be administered painlessly - a mosquito bite is not comparable with the narcissistic and fundamental Oedipal trauma that is circumcision. Usage, custom could allow all sorts of other entirely atavistic traditions, no? Headhunters anyone? if someone wishes to argue the matter from that angle. To introduce the notion of intolerance into this discussion, also, is not pertinent to the issue, as well as contradictory, since a child if he wishes could decide to be circumcised, say, at the time of Bar Mitzvah, or equivalent Islam rite. Actually, the elimination of the practice of circumcision would also go some ways toward abating irrational forms of anti-Semitism, both Judaism and Islam being Semitic religions. That some of the Religious will be narcissistically mortified once one of their practices is prohibited - all I can say: EDUCATE yourselves, empathize with the child and the trauma it suffers so that you THE BELIEVER can regard its continuance as sacred! Or: get over it!http://www.facebook.com/mike.roloff1?ref=name

Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August

Deutscher Ethikrat, Ulrike Florian, 27.07.2012 10:34

Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August

Zudem richtet der Ethikrat eine 
Arbeitsgruppe zum Thema Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit ein und beschließt Thema der Jahrestagung 2013.

Am 23. August 2012 wird sich der Ethikrat im Rahmen einer öffentlichen 
Plenarsitzung mit dem aktuell diskutierten Thema der Beschneidung von minderjährigen Jungen aus religiösen Gründen beschäftigen. Die Ratsmitglieder Peter Dabrock,Wolfram Höfling, Ilhan Ilkilic, Leo Latasch und Reinhard Merkel werden in Impulsreferaten strafrechtliche, religiös-kulturelle, medizinische und ethische Aspekte der Beschneidung in den Blick nehmen und im Plenum zur Diskussion stellen.

Darüber hinaus wird der Ethikrat im 
Auftrag der Bundesregierung eine Stellungnahme zum Thema „Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit – Forschungsförderung und Umgang mit Forschungsergebnissen“ erarbeiten. Hintergrund dieses Auftrags sind Forschungen in den USA und den Niederlanden, bei denen Grippeviren erzeugt wurden, die im Vergleich zu ihren Wildformen leichter zwischen Säugetieren übertragbar sind. Im Verlauf seiner gestrigen Plenarsitzung hat der Ethikrat beschlossen, eine Arbeitsgruppe zu diesem Thema einzurichten, und die nächsten Arbeitsschritte festgelegt.

Im Mittelpunkt der Jahrestagung 2013 wird die Forschung am 
Menschen, vor allem mit Blick auf Fragen des Probanden- und Patientenschutzes im globalen Kontext, stehen.

Informationen unter http://www.ethikrat.org/.
Herr Josef Joffe von DIE ZEIT meldet sich zu Worte in der Beschneidungsangelegehenheit, im WALL STREET JOURNAL, dem nach zu urteilen sind die Neo-Cons fuer die Beschneidung und ich fuer die Abschneidung der Neo-Cons!


Die Juedische Allgemeine berichtet von der Aufregung ueber
die Beschneidungs Debatte in ihrer Gemeinde. 

und eine laufende grosse Diskussion 

und auch 

When  got wind of the impending Ethik Council meeting I initially contacted Frau Dr. Woopen of the Ethic Council


Liebe geehrte Frau Dr. Woopen,
Ich wollte Sie, als Leiterin des Ethikrates,

 aufmerksam machen darauf dass auch
bei der hauptsächlich Deutschen von Dr. Gerd Boettcher 
geleiteten psychotherapeuten@yahoogroups.de
es eine kontuierlich blühende Diskussion über das Thema Beschneidung gibt, in dem sich das gros der Mitglieder, aber auch nicht alle, gegen den Brauch des Bris wenden. 
yahootherapeuten groups discussion is now
entirely at



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Norway: Ban on Circumcision Never on the Agenda
Arutz Sheva
Foreign Minister Børge Brende of Norway told the Center of European Rabbis and the Union of Jewish Associations in the European Union, Thursday, ...
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Baby Hospitalized after Circumcision
Arutz Sheva
An eight-day-old boy was admitted to Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital in Jerusalem, Thursday, with heavy bleeding following ritual circumcision (brit ...
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National Post
Europe 'dark continent' in Scandinavian controversy
Cleveland Jewish News
Last November, Norway's health minister, Bent Hoie, announced that new legislation is in the pipeline to “regulate ritual circumcision.” And last week ...
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Mali communities renounce female circumcision - Yahoo News
Female genital mutilation, or female circumcision, involves the ritual removal of the external genitalia of young girls with the aim of ensuring their ...
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Push to change circumcision laws - Views and News from Norway
Centre Party (Senterpartiet, Sp) politician Jenny Klinge wants to ban circumcision in Norway, or bring the penalty for a boy's circumcision-related death ...
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The Assault on Circumcision (TTP-378) | cardozoacademy.org
The notorious attacks on circumcision are increasing in many countries throughout Europe. Frequently, this campaign is supported by self-hating or ...
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FEMALE CIRCUMCISION - Female Genital Mutilation: 3 Million Girls at Risk Each Year... - Video ...
February 6 is the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or female circumcision. Across the world an estimated 140 ...
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How can i get a free Circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
how can i get a free Circumcision but i dont have a medical reason so i have ... Lay it on the table and take your moms butcher knife to it. When they take ...
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Circumcision - something wrong? Help? - Yahoo Answers
I was circumcised last Wednesday (severe phimosis, nightmare to live with). ... It takes a few weeks to heal completely. Dont worry, youll be fine.
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circumcision - CafeMom
I was really set on circumcision for my son but I'm starting to have doubts about it. Is it necessary? What are the pros.
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Circumcision | The King's English
“Miss!” asks the inquisitive Sunday School-er, “What's circumcision?” Miss turns the colour of an Englishman on Bondi Beach. “Don't worry about that,” ...
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Petition To End Circumcision - Page 2 - Zoklet.net
As someone who still has their foreskin intact, the idea of circumcision is absolutely horrifying. Those of you who are already circumcised will never ...
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VUR and circumcision - Kidney Babies & Children - BabyCentre
The next step according to his paed and his consultant is to do a circumcision which can help to prevent uti's and ultimately reduce the likelihood of ...
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Daily update ⋅ February 7, 2014


Blood, Fear and Ritual: Witness to Female Circumcision in Kenya
Meeri Koutaniemi—Echo. Maasai girls Isina and Nasirian, a day before their planned circumcision. The girls' names have been changed in this piece.
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The Guardian
An alternative to female genital mutilation that prevents girls suffering
The Guardian
Sarah Tenoi with one of her children. She now campaigns to end female genital cutting and is determined that her daughters will not be circumcised at ...
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Behind the scenes of 'La Dolce Vita'
February 6 is the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or female circumcision. Across the world an estimated 140 ...
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Circumcision opinions please. - March 2014 - BabyCenter Canada
That if dad is circumcised, that is *not* a reason to choose to circumcise baby. When baby asks, you explain that dad was circumcised but he wasn't, ...
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Circumcision (male) Resources - Tests and Procedures - Mayo Clinic
Circumcision — Overview covers definition, risks, results of removing the foreskin from the penis.
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Caring for Your Child after Circumcision - Alberta Health Services
Caring for Your Child after. Circumcision. What is a circumcision? Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin of the penis. Care after Circumcision.
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Not the way to treat ladies
Times of Malta
One severe kind of violence against women is female circumcision, or female genital mutilation (FGM). This is culturally practised in some parts of ...
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My foreskin is tight and does not slip back. You have suggested circumcision for those with tight ...
Bangalore Mirror
I am 39 years old. My wife and I are very satisfied with our sex life. My foreskin is tight and does not slip back but I have been able to have sex normally ...
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Kafka/Cerebus (Books Acquired, 1.31.2014 + Bonus Circumcision Anecdote) | Biblioklept
Biblioklept ⋅ Biblioklept
Kafka/Cerebus (Books Acquired, 1.31.2014 + Bonus Circumcision Anecdote). by Biblioklept. 20140207-154015.jpg. Picked up books last week, not ...
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Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 16:00:41 +0000
From: Google Alerts
To: franzangst@gmail.com

Circumcision: Juristic and Social Perspectives
Circumcision is an act pertaining to fitrah (pure human nature). Male circumcision means removal of the foreskin of the penis, and female circumcision ...
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Female circumcision should be banned, lawmaker says
Arizona Daily Star
PHOENIX — Calling the practice a “war on women,” a female legislator wants to make what's been called “female circumcision'' a state crime. Sen.
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Laws With Bigger Bite Needed to Curb Female Circumcision
It is also called female circumcision. FGM results in the cutting or removal of the tissues around the vagina that give women pleasurable sexual ...
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Sun City legislator wants to make female circumcisions a state crime
East Valley Tribune
Calling the practice a “war on women,” a female legislator wants to make what's been called “female circumcision” a state crime. Sen. Judy Burges ...
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Posts about circumcision written by Thomas J. Hubschman.
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Is the circumcision part of islam too? - Yahoo Answers
since jewish people practice this and it's part of muslims but in women and ... Most Muslims will answer this with that it is sunnah. Fact is that Mohammad ...
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Botched circumcisions are a mutilation of tradition - Corporates - nation.co.ke - Daily Nation
The death of a number of boys due to botched circumcision rituals in South Africa, as outlined by a Dutch doctor in a recently set up website, has been ...
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Why is their so much of negativity related with male circumcision ? - Yahoo Answers
Most people consider circumcision as mutilation , when its a personal choice ... How would you feel if somebody snipped the end of your penis when you ...
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FFRF: Ritual circumcision poses dangers | Secular News Daily
The Freedom From Religion Foundation, concerned about dangers to public health posed by ritual circumcision, has contacted New York state, local ...
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Safety of adult medical male circumcision performed by non-physician clinicians in Kenya: a ...
Background: Male circumcision reduces the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men by approximately 60%. The Government of Kenya is ... t

Jew Doctors and Law Professors Force Mandatory Circumcision for Boys - Vanguard News ...
Circumcision is barbaric sexually abusive procedure forced on boys against their will by Jew doctors so that Jews can hide in the open and mingle ...

Choosing not to circumcise — last frontier of Jewish inclusion?
But there's one Jewish minority that's rarely, if ever, mentioned: the growing number of Jewish parents who choose not to circumcise their newborn ...
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'Medical circumcision for mama's boys'
Times LIVE
This is according to the Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga departments of health that recently reported back to parliament on the 2013 circumcision ...

Petition Sent to Israeli Supreme Court About Circumcision
(BOSTON) - The Jewish Circumcision Resource Center, representing Jews around the world who question circumcision and choose not to circumcise ...
Google Plus WEB

When will the United States ban circumcision? - Personality Cafe
Circumcision is a procedure to remove the foreskin, and it is akin to removing the eyelids. Just as the eyelids offer protection for the eyes, the.
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Is circumcision really necessary or worthy? I'm 22, and I'm kinda worried about this? - Yahoo Answers
I'm wondering whether I should get circumcised, but I'd like to know health ... Read this article before you get swallowed up by a lot of other propaganda:
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Independent Online
No more Robocops in Mexico, please!
Independent Online
... monikers like Twitter and Yahoo, fictional characters Harry Potter, James Bond and Rambo and surgical terms like Circumcision. Children will also ...
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The Guardian
Scrotum, Hitler, Facebook: Mexican state bans outlandish baby names
Chicago Tribune
Bond and Rambo and surgical terms like Circumcision. Children will also be spared being dubbed Virgin, Hitler, Email, Burger King, Christmas Day, ...
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FFRF: Ritual circumcision poses dangers | Secular News Daily
Secular News Daily ⋅ Freedom From Religion Foundation
The Freedom From Religion Foundation, concerned about dangers to public health posed by ritual circumcision, has contacted New York state, local ...
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Circumcision - Yahoo Groups
I'm using my own experiences to introduce circumcision to guys who pondering about it. For guys who are members of circumcision, you are always ...
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AG: Rabbinical court cannot force circumcision - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews
Jewish Scene: Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein offers support to a woman refusing to circumcise her son as part of divorce proceedings, says the ...
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Sonora, Mexico, bans 61 babies' names, including Facebook, Circumcision - Washington Times
Sonora, Mexico, authorities have a message to parents of newborns: Quit naming your babies dumb names like Facebook and Circumcision.
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Circumcision Detractors: how do you know sex is better uncut? - Yahoo Answers
... have no dog in this fight. I'm childless by choice. I've been with both circumcised and uncircumcised partners, and to me the only difference is visual.
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Gender Studies - What is your opinion on circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
I am very against childhood circumcision or forced adult circumcision. 4. Mr. Sonny answered 22 mins ago. I'm neutral on it. Fine either way. Rate.
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Female circumcision benefits? - Yahoo Answers
Pls is there any benefit to female circumcision and what exactly is d reason for ... It's cleaner, less likely to get STDs or infections, reduces her pleasure ...
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adult circumcision - LiverpoolFC Official Forums - Liverpool FC
As if anyone is going to admit it!! Makes your eyes water!! Forgive your enemies. It messes up their heads. Quick reply to this message Report Post ...
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Committee endorses ban on female circumcision
A committee of the Arizona Legislature approved a proposal that would outlaw female genital mutilation that's known as female circumcision.
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adult circumcision - LiverpoolFC Official Forums
Theirs a lot of myths surrounding this subject, which can cause quite an heated debate, If you want to cut 'excuse the pun' straight to the facts, then i ...
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wives connection: Zero Tolerance To Female Circumcision (FGM) By Fisayo Aransiola
Zero Tolerance To Female Circumcision (FGM) By Fisayo Aransiola. This was supposed to be published on February 6 (International Day Of Zero ...
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A little early but circumcision question - The Bump
I'm totally clueless on the subject of circumcision and I haven't googled yet bc it can give you such mixed info. I was just wondering if anyone has any ...
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Religious male circumcision generally occurs shortly after birth, during TEENhood or around puberty as part of a rite of passage. Circumcision is most ...
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On Circumcision and its relation to the illuminati - Page 2 - David Icke's Official Forums
Borneo has tribes thats been doing genital piercings for about as long as circumcisions have been going on as have many other cultures through out ...
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Israel's AG Backs Mother Who Refused To Circumcise Her Baby
Bris Milah Circumcision Metzitzah B'peh closeup “The [High Rabbinical] court exceeded its authority when it ordered the circumcision of a toddler who ...
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Baby names banned in Sonora, Mexico: Facebook, Circumcision, and more
Boston.com (blog)
iStockphoto.com. Parents in Sonora, Mexico can no longer choose the name Facebook or Circumcision for their babies. Yes, that was happening.
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Twitter / TIME: Facebook, Circumcision and ...
“@TIME: Facebook, Circumcision and other banned baby names in Mexico http://ti.me/1fftG0H ” What about Cumdumpster and Zitdick?
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Saving Our Sons: Post Circumcision Tools and Discarded Newborn Foreskin
The above photograph depicts circumcision tools post-surgery by Gomco clamp. This image was captured by a labor and delivery nurse working in an ...
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Male circumcision and the incidence and clearance of genital human papillomavirus (HPV ...
7thSpace Interactive (press release)
Reported associations of male circumcision (MC) with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in men have been inconsistent. Methods: 4,033 healthy ...
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Scandinavian Circumcision Controversy Proves Europe is the Dark Continent « Why Israel?
Why Israel? » Home ⋅ editor
By Ben Cohen.. JNS.org – Back in the heyday of colonialism, Europeans used to refer to Africa as the “dark continent.” Originally, the phrase was ...
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Circumcision - PPRuNe Forums - Professional Pilots Rumour Network
Having said that, surely the same arguments apply to male circumcision? an equally barbaric procedure carried out on a male too young to give ...

allAfrica.com: Tanzania: Laws With Bigger Bite Needed to Curb Female Circumcision
It is also called female circumcision. FGM results in the cutting or removal of the tissues around the vagina that give women pleasurable sexual ...
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Circumcision - Adoption.com Forums
After the visit, bio grandma was back at the circumcision game again (I really think it's fueled by control and manipulation), this time in front of the SW.
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Circumcision: the long and the short of it - News - The Copenhagen Post
A majority of Danes want a ban on the religious circumcision of boys, but there is no indication that Sundhedsstyrelsen, the national board of health, ...
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Circumcision [Archive] - PPRuNe Forums
I can utterly see the cruelty and lack of human rights in circumcising, or irreversibly mutilating in any way, a young girl at an age where she is not in a ...
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A Twitter conversation on Circumcision - Parenting - Freedomain Radio Message Board
A Twitter conversation on Circumcision - posted in Parenting: Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins 14h Can you imagine the outcry if this was ...
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Google Alert - circumcision
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 16:01:03 +0000
From: Google Alerts
To: franzangst@gmail.com

Daily update ⋅ February 12, 2014


People of Sonora, Please Stop Naming Your Children Facebook and Circumcision
Parents in Mexico's Sonora state must refrain from naming their children Facebook, Rambo, Circumcision and 58 other appellations deemed ...
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Attorney General urges court: Allow woman to leave son uncircumcised
The mother does not want her son circumcised. The father disagrees. The Rabbinical Court ordered the procedure, now the High Court must decide ...
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First Things (blog)
Of Calendars and Memory
First Things (blog)
The Church began withdrawing recognition from the circumcision of Jesus in the Sixties. Today, circumcision itself is under threat in once-Christian ...
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NewsPoint Africa
HIV Infections Decreased by Over 50% in South Africa since 1999
NewsPoint Africa
Head of research at the IRR, Ms Lerato Moloi, revealed that number of steps like, awareness programmes, condom distribution, and male circumcision ...
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Dear Member,

We unobtrusively inform you that the last couple of months many new articles appeared on our website.

Preview: The Dark Sides of Pedocircumcision

Cerebral Mirror Images

The Tyranny of Faiths

Abstract Theories Normality Test

Does Pedocircumcision Devalue Nobel Prize?

Foreskin Semantics

Psychosocial Effects of Circumcision according to the Bible

Sub-Races of Different Pleasure Completion

Circumcision Neuroses Provoke Anti-Semitism

Operative Racialism

Political vs Psychological Irresponsibility

Religious Irresponsibility

The Soft Genocide

Erogenous Sensitivity and Cultural Borders

Pedocircumcision vs Social Integration

Freudian Criminalization of Sexuality

The Religious Ethics of Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalytic Theory Eases Spreading of Pedocircumcision

The Circumcision Complex Disposes to Religious Obsessions

Religion is the Sanity of the Circumcised

Abstract Foreskin and Reasoning

Pedocircumcision and Abstract Monotheism

The Uninformed Wisdom of Freudianism

Islamic Super-orgasm

Eroticism in Judaic Paradise

Pedocircumcision to Paedophilia

Soft-skin Pluralism

Weakness of Christianity and Democracy

The Original Sin Neurosis

Democracy in Polytheism

Crimogenic Religiousness

Racialism in Judaism and Islam

Patriarchy, Polygyny and Pedocircumcision

Aggressiveness of Circumcising Religions

Legalization of Ethnic Neuroses

War of Minds

The Ethnic Science

The Jewish Conspiracy

The Irrationality of Democracy

Conservatism of Democracy

Crimogenic Beliefs: Reverse Ethnoreligious Discrimination

Unclear Moral Conscience of Democracy

What If All of This Was Known Before?

Best Regards:
The Circumcision Complex


Quebec premier defends candidate who compares baptism and circumcision to rape
QUEBEC, March 18, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A Parti Quebecois (PQ) candidate who said baptism and circumcision were equivalent to rape is ...
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Hadiths on Female Circumcision (FGM) | UNITY
UNITY ⋅ Usama Hasan
Bismillah. Further to Quilliam's press release last week against the call to reintroduce female circumcision (FGM) in the Maldives, here are further ...
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I'm afraid to get a circumcision .? - Yahoo Answers
I'm afraid to get a circumcision because the sensitivity of my penile gland really make me feel uncomfortable . I have just recently had a frenectomy ...
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Circumcision - BabyCenter
We are doing it because there have been studies showing that circumcision can prevent hpv and reduce the risk of infection of a woman. I found an ...
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What do women and girls honestly think about the male circumcision? - Yahoo Answers NZ
I would like to know your honest answer. men are allowed to answer this ... Infant male circumcision is heinous. I'm fine with adult male circumcision as ...
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Circumcision stitches? - Yahoo Answers
I just got circumcised like on Tuesday it is now Saturday , would it be a good idea if I take my stitches out myself tomorrow or Monday cause these ...
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Male Circumcision Coverage, Knowledge, and Attitudes After 4-Years of Program Scale-up in ...
We assessed medical male circumcision (MMC) coverage and knowledge and attitudes toward MMC adoption in men in Rakai, Uganda after 4 years ...
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Snap Survey: Circumcised Men Should Get Foreskins - VOA Zimbabwe
Large numbers of people in Zimbabwe, Swaziland and South Africa say circumcised men should be given their foreskin after undergoing the medical ...
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Women with circumcised partners less likely to have HIV, no less likely to use condoms
A study from Orange Farm near Johannesburg in South Africa, the area that hosted the first-ever randomised controlled trial of male circumcision for ...
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Norway to mandate hospital circumcision
The Local.no
Norway's Health Minister Bent Høie will propose that hospitals take the lead in carrying out ritual circumcisions on Jewish and Muslim baby boys, ...
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Jewish Daily Forward
Strange Tie Between Jew's Harps and Circumcision Clamps
Jewish Daily Forward
Jew's harps and circumcision clamps, I must say, are two things I have never had much experience with. But it's never too late to educate oneself, and ...
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India.Com Health
Importance of 2014 Aids Conference
One of the readers has been asking me, what are the merits and de-merits of male circumcision? Well I googled and found this answer, though not ...
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Prescott Valley Tribune
The New Phariseeism—Performance-Based Spirituality?
Patheos (blog)
These religious leaders were seeking to convince Gentile Christians that faith plus circumcision equals salvation. For Paul, these religious leaders' ...
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Marois defends PQ candidate who compared baptism, circumcision to rape - General News ...
Pauline Marois has defended a Parti Quebecois candidate who compared baptism and circumcision to rape. - BrunchNews.
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Marois defends PQ candidate who compared baptism, circumcision to rape
MONTREAL -- Pauline Marois has defended a Parti Quebecois candidate who compared baptism and circumcision to rape. Louise Mailloux, who is ...
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Celebrity circumcision campaign paying off
The Zimbabwe Standard
LOCAL celebrities, who voluntarily took up male circumcision in recent past months, have inspired several villagers to do likewise, a health expert has ...
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Your Middle East
This week's top news stories from the Middle East
Your Middle East
A doctor and a father in Egypt will face trial for performing a female circumcision operation, banned since 2008, that killed a teenage girl. Dr Raslan ...
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zOMG! Circumcision! - Democratic Underground
... Main » General Discussion (Forum) » zOMG! Circumcision! Sun Mar 16, 2014, 03:20 PM. ZombieHorde (26,195 posts). zOMG! Circumcision!
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plastibell circumcision!? - BabyCenter
Me and DH watched a circumcision video on YouTube and I was hoping it would deter him but it didn't. I just cried the whole time watching what my ...
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zOMG! Circumcision! - Democratic Underground
Reply zOMG! Circumcision! (Original post). ZombieHorde, 6 min ago, OP. Line New Reply sunday wouldn't be complete without a circumcision war. nt.
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Straight.com (blog)
Foreskin activists to protest TED talk by Bill and Melinda Gates in Vancouver
Straight.com (blog)
No one on Earth is more detrimental to foreskin than Bill Gates. Gates' astronomical mass circumcision funding will result in tens of millions of men and ...
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Boy lashed near girls' college for dating
Emirates 24/7
A man practicing circumcision without authorisation skinned the genitals of a little boy by mistake during a circumcision operation in the Gulf Kingdom.
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Socon or Bust » PQ candidate compares baptism and circumcision to rape
Socon or Bust ⋅ Squeaker
MONTREAL — Pauline Marois has defended a Parti Quebecois candidate who compared baptism and circumcision to rape. Louise Mailloux, who is ...
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Female circumcision bad/male circumcision tolerated. - Godlike Productions
Re: Female circumcision bad/male circumcision tolerated. Female "circumcision" is equivalent to cutting your penis off, not even in the same ballpark.
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Circumcision? - The Bump
I know this could be a tricky question but I am curious about what others think about circumcision and how onr would make their decision. Thanks!
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This is what women have said about Circumcision. - Foreskin Restoration / Intactivism Network
It was clear while reading this thread that most women who did or did not decide to circumcise their children made little effort to no effort researching ...
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REFERENCES - Guideline on the Use of Devices for Adult Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention ...
Auvert B, et al. Randomized, controlled intervention trial of male circumcision for reduction of HIV infection risk: the ANRS 1265 Trial. PLoS Med. 2005 ...
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Guideline on the Use of Devices for Adult Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention - NCBI Bookshelf
This guideline provides an evidence-based recommendation on the use of adult male circumcision devices for HIV prevention in public health ...
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Adult circumcision? please help me - Bluelight
I'm 22 yrs old in uni living in Connecticut. I've been contemplating circumcision for years now. I WANT to get it done but I can't seem to find any local ...

District launches male circumcision campaign
The nationwide campaign to scale up response to voluntary medical male circumcision to reduce risks of contracting HIV/Aids has gained a new ...
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Letter: Comparing circumcision to rape minimizes a rape victim's experience
Montreal Gazette
Louise Mailloux, PQ candidate for Gouin, is quoted as having asserted that circumcision and baptism are rape. Seriously? What she is doing is ...
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Court slams Knesset for failing to regulate circumcision
An Ashkelon judge rapped the Israeli parliament for failing to tackle the issue in a ruling acquitting two men of performing a circumcision without ...
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Why Circumcise Perfectly Healthy Penises?
Pacific Standard
A randomized control trial shows that circumcision in adult males can dramatically reduce HIV infection rates, and all my friends who opted for ...
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Measures in Place to Ensure Safe Circumcisions
Traditional circumcisions in the province take place between May and July every year. "We have put in place measures to ensure that this year's ...
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Foreskin activists want Bill Gates to cut circumcision funding
The Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project's Glen Callender is protesting today's TED Talk by Bill Gates, whose foundation's mass-circumcision ...
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S. Africa minister denies shortage of HIV drugs
The health minister urged South Africans to use circumcision and condoms to reduce the risk of HIV infection. "Circumcise and use a condom.
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San Diego Jewish World
WJC seeks UN protection for shechita, brit milah
San Diego Jewish World
Ritual slaughter, known as shechita, and the tradition of circumcision, which dates back thousands of years, are cornerstones of Jewish religious ...
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Who is God's Israel?
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
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Jewish Daily Forward
How Do I Tell Him I Want a Bris?
Jewish Daily Forward
Now I am pregnant with a boy and feel very strongly about having him circumcised by a mohel in front of our family and friends. How do I bring this up ...
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Should male circumcision be banned? A socialist view | Eric Lee
Eric Lee ⋅ admin
Camilla Bassi's “basic socialist demands” regarding male circumcision have no foundation in Marxist tradition, give legitimacy to racist and ...
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Circumcision impact on reducing HIV infection rate not yet established - NewsDay Zimbabwe
A SENIOR government official has revealed that although the voluntary male circumcision programme campaign had increased awareness on men's ...
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Teen Circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
I'm 15 years old. My mom seems to think I need to go to a pediatric urologist ... The OB/Gyn was the one who did the infant circumcision for my son.
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Guideline on the Use of Devices for Adult Male Circumcision for HIV ...
Male circumcision reduces a man's risk of heterosexual acquisition of HIV by about 60%. In 2007 the World Health Organization (WHO) and Joint ...
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Dr. Sarah Grope: Denver's first and only mohelet
Intermountain Jewish News
Placing an eight-day-old male into a stranger's arms for a brit milah, the ritual of circumcision that binds men to the Jewish covenant, can be a ...
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Bleeding after circumcision...please help? - Yahoo Answers
I am 29 years old, just got circumcised 10 days ago. My problem is that my ... It should just heal up over time, maybe a week or 2, also dont beat off yet ...
Google Plus

Adult circumcision...no response from dad. awkward? | Men's Health
I've wanted a circumcision ever since I was 16. I understand the morals, but I'm entitled to my opinion so please don't tell me not to go through with it, ...
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EURO CIRC - Information about male circumcision
Circumcised Man without foreskin. Circumcision Circumcision; a surgical interference with which the foreskin is removed. Circumcision line ...
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Circumcision - Are we in denial about the risks? - Yahoo Answers
Are you aware of the risks? Do you take precautions? First I want to say I do not advocate circumcision to prevent HIV infection and cervical cancer but ...
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Free Night Male Cut for Turkana
Women in Turkana county have been asked to encourage men to undergo the Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision. Health executive Jane Ajele said ...
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RENOWNED poet and musician, Albert Nyathi, who is also Population Service International (PSI) circumcision ambassador, says despite being a ...
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Circumcision..most of population get circumcised during having sex? - Yahoo Answers
Most people get circumcised during sex..which is painful. I am afraid of sex.. Just becaus I am afraid of circumcision during sex and the pain. Help me ...
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Circumcision??? Do or not ! ?So confused - BabyCentre - Community
My hubby and I did not feel the need to have our son circumcised so we ... Religious reasons I will be having my son circumcision done when he is 1 ...
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UN official says circumcision protected by freedom of religion
Jerusalem Post
A United Nations official gave a boost to the battle Jewish organizations are waging to protect the ancient ritual of circumcision, when he told the ...
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Kahama ropes in Bodaboda riders in male circumcision drive
Daily News
THE nationwide campaign to scale up response to medical male circumcision as a strategy against HIV/AIDS transmission has received a new ...

Bristol Post
Reader's letter: FGM inflicts life-long damage
Bristol Post
AMANDA Burgess supports the tradition of female circumcision: a practice that has no foundation in any of the Abrahamic religions. It inflicts life-long ...
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Social media fueling embarrassments for candidates
Islamophobia, naked toilet pictures, and comparing baptism and circumcision to rape. The 2014 Quebec election campaign appears to be getting ...
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World Jewish Congress Issues Deceptive Misleading Statement To UN On Shechita And ...
WJC's Lisa Rahamani testifying before UN shechita circumcision 3-2014 "…Judaism was the first culture to teach that animals, and even plants, ...
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Woman combats female mutilation
Daily Astorian
Staff photo by Kathy Aney Rachael Tengbom speaks about the tradition of female circumcision in Kenya, a practice that is illegal, but still rampant.
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National Post
Marois Stands By Candidate with Alleged Anti-Semitic Beliefs
Oye! Times
A renowned Quebec feminist and philosopher, Louise Mailloux, reiterated this week that she still holds same belief that circumcision and baptism are ...
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S. Africa Minister Denies Shortage of HIV Drugs
The health minister urged South Africans to use circumcision to reduce the risk of HIV infection. "Circumcise and use a condom. Use double protection ...
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Adult circumcision...no response from dad. awkward? | Men's Health - Men's Health Forums
I've wanted a circumcision ever since I was 16. .... you sent a text to your dad asking for him to pay for your circumcision at 20 years old? that is super ...
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Leave Baby Circumcision To The One With The Junk - Mommyish
My husband called the shots about baby circumcision because he has the man parts.
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Kahama ropes in Bodaboda riders in male circumcision drive | In2EastAfrica – East African news ...
The nationwide campaign to scale up response to medical male circumcision as a strategy against HIV/AIDS transmission has received a new impetus ...
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Circumcision - Forums - MyAnimeList.net
Circumcised..I am a muslim/religious reasons.We don't consider it as mutilation.99% of the muslim population is circumcised and making babies.
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Circumcision poll - BabyCenter
It helps prevent infection. My ex didn't want to circumcise our son so we didn't and he ended up having to have it done when he was 2 because of ...
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Wind Farms, Artificial DNA, Skepticism and Circumcision: A Podcast Catch-Up › When Two ...
Time for another podcast catch-up! There's been a good number of interesting episodes of The Pseudoscientists and Unfiltered Thoughts over the past ...
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The circumcision thread (includes poll) - Forums - MyAnimeList.net
What does the MAL cummunity think of the practice of circumcision? Are you circumcised? I've heard some say that circumcision is equally as bad for ...
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Circumcision is not universal among Jews. Circumcision is inconsistent with significant Jewish laws and values. For example, the human body must not be altered or marked. The Torah also prohibits the causing of pain to any living creature. Since circumcision causes extreme pain, some Jews believe that circumcision is not ethical. Jewish values place ethical behavior above doctrine. For those who want a ritual, a growing number are turning to alternative equivalent rituals for male and female infants. This is consistent with reforming Judaism to be more egalitarian. Jewish boys who are not circumcised are accepted by others and have had bar mitzvahs. Every year many boys in the U.S. and elsewhere lose their lives as a result of forced circumcision. See: http://circleaks.blogspot.com/ AND http://wisewomanwayofbirth.com/circumcision-dirty-little-secrets-exposed/ AND http://www.circumstitions.com/death.html. The prepuce is a unique organ that serves valuable protective, sensory, and sexual functions. Circumcision surgery is painful, traumatic, harmful, and irreversible. Amputation of the prepuce causes sexual damage and psychological harm. I endured traumatic corrective surgery at age 5 for meatal stenosis and other complications due to forced circumcision by an unethical American doctor who committed medical fraud. As an adult, I feel violated and mutilated. I protected my son's bodily integrity. He is whole and intact. The idea that circumcision is a preventive health intervention is a total lie, manufactured by those who already had it done at birth and by an American medical profession that profits daily from this unnecessary and risky surgery. Foreskin is awesome. It is the most functional and best part of the penis. Plus, it's unconstitutional to take it off of someone else who can't consent, unless it is to save their life. Circumcison is a human rights violation and medical fraud. Today's parents say NO to circumcision. When we know better, we do better. https://www.commonwealmagazine.org/mark-belonging#comment-191872


The theory of circumcision however submits that circumcision was caused by a single dynamic- lack of fresh water- and subsequently the unhygienic conditions arising from irregular ablution. Irregular ablution causes, bad odour, thrush, cystitis, and other poor sanitation infections, which diminish libidos and stifle sexual concert with the main malefactors being unwashed and accumulated smegma, or poorly managed menstruation. Relatedly, non-circumcising groups are commonly settled around large fresh water bodies, as those which practice circumcision are settled far from fresh water bodies. Indeed, the prescription of mid-teen-age for circumcision is preemptively designed, to prepare teens for healthy relationships devoid of stigmatising claims of uncleanliness or sexual deficiency.
Read more at: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/entertainment/thenairobian/article/2000122911/is-circumcision-a-rite-because-of-lack-of-water http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/entertainment/thenairobian/article/2000122911/is-circumcision-a-rite-because-of-lack-of-water​

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