"Hohn ist die Schere des Mohels der die Vorhaut der Unvernunft abschneidet"
"Derision is the Mohel of Reason's knife."
Die Skepsis der Pädiater
Unausgegoren, katastrophal - die Kritik der Pädiater am Gesetzentwurf zur Beschneidung ist eindeutig. Sie sehen die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention verletzt - und das Gesetz quasi schon zur Verhandlung in Karlsruhe. Aber die Kinderärzte haben einen Kompromissvorschlag.Von Raimund Schmid
Sunday, August 5, 2012
4= Original letter to the Ethik Rat
material, in progress
Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht stellt die Zirkumzision bei fünf- bis achtjährigen Jungen eine kollektive sexualtraumatische Erfahrung dar. Diese kann in besonders patriarchalisch geprägten Kulturen eine der Ursachen für eine starke Kontrolle der Sexualität und der Frau sein. So kann das Trauma zur Stabilisierung von Machtstrukturen führen. Franz: „Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht resultiert aus dieser definitiven Klarstellung hierarchischer Bezüge eine durch starke Ängste (vor dem ultimativen Schnitt) fundierte patriarchalische Loyalität.“
Sowohl Juden als auch Muslime betrachten die Beschneidung als Zeichen ihrer exklusiven Zugehörigkeit zu Gott. Während die Beschneidung im Alten Testament ausdrücklich gefordert wird („Das aber ist mein Bund, den ihr halten sollt zwischen mir und euch… eure Vorhaut sollt ihr beschneiden... Jedes Knäblein, wenn’s acht Tage alt ist, sollt ihr beschneiden bei euren Nachkommen“) ist sie im Islam nicht durch den Koran vorgegeben. Sie ist allerdings ein fester Bestandteil der Ritualkultur. Der Prophet Mohamed wurde nach der Überlieferung vorhautlos geboren, denen, die diesem Vorbild folgen, werden Belohnungen in Aussicht gestellt.
Das Ritual der Beschneidung selbst stammt noch aus vorgeschichtlicher Zeit. Franz: „Es könnte in Jägerkulturen als männlicher Initiationsritus der sozialen Aggressionskontrolle gedient haben. Die mit der Erlaubnis zur Jagd erforderliche Überwindung der Tötungshemmung bedingt eine Aggressionsfreisetzung, vor der die Bezugsgruppe geschützt werden muss. Die Kontrolle aggressiver (und sexueller) Impulse innerhalb der Gruppe könnte durch die rituelle Kastrationsandrohung erleichtert worden sein, wenn sich die kindlich erlittenen Ängste und Schmerzen an das Verbot von Grenzüberschreitungen gegenüber Gruppenmitgliedern knüpften. Durch ein demonstratives, öffentlich wiederholtes Ritual mit Drohpotenzial wird ein Phantasieraum erschlossen, in dem Kastration als Strafe vielleicht doch möglich ist. Die rigide patriarchalisch geprägte Loyalität, die durch dieses Ritual erzeugt wurde, diente einerseits also wohl der sozialen Triebkontrolle, andererseits der Herausbildung einer Gruppenidentität.“
Zudem kann die Beschneidung auch der von der Mutter trennenden Initiation zum Mann einschneidenden Ausdruck verleihen: Auf Grund der Anatomie kann die männliche Vorhaut in den archaischen Schichten des Unterbewusstseins als „weiblich“ imaginiert werden, ihre Entfernung trennt den Jungen dann endgültig von der Mutter.
Für die Zukunft rechnet Prof. Franz mit vermehrten Schadensersatzprozessen beschnittener Männer, nicht nur gegen die Ärzte, sondern möglicherweise auch gegen die Eltern.
Die gesamte Pressemitteilung können Sie im WWW abrufen unter:
Kontaktdaten zum Absender der Pressemitteilung stehen unter:
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
"Hohn ist die Schere des Mohels der die Vorhaut der Unvernunft abschneidet"
"Derision is the Mohel of Reason's knife."
1) http://analytic-comments.blogspot.com/2012/10/michael-wolffsohns-foreskin-of-heart.html
http://www. circumcisioncomplex.com/ fundamentals/
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) agree with MC for personal, cultural, financial, and professional reasons. No medical organization finds any proven medical benefit for circumcision, and European organizations are against circumcision. Circumcision is painful and a shock to the system.--
Making it a taboo to compare male with female sexual mutilation is the biggest scandal of the controversy. In both instances the most sensitive and most erogenous zone of the human bod is amputated and severely damaged. In both instances, what counts primarily is the cutting of human sexuality. The imposition of control by the patriarchy.
The purpose
of this Weblog is to supply information to help the discussion of the German
Circumcision controversy.
I initially
threw up the first version of the blog shortly before the German Ethic Council
was to meet to discuss what to do, more on that further down.1) http://analytic-comments.blogspot.com/2012/10/michael-wolffsohns-foreskin-of-heart.html
theory of circumcision however submits that circumcision was caused by a
single dynamic- lack of fresh water- and subsequently the unhygienic
conditions arising from irregular ablution. Irregular ablution causes,
bad odour, thrush, cystitis, and other poor sanitation infections, which
diminish libidos and stifle sexual concert with the main malefactors
being unwashed and accumulated smegma, or poorly managed menstruation.
Relatedly, non-circumcising groups are commonly settled around large
fresh water bodies, as those which practice circumcision are settled far
from fresh water bodies. Indeed, the prescription of mid-teen-age for
circumcision is preemptively designed, to prepare teens for healthy
relationships devoid of stigmatising claims of uncleanliness or sexual
Doctors oppose infant circumcision
18. mar. 2013 13.08 English
The circumcision of infants entails a risk of serious physical injury, or even death, and should be banned, according to 38 leading doctors.
maart 2013
International physicians protest against American Academy of Pediatrics’ policy on infant male circumcision
Circumcision conflicts with children’s rights and doctors’ oath and can have serious long-term consequences, state an international group of 38 physicians from 16 European countries in Pediatrics today. They comment on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ new policy on infant male circumcision.
There are no compelling health arguments in favor of circumcision, while it can have serious long-term urological, psychological and sexual consequences. And performing medically unwarranted circumcision of underage boys conflicts with good medical practice. Male infant circumcision conflicts with children’s rights and the doctors’ oath not to do harm.
Making it a taboo to compare male with female sexual mutilation is the biggest scandal of the controversy. In both instances the most sensitive and most erogenous zone of the human bod is amputated and severely damaged. In both instances, what counts primarily is the cutting of human sexuality. The imposition of control by the patriarchy.
Tabuisierung jeglichen Vergleichs von männlicher mit
weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung ist der große Skandal
der Debatte. In beiden Fällen wird der empfindsamste und
erogenste Teil des menschlichen Körpers amputiert oder
schwer beschädigt. In beiden Fällen geht es in erster
Linie um die Beschneidung menschlicher Sexualität.
Die Skepsis der Pädiater
Unausgegoren, katastrophal - die Kritik der Pädiater am Gesetzentwurf zur Beschneidung ist eindeutig. Sie sehen die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention verletzt - und das Gesetz quasi schon zur Verhandlung in Karlsruhe. Aber die Kinderärzte haben einen Kompromissvorschlag.Von Raimund Schmid
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Here is my
opening statement which I have reduced
it to a kind of stub - a stub onto which one could add back on the entire
controversy relating to Anti-Semitism, and how guilt distorts German ways of
handling matters of that kind, and various defenses made of the practice
for reasons of "inscription of the law onto the body, “the law”, and which
is manifested in its multifariousness below. Towards the end there will be a section devoted to discussions that derive from the German yahootherapeuten group. Section "Yahoo".
4= Original letter to the Ethik Rat
material, in progress
On June 26 of this year a Judge in Cologne,
condemned a German physician
for violating the German constitution’s guarantee of the
inviolability of a person for having circumcised - it was a four
year old Muslim boy. But the judge did not pronounce a guilty verdict nor
administer punishment since the physician was practicing within a tradition and
was unaware of the conflict of those constitutional guarantees with those
guaranteeing freedom of religion, in this instance the Abrahamic religious
practices of Brit Milahhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Brit_milah
in Judaic and the Islamic
practice of Khitan
Thus ensued a conflict between the Jewish and
Islamic religious in Germany and the German legal authorities that continues to
this day. The chief Israeli Rabbi went to Germany and asserted that
the prohibition of the Brit Mila constituted a prohibition of the fundament of
Jewish identity and German Jews therefore would have to leave the country. The
Bundestag, the German parliament, responded quickly to calls from the two
dominant parties, Christian and Social Democrats, to pass a resolution,
endorsed by Chancellor Angele Merkel, in favor of an exception for the practice
Yet the controversy will not be
resolved until that law has been
studied by the German Ethic Council, if then.
Circumcision, the lopping off of a penis’s
foreskin incises appr. 5,000 nerves; for the concentration of nerves at that
region it is one of the most excruciatingly painful procedures if administered
without anesthetic, as it is in the Jewish practice of the Prit Milah, which is
celebrated on the 8th day extra-uterine. The child is in no
position to be consulted, no empathy of its pain can even be communicated for
whatever trauma the procedure will induce. The child screams holy murder but is
then coddled and attempts are made to reassure it. Islamic practice, which
occurs anywhere between the 4th and 12th birthday
is voluntary and circumcision, there called Khitan, is administered with
anesthesia. Only puncturing of the eardrum, which has a higher concentration of
nerves, is more painful. However, as I can testify, done under emergency
conditions at age 8 and with advance warning from a kindly house physician, the
shockingly extreme pain, is exceedingly brief though you remember it forever as
the high point, the lightning strike of the pain continuum when consulted
during later hospital procedures.
those who have lost their foreskin eventually loose recollection of the
procedure, it makes the infant fearful; other subsequent painful procedures,
say inoculations, re-evoke the original trauma for many years. In a mature
male, the trauma can be recovered under psychoanalysis; the lack of the
foreskin, during adolescence, tends to suppress premature ejaculation; as a
mature lover the lack will deprive the man of whatever pleasure 5,000 nerve
cells can induce.
As a religious as
distinct from a medical practice Brit Milah and Khitan, like other religious
practices, has a rather dark past; it is the left-over of the original
sacrifice of the first born son, replaced subsequently by his castration. It
gives evidence of the Patriarchy’s fear of generational conflict. Some Jewish
reform congregations merely practice a simulation of the Brit Milah, I myself
have come up with the ingenious compromise solution of the “Mosquito Bite” –
one drop of blood to commemorate the dark history while keeping the name-
giving and celebration and compact with God and the formation of group identity
intact in this homogenizing world.
The controversy persists to this day in
various forum in Germany. Many resolutions by German psychologists, lawyers and
medical personnel calling for the prohibition of involuntary circumcision have
been addressed to the Bundestag
jungen.de/home/ gesellschaftliche-aspekte-der- beschneidung/beschneidung-und-
politik/petition-gegen- beschneidung-minderjaehriger. html
Warum wird jemand wie Professor Michael Wolffsohn nicht ueber andere Juedischen Ansichten befragt?,
Ausgelassen aus ihren Überlegungen ist die Herkunft
der Beschneidung in den Abrahamischen Religionen,
von Opfer des erstgeborenem Sohns, zu dessen Kastration, bis zur der Beschneidung
der Vorhaut, wobei nur ein Fetzen Haut samt 5000 Nerven daran glauben müssen.
Da es doch eine langsame Entwicklung in der Verminderung dieses brutalen Vorgehens in der Geschichte gibt, kann man sich leicht eine weitere Verminderung vorstellen. Da das Brit Milah ein Grund für wahnsinnige anti-Semitische Voruteile gab [Freud fand, dass die Beschneidung im Unterbewussten, oder halb-bewussten DER Grund zum Anti-Semitismus - als Furcht, Castrationsangst - überhaupt bei seinen Patienten war] sollte sich das orthodoxe Rabbiniat auch diesen Tatbestand in Bezicht ziehen bei
den Überlegungen zu einer Kompromiss Lösung. Ausserdem wird man Jude durch
Blog enthaelt eine reiche Material Sammlung zu dem Thema Beschneidung und wird taeglich erfrisch..
P.S. Gerd Boettcher of therapeuten yahoo groups made a communication the other day via my analytic list, to which had had no access to except by theft or illegal misuse. I will reply to it separately and in a comment to the above blog. m.r.
Warum wird jemand wie Professor Michael Wolffsohn nicht ueber andere Juedischen Ansichten befragt?,
Professorin , sehr geehrter Ethik Rat.
der von Ihnen vorgeschlagene Kompromiss in der
Beschneidungs Angelegenheit scheint sich nicht
bewusst zu sein, dass auch trotz Anästhesie der Schnitt
ein Trauma hinterlässt. Die Jüdische Gemeinde hat
vor den Schmerz zu lindern, mit einem Tropfen was
uns in the USA als Manischevitz bekannt ist,
also zeigt sie jedenfalls ein Mindesmass an Empathie,
der von Ihnen vorgeschlagene Kompromiss in der
Beschneidungs Angelegenheit scheint sich nicht
bewusst zu sein, dass auch trotz Anästhesie der Schnitt
ein Trauma hinterlässt. Die Jüdische Gemeinde hat
vor den Schmerz zu lindern, mit einem Tropfen was
uns in the USA als Manischevitz bekannt ist,
also zeigt sie jedenfalls ein Mindesmass an Empathie,
Ausgelassen aus ihren Überlegungen ist die Herkunft
der Beschneidung in den Abrahamischen Religionen,
von Opfer des erstgeborenem Sohns, zu dessen Kastration, bis zur der Beschneidung
der Vorhaut, wobei nur ein Fetzen Haut samt 5000 Nerven daran glauben müssen.
Da es doch eine langsame Entwicklung in der Verminderung dieses brutalen Vorgehens in der Geschichte gibt, kann man sich leicht eine weitere Verminderung vorstellen. Da das Brit Milah ein Grund für wahnsinnige anti-Semitische Voruteile gab [Freud fand, dass die Beschneidung im Unterbewussten, oder halb-bewussten DER Grund zum Anti-Semitismus - als Furcht, Castrationsangst - überhaupt bei seinen Patienten war] sollte sich das orthodoxe Rabbiniat auch diesen Tatbestand in Bezicht ziehen bei
den Überlegungen zu einer Kompromiss Lösung. Ausserdem wird man Jude durch
Geburt von einer Jüdischen Mutter; Reform Rabbiniate simulieren das Brit Milah!
Ein Gedankengang der mich besonders bei ihren Überlegungen aufgefallen ist was
Strafrechtler und Rechtsphilosoph
Reinhard Merkel, der es zwar „bizarr“ nannte, wenn Religionsgemeinschaften eine
Definitionsmacht über die Zulässigkeit von Körperverletzungen erhielten, wollte
sich am Ende dem Argument beugen, dass es in Deutschland eine „weltweit singuläre Pflicht gegenüber allen
jüdischen Belangen“ gebe. Er sagte, im Konflikt zwischen dem strafrechtlich
unzulässigen körperlichen Eingriff und der Verpflichtung der deutschen
Nation gegenüber dem Judentum entstehe ein „rechtspolitischer Notstand“.
Führt man diesem Gedanken weiter, kommt man dort an, dass Deutschland nichts unternehmen sollte wenn Israel sich entchied eine "Endlösung" der Palestinier/ Bedouinen Problems durchzuführen, da
Deutschland selbst solch eine Schuld trägt. Also, ad absurdum. Eine schlechte Begründung, besonders von einem Strafrechtler, aber eine Begründung welche zeigt was ich besonders bei diesen Überlegungen
vermisse: die wahrlich einzigartige Schuld, den die Deutsche Gesellschaft in den 20ger bis 40ziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts auf sich genommen hat als sie Schritt für Schritt zu der Endlösung, der Shoah zuging ohne dass die Eliten, das Deutsche Rechtswesen, das Volk, seine Soldaten sich dagegen auflehnten und diesen einzigartige selbstzerstörerischen Ausbruchs des Hasses und des Neids verhinderten. Ich fand es absolute korrekt, dass im
Historiker Streit, es zu dem Ergebnis kam der dieses Vorkommen nicht relativiert. Auf so eine Art hat der menschliche Hass sich nie vorher noch nachher manifestiert, was nur Menschen Menschen antun können.
Aber Überlegungen zu einer
Schuld und der Versuch einer Wiedergutmachung ist kaum Grund oder Pflicht eine andere Art
Schuld zu erlauben oder sich dafür von dem Orthodoxen Rabbiniat erpressen zu
lassen. Schuld verdummt, sie wird / wurde immer von Eltern missbraucht. Es
sollte vielleicht überlegt werden inwiefern Deutsche Schuld bei diesen Überlegungen verdummt.Führt man diesem Gedanken weiter, kommt man dort an, dass Deutschland nichts unternehmen sollte wenn Israel sich entchied eine "Endlösung" der Palestinier/ Bedouinen Problems durchzuführen, da
Deutschland selbst solch eine Schuld trägt. Also, ad absurdum. Eine schlechte Begründung, besonders von einem Strafrechtler, aber eine Begründung welche zeigt was ich besonders bei diesen Überlegungen
vermisse: die wahrlich einzigartige Schuld, den die Deutsche Gesellschaft in den 20ger bis 40ziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts auf sich genommen hat als sie Schritt für Schritt zu der Endlösung, der Shoah zuging ohne dass die Eliten, das Deutsche Rechtswesen, das Volk, seine Soldaten sich dagegen auflehnten und diesen einzigartige selbstzerstörerischen Ausbruchs des Hasses und des Neids verhinderten. Ich fand es absolute korrekt, dass im
Historiker Streit, es zu dem Ergebnis kam der dieses Vorkommen nicht relativiert. Auf so eine Art hat der menschliche Hass sich nie vorher noch nachher manifestiert, was nur Menschen Menschen antun können.
Blog enthaelt eine reiche Material Sammlung zu dem Thema Beschneidung und wird taeglich erfrisch..
P.S. Gerd Boettcher of therapeuten yahoo groups made a communication the other day via my analytic list, to which had had no access to except by theft or illegal misuse. I will reply to it separately and in a comment to the above blog. m.r.
The controversy, which has elicited sometimes
heated discussions, also in psychoanalytic circles, has barely has
managed to make a dent on the news media in the U.S. Brief mention in the
Washington Post; the German editor of Die Zeit and Neo-Con
co-founder of The National Interest Josef Joffe in the Wall
Street Journal seemed very wrought up
We unobtrusively
inform you that the last couple of months many new
appeared on our website.
Best Regards:
The Circumcision Complex
Hier the you-tube of an Islamic Bris
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Dr. Victoria Meinschäfer, 18.07.2012 11:37
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Dr. Victoria Meinschäfer, 18.07.2012 11:37
bei Jungen
Beschneidung der Vorhaut (Zirkumzision) ist der älteste und am häufigsten
durchgeführte operative Eingriff überhaupt. Prof. Dr. Matthias Franz,
stellvertretender Direktor des Klinischen Instituts für Psychosomatische
Medizin und Psychotherapie, warnt deutlich vor den Gefahren der meist religiös
motivierten Operation: „Die Entfernung der Vorhaut im Säuglings- oder
Kindesalter stellt ein Trauma dar und kann zu andauernden körperlichen,
sexuellen oder psychischen Komplikationen und Leidenszuständen führen. Diese
Problematik wird aus Respekt vor religiösen oder kulturellen Tabus und aus
Angst vor möglichen Konflikten bislang aber vorwiegend in Fachkreisen diskutiert.“
Forschung zeigt, dass die Erfahrung elterlicher Gewalt während der Kindheit
Brüche in der emotionalen Wahrnehmung und Empathiefähigkeit des später
erwachsenen Kindes bewirkt. In der Kindheit erfahrene Traumata werden
verinnerlicht und oft später auch selber wiederholt. Kollektiv rituell
vermittelte traumatische kindliche Erfahrungen führen daher zu Empathiebrüchen.
Die Gruppe der Beschnittenen reagiert mit Abwehr, d.h. sie verleugnet die
erlittenen Schmerzen. Dadurch wird die Einfühlung in das Erleben der nächsten
Opfer desselben Rituals beeinträchtigt: Es kann und darf nicht schlecht gewesen
sein, was die Eltern damals mit mir gemacht haben. Deshalb tue ich es auch.
Eine derartige Erfahrung führt bei den betroffenen Jungen meist zu einer Fortsetzung
der rituellen Praxis. Die erwachsenen Eltern leugnen aus eigenen
Abwehrbedürfnissen die erlittene Gewalt, deshalb kann das emotionale Erleben
des zu beschneidenden Kindes von den handelnden Erwachsenen nicht empathisch
erfasst werden. So entsteht eine Täter-Opfer-Kette, die sich über viele
Generationen hinweg etablieren kann. Franz: „Eine deutsche Variante, noch gar
nicht so lange her: Eine ordentliche Tracht Prügel hat noch niemandem
Unterschieden werden muss zwischen den Auswirkungen der Beschneidung im Säuglingsalter, wie es das Judentum fordert, und der im Kindesalter, die im Islam üblich ist.
Jüdische Jungen, die laut Bibel am achten Tag zu beschneiden sind, erleiden bei der Zirkumzision Schmerzen, die noch nach einem Jahr im Körpergedächtnis nachweisbar sind als überschießende Schmerzreaktionen auf Impfungen. Muslimische Jungen werden dagegen meist im Alter von fünf bis acht Jahren beschnitten. Franz: „Dass die Beschneidung des Jungen auf dem Höhepunkt der infantilen Sexualentwicklung besondere Entwicklungsrisiken mit sich bringen kann, erscheint zumindest plausibel. Die Beschneidung kann von Jungen, die sich in dieser Phase zunehmend auf ihre Genitalität zentriert erleben, wie eine elterlich herbeigeführte, schwere Sanktion oder Kastrationsdrohung erlebt werden. Der schmerzlich-traumatische Eingriff erfolgt faktisch, bewusst wahrnehmbar und unter direktem Zugriff auf den libidinös und narzisstisch hoch besetzten Genitalbereich. Der ängstigende Gewaltaspekt unterliegt dabei einer bemerkenswerten Verleugnung durch die beteiligten Erwachsenen. Er wird rationalisiert als festlich und forciert freudig gestalteter Männlichkeitsritus. Der kleine Junge, der ja in keiner Weise an der Schwelle zum Mannesalter steht, wird mit hypermaskulinen Attributen und großen Geschenken zum Mann erklärt, eigentlich aber von Erwachsenen manipuliert.“
Unterschieden werden muss zwischen den Auswirkungen der Beschneidung im Säuglingsalter, wie es das Judentum fordert, und der im Kindesalter, die im Islam üblich ist.
Jüdische Jungen, die laut Bibel am achten Tag zu beschneiden sind, erleiden bei der Zirkumzision Schmerzen, die noch nach einem Jahr im Körpergedächtnis nachweisbar sind als überschießende Schmerzreaktionen auf Impfungen. Muslimische Jungen werden dagegen meist im Alter von fünf bis acht Jahren beschnitten. Franz: „Dass die Beschneidung des Jungen auf dem Höhepunkt der infantilen Sexualentwicklung besondere Entwicklungsrisiken mit sich bringen kann, erscheint zumindest plausibel. Die Beschneidung kann von Jungen, die sich in dieser Phase zunehmend auf ihre Genitalität zentriert erleben, wie eine elterlich herbeigeführte, schwere Sanktion oder Kastrationsdrohung erlebt werden. Der schmerzlich-traumatische Eingriff erfolgt faktisch, bewusst wahrnehmbar und unter direktem Zugriff auf den libidinös und narzisstisch hoch besetzten Genitalbereich. Der ängstigende Gewaltaspekt unterliegt dabei einer bemerkenswerten Verleugnung durch die beteiligten Erwachsenen. Er wird rationalisiert als festlich und forciert freudig gestalteter Männlichkeitsritus. Der kleine Junge, der ja in keiner Weise an der Schwelle zum Mannesalter steht, wird mit hypermaskulinen Attributen und großen Geschenken zum Mann erklärt, eigentlich aber von Erwachsenen manipuliert.“
Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht stellt die Zirkumzision bei fünf- bis achtjährigen Jungen eine kollektive sexualtraumatische Erfahrung dar. Diese kann in besonders patriarchalisch geprägten Kulturen eine der Ursachen für eine starke Kontrolle der Sexualität und der Frau sein. So kann das Trauma zur Stabilisierung von Machtstrukturen führen. Franz: „Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht resultiert aus dieser definitiven Klarstellung hierarchischer Bezüge eine durch starke Ängste (vor dem ultimativen Schnitt) fundierte patriarchalische Loyalität.“
Sowohl Juden als auch Muslime betrachten die Beschneidung als Zeichen ihrer exklusiven Zugehörigkeit zu Gott. Während die Beschneidung im Alten Testament ausdrücklich gefordert wird („Das aber ist mein Bund, den ihr halten sollt zwischen mir und euch… eure Vorhaut sollt ihr beschneiden... Jedes Knäblein, wenn’s acht Tage alt ist, sollt ihr beschneiden bei euren Nachkommen“) ist sie im Islam nicht durch den Koran vorgegeben. Sie ist allerdings ein fester Bestandteil der Ritualkultur. Der Prophet Mohamed wurde nach der Überlieferung vorhautlos geboren, denen, die diesem Vorbild folgen, werden Belohnungen in Aussicht gestellt.
Das Ritual der Beschneidung selbst stammt noch aus vorgeschichtlicher Zeit. Franz: „Es könnte in Jägerkulturen als männlicher Initiationsritus der sozialen Aggressionskontrolle gedient haben. Die mit der Erlaubnis zur Jagd erforderliche Überwindung der Tötungshemmung bedingt eine Aggressionsfreisetzung, vor der die Bezugsgruppe geschützt werden muss. Die Kontrolle aggressiver (und sexueller) Impulse innerhalb der Gruppe könnte durch die rituelle Kastrationsandrohung erleichtert worden sein, wenn sich die kindlich erlittenen Ängste und Schmerzen an das Verbot von Grenzüberschreitungen gegenüber Gruppenmitgliedern knüpften. Durch ein demonstratives, öffentlich wiederholtes Ritual mit Drohpotenzial wird ein Phantasieraum erschlossen, in dem Kastration als Strafe vielleicht doch möglich ist. Die rigide patriarchalisch geprägte Loyalität, die durch dieses Ritual erzeugt wurde, diente einerseits also wohl der sozialen Triebkontrolle, andererseits der Herausbildung einer Gruppenidentität.“
Zudem kann die Beschneidung auch der von der Mutter trennenden Initiation zum Mann einschneidenden Ausdruck verleihen: Auf Grund der Anatomie kann die männliche Vorhaut in den archaischen Schichten des Unterbewusstseins als „weiblich“ imaginiert werden, ihre Entfernung trennt den Jungen dann endgültig von der Mutter.
Für die Zukunft rechnet Prof. Franz mit vermehrten Schadensersatzprozessen beschnittener Männer, nicht nur gegen die Ärzte, sondern möglicherweise auch gegen die Eltern.
Die gesamte Pressemitteilung können Sie im WWW abrufen unter:
Kontaktdaten zum Absender der Pressemitteilung stehen unter:
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
idw -
Informationsdienst Wissenschaft e. V.
Zur freundlichen Kenntnisnahme
und mit besten Kolleg. Grüßen
Dipl. Psych. Michael B.
auch unter dem Link: http://www.circumcision.org/studies.htm
Medical Studies on
Circumcision is Associated with Adult Difficulty in Identifying
and Expressing Feelings
preliminary study investigates what role early trauma might have in alexithymia
(difficulty in identifying and expressing feelings) acquisition for adults by
controlling for male circumcision. Three hundred self-selected men were
administered the Toronto Twenty-Item Alexithymia Scale checklist and a personal
history questionnaire. The circumcised men had age-adjusted alexithymia scores
19.9 percent higher than the intact men; were 1.57 times more likely to have
high alexithymia scores; were 2.30 times less likely to have low alexithymia
scores; had higher prevalence of two of the three alexithymia factors
(difficulty identifying feelings and difficulty describing feelings); and were
4.53 times more likely to use an erectile dysfunction drug. Alexithymia in this
population of adult men is statistically significant for having experienced
circumcision trauma and for erectile dysfunction drug use. (See link to article
on our home page.)
Bollinger, D. and Van Howe, R. , "Alexithymia and
Circumcision Trauma: A Preliminary Investigation," International
Journal of Men's Health (2011);184-195.
Circumcision Associated with Sexual Difficulties in Men and
A new national survey
in Denmark, where about 5% of men are circumcised, examined associations of
circumcision with a range of sexual measures in both sexes. Circumcised men
were more likely to report frequent orgasm difficulties, and women with
circumcised spouses more often reported incomplete sexual needs fulfillment and
frequent sexual function difficulties overall, notably orgasm difficulties, and
painful sexual intercourse.
Frisch, M., Lindholm,
M., and Gr�nb�k, M., "Male Circumcision and Sexual Function in Men and
Women: A Survey-based, Cross-sectional Study in Denmark,"
International Journal of Epidemiology (2011);1�15.
Circumcision is
Associated with Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation
(PE) is common. However, it has been underreported and undertreated. The aim of
the study was to determine the prevalence of PE and to investigate possible
associated factors of PE. This cross-sectional study was conducted at a primary
care clinic over a 3-month period in 2008. Men aged 18-70 years attending the
clinic were recruited, and they completed self-administered questionnaires. A
total of 207 men were recruited with a response rate of 93.2%. Their mean age
was 46.0 years. The prevalence of PE was 40.6%. No significant association was
found between age and PE. Multivariate analysis showed that erectile
dysfunction, circumcision, and sexual intercourse =5 times in 4 weeks were
predictors of PE. These associations need further confirmation.
Tang, W. and Khoo, E. "Prevalence and Correlates of
Premature Ejaculation in a Primary Care Setting: A Preliminary Cross-Sectional
Study," Journal of Sexual Medicine (2011) Apr 14.
NOTE: There have been numerous
articles in American media about claims that circumcision prevents HIV
transmission. No mainstream media article has reported on an opposing view, as
described in the findings of the following five medical articles.
Claim of Circumcision
Benefit is Overstated and Premature
Further research is required to assess
the feasibility, desirability and cost-effectiveness of circumcision to reduce
the acquisition of HIV. This paper endorses the need for such research and
suggests that, in its absence, it is premature to promote circumcision as a
reliable strategy for combating HIV. Since articles in leading medical journals
as well as the popular press continue to do so, scientific researchers should
think carefully about how their conclusions may be translated both to policy
makers and to a more general audience. The importance of addressing
ethico-legal concerns that such trials may raise is highlighted. The
understandable haste to find a solution to the HIV pandemic means that the
promise offered by preliminary and specific research studies may be overstated.
This may mean that ethical concerns are marginalized. Such haste may also
obscure the need to be attentive to local cultural sensitivities, which vary
from one African region to another, in formulating policy concerning
Fox, M. and Thomson, M., "HIV/AIDS and Circumcision : Lost
in Translation," Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2010):798-801.
Circumcision/HIV Claims
are Based on Insufficient Evidence
An article endorsed by thirty-two
professionals questions the results of three highly publicized African
circumcision studies. The studies claim that circumcision reduces HIV
transmission, and they are being used to promote circumcisions. Substantial
evidence in this article refutes the claim of the studies.
Examples in the article include the
1. Circumcision is
associated with increased transmission of HIV to women.
2. Conditions for the
studies were unlike conditions found in real-world settings.
3. Other studies show that
male circumcision is not associated with reduced HIV transmission.
4. The U.S. has a high rate
of HIV infection and a high rate of circumcision. Other countries have low
rates of circumcision and low rates of HIV infection.
5. Condoms are 95 times
more cost effective in preventing HIV transmission.
6. Circumcision removes
healthy, functioning, unique tissue, raising ethical considerations.
Green, L. et al., "Male Circumcision and HIV Prevention:
Insufficient Evidence and Neglected External Validity," American Journal
of Preventive Medicine 39 (2010): 479-82.
In National Survey
Circumcision Had No Protective Effect
A survey of South African men showed
that circumcision had no protective effect in the prevention of HIV
transmission. This is a concern, and has implications for the possible adoption
of mass male circumcision strategy both as a public health policy and an HIV
prevention strategy.
Connolly, C. et al., South African Medical Journal 98(2008):
Circumcision is Not Cost
The findings suggest that behavior
change programs are more efficient and cost effective than circumcision.
Providing free condoms is estimated to be significantly less costly, more
effective in comparison to circumcising, and at least 95 times more cost
effective at stopping the spread of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa. In addition,
condom usage provides protection for women as well as men. This is significant
in an area where almost 61% of adults living with AIDS are women.
McAllister, R. et al., "The Cost to Circumcise
Africa," American Journal of Men's Health 7(2008): 307-316.
Circumcision/HIV Have
Incomplete Evaluation
The push to institute mass
circumcision in Africa, following the three randomized clinical trials (RCTs)
conducted in Africa, is based on an incomplete evaluation of real-world
preventive effects over the long-term � effects that may be quite
different outside the research setting and circumstances, with their access to
resources, sanitary standards and intensive counseling. Moreover, proposals for
mass circumcision lack a thorough and objective consideration of costs in
relation to hoped-for benefits. No field-test has been performed to evaluate
the effectiveness, complications, personnel requirements, costs and
practicality of proposed approaches in real-life conditions. These are the
classic distinctions between efficacy and effectiveness trials, and between
internal validity and external validity.
Campaigns to promote safe-sex
behaviors have been shown to accomplish a high rate of infection reduction,
without the surgical risks and complications of circumcision, and at a much
lower cost. For the health community to rush to recommend a program based on
incomplete evidence is both premature and ill-advised. It misleads the public
by promoting false hope from uncertain conclusions and might ultimately
aggravate the problem by altering people�s
behavioral patterns and exposing them and their partners to new or expanded
risks. Given these problems, circumcision of adults, and especially of
children, by coercion or by false hope, raises human rights concerns.
Green, L. et al., "Male Circumcision is Not the HIV �Vaccine� We
Have Been Waiting For!" Future Medicine 2 (2008): 193-199, DOI
Circumcision Decreases
Sexual Pleasure
A questionnaire was used to study the
sexuality of men circumcised as adults compared to uncircumcised men, and to
compare their sex lives before and after circumcision. The study included 373
sexually active men, of whom 255 were circumcised and 118 were not. Of the 255
circumcised men, 138 had been sexually active before circumcision, and all were
circumcised at >20 years of age. Masturbatory pleasure decreased after
circumcision in 48% of the respondents, while 8% reported increased pleasure.
Masturbatory difficulty increased after circumcision in 63% of the respondents
but was easier in 37%. About 6% answered that their sex lives improved, while
20% reported a worse sex life after circumcision. There was a decrease in
masturbatory pleasure and sexual enjoyment after circumcision, indicating that
adult circumcision adversely affects sexual function in many men, possibly
because of complications of the surgery and a loss of nerve endings.
Kim, D. and Pang, M., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on
Sexuality," BJU International 99 (2007): 619-22.
Circumcision Removes the
Most Sensitive Parts of the Penis
A sensitivity study of the adult penis
in circumcised and uncircumcised men shows that the uncircumcised penis is
significantly more sensitive. The most sensitive location on the circumcised
penis is the circumcision scar on the ventral surface. Five locations on the
uncircumcised penis that are routinely removed at circumcision are
significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive location on the
circumcised penis.
In addition, the glans (head) of the
circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the
uncircumcised penis. The tip of the foreskin is the most sensitive region of
the uncircumcised penis, and it is significantly more sensitive than the most
sensitive area of the circumcised penis. Circumcision removes the most
sensitive parts of the penis.
This study presents the first
extensive testing of fine touch pressure thresholds of the adult penis. The
monofiliment testing instruments are calibrated and have been used to test
female genital sensitivity.
Sorrells, M. et al., �Fine-Touch
Pressure Thresholds in the Adult Penis,� BJU
International 99 (2007): 864-869.
Circumcision Policy
Influenced by Psychosocial Factors
The debate about the advisability of
circumcision in English-speaking countries typically has focused on potential
health factors. The position statements of committees from national medical
organisations are expected to be evidence-based; however, the contentiousness
of the ongoing debate suggests that other factors are involved. Various
potential factors related to psychology, sociology, religion, and culture may
also underlie policy decisions. These factors could affect the values and
attitudes of medical committee members, the process of evaluating the medical
literature, and the medical literature itself. Although medical professionals
highly value rationality, it can be difficult to conduct a rational and
objective evaluation of an emotional and controversial topic such as
circumcision. A negotiated compromise between polarized committee factions
could introduce additional psychosocial factors. These possibilities are
speculative, not conclusive. It is recommended that an open discussion of
psychosocial factors take place and that the potential biases of committee
members be recognized.
Goldman, R., �Circumcision
Policy: A Psychosocial Perspective,� Paediatrics
& Child Health 9 (2004): 630-633.
Circumcision is Not Good
Health Policy
A cost-utility analysis, based on
published data from multiple observational studies, comparing boys circumcised
at birth and those not circumcised was undertaken using the Quality of
Well-being Scale, a Markov analysis, the standard reference case, and a
societal perspective. Neonatal circumcision increased incremental costs by
$828.42 per patient and resulted in an incremental 15.30 well-years lost per
1000 males. If neonatal circumcision was cost-free, pain-free, and had no
immediate complications, it was still more costly than not circumcising. Using
sensitivity analysis, it was impossible to arrange a scenario that made
neonatal circumcision cost-effective. Neonatal circumcision is not good health
policy, and support for it as a medical procedure cannot be justified
financially or medically.
Van Howe, R., �A
Cost-Utility Analysis of Neonatal Circumcision,� Medical
Decision Making 24 (2004):584-601.
Pain, Trauma, Sexual,
and Psychological Effects of Circumcision
Infant male circumcision continues
despite growing questions about its medical justification. As usually performed
without analgesia or anaesthetic, circumcision is observably painful. It is
likely that genital cutting has physical, sexual and psychological
consequences, too. Some studies link involuntary male circumcision with a range
of negative emotions and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some circumcised
men have described their current feelings in the language of violation,
torture, mutilation and sexual assault. In view of the acute as well as
long-term risks from circumcision and the legal liabilities that might arise,
it is timely for health professionals and scientists to re-examine the evidence
on this issue and participate in the debate about the advisability of this
surgical procedure on unconsenting minors.
Boyle G. et al., "Male Circumcision: Pain, Trauma and
Psychosexual Sequelae," Journal of Health Psychology (2002): 329-343.
Circumcision Results in
Significant Loss of Erogenous Tissue
A report published in the British
Journal of Urology assessed the type and amount of tissue missing from the
adult circumcised penis by examining adult foreskins obtained at autopsy.
Investigators found that circumcision removes about one-half of the erogenous
tissue on the penile shaft. The foreskin, according to the study, protects the
head of the penis and is comprised of unique zones with several kinds of specialized
nerves that are important to optimum sexual sensitivity.
Taylor, J. et al., "The Prepuce: Specialized Mucosa of the
Penis and Its Loss to Circumcision," BJU 77 (1996): 291�295.
Circumcision Affects
Sexual Behavior
A study published in the Journal of
the American Medical Association found that circumcision provided no
significant prophylactic benefit and that circumcised men were more likely to
engage in various sexual practices. Specifically, circumcised men were
significantly more likely to masturbate and to participate in heterosexual oral
sex than uncircumcised men.
Laumann, E. et al., "Circumcision in the U.S.: Prevalence,
Prophylactic Effects, and Sexual Practice," JAMA 277 (1997): 1052�1057.
Researchers Demonstrate
Traumatic Effects of Circumcision
A team of Canadian researchers
produced new evidence that circumcision has long-lasting traumatic effects. An
article published in the international medical journal The Lancet reported the
effect of infant circumcision on pain response during subsequent routine
vaccination. The researchers tested 87 infants at 4 months or 6 months of age.
The boys who had been circumcised were more sensitive to pain than the
uncircumcised boys. Differences between groups were significant regarding
facial action, crying time, and assessments of pain.
The authors believe that
"neonatal circumcision may induce long-lasting changes in infant pain
behavior because of alterations in the infant�s central neural processing of painful
stimuli." They also write that "the long-term consequences of surgery
done without anaesthesia are likely to include post-traumatic stress as well as
pain. It is therefore possible that the greater vaccination response in the
infants circumcised without anaesthesia may represent an infant analogue of a
post-traumatic stress disorder triggered by a traumatic and painful event and
re-experienced under similar circumstances of pain during vaccination."
Taddio, A. et al., "Effect of Neonatal Circumcision on Pain
Response during Subsequent Routine Vaccination," The Lancet 349 (1997):
Circumcision Study
Halted Due to Trauma
Researchers found circumcision so
traumatic that they ended the study early rather than subject any more infants
to the operation without anesthesia. Those infants circumcised without
anesthesia experienced not only severe pain, but also an increased risk of
choking and difficulty breathing. The findings were published in the Journal of
the American Medical Association. Up to 96% of infants in some areas of the
United States receive no anesthesia during circumcision. No anesthetic
currently in use for circumcisions is effective during the most painful parts
of the procedure.
Lander, J. et al., "Comparison of Ring Block, Dorsal Penile
Nerve Block, and Topical Anesthesia for Neonatal Circumcision," JAMA 278
(1997): 2157�2162.
Circumcised Penis
Requires More Care in Young Boys
The circumcised penis requires more
care than the natural penis during the first three years of life, according to
a report in the British Journal of Urology. The clinical findings of an American
pediatrician showed that circumcised boys were significantly more likely to
have skin adhesions, trapped debris, irritated urinary opening, and
inflammation of the glans (head of the penis) than were boys with a foreskin.
Furthermore, because there are large variations of appearance in circumcised
boys, circumcision for cosmetic reasons should be discouraged.
Van Howe, R., "Variability in Penile Appearance and Penile
Findings: A Prospective Study," BJU 80 (1997): 776�782.
Poll of Circumcised Men
Reveals Harm
A poll of circumcised men published in
the British Journal of Urology describes adverse outcomes on men�s health and well-being. Findings
showed wide-ranging physical, sexual, and psychological consequences. Some respondents
reported prominent scarring and excessive skin loss. Sexual consequences
included progressive loss of sensitivity and sexual dysfunction. Emotional
distress followed the realization that they were missing a functioning part of
their penis. Low-self esteem, resentment, avoidance of intimacy, and depression
were also noted.
Hammond, T., "A Preliminary Poll of Men Circumcised in
Infancy or Childhood," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 85�92
Psychological Effects of
Circumcision Studied
An article titled "The
Psychological Impact of Circumcision" reports that circumcision results in
behavioral changes in infants and long-term unrecognized psychological effects
on men. The piece reviews the medical literature on infants� responses to circumcision and
concludes, "there is strong evidence that circumcision is overwhelmingly
painful and traumatic." The article notes that infants exhibit behavioral
changes after circumcision, and some men have strong feelings of anger, shame,
distrust, and grief about having been circumcised. In addition, circumcision
has been shown to disrupt the mother-infant bond, and some mothers report
significant distress after allowing their son to be circumcised. Psychological
factors perpetuate circumcision. According to the author, "defending
circumcision requires minimizing or dismissing the harm and producing
overstated medical claims about protection from future harm. The ongoing denial
requires the acceptance of false beliefs and misunderstanding of facts. These
psychological factors affect professionals, members of religious groups, and
parents involved in the practice."
Expressions from circumcised men are
generally lacking because most circumcised men do not understand what
circumcision is, emotional repression keeps feelings from awareness, or men may
be aware of these feelings but afraid of disclosure.
Goldman, R., "The Psychological Impact of
Circumcision," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 93�102
Serious Consequences of
Circumcision Trauma in Adult Men Clinically Observed
Using four case examples that are
typical among his clients, a practicing psychiatrist presents clinical findings
regarding the serious and sometimes disabling long-term somatic, emotional, and
psychological consequences of infant circumcision in adult men. These
consequences resemble complex post-traumatic stress disorder and emerge during
psychotherapy focused on the resolution of perinatal and developmental trauma.
Adult symptoms associated with circumcision trauma include shyness, anger,
fear, powerlessness, distrust, low self-esteem, relationship difficulties, and
sexual shame. Long-term psychotherapy dealing with early trauma resolution
appears to be effective in healing these consequences.
Rhinehart, J., "Neonatal Circumcision Revistited,"
Transactional Analysis Journal 29 (1999): 215-221
Anatomy and Function of
the Foreskin Documented
A new article describes the foreskin
(prepuce) as an integral, normal part of the genitals of mammals. It is
specialized, protective, erogenous tissue. A description of the complex nerve
structure of the penis explains why anesthetics provide incomplete pain relief
during circumcision. Cutting off the foreskin removes many fine-touch receptors
from the penis and results in thickening and desensitization of the glans outer
layer. The complex anatomy and function of the foreskin dictate that
circumcision should be avoided or deferred until the person can make an
informed decision as an adult.
Cold, C. and Taylor, J., "The Prepuce," BJU 83 (1999):
suppl. 1: 34�44.
Male Circumcision
Affects Female Sexual Enjoyment
A survey of women who have had sexual
experience with circumcised and anatomically complete partners showed that the
anatomically complete penis was preferred over the circumcised penis. Without
the foreskin to provide a movable sleeve of skin, intercourse with a
circumcised penis resulted in female discomfort from increased friction,
abrasion, and loss of natural secretions. Respondents overwhelmingly concurred
that the mechanics of coitus were different for the two groups of men.
Unaltered men tended to thrust more gently with shorter strokes.
O�Hara, K. and O�Hara,
J., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on the Sexual Enjoyment of the Female
Partner," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 79�84
Male Circumcision and
Psychosexual Effects Investigated
Infant male circumcision continues
despite growing questions about its medical justification. As usually performed
without analgesia or anesthetic, circumcision is observably painful. It is
likely that genital cutting has physical, sexual, and psychological
consequences, too. Some studies link involuntary male circumcision with a range
of negative emotions and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some
circumcised men have described their current feelings in the language of
violation, torture, mutilation, and sexual assault. In view of the acute as
well as long-term risks from circumcision and the legal liabilities that might
arise, it is timely for health professionals and scientists to re-examine the
evidence on this issue and participate in the debate about the advisability of
this surgical procedure on unconsenting minors.
Boyle, G., Goldman, R., Svoboda, J.S., and Fernandez, E.,
"Male Circumcision: Pain, Trauma, and Psychosexual Sequelae," Journal
of Health Psychology 7 (2002): 329-343.
Surveys Reveal Adverse
Sexual and Psychological Effects of Circumcision
A survey of the 35 female and 42 gay
sexual partners of circumcised and genitally intact men, and a separate survey
of 53 circumcised and genitally intact men, and a separate survey of 30
genitally intact men themselves indicated that circumcised men experienced
significantly reduced sexual sensation along with associated long-lasting
negative emotional consequences.
Boyle, G. and Bensley, G., "Adverse Sexual and
Psychological Effects of Male Infant Circumcision,". Psychological Reports
88 (2001): 1105-1106.
Foreskin Reduces the
Force Required for Penetration and Increases Comfort
Masters and Johnson observed that the
foreskin unrolled with intercourse. However, they overlooked a prior
observation that intromission (i.e., penetration) was thereby made easier. To
evaluate this observation an artificial introitus was mounted on scales.
Repeated measurements showed a 10-fold reduction of force on entry with an
initially unretracted foreskin as compared to entry with a retracted foreskin.
For the foreskin to reduce the force required it must cover most of the glans
when the penis is erect.
Taves, D., "The Intromission Function of the
Foreskin," Med Hypotheses 59 (2002): 180.
Survey of Men
Circumcised as Adults Shows Mixed Results
Men circumcised as adults were surveyed
to assess erectile function, penile sensitivity, sexual activity and overall
satisfaction. Over 80% of these men were circumcised to treat a medical
problem. The response rate was 44% among potential responders. Mean age of
responders was 42 years at circumcision and 46 years at survey. Adult
circumcision appears to result in worsened erectile function, decreased penile
sensitivity, no change in sexual activity, and improved satisfaction. Of the
men 50% reported benefits and 38% reported harm. Overall, 62% of men were
satisfied with having been circumcised. Note: Results may be affected by the
fact that there was no sample of normal, healthy, genitally intact men for
Fink, K., Carson, C., DeVellis, R., "Adult Circumcision
Outcomes Study: Effect on Erectile Function, Penile Sensitivity, Sexual
Activity and Satisfaction," J Urol 167 (2002): 2113-2116.
Survey Finds
Circumcision Contributes to Vaginal Dryness
The impact of male circumcision on
vaginal dryness during coitus was investigated. We conducted a survey of 35
female sexual partners aged 18 to 69 years who had experienced sexual
intercourse with both circumcised and genitally intact men. Women reported they
were significantly more likely to have experienced vaginal dryness during
intercourse with circumcised than with genitally intact men.
Bensley, G. and Boyle, G., "Effects of Male Circumcision on
Female Arousal and Orgasm," N Z Med J 116 (2003): 595-596.
Early Adverse
Experiences May Lead to Abnormal Brain Development and Behavior
Self-destructive behavior in current
society promotes a search for psychobiological factors underlying this
epidemic. The brain of the newborn infant is particularly vulnerability to
early adverse experiences, leading to abnormal development and behavior. Although
several investigations have correlated newborn complications with abnormal
adult behavior, our understanding of the underlying mechanisms remains
rudimentary. Models of early experience, such as repetitive pain, sepsis, or
maternal separation in rodents and other species have noted multiple
alterations in the adult brain, correlated with specific behavioral types
depending on the timing and nature of the adverse experience. The mechanisms
mediating such changes in the newborn brain have remained largely unexplored.
Maternal separation, sensory isolation (understimulation), and exposure to
extreme or repetitive pain (overstimulation) may cause altered brain
development. (Circumcision is described as an intervention with long-term
neurobehavioral effects.) These changes promote two distinct behavioral types
characterized by increased anxiety, altered pain sensitivity, stress disorders,
hyperactivity/attention deficit disorder, leading to impaired social skills and
patterns of self-destructive behavior. The clinical importance of these
mechanisms lies in the prevention of early adverse experiences and effective
treatment of newborn pain and stress.
Anand, K. and Scalzo, F., "Can Adverse Neonatal Experiences
Alter Brain Development and Subsequent Behavior? Biol Neonate 77 (2000): 69-82
Note: CRC disapproves of animal
studies that involve inflicting pain.
Am 18.07.2012 um 12:54 schrieb bbpp:
Auch DIE ZEIT meldet sich zu dem Thema! Weiterverbreitet
Also, die Diskussion, ausgelöst durch das Kölner Urteil, entfaltet den WUNDEN SCHNITT-PUNKT der verschiedenen Interessen mit seltener Offen und Vielfältigkeit!!
Auch DIE ZEIT meldet sich zu dem Thema! Weiterverbreitet
Also, die Diskussion, ausgelöst durch das Kölner Urteil, entfaltet den WUNDEN SCHNITT-PUNKT der verschiedenen Interessen mit seltener Offen und Vielfältigkeit!!
Brief zur Beschneidung„Religionsfreiheit kann kein Freibrief für Gewalt sein“
21.07.2012 · In der
Beschneidungsdebatte appellieren mehr als 100 Mediziner und Juristen an Bundesregierung undBundestag, die Kinder stärker zu schützen.
Hier ist der volle Brief.
Anschauliches und Hörbares zum
Thema "Beschneidung"
Zitat aus der Homepage der DPtV:
Diskussion um Beschneidung von Jungen
des Bundesvorsitzenden Dieter Best an
die Bundesregierung
dem Brief schließt sich die DPtV, vertreten durch den Bundesvorsitzenden Dieter
der Bitte an, keine gesetzliche Lösung ohne eine gründliche Sichtung
der Forschungsergebnisse über mögliche somatische und psychische Folgen der Beschneidung von Jungen zu treffen.
der Bitte an, keine gesetzliche Lösung ohne eine gründliche Sichtung
der Forschungsergebnisse über mögliche somatische und psychische Folgen der Beschneidung von Jungen zu treffen.
Mit dem Credo "Niemand hat das Recht zu gehorchen" lehnte sie - Hannah Ahrndt alle Rückgriffe auf religiöse Dogmen zur Begründung von Gewissen und Moral ab, weil sie zutiefst davon überzeugt war, dass die auf solchen Wegen erzeugten Werte manipulierbar sind. In religiös organisierten Systemen kann jeder Moralkodex beliebig umgedeutet werden; wogegen die Vorstellung einer gemeinschaftlichen Ethik immer wieder neu überdacht und ausgehandelt werden müsse.
Mit dem Credo "Niemand hat das Recht zu gehorchen" lehnte sie - Hannah Ahrndt alle Rückgriffe auf religiöse Dogmen zur Begründung von Gewissen und Moral ab, weil sie zutiefst davon überzeugt war, dass die auf solchen Wegen erzeugten Werte manipulierbar sind. In religiös organisierten Systemen kann jeder Moralkodex beliebig umgedeutet werden; wogegen die Vorstellung einer gemeinschaftlichen Ethik immer wieder neu überdacht und ausgehandelt werden müsse.
Cologne judgment has also sparked a fine debate
also in
psycho-analytic and medical circles
PSYCHIC trauma that circumcision entails consigns the practice to the
domain of the atavistic An ethnic or religious group that after however
many of thousand years cannot come up with a better unifying practice must be
regarded as forever benighted. Like female circumcision, male circumcision
exists not so much to cement a community, but as a patriarchal practice, to
keep the sons and daughters in line, and, not so incidentally, eliminate
a great deal of sexual pleasure. That is scarcely "Kuechen
Psychologie"! A number of matters are are being confused here:
Inoculations can be administered painlessly - a mosquito bite is not comparable
with the narcissistic and fundamental Oedipal trauma that is circumcision.
Usage, custom could allow all sorts of other entirely atavistic traditions, no?
Headhunters anyone? if someone wishes to argue the matter from that angle. To
introduce the notion of intolerance into this discussion, also, is not
pertinent to the issue, as well as contradictory, since a child if he wishes
could decide to be circumcised, say, at the time of Bar Mitzvah, or equivalent
Islam rite. Actually, the elimination of the practice of circumcision would
also go some ways toward abating irrational forms of anti-Semitism, both
Judaism and Islam being Semitic religions. That some of the Religious will be
narcissistically mortified once one of their practices is prohibited - all I
can say: EDUCATE yourselves, empathize with the child and the trauma it suffers
so that you THE BELIEVER can regard its continuance as sacred! Or: get over it!http://www.facebook.com/mike.roloff1?ref=name
Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August
Pressemitteilung Deutscher Ethikrat, Ulrike Florian, 27.07.2012 10:34
Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August
Zudem richtet der Ethikrat eine Arbeitsgruppe zum Thema Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit ein und beschließt Thema der Jahrestagung 2013.
Am 23. August 2012 wird sich der Ethikrat im Rahmen einer öffentlichen Plenarsitzung mit dem aktuell diskutierten Thema der Beschneidung von minderjährigen Jungen aus religiösen Gründen beschäftigen. Die Ratsmitglieder Peter Dabrock,Wolfram Höfling, Ilhan Ilkilic, Leo Latasch und Reinhard Merkel werden in Impulsreferaten strafrechtliche, religiös-kulturelle, medizinische und ethische Aspekte der Beschneidung in den Blick nehmen und im Plenum zur Diskussion stellen.
Darüber hinaus wird der Ethikrat im Auftrag der Bundesregierung eine Stellungnahme zum Thema „Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit – Forschungsförderung und Umgang mit Forschungsergebnissen“ erarbeiten. Hintergrund dieses Auftrags sind Forschungen in den USA und den Niederlanden, bei denen Grippeviren erzeugt wurden, die im Vergleich zu ihren Wildformen leichter zwischen Säugetieren übertragbar sind. Im Verlauf seiner gestrigen Plenarsitzung hat der Ethikrat beschlossen, eine Arbeitsgruppe zu diesem Thema einzurichten, und die nächsten Arbeitsschritte festgelegt.
Im Mittelpunkt der Jahrestagung 2013 wird die Forschung am Menschen, vor allem mit Blick auf Fragen des Probanden- und Patientenschutzes im globalen Kontext, stehen.
Weitere Informationen unter http://www.ethikrat.org/.
Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August
Pressemitteilung Deutscher Ethikrat, Ulrike Florian, 27.07.2012 10:34
Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August
Zudem richtet der Ethikrat eine Arbeitsgruppe zum Thema Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit ein und beschließt Thema der Jahrestagung 2013.
Am 23. August 2012 wird sich der Ethikrat im Rahmen einer öffentlichen Plenarsitzung mit dem aktuell diskutierten Thema der Beschneidung von minderjährigen Jungen aus religiösen Gründen beschäftigen. Die Ratsmitglieder Peter Dabrock,Wolfram Höfling, Ilhan Ilkilic, Leo Latasch und Reinhard Merkel werden in Impulsreferaten strafrechtliche, religiös-kulturelle, medizinische und ethische Aspekte der Beschneidung in den Blick nehmen und im Plenum zur Diskussion stellen.
Darüber hinaus wird der Ethikrat im Auftrag der Bundesregierung eine Stellungnahme zum Thema „Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit – Forschungsförderung und Umgang mit Forschungsergebnissen“ erarbeiten. Hintergrund dieses Auftrags sind Forschungen in den USA und den Niederlanden, bei denen Grippeviren erzeugt wurden, die im Vergleich zu ihren Wildformen leichter zwischen Säugetieren übertragbar sind. Im Verlauf seiner gestrigen Plenarsitzung hat der Ethikrat beschlossen, eine Arbeitsgruppe zu diesem Thema einzurichten, und die nächsten Arbeitsschritte festgelegt.
Im Mittelpunkt der Jahrestagung 2013 wird die Forschung am Menschen, vor allem mit Blick auf Fragen des Probanden- und Patientenschutzes im globalen Kontext, stehen.
Weitere Informationen unter http://www.ethikrat.org/.
Herr Josef Joffe von DIE ZEIT meldet sich zu Worte in der
Beschneidungsangelegehenheit, im WALL STREET JOURNAL, dem nach zu urteilen sind
die Neo-Cons fuer die Beschneidung und ich fuer die Abschneidung der Neo-Cons!
Die Juedische Allgemeine berichtet
von der Aufregung ueber
die Beschneidungs Debatte in ihrer
eine laufende grosse Diskussion
got wind of the impending Ethik Council meeting I initially contacted
Frau Dr. Woopen of the Ethic Council
Liebe geehrte
Frau Dr. Woopen,
wollte Sie, als Leiterin des Ethikrates,
machen darauf dass auch
bei der hauptsächlich Deutschen von Dr. Gerd Boettcher
bei der hauptsächlich Deutschen von Dr. Gerd Boettcher
es eine kontuierlich blühende Diskussion über das Thema Beschneidung gibt, in dem sich das gros der Mitglieder, aber auch nicht alle, gegen den Brauch des Bris wenden.
es eine kontuierlich blühende Diskussion über das Thema Beschneidung gibt, in dem sich das gros der Mitglieder, aber auch nicht alle, gegen den Brauch des Bris wenden.
yahootherapeuten groups discussion is now
entirely at
«Oldest ‹Older 1401 – 1600 of 1622 Newer› Newest»Sanfter Sex trotz Beschneidung - Vorhautprobleme - med1
ich wollte gerne eure Erfahrungen mit einer Beschneidung erfragen. Dabai interessiert mich insbesondere, ob sanfter, langsamer Sex dann überhaupt noch ...
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
Re: Beschneidung beim Mann. Do Okt 24, 2013 2:08 pm. Athus hat geschrieben: Interessanter Weise versagt in entscheidenden Fragen die Demokratie, denn ...
Mehr Beschneidungen in Deutschland BUNTE.de
Medizinisch gibt es selten einen Grund für Beschneidungen, sogenannte Zirkumzisionen, dennoch stieg die Anzahl der Eingriffe in den letzten fünf Jahren.
Traditionelle Beschneidung hilft nicht gegen HIV - Beschneidung ...
Einerseits ist Lesotho einer der afrikanischen Länder mit der höchsten HIV-Prävalenz. Andererseits ist die traditionelle Beschneidung dort sehr weit verbreitet.
Beschneidung II (UMT) - www.mykath.de - Seite 12
Entgegen anders lautenden Behauptungen scheint aber auch hierzulande durchaus ein "wirtschaftliches" Interesse bei einigen Befürwortern der B...
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
Es sollte mich überraschen, wenn das in Deutschland explizit erlaubt wäre. Und ich gehe davon aus, dass Eltern, die aus Jux und Tollerei bei kleinen Kindern ...
Knesset-Abgeordnete wollen nach Europa reisen - Antisemitismus ...
"At the meeting, Knesset diplomatic adviser Oded Ben-Hur recommended that the MKs visit European countries and ask their counterparts to sign a new draft ...
639 - Politik-Forum.eu
Wenn Du meine Beiträge lesen würdest, wüsstest Du, dass ich kein Gegner der Beschneidung, sondern lediglich ein Gegner der Beschneidung von Säuglingen ...
schelm » Do 24. Okt 2013, 22:04 - Politik-Forum.eu
Gegen die Religionsfreiheit ganz sicher nicht, da die Beschneidung von ... Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Endlich - Gesetzgeber regelt straffreie Beschneidung!
ToughDaddy - Politik-Forum.eu
Wo lieht da die Grenze wenn die Allgemeinheit sich einmischen darf? Im Gesetz. Eine Beschneidung ist i. Ü. weder eine Verstümmelung, noch Prügel.
Re: Aktuell: Beschneidung ist strafbar – Seite 53 - eBay Community
Da hast Du Dir aber ein feines Wort ausgesucht. Welches "Dippen" meinst Du denn? B-) Zenta.
Blogs 1 neues Ergebnis für Beschneidung
Was versteckt sich hinter den Angriffen auf die Beschneidung ... heplev
Manfred Gerstenfeld (direkt vom Autor) Das Judentum gegen Angriffe auf jüdische Rituale zu verteidigen wird allmählich selbst zu einem Ritual. Eine gerade ...
abseits vom mainstream - heplev
636 - Politik-Forum.eu
Und die Beschneidung ist Teil der Selben. Wenn es zu meiner Religion gehört vermeintliche Hexen zu verbrennen, oder Huren zu steinigen ist das auch durch ...
638 - Politik-Forum.eu
Nur ist die (jüdische) Beschneidung ja auch keine Misshandlung! :cool: ... Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Endlich - Gesetzgeber regelt straffreie Beschneidung! Beitrag ...
Beschneidung jetzt doch unumgänglich? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Er hat mir gesagt, er rät keinem seiner Patienten zu einer Beschneidung. In fast 100% der Fällen muss das nicht sein. Aber bei mir ginge es wohl nicht anders.
635 - Politik-Forum.eu
Endlich - Gericht greift bei Beschneidung durch! Moderator: ... Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Endlich - Gesetzgeber regelt straffreie Beschneidung! Beitrag Verfasst: ...
Beschneidung jetzt doch unumgänglich? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Beschneidung jetzt doch unumgänglich? Hallo Zusammen, leider nehmen meine Probleme nicht ab, im Gegenteil sie nehmen zu. Und zwar ist es so, dass ...
Steigende Anzahl von Beschneidungen neues deutschland
Kinderchirurgen führen nach eigenen Angaben rund 21 000 Beschneidungen im Jahr durch. Nach Berechnungen der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung
Immer mehr Jungen im Vorschulalter werden beschnitten Balaton Zeitung
Wie die Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung der “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung” (F.A.S.) mitteilte, ist die Zahl der ambulanten Beschneidungen von ...
Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen »
Radio AllgäuHIT
Zahl der Beschneidungen bei Jungen unter fünf Jahren gestiegen ShortNews.de
Daher ist die Beschneidung von Kindern für die Ärzte ein lohnendes Geschäft. "So wird auch klar, warum der Aufschrei der niedergelassenen Kollegen im ...
Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen »
Gesundheit: Immer mehr Jungen im Vorschulalter werden beschnitten FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Die Zahl der ambulanten Beschneidungen von Jungen unter fünf Jahren ist in den Jahren ... Für die Kinderchirurgen ist die Beschneidung ein gutes Geschäft
Säkuläre Grüne lassen Beschneidung unter den Tisch fallen - Die ...
"Diese Kommission war vom (scheidenden) Bundesvorstand der Grünen bei den religionspolitischen Gesprächen Ende April für den Herbst 2013 zugesagt ...
Beschneidung nach Phimose ? (Selbstvertrauen, Penis, Sex)
Hey Leute Ich bin 16 und habe ein, für mich sehr großes, Problem :-/ Als Kind (Ich weiß nicht mehr in welchem Alter) wurde bei mir eine Phimose, also eine ...
Wann den Verband nach der beschneidung abnehmen? (Urologie ...
Hallo, wurde gstern früh operiert. Habe danach verbände mit vaseline bekommen. Heute nacht hat es dann ein wenig geblutet! Der Arzt hat gesagt ich soll den ...
Special Staffel 3: Grausame Beschneidung - Video - K 11 ... - Sat.1
Special Staffel 3: Grausame Beschneidung: Die Tochter einer deutsch-afrikanischen Familie wird entführt. Steckt Rassismus dahinter? Clips aus K 11 ...
Staffel 03 Folge 47 - Special Staffel 3: Grausame Beschneidung - K11
Staffel 03 Folge 47 - Special Staffel 3: Grausame Beschneidung - K11 - TV Serie - Die Tochter einer deutsch-afrikanischen Familie wird entführt.
Was versteckt sich hinter den Angriffen auf die Beschneidung?
Eine gerade erfolgte Empfehlung der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarats (PACE) die Beschneidung zu verbieten, hat Israel und das europäische ...
Nordic countries may finally ban circumcision. - Page 33 - JREF Forum
Page 33- Nordic countries may finally ban circumcision. Social Issues & Current Events.
Nursing care plan for newborn circumcision
Now he was the Cover letter examples security officer the road has. All of this was.,Nursing care plan for newborn circumcision, Watch the cathouse full episodes ...
Return By Some To A Unified Law of the Torah and Circumcision ...
Return By Some To A Unified Law of the Torah and Circumcision Religion.
The Circumcision Pusher and the Flying Monkeys (update ...
My mil also shared her feeling that ds should be circumcised; but, she let fil do ... He sat my dh down and told him his thoughts on circumcision to which my dh ...
HZ Israel Circumcision 2011 News - YouTube
The commandment to circumcise all male babies when they are eight days old dates back to the Book of Genesis. The procedure can be done at home in a ...
Pre and post circumcision pictures
Then the sun went yo ownself who is the actor is in the new spelling bee geico commercial before The Monk which in writer of pulp horror.,Pre and post ...
Circumcision of the heart | daily meditation
Joshua 5:9: And the LORD said to Joshua, "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you." And so the name of that place is called Gilgal to this day.
Gal 6:15 NIV;NRSV;MOUNCE - Neither circumcision nor ...
Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation.
Are Circumcised penis' more prone to discoloration from PE? - PEGym
I'm a newbie and am already happy with the progress I'm making. Though I'm a little worried about the chances of discoloration, I know it's avoidable.
Circumcision and Loss of Penis Sensation - Weighing the Risks and ...
No matter whether a man was circumcised at start or in childhood, or he is working with troubles that make surgical treatment a reasonable choice for therapy, ...
Hot Topic Tuesday: Circumcision - The Bump
I just found out yesterday we are having a boy and are for circumcision. This is a personal choice for DH and I and we feel each parent should do what they feel ...
Hot Topic Tuesday: Circumcision - Page 3 - The Bump
I want to have my son circumcised and DH is still on the fence. He goes back and forth questioning why it's necessary. I remind DH that he will have to learn how ...
Nursing diagnosis for newborn circumcision - free eBooks download
Nursing diagnosis for newborn circumcision download on GoBookee.org free books and manuals search - Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family - Lippincott ...
circumcision Archives - Future Leaders Engaged
Circumcision plans go awry in Swaziland. MBABANE - It was an ambitious plan to circumcise the majority of men in Swaziland. Posted by: FLE Admin 16/5/2013.
female circumcision - YouTube
female circumcision uk female circumcision islam female circumcision photos female circumcision in sierra leone female circumcision female circumcision in ...
What Kind Of Circumcision Do I Have? - Yahoo! Answers
I am 15 and my mom had it circumcized when I was a baby. I have noticed that ... The same kind as the other circumcised guys. The scar may look different ...
Circumcision: yes or no and why? - Page 2 - The Gear Page
Ok - so my company has an investment in a non-invasive circumcision tool that is mainly used in East and West Africa. The medical evidence suggests that ...
Is it possible that a circumcision case will one day soon go to federal ...
I think circumcision is going to end with a whimper, not a bang. The rates are already decreasing in America every year. Pretty soon uncircumcised penises will ...
circumcision - Amplified Atheist!
Circumcision is genital mutilation that is unnecessary unless there's a dire medical need, mastectomy isn't normally out of necessity unless you have had cancer, ...
Sissified circumcised and castrated - free ebook downloads
Sissified circumcised and castrated free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.net - Understanding and addressing socio-cultural ... - Project Accept.
Circumcision: yes or no and why? - Page 6 - The Gear Page
No one who is circumcised wishes they had their foreskin back. ... Odd that I have never ever heard any guy complain about circumcision or characterize it as ...
Critical Thinking: Male Circumcision
Circumcision is the world's oldest planned surgical procedure. Evidence suggests that the procedure is over 15,000 years old and pre-dates recorded history.
A Young Singaporean Muslim: I am now against Circumcision - Inagist
(RealSg) A Young Singaporean Muslim: I am now against Circumcision http://t.co/Y6wQO1OBrx by news_singapore 395813363923439616.
Web 10 new results for circumcision
JAMA Network | JAMA Pediatrics | Circumcision
Sir.—In his article in the Journal (134:301-302, 1980), Woodside describes one of the many complications of male circumcision. I applaud his effort to bring it to ...
Medill Reports: Chicago
Web 12 new results for circumcision
Circumcision | Tarek Fatah
Tag Archive for Circumcision. Shrieking in pain, Indian Muslim boy gets circumcised as crowd howls in laughter. by TarekFatah ... Indian boy being circumcised.
Yahoo Answers - After circumcision now my frenulum is ok or not?
I circumcised 8day ago.(22aug)I'm 16years old. till yesterday everything is ok. ... You'll get good answers from the experts and members at Askusweb.com.
Hot Topic Tuesday: Circumcision - Page 9 - The Bump
katykatykaty I've spent hours of my life washing my left arm, and I'm right handed. I've been thinking about having it cut off so I'll have more time to Bump.
Circumcision HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Baby Gaga
Circumcision HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everett's MaMa 1 child; California 305 posts. 27th Mar '09. I'm freaking out. Anyone else who has circumcised there boys...was ...
"Forced Genital Cutting," and Jewish circumcision - Religious Forums
While I am personally opposed to male circumcision I do believe it would be wrong to ban all non-therapeutic male circumcisions. After all, male.
Zimbabwe: Circumcision helps stem cancer: Khupe | Mensactivism.org
Khupe told Southern Eye that men need to seriously consider circumcision to not only prevent the spread of the HPV that causes cancer, but to help reduce new ...
Circumcision of Jesus - YouTube
This Article Circumcision of Jesus is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be location at WikiPedia.org. The Circumcision of Jesus i...
Circumscribing circumcision — Good Governance Africa
Traditional rituals at initiation schools clash with modern medicine.
Circumcision - nsnbc international | nsnbc international
TC , - The Council of Europe's resolution earlier this month to prohibit the circumcision of infant boys for religious reasons has ignited another round to the ...
European Jews Convene Circumcision Defense Task Force Jewish Daily Forward
Responding to recent attacks in Europe on ritual circumcision, Jewish groups convened a special task force in Brussels to mount a “proactive defense” of the ..
Jewish Daily Forward
Do you support female circumcision? Fair Lady
In a way, I was glad that she viewed her “circumcision” in that way. But she was obviously conditioned. Because for most other women it is not uplifting at a
To cut or not to cut: More parents are saying no to circumcision Medill Reports: Chicago
According to the Centers for Disease Control, 79 percent of American men report being circumcised. Many parents of boys are opting out of the age-old tradition ...
Nyanza, Kenya: Held back by tradition, many people in Luo Nyanza were reluctant to embrace circumcision even as a way of reducing the spread of HIV/Aids.
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How One Kenyan Tribe Produces The World's Best Runners WBUR
But all that was just warm-up; early one morning he was circumcised, with a sharp stick. During this ... Before the circumcision, Kipgogei was never a runner.
See all stories on this topic »
Does circumcision make you grow taller? - Yahoo7 Answers
I have to get circumcised on the summer holidays and my aunties and grandparents are telling me that it makes you grow taller because of their kids. Is it true?
Female circumcision photos before and after - free ebook downloads
Female circumcision photos before and after free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - Female Genital Mutilation - Edna Adan Hospital.
foreskin | Male Circumcision and HIV
This week, one Mark Joseph Stern went on a rant in Slate.com, accusing intactivists of being a “fringe group” that is “drowning out any discussion of facts.
Is it possible that a circumcision case will one day soon go to federal ...
Tony, you didn't give much reason for why a court case will never happen. Perhaps circumcision rates will drop as low as say 10% and then it will happen when ...
This Religion have such cruel circumcision practice :( - www ...
In the Chruch of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, they believe in their Holy Book of Piraticus. http://religionswissenschaft.unibas...._Pastafari.pdf.
Join in the war against female circumcision, men told The Standard Digital News
“It can be arrested if men say they are not going to marry circumcised girls anymore,” he said, adding that only 34 per cent of children in arid north- eastern areas ...
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Campaign seeks to educate European Jews on brit mila Jerusalem Post
The groups were gathered in Brussels to begin work on a coordinated strategy to defend circumcision in the face of increasing calls to ban the practice in Europe ...
See all stories on this topic »
Join in the war against female circumcision, men told - The Standard
Men have been asked to join in the fight against female genital mutilation (FGM) to eliminate the vice in communities still practising it.
ATRL - Discussion: Thoughts on circumcision?
I feel that unless for a medical or religious reason circumcision is a useless procedure just to make it "look good". And basically the US is the only country in the ...
Circumcision tales - free eBooks download - GoBookee.org
Circumcision tales download on GoBookee.org free books and manuals search - infant circumcision — some considerations.
Kenya: Join in the war against female circumcision, men told | East ...
Kenya: Join in the war against female circumcision, men told. Men have been asked to join in the fight against female genital mutilation (FGM) to eliminate the ...
I, like many muslims males in the South East Asian region, are circumcised the moment I reached the age of 7 to 10. I still remember the propaganda my parents
Bestgore video Female Circumcision Pictures | opmalisa
The response in head tiping jaded nuclear allows bleeds been delighted over him exploding some save through sheep while beneath news, subsidies and itself ...
Buganda to offer free HIV counseling, circumcision - New Vision
Buganda to offer free HIV counseling, circumcision logo. By Noah Jagwe Buganda Kingdom is to step up sensitization campaign programs against the spread of ...
" circumcision story"
He was an intern who has been unwise Dean s head it helter skelter down.," circumcision story", Gemini man cancer woman compatibility love, Mathletics ...
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Yes all right he could see now it had of course slid in.,Thu lenthatpa female circumcision izle, Copy of cdl air brakes test, Volleyball pumpkin carvings.
Does circumcision make male masturbation more difficult to do ...
Does lack or absence of foreskin to slide up and down over the head and shaft ... Of course not, it's even better ;P ... Being circumcised is much cleaner and easier to ...
A Response to a Young Muslim: Islam does request circumcision ...
Male circumcision is among the rites of Islam and is part of the (in Arabic): fitrah, or the innate disposition and natural character and instinct of the human creation ...
Female Circumcision Video - News From Web! - DiarioVictoria.com.ar
Female Circumcision Video. UK over 100 people news presenter and maintain editorial control over vemale read by more than. Mulcaire to disclose the by Mike ...
Circumscribing Circumcision AllAfrica.com
Last winter Sizwe (not his real name), 20 years old, went to an initiation school, a place where boys are circumcised as part of a traditional rite of passage to ...
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Study suggests why circumcised men are less likely to become ... HealthCanal.com
Circumcision, which substantially lowers HIV risk in men, also dramatically changes the bacterial communities of the penis, according to a study led by scientists ...
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Buganda to offer free HIV counseling, circumcision... New Vision
latest news. Bank of Uganda holds key lending rate... Buganda to offer free HIV counseling, circumcision... Over 1600 graduate at Uganda Christian University.
See all stories on this topic »
Female Circumcision Continues In Iraqi Kurdistan - Al-Monitor: the ...
Although a number of nongovernmental organizations and activists have been working to put an end to female genital mutilation in Iraqi Kurdistan, the practice ...
Circumcision..from one Man's view.. - BabyCenter
I know a LOT of other FTMs have been asking about circumcision.. and I've had my questions too.. to some it seems unnecessary, to others it seems like it is ...
13th Century argument for circumcision - David Icke's Official Forums
Rabbi Isaac ben Yedaiah, who lived in Southern France in the late 13th century, explained why he considered circumcision to be advised for the Jewish male.
Rereading Paul on Circumcision, Torah, and the Gentiles
It is generally held that the Apostle Paul dismissed the rite of circumcision for ... examination of relevant sources regarding the role of circumcision in conversion.
Circumcision - BabyGaga
Circumcision: My baby was circumcised on tuesday, the dr told me to just put vaseline on either his diaper or on h.
African Tribe dances circumcision hunting death 3 9 : Free Mp3 ...
African Tribe dances circumcision hunting death 3 9 free mp3 search & download, listen African Tribe dances circumcision hunting death 3 9 music, African ...
Circumcision jokes are always a little off - Imgur
Circumcision jokes are always a little off. 1,875 points. Submit a comment. - comments sorted by. best. new. top. expand all. Javascript is required to view ...
Circumcision Kit | Johannesburg | Medical | Junk Mail Classifieds ...
We sell quality Circumcision Kit at a reasonable price | 32131703.
Circumcision methods - laser method experiences - BellyBelly
Has anyone had their son circumcised via a laser process? I have heard of the plastibel and the cut methods but hadn't previously heard of laser. Just.
Edelstein exhorts Polish president against anti-circumcision laws ...
Poland must respect religious freedom and reject laws forbidding Jewish rituals like circumcision and Kosher slaughter, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein warned ...
Circumcision: A Jewish Ritual - Stormfront
And they insist that it is their right, no matter where they are. Jews in France Demand Right to Mutilate and Suck on Baby Penises | Daily Stormer.
Adult circumcision - any advice? :: Men's Health
I used a cardboard tube arrangement - others have reported success using tight briefs and a 'tena lady' pad coated with vaseline. For a really good account of ...
Female Circumcision Continues in Iraqi Kurdistan Al-Monitor
SULAIMANIYAH, Iraq — Despite the efforts of Kurdish civil society organizations and the media to shed light on the practice of "female circumcision" — which is ...
circumcision • Vada Magazine
Written by James McDonald filed under OPINIONS. James McDonald looks at the European resistance to circumcision and asks why is it such an issue?
Edelstein exhorts Polish president against anti-circumcision laws ... Jerusalem Post
Poland must respect religious freedom and reject laws forbidding Jewish rituals like circumcision and Kosher slaughter, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein warned ...
See all stories on this topic »
European Jewish Press
Is Male Circumcision a Form of Genital Mutilation? VICE
According to the children's ombudsmen of the Nordic countries, male circumcision is a form of genital mutilation and they're fighting to ban the practice.
Europeans and Circumcision - Vada Magazine
James McDonald looks at the European resistance to circumcision and asks why is it such an issue?
how can i make sure circumcision is illegal in UK - The Student Room
I see the NHS do not really advise it and they ban female circumcision. So that is good but I would like to make it so that male circumcision is banned. How can I ...
Circumcision - Abu Bakr Masjid
Adverts. With its range of approx. 7miles, the 'Abu Bakr Masjid Receiver' allows you to listen to live Azan, prayers, Khutbahs, etc., in the comfort of your home.
Circumcision issue....UD2 - BabyCenter
Circumcision issue....UD2. Bookmark it · Jemmaris. Last edited 8 hrs ago. First off, if you're going to say anything along the lines of "This could have been ...
Circumcision...!!!! - Page 7 - Living In Indonesia Expat Forum
I will be getting married in December, and i really dont want to start cutting bits from the wee man if i really dont need to. The girlfriend says if i really dont want to ...
Type of circumcision - Page 5 - Hip Forums
Type of circumcision is from Sex Polls forum, part of the Hip Forums. Discover people's sexual preferences and reveal your own!.
Female circumcision v male cirumcision - Page 8
Originally Posted by Koschei When in the name of all that's sweet and holy have you ever contributed anything remotely resembling reasoned debate? If.
Female circumcision v male cirumcision - Page 10
Originally Posted by alib It's creeping towards a PC police state I tell you. Their is no God but the secular naggy state and it is proper to praise.
Circumcision | Truth Revolt
Keep Truth Revolt Alive! Donate Now. Circumcision. MSNBC's Mika: 'Just Wrong' to Tweet About Jewish Circumcision. 11.5.2013. Truth Revolt · SEND A TIP ...
Brit Milah and Pidyon Haben - The mitzvah of circumcision ... - Chabad
Why is a male child circumcised at eight days? Why isn't a female circumcised? What is a Pidyon Haben celebration and why do we do it?
'The circumcision decision' - info/link thread - May 2014 - BabyCenter
I am not posting this to start a heated debate or thread. I know this is a touchy subject. I am opening this thread so people can post links to medical journals, ...
Fat rolls to circumcision: make the cut News The Sydney Morning ...
News fat rolls to circumcision: make the cut FAT ROLLS TO CIRCUMCISION: MAKE THE CUT news from The Sydney Morning Herald news.
Female circumcision v male cirumcision - Page 12
I reckon the only real reason for male circumcision should be for the medical reasons previously stated, inability to pee, etc. We readily remove.
Kalasa Mwanda - ev4gh
Medical Male Circumcision in non-circumcising communities of rural Zambia? Authors: Kalasa Mwanda MD, MPH, Dip. HIV man.; Mutinta Nyumbu MD, MMED ...
Tag Archive | female circumcision - Las Vegas Guardian Express
Home » Posts tagged with » female circumcision ... The African tradition of female circumcision is the ritual of the rite of passage from girlhood into the realm of ...
circumcision - BabyCenter
Im having my first boy after two girls. I want to do the circumcion but its all new to me. My husband isnt circumcised . Any other moms facing this question whether ...
Is Male Circumcision a Form of Genital Mutilation? | VICE United ...
The children's hospital in Reykjavik completely stopped circumcising boys in 2011.
MSNBC's Mika: 'Just Wrong' to Tweet About Jewish Circumcision ...
On Tuesday, Huffington Post political editor Sam Stein tweeted out a picture of his son before his circumcision ceremony – bris milah, in Hebrew. That prompted ...
How popular is the movement "Jewish mothers against circumcision ...
In America less and less boys are being circumcised due to various campaigns and better information.Secular Jews are also catching up with this trend.How is it ...
The Nazi Accomplice in the Circumcision - Lifecycle Events - Chabad
The woman seemed oblivious to my words. "A knife," she repeated. "I must have a knife. Now. Before it is too late"
Chabad.org Weekly Magazine [ Vayeitzei ]
Nov 6 - More parents are saying no to circumcision (America)
Nov 6 - More parents are saying no to circumcision (America) - Photo posted in BX Daily Bugle - news and headlines | Sign in and leave a comment below!
Circumcision ceremony, a photo from Tafea, South | TrekEarth
This photo from Tafea, South is titled 'Circumcision ceremony'.
Circumcision - feels better vaginally RANT - Contact Onision - Onision
Circumcision - feels better vaginally RANT - posted in Contact Onision: onision I felt like i was going insane reading all these comments on your facebook today ...
Circumcision care - Help - BabyGaga
Circumcision care - Help: Please....if you have your own opinion (against doing it - I don't care to hear it), however, if you.
spiritual circumcision | TheGodGuy
Posts about spiritual circumcision written by thegodguy.
Ministry sets male circumcision target | The Chronicle
THE Ministry of Health and Child Care needs to conduct about 40 000 more male circumcision operations countrywide before the end of the year if it is to meet ...
Onision Drama | Greg, Circumcision and Religion
Greg, Circumcision and Religion eoliveson: “ kattclassic: “ Did Greg just use God to further his argument on circumcision? Seeing that this is a huge topic he is ...
Circumcision - BabyCenter
Circumcision. Bookmark it · IceQueen0319. Posted 1 hr ago. We had our son circumcised two weeks ago and now it's looking a little different. How do I know if it ...
Circumcision, to snip or not to snip? - Philzone.org
Philzone.org - Philzone Phansite Community Discussion Board: Other Stuff: Circumcision, to snip or not to snip? Top of page Previous message Next message ...
Permalink - Misandry - The hatred of men
beaconsoftomorrow: “ Anti-Circumcision protests. ” ... K, but why dare those penis suits circumcised? where's da damn foreskin you hypocritical bastards!
A look ahead: Mother claims doctor disfigured son after 'botched ... WMC-TV
(WMC-TV) - Circumcision for newborn boys is considered one of the most common ... boys experience significant acute complications as a result of circumcision.
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Beer, wine sale hours to extend in Olive Branch WMC-TV
(WMC-TV) - Circumcision for newborn boys is considered one of the most common medical procedures in the world. But one Memphis mother says her son was
Does 2nd circumcision effect an already circumcised Jew's status ...
Some individuals circumcised at birth or especially later as converts or immigrants from countries where it was baenned (Russia, eastern Europe, Greece, Italy) ...
Adult Circumcision (to help other guys thinking about it) - Topic
Noticed no one had responded to your posts. I don't recall having an issue with the bandage. But I would moisten it with some warm water before just peeling it ...
Female circumcision video - free eBooks download - GoBookee.org
Female circumcision video download on GoBookee.org free books and manuals search - P O P U L A T I O N R E F E R E N C E B U R E A U Female ...
Female before and after circumcision - free ebook downloads
Female before and after circumcision free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - Prevalence of female genital cutting among Egyptian girls.
Photos of circumcised women - free ebook downloads
Photos of circumcised women free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - Making Medical Male Circumcision Work for Women - AVAC.
Circumcision | National Novel Writing Month
Role participant; Location Irving, Texas; Joined October 22, 2009; Posts 4. Would an American born in the south in 1840 be circumcised? Comments. 20, 40, 80 ...
Did God really command penile circumcision to Jewish newborn ...
In Genesis 17:12, God commanded Abraham to circumcise baby boys on the eighth day of their lives. Why day eight? Is there any good, scientific rationale ...
you'll never make me leave, what are ur opinions on circumcision
Anonymous asked: what are ur opinions on circumcision Answer: i like circumcision but whatever idc.
facilitate the performance of a Jewish circumcision - The Jewish Press
A rabbinical court in Netanya this week forced a divorced woman to facilitate the performance of a Jewish circumcision for her son, Behadrei Haredim reported.
male circumcision | 24 Tanzania News
President Yoweri Museveni and wife Janet Museveni will tomorrow (Friday) publicly test for HIV along with key Ugandan leaders. Janet Museveni According to a ...
Mother claims doctor disfigured son after 'botched' circumcision ...
'Circumcision for newborn boys is considered one of the most common medical procedures in the world. But one Memphis mother says her son was mutilated ...
The Independent
Historic Nordic Agreement Opposes Circumcision Salem-News.Com
"This resolution tells the world that questioning circumcision has growing international support and brings needed attention to a practice that causes ...
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Why the decision to circumcise must be left to parents The Independent
The issue of male circumcision has been making headlines in Europe. The Council of Europe decreed that non-medical circumcision is a “physical violation of ...
See all stories on this topic »
Israeli Rabbinical Court Forcing Divorcée to Circumcise Son | The ... Yori Yanover
A rabbinical court in Netanya this week forced a divorced woman to facilitate the performance of a Jewish circumcision for her son, Behadrei Haredim reported.
The Jewish Press
Infant boy suffers consequences of botched circumcision
A mother in Memphis, Tennessee says her son was mutilated during a circumcision at a local hospital, shortly after his birth. Maggie Rhodes took her complaints ...
Sharp increase in male circumcision | Celebrating Being Zimbabwean
THE number of males who were circumcised in the country has increased from a total of 40 755 recorded last year to more than 75 000 by end of September in ...
Rabbinical court warns woman to circumcise her son within 7 days ...
A woman was warned to circumcise her son within seven days or face fines, according to court proceedings in Israel. The Netanya Rabbinical Court, ordered the ...
Circumcision. - December 2013 - BabyCenter Canada
Well that sucked. My 4 yo had to get a circumcision today because the skin at the top was too tight to retract it. It was awful. They put him under and when he ...
EU could ban circumcision Jewish Chronicle
Endorsing a report by the Social Affairs and Health Committee, the Parliamentary Assembly voted to restrict religious circumcision performed by non-medical ...
The Independent
Historic Nordic Agreement Opposes Circumcision Salem-News.Com
"This resolution tells the world that questioning circumcision has growing international support and brings needed attention to a practice that causes ...
question about my sons circumcision - BabyCenter
question about my sons circumcision. Bookmark it · camibroe. Posted 9 mins ago. After my son was born and right before his circuscicion. A nurse was in our ...
Circumcision - Forums - MyAnimeList.net
MellowJello said: People use lube to masturbate? Well this is news. I'm aware you needed it for say, masturbation aids (toys), but raw? Go figure. I'd never ...
male circumcision devices | Southern Africa HIV and AIDS Regional ...
Bookmark and Share. male circumcision devices. male circumcision devices ... Subscribe to male circumcision devices. Southern Africa HIV and AIDS Regional ...
circumcision party | christine's bible study
While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word. And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, ...
Viagra circumcision - International Management Institute
Viagra circumcision . Buy Viagra Online, Order Viagra - lowest prices, Fast And Discreet Shipping Worldwide.Buy Viagra. Free Conslutation - Generic Viagra.
circumcision | MommyEnnui
Posts about circumcision written by jaclynschoknecht.
Circumcision - Forums - MyAnimeList.net
One question, the chances of getting much pleasure from masturbating and sex decreases when you're already circumcised? What the actual fuck? Where did ...
EU could ban circumcision Jewish Chronicle
Endorsing a report by the Social Affairs and Health Committee, the Parliamentary Assembly voted to restrict religious circumcision performed by non-medical ...
A cheap circumcision | Funny Pics
If you enjoyed the image above, you will probably enjoy these funny pics as well: A clever cock · The best animal wordplay picture ever · Atoms are liars ...
LiveLeak.com - Rabbi: Why sucking a baby's penis in circumcision is ...
Rabbi: Why sucking a baby's penis in circumcision is good? Rabbi explains why sucking a baby's penis is good. There have also been reports of a rabbi who ...
Israel Hayom | European Jews' answer to circumcision ban: A ...
The recent establishment of a union of mohalim, the officiators who perform Jewish ritual circumcision, will be officially announced in Germany this week in ...
Brant Community Healthcare System :: Infant Circumcision
If the dressing on the circumcision site falls off, leave it off. ... Any bleeding from the circumcision site should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible.
Why the decision to circumcise must be left to parents : News ...
The issue of male circumcision has been making headlines in Europe. The Council of Europe decreed that non-medical circumcision is a “physical violation of ...
Circumcision Video - News 2013 - DiarioVictoria.com.ar
Circumcision Video. His standard tactic was is ideally 20 circumcison watches more than 4....
2013-11-08 The Jewish Chronicle - EU could ban circumcision ...
2013-11-08 The Jewish Chronicle - EU could ban circumcision Press Room.
Adult circumcision - any advice? :: Men's Health
Most of this circumcision after-care fear is psychological - trust me. That doesn't mean is doesn't feel real, but it does mean that if you follow procedures that folk ...
Circumcision - March 2014 - BabyCenter
Just throwing a question out there. For those having boys (or who have had a boy already), have you made a decision on whether or not to circumcise? We have ...
Weird Facts About Circumcision - YouTube
Weird Facts about Circumcision. Who, Why, What, How Circumcision? Male circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin from the human penis. In a typica ...
Circumcision | Aaron Halim
A few days ago, I received via an email, an article, which compels me to revisit and clarify the distinction between the Law or the Ten Commandments, or what ...
muzlimbuzz | circumcision
Circumcision in Islam: A Meaningless Tradition Worth Discarding? (0). 11 November 2013, 17:47 About a week ago, in the midst of raging hijab debates and ...
Mother upset over botched circumcision | GBCN
Mother upset over botched circumcision. Share on twitterShare on gmailShare on stumbleuponShare on emailShare on printMore Sharing Services 8
Circumcised men indulge in risky sexual behaviour The Zimbabwe Standard
SOME circumcised men are contracting HIV and Aids after ditching the use of condoms, under a misguided belief that male circumcision (MC) would prevent ...
In Living Color: Circumcision Jean Kazez
One of the topics in my book on parenthood (well, manuscript, so far) is circumcision--should we or shouldn't we? To my mind, people circumcise in much the ...
In Living Color
What do Media Censorship and Manipulation, Gates, the BBC and ... Simon Collery
Internews describes itself as an "international non-profit organization whose mission is to empower local media worldwide to give people the news and ...
Catholic Priesthood & circumcision dispensation - Catholic Answers ...
Catholic Priesthood & circumcision dispensation Vocations.
Mother Upset Over Botched Circumcision - Stormfront
Mother upset over botched circumcision "After I went home and I discovered that my son's penis was not there, I immediately froze, like, oh my.
Circumcision pictures men - free ebook downloads - MyBookezzz.org
Circumcision pictures men free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - Botswana Safe Male Circumcision National Strategy.
Vic man pleads guilty over rabbi abuse Ninemsn
He referred to circumcision, blood money and made racist slurs, the Melbourne Magistrates Court heard on Monday. A second call the following day included ...
See all stories on this topic »
PNN #40 Circumcision, Morality, and Freedom of Choice - No Army ...
From: Peace News Now Views: 0 0 ratings Time: 00:00 PNN #40 Circumcision, Morality, and Freedom of Choice PNN #40 Circumcision, Morality, and Freedom ...
Circumcision? - What's Your Opinion On ...? - BabyCentre
Against. What are his arguements for circumcision? Surely no one can be in favor of chopping a body part offanyone who cannot defend themselves! Report this ...
Mother Upset Over Botched Circumcision - Page 6 - Stormfront
Originally Posted by Celtic Duchess I think it's in the wording --- the Danes want to "lower the age limit to 18". Perhaps "lower"
Circumcision - CafeMom
It is NOT violating human rights, or it wouldn't be an option. It is NOT genital mutilation, or again, it wouldn't.
What are Noam Chomsky's views on circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
Does he consider it a mandatory practice? Does he look down on people who don't support it? I am curious about his views.
2013-11-10 ZimEye - "Zimbabwe Buys Into Controversial Israeli ...
The ministry's program will see over 500 babies between the ages of 10 and 60 days in Harare being circumcised voluntarily at the government's own expense.
By 2020, how much do you think circumcision rates will drop?
in 2010, 58% of american boys were circumcised at birth. Now that we have the internet to expose the harmful effects and loss of sexual function to people all ...
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
Werte Sonnenschein, im Lichte Ihres Sonnenscheins müssen Sie doch nicht hoffen, sondern könnten einsehen, worum es hier geht, nämlich die Beschneidung ...
Gunnar Kunz: "unberührbar" - Bücher - beschneidungsforum.de ...
Der Schriftsteller Gunnar Kunz, bekannt geworden vor allem für seine vielgelobte Krimiserie, die in der Weimarer Republik spielt, hat die Lebenswelt von ...
"Ich war kein richtiger Junge mehr" hpd.de
Die Befürworter der Beschneidung an Minderjährigen aus religiösen Gründen waren bemüht, jeglichen und zwar auch nur den geringsten Nachteil für die ...
Demonstrant nagelt seine Hoden am Roten Platz aufs Pflaster DIE WELT
Bei einer drastischen Protestaktion gegen die Beschneidung der Bürgerrechte in Russland hat ein russischer Performancekünstler auf dem Roten Platz in ...
Meine Beschneidung | Filmz
Eigentlich interessiert Ümit deutscher Fußball mehr als seine Beschneidung in der ihm fremden Türkei. Unvermeidlich kommt es zu einem Clash der Kulturen.
Rituelle Genital-Beschneidung auf Krankenschein? - Ausland ...
"Die Statistik lässt davon ausgehen, dass gesunde Kinder die Gefälligkeits-Diagnose "Phimose" gestellt bekommen, um die hohen Kosten einer religiös ...
Debatte um Beschneidung findet friedliches Ende - Rechtliche ...
Diese Regelung knüpft an den jüdischen Beschneidungsritus an, der nach einem Gebot aus dem 1. Buch Mose am achten Tag nach der Geburt von einem ...
Informationen und Veranstaltungen rund um die Hauptstadt Berlin ... Berliner Zeitung
Erst ging es nur um die Integration von Afrikanern in die deutsche Gesellschaft, nun setzt sich Hadja Kitagbe Kaba auch gegen Beschneidung in ihrer Heimat .
Kann man die Beschneidung nicht mit einem symbolischen Ritual ...
So müssen Leute, die sich beim Arzt haben beschneiden lassen, nochmals ein Tropfen Blut ziehen lassen, als Minimum-Ergänzung. Das Tropfen kommt nie ...
Komplexe wegen beschneidung ? - Gutefrage.net
Hallo, ich habe ein meiner Meinung nach ernstzunehmendes Problem. Mein Freund ist seid seinem Kindesalter beschnitten (er war unter 10) und jetzt hat er ...
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
Wer in Wirklichkeit ein tiefer liegendes und ungelöstes Problem mit Rassismus, im speziellen Falle hier Antisemitismus, hat, zeigt sich, wie immer, vor allem ...
ECI warnt Europarat: Aktuelle Resolution gegen rituelle ... - haOlam.de
Die ECI verurteilt eine jüngste Resolution des Europarates, die männliche Beschneidung aus religiösen Gründen in Frage stellt. Die Europäische Koalition für ...
Beschneidung wo durchführen... | Forum: Beschneidung | NetDoktor.at
Liebe Community, wo kann man sich in Wien beschneiden lassen (Erwachsener)? Wer hat gute Erfahrungen gemacht? Bitte auch um eine Preisauskunft.
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
Als mein Sohn vor 6 Jahren geboren wurde, hat mir kein Arzt die Beschneidung aus Vorsorgegründen empfohlen. Kein Wort. Ich finde das unverantwortlich, ...
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
Ich bin grundsätzlich auch für eine Abschaffung der männlichen Beschneidung. Aber ich sehe zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht eine Gesetzänderung als die beste ...
Beschneidung - März 2014 BabyClub - BabyCenter
um das Thema von den Ohrläppchen hierher zu verlagern ;) Einerseits soll eine Beschneidung ja viele Vorteile haben, andererseits frage ich mich, ob es den ...
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
@sagittarius_75, es geht doch um das Grundlegende! Nämlich die Unterscheidung ob eine Beschneidung medizinisch notwendig ist, oder ob man wegen ...
Der Morris mal wieder - George Orwell lebt -Beschneidung und ...
“..improved sexual pleasure, since women tend to prefer the circumcised penis for appearance, hygiene, increased penile-vaginal contact, stimulation, and ...
Vortragsreihe "Jüdisches Leben" - Judentum - beschneidungsforum ...
"Es gibt Verbote, die selbst den Juden unbegreiflich sind. Bis heute haben sie den Sinn der Trennung zwischen Milch und Fleisch nicht verstanden, ebenso wie ...
nach beschneidung auf toilette gehen ? (WC, Verband) - Gutefrage.net
Hey leute ich hatte vor 2 stunden eine vollbeschneidung,. meine frage ist jetzt ... einfach pinkeln wenn die spitze frei ist, ansonsten nachfragen.
Wir schützen die Religionsfreiheit - Judentum - beschneidungsforum ...
Signatur von »Guy«. Die Vorhaut kann mit einer Rosenknospe verglichen werden. Wie eine Rosenknospe wird sie erst blühen, wenn die Zeit gekommen ist.
Wir schützen die Religionsfreiheit« Jüdische Allgemeine
Der Europarat kennt aber keine Rechtsgrundlage, die es erlaubt, die religiöse Beschneidung von Jungen mit der weiblichen Genitalverstümmelung auf eine
Zeitzeichen - Jürgen Wandel: Beschneidung
Endlich wissen wir es, dem Kölner Landgericht sei Dank: Maria und Josef waren Rabeneltern. Denn sie ließen ihren Erstgeborenen beschneiden. Und Christen ...
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
Trotzdem.. Die Grösse der entfernten Haut - das ist meines Wissens die ganze Vorhaut. Ist die bei einer korrekt durchgeührten Beschneidung plötzlich kleiner?
Wann ist Sex nach Phimose-Beschneidung wieder möglich? - Paradisi
Mir wurde wegen der Phimose vorgestern die komplette Vorhaut weggeschnitten. Jetzt fühle ich mich wieder so einigermassen...aber wann werde ich wieder ...
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
Re: Beschneidung beim Mann. Fr Nov 08, 2013 9:59 pm. @ Athus: dieser Thread ist eigentlich nicht geeignet um die Gesundheitsprobleme Deines ...
Medizinethiker und sieht die Probleme der Beschneidung nicht ...
Also muss sich die Gesellschaft entscheiden, ob sie jüdisches Leben haben will oder nicht. Wenn sie es haben will, muss sie auch mit der Beschneidung leben.
Orthodoxer Rabbiner: "Es gibt wieder ein lebendiges Judentum in ... Jesus.de
Eine Anfang Oktober verabschiedete Resolution der parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates, in der die Beschneidung kleiner Jungen aus religiösen ..
Beschneidung - Chirurgische Praxis M. Daaboul
... Chirurgie in Düsseldorf. Home · Die Praxis · Das Team · Leistungen · Patienteninformation · Kontakt / Anfahrt · Beschneidung · Sünnet · ختان. Beschneidung ...
Beschneidung bei Männern - das sind die Fakten RP ONLINE
Die Beschneidung von Jungen und Männern kann viele Gründe haben - von religiös ... Bei der Beschneidung von Jungen oder Männern wird ein beweglicher .
Europäische Rabbiner warnen vor wachsender Religionsfeindlichkeit Berliner Zeitung
... der auch Rabbiner in Moskau ist, das Schächtungsverbot in Polen sowie einen Beschluss des Europarats, der die rituelle Beschneidung von Knaben in Frage ...
Beschneidung und Wachstum - Hot-Pain.de
Beschneidung und Wachstum. Hallo, ich überwintere ja einige Pflanzen und da ich nicht will, das sie höher wachsen, beschneide ich sie regelmäßig, damit sie ...
Beschneidung - Muslimische Mütter - BabyCenter
Da man in der Februar Gruppe leider nicht bei der Sache bleiben konnte und es wirklich Leute gib die sich über Beschneidung austauschen möchten habe ich ...
alternativen zur beschneidung - diosuppliftkono22 - Blogcu.com
Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung – Wikipedia Männliche Beschneidung bei Ci.
Beschneidung - Februar 2014 BabyClub - BabyCenter
tanni202 vor 4 Std. Mein Freund ist Türke und will das unser Sohn beschnitten wird. Kann man dies eigentlich direkt nach der Geburt machen lassen?
Beschneidung - Februar 2014 BabyClub - BabyCenter
Mein Freund ist Türke und will das unser Sohn beschnitten wird. Kann man dies eigentlich direkt nach der Geburt machen lassen? Kenn mich leider nicht aus ...
Those people saying male circumcision & FGM equally bad, please ...
Those people saying male circumcision & FGM equally bad, please read http://t.co/TG2aW7DQgn (perhaps change your mind) & sign the petition. by ...
AIDS prevention: Africa's circumcision challenge - News @ Nature ...
To combat the spread of HIV, health officials plan to circumcise 20 million men in Africa, but some have concerns about the aftermath.Nature 503 182 doi: ...
Saudi: Error while circumcision of 18-day-old infant leads to partially ...
baby boy with partially severed penis An infant who is just 18 days old was inadvertently wounded when the doctor who was performing his circumcision ...
Norway considering ban on male circumcision - Airing News
OSLO, Norway, Nov. 13 (UPI) -- A promise by Norway's health minister to draft new regulations on circumcision has Jewish leaders worried a ban could be in t...
Should I ask my friend to NOT circumcise his baby? - The Pub ...
I don't think I'm a better lover or anything because of foreskin, but man does it make for alot less impact while fapping. I'd be bummed out jerking off without my ...
MK Sheetrit argues against European council's anti-circumcision ...
Sheetrit returned to the scene of the crime in Strasbourg, where in October PACE passed a resolution calling male ritual circumcision a “violation of the physical ...
November | 2013 - Just a Snip - WordPress.com
Just a Snip – against genital mutilation aka circumcision. An intact body is a ... “I am an activist against circumcision and an educator on the issue. I have many ...
Anyone else really actively oppose circumcision? - Page 5 - Hip ...
If it is your choice to not circumcise your child then that is still YOUR choice. Your infant can't look up at you and say yes or no. Like someone else said, if for ...
Anyone else really actively oppose circumcision? - Hip Forums
When it comes to male circumcision I have no problem with it and feel the decision should be left to the parents. There are so many studies that point so many ...
Black male traditional circumcision images - free ebook downloads
Black male traditional circumcision images free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - CENTRE FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH Aids and ...
The circumcision solution: Is it a poisoned chalice? | Global Health ...
GHC fellow Lonjezo Sithole, M&E Fellow at Lighthouse Trust, blogs about the circumcision debate. "I believe we must continue to have an honest and sober ...
Woman's baby has penis AMPUTATED in botched circumcision ...
http://www.opposingviews.com/i/health/maggie-rhodes-regrets-taking-son-get-circumcised-after-doctors-botch-procedure source article wrote:
european council assures rabbis it won't ban circumcision
The Council of Europe will not ban Jewish ritual circumcision of boys, its leader assured members of the Conference of European Rabbis. Thorbjorn Jagland ...
Circumcision - Island Forums
This is kind of an old one, but let's talk about it. To be honest, I just don't know why people do this to this day. Or why they think it's "advantageous" towards the ...
Nursing care plan for baby circumcision - free eBooks download
Nursing care plan for baby circumcision download on GoBookee.org free books and manuals search - DESIRED PATIENT OUTCOMES - Department of Nursing ...
Lok'tar Ogar! - Norway may ban non-medical circumcision of boys ...
Norway may ban non-medical circumcision of boys http://rt.com/news/norway-ritual-circumcision-ban-644/ “Norway's Health Ministry is considering a proposal ...
Torah Portion – Vayishlach Connecticut Jewish Ledger
Jacob's sons answer “with subterfuge” that only if every male resident will circumcise himself can Shekhem marry Dinah and the two large clans join together: ...
See all stories on this topic »
Web 25 new results for circumcision
Global Health Corps | The circumcision solution: Is it a poisoned ...
Seldom do I find myself sitting on the fence on a topical issue as I am now on the issue of mass male circumcision in the public health discourse. Recently, the ...
Norway promotes anti-circumcision law - Israel Jewish Scene ...
Jewish Scene: Scandinavian country's health minister plans to introduce new regulations on ritual circumcision following call by children's ombudswoman to ban ...
The Demand for Medical Male Circumcision and HIV Prevention ...
Come hear Susan Godlonton, Senior Researcher at the International Food Policy Research Institute, present on "The Demand for Medical Male Circumcision ...
Circumcisions in older boys and related costs skyrocket in Florida ...
Circumcisions in Florida boys over the age of 1 have increased dramatically in recent years, doubling costs to the state, a study by University of Florida Health ...
Quebec candidate calls for ban on circumcision, removing 'Jewish ...
VANCOUVER, Canada (JTA) — Worry among Quebec Jews over a proposed bill to ban public sector workers from wearing religious attire at work increased ...
Circumcision Fan (CircumcisionFan) on Twitter
The latest from Circumcision Fan (@CircumcisionFan).
Norway promotes anti-circumcision law | Israel.com
Scandinavian country's health minister plans to introduce new regulations on ritual circumcision following call by children's ombudswoman to ban non-medical ...
Norway considering ban on male circumcision - Breitbart
OSLO, Norway, Nov. 13 (UPI) -- A promise by Norway's health minister to draft new regulations on circumcision has Jewish leaders worried a ban could be in the ...
European Jewish group slams Norwegian call to ban non-medical ...
Norway's Children Ombudswoman Anne Lindboe's call to ban non-medical circumcision of minors in her country, as it is a violation of human rights, ...
Quebec candidate calls for ban on circumcision, removing 'Jewish ... Jewish Telegraphic Agency
In a Facebook exchange made public this week, Parti Quebecois candidate Tania Longpré called for an end to circumcision and for “Jewish” to be removed from ..
Montreal Gazette
MK Sheetrit argues against European council's anti-circumcision ... Jerusalem Post
Sheetrit returned to the scene of the crime in Strasbourg, where in October PACE passed a resolution calling male ritual circumcision a "violation of the physical ..
Elsewhere: Conservative decline, displaying Iraq antiquities ... Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Threat to circumcision: In Europe, the practice of religious circumcision faces the eventual danger of being banned, writes Jonathan Fisher. (Jewish Chronicle).
Ahram Online
Baby's organ partially cut off during circumcision Emirates 24/7
An Arab doctor accidentally cut off the top of the genital organ of an 18-day-old Saudi boy during circumcision, prompting the hospital to call a well known ...
See all stories on this topic »
Emirates 24/7
A gross violation The Commentator
During the Spanish Inquisition, those found to be circumcised were assumed to be ... Despite this record, a court in Cologne ruled last year that circumcision .
AIDS prevention: Africa's circumcision challenge | Southern Africa ...
On this sunny morning in the Zambian capital, Lusaka, Marvin is waiting to get circumcised. Along with three of his friends, he sits tensely on a bench outside the ...
Norway may ban non-medical circumcision of boys - Culture ...
I have read the report and this is my take as far as circumcision is concerned in ... Today, science tells us that if a man is circumcised, he has less chances of ...
Circumcision does what now? - HugeLOL
Circumcision does actually remove sexual pleasure, as it makes the head less ... The removal of the foreskin leads to less pleasure for the circumcised male, ...
The Ruminative Rabbi - Circumcision in Europe
Circumcision in Europe I have written to you in the past about the question of whether circumcision could conceivably be banned as an illegal infringement of a ...
Circumcisions in Older Boys and Related Costs Skyrocket in Florida HealthNewsDigest.com
(HealthNewsDigest.com) - GAINESVILLE, Fla. - Circumcisions in Florida boys over the age of 1 have increased dramatically in recent years, doubling costs to ...
See all stories on this topic »
AIDS prevention: Africa's circumcision challenge Nature.com
Circumcision packets in a Zambian hospital await their patients. Circumcision can reduce the risk of HIV being transmitted from women to men by 60%.
Forced circumcision - free eBooks download - GoBookee
Forced circumcision download on GoBookee.org free books and manuals search - Forced Circumcision and the Shifting Role of Gentiles in ...
AIDS prevention: Africa's circumcision challenge : @NatureNews ...
Keeping up with global health & development news, blogosphere, journals, forums, events, jobs and more.
'Jewish' Off Hospital Name - and Circumcision Ban - Stormfront
Fair turn around: Montreal Candidate Wants 'Jewish' Off Hospital Name ? and Circumcision Ban ? Forward.com.
CP- circumcision - thenest
Will you circumcise? ... CP- circumcision. Yes. No. SS. Sign in to vote! This is a private poll: no-one will see what you voted for. My Ovulation Chart. image. Flag.
Circumcision.... - April 2014 - BabyCenter
We are expecting a little boy in April and the topic of circumcision has come up a few times between DP and myself... He wants it done and really DONT wNt it ...
Female Circumcision Is Barbaric And Evil. - Religion - Nairaland
Female circumcision or cutting, usually refered to as female Core mutilation involves cutting out or operating on the Instruments of girls in order to conform to ...
Male circumcision
And in return I literature is tracked and thing that you use only that which male circumcision But what about the morality of your immoral. When they ran along the ...
fussy baby after circumcision ? - BabyGaga
Theres nothing wrong with his circumcision. Three seperate dr's have looked at it in the hospital in the time period before we left. They all said its healing great....
Watch: 'Mohels,' an a capella take on Lorde's 'Royals' Jewish Telegraphic Agency
In their version of teen pop star Lorde's “Royals,” retitled, yep, “Mohels,” the boys have a thing or two to say to those opposed to circumcision. It's pretty intense ...
Norway Plans New Rules on Circumcision of Boys | Secular News ... Richard Dawkins Foundation
... Headlines | Posted by: Richard Dawkins Foundation. Norway will promote new legislation to “regulate ritual circumcision,” the country's health minister said.
Secular News Daily
Montreal Candidate Wants 'Jewish' Off Hospital Name — and ...
In a Facebook exchange made public this week, Parti Quebecois candidate Tania Longpré called for an end to circumcision and for “Jewish” to be removed from ...
Medical Male Circumcision at Municipal Clinics - Durban
As part of an HIV prevention strategy, the Community and Emergency Services Committee have approved the implementation of medical male circumcision ...
Will the doctor botch my circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
I'm terrified. I have a circumcision tomorrow. What if the doctor botches it? ... Being a girl I don't know much about circumcisions, but I've just been studying ...
Yahoo Answers - Is the circumcision of male infants a part of ...
It has been proven that a man who maintains proper…
Circumcision does what now? - HugeLOL
Circumcision does actually remove sexual pleasure, as it makes the head less ... The removal of the foreskin leads to less pleasure for the circumcised male, ...
The Ruminative Rabbi - Circumcision in Europe
Circumcision in Europe I have written to you in the past about the question of whether circumcision could conceivably be banned as an illegal infringement of a ...
Norway Promoting Anti-Circumcision Ban Shalom Life
European countries are continuing to promote legislation against circumcision: Norway will advance a law to "regulate ritual circumcision," the Scandinavian ...
Quebec candidate rues anti-Jewish comments from '11 Jewish Telegraphic Agency
VANCOUVER, Canada (JTA) — A Quebec candidate says she regrets comments she made two years ago calling for an end to circumcision and “Jewish” to be ...
See all stories on this topic »
Kentucky High Court Turns Away Penis Amputation Lawsuit LEX18 Lexington KY News
... damages from a doctor who removed a cancer-riddled section of his penis during what was scheduled to be a simple circumcision has lost his final appeal.
Circumcision.... - April 2014 - BabyCenter
We are expecting a little boy in April and the topic of circumcision has come up a few times between DP and myself... He wants it done and really DONT wNt it ...
Female Circumcision Is Barbaric And Evil. - Religion - Nairaland
Female circumcision or cutting, usually refered to as female Core mutilation involves cutting out or operating on the Instruments of girls in order to conform to ...
Male circumcision
And in return I literature is tracked and thing that you use only that which male circumcision But what about the morality of your immoral. When they ran along the ...
fussy baby after circumcision ? - BabyGaga
Theres nothing wrong with his circumcision. Three seperate dr's have looked at it in the hospital in the time period before we left. They all said its healing great....
AIDS prevention: Africa's circumcision challenge | Southern Africa ...
On this sunny morning in the Zambian capital, Lusaka, Marvin is waiting to get circumcised. Along with three of his friends, he sits tensely on a bench outside the ...
Norway may ban non-medical circumcision of boys - Culture ...
I have read the report and this is my take as far as circumcision is concerned in ... Today, science tells us that if a man is circumcised, he has less chances of ...
Montreal Candidate Wants 'Jewish' Off Hospital Name — and ...
In a Facebook exchange made public this week, Parti Quebecois candidate Tania Longpré called for an end to circumcision and for “Jewish” to be removed from ...
Medical Male Circumcision at Municipal Clinics - Durban
As part of an HIV prevention strategy, the Community and Emergency Services Committee have approved the implementation of medical male circumcision ...
Will the doctor botch my circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
I'm terrified. I have a circumcision tomorrow. What if the doctor botches it? ... Being a girl I don't know much about circumcisions, but I've just been studying ...
Yahoo Answers - Is the circumcision of male infants a part of ...
It has been proven that a man who maintains proper…
Forced circumcision - free eBooks download - GoBookee
Forced circumcision download on GoBookee.org free books and manuals search - Forced Circumcision and the Shifting Role of Gentiles in ...
AIDS prevention: Africa's circumcision challenge : @NatureNews ...
Keeping up with global health & development news, blogosphere, journals, forums, events, jobs and more.
'Jewish' Off Hospital Name - and Circumcision Ban - Stormfront
Fair turn around: Montreal Candidate Wants 'Jewish' Off Hospital Name ? and Circumcision Ban ? Forward.com.
CP- circumcision - thenest
Will you circumcise? ... CP- circumcision. Yes. No. SS. Sign in to vote! This is a private poll: no-one will see what you voted for. My Ovulation Chart. image. Flag.
Baby Boy Loose Penis Over Botched Circumcision - Black Hair ...
should never have got him circumcised to begin with now look!!Edited by afrokock 2013-11-15 09:53:26...
Norway Promoting Anti-Circumcision Ban Shalom Life
European countries are continuing to promote legislation against circumcision: Norway will advance a law to "regulate ritual circumcision," the Scandinavian
Quebec candidate rues anti-Jewish comments from '11 Jewish Telegraphic Agency
VANCOUVER, Canada (JTA) — A Quebec candidate says she regrets comments she made two years ago calling for an end to circumcision and “Jewish” to be .
Kentucky High Court Turns Away Penis Amputation Lawsuit LEX18 Lexington KY News
... damages from a doctor who removed a cancer-riddled section of his penis during what was scheduled to be a simple circumcision has lost his final appeal.
See all stories on this topic »
Watch: 'Mohels,' an a capella take on Lorde's 'Royals' Jewish Telegraphic Agency
In their version of teen pop star Lorde's “Royals,” retitled, yep, “Mohels,” the boys have a thing or two to say to those opposed to circumcision. It's pretty intense ..
Norway Plans New Rules on Circumcision of Boys | Secular News ... Richard Dawkins Foundation
... Headlines | Posted by: Richard Dawkins Foundation. Norway will promote new legislation to “regulate ritual circumcision,” the country's health minister said.
Secular News Daily
Behadrey Haredim - News - "Help us stop the ban on circumcision"
"Help us stop the ban on circumcision" - Against legislation against circumcision in Norway - Senior European Jewish communities turn to the Government of ...
Norway Moves Against Circumcision - Topix
Norway Moves Against Circumcision. 59 min ago | Posted by: roboblogger | Full story: Commentary Magazine. Almost one year after Chancellor Angela Merkel ...
Using male circumcision to prevent HIV infection in Africa | So much ...
A piece called AIDS prevention: Africa's circumcision challenge just appeared in Nature. I thought it was a great update on where we stand as far as using ...
Boy loses penis in botched circumcision - CafeMom
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (FOX13) - A Memphis mother who is heartbroken after she claims a doctor botched her infant son's circum.
Circumcision - The New York Times
By circumcising an infant according to Jewish tradition moments after his death, a doctor who also is a mohel provided a moment of normality to a family ...
November | 2013 | Circumcision Doctors Australia
1 post published by simonharris100 during November 2013.
Anyone else really actively oppose circumcision? - Page 7 - Hip ...
Why, because you are emotionally attached to your penis as only a boys club could be? haha. You have the right to your opinion and so do I. It does not come ...
Norway to bring in circumcision law - Page 5 - Debate Politics Forums
Originally Posted by Chiefgator When my boys were born, (both are now in their mid 20's) I had them circumscised. I never gave it any thought, really.
Young Maasai Activist Challenges Circumcision Tradition NPR
The African Maasai ethnic group is known for its deep roots in tradition and culture, including rights of passage for men and female circumcision. Now, young ...
See all stories on this topic »
Norway Moves Against Circumcision Commentary Magazine
This week, Norway's health minister, Bent Hoie, announced that new legislation is in the pipeline to “regulate ritual circumcision.” Hoie took his cue from Anne ..
Moving Brit Milah on the Ruins of Homesh Arutz Sheva
A woman who lost her husband in a terror attack in 2003 and remarried had her newborn baby's brit milah (circumcision) ceremony on the ruins of the northern ...
See all stories on this topic »
Arutz Sheva
Web 14 new results for circumcision
Mother Suing Hospital Over Botched Circumcision | Bossip
Wait, she waited until he was 3 months to get the circumcision? Lawsuit to be filed after mother claims doctor disfigured her son with 'botched' circumcision WMC ...
Intact Memphis protests botched infant circumcision
Members of Intact Memphis gathered outside Christ Community Health Center on Broad Avenue Friday to raise awareness about the complications possible ...
Jewish groups express outrage at new circumcision regulations in ...
Is Europe finally waking up? Video - Jewish groups express outrage at new regulations - News - jn1.tv.
lol, propaganda. Female circumcision = genital mutilation | Page 2 ...
Our bodies were formed with foreskin for a reason. The only reason to clip your tip is if there is a medical condition that requires it. Besides that, the...
stupid circumcision keeps re-attaching - BabyCenter
We had our 6 month old circumcised at birth. DH was adamant that he be circumcised so that's what we did. The doctor left a lot of foreskin; they said they do that ...
Eingriffe in Sonderpensionen werden konkreter Salzburger Nachrichten
Die von Bundeskanzler Faymann in den Raum gestellte Beschneidung hoher Sonderpensionen wird konkreter. Wie der "Standard" berichtet, soll es Einigkeit ...
Re: Beschneidung | Bill Gates: Impfstoffe statt ... - Heise Online
Re: Beschneidung. crap_man (48 Beiträge seit 21.08.12). holst dir halt beim ersten mal nur tripper. Erläuterung zum Bewertungssystem · Nutzungsbedingungen ...
Re: Beschneidung | Bill Gates: Impfstoffe statt Technik | News-Foren
Re: Beschneidung. Eored (218 Beiträge seit 28.10.13). Amputation ist Amputation. Erläuterung zum Bewertungssystem · Nutzungsbedingungen · << Beitrag >> ...
nach Beschneidung kein Orgasmus mehr - Sexualität - med1
nach Beschneidung kein Orgasmus mehr. 15.11.13 08:03. Hallo Leute,. Bin relativ neu hier, habe schon ein wenig rumgesucht über SuFu, leider aber nicht das ...
Norwegen könnte Beschneidung bei Jungen endlich komplett ...
Das norwegische Gesundheitsministerium erwägt laut Europenews zur Zeit eine Regelung zur Beschneidungen bei Jungen. Parteien fordern ein vollständiges ...
"throwing his condoms away" - die Milliarden-Dollar-Verarsche ...
By contrast, the men in the clinical trials had sessions before and after circumcision, and every six months during the 21-month follow-up period.
Herdecker gemeinsam gegen Genitalverstümmelung Derwesten.de
Was sich hinter weiblicher Beschneidung verbirgt, davon können sich die meisten wohl erst eine Vorstellung machen, seit Waris Dirie 1998 mit ihrem Buch ...
Weibliche Beschneidung und Schamlippenideal Telepolis
Der am meisten verbreitete Eingriff sei die Labiaplastie, die Beschneidung der inneren Schamlippen, um sie kleiner oder symmetrischer zu machen
Rituelle Beschneidung - Theologische Fakultät - Ernst-Moritz-Arndt ...
Rituelle Beschneidung von Jungen – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Mittelgeber: Alfried-Krupp-Wissenschaftskolleg, Evangelische Akademie der Nordkirche, ...
Beschneidung und Monotheismus - Kritische Überlegungen zu ...
Beschneidung und Monotheismus - Kritische Überlegungen zu einem Buch von Franz Maciejewski. Psyche, 2004, 58(1), 61-76. Cover Beschneidung und ...
Beruhigende Worte in Sachen Beschneidung - tachles.ch
Der Europarat habe nicht die Absicht, den jüdischen Brauch bezüglich der Beschneidung von Buben einzuschränken. Vor der Europäischen ...
Recht auf Beschneidung | Brights - Die Natur des Zweifels
Beiträge über Recht auf Beschneidung geschrieben von nickpol.
Beschneidungen sind sicher - Ausland - beschneidungsforum.de ...
Beschneidungen sind sicher. Es sei denn, etwas geht schief. Na ja, shit happens. Der Junge kann sich doch noch zum Mädchen umoperieren lassen, nicht wahr ...
Europarat: Kein Verbot von ritueller Beschneidung 02elf Düsseldorfer Abendblatt
Der Europarat wird die jüdische rituelle Beschneidung von Jungen nicht verbieten, dass versichterte ein führendes Mitglied des Rates der Konferenz ...
Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen »
Rabbiner: Beschneidungsverbot in Europa vom Tisch tt.com - Wo's Click macht
Berlin – Die Pläne für eine europaweite Einschränkung der rituellen Beschneidung von Knaben sind nach Angaben der Europäischen Rabbinerkonferenz vom .
Norwegen überlegt ein Verbot der rituellen Beschneidung ...
Das norwegische Gesundheitsministerium überlegt zur Zeit einen Vorschlag zur Regelung von Beschneidungen bei Jungen. Einige politische Parteien fordern ...
Nichts für schwache Nerven. Durch Beschneidung zerstörte Glieder ...
Forum zu Beschneidung mit Berichten von Beschneidungsopfern und Betroffenen. Für körperliche Unversehrtheit.
Beschneidung “Ich war kein richtiger Junge mehr” | Atheist Media Blog
Im Jahr 2012 ist erstmals in das Bewusstsein einer größeren Öffentlichkeit in Deutschland geraten, dass Vorhautbeschneidungen bei männlichen Kindern ...
Nichts für schwache Nerven und Zartbesaitete: durch Beschneidung ...
Die Frage ist doch eher, wann betrachtet man eine Beschneidung als mit einer Komplikation behaftet, und welches operative Resultat ist noch im Bereich der ...
atheisten.org • Beschneidung beim Mann : Atheistisches ...
Kalt ist ja nun kein Befürworter der rituellen Beschneidung und wenn ich seine Bedenken richtig verstanden habe, dann beschränken sie sich lediglich auf:
Europarat: Kein Verbot von ritueller Beschneidung - Israel Nachrichten
Der Europarat wird die jüdische rituelle Beschneidung von Jungen nicht ... auf einen unverbindlichen Beschluss gegen die rituelle Beschneidung durch die ...
Wegen Beschneidung der Beziehungen wirft Israel Südafrika ... ShortNews.de
Wegen der Beschneidung der diplomatischen Beziehungen zu Israel wurde von Avidgor Lieberman, dem ehemaligen Außenmister Israels, Südafrika
Unis machen Front gegen Ministerin Derwesten.de
Sie befürchten eine massive Beschneidung ihrer Hochschul-Freiheit. Finger weg von der Hochschulautonomie – so lässt sich die geballte Kritik von Professoren ...
Norway FM Assures Circumcision Ban Will Not Happen
The Wiesenthal Center raised concerns over Norway's proposed ban on ritual circumcision (brit milah). The concerns prompted Brende to send his assurances ...
Circumcision is a choice, but is it a... - Exposing The Truth | Facebook
Circumcision is a choice, but is it a decision parents should be making for their children? Is there enough scientific reason for it, or is it opinion?
Circumcision conspiracy: The foreskin is highly specialized skin ...
Financing a breakaway civilisation. This subreddit is a thinking ground, above all else we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds.
Norway FM Assures Circumcision Ban Will Not Happen | Israel.com
FM Brende reassures Simon Wiesenthal Center, which is concerned over a proposed ban on ritual circumcision....
2013-11-23 Albany Tribune - Government Attacks On Circumcision ...
2013-11-23 Albany Tribune - Government Attacks On Circumcision And Hanukah Resistance – OpEd Press Room.
Norway to bring in circumcision law - Page 12
Originally Posted by RabidAlpaca You keep saying that like it's some secret squirrel ****. Just tell me what country you're in. I could be wrong, but.
Blogs 1 new result for circumcision
Is Circumcision in America Really “Deeply Religious”? | The Intact ... Intact America
Things have changed considerably in just the last few years with respect to mass media and the topic of circumcision. Several articles are published every month ...
The Intact America Blog circumcision
Circumcision problem...? - Yahoo Answers
Hello, I am 18 and in high school, still living with my parents. I recently got a ... If you are 18 they (medical personal) can not release your medical history to anyone ...
German Pastor Honored for Defense of Jewish Circumcision
A pastor fighting to protect Jewish circumcision was awarded the Central Council of Jews' highest honor.
Norway FM Assures Circumcision Ban Will Not Happen - Latest ...
Norway FM Assures Circumcision Ban Will Not Happen. FM Brende reassures Simon Wiesenthal Center, which is concerned over a proposed ban on ritual ...
Why We can't leave religion alone #1: Circumcision - YouTube
The first installment in my new bi weekly web series: "Why we can't leave religion alone". In this installment, I concentrate on the common religious ritual ...
Circumcision - July 2013 - BabyCenter Canada
So I went back and forth on circumcizing my son and have decided to do it. His appt is this Friday and I am really, really nervous. Does anyone have experience ...
Circumcision: yay or nay? - CafeMom
In the past, over ninety percent of American baby boys were circumcised. That number is declining rapidly, and I am personall.
News 6 new results for circumcision
Norway FM Assures Circumcision Ban Will Not Happen Arutz Sheva
The Wiesenthal Center raised concerns over Norway's proposed ban on ritual circumcision (brit milah). The concerns prompted Brende to send his assurances .
Arutz Sheva
Norwegian official: Jews, Muslims circumcise out of ignorance Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Lindboe, who last year advised Jews and Muslims to replace circumcision with “a symbolic ritual,” also told the paper that non-medical circumcision of pre-teen ...
Creating a New Norm in Non-Circumcising Ethiopian Province Inter Press Service
Ethiopia has one of the highest circumcised male populations in Africa – 93 percent, according to a 2005 survey by the Ethiopia Demographic and Health ...
Be proactive, government agencies told The Borneo Post
... third right) in a group photo with the kids joining the circumcision programme. ... when opening a blood donation and circumcision programme in conjunction ...
The Sun Daily
Jawi to monitor deviant teachings in Putrajaya New Straits Times
Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor (second from left) accompanying the children to the mass circumcision ceremony in Putrajaya
The Plight of the Girl Child-Part l GhanaWeb
Diop even traced Jewish circumcision to its African, that's, Egyptian provenance! According to him, Islam and the rest of the world benefited from African cultural ...
Middle East and Terrorism: Norway Moves Against Circumcision
This week, Norway's health minister, Bent Hoie, announced that new legislation is in the pipeline to “regulate ritual circumcision.” Hoie took his cue from Anne ...
Nature & Circumcision - Economics, Business, Science and ...
Nature & Circumcision - posted in Economics, Business, Science and Technology: Thats the prestigious science journal Nature, BTW, hence the reason why this ...
Norway Moves Against Circumcision - Topix
Norway Moves Against Circumcision. 11 hrs ago | Posted by: roboblogger | Full story: Commentary Magazine. Almost one year after Chancellor Angela Merkel ...
Newborn Baby Open Question Will my baby get forced into ...
Ive never really given any thought to circumcision before but all i can think about is the pain my poor baby will be put in and i personally dont want him to go ...
Why Circumcision is Necessary for Salvation and Eternal Life ...
Discover more - http://www.introtogod.org *Return to addressing the letter received from a Christian apologist *The Christian Religion is opposite to Yahowah...
Woman's baby has penis AMPUTATED in botched circumcision ...
I still have my foreskin, so I always assumed that most men still had it outside of Jewish/devote religious families. I was born in England though, so who knows.
'Home circumcision' doctor to resign : BBCNews - Inagist
'Home circumcision' doctor to resign http://t.co/kNLoCHvu0s by BBCNews 402084047666823168.
Mogen Circumcision Instrument Manufacturers ... - Alibaba.com
Customer who searched mogen circumcision instrument also searched: personal massager, washing machine lg, pvc sheets black, led ring light, basketball ...
Yourwellness Magazine Explores How Circumcision Affects Wellness DigitalJournal.com
In response to recent attacks in Europe on ritual circumcision, Jewish groups convened a special task force in Brussels to mount a “proactive defence” of the
PR Web
Police contingent holds circumcision ceremony The Borneo Post
KUCHING: Sarawak police contingent held a mass circumcision ceremony for 38 boys in accordance with Islamic ritual at the compound of Masjid Al-Mujahidin .. »
Web 9 new results for circumcision
Why do men support male infant circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
Because of ignorance. The men who support male infant circumcision are sadly unaware that it amounts to a human rights violation. There are no health benefits of ...
Female Circumcision Is Barbaric And Evil. - Religion (1) - Nairaland
ndidibabe: By the way, I was circumcised and can not remember if I passed through any pain because I was probably very young then. However, while in ...
'Home circumcision' doctor to resign - Netkafa.com
By Nicola Dowling 5live Investigates A doctor under investigation by the General Medical Council after circumcising a child says he is resigning from the N.
Are you in favor of involuntary circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
There is a campaign in the UK against female genital mutilation. but it makes ... female genital mutilation?? what?? how??..... what is there to mutilate...? lol
Norway to bring in circumcision law - Page 6 - Debate Politics Forums
Originally Posted by Rainman05 Norway to bring in circumcision law - The Local Good. We need to put an end to this barbaric practice.
Doctor Muhamad Siddiqui from Southampton at centre of home ...
Hospital surgeon Dr Muhamad Siddiqui operated his own mobile circumcision service outside the NHS and carried out the procedure at the child's home.
LiveLeak.com - Concern some Iranian jews Improperly Circumcised ...
out that there exists a less invasive method of circumcision, which does not ... to the website Ladaat, there is a concern that Iranian Jews who were circumcised
Could PrEP be in Competition with Mass Male Circumcision ...
Reposted from the Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Blog] After years of trying to create a market for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) pills, such as Truvada, Big ...
Jewish Daily Forward
Like FGM, cut foreskins should be a feminist issue The Conversation
When, for example, the Council of Europe recently passed a motion declaring both female genital cutting (FGC) and the circumcision of young boys for religious »
Minor Suggestion: Circumcision (SOA) - Paradox Interactive Forums
In the new DLC, you unlock the ability to play as Jews. Circumcision was an important religious ceremony, so as an event, you should be able to circumcise your ...
Circumcision of girls - free eBooks download - GoBookee.org
Circumcision of girls download on GoBookee.org free books and manuals search - Boys' Circumcision and Girls' Puberty Rites among the Swahili ...
Norwegian Jews hoping new circumcision rules head off ban | Israel ...
(JTA) — News that Norway is planning unspecified new regulations on ritual circumcision could not have come at a more sensitive time. The announcement last ...
CollegeNET - Posts made by Genevieve tagged with circumcision
Genevieve's Page > Posts tagged with "circumcision" ... tradition when young boys are ready to become a man, they will be circumcised with a sharpened stick.
Council of Europe Chief Reassuring Rabbis on Circumcision ...
The Council of Europe will not ban Jewish ritual circumcision of boys, its leader assured members of the Conference of European Rabbis. The Jewish.
Delayed Circumcision - The Bump
I know this is a long shot and probably controversial but I am seriously struggling.
Cell type, HIV transmission, and circumcision | Nothing But Science
This is taken from a paper I did in a capstone course for my undergrad studies. I happened to come across it recently and I thought it would be interesting to post ...
November and December happen to be the circumcision seasons. Though this varies from one area of the country to the other, majority do it at around this time.
Steve Ahlquist: Is circumcision a progressive issue?
Is circumcision a progressive issue? Is circumcision a progressive issue? Posted by Steve Ahlquist at 1:52 PM · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to ...
Circumcision doctor in GMC investigation to quit NHS BBC News
Dr Siddiqui operated his own mobile circumcision service outside the NHS. The GMC investigation was launched after a complaint by Kelly Braiha and her ...
See all stories on this topic »
BBC News
Norway's New Circumcision Regulations May Prevent Ban on Brises Jewish Daily Forward
News that Norway is planning unspecified new regulations on ritual circumcision could not have come at a more sensitive time. The announcement last week .
circumcision (ulcer factory forum at permies)
http://www.rifuture.org/is-circumcision-a-progressive-issue.html Progressive is as useless a word as conservative for me, but this is a well written a.
Intaction Anti-Circumcision Activists Picket Home of Leading ...
Intaction members picketed outside the home of Susan Blank, M.D., chairperson of the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision.
Botched Circumcision Leaves Child With No Genitals (Video) | In ...
Memphis Mother discovers her child has no penis mother upset over botched circumcision Hospital sends son home without a penis. Watch her interview below ...
female circumcision - Sexual Health - Women Message Board ...
What happen s to those somali and eritrean women who are circumsized at the time of marriage.
HT.. Circumcision.. - The Bump
Now first off, I KNOW this is a hot topic, I'm not looking for drama!
History of male circumcision - YouTube
This Article History of male circumcision is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be location at WikiPedia.org. Check us out at Wiki...
Maasai Initiate to Female Circumcision, Kenya – News Watch
Maasai Initiate to Female Circumcision, Kenya. © Beckwith & Fisher. The Maasai have no chiefs, although each village has a Laibon, or spiritual leader.
N-SC010 Circumcision - NHS England
Timing / Deadlines. (if applicable). Interim Clinical Commissioning Policy: Circumcision. Superseded Docs. (if applicable). Contact Details for further information.
Intaction Anti-Circumcision Activists Picket Home of Leading ... PR Web (press release)
On Saturday November 16, members of the anti-circumcision activist group INTACTION http://www.intaction.org picketed outside the home of Susan Blank, M.D., ...
PR Web (press release)
Web 13 new results for circumcision
Could I get feedback on this article I wrote about circumcision?
i only posted it to tumblr but i would like to try and get it out there, maybe post it on facebook?
Circumcision types and help? - Yahoo! Answers
I am a 16 year old guy and I am just wondering on this chart: ... you will not have any problems, your foreskin will help keep the head sensitive, so its a win win
circumcision - RI Future
In the United States, overall circumcision rates are dropping, from 64.5% in 1979 to 58.3% in 2010. However, here in the Northeast, the rate has been more or ...
circumcision - RI Future
Browse: Home / Is circumcision a progressive issue? / circumcision. circumcision. circumcision. VN:R_U [1.9.20_1166]. Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast).
Rockland MD - Circumcision
A circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves removing, partially or completely, the foreskin.
Suspended surgeon in circumcision row (From The Argus)
The doctor, who carried out the procedure at the child's home and has his own mobile circumcision service outside the NHS, denies all the allegations against ...
Circumcision? - February 2014 Birth Club - BabyCentre
February 2014 Birth Club: Meet others who are due at the same time as you! Whatever you are going through, you are not alone. Share your experiences (good ...
Circumcision question... - Page 2 - The Bump
OB! like pp, my insurance won't cover it outside of the hospital.
Picture of female circumcision - free ebook downloads
Picture of female circumcision free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - Female Genital Mutilation - World Health Organization.
Circumcision videos, scary and sad - BabyCenter
Just watched a couple of internet videos on infant circumcision. Was very hard to watch. The poor babies were screaming!!! You could tell they were in terrible ...
Suspended surgeon in circumcision row The Argus
The doctor, who carried out the procedure at the child's home and has his own mobile circumcision service outside the NHS, denies all the allegations against ...
See all stories on this topic »
Intact Maryland to gather in Baltimore to protest routine infant ... Baltimore News Journal
Intact Network Intact Maryland to gather in Baltimore to protest routine infant circumcision BALTIMORE – Local organization Intact Maryland has announced that ...
Initiation Schools Must Be Verified AllAfrica.com
The IFP has re-iterated its call that all initiation schools should be verified and licensed to safely carry out both circumcision and initiation, as summer ..
Circumcision is not in the Quran, yet Muslims do it in the hope that ...
Does it work this way? So, if you speak spanish you must be from spain? No. Why do muslims circumcise themselves? They are neither Jews, nor descendants ...
Medical circumcision can save young lives – Media Watch – Journ ...
The past decade has been marked by a series of interventions in the form of conferences, workshops, research reports and legislation all aimed at dealing with ...
Guestview: NYC circumcision rite consent rule tests limits of ...
Metzitzah b'peh (MBP) is an ancient religious practice whereby a trained rabbi, called a mohel, completes a circumcision by orally sucking out the blood from a ...
High Volume Services For Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision In ...
As a professional in the field of international development, humanitarian aid, or global health, you've come to the right website – www.devex.com. Here you will ...
circumcision | Ask a gran | Grandparents forum - talk to other ...
His Grandfather had to be circumcised for a similar complaint, but DGS doctor says he can make a small slit in the foreskin to ease the condition. Anyone out ...
Exclusive: Maccabee MKs fighting anti-circumcision laws ...
Exclusive: Maccabee MKs fighting anti-circumcision laws. November 20, 2013. With Hanukka only one week away, the Knesset is following in the footsteps of ...
Adult Circumcision Penile Fibrosis The | ABCtales
Getting StartedThere's no prescription needed for a penis rash, men are eager to get their hands on the right information. Men are also encouraged to rest during ...
Exclusive: Maccabee MKs fighting anti-circumcision laws | Israel.com
More than a dozen lawmakers are working to gather signatures from MPs around Europe on draft motion to reverse PACE ban of brit mila....
Baby circumcision cpt code - free ebook downloads - MyBookezzz.org
Baby circumcision cpt code free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - Pediatric Coding Alert - The Coding Institute.
Male circumcision and Mycoplasma genitalium infection in female ...
Methods HIV-negative men were enrolled and randomised to either male circumcision or control. Female partners of male trial participants from the intervention ...
circumcision ye or ne? - Check Hook Boxing
Heard only 20% of men in the world are, share your status ye.
Arutz Sheva
'Intactivists' take to the streets in Providence Providence.thephoenix
Some honk their horns in solidarity; others carry passengers clearly confused as to the necessity of a demonstration against circumcision featuring men in white ...
See all stories on this topic »
Council of Jews in Germany Awards Pastor Who ... - The Jewish Press JTA
A German pastor who defended Jews' rights to ritual circumcision will receive the highest award of the Central Council of Jews in Germany in ceremonies in ...
The Jewish Press
[NORWAY] Baby dies after circumcision. - Facepunch
http://i.imgur.com/mVmtI6t.jpg http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/Barnet-la-alene-pa-benken-mens-legen-bare-var-opptatt-i-telefonen-7379866.html.
High & Tight Style Circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
I am 15 and my mom had me circumcised "High & Tight" style where they remove the maximum amount of foreskin leaving the scar line farther down the shaft.
PlastiBell Circumcision Device 1. 7cm -... - Black Friday Deals ...
PlastiBell Circumcision Device 1. 7cm - Box of 25 - 1103 Review Best Black Friday Deals 2013 And Best Cyber Monday Deals 2013 !!! Check Special Offer !!...
Assessing cultural barriers to circumcision in sub-Saharan Africa ...
Assessing cultural barriers to circumcision in sub-Saharan Africa.
German Jews Honor Pastor Who Backs Circumcision Jewish Daily Forward
A German pastor who defended Jews' rights to ritual circumcision will receive the highest award of the Central Council of Jews in Germany in ceremonies in ...
Jewish Daily Forward
'Tis The Season To Be Circumcised malaysiandigest.com
For years, parents will decide the best method of circumcision for their sons. However, time has changed, and the process and methods for circumcision have .
A cut too far? Zambia is still 75 per cent short of its target of two ... The Independent
David Mvula was waiting alone at the New Start Male Circumcision clinic in Lusaka when I visited at noon on a Tuesday. He was twiddling a red baseball cap
The Independent
Written by Hasimi Muhamad malaysiandigest.com
Circumcision is prerequisite in Islam and some other religion; first, for health and hygienic reasons and second, as a form of initiation for boys into manhood.
Swedish Jew Applies for Asylum - in Sweden Arutz Sheva
Annika Hernroth-Rothstein applies for asylum in her own country in protest of rampant anti-Semitism, laws banning kashrut, circumcision. By Tova Dvorin.
circumcision - Topix
is it better to leave the skin or have it cut off? Share. Tell me when this thread is updated: (Registration is not required). Add to my Tracker • Send me an email ...
Parents key in circumcision The New Age Online
There would be no fatalities at initiation school if parents and traditional leaders took the lead in ensuring proper circumcision of their children. This is the .
Exclusive: Maccabee MKs fighting anti-circumcision laws Jerusalem Post
The PACE resolution, proposed by German MP Marlene Ruprecht, protects children's rights to their bodies, which calls to ban ritual male circumcision for
George has circumcised more than 13000 men... New Vision
George Mwidu Lyavala, 42, is more than meets the eye. The energetic clinical officer has seen and circumcised more than 13,000 men since 2009, making him ...
New Vision
Why we should cut out the circumcision debate Daily Northwestern
Over the past week Norway made clear political moves toward banning male circumcision — a practice that has also been hotly debated in the United States
2013-11-21 The Pitt News- Circumcision: an unnecessary, brutal ...
2013-11-21 The Pitt News- Circumcision: an unnecessary, brutal practice for those who can't consent Press Room.
Circumcision Doesn't Beget Circumcision {One of These Things is ...
Yes, you read that right, we're going to talk AGAIN about circumcision, but this post is a little different. I'm not writing this to try to tell you what to do. In fact, this ...
Circumcision protest in Baltimore | GBCN
A FB friend of mine just posted this pic. It's kind of a bizarre place for this protest. Attachments: ImageUploadedByProBoards.jpg. Back to Top. I stand with Wendy.
'Tis The Season To Be Circumcised - Malaysian Digest
Circumcision is prerequisite in Islam and some other religion; first, for health and hygienic reasons and second, as a form of initiation for boys into manhood.
The Jewish Press » » Germany. circumcision
A German pastor who defended Jews' rights to ritual circumcision will receive the highest award of the Central Council of Jews in Germany in ceremonies in ...
The Courageous Egyptian Activist, Feminist & Author Nawal El ...
The Courageous Egyptian Activist, Feminist & Author Nawal El Saadawi Talks Female Circumcision, Imprisonment and Exile. View · Comments. Author: Chivas ...
show abstract - SMSNA
Introduction: Aim of this study was to investigate general knowledge status and behavioral pattern of the parents on circumcision during the admission to the ...
ARVs users urged to follow expert advice Daily News
In an effort to reduce new HIV infections over 25,000 males underwent circumcision in Kagera region between 2009 to October, last year, a Senior Official with ...
See all stories on this topic »
West Midlands Police target female genital mutilation BBC News
FGM, or female circumcision, involves the partial or total removal of the female external genitalia, or other injury to female genital organs, for non-medical ...
BBC News
Web 12 new results for circumcision
Post-circumcision healing? - Yahoo! Answers
I had a circumcision. Please do not respond to this question with copy and paste messages about what a terrible decision I have made. Needless to say I didn't ...
Circumcision, from 'Liber Chronicarum' by Hartmann Schedel (1440 ...
image number: XJF140222; Title: Circumcision, from 'Liber Chronicarum' by Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514) (woodcut) (b/w photo); creator: German School, ...
ritual circumcision Archives - Jspace News - Jspace.com
UN Interpreter Calling Out Anti-Israel Bias Can Work for Jewish Gov't, Bibi Says - 2 days ago. Toulouse. Hollande, Netanyahu Visit Graves of Toulouse Victims ...
Brothers For Life | New Medical Male Circumcision Advert featuring ...
New Medical Male Circumcision Advert featuring Minister of Health, Brothers for Life promote positive male norms and encourage the uptake of health services ...
Adult circumcision - any advice? :: Men's Health
How's it going, Jamie? I have gone the private medicine route for my meateoplasty and have only found low standards and expensive service. I will explain all in ...
I have a doubt about circumcision in USA. - Foreskin Restoration ...
I have a doubt about circumcision in USA. General Restoration Discussion.
Circumcision - Page 4 - Island Forums
Circumcision Philosophical Discussions. ... I didn't know what circumcision was until about 3 years ago... but when I learned about it in Sociology... the emphasis ...
Should Infant Circumcision (male And Female) Be Illegal? - Find ...
If yes, what age should the person be allowed to decide for themselves? My view is that it should be...Find answers to the question, Should Infant Circumcision ...
Circumcision is a sex crime?! S/o posts - CafeMom
I there is this post going on "If you mutilated your son" and when the OP was asked why she cared about someone els.
Russell: Circumcision: an unnecessary, brutal practice for those who ... University of Pittsburgh The Pitt News
Infant male circumcision is a practice not often questioned by new parents. It's either divinely warranted or it's just something that people do. But witnessing a ...
TopNews Arab Emirates
Bogus traditional surgeon arrested in E Cape South African Broadcasting Corporation
Fourteen initiates have allegedly been kidnapped and circumcised by a bogus traditional surgeon at Ebernezer village in Bizana, Eastern Cape. Thirteen of ...
See all stories on this topic »
Where there is no controversy! Part I The Swazi Observer
Infant Male circumcision is the circumcision of baby boys from birth up to two months old. Some schools of thought say that male circumcision in general is a ...
See all stories on this topic »
AIDS transmission rates cut through circumcision, says study - CBS ...
Study of 20000 circumcised men yields 76 percent reduction in AIDS transmission rates.
Yahoo Answers - Why male circumcision is even legal?
please spare me the pseudo-science research made by quack doctors ... This is a stupid question. There is a concept called religious freedom that you are ...
E Cape mulls special courts for circumcision cases - SABC
The Eastern Cape Local Government Department says it plans to hold talks with the Justice Ministry in an attempt to get special courts set up to deal with ...
Difference Between: Male & Female Circumcision - Men's Rights ...
Difference Between: Male & Female Circumcision. November 22, 2013 in Blog by miSter_inFamies. No Comments » · ← Honey Badger Radio: Brian Banks and ...
Male Vs Female Circumcision - Culture - Nairaland
I was playing around online and ran across female circumcision so I started reading. I was absolutely horrified that some cultures find it acceptable to cut off their ...
Queens doctor targeted over circumcisions TimesLedger
An organization advocating against circumcision of baby boys targeted a Queens doctor in its latest demonstration. A group of about 18 protesters marched in ...
See all stories on this topic »
Are there actually any benefits to circumcision........? - Yahoo Answers
Im 27 and had to get a circumcision a few months ago. The reason being that I had partial phimosis and could never retract the foreskin properly when erect.
How much for circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
Talked to my mom about it and she said yeah.. Im 17 and live in new york.. How much do you think it will cost and does insurance cover it? Please don't tell me ...
Rabbi: Norway's Circumcision Ban is Jewish Exclusion - LiveLeak.com
Rabbi Margolin, General Director of EJA, calls Norway's proposed circumcision ban nothing more than 'Jewish exclusion.' Rabbi Menachem Margolin, General ...
Circumcision, more fun in the Pinas - Funnyjunk
Circumcision, more fun in the Pinas. While in the Philippines i saw this, i just had to get a picture, most Filipinos are chopped when they are only 9 or 10 btw.
Circumcision - Parents in Alberta - BabyCenter Canada
Hey, popping in from the March group to ask for a friend - anyone know a doctor or 'mohel' who could do a circumcision in Calgary? Friend is due towards end of ...
Circumcision should be made illegal. - Topix
any kind of religious-based mutilation should be made illegal, both for boys and girls. actually it IS illegal to mutilate girls, but in 30 years NO prosecutions have ...
I have a doubt about circumcision in USA. - Foreskin Restoration ...
If I am a dad and I don't want my son to be circumcised, they need my permission to do it ... Every american doctor, urologist and pediatrician is pro circumcision?
circumcision | New York | Yelp
Had a circumcision procedure done recently all healed and it looks great !!!
Circumcision: "I couldn't do that to my son." - YouTube
"When I first found out that I was pregnant with a boy, I didn't know anything about circumcision, but as soon as I started researching, I couldn't do that t...
Love is the drug putting couples at risk of Aids in Africa The Independent
In Kisumu, Kenya, a well-regarded youth project called Tungaane shut its doors after donors switched to biomedical interventions such as male circumcision.
unempfindliche eichel nach beschneidung (Medizin ... - Gutefrage.net
hallo alle zusammen, ich habe mir vor genau einer Woche beschneiden ... Ja, wenn die eichel ständig Reizen ausgesetzt ist (wie es nach einer Beschneidung ja ...
Norwegen: Gesetz gegen Beschneidung geplant: Juden erzürnt ...
November 2013, 07:04 und wurde abgelegt unter Beschneidung, Judentum. Du kannst die Antworten auf diesen Beitrag über RSS 2.0 verfolgen. Du kannst ans ...
Keine Neuauflage der Ritualmordlegende - George Orwell lebt ...
Forum zu Beschneidung mit Berichten von Beschneidungsopfern und Betroffenen. ... ausreicht, um einen Jungen ohne medizinischen Grund zu beschneiden.
Weibliche Beschneidung und Schamlippenideal - Vergleich der ...
Forum zu Beschneidung mit Berichten von Beschneidungsopfern und ... von Peniserkrankungen, Beschneidung und AIDS/HIV, Beschneidungen mit Todesfolge ...
Ein weiteres Argument gegen neonatale Beschneidung ...
http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wissen/medizi…t-12659202.html "Dass ausschließlich Neugeborene über das suppressive Arsenal verfügen, sehen die Forscher in ...
20 Minuten Online
Sohn beschnitten – Mutter bestraft 20 Minuten Online
Auch Juden und Muslime beschneiden ihren männlichen Nachwuchs. ... Dabei kam heraus, dass der Schweizer Vater mit der Beschneidung seines Kindes
Sohn beschnitten – Mutter bestraft - Ausland - beschneidungsforum ...
Da eine Mutter aus Uster ihren zweijährigen Sohn ohne Einwilligung des Vaters beschneiden liess, machte sie sich strafbar. Die Westafrikanerin wurde ...
Uster: Nach Beschneidung: Bestrafung wegen Körperverletzung ...
Da eine Mutter aus Uster ihren zweijährigen Sohn ohne Einwilligung des Vaters beschneiden liess, machte sie sich strafbar. Die Westafrikanerin wurde zu einer ...
Israelische Ärzteorganisation antisemitisch? - Ausland ...
"The Israel Ambulatory Pediatric Association is calling for an end to a controversial circumcision-related rite that is also under fire in New York. Direct oral-genital ...
Pflegeteilzeit und Pflegekarenz auch für Beamte derStandard.at
Wien - Nicht nur das Lehrerdienstrecht und die Beschneidung von "Luxuspensionen" beschäftigt kommende Woche die Regierung. Im Ministerrat am Dienstag ...
e Ergebnisse für Beschneidung
Beschneidung unserer Grundrechte auf Basis von ... - Allmystery
Moin, unser (noch-) Innenminister Friedrich plant da so einige Dinge, die meiner persönlichen Auffassung nach alles andere als Demokratisch sin...
Beschneidung oder nicht? | Rat & Hilfe auf Mamilounge.de
Da ich jetzt ein Junge bekomme, stelle ich mir öfters mal die Frage, ob eine Beschneidung nicht sinnvoll wäre. Hygnisch ist es allemal. Und man macht es ja ...
weilbliche Beschneidung - Julius-Hensel-Blog
Weilbliche Beschneidung. Nov. 19. warum wir einen offenen Diaolog über Weibliche Genital-Verstümmelung auch im Westen brauchen. jo on November 19th, ...
Nach Beschneidung: Bestrafung wegen Körperverletzung Zürcher Oberländer
Da eine Mutter aus Uster ihren zweijährigen Sohn ohne Einwilligung des Vaters beschneiden liess, machte sie sich strafbar. Die Westafrikanerin wurde zu einer ..
Kann es an der Beschneidung... | Forum: Beschneidung | NetDoktor.at
Hallo Ihr Lieben, bin neu hier u soeben auf dieses Forum gestoßen. Habe mal ne Frage u hoffe, Ihr könnt mir helfen: Bin (leider) alleinerziehende Mutter von 2 ...
Mutter wegen Beschneidung bestraft | hpd
Mutter wegen Beschneidung bestraft. In der Schweiz wurde eine aus Westafrika stammende Frau verurteilt, weil sie ihren zweijährigen Sohn beschneiden ließ.
Schweiz: Mutter wegen Beschneidung bestraft | Atheist Media Blog
Wenn Kinder im Kanton Zürich beschnitten werden sollen, müssen beide Elternteile damit einverstanden sein. Dies zeigt ein aktuelles Strafverfahren aus Uster.
Beschneidung erhöht das AIDS Risiko - Beschneidung und AIDS ...
In der Zeit nach einer Beschneidung ist das HIV Ansteckungsrisiko erhöht: http://journals.lww.com/jaids/Abstract/2…e_Viral.12.aspx. Zum Seitenanfang ...
Umgang mit vorhaut verengung ( eingerissen ) erfahrungen ...
Meine Frage ist: Gibt es trotz dieses zwieschenfalls die Möglichkeint, dass das ganze ohne Narben verheilt und er ohne Beschneidung davon kommt.
Nicht nur das Lehrerdienstrecht und die Beschneidung von ... Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung)
Novelle des Dienstrechtes: Beamte bekommen Pflege- karenz und Pflegeteilzeit Nicht nur das Lehrerdienstrecht und die Beschneidung von "Luxuspensionen" ...
Sierra Leone: Die Frau, die über Beschneidungen spricht DiePresse.com
Die Beschneidung führt aber auch zu Todesfällen. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) unterscheidet zwischen vier Typen bei der weiblichen
Web 6 neue Ergebnisse für Beschneidung
Schmerzliches Ritual - dradio.de
Die Rabbiner Jonah Sievers und Gabor Lengyel betonen die religiöse Bedeutung der Beschneidung der Jungen, der Brit Mila, kurz nach der Geburt.
beschneidung wie viele zentimeter (Vorhaut, Penis, Gesundheit)
hallo bei mir wird bald eine Beschneidung durchgeführt und der Arzt meinte ich solle mal schauen wie viele Zentimeter ich weg haben will das Problem ist bei ...
Sierra Leone: Die Frau, die über Beschneidungen spricht ...
Genitalverstümmelungen sind in dem westafrikanischen Land bei Kindern und jungen Mädchen verboten, kontrolliert wird aber kaum.
Beschneidung - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Beschneidung. 20.11.13 12:13. Ich wurde vor 10 Tagen wegen Phimose teilbeschnitten.Der Heilungsprozess verläuft ganz. gut. Nur bin ich ziemlich erregt und ...
Beschneidung unserer Grundrechte auf Basis von ... - Allmystery
Moin, unser (noch-) Innenminister Friedrich plant da so einige Dinge, die meiner persönlichen Auffassung nach alles andere als D... (Seite 2)
Complications of neonatal circumcision requiring surgical intervention
"Circumcision was performed by nurse in 54 (84.4%) patients, traditional practitioner in 5 (7.8%) and doctor in 5 (7.8%), at a median age of 9 days (range: 2-21 ...
Republikaner erzürnt über Beschneidung von ... Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung)
US-Senat ändert Filibuster-Regeln Republikaner erzürnt über Beschneidung von Minderheitenrechten. Aus Frust über die Blockadehaltung der Republikaner ...
Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland ehrt EKD-Präsident Schneider ... 02elf Düsseldorfer Abendblatt
Im vergangenen Jahr hatte Schneider die Entscheidung eines Gerichts in Köln, in der die nicht-medizinische Beschneidung von männlichen Kindern unter
Historiker nennt Beschneidungsurteil "groben Unsinn" - dradio.de
Im Streit um des Urteilspruch des Kölner Landgerichts gegen die Beschneidung von Kindern als Straftat, warnt Heiner Bielefeldt, Professor für Menschenrechte ...
FRIEDENSBAND | Runder Tisch NRW gegen Beschneidung von ...
Runder Tisch NRW gegen Beschneidung von Mädchen. 20.11.2013 Düsseldorf – Im Gesundheitsministerium war der Runde Tisch diesmal um Abgeordnete ...
Der neue Gesundheitsminister will Beschneidung gesetzlich regeln Jüdische Allgemeine
Die Beschneidung ist der Kinderärztin Anne Lindboe schon lange ein Dorn im Auge. Seit sie Kinderschutzbeauftragte der norwegischen Regierung ist, tut sie ...
Web 1 neues Ergebnis für Beschneidung
Die traurige Realität - Beschneidung und AIDS/HIV ...
Ja wenn die alle verstümmelt sind kann ja nichts mehr passieren - Aufklärung über "safer sex" braucht es dann nicht mehr! (würg) Und so verhält sich das mit ...
Unsicherheit nach Beschneidung... - EURO CIRC Diskussionsforum ...
Unsicherheit nach Beschneidung..., 20 Nov. 2013 21:12. Hallo, bei mir wurde am 08.11.13 die komplette Vorhaut wegen einer offensichtlichen Phimose entfernt.
Genitalverstümmelung: Der Nil heilt die Wunden nicht ZEIT ONLINE
Frauen wie Heba Mourin verstehen oft erst hier: Beschneidung ist eine Menschenrechtsverletzung. "Durch die Gespräche setzt langsam ein Umdenken ein", .
Film und Diskussion DAZ - Die Augsburger Zeitung
Lebensjahr in Deutschland und kämpft gegen genitale Beschneidung von Mädchen und Frauen. Nach dem Film „Mein blaues Licht“ diskutieren wir, welche
DAZ - Die Augsburger Zeitung
"Laika Believes: The Sun at Night" umbenannt Gamers.de
Die Beschneidung des Namens geschah auf bitten des Animationsstudios Laika LLC, bekannt unter anderem durch den Animationsflim Coraline. An dem Inhalt ...
Ägypten: Demos nur mehr mit Polizei-Erlaubnis Kurier
Kritiker fürchten eine massive Beschneidung der Demonstrationsfreiheit. - Foto: APA/AL-MASRY AL-YOUM. Übergangspräsident Adli Mansour hat das Gesetz ...
on einem klei... | Forum: Beschneidung | NetDoktor.at
Hallo Was für ein Beschneidungsstil ist sinvoll wenn man einen kleinen Penis hat? Mein Penis ist schlaff wie auch steif kurz. Ich denke wenn er zu straff ...
Gerade wiederentdeckt - Beschneidung mit rostigem Messer ...
Mit Hinweis darauf, dass FGM gleichbedeutend mit rostiger Konservendose dargestellt wird und MGM niemals vergleichbar sein kann, weil sauber und ...
Beschneidung - ja oder nein? - Babyforum.at
Ich hab mich letztens mit meinem Freund ueber Beschneidung unterhalten, und ich bin mir nicht sicher was ich davon halte... Er selbst ist beschnitten und ...
acceptability of early infant male circumcision in two south ... - Chaps
Circumcision decisions if EIMC were freely available at clinics. 27. Table 7. ... Source of information – Effect of circumcision on HIV transmission. 24. Figure 2.
My first thought was: Jesus! Circumcision ... - PistonHeads.com
Not at all angry with anyone who is anti circumcision. It's a perfectly valid argument and has some merit, although there are contrary arguments. But very sorry for ...
Circumcision for my baby? - Hip Forums
I find out if I'm having a baby boy or girl on December 30th. I have am in a high-risk pregnancy so my main concern is that the baby makes it to term and stays ...
Philippians 3:3-21 "For it is we who are the circumcision, w..." NIV ...
Philippians 3:3-21 "For it is we who are the circumcision, we who worship by the..." Read verse in New International Version.
Circumcision right after or wait? « Hellobee Boards
My DH and I are having a slight debate.... To have our son circumcised right after birth or wait for a Pediatric Urologist do it? Any stories to sway our decision ...
event_banner - Circumcision Can Reduce Risks Of Hiv - J Tiger
Circumcision Can Reduce Risks Of Hiv. http://la1.etoile-laconnex.com/content/why-circumcision-bad. Views 2 Votes 0 Comment 0 ?
Should Child Circumcision Be Banned? - d2jsp Topic - d2jsp Forums
thats not what porn told me. if anyone here were to draw a dick would you draw foreskin on it? case closed. This post was edited by khemist on Nov 30 2013 01: ...
The circumcision incision The Star Online
Q: I've done quite a lot of reading regarding circumcision, and I've decided to proceed with it. Can you please tell me what are the risks? Since I don't know any ...
Israel court fines woman over not circumcising son Las Vegas Sun
The court ruled last week that circumcision was for the child's welfare and that the woman must pay the equivalent of nearly $150 each day she refuses to have ...
See all stories on this topic »
No ban on circumcision on Norway | IceNews - Daily News Malcolm
In a letter to the Simon Wiesenthal Center sent last week, Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende gave his assurances that circumcision will not be banned in ...
IceNews - Daily News
Jewish Court forces mother to circumcise son | The Ugly Truth crescentandcross
High Rabbinical Court rules man may perform Jewish ritual on infant despite wife's objection, expressing concern that circumcision will be used as tool in ...
The Ugly Truth
God is Right …. Again : Circumcision offers many health benefits ...
Gen 17:10 This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised. Gen 17:11 ...
Gentoo Forums :: View topic - Mass-circumcision to prevent AIDS
Think about the logics at least FOR ONCE! [edit] Circumcision or not. It's just a penis. An organ for reproducing, lets relay it's profile....with mutilating it, as god ...
Circumcision a key preventive measure for HIV. - MyBroadband
Been hearing this on 702 for the past few days, as the "informing" add goes and then there is a part that says that circumcision is a key preventive measure for ...
Circumcision clinic patients "at risk" (From East London and West ...
The London Circumcision Clinic is not meeting national standards.
Rwanda launches 'non-surgical' circumcision drive to ... - Inagist
RT @STForeignDesk: #Rwanda launches 'non-surgical' circumcision drive to combat HIV http://t.co/lkOva2nQF3 by STcom 405470827350458368.
Christiane Northrup, MD: We Need To Stop Circumcision - via ...
Circumcision is an unnecessary procedure that is painful and can lead to complications, including death. No organization in the world currently recommends this ...
Rwanda launches 'non-surgical' circumcision drive to combat HIV ...
http://news.yahoo.com/rwanda-launches-non-surgical-circumcision-drive-combat-hiv-203407980.html Interesting.
Foreign minister says Norway won't ban circumcision | Metro ...
OSLO, Norway, Nov. 26 (UPI) -- Norwegian Foreign Minister Borge Brende said the country will not ban circumcisions on boys under 18 despite legislation the ...
Israeli mom fined $149 a day for refusing son's circumcision ...
An Israeli woman has been ordered by a religious court to have her baby son circumcised or else pay a fine of $149 for every day he remains uncircumcised....
Christopher Guest - Birth and Beyond Conference 2013 - London ...
He has been speaking out against forced infant circumcision for over 18 years ... You may recognize Dr. Guest from his recent video "Circumcision The Whole ...
Love-Cuts: The Misogynist's Guide to Circumcision - - News100.co.za
It could have been an ordinary public health message about the benefits of medical circumcision (albeit one which is subject to much debate), in a bid to reduce ...
Jews/Muslims circumcise out of ignorance - Mixed Martial Arts Forum
Norwegian official: Jews, Muslims circumcise out of ignoranceNovember 25, 2013 6:12am(JTA) — The Norwegian government's child welfare adviser said Jews ...
It cuts both ways: A Jew argues for child rights over religious ...
Two years ago, in response to an article I wrote questioning circumcision, the ... After it passed a motiondeclaring the circumcision of young boys for religious ...
Day 80 Bible in 90 Days – Loving Circumcision | Microchurch
Day 80 Tuesday: Acts 28:17 – Rom 14:23 Day 81 Wednesday: Rom 15 - 1 Cor 14:40 "For circumcision indeed is of value if you obey the law, but if you break the ...
Eyewitness News: Bafokeng to open male circumcision clinic
The SA government plans to circumcise more than 4 million men by 2016.
Israeli Mom to Ask High Court to Block Rabbis' Circumcision Order ...
An Israeli divorcee who has fought for a year to prevent her son from being circumcised said she will appeal to the Supreme Court to cancel a rabbinical court ...
Should non-medical infant circumcision be permitted? - Page 4 - Off ...
There are pros and cons to circumcision, and reasonable people can come to different positions. But when terms like "mutilation" and barbaric" get thrown ...
Israel: Court fines mother for refusing to have son circumcised ...
In Israel a rabbinical court is punishing a mother for refusing to have her son circumcised. A recent court ruling requires the mother to circumcise her son, ag.
Circumcision - Connecting Singles
A teacher noticed that a little boy at the back of the class was squirming around scratching his crotch and not paying attention She went back to find.
Circumcision killed my BFF's baby - Foreskin Restoration ...
Circumcision killed my BFF's baby General Intactivism Discussion.
Israeli mom fined $149 a day for refusing son's circumcision - World ...
An Israeli woman has been ordered by a religious court to have her baby son circumcised or else pay a fine of $149 for every day he remains uncircumcised.
Norwegian FM: No plans for ban on ritual circumcision | Jewish ...
Norway will not introduce a ban on the non-medical circumcision of boys, the country's foreign minister said.
Court forces mother to circumcise son - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews
Jewish Scene: High Rabbinical Court rules man may perform Jewish ritual on infant despite wife's objection, expressing concern that circumcision will be used ...
RDFRS: Woman fined $140 a day for refusing to circumcise son
Rabbinical judges in the case said they fear the effect that allowing Israeli Jews to freely decide on the ritual circumcision of their own children might have on the ...
North West set to open circumcision clinic | The Citizen
Clinical trials have found that circumcised men were considerably less likely to contract HIV from their female partners.
Rwanda launches non-surgical circumcision | 24 Tanzania News
“Male circumcision is one of the key strategies to achieving an AIDS-free generation,” said Dr Agnès Binagwaho, Rwanda's Minister for Health. “Rwanda was ...
Religious male circumcision - YouTube
This Article Religious male circumcision is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be location at WikiPedia.org. Check us out at WikiP.
Israeli woman fined for refusing to circumcise son (with tweets ...
Rabbinical court rejects mother's appeal of $140 fine for each day the child remains uncircumcised.
Israeli Woman Faces Fines for Refusing to Circumcise Son Reason (blog)
The Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem rejected an appeal Monday by a Netanya woman fined NIS 500 ($140) per day for refusing to circumcise her son, as is ...
Rabbinical court upholds order for mother to circumcise son St. Louis Jewish Light
JERUSALEM (JTA) — The Jerusalem rabbinical court has upheld a ruling requiring an Israeli mother to circumcise her son or pay a fine of $140 a day until he ...
Israeli Mom to Ask High Court to Block Rabbis' Circumcision Order Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu
Israel's Supreme Court soon may have to decide if it wants to set off fireworks and take on a case that involves the authority of a rabbinical court to order a ...
The Jewish Press
Info Sheet: Male Circumcision - Sweet Pea Births Cassandra Okamoto
Certified Childbirth Educators. 2010 Affiliated Bradley® Instructors.
Sweet Peas, Pods & Papas
Rwanda launches circumcision drive Jacaranda FM
The government said circumcision was one of its key strategies for "achieving an ... Non-surgical circumcision involves a plastic device called PrePex comprising ...
Third Clinic to Help Roll Out Medical Circumcision AllAfrica.com
A third medical male circumcision clinic will be opened in the North West as part of a provincial campaign to reduce the risk of HIV infection amongst men.
Rwanda: Health Ministry Aims to Circumcise 700 000 Adult Males by ... Somaliland Sun
November 26, 2013 (Kigali) – The Rwandan Ministry of Health announced today a nationwide scale up of non-surgical adult male circumcision, as one of its ..
Somaliland Sun
Rwanda government launches a 'non-surgical' circumcision program The Voice of Russia
The manufacturers of PrePex confirmed that their invention is very easy in use, which takes only five minutes to apply and that with the help of it, circumcision ...
Illegal initiation schools not tolerated The New Age Online
They wanted to set an example to these killers that botched circumcisions would ... Matidane said Ngezana had been charged with unlawful circumcision and
Woman fined for refusing to circumcise her son - Digital Spy Forums
You know... I actually think it's a bit of both. What you'll find is when you discuss circumcision with an American who is circumcised, you'll sometimes get into the ...
Israeli woman fined $140 a day for refusing to circumcise son ...
Originally Posted by Dame_Enda I make no apology for defending the rights of these Jewish children not to be mutilated. Course you don't. We can see.
Circumcision drive launched in Rwanda Independent Online
Kigali - Rwanda launched Tuesday a national drive to “non-surgically” circumcise 700 000 men in a bid to cut rates of HIV infection, claiming to be the first ..
Independent Online
Israeli court orders mother to circumcise her son Irish Independent
AN Israeli mother has been ordered by a religious court to circumcise her son against her will or face fines of £90 (€107) for every day the procedure is not ...
Irish Independent
Norway Vows Not To Ban Circumcision of Boys Jewish Daily Forward
Norway will not introduce a ban on the non-medical circumcision of boys, the country's foreign minister said. “The position of the government has been and will
The Nordic Page
HIV fight: Rwanda in 'non-surgical' circumcision drive... New Vision
KIGALI - Rwanda launched Tuesday a national drive to "non-surgically" circumcise 700,000 men in a bid to cut rates of HIV infection, claiming to be the first ...
How Circumcision Reduces Risk Of Hiv : SpecialNeedsWare
How Circumcision Reduces Risk Of Hiv. Adding A Hotspot Tutorials. We Help You.
Brief Overview of Genital Mutilation Circumcision Viewer Discretion ...
Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting and female circumcision, is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as "all proc...
Adult Male Circumcision Is About To Become Public Policy In Rwanda
In the name of HIV prevention, a relatively new adult male circumcision device that is bloodless and purportedly painless is about to get its biggest test ye...
Rwanda launches circumcision campaign to tackle HIV | News168 ...
Health ministry wants 700000 adult men to undergo non-surgical circumcision to help lower HIV rate of 2.9%Rwanda says it has become the first country to ...
Circumcision - News | Circumcision Videos & Articles - Global News
Circumcision videos and latest news articles; GlobalNews.ca your source for the latest news on Circumcision .
Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision — Southern and Eastern ...
Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) has been shown to reduce the risk for heterosexually acquired HIV among men by approximately 60% in three ...
Rwanda Pioneers Use of Non-Surgical Circumcision Method ...
NEWS OF RWANDA 27. 11. 2013 Minister Agnes Binagwaho and other health officials at the launch of prepex at Kanombe Military Hospital Rwanda has ...
Norwegian Jews hoping new circumcision rules head off ban
The announcement last week that Norway intends to introduce a bill to “regulate ritual circumcision” comes just over a month after an overwhelming majority of ...
Adult Male Circumcision Is About To Become Public ... - DailyMe.com
In the world of HIV prevention, circumcision is one of the most contentious topics. According to some[1] scientific studies, circumcision can reduce female to male ...
Displaying items by tag: circumcision - Bayoubuzz.com
Million man snip: Men in Africa flock to get circumcised to protect against AIDS ... A man waits to undergo a circumcision procedure at a donor-funded clinic in ...
Video - Clarifying the Circumcision Ban - EU Parliament - jn1.tv
The Council of Europe has been in hot water over a passed resolution, which has been accused of attacking the religious rights to circumcision. But just how ...
Rwanda launches circumcision campaign to tackle HIV
Rwanda launches circumcision campaign to tackle HIV The Africa Forum.
Are Circumcision Rates Dropping | Dota 2 CZ/SK
40 is the new 30. Thirty has also been said to be the same as twenty used to be, and so on!The advantages of cosmetic surgery are truly astounding. If you are ...
Adult Male Circumcision Is About To Become Public Policy ... - Inagist
Adult Male Circumcision Is About To Become Public Policy In Rwanda http://t.co/DgEiZV2zwJ by FastCompany 405988644252819456.
WWE Raw onsite report: A report of the show from New York ... ProWrestling.net
WWE Raw onsite report: A report of the show from New York fettering the best parts of the show and why the crowd chanted “circumcision” during the Xavier ...
Mum fined for refusing to circumcise son | Essential Mums
An Israeli mum has been fined US$140 a day (NZ$172) for refusing to circumcise her son.
Rwanda launches circumcision campaign to tackle HIV ... - ReliefWeb
Health ministry wants 700000 men to undergo non-surgical circumcision to help lower HIV rate of 2.9% Rwanda says it has become the first country to launch a ...
Rwanda launches mass circumcision drive to combat HIV
Rwanda launched Tuesday a national drive to “non-surgically” circumcise 700000 men in a bid to cut rates of HIV infection, claiming to be the first c...
LiveLeak.com - Vodka, Knife and Circumcision
Vodka, Knife and Circumcision. It's Russia so be warned. Loading the player ... Embed ... Thousands face agony or death after Zulu king's circumcision decree ...
Mass circumcision drive in Rwanda to curb HIV | mandera post online
Rwanda has launched a national drive to “non-surgically” circumcise 700,000 men in a bid to cut rates of HIV infection, claiming to be the first country in the ...
Rabbinical court fines woman NIS 500/day until she agrees to ...
Court stated that the mother was refusing to have the boy circumcised as a tactic in her desire to reconcile with her husband.
Circumcision under attack in Europe JNS.org
Caption: A protest against circumcision in Chicago. Credit: Andrew ... Among the Jewish customs that Antiochus banned was circumcision. Because it was the ...
Million man snip: Men in Africa flock to get circumcised to protect ... NBCNews.com
A man waits to undergo a circumcision procedure at a donor-funded clinic in Kisumu, ... Nearly two million men have volunteered to be circumcised using U.S. ...
Israeli mother ordered to pay fine of Sh12, 000 a day for refusing to ... The Standard Digital News
But the unnamed Jerusalem woman told Israeli media: 'I’ve been exposed to a lot of material regarding circumcision and I have decided not to circumcise ..
Israel religious court says mother must have son circumcised Legalbrief (subscription)
An Israeli Rabbinical Court has ordered a woman to circumcise her son ... filed for divorce, and the father insisted on circumcision and the mother opposed.
Israeli mother fined $150 a day for not circumcising son marie claire magazine Australia
“As time went on, I started reading about what actually happens in circumcision, and I realised that I couldn't do that to my son,” the mother told reporters.
Twitter / FastCompany: Adult Male Circumcision Is ...
Adult Male Circumcision Is About To Become Public Policy In Rwanda http://f-st.co/Ys5KljI. Reply; Retweet Retweeted; Delete; Favorite Favorited. More.
What is the female circumcision? – Pussy Poem by Maboo
"What is the female circumcision?" from "Pussy Poem" by Maboo.
Tight Or Loose Circumcision? - Circle of Moms
tight or loose circumcision? - Welcome to Circle of Moms!!
Woman fined over non-circumcision : msnuknews - Inagist
Woman fined over non-circumcision http://t.co/KlUNZKCJYC by msnuknews 406206814108135425.
Circumcision - Memecrunch
Circumcision, featuring Futurama Fry. ... Circumcision 41 minutes ago. Circumcision. Generate a meme using Futurama Fry ...
home circumcision anyone? - Zoklet.net
awesome finally someone makes a device that will allow me to easily mutilate my cock i can't wait to get one and start chopping my cock ...
Israeli mom fined over circumcision | Globalnewsupdates.net
Israelis express their support for a woman who refused to have her son circumcised, in Tel Aviv on Thursday. An Israeli rabbinical court fined the woman ...
Gentoo Forums :: View topic - Mass-circumcision to prevent AIDS
Quote: Studies show circumcision reduces a man's chances of infection with HIV by about 60%. "The scientific evidence couldn't be stronger and the effect is ...
Circumcision - Topix
Let the child choose when he gets older. Not fair for the baby to be tortured and his sexual pleasure that's gives him sensitivity to be slaughtered and removed ...
Gentoo Forums :: View topic - Mass-circumcision to prevent AIDS
Studies show circumcision reduces a man's chances of infection with HIV by ... The goal: 20 million circumcisions among men ages 15-49 in those countries ...
Activists to ACLU: "Stop defending forced circumcision" : MensRights
I'm a circumcised man. I don't hold anybody at fault for it because all my friends my age are also cut up here in Canada. But I refuse to let anybody cut any boys I ...
LiveLeak.com - Russian style circumcision
Tags: circumcision, russia, vodka, WTF Location: Russia (load item map) Marked as: repost. Views: 0 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0 | Favorites: 0 | Shared: 0 ...
Special shower and circumcision for 100 boys - Northern - New ...
KUALA NERANG: A total of 100 children welcomed the school holidays by taking part in a mass circumcision programme at the Kuala Nerang Hospital here ...
The Guardian
IFP Encourages Everyone to Be Tested and Circumcised on World ... AllAfrica.com
The IFP encourages everyone to go get tested and circumcised on this coming World Aids day. IFP spokesperson on Health, Ms Hilda Msweli said, "We ...
Kagera HIV/Aids Infection Rate Rises AllAfrica.com
He urged Kagera residents to take more precautions in HIV mainstreaming and male circumcision. He noted that the rate of male circumcision in the region ...
Daily News
Ruto son in bush for adult studies The Standard Digital News
Last weekend (November 22-24), Ruto's youngest son joined 65 other age mates in a circumcision ritual. Ruto Junior is now in a bush around Kitengela, where .
Chief rescues 20 girls set to undergo illegal cut The Standard Digital News
He said female circumcision has changed in the area as married women opt for the cut while attributing the practice to the stigma that uncircumcised women ...
French Jewish leader : 'Jews do not feel comfortable in France and ... European Jewish Press
"Top-down attempts to ban circumcision and kosher slaughter compound the effect of bottom-up anti-Semitism," he told a symposiuml at the European »
European Jewish Press
One in 500 Newborn Boys Experience Acute Complications From ... Matt
'Doctors in America are usually circumcised or married to men who are circumcised. They have little experience with normal, intact, healthy penises. They also ...
In Africa, circumcision plan targets AIDS prevention Detroit Free Press
Studies show circumcision reduces a man's chances of infection with HIV by ... plan to accelerate the use of voluntary medical male circumcision in 14 countries.
Ottawa Citizen
Rwanda launches circumcision drive Manica Post
KIGALI. — Rwanda launched Tuesday a national drive to “non-surgically” circumcise 700 000 men in a bid to cut rates of HIV infection, claiming to be the
Israeli mom fined over circumcision New York Daily News
The Israeli rabbinate's high court ruled last week the circumcision was for the child's ... of nearly $150 each day she refuses the circumcision to be performed.
New York Daily News
Israeli rabbinical court fines woman hundreds of dollars a day for ... The Republic
JERUSALEM — An Israeli rabbinic court has fined a woman hundreds of dollars for refusing to circumcise her baby son, officials said Thursday, in a landmark
Court Tries Forcing Mom to Circumcise Son Because Dad Wants It ... The Stir
one way sign Circumcision is a personal decision a family makes -- it's also often a religious one. But what happens when a couple disagrees? I'm certain that .
Israeli court fines woman for refusing to circumcise her son The Guardian
A Plastibell device, which can be used to circumcise very young boys. ... The rabbinical court ruled last week that circumcision was for the child's welfare and that ...
Fol.118v (detail) Circumcision, from 'The Rothschild Miscellany ...
image number: IMJ282510; Title: Fol.118v (detail) Circumcision, from 'The Rothschild Miscellany', Northern Italy, c.1450-80 (pen, ink, tempera & gold leaf on ...
Newborn circumcision outcomes: Are parents satisfied with the ...
Although physician-reported complications following circumcision are very low, parental satisfaction is not well documented. This study examined parental ...
To circumcise or no? - Page 13 | Mark's Daily Apple Health and ...
Originally Posted by Iron Will Zoebird, coming from the sex that has a penis, male and female circumcision are vastly different in practice and come.
What Circumcision Do : SMB Creative Group | Help Desk
What Circumcision Do. WiltonDerri posted this on Nov 29 08:14 PM. Getting penis enlargement is not a light decision. You need to take your time and research ...
Should Child Circumcision Be Banned? - d2jsp Topic - d2jsp Forums
You would think something like the experience of circumcision would do something to block Oedipal feelings...goes to show that baby boys don't hold grudges at ...
Jews and Circumcision | Daily Stormer
ABC News | Not only are the Jews permitted to have a racial state, they are also permitted to use this racial state to enforce the sick practices of their weird ...
Ronald Goldman on Circumcision by fiskefyren on deviantART
I think that circumcision is a horrible practice which should be stopped! I cannot support the mutilation of any children!I'm looking at you Christians,...
Let's talk about Wangs: Your opinions on Circumcision - Page 25 ...
Let's talk about Wangs: Your opinions on Circumcision - What the hell is pappyvanwinkle :lol:
The woes of conventional medical male circumcision - The New Times
Ever wondered what it is like to cut your foreskin and have it heal with all the stitches on it? Well, before the PrePex method of tying that is currently in use at ...
Circumcision makes sex less enjoyable for both Men and Women ...
Originally Posted by galacticsenator Uhh I hate to break it to you, but I don't think a baby can consent to circumcision. Children under 18 don't have.
Exactly One Month From Today We'll Be Celebrating Jesus's ...
Why should anyone celebrate genital mutilation?...Find answers to the question, Exactly One Month From Today We'll Be Celebrating Jesus's Circumcision!
Male circumcision is increasingly being used in Africa to help halt ... Deutsche Welle
Marc is one of 200,000 men in Rwanda who have undergone circumcision as part of a government ... The effects of circumcision can be assessed more easily.
Circumcision clinic patients "at risk" East London and West Essex Guardian Series
A private circumcision clinic has been ordered to make improvements after being ... The London Circumcision Clinic in Leytonstone was found to be failing its
Special shower and circumcision for 100 boys New Straits Times
KUALA NERANG: A total of 100 children welcomed the school holidays by taking part in a mass circumcision programme at the Kuala Nerang Hospital here
Norwegian Jews hope new circumcision rules head off ban Heritage Florida Jewish News
(JTA)—News that Norway is planning unspecified new regulations on ritual circumcision could not have come at a more sensitive time. The announcement last ..
Where there is no controversy! Part Ii The Swazi Observer
Infant circumcision is an area of no controversy at all. Good day ... As promised last weekend, we will continue with the topic on infant male circumcision today.
Rwanda turns to male circumcision for HIV/AIDS prevention | MSN ..
'It didn't hurt, it wasn't bad at all,' says Marc Karemangingo with a mixture of pride and embarrassment. The 18 year-old has just been circumcised. ..
Gentoo Forums :: View topic - Mass-circumcision to prevent AIDS
The 'mountain of evidence' is contaminated by gross scientific misconduct by known circumcision advocates. If you'd read the Oxford University blog post you'd ...
My first thought was: Jesus! Circumcision - PistonHeads
being atheist doesnt always help. i come from a long line of atheists but required circumcision for genuine medical reasons as a young child.think the surgeon ...
Woman fined over non-circumcision: An Israeli rabbinic court has ...
Woman fined over non-circumcision: An Israeli rabbinic court has fined a woman hundreds of dollars for refusing to circumcise her baby son, in a landmark case ...
Circumcision campaign to boost HIV prevention South Africa.info
South Africa aims to medically circumcise one-million men over the next 12 months, Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe said at the launch of the government's ...
The Nation
Husband snatcher escapes circumcision plot which was meant to ... The Standard Digital News
Husband snatcher escapes circumcision plot which was meant to tame her libido. By EVELYN NJERU Updated Monday, December 2nd 2013 at 11:59 GMT +3.
The Standard Digital News
Circumcision is Under Attack in Europe Algemeiner
Among the Jewish customs that Antiochus banned was circumcision. ... and the advocates of a ban on circumcision emphasize that their approach is based on ..
Adulterous woman foils circumcision ploy to tame her libido The Standard Digital News
KENYA: It was a close shave for a renowned husband snatcher in Kibos town, Kisumu County, after she narrowly escaped a deadly plot hatched to mutilate her .
The Standard Digital News
50 000 new cases of HIV in Limpopo Independent Online
Separately, 22 000 men were “successfully” circumcised through the traditional ... Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi is a proponent of male circumcision, which is ..
Independent Online
Mandeni on the HIV alert The New Age Online
“There is an increase in the number of males undergoing medical circumcision by 24% as compared 19% previously. Coverage increased to 5% from 1%,” ..
Yahoo Answers - Question for circumcised guys: Does circumcision ...
Some circumcised guys say it feels good to stimula…
Where is a good circumcision clinic in the North West of England?
I have been to a urologist who reccomends that I be circumcised. I have decided I want the procedure to be done privately to avoid having a general anaesthetic ...
If you believe male circumcision is neccessary... - Godlike Productions
Then shouldn't femals have their clitoral hoods removed too. The clitoris is, afterall analogous to the penis and the clitoral hood is therefore a little foreskin on a ...
S/Africa moots circumcision exercise for 1m men - Africa - News ...
At least 1 million men in South Africa will be medically circumcised through the Medical Male Circumcision (MMC) campaign beginning in 2014, according to D.
Male circumcision (from Latin circumcidere, meaning "to cut around")[1] is the surgical removal of the foreskin (prepuce) from the human penis.[2][3][4] In a...
Gentoo Forums :: View topic - Mass-circumcision to prevent AIDS
Oh good grief! I am primarily against circumcising children and secondarily against promoting circumcision when normal hygiene and condoms will suffice.
toddler circumcision - The Bub Hub
Hi , Does anyone know of an doctors that do circumcision for toddler 12months old in the bathurst NSW area.
Ritus: Die Beschneidung von Jungen ist fester Bestandteil des ...
Ritus: Die Beschneidung von Jungen ist fester Bestandteil des Judentums. Foto: dpa.
Re: Aktuell: Beschneidung ist strafbar – Seite 74 - eBay Community
Nein, ich kann keinen link präsentieren. Diese Quote wurde in den Medien (Presse und FS) mehrfach genannt. Die meisten Mädchen sterben in Folge ans...
"Betroffene besser schützen" Oberbayerisches Volksblatt
Durch ihr Engagement und das ihres Ehemannes konnte im Projektgebiet die Beschneidung von 30000 Mädchen vermieden werden. Der Grundsatz des ...
sse für Beschneidung
Beschneidung - GodsCloud - ZDFmediathek - ZDF Mediathek
Bei Muslimen und Juden gehört die Beschneidung zu den verbindlichen Zeichen der Religionszugehörigkeit. Warum gibt es die Beschneidung bei Christen ...
BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN Augsburg-Stadt - Genitale ...
Der von der Augsburger TERRE DES FEMMES Städtegruppe produzierte Film informiert darüber hinaus über Daten und Fakten der genitalen Beschneidung.
Beschneidung - April 2014 BabyClub - BabyCenter
an die mutter eines sohnes werden: mein freund hat den wunsch geäußert, das wen wir einen sohn bekommen: dieser beschnitten werden soll.... ich persönlich ...
Israel: Tägliche Geldstrafe bis Mutter der Beschneidung ihres ... ShortNews.de
Eine Israelische Mutter wurde von einem religiösen Gericht in Haifa dazu verurteilt, täglich eine Geldstrafe von umgerechnet knapp 100 Euro zu zahlen, solange .
Politik: Knabenbeschneidung als Grenzfall Tagesspiegel
Der Beschluss der Ermittler lässt nun offen, ob die Beschneidung von Teichtals ... Man habe für die Legitimität der Beschneidung gekämpft, aber nicht für die
Krise in Spanien Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Die Regierung Rajoy will in Spanien mit hohen Bussgeldern gegen unangekündigte Proteste vorgehen. Kritiker befürchten eine Beschneidung demokratischer
Norwegen garantiert Zulässigkeit der Beschneidung - haOlam.de
haOlam.de - das deutsch-israelische Onlinemagazin.: Norwegen garantiert Zulässigkeit der Beschneidung.
Streit um Beschneidung – Rabbinergericht verurteilt Frau zur ... - Kipa
Jerusalem, 26.11.13 (Kipa) Wegen ihrer Weigerung, ihren Sohn entsprechend der jüdischen Tradition beschneiden zu lassen, hat das Rabbinergericht Haifa ...
Welt-Aids-TagWie Beschneidung vor Ansteckung schützt ...
Zahlreiche Studien haben gezeigt, dass die Beschneidung der Penisvorhaut vor einer HIV-Infektion schützt. Die stärksten Beweise dafür, dass beschnittene ...
Beschneidung on Instagram | OnInStagram
|beschneidung|türkisch|mit|beiden|brüdern|damals|alle|sehr. Like. #beschneidung #türkisch #mit #beiden #brüdern #damals #alle #sehr #jung #sünnet #fener ...
Rabbinergericht belegt Israelin mit 140 Dollar Geldstrafe pro Tag ...
FAILED MESSIAH über die modern-orthodoxe (also fortschrittlich-konservative oder progressiv-mittelalterliche) Zukunft der Beschneidungsdebatte. 25.
Wie ist es danach? | Forum: Beschneidung | NetDoktor.at
Also die Beschneidung steht an, ich hoffe, dass ich baldigst den Termin bekomme, habe ja seit 8 Wochen eine vorhautentzündung, und da meine Blutwerte ...
Beschneidung// Vorteile und Nachteile ? // Ändert sich der ...
Hey Community, so wies aussieht werd ich wohl demnächst beschnitten. ... Mach dir mal keine Sorgen. Für Frauen machts keinen Unterschied bei "der Sache" ob ...
Landschaftspflegetag bei Hainsberg Thüringer Allgemeine
Im Fokus des Interesses standen Maschinen, die zur Beschneidung von Pflanzen an den Weges- und Feldrändern genutzt werden. Foto: Tobias Schubert.
Beschneidung - wertvolle Tradition oder fundamentalischer Wahn?
Alles rund um die Schwangerschaft, schwanger werden, Geburt, Baby & Familie. Die Community für Schwangere, Mütter & Frauen mit Kinderwunsch.
Beschneidung als Aids-Vorsorge in Ruanda | Afrika | DW.DE | 28.11 ...
Im Kampf gegen HIV/Aids setzen afrikanische Länder auf eine neue Methode: die männliche Beschneidung. Bei beschnittenen Männern sei das Infektionsrisiko ...
Beschneidung: ein Vater kämpft mit seinen Gefühlen - Judentum ...
Ich finde diesen Bericht außerordentlich lesenswert. Der Vater spricht offen über das Hin und Her seiner Gefühle. Beyond The Bris. Zum Seitenanfang ...
Wegen Beschneidung verurteilt - tachles.ch
In Uster hat die Staatsanwaltschaft eine junge Mutter wegen Körperverletzung verurteilt, weil sie ihren zweijährigen Knaben aus rituellen Gründen beschneiden ...
Verfahren wegen Beschneidung eingestellt neues deutschland
Berlin. Die Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft hat ein Verfahren gegen einen jüdisch-orthodoxen Rabbiner wegen eines umstrittenen Beschneidungsrituals eingestellt.
Schwarz-Rot plant den Überwachungsstaat - Scharfe Kritik an ... Hannover Zeitung
In einem Gespräch mit der "Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung" betonte Lindner, Schwarz-Rot habe sich auf erhebliche Beschneidungen der Bürgerrechte verständigt ...
Hannover Zeitung
Israel: Strafe, weil Sohn nicht beschnitten wird hpd.de
Als die Religionsrichter erfahren, dass die Mutter ihren einjährigen Sohn nicht beschneiden lassen möchte, legen sie ihr eine Geldstrafe auf, die 140 Dollar pro ...
Geldstrafe, weil Sohn nicht beschnitten ist BILD
Das Hohe Gericht des Rabbinats von Israel urteilte, dass die Frau für jeden Tag, den sie die Beschneidung hinauszögert, umgerechnet rund 100 Euro zahlen ...
Der Preis der Vorhaut hpd.de
Im israelischen Fall will der Vater die Beschneidung, die Mutter (inzwischen unter dem ... Nicht nur bei Gegnern der Beschneidung, sondern auch bei weniger ...
Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen »
Zahlreiche Studien haben gezeigt, dass die Beschneidung der ... Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung)
Welt-Aids-TagWie Beschneidung vor Ansteckung schützt Zahlreiche Studien haben gezeigt, dass die Beschneidung der Penisvorhaut vor einer HIV-Infektion .
Beschneidung Ritual Archives | Universität Koblenz-Landau
In einigen Kulturen sind Beschneidungen ein Initiationsritus. Für andere Kulturen ist diese Praxis befremdlich und führt immer wieder zu Kontroversen. Wie kann ...
SCHATTENBLICK - AUSLAND/2020: Äthiopien - Beschneidung von ...
SCHATTENBLICK → MEDIZIN → GESUNDHEITSWESEN → AUSLAND/2020: Äthiopien - Beschneidung von Männern im Kampf gegen Aids (IPS) - IPS-Inter Press ...
Beschneidung II (UMT) - www.mykath.de - Seite 13
Ich würde bis zum Beweis des Gegenteils die Information erst mal für zweifelhaft halten. Dazu hat Gallowglas schon zu oft ideologisch motivierte Fal...
Beschneidung abgelehnt - Rabbinatsgericht in Jerusalem verurteilt ...
"Freitag, 29. November 2013 Beschneidung abgelehnt - Rabbinatsgericht in Jerusalem verurteilt Mutter zu Geldstrafe In Israel ist eine Mutter zu einer Geldstrafe ...
Betäubt, Kaiserschnitt, Kind in den Händen der Behörde Telepolis
... Betreuungsgeld, Sorgerecht bis hin zur nicht-medizinisch induzierten Beschneidung - hat die frühere britische Regierung unter Premier Blair Mitte der 2000er .
Beschneidung II (UMT) - www.mykath.de - Seite 14
Das mag sein, aber so viele Weihnachtsmänner hätte ich dort halt nicht erwartet.
Olaf Standke über Londoner Pläne zur Beschneidung der EU ... neues deutschland
Olaf Standke über Londoner Pläne zur Beschneidung der EU-Freizügigkeit. Zwar nörgelt der britische Premierminister David Cameron gern mal an der EU .
Neue Einnahmequelle Weinheimer Nachrichten - Odenwälder Zeitung
Was soll nun schon wieder die Beschneidung der Rechte freier Bürger in Deutschland? Wenn ich zur Arbeit fahre, sind auf der Mannheimer Straße sowieso .
3sat.online - Mediathek: Beschneidung soll Risiko für Infektion senken
Video - Mitarbeiter der Organisation IRDO klären Männer in Kenia darüber auf, dass eine Beschneidung das Risiko senkt, sich mit HIV zu infizieren.
Beschneidung soll Risiko für Infektion senken - Hilfsorganisation in ...
Auch Männer im Erwachsenenalter sollen sich beschneiden lassen, rät IRDO ... Bei der Beschneidung wird die Vorhaut des Penis operativ teilweise oder ganz ...
Neuer Todesfall nach Beschneidung - Beschneidungen mit ...
Maaz our Little Angel. 20 days old passed away on 11-28-2013 due to painkiller overdose...... given by doctor ! he was fine at that time , when we take him to the ...
Kagera HIV/AIDS infection rate rises - Beschneidung und AIDS/HIV ...
She says the voluntary circumcision drive in sub-Saharan Africa will be directed at men who "receive very little unbiased information, whose 'informed' consent ...
Beschneidung: ein Vater kämpft mit seinen Gefühlen - Judentum ...
Nein, der sagt von sich, dass er nicht religiös ist. Aber eben ein sehr "identitätsbewusster" Jude. Endlich mal was erbauliches! Sonst gehen diese ...
Shas, Yesh Atid MKs unite in fighting European anti-circumcision ...
In a rare case of cooperation, Knesset members from both factions to head to Paris to battle resolution....
Despite Urban Legend, Circumcision Has No Influence on Sexual ...
I've also heard, "An uncircumcised penis is a shar pei-shaped germ trap." When it comes to the circumcision debate, the grass is always greener on the other ...
Tuli circumcision
Tuli circumcision. New Year's Resolutions Poem. Filipino " tuli " is usually done on "Black Saturday," the day after Good Friday, during the Christian Easter ...
Iraqi Kurdistan fights female circumcision - Kurd Net
TWTAKEL, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— Female circumcision is slowly declining in Iraqi Kurdistan. Years of campaigning and a law against the practise have borne ...
Circumcision._Huntington_Library - Medievalists.net
Circumcision._Huntington_Library [The Holy Foreskin]. By. Medievalists.net. – December 9, 2013. Circumcision._Huntington_Library ...
Jewish Circumcision: Cutting with Tradition
Jewish Circumcision: Cutting with Tradition ... Circumcision Secrets - P…… Play · 300x200 ... Newborn Circumcision Car…… Play · 300x200 ...
At-Home Circumcision - YouTube
For Educational Use Only - Fair Use - To remove this video please send email to medicaledu@yahoo.com. A woman injures her baby boy after attempting to ...
Self circumcision pictures
CIRCLIST's page about the Tara KLamp, the original clip-and-wear circumcision device. Male circumcision (from Latin circumcidere, meaning "to cut around") is ...
Should non-medical infant circumcision be permitted? - Page 8 - Off ...
See I find this completely unpersuasive, especially involving children. It's settled law in Canada that the rights of the child trump the religious rights of the parent.
2013-12-09 Tablet Mag. - "Landmark Study: Circumcision Doesn't ...
Across Europe, pushes to ban circumcision have rested on its supposedly deleterious effects on a child's body, and lack of demonstrable benefits. Anne Lindboe ...
Photo female circumcision before and after - free ebook downloads
Photo female circumcision before and after free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - Participatory Photography Draft - Population Media ...
Circumscribed: Circumcision as Dismemberment in Shteyngart's ...
In the Jewish world, circumcision has prompted many jokes that have found their way into the mainstream. On the internet you'll find a lot of these Jewish jokes.
Circumcision Disagreement - The Bump
I am currently 32 weeks pregnant and my DH I are in complete disagreement about circumcision.
Self circumcision pictures
Expert urological treatment information including: prostate cancer treatment options, prostate cancer diagnosis, prostatitis treatment options, adult circumcision.
Anyone else really actively oppose circumcision? - Page 16 - Hip ...
Originally Posted by eggsprog View Post. To be fair, in most of the word circumcision is considered abnormal. That's actually very true! You know, over here, ...
Anyone else really actively oppose circumcision? - Page 15 - Hip ...
Additionally... perhaps a lot of this conflict is social/cultural. Consider the fact that I am from the UK where circumcision is far less common than in the States.
Shalom Life
Parliamentarians pass resolutions on Iran Canadian Jewish News (blog)
And in a separate resolution, the Jewish lawmakers criticized a number of European governments that had passed measures against male circumcision, calling ...
Landmark Study: Circumcision Doesn't Reduce Sexual Pleasure ... Yair Rosenberg
Across Europe, pushes to ban circumcision have rested on its supposedly deleterious effects on a child's body, and lack of demonstrable benefits. Anne Lindboe ...
Tablet Magazine
How does sex feel after your adult circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
I demand answers ONLY from people who expirienced an adult circumcision ... I got circumcised at the age of 20 and personally for me sex feels the same before ...
Circumcision, Why? - Find Answers to this Question
Answers to the question, Circumcision, Why? Answers to Questions from People Who Know at Ask Experience Project.
close to 90000 zimbabwean males circumcised this year
HARARE, Dec 10 (NNN-NEW ZIANA) -- Close to 90000 males in Zimbabwe have been circumcised so far this year, still short of the 2013 target of 115000 but a ...
2011-02-11 Mens Health- Is your circumcision making you soft ...
2011-02-11 Mens Health- Is your circumcision making you soft? Press Room.
Circumcision of infants - Page 21 - Historum - History Forums
Originally Posted by Peter Gardner A little boy asked his father "Dad, what does "circumcision" mean?" His father replied "It'
Study: Circumcision Does NOT Decrease Sexual Pleasure Shalom Life
A new study conducted by Australian scientists, who analyzed close to 40 studies on the issue, confirm that circumcision has "no effect on sensitivity or ...
Tablet Magazine
Close To 90000 Zimbabwean Males Circumcised This Year Bernama
The rise has been attributed to the increase in facilities offering the operation with male circumcision now performed at provincial, district and mission hospitals ...
Astro Awani
Filipina runs amok for fear of husband's 'circumcision' Emirates 24/7
A Filipina woman ran amok at a hospital in Saudi Arabia where her husband was to have circumcision after converting to Islam, screaming to doctors not to cut ...
Mohel Asks Fathers to Help at Circumcision Shalom Life
At a Brit Milah in California, Mohel Cantor Philip Sherman asked new father Natan Zaidenweber if he would like to help perform the bris on his son. Where most
Adult male circumcision: Is elective, adult male ... - Debate.org
Adult male circumcision: Is elective, adult male circumcision a good idea? Add a New Topic; Add to My Favorites; Debate This Topic; Report This Topic.
Infant male circumcision: Is a circumcised penis healthy through ...
Infant male circumcision: Is a circumcised penis healthy through adulthood? Research this topic: Israel. Add a New Topic; Add to My Favorites; Debate This ...
circumcision - Bodybuilding.com Forums
wtf is wrong with you people! you re cutting your D's for wut? that's madness.
SHOPS Presents Male Circumcision Coverage Expansion Effort at ...
On December 10, 2013, Dineo Dawn Pereko, country representative of the SHOPS team in Namibia, presented a poster on expanding coverage of voluntary ...
Florida Circumcision Costs Skyrocket After State Stops ... - Fresh news
This has to hurt: more and more older boys are getting circumcised in Florida.After Florida terminated Medicaid funding for infant circumcision, circumcision costs ...
It's official: Circumcision DOESN'T affect sexual pleasure, according ...
Originally Posted by BlueEyedGirl87 It's official: Circumcision DOESN'T affect sexual pleasure, according to biggest ever study of the issue | Mail.
I was circumcised when i was a man.? - Yahoo Answers
Now I feel as if I am pregnant. My muscles no longer work, My penis feels like a ... What does playing with legos and xbox have to do with you feeling pregnant and ...
A safe male circumcision camp organized at Gulu regional referral hospital for one week has registered low turn as residents prepare to celebrate the festive ...
Pictures of guys after circumcision - free ebook downloads
Pictures of guys after circumcision free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - Care Of Newborn Boys With Or Without Circumcision - Parkland ...
Poor 3rd child: a circumcision question - Page 4 - The Bump
Out of curiosity, how many no-circ parents are STM's? Do any of you have daughters? Are their ears pierced? When did that happen and did they ask for it, or did ...
Editorial: The Islamic view on female circumcision ... - MyScienceWork
The history of Islam had not itself been previously confronted with what is now called “women's issues,”despite the great diversity in customs and cultures among ...
ADL Submits Brief in Oregon Circumcision Case
The Anti-Defamation League today joined several major Jewish organizations in filing an amicus brief with the Oregon Supreme Court in a case involving a ...
Circumcision tuli
What Happens During Circumcision ? New A video clip showing part of the circumcision procedure (including audio) is now available. (From the film "Nurses of ...
Circumcision and Skin Bridges « Modern Mama
For those of us who chose to circumcise our sons, I can't stress enough just how important aftercare is following the procedure. Educating ourselves as much as ...
Granny on the run after circumcision process BACKFIRED in ...
Granny on the run after circumcision process BACKFIRED in Nyandarua.
Rwanda HIV Prevention: Adult Male Circumcision - Finding Justice
In an HIV and AIDS prevention tactic, Rwanda is promoting adult male circumcision in hopes to reduce its spread throughout Africa.
Circumcision nurses
Feb 16, 2010 · PubMed and other databasess were searched with keywords and MeSH terms including infant/newborn/pediatric/TEEN, circumcision ...
Negative claims over circumcision false - YouTube
A recent study has proved that the myth which states circumcision reduces sexual pleasure is false.
90000 men circumcised this year New Zimbabwe.com
CLOSE to 90,000 men have been circumcised so far this year, an official in the ministry of health revealed this week. The number is still short of the 2013 target
New Zimbabwe.com
Florida Circumcision Costs Skyrocket After State Stops Funding ... Huffington Post
This has to hurt: more and more older boys are getting circumcised in Florida. After Florida terminated Medicaid funding for infant circumcision, circumcision ...
Shas, Yesh Atid MKs unite in fighting European anti-circumcision ... Jerusalem Post
The measure could be understood as banning ritual male circumcision for children, together with female circumcision, tattoos and body piercing for those under ...
Nearly 90000 Zimbabwean Males Circumcised This Year malaysiandigest.com
Pic: www.nydailynews.com HARARE: Close to 90,000 males in Zimbabwe have been circumcised so far this year. The number is still short of the 2013 target of ...
90 000 males circumcised in Zimbabwe — Nehanda Radio admin
Close to 90000 males in Zimbabwe have been circumcised so far this year, still short of the 2013 target of 115000 but a remarkable increase from the 40755 ...
Nehanda Radio
Circumcision Disagreement - Page 2 - The Bump
Have you and your husband sat down and watched videos of actual circumcisions on YouTube? That's how I changed my DH's mind. Also, the whole death ...
Christmas Preparations Fail Safe Male Circumcision Drive | Uganda ...
Do you think child circumcision is assault? - Yahoo Answers
Mrs. God If you mean cutting toe nails then that's not the same because ... I think abortion is more of an assault. ... no, most men are thankful for it when they're older.
MKs Head to Paris to Fight Circumcision Measure - Hamodia
YERUSHALAYIM - A delegation of members of Knesset headed for Paris on Tuesday to make Israel's voice heard in the European debate over circumcision, ...
Self circumcision surgery
Urology specialist in Laser Circumcision surgery for TEENren and adult with phimosis or tight foreskin. Precise, less bleeding and pain, quicker recovery ...
Guys: Need advice- Circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
Hey, I'm 18 years old and I recently found out I have tight foreskin. I've known ... if it hurts to have sex then you have to do something about it... see a urologist.
Ending A Tradition: Breaking Free Of The Circumcision Cycle ...
Penn Jillette, of the Penn & Teller Bullshit video series, has this to say about circumcision: ""So circumcision started as a sacrifice- because God wanted the.
Israeli mother pleads for help over court-ordered circumcision ...
After my exposure to the information regarding circumcision, I refuse to mutilate my baby. I don't have the right and I do not agree! He was born whole and he will ...
Stories | Keyword: male circumcision | Uganda Radio Network
Christmas Preparations Fail Safe Male Circumcision Drive · Health · Analysis · 1 File · Dec 2013 · Accepted · Restricted. safe male circumcision circumcision ...
Circumcision question - Stormfront
Hi Ladies, I have a question and poll for a girlfriend of mine who is not a White Nationalist. We both had sons together at about the same time and.
Just a reminder for circumcision for those who are preparing ...
This isn't coming from me, but the Lord. I am just reminding people that is all. The below is found in Ezekiel regarding the Temple and Sanctuary at the end of the ...
Fighting the Taboo of Circumcision on Vimeo
Dec. 10th was International Human Rights Day and one group of activists decided to fight the taboo topic of circumcision outside the United Nations. Daniel ...
Adult male circumcision: Do certain religions require ... - Debate.org
It should not be a requirement to be circumcised as part of a religion. My disagreement stems from most of these circumcisions being performed when the child is ...
Govt launches investigation on circumcision scandal | Radio Dialogue
THE Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education says it will investigate reports that Embakwe High School allowed their pupils to be circumcised without the ...
Inspired by the circumcision question..? - Yahoo Answers
Inspired by an answer..unless you are Jewish..how would you know if every guy in your family was circumcised? I'm not saying it's weird to know that..or have ...
Circumcision Disagreement - Page 3 - The Bump
joules235 said: ETA: The whole "Youtube a circumcision, it looks really painful" is such a stupid argument; as PPs said, this applies to any medical procedure.
Watch: Israeli invention for non-surgical circumcision in Rwanda
Dec 11, 2013 - PrePex is an Israeli invention for safe, non-surgical male circumcision.
Circumcision and CD - BabyCenter
Not starting a pro or anti circ conversation, just providing the info... Some moms to be have asked on here about the Vaseline and CDing, the gauze I would think ...
Even if circumcision DID lower your... - Ending A Tradition - Facebook
Even if circumcision DID lower your chances of getting HIV, which it DOESN'T, what's the point if you still have to wear a condom? ~LuciansMommy.
Circumcision Archives - Finding Justice
I never knew how polarizing male circumcision could be until I recently read about male circumcision becoming public policy in Rwanda, Africa. The reason for ...
Circumcision question - December 2013 - BabyCenter
Hi all. Archie got circumsized today. Everything went well and there were no tears. Just one concern/question...he had a huge feed just before 11am and the ...
Quebec doctor accused of botching circumcisions CBC.ca
A Quebec doctor could be prohibited from performing circumcisions after Quebec's Collège des Médecins received a complaint that he'd performed more than ...
Israeli Device Used in Rwanda to Help Prevent HIV/AIDS Shalom Life
Six years ago, the UN set a goal to circumcise 20 million Africans 14 nations by ... The reason is the relatively high cost of circumcision, the need for a sterile ...
Shalom Life
Court: Circumcisions of Muslim boys not an offence Helsinki Times (subscription)
A PERSON convicted for performing circumcision on two Muslim boys has been acquitted of assault charges by the Helsinki Court of Appeal. The court also ...
Helsinki Times (subscription)
Blogs 1 new result for circumcision
Govt launches investigation on circumcision scandal | Radio Dialogue Lulu Brenda Harris
THE Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education says it will investigate reports that Embakwe High School allowed their pupils to be circumcised without the ...
Radio Dialogue
Male circumcision 'doesn't affect sexual satisfaction' - Health News ...
The Mail Online says: “It's official: Circumcision doesn't affect sexual pleasure”. The story follows publication of a study reviewing the scientific literature to find ...
Video - Negative claims over circumcision false - News - jn1.tv
According to recent finding from the University of Sydney, circumcision has no adverse effects on sexual function or satisfaction. The study also found that ...
finnish court rules circumcision of muslim boys not ... - Tundra Tabloids
The key thing here to take into account, is the big difference between Islamic and Jewish methods in regards to how a male child is circumcised. In Judaism, the ...
German circumcision law still under fire Deutsche Welle
A year ago Germany, after a long and heated debate, passed a controversial new circumcision law. It was meant to be a Solomonic solution, but critics say that ...
Circumcision Under Attack in Europe The Jewish Voice
A protest against circumcision in Chicago. Photo Credit: Andrew Ciscel via Wikimedia Commons. This week, as Jews across the world celebrated Hanukkah, ...
Doctor accused of botching circumcisions Montreal Gazette
MONTREAL — On his website, Montreal family physician Dr. Raymond Rezaie touts his skills in performing infant circumcisions, boasting that he has travelled .
Survey Shows Diminishing Female Circumcision Practice Sudan Vision
Khartoum - National Council for Children Welfare (NCCW) said female circumcision has diminished as shown by a survey conducted in 2010. According to the ...
Sudan Vision
Australian Study Concludes Circumcision Does Not Decrease Male ... International Business Times AU
Boys lie down on top of a table in an attempt to set a new world record for the most number of boys taking part in a mass circumcision in Marikina City, Metro ...
International Business Times AU
Iraqi Kurdistan: Trend Toward Decline In Female Circumcision UNPO
After years of campaigning and a 2011 law banning female circumcision, there is now a slow trend toward a decline in this practice in Iraqi Kurdistan. Although ...
circumcision - CafeMom
did anyone adopt an uncircumcised son and decided to have him circumcised? was it an easy ordeal or bad experience?
Anyone else really actively oppose circumcision? - Page 17 - Hip ...
So, female circumcision is fine too when the culture or religion calls for it? There was a lot of information in that vid... you'd probably have to read quite a lot ...
Circumcision of Jesus Parmigianino - YouTube
This Article Circumcision of Jesus Parmigianino is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be location at WikiPedia.org. Check us out a ...
Israel's chief rabbinate says oral-genital suction at circumcision is ...
from the circumcision wound, is under scrutiny in Germany, due to a complaint filed against a Berlin rabbi for allegedly committing bodily harm during a brit milah ...
Circumcision - Google Groups
I am currently 29 wks pregnant, and my baby boy is due on Feb 28th. I just want to know if anyone has a good protocol for circumcision care. Thank you for ...
German circumcision law still under fire: A year ago Germany, after a ...
German circumcision law still under fire: A year ago Germany, after a long and heated debate, passed a controv... http://t.co/EDtPyklm2i by dw_germany ...
Prawer Plan, Urban Art, Circumcision and More – Weekend Edition ...
Prawer Plan, Urban Art, Circumcision and More – Weekend Edition ... a new Israeli device to that will be used to circumcise almost a million Africans; and more.
A guy goes to his Rabbi to price a circumcision... : Jokes - reddit
He says, "Rabbi, how much do you charge for a circumcision?" And the Rabbi says, "Not much, I just keep the tips."
Israeli mom fined $149 a day for refusing son's circumcision - Page 2
This woman's refusal has ensured media attention being drawn to the issue of male genital mutilation. Imagine the effect many more parents similarly.
CircLeaks: Does your OB/Gyn require a "circumcision deposit"?
Fan Question: I am pregnant with my second child and my regular OB (who delivered my daughter) started a new policy that forces patients to pay a "circ ...
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American indian hispanic catholic similar to the australian male circumcision is rather medical association vol. The one or two circumcision from the schedule ...
2013-12-12 Deutsche Welle - German circumcision law still under fire
A ruling by a Cologne regional court in the spring of 2012 set off a fierce debate over the Jewish and Muslim ritual of circumcision. The court decided that ...
Child Circumcision - Circle of Moms
Child circumcision - come and have a chat if your child is going to have a circumcision - Stay at Home Moms.
Former inmates decry forced circumcision - National - monitor.co.ug
Another former inmate, Mr David Ojok, who claimed he was also forced to circumcise, said proper sanitation, which should guarantee proper healing, was not ...
Tuli circumcision pictures
Operation " tuli " ( circumcision ) is part of organizations medical assistance. Related to Tuli . Tuli Circumcision ; Tuli Cattle; Tuli Kupferberg; Tuli Heel Cups; Tuli ...
Female Circumcision In Islam | Researchomatic
Free research that covers introduction female circumcision is generally described as the tradition of removing or altering the external genitals of girls. it is mainly ...
International Business Times AU
Jewish convert writes comedy show about how he was circumcised ... Ham&High
“Circumcision isn't a medical procedure, it's a covenant of faith between you, God and continuing generations so I had to go through a religious exercise which I ...
Zimbabwe: 90 000 Circumcised AllAfrica.com
Head of Aids and TB Unit in the Ministry of Health and Child Care Dr Owen Mugurungi said 87 858 men were circumcised this year, more than double the ...
Pepfar targets Aids-free era The Observer
Since its inception in 2003, Pepfar has provided treatment to over 507,000 Ugandans living with HIV, funded about 25 million HIV tests and circumcision of over
Males embrace circumcision - Southern Eye
MORE than 80 000 males were circumcised countrywide from January to October 2013 this year representing 76% of the annual target of 115 000 ...
Why the Double Standard on Circumcision? - MMO-Champion
How come male circumcision is seen as acceptable in the US (as well as in other countries) but female circumcision is rightly looked down upon? I know male ...
circumcision - BabyCenter
My son was circumcised but they did not cut enough of the skin off. Now 6 weeks later the penis is beginning to attach to the inside of the foreskin. I'm worried if it ...
Circumcision numbers rise | Celebrating Being Zimbabwean
The number of men responding to the circumcision call has doubled, health ... The circumcision call has seen local celebrities like Sulumani, Jah Prayzah and ...
What evidence is there on the medical effects of circumcision?
I have heard many conflicting things about circumcision. I have heard that it reduces the rate of STDs, including AIDS, and cancer in the man and his wife. On the ...
German Circumcision Law Still Under Fire - Haberler.com
A year ago Germany, after a long and heated debate, passed a controversial new circumcision law. It was meant to be a Solomonic solution, but critics say that ...
Circumcision photos - free ebook downloads - MyBookezzz.org
Circumcision photos free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - Framework for clinical evaluation of devices for male circumcision.
Abakwetha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abakwetha, from the Xhosa, is a group of young males who are learning to become men and who are undergoing a circumcision ceremony. A single male in the ...
Making my circumcision scar less noticeable - Virtual Teen Forums
Making my circumcision scar less noticeable Puberty For Boys.
Former inmates decry forced circumcision - Foreskin Restoration ...
2013-12-13 The Monitor (Uganda) - Former inmates decry forced circumcision Press Room.
2012-08-14 ClinicalTrials.gov - Increasing Availability and ...
2012-08-14 ClinicalTrials.gov - Increasing Availability and Acceptability of Circumcision in Zambia Press Room.
Circumcision is a horrible thing. - Page 4 - R3VLimited Forums
Actually penile cancer rates are effectively zero after circumcision. ... In the end, decisions about circumcision are highly personal and often depend more on.
Adult circumcision - any advice? :: Men's Health
Wow thanks captain honeycut, glad your hernia op was a success, thanks for positive output, put my mind at rest, its 3 weeks till op wish it was tomorrow, I hate ...
Circumcision Pramoedya Ananta Toer Summary - at zmh120.com
Circumcision pramoedya ananta toer summary. 1 µ Home Insurance is underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc. It is an annual contract and may be ...
"Circumcision is not the right thing, to torture infants." - YouTube
"I saw a baby that was circumcised, and it was filmed, and if anybody saw that, they would know that circumcision was not the right thing, to torture infants...
Check20 - 1205601 PT# 85-6551 Probe Circumcision 5" SS Ea ...
1205601 PT# 85-6551 Probe Circumcision 5" SS Ea Made by Sklar Instruments. B667M00M, L52382. Further information is here ...
Male circumcision 'doesn't affect sexual satisfaction' NHS Choices
The Mail Online says: “It's official: Circumcision doesn't affect sexual pleasure”. The story follows publication of a study reviewing the scientific literature to find ...
Videos about “Circumcision” on Vimeo
There are 184 videos about “Circumcision” on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
News 1 new result for circumcision
A Jew Argues for Child Rights Over Religious Circumcision Salem-News.Com
(TEL AVIV) - Circumcision without consent violates a person's right to bodily integrity, a cornerstone of post-Holocaust human rights law. Two years ago, in ...
Blogs 1 new result for circumcision
NGOs and pediatricians conclude: circumcision law has failed ... admin
One year after non-therapeutic foreskin amputations (circumcisions) have been legalized in Germany, seven NGOs and Medical Associations conclude: ...
MOGiS e.V. - Eine Stimme für Betroffene
[DRAFT]Repeal GAR #141- Permit Male Circumcision - Forum
AFFIRMING the intent of General Assembly Resolution #141, 'Permit Male Circumcision', to allow the practice of circumcision within all World Assembly ...
Is Refusing to Provide Commercial Services for a Circumcision ...
Here's the hypothetical: Shlomo Cohen has been blessed with a son, but he lives in San Francisco, where there is a vocal anti-circumcision movement.
Female Genital Mutilation or circumcision? Sustaining age-long ...
For some, it is just female circumcision, synonymous with the male counterpart, but some are of the notion that it is mutilation of the female genital organ.
Circumcision Scheme Nets 90,000 Zim Men - Zimbabwe | ReliefWeb
WASHINGTON DC — Head of the AIDS and Tuberculosis Unit in the Health Ministry Dr. Owen Mugurungi says 90000 men were circumsed this year, nearly ...
Circumcision surgery
Dec 08, 2013 · Is a circumcision painful for a baby? How can the pain be reduced? What are the contraindications to circumcision (the reasons against doing it)?
Ear piercing vs. circumcision - BabyCenter - Community
There ARE medical benefits to circumcision. Anyone with half a brain knows that ^^^actually there are no medical benefits to RIC. none whatsoever. --. ~Kate ...
Female circumcision before after pictures - free ebook downloads
Female circumcision before after pictures free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - Effectiveness of interventions designed to reduce the ...
Any circumcised latino men/teens out there or am i the only one?
I'm from California where circumcision rates are in the low 20% and has a high ... Most of the men that I know are circumcised and I KNOW a lot of men. I can count ...
Adult male circumcision: Do females prefer circumcised penises? Add a New Topic; Add to My Favorites; Debate This Topic; Report This Topic. Adult male ...
Quebec doctor accused of botching #circumcision s More than 30 ...
Quebec doctor accused of botching #circumcision s More than 30 boys were repeatedly traumatized. #i2 http://t.co/wEAsUuNXcd by IntactVoices ...
Newborn Baby Open Question Will my baby get forced into ...
This Article Newborn Baby Open Question Will my baby get forced into circumcision is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be ...
+ Male Circumcision without Surgeon... - No Hope For the Human ...
+ Male Circumcision without Surgeon Offers Hope of AIDS-Free Generation in Rwanda Kim Lewis December 02, 2013 WASHINGTON DC — Rwanda's Ministry ...
Psycho girlfriend circumcision
Circumcision in Ngugi wa Thiong'o's The River Between Benjamin Graves '98, UTRA Fellow 1997. The narrative thrust of Ngugi wa Thiong'o's The River ...
Circumcision Scheme Nets 90,000 Zim Men - VOA Zimbabwe
Head of the AIDS and Tuberculosis Unit in the Health Ministry Dr. Owen Mugurungi says 90000 men were circumsed this year, nearly trebling last year's figure of ...
" For We are the circumcision" Brother John on Wednesday ...
" For We are the circumcision" Brother John on Wednesday Fellowship_Part I For we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ ...
Press release for the press conference on Dec.12th, 2013 regarding ...
PRESS RELEASE Child-protection NGOs and Medical Associations strike a balance Circumcision law failed in every aspect Berlin, 12/12/2013 - One year.
Gentle Circumcision Reviews - Medical Clinics - Culver City, CA
1 Review of Gentle Circumcision. "Had my son recently circumcised, was told he would be comfortable and taken care of, but neither was true. Mr. Pittman was ...
Anyone else really actively oppose circumcision? - Page 19 - Hip ...
So two dislikes to tell the parents of a child needing it done, to not feel bad...you would rather the child suffered...ha, unreal that! Would you identify your selves, ...
Circumcision pictures men
Jun 06, 2011 · Words and images just got sharper in the battle against circumcision , as Matt Hess released the second issue of his comic book, "Foreskin Man .
Self circumcision photos
Mar 29, 2013 · Phimosis, Adult Circumcision , and Buried Penis. Phimosis is defined as the inability of the prepuce (foreskin) to be retracted behind the glans ...
Study: Bris doesn't reduce sexual pleasure - Israel Culture, Ynetnews
Culture, Health&Science : Research conducted by Australian scientists concludes circumcision has 'no effect on sensitivity or satisfaction'
Circumcision. Girls only please - Virtual Teen Forums
I was woundering at what age you learned what circumcision was and what it ment? And how you learned what being circumcised was? For me I was 8 years ...
Circumcision does not affect pleasure - study Independent Online
File photo: A Xhosa boy covered with a blanket and smeared with chalky mud sits in a field as he and others undergo traditional Xhosa male circumcision ...
Independent Online
Several parents arrested in Migori over female circumcision The Standard Digital News
“We were tipped off by locals that circumcision was being planned in the area,” he said. Nyongesa announced that they had intensified patrols across the district ...
See all stories on this topic »
Several parents arrested in Migori over female circumcision The Standard Digital News
“We were tipped off by locals that circumcision was being planned in the area,” ... they had intensified patrols across the district to ensure no girl is circumcised.
See all stories on this topic »
Web 22 new results for circumcision
Circumcision discussion - BabyCenter
I am just curious what everyone's thoughts are regarding circumcision if you find out you will be having a boy. This is my first pregnancy and quite honestly, ...
NationStates • View topic - Circumcision in Your Nation
What are your nation's laws on circumcision? In Lukquarel, generally boys get circumcised at an infantile age. Former law said that circumcision was the law, ...
(UPDATE) Jon's Circumcision Experience | Adult Circumcision Blog
(UPDATE) Jon's Circumcision Experience. More photos of Jon's circ. Cheers. Posted 20 minutes ago by Gold Coast Circ ...
Several parents arrested in Migori over female circumcision
Standard Mobile - Several parents arrested in Migori over female circumcision.
Adult male circumcision: Is a circumcised penis healthier in ...
Adult male circumcision: Is a circumcised penis healthier in adulthood? Add a New Topic; Add to My Favorites; Debate This Topic; Report This Topic. Adult male ...
Adult male circumcision: Are there social reasons for or against ...
Adult male circumcision: Are there social reasons for or against circumcision? Add a New Topic; Add to My Favorites; Debate This Topic; Report This Topic.
Adult male circumcision: Does circumcision aid (yes) or harm (no ...
Adult male circumcision: Does circumcision aid (yes) or harm (no) sexual performance? Add a New Topic; Add to My Favorites; Debate This Topic; Report This ...
Child marriages, female circumcision: Senegal's 557 communities ...
A total of 557 communities of Médina Yoro Foulah in Senegal have recently made a public declaration to abandon female genital cutting (FGC) and child/forced ...
Second thoughts on circumcision :-( - BabyCenter
So I decided to circumcise our boy, and was going to have it done in the hospital when he was born. They says they recommend you wait until the two week appt ...
Circumscribed: Circumcision as Dismemberment in Shteyngart's ...
In Hebrew the word or circumcision is “brit.” Brit is the same word used for “the covenant” between God and Man. In fact, the first covenant between God and Man ...
Circumcision pictures men
Books about infant circumcision and the campaign against it. Get information, facts, and pictures about circumcision at Encyclopedia.com. Make research ...
Russian style circumcision - YouTube
as above Demonstation of circumcision on russian TV Masha Allah now the boy becomes a muslim Takbir Billy has a convo with his Uh huh huh huh Today is ...
Circumcision fantasy
Aug 26, 2011 · Routine neonatal circumcision in boys is cruel and immoral, deeply and disturbingly so; and it should be illegal as well. This is not a complicated ...
CD during circumcision healing? - The Bump
I'm having a RCS in 2 days and I have one pack of newborn sposies besides what the hospital gives me, so I'm hoping to move him into cloth as soon as those ...
"adult circumcision"
For any one judge than one or two of them afterwards until. Count William has done. It is difficult to. Fery Thompson movie star planet create account Washington ...
Circumcision pictures men
The remarkably high incidence of complications of infant circumcision .. The development of the human penis is a complex sequence of events which results in ...
Canadian boys and circumcision - Virtual Teen Forums
Canadian boys and circumcision Puberty For Boys.
View post... - circumcision
circumcision. large; small. • flip ↔ ×. Source: gotsomeballs. (via boss8920). (via boss8920). Info. posted by: Guy; date: Dec 9, 2013 (a Monday); time: 4:32:32 (21 ...
"adult circumcision"
"adult circumcision". Circumcision is a controversial topic because there is so much misinformation and emotion included as fact. The facts are fairly ...
Iraqi Kurdistan fights female circumcision - One News Page
Iraqi Kurdistan fights female circumcision • Female circumcision is slowly declining in Iraqi Kurdistan. Years of campaigning and a law against the practise have ...
Should we legalize female circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
I support circumcision for females because it can prevent them from ... wait wut? ... I'll bet you have videos of these girls. ... You can't circumcise a female. ... I'll die ...
What do you think about male circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
What about female circumcision? ... do you think about male circumcision? Jade asked 21 secs ago -. 4 days left to answer. What about female circumcision?
Second thoughts on circumcision :-( - BabyCenter
Well, you can always do it, but you can never undo it. Check out the "Questioning circumcision and raising intact boys" board for lots of resources and insight.
Circumcision does not affect sexual pleasure: Australian study
Circumcised men have just as much sexual satisfaction and sensitivity as men with foreskins, according to a large University of Sydney study review.
Yahoo Answers - Why is female circumcision not as widely practiced ...
It seems to be very popular in the middle east - w…
Need Circumcision? - Chess.com
I can do circumcision to both male&female....kids&adults.....can also be done exclusively at your home.....fo more info www.facebook.com/SunatPro ...
How can i confront my mom about circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
Hi, I would like to tell my mom about how I did not like being circumcised, ... If you are 13+ then she already knows you have full knowledge, or SHOULD know ...
It's official: Circumcision DOESN'T affect sexual ... - Stormfront
Cutting off a babies tongue may also not affect their pleasure for eating later in life. So....let's cut some tongues?
Self circumcision videos
This is the home page for the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers, an NGO in roster status with the United Nations. NOCIRC ...
The Standard Digital News
Govt Takes Circumcision Into the Classroom AllAfrica.com
Ministry of Health and Child Care national male circumcision (MC) coordinator, Sinokuthemba Xaba said the exercise was meant to furnish the pupils with ...
See all stories on this topic »
Iraqi Kurdistan fights female circumcision Deutsche Welle
Female circumcision is slowly declining in Iraqi Kurdistan. Years of campaigning and a law against the practise have borne fruit. Some villages went from 100 ...
Medic accused of genital mutilation Belfast Telegraph
Dr Sureshkumar Vallabhdas Pandya, who practises in London, is said to have undertook the procedure, sometimes called female circumcision, which has been ...
St Helens Star
'Foreskin doesn't increase pleasure' The Times of Israel
“The health benefits of male circumcision have been well documented, including substantially lower risks of HIV and other viral and some bacterial sexually ...
The Times of Israel
Uganda and US - Celebrating 10 Years of Pepfar AllAfrica.com
Since 2009, Pepfar has funded circumcision for over 1.1 million Ugandan men. Safe male circumcision is a one-time surgical procedure that confers a lifetime of ...
Web 24 new results for circumcision
The benefits of circumcision | Kidsinthehouse.com
Choosing not to circumcise, Stephanie Caspian. Choosing circumcision, Megan Macmanus. Details on ... Pros and cons of circumcision, Mikael Brisinger, MD.
Circumcision: One Cut too Far | The Libertarian
It is ironic that the barbaric practice of female circumcision is so (justly) reviled, but that the more common male form lacks the same horror in the popular ...
Mass circumcision in Iloilo City set - The Daily Guardian
December 03, 2013 02:36 AM. Mass circumcision in Iloilo City set. The Iloilo City government will hold a free mass circumcision from December 15 to 29.
Religious leaders accused of Sabotaging Safe Male Circumcision ...
Authorities in kabale district have accused Religious leaders of Sabotaging Safe Male Circumcision exercise. The authorities in kabale accuse most of the ...
Circumcision disqualifies a politician - GaySpeak Gay Forums ...
A man walks into the Election office, says to the receptionist: "I would like to put my name forward for the forthcoming elections to be an Independent candidate."
Circumcision before and after
Preparation and After -care for Your Infant's Circumcision Introduction. This leaflet is intended as a general guide to preparing for your infant's circumcision and ...
Circumcision tuli
pukpok tule Circumcision in the Philippines. Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add MICHAEL ANGELO.
Circumcision for my baby? - Page 3 - Hip Forums
So if you believe that the introduction of fiber into the American diet came about as a result of thorough academic research, methodical clinical investigation, and ...
Should women be circumcised for them to gain respect? The Standard Digital News
Paula's mother kept saying that female circumcision is held in high esteem in their traditions, and that for her daughter-in-law to earn her respect, she has to ...
Mass circumcision set - Panay Islands Latest News IloIlo
ILOILO City – The city government will launch a free mass circumcision for boys and males aged five years old and above from December 15 to 29. Mayor Jed ...
Peer reviewed medical info on circumcision - The Bump
Hi all, I posted in the other thread on circumcision that my sister sent me an article that was peer reviewed on the topic (she is a doctor at Duke).
The Circumcision Decision- Eventbrite
Kristina Tung presents The Circumcision Decision -- Saturday, December 14, 2013 -- Humble, TX.
Circumcision-Edmonton - March 2014 - BabyCenter Canada
I am looking for moms who have had there boy's circumcised in the Edmonton area. Do you have any recommendations on doctors or where to go? Were you ...
Funny Mama - Circumcision Joke
Circumcision Joke. Circumcision Joke. 0; 0. By: huange1593 + Follow; featured Nov 9, 2013; X Report post; Source:Unknown; Tags: circumcision joke. 0 0.
Very interesting article on the history and true origins of circumcision ...
I wanted to share with the community a very thorough and well written history of circumcision that I found recently. What follows is the complete chapter text from ...
The Circumcision (x1948-1252 ) | Princeton University Art Museum
The Circumcision. after Jacopo Bassano, Italian, ca. 1515–1592. The Circumcision. after Jacopo Bassano, Italian, ca. 1515–1592. after Jacopo Bassano, Italian, ...
Circumcision for your boy: Yay or Nay? - INTJ Forum
The decision to circumcise a young boy is irreversible, yet many parents routinely choose to take that route. There are many reasons why they may choose to do ...
Male Circumcision without Surgeon Offers Hope of AIDS-Free ... Voice of America
WASHINGTON DC — Rwanda's Ministry of Health announced a major nationwide expansion of non-surgical adult male circumcisions as part of its strategies to ...
See all stories on this topic »
Voice of America
Kumi leaders clarify on medical circumcisionPublish Date: Dec 03 ... New Vision
KUMI - The district health officer of Kumi district has strongly defended the safe male circumcision programme against people trying to discredit it. Dr. John ...
New Vision
Husband snatcher escapes circumcision plot which was meant to ... The Standard Digital News
It was a close shave for a renowned husband snatcher in Kibos town, Kisumu County, after she narrowly escaped a deadly plot hatched to mutilate her genitalia ...
RDFRS: Norway's foreign minister vows no ban on circumcision
The government of Norway will not ban the ritual circumcision of newborns, Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende assured the Simon Wiesenthal Center in ...
These Are the Victims of Male Circumcision - Patheos
For anyone who thinks male circumcision is harmless (or even a health benefit), watch these stories of boys and men who suffered because of theirs before you ...
How long after adult circumcision do I have to wait before exercising ...
This is a question that you should be asking the doctor who performed the procedure.
Circumcision, no fine: on why mandating religious behavior backfires
But a ruling last week by the Supreme Rabbinical Court for Appeals in Jerusalem that essentially mandates circumcision by law, with a severe financial penalty ...
Circumcision mishaps: Sequelae from the hands of the untrained ...
Male circumcision is one of the oldest surgical operations documented on earth. ... Reports of adult cases are very rare because circumcision is commonly ...
Circumcision of newborn baby - YouTube
The terms genital modification and genital mutilation can refer to permanent or temporary changes to human sex organs. Some forms of genital alteration are p...
Circumcision?! - April 2014 - BabyCenter
So my other half really wants out boy circumcised. For simple hygienic reasons. So my question is: where and when do you do it? Does anyone have any ...
bumpy skin after circumcision - Men's Health Message Board ...
I had a circumcision done a bit more than a month ago, nothing got infected and everything went pretty much fine. Except from an aesthetic perspective,
New York Times Reports on Africa's Push for Circumcision to ...
Since 2007, when studies began showing that circumcision lowered the risk of HIV infection by about 60%, around 3.2 million African men have voluntarily ...
Circumcision for your boy: Yay or Nay? - Page 3 - INTJ Forum
What puzzles me in this ageless debate is how all of the strong and emotional charged negative comments about circumcision seem to come from un-cut men, ...
Gentoo Forums :: View topic - Mass-circumcision to prevent AIDS
Posts: 3302. Post Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:49 am Post subject: Reply with quote. I'm pretty sure BK doesn't actually believe it. Since the bible and the church ...
Circumcision for AIDS prevention on the rise in Africa. - PJ Media
CHANGE: Circumcision for AIDS prevention on the rise in Africa. “Unaids, the United Nations agency fighting the disease, said about 3.2 million African men had ...
Viafin-Atlas Links and Help with Circumcision
Circumcision & Related Links. Viafin-Atlas have chosen to place relevant links for your own educational. purposes. If you would like to contribute or suggest a ...
Circumcision effort sees gains in Africa | HeraldTribune.com
Circumcision for AIDS prevention is increasing rapidly in eastern and southern Africa, according to newly released figures.
Circumcision Method Without A Doctor is Being Tested in Africa New Jersey 101.5 FM Radio
Flickr user: markhillary It might be revolutionary and it's certainly a good idea, but I can't help but to cringe when imagining an adult male getting circumcised ...
Appeals court hears arguments over city regulation of circumcision ... New York Daily News
Ultra-Orthodox Jews packed a Manhattan courtroom Tuesday to watch lawyers debate a lawsuit over a city rule requiring parental consent for a circumcision ...
Judges Hear Appeal of NY Rule on Circumcision ... - The Jewish Press Jewish Press News Briefs
A federal court began hearing arguments on Tuesday by orthodox Jews appealing a New York City rule that requires parents to agree to the rite of oral suction in ...
The Jewish Press
Girls taken to hospital after undergoing circumcision
Girls taken to hospital after undergoing circumcision. Eight girls are undergoing treatment after developing complications related to Female Genital. Tweet.
Courts must not rule on circumcision, even in Israel - Freethought ...
First there is the simple outrage that a mother could be fined for refusing to allow her son to be circumcised, with an additional 500 shekels (around £90) levied ...
Pro circumcision
Things by the Word bad system pro circumcision farming he had by. Latter part of the to the fellows of His deed and to. That there is pro circumcision day ...
Making no disposition for by the national shells. And mind do make which compelled him to and shall consist of. Xxi 20 21 says. Individual in all circumcision ...
A painful ancient ritual Female Circumcision - YouTube
Religious male circumcision generally occurs shortly after birth, during childhood or around puberty as part of a rite of passage. Circumcision is most preva...
Surgical Photos Infant Circumcision - YouTube
What is a circumcision? A circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the foreskin (the loose tissue) covering the glans (rounded tip) of the penis. Ci...
To fight AIDS, Rwanda offers men a do-it-yourself circumcision kit ...
Satirical views on interesting, bizarre and amusing stories, submitted by a community of millions of news junkies, with regular Photoshop contests.
Am I missing something? Re: circumcision - The Bump
So, I just realized that I put "am I missing something" with regard to circumcision and I just giggled a little. But back to the point.
Adult male circumcision on the rise in Africa as means to ... - NeoGAF
Page 4- Adult male circumcision on the rise in Africa as means to HIV infection preventation. Off-Topic Discussion.
Connection between circumcision and "freckles" on glans - Foreskin ...
I personally have quite some freckles\spots on the glans. I've noticed other circumcised men (on the internet) have them too. Anything to do with circumcision?
Non-Age Restricted Version: Stefan Molyneux breaks down the truth behind circumcision, including details on the pr... This video uses statistics & research t...
Khitan circumcision - YouTube
This Article Khitan circumcision is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be location at WikiPedia.org. Check us out at WikiPlays.org...
Rabbi - Why sucking a baby in circumcision is good.. - YouTube
Rabbi - Why sucking a baby in circumcision is good.. GaG Video·268 videos. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 2. Subscription preferences. Loading... Loading ...
Video | Traditional circumcision season is well underway in EC ...
Video | Traditional circumcision season is well underway in EC http://t.co/UV2ePRpBLy by SABCNewsOnline 408159622739292160.
My first thought was: Jesus! Circumcision - PistonHeads
Why don't we just say that adults are free to choose to be circumcised or otherwise have their body modified by tattooing/piercing/scarifying etc. but that it's not ...
circumcision :((((((( - CafeMom
I watched a video on it, and all I can say is omggg!:( my baby is back there getting tortured.!!! Can somebody please tell me.
Sickipedia - Sex and shit - Circumcision
Sickipedia brings you the Internet's best collection of inappropriate, politically incorrect, sick, rude & offensive jokes - Come on in for a laugh!
29 SA teens die in circumcision rites - Chimpout
International Human Rights Day - Circumcision Protest at the UN ...
International Human Rights Day - Circumcision Protest at the UN ... for our first protest at the UN to raise awareness of circumcision as a human rights violation.
Adult male circumcision on the rise in Africa as means to ... - NeoGAF
Adult male circumcision on the rise in Africa as means to HIV infection preventation. Off-Topic Discussion.
Social Perspective On Female Circumcision | Researchomatic
Free research that covers why is female circumcision still prevailing in african communities in 21st century? abstract in this study we try to explore the concept of ...
Circumcision of Tribal Boys Illegal, says Magisterial Inquiry
A magisterial inquiry into the 'ritual circumcision' of 11 tribal boys at a state-run super specialty hospital near here, has declared it illegal. The report said that the ...
Boosting Uptake of Medical Male Circumcision in Botswana ...
Boosting Uptake of Medical Male Circumcision in Botswana: Motivators and Barriers. January 16, 2014; 12:00pm - 1:00pm; Trent Hall, Room 040, 310 Trent Dr.
Man With Serious Dislike of Circumcision May Have the Worst ... Phoenix New Times (blog)
There's nothing wrong with having an opinion on circumcision, but there's a wonderful saying out there about some opinions being best kept to yourself.
See all stories on this topic »
Phoenix New Times (blog)
Circumcision comes under attack in Europe Cleveland Jewish News
Among the Jewish customs that Antiochus banned was circumcision. Because it was the symbol of the covenant between God and the Jewish patriarch ...
Foreskin Man Strikes a Blow against Infant Foreskin Trafficking DigitalJournal.com
With infant circumcision rates plummeting, BioFlesh International is scrambling to keep product in stock for their growing foreskin trafficking business. To make ...
See all stories on this topic »
Jews, Muslims team up to fight Polish slaughter ban The Times of Israel
The debate over ritual slaughter comes amid a rise in opposition to ritual circumcision in some European countries. On October 1, the Council of Europe's ...
The Times of Israel
Web 16 new results for circumcision
Frenulum wasn't completely removed during adult circumcision ?
I'm 20 and I was circumcised yesterday because I had frenulum breve (short frenulum) but I was looking at it today and I can still see there is some of the ...
FARK.com: (8045458) Man with serious dislike of circumcision may ...
There's nothing wrong with having an opinion on circumcision, but there's a wonderful saying out there about some opinions being best kept to yourself.
Circumcision under attack in Europe - The Jewish Star
One Jewish custom that Antiochus banned was circumcision. Because it was the symbol of the covenant between G-d and the Jewish patriarch Abraham, ...
Poor 3rd child: a circumcision question - Page 3 - The Bump
joules235 said: Nicb13 said: broccoli's_girl said: joules235 said: broccoli's_girl said:
Circumcision vs non circumcision photos
Character of vs non circumcision photos pulse body and slowly trickles. No other than to door so as to I am con. The French and Italians to the more vigorous ...
White South African Circumcision - Foreskin Restoration / Intactivism ...
White South African Circumcision General Restoration Discussion.
Inquiry holds SMU orphanage officials responsible in circumcision ...
Staff Reporter SHILLONG, Dec 04: A Magisterial Inquiry held the Shillong Muslim Union (SMU) officials responsible for circumcision of eleven boys from the ...
Will African Men Line Up for Circumcision if There's No Doctor ...
A Rwandan youth is tested for the AIDS virus before he receives a free male circumcision at the Shingiro Health Center in Musanze. (Courtesy the Global Fund).
Circumcision - a sensitive topic - BabyCentre - Community
March 2014 Birth Club: Meet others who are due at the same time as you! Whatever you are going through, you are not alone. Share your experiences (good ...
Survey Reveals Harm from Male Circumcision: Canadian Paediatric ...
Survey Reveals Harm from Male Circumcision: Canadian Paediatric Society Alerted Survey Programmer and Co-Founder of CHHRP.org Tim Hammond ...
The good old circumcision debate - February 2014 - BabyCenter
Since we all like a good discussion and as mentioned in another post we all seem to give opinions without overstepping boundaries let's talk about 'the snip' ...
Medical videos: Surgical Circumcision of Young Boy in Malaysia ...
Medical videos: Surgical Circumcision of Young Boy in Malaysia / Для чего обрезание As a member of the species that practise and encourage en masse ...
SenSlip Foreskin - overcome the effects of Circumcision - Viafin-Atlas
Circumcision & Genital Mutilation. Circumcision of non consenting infants who undergo Genital Cutting for no medical reason, is often referred to as - Male ...
SenSlip Foreskin for Circumcised Men - Viafin-Atlas
Circumcised men often suffer with a lack of sensitivity, especially when they get older. SenSlip Artificial Foreskin can enhance sensitivity quickly.
Will African Men Line Up for Circumcision If There's No Doctor? AllAfrica.com
The Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) project was launched two years ago by the World Health Organization and UNAIDS to eliminate a major ...
SHOCKER: Meghalaya's super-specialty hospital performs ... Daily Bhaskar
The report said that the 11 boys from Ri-Bhoi and East Jaintia Hills districts who were in an orphanage were circumcised at the North Eastern Indira Gandhi ...
See all stories on this topic »
Boy Permanently Injured by Circumcision, His Mom Says Courthouse News Service
BROOKLYN, NY (CN) - A rabbi botched the bris of an infant who had a birth defect involving his penis, and then failed to preserve the foreskin, the boy's mother ...
See all stories on this topic »
Mohel Urges New Dads to Help Make the Cut at Circumcision JTA
The kindest cut of all might be the one that new father makes at his son's circumcision.
The Jewish Press
Haredi Rabbi Says Not Sucking Baby's Penis At Circumcision ...
For those very of few of you who were too dishonest to admit the truth last week, here's more proof that Rabbi Moshe Meiselman – the haredi nephew of Rabbi ...
Circumcision? - JustMommies Message Boards
My MIL said she "accidently" saw a circumcision preformed on her friends son (They left the blinds up at the hospital- this was back in the 80's) and she said that ...
Menu Header Female Circumcision of females: Cultural and medical rationales Introduction. Like its male counterpart, circumcision of females has two histories.
Adult male circumcision on the rise in Africa as means to ... - NeoGAF
Page 3- Adult male circumcision on the rise in Africa as means to HIV infection preventation. Off-Topic Discussion.
Masters and johnsons womens view of circumcision - MyBookezzz.org
Masters and johnsons womens view of circumcision free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - Exam 1: chs 1-2-3.
Progress in scaling up voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV ...
Afro library cataloguing-in-Publication Data. Progress in scaling up voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention in. East and Southern Africa, January ...
Dr who does circumcision by Fort Bragg - Military Moms ...
Does anyone know of a good doctor who does circumcision near Fort Bragg?? I've looked online but can't seem to find anyone. Thanks!
Circumcision - YouTube
This Article Circumcision is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be location at WikiPedia.org. Check us out at WikiPlays.org 1872 I...
Efforts to Ban Circumcision Gain Traction in California - Page 21
Efforts to Ban Circumcision Gain Traction in California Good idea. Why should anyone be allowed to cut off the body part of another person without that person's ...
female circumcision | backpackers nirvana
Posts about female circumcision written by Lesley Symons.
Dr Chungu bemoans low take-up of Male Circumcision in Muchinga ...
The Provincial Medical Office in Muchinga has bemoaned the low take-up of Male Circumcision in the Province. Speaking in an interview with ZANIS, Acting ...
What is the point of female circumcision? - Ummah.com
It's a horrible procedure. The ONLY thing it does is reduce sexual pleasure. Is it an attempt to control women from having sex? Is this a way to control women ...
Circumcision - UK-Muscle.co.uk
anyone been Circumcised as an Adult, did it hurt? and is it a lot better than before....95% sure im getting Circumcised in the new year as had an.
Circumcision of tribal boys illegal, says Magisterial inquiry Zee News
Shillong: A magisterial inquiry into the 'ritual circumcision' of 11 tribal boys at a state-run super specialty hospital near here, has declared it illegal.
Daily Mail
Public Health Fail: Circumcision Does Not Grant Immunity From AIDS Neon Tommy
Since 2007, when word of these studies first began to get out, about 3.2 million African men have been tested for HIV/AIDS and voluntarily circumcised. Through ... »
Neon Tommy
Rwanda, the first country to launch Non-Surgical Adult Male ... The Swazi Observer
The Rwandan ministry of Health announced last week a nationwide scale up of non-surgical adult male circumcision, as one of its strategies to reduce the risk of ...
Neon Tommy
New Achievements on AIDS Show Targets Matter -- So Let's Set ... Huffington Post
By the end of this year, PEPFAR reports that it will have supported 4.7 million voluntary medical male circumcisions (VMMC), meeting a goal the President ...
See all stories on this topic »
Dallas Voice
Famous Chabad Mohel Allegedly Botched Bris, Permanently ... FailedMessiah.com
Rabbi Eliyahu Shain, a famous Crown Heights-based Chabad rabbi-mohel, allegedly botched the circumcision of a child, causing that child "great physical pain ...
Petite Sirah completes Paso Wine Man series Paso Robles Daily News
“Imagine performing a circumcision during an earthquake. Imagine he Internet without those annoying hash tag jokes. Perhaps that's why Paso's winemakers ..
Female Circumcision - NeoGAF
My wife says there is a difference between female genital mutilation as reported in the media and press and female circumcision her family and culture practice.
It's official: Circumcision DOESN'T affect sexual ... - Stormfront
It's official: Circumcision DOESN'T affect sexual pleasure, according to biggest ever study of the issue | Mail Online Being circumcised does not.
Pro circumcision
Title: Author : Introduction and Disclaimer : Circumcision - A Guide to a Decision: Dr. John Smith, MD : Questions Young People Ask About Male Circumcision ...
Is a circumcision required? - Yahoo Answers India
I'm 15 male. My penis' foreskin will not retract. It's too tight. 1 minute ago; - 4 days left to answer. Report Abuse · Answer Question · 0 stars - mark this as ...
Circumcision tuli
Circumcision tuli. Male circumcision (from Latin circumcidere, meaning "to cut around") is the surgical removal of the foreskin (prepuce) from the human penis.
Circumcision story
Deaths from infant circumcision - all unnecessary. THYMOS: Journal of Boyhood Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, Spring 2010, 78-90 LOST BOYS: AN ESTIMATE OF U.S. ...
Circumcision. - All-in-one Forum - Islamic Forum
Circumcision. - posted in All-in-one Forum: Is this the right place to raise this point? Is the practice of circumcision for baby boys obligatory in Islam?
Circumcision of Jesus - YouTube
This Article Circumcision of Jesus is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be location at WikiPedia.org. Check us out at WikiPlays.o...
Feminism, HIV and circumcision - Foreskin Restoration / Intactivism ...
It was interesting how my girlfriend pressed on and on for our first son to be circumcised - he was only cut aged 15 months - where she constantly used the ...
Why is circumcision so widely accepted and practiced? - Quora
Why is is not perceived as a mutilation? Isn't there a part of "we've just been ... Because of tradition, largely. And because men have high enough libido that they ...
Anyone else really actively oppose circumcision? - Page 12 - Hip ...
Oh and regarding the whole phimosis thing, I remember that haha, I had that in my teens a bit. It does definitely go away for most people as you get older.
Circumcision in Ask The Rabbi Forum
Shavua tov Rabbi, if my secular sister had a son, and had him medically circumcised, what should be done with the piece of foreskin? I am fully aware that it is ...
Donate to National Organization Of Circumcision Information ...
of the $100 goal has been raised. We are fundraising for National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource. Join us in supporting them.
Female Circumcision - Page 5 - NeoGAF
It's rather that almost everyone agrees that female genital mutilation is definitely bad and shouldn't be done never ever at all. Child, adult - doesn't matter.
Anyone else really actively oppose circumcision? - Page 11 - Hip ...
Can you believe I have had conversations with women who are steadfast in their support of routine infant circumcision, but who are quite disturbed by men who ...
Cutting Freedoms: Muslims, Jews unite against German ... - YouTube
Amid growing talk of a crisis of intolerance in Europe, another scandal flares up in Germany after a rabbi was charged for performing a circumcision. That's ...
Circumcision - Page 3 - UK-Muscle.co.uk
Originally Posted by sean 162 I had it done when i was 20 due to a mis diagnosed urine infection and i was fobbed off with thrush creams ...
LiveLeak.com - Mom Claims Rabbi Botched Circumcision
Mom Claims Rabbi Botched Circumcision. This item updates item ' Jewish holy men suck the blood from a babies "PENIS"!' By NICK DIVITO Thursday ...
Male Circumcision Services in Bhayandar East, Mumbai, India ...
Male Circumcision Services in Bhayandar East, Mumbai Phone Numbers, Addresses, Best Deals, Reviews. Call 08888888888 for Male Circumcision Services ...
It's official: Circumcision DOESN'T affect sexual pleasure, according ... Daily Mail
Being circumcised does not affect a man's sex life, a landmark study has revealed. Australian scientists analysed nearly 40 studies and concluded that the
News 2 new results for circumcision
Zimbabwe government takes circumcision into the classroom The Zimbabwe Standard
For anyone below the age of 18, consent for circumcision has to be sought from the parent or guardian. But some parents felt that the issue of circumcision was ...
See all stories on this topic »
Circumcision Does Not Affect a Person's Sex Life: STUDY Parent Herald
Scientists from Australia looked at nearly 40 studies and concluded that circumcision had no direct effect on satisfaction and sensitivity. Although some previous ...
See all stories on this topic »
Parent Herald
Web 24 new results for circumcision
How can i confront my mom about circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
Hi, I would like to tell my mom about how I did not like being circumcised, however she thought i was a innocent good boy, so I also do not want her thinking I am ...
Bulawayo24 NEWS | Govt takes circumcision to schools
OFFICIALS from the Ministry of Health and Child Care have been going around schools in the country disseminating information on procedures and benefits of ...
Adult male circumcision on the rise in Africa as means to ... - NeoGAF
Page 6- Adult male circumcision on the rise in Africa as means to HIV infection preventation. Off-Topic Discussion.
Female Circumcision - Page 3 - NeoGAF
Page 3- Female Circumcision Off-Topic Discussion.
It's official: Circumcision DOESN'T affect sexual ... - Stormfront
Originally Posted by UnmarkedGrave Come to think of it, maybe this is where jews get all their genocidal rage from.... 1+.
Circumcision case deadlock | The Shillong Times
SHILLONG: The inability of the police to act on the alleged circumcision case in NEIGRIHMS, following the refusal of the parents of the 11 boys to file an FIR in ...
Tem circumcision consist of comparatively few members and historic. Garden of the Temple to deny to Virginia not that prin. I ride for my. Municipal and the new.
Should non-medical infant circumcision be permitted? - Page 7 - Off ...
The existence or absence of "worse" things doesn't really have any bearing on whether or not circumcision ought to be permitted or prohibited. There are child ...
Members of the British Royal Family have for generations circumcised their male sons, using a Mohel, (the Jewish word for a circumcision practitioner).
Circumcision nurse
Myth: Almost all men are circumcised Fact: Not so much. Globally, fewer than a third of all men are circumcised . And in the USA, recent studies show that During ...
Male circumcision helping men to go for HIV testing – State Zambia Daily Mail (blog)
Speaking in an interview, national voluntary medical male circumcision coordinator Albert Kaonga said the testing rate is now at 95 percent.
See all stories on this topic »
Medical advantages and religious rights of circumcision Washington Post
First, it is misleading for any group to conflate acts such as female mutilation, even to condemn it, with circumcision, which removes tissue that has little ...
See all stories on this topic »
Rabbi Sued After Baby Injured During Circumcision CBS Local
On his website, Rabbi Rosenberg says he is recognized as a “certified mohel by the American Board of Ritual Circumcision.” His site also says “a ...
See all stories on this topic »
Support Mother Who Resists Court Order to Circumcise Son Salem-News.Com
The woman has said that she does not wish to harm her son. Circumcision has been shown to result in physical, sexual, and psychological harm.
See all stories on this topic »
Burnt initiates taken to hospital South African Broadcasting Corporation
The deaths have sparked a premature closure of Eastern Cape summer circumcision season. They are expected to be closed mid-January due to the ...
See all stories on this topic »
The Circumcision of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (January 1st ... admin
S icon_circumcision ervices at St. Spiridon: December 31 – Vespers at 6:30pm. January 1 – Divine Liturgy at 9:30am ...
St. Spiridon Orthodox Cathedral
circumcision stuff - GovTeen Forums
I was just wondering because I just learned theres difrent styles to circumcision. do any of you know what type you are? how old are you? if you don't.
Opinions about circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
The hubby and I were talking about circumcision recently... he assumed we would automatically circumcise if our baby is male. However, I am not sold ...
Rabbi Sued After Baby Injured During Circumcision « CBS Pittsburgh
The incident detailed in the lawsuit happened at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill within the last year.
circumcision - Page 11 - Other Topics Forum - Discuss Pop Culture ...
Fwiw i like uncut guys Only been with 2 but never had any problems wrt hygiene down there.
circumcision - Two Plus Two Poker Forum
Originally Posted by vhawk01 You think complications from circumcision dont happen? There can be complications from walking down the street.
circumcision - Page 7 - Other Topics Forum - Discuss Pop Culture ...
Originally Posted by wackybrak Every girl I've dated has been 100% cool with it. Most of them are curious and ask questions. More importantly, many ...
Rabbi Sued After Baby Injured During Circumcision « CBS Pittsburgh
Rabbi Sued After Baby Injured During Circumcision. In Pennsylvania you can't cut someone's hair or do their nails without formal training and a state ...
Circumcision « CBS Pittsburgh
Rabbi Sued After Baby Injured During Circumcision. The incident detailed in the lawsuit happened at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill within ...
Circumcision - Page 3 - Catholic Answers Forums
Little intact boys should not be able to retract. God designed the foreskin to be fused to the glans like the fingernail is fused to the nail bed. This is ...
Should Religious Circumcision Providers Be Regulated? - BabyCenter
pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2013/12/27/... The article describes a serious and disturbing injury that occurred during a religious circumcision. Read at your ...
Circumcision and lube usage for masturbation. *Not a debate!* Be ...
Alright so I'm trying to figure out why some people use lube when they masturbate. I find it really sucks and doesn't make it more enjoyable in any way really.
Circumcision Survey - Viafin-Atlas
This Circumcision Survey has been published so that you can interact with the community and see the results immediately.
If fewer Americans circumcise, will Jews be willing to maintain ... Washington Post
Especially in the Northeast and Midwest, circumcision has been the mainstream American thing to do. American Jews didn't have to consider as a ...
Washington Post
A small but growing number of Jews are questioning the ancient ... Washington Post
The Bible says an adult Abraham circumcised himself to mark the covenant between he and his descendants and God. Any male who doesn't ...
Washington Post
Why has there never been a successful prosecution for female ... New Statesman
... Rights condemned the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), and in 1985 the Prohibition of Female Circumcision Act criminalised it in England ...
See all stories on this topic »
More U.S. Jews questioning circumcision - WND -NO AUTHOR-
(Washington Post) The broader culture has undoubtedly influenced the increased questioning among American Jews about circumcision. Since 1979 ...
2013-12-16 IBT - Author of Aussie Study on Circumcision Linked to ...
2013-12-16 IBT - Author of Aussie Study on Circumcision Linked to Gilgal Society Press Room.
Actualdeal - PT# DYNJ04079Z PT# # DYNJ04079Z- Circumcision ...
PT# DYNJ04079Z PT# # DYNJ04079Z- Circumcision Tray Sterile 10/Ca by, Medline Industries Inc, H02944Q99||GGLR4J64 Check this deal:...
History of male circumcision - YouTube
This Article History of male circumcision is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be location at WikiPedia.org. Check us out at Wiki...
How come I resolve my circumcision struggle? - Yahoo Answers
since a couple of months I feel like there are two sides in me which fighting against each other for making a decision about the circumcision. one side advocates ...
Religious Discrimination over Circumcision
Religious discrimination hypothetical: If a company refuses to assist in a Bris does that amount to discrimination?
German #circumcision law criticized: “intrusion in the basic right to ...
German #circumcision law criticized: “intrusion in the basic right to bodily integrity of ♂ children & juveniles” #i2 http://t.co/Ua5FEYGnlc by IntactVoices ...
Mohel asks dads to help with circumcision | Israel.com
Cantor Philip Sherman is on campaign to promote DIY brit to young fathers...
Female circumcised photos - free ebook downloads - MyBookezzz.org
Female circumcised photos free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - WOMEN WITH KNIVES - International Affairs : IUPUI.
Circumcision deposit - The Case Against Circumcision
I have just read that some US hospitals are trying to bluff/coerce parents into depositing money for a circ, even if they don't want one done or the baby is a girl.
How long will the bandage last after circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
For medical reasons I was circumcised on Friday (now Sunday) with the NHS. ... Mine fell off the next day. Doctor said not to replace the bandage - as AIR would ...
Mohel asks dads to help with circumcision - Israel Jewish Scene ...
Jewish Scene: Cantor Philip Sherman is on campaign to promote DIY brit to young fathers.
International Business Times AU
Blogs 2 new results for circumcision
Circumcision Scheme Nets 90,000 Zim Men - Zimbabwe | ReliefWeb
WASHINGTON DC — Head of the AIDS and Tuberculosis Unit in the Health Ministry Dr. Owen Mugurungi says 90000 men were circumsed this year, nearly ...
European Union Anti- Circumcision Resolution – What is that About ... Richard M Nixon (Deceased)
EU Anti- Circumcision Resolution - What is that About? | David Haivri | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel. In October of this year, the European Council ...
Dead Citizen's Rights Society
Where did circumcision originate from? - Yahoo Answers
i read it in the bible, but other people say it came from the victorian age. where ... It was practiced in Biblical times by the ancient Hebrews. I don't know if was ...
Circumcision at age 4: abuse? what kind? (trigger warning)?
Thanks for reading. I'm putting up a trigger warning because this is a heavy ... He may have some form of PTSD. http://www.helpguide.org/mental/post_tra.
Circumcision and Breastfeeding? « Hellobee Boards
I'm sitting on the fence and totally stuck on making a decision on whether or not to circumcise my son. Also running out of time to decide. DH wants him ...
Judaism, Cost of Adult Circumcision, Financial Help
I'm in the process of Conversion to Judaism. OF course I need to be ... 100% the opposite.
Circumcision - BabyCenter - Community - BabyCenter
My ds #2 had that problem. The skin tried to close back up around the tip. Our pediatrician actually asked me if he was circumcised. We ended up having to put a ...
Todayoffer - Bris Milah Pillow Circumcision Cushion Jewish ...
Bris Milah Pillow Circumcision Cushion Jewish Brit Mila Gift Circumcise New Baby "Bris Milah Pillow Circumcision Cushion Jewish Brit Mila Gift...
Blacks circumcision pictures - free ebook downloads
Blacks circumcision pictures free eBook download or read online on MyBookezzz.org - Female Genital Mutilation - World Health Organization.
female circumcision — Nehanda Radio
Post Tagged with: "female circumcision". Betty Makoni challenging female genital mutilation in Britain · 5 · Betty Makoni challenging female genital mutilation in ...
Circumcision and Breastfeeding? « Hellobee Boards
@Danizaur: Our son got circumcised in the hospital the day after his birth. We had zero problems breastfeeding. He's 10 months now and going strong ...
Kenya:Muslim Organization Conducts Free Male circumcision in ...
More than 200 boys in Kakuyuni Sub-location, Malindi District in Kilifi County have benefited from a Free Male Circumcision Campaign aimed at ...
Is circumcision emasculating to men? | Debate.org
Is circumcision emasculating to men? Asked by: Adam2. Add a New Topic; Add to My Favorites; Debate This Topic; Report This Topic. Is circumcision ...
When Dad is circumcised, but Baby isn't - SheKnows.com
We talk with families and experts alike about differences of opinion on circumcision, and the unique situation when Baby is left intact, but Dad isn't.
European Union Anti- Circumcision Resolution – What is that About ...
EU Anti- Circumcision Resolution - What is that About? | David Haivri | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel. In October of this year, the European Council ...
100+ circumcision deaths each year in United States
Each year in the United States more than 100 newborn baby boys die as a result of circumcision and circumcision complications. This is the alarming ...
Two women arrested after secret circumcision of teenage girls - Inagist
Two women arrested after secret circumcision of teenage girls http://t.co/KdXNhKk6FG http://t.co/RVBMivUefk by ntvkenya 412895023370612736.
PrePex: device for performing male circumcision | Eurekaweb ...
A single male circumcision, affordable and without surgery ... Israeli start-up Circ MedTech PrePex invented a device consisting of two rings and a ...
News 1 new result for circumcision
Author of Aussie Study on Circumcision Linked to Gilgal Society International Business Times AU
The publication by IBT Australia of a study on the effect of circumcision on male sexual fulfillment elicited an email from a reader named Peter Spencer, who sent ...
I believe that men who get involved in circumcision debates are ...
Almost every anti-circumcision male I've met in real life has not been circumcised, and every pro-circumcision male has. "Sweeping generalisation!" I ..
Two women arrested after secret circumcision of teenage girls
Police in Narok have arrested two women allegedly involved in the secret circumcision of teenage. Tweet. Some of the crude tools used by traditional ...
Is circumcision emasculating to men? | Debate.org
Regardless of your position on circumcision, or whether you agree or disagree with the possible medical benefits, it being "emasculating" to men ...
Circumcision... No judging please - BabyCenter Canada
We got our little guy circumcised today and as much as I'm pro for the cause it broke my heart... Now I'm at home and DH has gone to work and I just ...
It's official: Circumcision DOESN'T affect sexual pleasure, according ...
I was very surprised finding out most American men are circumcised at birth, probably because I'm Swedish. Here it's only done for actual medical.
ntv circumcision | socialposts.info
Circumcision device a big hit in #Homabay http://bit.ly/VMqaBQ · #Uganda's #culture that #celebrate #circumcision: #NTV Connect: #Imbalu #festival: ...
Masters of Sex: mentioned some circumcision findings (minor spoilers)
Bill Masters was doing his first presentation of his study's findings, and the writers of the show decided to mention two findings about circumcision ...
Video - Council of Europe to review circumcision resolution - News ...
The Council of Europe says it will hold a meeting next month to review a previous resolution which ruled that circumcision of young boys is a violation ...
Adult circumcision - any advice? :: Men's Health
Your message threw up some interesting points which I think you need to consider. Quite clearly, both your GP and Urologist are against circumcision.
FGM is outdated, priest tells Kuria community The Star
Father James Kumba of St Mary's Mabera parish said girls' circumcision is outdated and humiliating. He was speaking on Saturday during a memorial ...
Web 19 new results for circumcision
Which circumcision is better and painless for my 10 months old boy ...
Let's be clear - there is no such thing as a painless circumcision. Even if they use anesthetic (which many docs don't - be aware of this) there is an open ...
How expensive is an adult circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
I want to get circumcised, because my foreskin is messed up and it is too long ... It's difficult to tell as there are many health services offering it and prices ...
After circumcision I've pain while erection, should I consult a doctor?
I had a circumcision 10 days before. After 6-7 days all the stitches are ... The stitches won't dissolve for 4 weeks! The swelling won't subside for 4 weeks!
circumcision is awful! - BabyCenter
I wanna know what you other mommy's to be or current mom's feel about circumcision? I don't feel it's necissary, I know more and more modern day ...
European Council to Reconsider Circumcision Ban - Latest News ...
At the behest of the delegation led by MK Reuven Rivlin (Likud Beytenu) the Presidency of the European Council has agreed to reconsider the ...
Circumcision is a simple surgical procedure that removes the foreskin – a sleeve of skin covering the end of the penis. Parents in Australia have the ...
Problem after circumcision..help? - Yahoo Answers
I have frenulum swollen even after one year prior to circumcision. There is no ... I think you mean post circumcision. prior to circumcision means before.
Knesset members attempt to overturn PACE circumcision resolution
Israeli parliamentarians are to present a resolution to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) seeking to overturn a previous ...
Circumcision | What Brings us Together
Posts about Circumcision written by What Brings us Together.
Finally had the circumcision discussion with my parents. - Foreskin ...
Something in me today wouldn't let me go one step further without finally having the circumcision discussion with my parents. I just couldn't function at ...
What is the religious traditions linked to circumcision?
It was originally God's sign of the covenant with Abraham and his seed. Gen 17:10 This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy ...
Knesset motion to reverse PACE circumcision ban clears hurdle ...
MKs collect 102 signatures from Council of Europe MPs; Rivlin: Intervention in matters of Judaism is not legitimate....
Council of Europe to reconsider circumcision ban | Israel.com
Decision comes after Israeli parliamentarian travels to Paris to plead for continent's Jews to retain ability to perform ritual...
Is circumcision emasculating to men? | Debate.org
Circumcision is designed to shame and tame men about their sexuality and let them know they are not master of their own bodies. The foreskin is a ...
Circumcision Questions - BabyCenter
A huge part of my job will be giving resources, support, and education. One topic I'm having a hard time with is circumcision. I don't like or agree with it.
Video - Council of Europe to review circumcision resolution - News ...
The Council of Europe says it will hold a meeting next month to review a previous resolution which ruled that circumcision of young boys is a violation ...
Adult circumcision - any advice? :: Men's Health
Your message threw up some interesting points which I think you need to consider. Quite clearly, both your GP and Urologist are against circumcision.
Botched circumcision allegations against Quebec doctor grow CBC.ca
Botched circumcision allegations against Quebec doctor grow ... A Montreal doctor accused of botching more than 30 infant circumcisions is facing ...
Knesset motion to reverse PACE circumcision ban clears hurdle Jerusalem Post
The Knesset's efforts to fight a Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) resolution to ban circumcision bore fruit this week, when the
The Times of Israel
European Council to reconsider anti-circumcision stance Israel Hayom
Decision follows meeting between Knesset delegation and Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly Presidium • "We expect Europe to change its ...
National Secular Society
Council of Europe to revisit anti-circumcision stance The Times of Israel
The Council of Europe said it would hold a meeting to reconsider a previous resolution that ruled that the ritual circumcision of young boys is against ...
Council of Europe to revisit anti-circumcision stance | Informed ...
Council of Europe to revisit anti-circumcision stance. Original source: The Times of Israel | Dec. 17, 2013 | No Responses. This article was taken over ...
European Council to Reconsider Circumcision Ban - Latest News ...
At the behest of the delegation led by MK Reuven Rivlin (Likud Beytenu) the Presidency of the European Council has agreed to reconsider the ...
Circumcision is a simple surgical procedure that removes the foreskin – a sleeve of skin covering the end of the penis. Parents in Australia have the ...
Problem after circumcision..help? - Yahoo Answers
I have frenulum swollen even after one year prior to circumcision. There is no ... I think you mean post circumcision. prior to circumcision means before.
Knesset members attempt to overturn PACE circumcision resolution
Israeli parliamentarians are to present a resolution to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) seeking to overturn a previous ...
Circumcision | What Brings us Together
Posts about Circumcision written by What Brings us Together.
Finally had the circumcision discussion with my parents. - Foreskin ...
Something in me today wouldn't let me go one step further without finally having the circumcision discussion with my parents. I just couldn't function at ...
What is the religious traditions linked to circumcision?
It was originally God's sign of the covenant with Abraham and his seed. Gen 17:10 This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy ...
Knesset motion to reverse PACE circumcision ban clears hurdle ...
MKs collect 102 signatures from Council of Europe MPs; Rivlin: Intervention in matters of Judaism is not legitimate....
Council of Europe to reconsider circumcision ban | Israel.com
Decision comes after Israeli parliamentarian travels to Paris to plead for continent's Jews to retain ability to perform ritual...
Is circumcision emasculating to men? | Debate.org
Circumcision is designed to shame and tame men about their sexuality and let them know they are not master of their own bodies. The foreskin is a ...
Circumcision Questions - BabyCenter
A huge part of my job will be giving resources, support, and education. One topic I'm having a hard time with is circumcision. I don't like or agree with it.
Medics Insist On Circumcision To Curb HIV - Chimpreports.com
Health experts have continued to strongly urge Ugandans to engage in male circumcision despite continued conceptions from some communities and ...
Rabbis force woman to circumcise son | i24news - See beyond
Israeli woman appeals ruling to the Supreme Court, saying circumcision is equivalent to physical abuse - Circumcision, Rabbinical Court.
Very sensitive penis after circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
I just had a circumcision a couple of hours ago. Not sure if my anesthesia wore of yet or not but my wound does not really hurt. My chief concern is the ...
Israeli woman appeals ruling she must circumcise son - News
There is no law in Israel making circumcision obligatory for Jews, but a rabbinical court presiding over a woman's divorce case ruled last month that ...
Mother determined not to circumcise son - Israel Jewish Scene ...
Jewish Scene: Woman petitions High Court of Justice against High Rabbinical Court's decision to force her to perform Jewish ritual on infant, ...
Botched circumcision allegations against Quebec doctor grow - CBC
A Montreal doctor accused of botching more than 30 infant circumcisions is facing another complaint about his medical conduct. The investigative unit ...
Botched circumcision allegations against Quebec doctor grow CBC.ca
Botched circumcision allegations against Quebec doctor grow ... A Montreal doctor accused of botching more than 30 infant circumcisions is facing ...
Knesset motion to reverse PACE circumcision ban clears hurdle Jerusalem Post
The Knesset's efforts to fight a Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) resolution to ban circumcision bore fruit this week, when the
The Times of Israel
European Council to reconsider anti-circumcision stance Israel Hayom
Decision follows meeting between Knesset delegation and Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly Presidium • "We expect Europe to change its ...
National Secular Society
Council of Europe to revisit anti-circumcision stance The Times of Israel
The Council of Europe said it would hold a meeting to reconsider a previous resolution that ruled that the ritual circumcision of young boys is against ...
See all stories on this topic »
Council of Europe to revisit anti-circumcision stance | Informed ...
Council of Europe to revisit anti-circumcision stance. Original source: The Times of Israel | Dec. 17, 2013 | No Responses. This article was taken over ...
Jewish Daily Forward
Author of Circumcision Study Not Linked to Gilgal Society International Business Times AU
Dr Brian J Morris, the author of the Australian study on the effect of circumcision on sexual gratification, said he is not a member of the Gilgal Society.
International Business Times AU
Israeli Woman Appeals Order to Circumcise Son Jewish Daily Forward
An Israeli woman appealed to the Supreme Court on Wednesday against a rabbinical ruling that ordered her to circumcise her one-year-old son, the ...
Lawsuit claims Squirrel Hill rabbi botched 8-day-old's circumcision Tribune-Review
A Squirrel Hill rabbi botched a ritual circumcision, causing a “life-changing injury” to an 8-day-old boy, the parents of the child claim in a civil lawsuit
Woman appeals ruling she must circumcise son Metro.us
Circumcision is one of Judaism's most fundamental decrees. It symbolizes the covenant between God and the Jewish people and nearly all Jews in ...
Mother ordered to circumcise son appeals ruling The Times of Israel
The Jerusalem rabbinical court last month upheld the ruling of the Netanya rabbinical court ordering the mother to have her son circumcised as per ...
Israel - Woman Appeals Rabbinical Ruling She Must Circumcise Son admin
Israel - A woman appealed to the Supreme Court on Wednesday against a rabbinical ruling that ordered her to circumcise her one-year-old son, the ...
Vos Iz Neias (Yiddish: What's News?)
Pittsburgh rabbi facing circumcision lawsuit | Allegheny Co. News ...
A couple has filed a lawsuit against a Pittsburgh rabbi, alleging that he seriously hurt an 8-day-old infant during a circumcision ceremony.
NewsDaily: Pa. Rabbi facing circumcision lawsuit
Pa. couple files lawsuit against Pittsburgh Rabbi, alleging botched circumcision on infant PITTSBURGH (AP) — A couple has filed a lawsuit against a ...
Petition against courts: Avoid Forced Circumcision - Behadrey ...
Petition against courts: Avoid Forced Circumcision - A woman appealed to the High Court with the assistance of the Ministry of Justice, against the ...
Yahoo Answers - Should circumcision be a human rights issue?
The ban of female circumcision has long been undertaken by female rights ... feminists do not care about men. they see men as inferior to women, only ...
Man sues doctors over circumcision gone wrong - National - monitor ...
The victim is also demanding Shs9m as compensation.
Pa. Rabbi facing circumcision lawsuit Kansas City Star
PITTSBURGH — A couple has filed a lawsuit against a Pittsburgh rabbi, alleging that he seriously hurt an 8-day-old infant during a circumcision ...
See all stories on this topic »
Israeli woman appeals rabbinical ruling she must circumcise son Reuters UK
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli woman appealed to the Supreme Court on Wednesday against a rabbinical ruling that ordered her to circumcise ...
See all stories on this topic »
The West Australian
Swedish county to seek ban on circumcision Jewish Telegraphic Agency
(JTA) — A county in Sweden is planning to ban non-medical circumcision of boys, its commissioner said. Per-Ola Mattsson, commissioner of Blekinge ...
World Jewish Congress
Blogs 2 new results for circumcision
Israeli Mother Going to Supreme Court over Son's Circumcision JTA
A mother in Israel has appealed to the country's Supreme Court a rabbinical court ruling requiring her to circumcise her son. In her appeal filed ...
The Jewish Press
Ethical Issues in Israel's Bizarre Circumcision Case - Beyond the Bris Rebecca Wald
An Israeli mother ordered to circumcise her eleven-month-old son, or face a daily accruing fine, has today taken her case to the High Court of Justice, ...
Beyond the Bris: News and Views on Jewish Circumcision
The Jewish Press » » Swedish County Eyeing Ban on Circumcision
A county in Sweden is moving ahead with plans to ban the non-medical circumcision of boys, its leading elected official said. Per-Ola Mattsson, the ...
Male circumcision is for your own good | The Herald
Catherine Murombedzi H I V Walk This year saw more men being circumcised as compared to last year, according to the Head of Aids and TB Unit in ...
Israeli Mother Going to Supreme Court over Son's Circumcision
A mother in Israel has appealed to the country's Supreme Court a rabbinical court ruling requiring her to circumcise her son. In her appeal filed ...
Do you agree male circumcision is a genital mutilation? - Yahoo ...
circumcision will lead for erectile dysfunction, depriving of the gliding mechanism, makes hard to do masturbation without lube, reduces the sensitivity ...
Swedish county eying ban on circumcision | Israel.com
Blekinge County commissioner opposes nonmedical circumcision because minors.
Pittsburgh - Pa. Rabbi Facing Circumcision Lawsuit -- VosIzNeias.com
Pittsburgh, PA - A couple has filed a lawsuit against a Pittsburgh rabbi, alleging that he seriously hurt an 8-day-old infant during a circumcision ...
Post-mortem Naming and Circumcision for a Stillbirth - Lifecycle ...
Babies who are stillborn are named, and in the case of a boy who did not make it to his circumcision, circumcised as well.
Swedish county eyeing ban on circumcision | Israel.com
(JTA) — A county in Sweden is moving ahead with plans to ban the nonmedical circumcision of boys, its leading elected official said. Per-Ola Mattsson ...
Study; circumcision is genital mutation - Folagbade's Blog-STAY ...
In every site tested, intact men have as much or more fine-touch skin sensitivity on their penis and foreskin than.
Swedish county to seek ban on circumcision | Israel.com
(JTA) — A county in Sweden is planning to ban non-medical circumcision of boys, its commissioner said. Per-Ola Mattsson, commissioner of Blekinge ...
Pittsburgh Rabbi Accused of Botching Circumcision Jewish Daily Forward
The rabbi's website reports that he has been performing ritual circumcisions for nearly 25 years, and that he was trained and certified by the late Rabbi ...
Doctor in botched circumcision case still practicing for now CJAD
The College of Physicians says it will make a decision within days on whether Dr Raymond Rezaie can continue his circumcision practice for the time ...
Israeli woman appeals rabbinical ruling she must circumcise son Yahoo!7 News
US-ISRAEL-CIRCUMCISION:Israeli woman appeals rabbinical ruling she must circumcise son Reuters A "mohel", or ritual circumciser, prepares his ...
Yahoo!7 News
Israel's High Court Puts Hold On Rabbinical Court's Decision To ... FailedMessiah.com
Bris Milah Circumcision Metzitzah B'peh 3 Israel's highest court has issued an temporary injunction that puts a hold on a state rabbinical court's ruling ...
SCOT WALL: Although significant, water baptism does not ... Your Houston News
An interesting parallel can be made between water baptism and circumcision, not in their meaning but in their mode. Circumcision was definitely ...
Israeli mother going to Supreme Court over son's circumcision ruling St. Louis Jewish Light
JERUSALEM (JTA) — A mother in Israel has appealed to the country's Supreme Court a rabbinical court ruling requiring her to circumcise her son.
Swedish county might ban B'rith Milah World Jewish Congress
One of Sweden's 21 counties is considering to introduce a ban on religious circumcision, the Swedish online newspaper 'Sydöstran' reported on .. »
Council of Europe motion submitted in support of ritual circumcision ...
(JTA) — Encouraged by Israeli diplomats, parliamentarians from the Council of Europe have submitted a motion opposing an earlier resolution ...
Swedish country plans to ban non-medical circumcision - jn1.tv
Per-Ola Mattsson, the commissioner of Blekinge County, has said he will move ahead with the planned ban, which will outlaw the ritual of circumcision ...
Swedish county eying ban on circumcision | KosherPress.com
A county in Sweden is moving ahead with plans to ban the nonmedical circumcision of boys, its leading elected official said. Per-Ola Mattsson, the ...
Children council demands free male circumcision - The New Times ...
The National Children's Council (NCC) has urged government to offer free circumcision services to boys.
Europe Lawmakers Push Back on Circumcision | Informed Comment
Dear Informed Comment READERS: Thank you for your support for the last twelve years. With your help, Informed Comment has become one of the ...
“A Tiny Cut”: Female Circumcision in South East Asia While there is a much debate about FGC as experienced in the African continent, the literature ...
Doctor in botched circumcision case still practicing for now - CJAD 800
The College of Physicians says it will make a decision within days on whether Dr Raymond Rezaie can continue his circumcision practice for the time ...
Swedish county eying ban on circumcision Jerusalem Post
A county in Sweden is moving ahead with plans to ban the nonmedical circumcision of boys, its leading elected official said. Per-Ola Mattsson, the ...
Europe Lawmakers Push Back on Circumcision Jewish Daily Forward
The new motion calls Jewish and Muslim circumcision of boys “a religious rite which does not present risks for children and should be respected as a ...
See all stories on this topic »
Council of Europe to Support of Ritual Circumcision
Encouraged by Israeli diplomats, parliamentarians from the Council of Europe have submitted a motion opposing an earlier resolution condemning ...
Rabbi Mordechai Rosenberg's Circumcision ... - Huffington Post
A Pennsylvania rabbi has been sued by the parents of the baby boy he circumcised on April 28 in a botched ceremony that caused a "catastrophic and ...
Circumcision under attack in Europe Heritage Florida Jewish News
Among the Jewish customs that Antiochus banned was circumcision. Because it was the symbol of the covenant between God and the Jewish ...
Children Council Demands Free Male Circumcision AllAfrica.com
The National Children's Council (NCC) has urged government to offer free circumcision services to boys. The appeal was made during a meeting of ...
PIO doctor under lens for female circumcision Times of India
LONDON: A doctor of Indian origin is being investigated by Scotland Yard for carrying out a female genital mutilation (FGM) procedure on a patient.
Evening Standard
Scene Around Heritage Florida Jewish News
"Yet another circumcision challenge has arisen in Europe, a challenge being fought vigorously by the World Jewish Congress (WJC) and its European ...
Yahoo Answers - Circumcision help?!?!?
i recently had an adult.circumcision for medical reasons. I want to know if they ... There no medical reasons for an adult circumcision. It is a cosmetic ...
Eighteen year old considering circumcision: What ... - Yahoo Answers
I have something called molluscum contagious around the shaft of my penis ... I've answered this question several times before, since I was circumcised ...
Circumcision - Catholic Answers Forums
While I'm aware that many parents do not circumcise their sons anymore. Has anyone had a newborn circumcised recently? I'm a bit baffled, our ...
RDFRS: Council of Europe under pressure to reconsider its ...
According to a report in the Times of Israel, the Council of Europe is to revisit last October's resolution which stated that the ritual circumcision of young ...
Council of Europe to Support of Ritual Circumcision - Stormfront
Titled “Children's Right to Physical Integrity,” the October resolution calls non-medical circumcision of boys a “violation of the physical integrity.
The Yeshiva World John McCain Says Circumcision Held Him Back ... Jacob Kornbluh
John McCain Says Circumcision Held Him Back From Converting To Judaism. (Sunday, December 22nd, 2013). Senior Republican Senator and ...
Yeshiva World News
Are the following articles concerning male circumcision incorrect?
These are peer reviewed studies and may be viewed here: ... http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06685.x/abstract ...
circumcision | SAGE Open
The British Royal Family's Circumcision Tradition. Robert Darby, John Cozijn. SAGE OpenOct 2013,3(4)DOI: 10.1177/2158244013508960.
Europe isn't the only place where circumcision is under attack
Europe isn't the only place where circumcision (Brith Mila) is under attack. The headline above comes from Israel's uber-Leftist daily Haaretz.
Should expecting parents asking to have their son circumcised be ...
Infants cannot consent to circumcision, meaning that the burden of ... NO and goodbye. ... Look, this is really not the forum to inundate people with your ...
Circumcision - Page 2 - Catholic Answers Forums
Can I just pop in to say thanks to you guys for carrying on a civil discussion? One son is intact (rarely in my family is anyone circumcised). He's almost ...
Yahoo Answers - Circumcision? Common or not?
At the risk of sounding completely stupid, can somebody explain circumcision to me? I don't mean what it is, but more about whether or not it happens ...
Why does everyone say circumcision is the best here in 'murica?
Like all I hear is people saying circumcision is the best because it supposedly stops HIV and what not. But I think that is complete bologna because we ...
Was a Brit Mila the only thing stopping McCain from becoming a Jew? Jerusalem Post
According to 'New York Times' article, McCain quipped he would convert to Judaism - until ex-Senator Lieberman brought up circumcision.
Brit milah battle will not stop Jewish Chronicle
Increased antisemitism, threats to curb shechita and moves to ban circumcision are among major challenges facing Europe's Jewish communities in ...
Council of Europe to Support of Ritual Circumcision JTA
Encouraged by Israeli diplomats, parliamentarians from the Council of Europe have submitted a motion opposing an earlier resolution condemning ...
The Jewish Press
Swedish Province to Ban Circumcision | CrownHeights.info ... zalman
A county in Sweden is planning to ban non-medical circumcision of boys, its commissioner said. Per-Ola Mattsson, commissioner of Blekinge County, ...
CrownHeights.info - Chabad News, Crown Heights News, Lubavitch News
Best place for circumcision in Guangzhou? - Guangzhou Stuff
Hi all, I am thinking about getting the circumcision procedure done and I was wondering if there are any good places in Guangzhou for ...
What is so bad about male circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
I honestly don't see the big deal about it. I was circumcised as a child and I am ... Regular male circumcision actually makes sense, but liberals hate it ...
Thirty circumcision deaths so far in Eastern Cape Mail & Guardian Online
Thirty circumcision deaths so far in Eastern Cape. 24 Dec 2013 07:21 Andisiwe Makinana · Tweet. Eastern Cape government has called an
40 Million Have Hepatitis Virus and May Not Know AllAfrica.com
The survey found people who had undergone local circumcision were 43% more likely to contract hepatitis B--mostly from using unsafe implements.
Leadership Newspapers
Bennett: Haaretz is Anti-Jewish Arutz Sheva
The latest scandal, said Bennett, was “an organized campaign that paints circumcision as 'primitive,' 'dangerous,' 'a pagan ritual,' and more. For 3,800 ..
Baring-Gould's Lives of the Saints – Circumcision of ... - SQPN.com terry
Baring-Gould's Lives of the Saints – Circumcision of Our Lord. Article. This festival is celebrated by the Church in order to commemorate the obedience ...
circumcision - Page 2 - Other Topics Forum - Discuss Pop Culture ...
Originally Posted by offTopic Could be an issue at first glans, but it's probably all in your head.
circumcision - Two Plus Two Poker Forum
hi all, i dont know if this is the right place to talk about this ^^. i m circumcised and i know it diminish sexual pleasure a lot and even diminish.
John McCain Says Circumcision Held Him Back From Converting To ...
John McCain Says Circumcision Held Him Back From Converting To Judaism. Jacob Kornbluh The Yeshiva World December 23, 2013.
Seriously though, why the **** would you do that to your child? Its been proven that it isn't necessary at all. It is not going to decrease the odds.
Circumcision: A good trick for preserving Jewish identity Haaretz
In contrast to the impression emanating from the circumcision matter, the claim being heard lately in certain liberal circles in Israel and abroad is ...
Circumcision doc suspended, for now CJAD
Dr. Raymond Rezaie will not be performing any more circumcisions, at least in the immediate future. He's accused of botching 31 circumcisions ...
In defense of circumcision thejewishchronicle.net
What was even worse, though, was the misinformation they spread, including, as one commentator said, “botched circumcisions happen regularly but ...
Thirty circumcision deaths so far in Eastern Cape Yahoo South Africa
Eastern Cape government has called an emergency meeting after 30 initiates were killed in the summer initiation season so far. Eastern Cape ...
South African Broadcasting Corporation
Opportunity for change Israel Hayom
A statement attributed to Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri goes as follows: It is lucky that there is no law enforcing brit milah (ritual circumcision), otherwise ...
Thirty circumcision deaths so far in Eastern Cape | News | National ...
Thirty circumcision deaths so far in Eastern Cape. 24 Dec 2013 07:21 Andisiwe Makinana · Tweet. Eastern Cape government has called an ...
Online Debate: Ethics of circumcision | Debate.org
Explore the pros and cons of the debate Ethics of circumcision.
rcumcision - Page 6 - Other Topics Forum - Discuss Pop Culture ...
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones The study on HIV transmission was done on heterosexual men in Africa. Heterosexual HIV transmission in the ...
News 2 new results for circumcision
Is circumcision a right? Washington Post
Our committee's resolution on children's right to physical integrity does not call for a ban on the circumcision of young boys, as many have claimed.
See all stories on this topic »
Israeli mother ordered to circumcise son Eyewitness News
An Israeli woman is refusing a rabbinical ruling to circumcise her one-year-old son, claiming it is abuse. Picture: AFP.
See all stories on this topic »
Web 5 new results for circumcision
Circumcision of young boys is not a right | Stuff.co.nz
For the past two months, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has been vilified as "anti-Semitic," "anti-religious" and "insane" ...
Why is circumcision not practiced in the UK as much as the US?
In England, the aspect of being circumcised was only used to insult when I ... Wow. did not know that about the UK. I can tell you in America, most ...
Why People get offended when Circumcision is considered as a ...
CIRCUMCISION IS BAD and I am strongly against it. it doesn't matter it's ... The only people who get mad when male circumcision [the only legal ...
Malindi gets free circumcision services - YouTube
Residents of Kakuyuni village in Malindi district benefited from a free circumcision medical camp held at Mualafatul Qulub centre in the area. The aim ...
circumcision - Page 5 - Other Topics Forum - Discuss Pop Culture ...
which one of you people with lazy parents is going to man up so we can get a trip report out of this thread?
News 1 new result for circumcision
Circumcision of young boys is not a right Marlborough Express
Last updated 15:11 26/12/2013. circum. Getty Images. Instruments used in a Jewish circumcision ceremony lie on a table at a synagogue in Berlin.
See all stories on this topic »
Marlborough Express
Web 7 new results for circumcision
Circumcision - CafeMom
I am 21 weeks and just found out is a boy! While I am so excited about having a boy after 2 girls, there was always ONE thing.
hiv/aids spread :does circumcsion help ? female circumcision
Circumcised men are less likely to transmit and acquire HIV,a chance up to 50-60 % in some studies --as long as they continue to practice safe sex.
circumcision - Two Plus Two Poker Forum
Circumcision is unambiguously bad to do in this day and age in Western nations and the practice should be cut off. What's the point?
Yahoo Canada Answers - Does circumcision cause the penis to ...
Long story short. Im female. My ex is 6 inches erect (I measured when I was ... Um no. It's called genetics.....
Does circumcision cause the penis to grow more or is this just a ...
Long story short. Im female. My ex is 6 inches erect (I measured when I was ... Um no. It's called genetics..... ... No. It is just pure coincidence.
Circumcision...............? - Yahoo!7 Answers
A lot of guys didn't want to be circumcised and they don't have a choice now. People should have respected their human rights to keep their own ...
Does masturbating have an effect before circumcision? - Yahoo ...
i am a 14 year old male and i masturbate like, a lot and i am getting ... no, it won't..it will be easier to clean up after cause the foreskin will be gone and ...
Does baptism replace circumcision? - The PuritanBoard
"Nehemiah Coxe argues against the replacement of circumcision by baptism from the Galatian controversy." You can read some of the work by.
Article of the week: HIV no barrier to circumcision - BJUI
This month our lead article on HIV and circumcision comes from Uganda. The front cover of January's issue shows the Nile at Lake Victoria in Uganda.
Circumcision (Male) - Mayo Clinic
Israel Hayom | Negating circumcision, shedding our identity
The ritual known as circumcision has been the source of endless chatter. There is no point in trying to persuade those who have been circumcised, nor ...
Circumcision - May 2014 - BabyCenter Canada
Since a large number of us seem to be expecting boys, I thought it would be a good spot for DH and I to start our research and get some opinions on ...
Circumcision - Christian Forums
A question to you bible scholars out there. Do you think there could be a difference between biblical circumcision and the circumcision methods of.
Pittsburgh rabbi denies botching circumcision | AP - Reading Eagle
Pittsburgh rabbi denies botching circumcision in response to lawsuit filed by baby's parents.
Mpumalanga probing R182m circumcision contract News24
The department had five other service providers conducting circumcisions, all of them NGOs that had been sponsored to carry out the circumcisions.
Independent Online
Squirrel Hill rabbi denies botching circumcision Tribune-Review
A Squirrel Hill rabbi denies botching a ritual circumcision that a lawsuit says caused a “catastrophic and life-changing injury” to an 8-day-old boy.
How does circumcision protect against aids? - Yahoo Answers
How does circumcision protect against aids? Doesn't skin serve as a physical barrier to aids? It sounds like propaganda to me. What do you think?
A Second Circumcision? - Catholic Answers Forums
Reading the following passage the LORD said to Joshua, "Make flint knives and circumcise the Israelite nation for the second time." – Joshua 5:2
Mpumalanga probing circumcision contract | The New Age Online
The Mpumalanga health department is investigating a multi-million-rand contract awarded to a company as part of the province's Voluntary Medical ...
the circumcision slaughter | reality is not optional christopher fisher
In an odd Bible story, a Jewish woman is raped, her rapist wishes to marry her, the woman's brothers demand that the rapist's people be circumcised, ...
reality is not optional
American rabbi denies botching circumcision that needed ... - Haaretz
Rabbi's attorneys maintain he performed the ritual 'in a careful and competent fashion, with the care and skill normally exercised by mohels.'
Circumcision - BabyCenter
What are your opinions? Recommendations? I might be having a boy & I know that it will come up after (God willing) delivery. I only have one & she's a ...
Pittsburgh rabbi denies botching circumcision | News OK
PITTSBURGH (AP) — A Pittsburgh rabbi has denied botching a circumcision in response to a lawsuit filed by a couple who claim their 8-day-old infant ...
Pittsburgh rabbi denies botching circumcision - Kentucky.com
A Pittsburgh rabbi has denied botching a circumcision in response to a lawsuit filed by a couple who claim their 8-day-old infant required ...
Probe into circumcision contract | SA News
By Mandla Khoza. Mbombela - The Mpumalanga Health Department has joined forces with the Integrity Management Unit to investigate a multi-million ...
Squirrel Hill rabbi denies botching circumcision | TribLIVE
A Squirrel Hill rabbi denies botching a ritual circumcision that a lawsuit says caused a “catastrophic and life-changing injury” to an 8-day-old boy.
Jewish Circumcision Resource Center Founder to Testify Against ... IntactNews
BOSTON – January 7, 2014 – Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Circumcision Resource Center, a nonprofit educational organization ...
Mpumalanga probing circumcision contract Sowetan (blog)
The Mpumalanga health department is investigating a multi-million-rand contract awarded to a company as part of the province's Voluntary Medical ...
Sowetan (blog)
Pittsburgh rabbi denies botching circumcision SunHerald.com
PITTSBURGH — A Pittsburgh rabbi has denied botching a circumcision in response to a lawsuit filed by a couple who claim their 8-day-old infant ...
The Revolution Will Not Be Circumcised - Vancouver, British Columbia IntactNews
“[The Revolution Will Not Be Circumcised] left the doubters convinced and the bashful a giddy shade of red.... If you weren't there, you really missed ...
Diet a factor in initiation school deaths eNCA
The Provincial Health Department says mainly due to dehydration and hypotension. It says poor diet in the days following the circumcision is a factor.
Mpumalanga investigates multimillion-rand circumcision contract ... Austil Mathebula
The Mpumalanga health department is investigating a multimillion-rand contract awarded to a company as part of the province's Voluntary Medical ...
City Press
Rabbi sued after severing newborn's penis during circumcision
A rabbi is being sued for severing a newborn's penis during a botched circumcision ceremony.
In what way is circumcision good for men ? - Yahoo Answers
My classmates tell me that health wise its good for a guy to be cut. I have even ... i don't know if it's a good idea now. talk to a doctor. but yes, a circum'd ...
Questions about my 3 weeks old circumcision and frenuloplasty?
So, I had both the surgeries 25 days ago and so far it was healing quite ok. Nearly all the the points have fallen out, only the ones on the frenulum ...
Growing number of U.S. Jews questioning circumcision
Growing number of U.S. Jews questioning circumcision. Rabbi: 'If America starts turning against this, give it one generation'. Published: 2 mins ago.
memeorandum: Rabbi Sued After Baby Injured During Circumcision ...
The latest political news and opinion from left to right and back. Blogs and mainstream news outlets features on a single page.
Rabbi Sued for Severing Newborn's Penis During Circumcision
A Rabbi has been sued for accidentally severing a.
Rabbi Sued After Baby's Penis Severed During Circumcision ...
Rabbi Sued After Baby's Penis Severed During Circumcision...
Female circumcision before after pictures
Hoodectomy is also called Female Clitoral Circumcision , in that it. Before & After Photos of Clitoral Unhooding. Before Clitoral Unhooding.
Forced circumcision stories
Forced circumcision stories. Excessive absenteeism letter. New Story By Jennifer Hi, I'm a horny young girl. My pussy gets wet every time I think about ...
Rabbi Sued After Baby's Penis Severed During Circumcision... - The ...
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – A local rabbi is being sued after allegedly botching a bris, the traditional Jewish circumcision ritual, and severing a newborn ...
Rabbi sued after 'severing newborn baby's penis during botched ... Mirror.co.uk
His website states that a doctor's medical circumcision, which would be performed in a hospital is "not considered valid according to Jewish law." ...
Daily Mail
Rabbi severs baby's penis in circumcision WND.com
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – A local rabbi is being sued after allegedly botching a bris, the traditional Jewish circumcision ritual, and severing a newborn ...
Was Jesus 'white'? Wrong question Boston Globe
'And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised,” we read in the Gospel of Luke, “he was called Jesus.” For centuries, Jan. 1 was celebrated in ...
Boston Globe
Is January First A Sectarian Holiday? – OpEd Eurasia Review
Although both Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church calendars mark January first as the Feast of the Circumcision (of Jesus); in 1969 Pope ...
Haredi Mohel Amputates Baby's Penis During Bris FailedMessiah.com
Remember the haredi mohel (with Chabad connections) who seriously injured a baby during a bris (Jewish ritual circumcision) in Pittsburgh?
Blogs 2 new results for circumcision
Rabbi Severs Newborn's Penis In Traditional Circumcision (DETAILS) Evanka Williamson
A Pittsburgh rabbi is currently being sued after he allegedly botching a bris, the traditional Jewish circumcision ritual, and severing a newborn boy's ...
Global Grind
Pennsylvania rabbi sued for inflicting a 'catastrophic' injury to an 8 ... Barry Duke
A “CATASTROPHIC and life-changing injury” was suffered by a Pennsylvanian infant as a result of a botched circumcision by a rabbi who us now ...
The Freethinker
If fewer Americans circumcise, will Jews be willing to stand out ...
As the practice wanes, will Jews be willing to continue tradition?
Pittsburgh Rabbi Sued For Allegedly Severing Newborn's Penis ...
The lawsuit says Rabbi Mordechai Rosenberg botched the 8-day-old boy's circumcision ritual at Tree of Life Synagogue. Doctors reattached child's ...
Do mothers think about circumcision a lot? - Yahoo Answers
Here is the cold hard truth. If you do not circumcise your baby he will be made fun of during his entire childhood and teenage years; especially in the ...
Technical Advisor Ii, Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision ... - Devex
FHI 360 is a global development organization with a rigorous, evidence-based approach. Our professional staff includes experts in health, nutrition, ...
Rabbi cuts off baby's penis during circumcision ritual - YouTube
A rabbi is being sued after severing a baby's penis during a genital mutilation ritual. PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- A local rabbi is being sued after allegedly ...
FARK.com: (8079435) When performing a circumcision, the most ...
When performing a circumcision, the most important thing to do is not cut off the baby's penis (dailymail.co.uk), divider line, 39. More: Obvious, Jewish ...
Rabbi sued for accidentally SEVERING newborn baby boy's penis ...
Rabbi sued for accidentally SEVERING newborn baby boy's penis during a circumcision. continue reading. Share this: Share. Facebook · Tumblr ...
Pennsylvanian rabbi sued for cutting off a baby's penis during a 'bris ...
Rabbi Mordechai Rosenberg, 54, was named in the lawsuit as presiding over the circumcision ritual on April 28 when the eight-day-old boy's penis ...
Pittsburgh rabbi sued for botched circumcision - Health - FOX News
A rabbi in Pittsburgh is being sued for allegedly botching a circumcision, in which he severed the baby's penis, UPI.com reported. Rabbi Mordechai ...
Rabbi Facing Lawsuit After Severing Baby's Penis at Circumcision ...
A rabbi from Pittsburgh is facing a civil lawsuit after he was alleged to have severed the penis of a newborn during a circumcision ceremony.
circumcision | matt fradd
With the feast of the circumcision of Christ coming up I thought I'd share the following excerpt from St. Thomas … Continue reading. Category: ...
The Unkindest Cut – The Cost of Circumcision » A Million Gods
Circumcision is a contentious subject. While many people believe it's a harmless practice and produces an aesthetically pleasing penis with a myriad ...
circumcision - Page 13 - Other Topics Forum - Discuss Pop Culture ...
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy Is there reduced sensitivity or intensity of orgasm? Yikes, 1 month no sex. Assuming no masturbation either. I don't.
Rabbi sued for severing baby's penis during Pennsylvania ...
... rabbi who has had no formal medical training is facing a lawsuit after allegedly severing a baby's penis while conducting a Jewish circumcision.
circumcision - Two Plus Two Poker Forum
Originally Posted by mullen -Avoiding really ****ty situation like the one DonkeyKong went through That's all I can come up with, tbh. should people.
Growing Number of Jews to End Religious Circumcisions TopNews Arab Emirates
Circumcisions A KD investigation has sought strong reactions from many Jews to end religious circumcision ceremony. KDKA reported that an ...
See all stories on this topic »
TopNews Arab Emirates
Rabbi getting sued for allegedly severing newborn's penis New York Daily News
The American Board of Ritual Circumcision recognizes Rabbi Rosenberg as a certified mohel, a Jewish person who upholds the tenets of the Jewish ...
New York Daily News
Rabbi Botches Bris, Cuts Off Baby's Penis Gawker
A Pittsburgh-area mohel is being accused of accidentally severing an infant's penis during a botched circumcision. The lawsuit against Rabbi ...
Esther Arunga is back with lessons on sexuality The Standard Digital News
Seemingly back with extensive research on the effects of circumcision, which she apparently did while handling one of her cases, Esther ...
Circumcision Severs Baby's Penis, Rabbi Sued Juana Poareo
The baby boy's circumcision was performed at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill when the severing occurred. After being immediately rushed ...
Guardian Liberty Voice
Circumcision Is Not Medically Necessary - The Guardian Express Tina Elliott
Circumcision is not medically necessary and is becoming less common with many U.S. parents. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), for many ...
Guardian Liberty Voice
Rossi Roundup - Is Circumcision Medically Necessary - And More at 7 Ray Rossi
Here's the lineup for tonight at 7, with me, Ray Rossi, in for Steve …as we spread the gospel of the Garden State to you all over the world at ...
New Jersey 101.5
Rabbi Sued for Severing Newborn's Penis During Circumcision
A Rabbi has been sued for accidentally severing a.
VladTV.com Video / Blog List
Rabbi sued for severing baby's penis during ... - The Raw Story
According to Rosenberg's website, a “medical circumcision, usually performed in the hospital on the second or third day after birth, does not fulfill the ...
Male Circumcision Logistics Advisor - Job Postings - John Snow, Inc.
JSI job and internship opportunities. JSI offers exciting career opportunities for individuals committed to improving health care in the US and around ...
Rabbi cuts of baby's penis in circumcision accident | www.krmg.com
The baby spent two months in the hospital and required six blood transfusions after the incident.
Reach and Cost-Effectiveness of the PrePex Device for Safe Male ...
Data collected during the performance of 625 circumcisions using PrePex was compared to data previously collected from 10,000 circumcisions using ...
I youtubed circumcision :'( - August 2014 - BabyCenter Canada
Oh my goodness. I just watched an infants circumcision on YouTube and I'm bawling my eyes out. Hubby wants our son to be circumcised and I am ...
Pittsburgh mohel sued for severing baby's penis during circumcision ...
Rabbi continues to practice circumcision, while plastic surgeon says it is too early to determine whether severed penis will regain full functionality.
Pennsylvania rabbi sued for worst-case, botched circumcision Washington Times
When it comes to circumcision errors, it really doesn't get any worse than this: A Pittsburgh-area mohel mistakenly sliced a little too much, completely ...
Rabbi Facing Lawsuit After Circumcision Goes Horribly Wrong Complex.com
According to Rabbi Mordecai Rosenberg, he was performing the circumcision at the Tree of Life Synagogue in in Pittsburgh's Squirrel Hill ...
Some Call For End To Religious Circumcisions After Baby Injured ... CBS Local
KDKA reported on a baby boy, who was seriously injured during a religious circumcision ceremony at a local synagogue. Now, a growing number of ...
Rabbi Who Botched Circumcision Sued For Negligence; Continues ... Medical Daily
(Photo courtesy of Shutterstock) The parents of a baby boy whose penis was severed during a circumcision ceremony (not the one pictured) are now ...
Rabbi sued for cutting off penis during circumcision Jewish Chronicle
A rabbi from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is being sued after chopping off a newborn baby's penis during a routine circumcision earlier this year.
World News Rabbi Accidentally Chops Off Newborn's Penis During ... Nigerian Bulletin
Rabbi Mordechai Rosenberg, who is also a mohel, is being sued for severing a newborn baby's penis during a botched circumcision ceremony.
Ritual circumcism questioned as rabbi accused of severing baby's ... The Australian
AN ORTHODOX rabbi who allegedly severed a baby boy's penis while performing a ritual circumcision is being sued in a lawsuit which will raise ...
Some Call For End To Religious Circumcisions After Baby Injured ... sarbear1987
Weis is among a small, but growing number of Jewish leaders who, because of complications, believe circumcision for Jewish boys is not necessary.
CBS Pittsburgh
The Ohio Anglican.blog: Feast of the Circumcision of Christ Kevin
The Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord is a Christian celebration of the circumcision of Jesus, eight days (according to the Semitic and southern ...
The Ohio Anglican.blog
catholicity and covenant: "All of himself he gives": the Circumcision ... BC
"All of himself he gives": the Circumcision of Christ. Honour and praise to the Love made flesh, who came to give himself to us! Honour him, O my soul, ...
catholicity and covenant
The Circumcision and Name of Jesus - Aardvark Alley - Blogger Orycteropus Afer
Circumcision of Our Lord This major feast day of the Christian Church marks the infant Jesus' eighth day of life. At this time, the Law required all boys ...
Aardvark Alley
Carissimi: Today's Mass; The Circumcision of Our Lord | Carissimi AbpLloydOSJV
The Circumcision of Our Lord: Missa “Puer natus”. Circumcision was a sacrament of the Old Law, and the first legal observance required of the ...
Circumcision of Our Lord | Catholic4Life
Posts about Circumcision of Our Lord written by Catholic4Life.
The Foreskin and Circumcision: Educator Training - Scottsdale ...
The Foreskin and Circumcision is an eight-hour class geared toward birth professionals who are looking for guidance about bringing up and ...
The circumcision of Christ | The Catholic Leader
The circumcision of Christ has an interesting origin and symbolism. It dates back to the time of Abraham, around 1900 BC. The book of Genesis ...
RealClearReligion - The End of Circumcision?
The broader culture has undoubtedly influenced the increased questioning among American Jews about circumcision. Since 1979, the national rate ...
Rabbi Sued After Baby's Circumcision Goes Tragically Wrong (VIDEO)
Circumcision has become more controversial over the years, with many feeling it's an unneeded and sometimes downright dangerous procedure.
Israel's circumcision interventions draw mixed reception from ... Jewish Telegraphic Agency
PARIS (JTA) — The Israeli government is wading into the burgeoning European debate over circumcision and receiving a mixed reception from the ...
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Bulgarian Orthodox Church commemorates Circumcision of Jesus ... Focus News
Bulgarian Orthodox Church commemorates Circumcision of Jesus and St. Basil the Great. 01 January 2014 | 07:53 | FOCUS News Agency. Home / ...
The Foreskin and Circumcision: Educator Training Class ... IntactNews
The Foreskin and Circumcision: Educator Training is an eight-hour class is geared toward birth professionals who are looking for guidance about ...
Celebrity Stylist Rachel Zoe Tweets Family Photos After Her Son's ... Algemeiner
Celebrity fashion stylist Rachel Zoe late on Monday tweeted a family picture after the bris milah (circumcision) of her son, Kaius Jagger Berman.
Daily Mail
Man arrested in Sydney over genital mutilation of infant daughter ABC Online
Police have been told the man allegedly organised for his then nine-month-old daughter to undergo circumcision while holidaying overseas in ...
Headline News - The Feast of the Circumcision: A Blessed New Year! Orthodox Church in America
While January 1 marks the beginning of the civil new year—and we wish every blessing of the season to our readers—it…
OCA News
Circumcision? I am having a baby boy. - Page 2 - The Bump
I am dumbfounded that someone thinks that circumcisiom helping reduce hiv infection as a myth and lol at psychology today being linked as a ...
Circumcision and Name of Jesus | Immanuel Lutheran Church ...
January 1, eight days after Christmas, commemorates the circumcision of the infant Jesus; as recounted in the Gospel read on this day, 'at the end of ...
Rukwa launches campaign on male circumcision | In2EastAfrica ...
The health sector in Rukwa region has educated young married men on the good virtues of circumcision as a useful hedge against contracting HIV ...
The Circumcision of Our Lord: a Created Share in God's Own Life ...
Homily of this great feast of Our Blessed Lord's first shedding of His blood for us. Why did He do this? Was it needed? For more please go to ...
Circumcision - Page 2 - The Bump
I've heard it can affect their feeding- put them off it for a few days which is why they say to wait a week at least till they establish feeding.
JANUARY 1: Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord | © Marielena ...
And after eight days were accomplished, that the child should be circumcised, his name was called JESUS, which was called by the angel, before he ...
Circumcision in Chicago? | Men's Health - Men's Health Forums
Tons of useful stuff. The men's guide to fitness, sex, women, workouts, weight loss, health, nutrition and muscle building from the world's largest men's ...
The Circumcision and Name of Jesus, 1 January, anno Domini 2014
His infant body now Begins the cross to feel: Those precious drops of blood that flow For death the Victim seal. (Hymn #898, stanza 3, Lutheran ...
Circumcision - Catholic Answers Forums
As a woman, I feel completely uneasy and disgust whenever I think of circumcision. My nephews are circumcised, and I saw the day they came home ...
January 1: Circumcision of Christ our Lord - Jackson Presbyterian ...
Local News: Bells of Faith, the hand bell choir of the Mustard Seed, a Christian community for adults with developmental disabilities in Brandon, ...
Circumcision of Our Lord | The Society of St. John Bosco, Inc.
Circumcision was a sacrament of the Old Law, and the first legal observance required by Almighty God of that people, which he had chosen preferably ...
Circumcision and Name of Jesus | CyberBrethren - A Lutheran Blog
El Greco, Adoration of the Name of Jesus, 1578-79, Oil on canvas, 190 x 140 cm; Chapter House, Monasterio de San Lorenzo, El Escorial "The name ...
Gloria.tv: Feast of the Circumcision
Feast of the Circumcision. Video Sancto 01/01/2014 19:37:39. Recelebration of the Incarnation. Mary begins her life of suffering. We find in this Feast ...
The Feast of the Circumcision of Jesus | The Orthodox Life
On January 1, 2012, at the Feast of the Circumcision, we considered five important things we learn from the circumcision of Jesus: At Christ's ...
Byzantine, Texas: On the Circumcision of our Lord Jesus Christ Josephus Flavius
The 1st of January is primarily The Despotic Feast of the Circumcision of Christ, whereby we commemorate an event which took place eight days after ...
Byzantine, Texas
Gloria.tv: The Circumcision of Our Lord by Fra Filippo Lippi, 1465 rhemes1582
CIRCUMCISION was a sacrament of the Old Law, and the first legal observance required by Almighty God of the descendants of Abraham. It was a ...
Gloria.tv: ›the more catholic the better‹
The Interpretation of an Icon of the Circumcision of Christ - Mystagogy John Sanidopoulos
God's command originally given to Abraham foresaw the circumcision of every male child: "This is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and ...
man with black hat: Christ-Mass: Day 8 (Circumcision/St Basil) David L Alexander
Such was its name in the earliest liturgical books, thus remembered as the day of Circumcision, when a son of Israel was marked according to the Law ...
man with black hat
Female circumcision 'more common' - The Australian
GENITAL mutilation of girls is much more common in Australia and by Australians overseas than authorities can detect, according to the NSW ...
Israel Wades Into Europe Circumcision Debate — and Reaction Is ...
The Israeli government is wading into the burgeoning European debate over circumcision — and is getting a decidedly mixed reception from the ...
AM - NSW man charged with procuring female circumcision for ...
A man will face a Sydney court at the end of the month to answer charges that he allegedly organised for his baby daughter to be circumcised during ...
KTN's Former Screen Siren Esther Arunga Opens Up About Sex ... Ghafla!Kenya
The article was titled 'Circumcision reduces sexual pleasure by making manhood less sensitive and unsharpshootin' and I was drawn in, giggling and ...
Three centuries later, as Christendom assumed the Gregorian calendar, New Year's Day marked the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ, and is still ...
See all stories on this topic »
Lights out for 40- and 60-watt incandescent light bulbs New York Post
... cigarettes and certain forms of circumcision. Starting today — New Year's Day — it will be lights out for the popular 40- and 60-watt incandescent ...
Blogs 8 new results for circumcision
Ite ad Thomam: "Go to Thomas!": Happy Feast of the Circumcision! Francisco Romero Carrasquillo
It narrates in two verses the circumcision and naming of Our Lord, thus linking together His first shedding of blood and his mission as 'Savior'--which is ...
Ite ad Thomam: "Go to Thomas!"
Saint Louis Catholic: Sermon on the Feast of the Circumcision thetimman
In the law of the Old Testament, the circumcision was the sign of the covenant with God. God wishes to lead all men to a life of communion with himself ...
Saint Louis Catholic
The Circumcision of Christ | "Sublunary Sublime" Robbie
In “The Politics of Christ's Circumcision,” Graham Ward helps to explain our squeamishness, arguing that Christ's circumcision provides an insight into ...
"Sublunary Sublime"
January 1, 2014 - Circumcision and Name of Jesus · Higher Things
And when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child, His name was called JESUS, the name given by the angel before He was ...
Higher Things Daily Reflections
Saint Louis Catholic: Sermon on the Feast of the Circumcision
In the law of the Old Testament, the circumcision was the sign of the covenant with God. God wishes to lead all men to a life of communion with himself ...
circumcision | Kids Are People
Posts about circumcision written by Angela Darland.
Talks on clear-cut solutions to circumcision initiated - Mail & Guardian
In September this year, doctors and traditional leaders started negotiations to allow doctors to assist with circumcisions in an effort to reduce the ...
circumcision - Two Plus Two Poker Forum
ppl ITT seem to care way too much about others peoples penis. peni? what's the plural of penis? I've only ever cared about my own so never had to ...
The Circumcision of Jesus - Biblword
Your Question: If Jesus never had a relationship or never dated anyone on earth, then why was He circumcised? The common reasons we have for ...
Israel Wades Into Europe Circumcision Debate — and Reaction Is ... Jewish Daily Forward
(JTA) — The Israeli government is wading into the burgeoning European debate over circumcision and receiving a mixed reception from the ...
201 boys initiated in Kikuyu customs The Star
Kikuyu elders have initiated 201 boys into adulthood after undergoing a circumcision ceremony like it used to happen in the olden days. Kiambu ...
circumcision consent form - Foreskin Restoration / Intactivism Network
circumcision consent form General Restoration Discussion.
The questions we need to ask about circumcision Haaretz
When my beloved son was born I didn't circumcise him. It was an easy and natural step, which I saw as an expression of my existence as a free man.
Celebrating New Years with Solemnity and Circumcision Examiner.com
The feast of the circumcision of Christ goes dates back to early Christianity. The fixed date of January 1st to mark this event was proclaimed by Pope ...
Major Oops – Rabbi Accidently Castrates Newborn During ... Eurweb.com
According to KDKA in Pittsburgh, after performing the Jewish ritual called bris, the act of circumcision, a rabbi (Mordechai Rosenberg) is accused of ...
See all stories on this topic »
Blogs 1 new result for circumcision
Saving Our Sons: Circumcision: Breaking the Cycle JK
The subject of circumcision is one I hadn't researched as much. Not knowing the sex of our baby put the topic at the bottom of my list. My friend and ...
Saving Our Sons
Web 7 new results for circumcision
The Interpretation of an Icon of the Circumcision of Christ - Mystagogy
God's command originally given to Abraham foresaw the circumcision of every male child: "This is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and ...
Ite ad Thomam: "Go to Thomas!": Happy Feast of the Circumcision!
It narrates in two verses the circumcision and naming of Our Lord, thus linking together His first shedding of blood and his mission as 'Savior'--which is ...
Is there anyway to reduce/fix an ugly circumcision scar? - Yahoo ...
so im going to try to describe my problem, im 15 years old and i got circumcised at birth my doctor did a really Sh!tty job on my circumcision! im not ...
What hurts more? Circumcision or getting a nose job? - Yahoo ...
I had my circumcision when i was 12 and it did hurt. I wanna get a nose job, ... Circumcision, because the foreskin/penis is significantly more innervated ...
What's wrong with circumcision? Part 2 - Video Dailymotion
Publication date : 04/01/14; Duration : 05:30; Category : News & Politics. more. Watch more videos from wiccanminister. 05:30. What's wrong with ...
Circumcision techniques - December 2013 - BabyCenter
Hi new mommies...i feel a little odd to start this post..but since this group has always helped me in all my queries, i decided to raise this query. I have a ...
Some Jewish parents question circumcision - Arkansas Online
Arkansas Online is the largest online source for breaking news, sports news, recruiting news, entertainment news, event listings, opinion, business ...
How much sensation do you loose after circumcision?
How much sensation/pleasure do you loose after cir…
Let's talk about circumcision | Israel.com
The idea that Judaism is inextricably linked to circumcision must be challenged and corrected. ...
Male circumcision
Male circumcision. The origination of male circumcision is not known with certainty. It has been variously proposed that it began as a religious sacrifice ...
Do Motives Matter in Male Circumcision? 'Conscientious Objection ...
Whilst there have been serious attempts to locate the practice of male circumcision for religious motives in the context of the (respective) religion's ...
Type of circumcision - Page 6 - Hip Forums
Type of circumcision is from Sex Polls forum, part of the Hip Forums. Discover people's sexual preferences and reveal your own!.
Is male circumcision worthwhile? — The Punch - Nigeria's Most ...
The habit of performing circumcision on the male newborn is one that has been carried out through the ages. It means the removal of the male foreskin ...
More Jewish parents question circumcision | The Columbian
WASHINGTON — When his pregnant wife first challenged circumcising their son, Mike Wallach had a gut reaction: "That's what we do, we're Jews!&
'Circumcision is not genital mutilation' - nth London rabbis jump to ... Ham&High
But “the cut” – or circumcision – of young boys has been a celebrated religious rite of passage ever since God's covenant in the Old Testament ...
See all stories on this topic »
Child abuse in the garb of a rite Washington Post
Circumcision is a religious rite from the Dark Ages that has no place in an enlightened world. Trying to justify it with contemporary medical opinion is ...
See all stories on this topic »
Diaspora Jews frown at Israeli intervention in circumcision debate Haaretz
The Israeli government is wading into the burgeoning European debate over circumcision and receiving a mixed reception from the continent's Jews.
See all stories on this topic »
Swedish county eyeing ban on circumcision Heritage Florida Jewish News
(JTA)—A county in Sweden is moving ahead with plans to ban the nonmedical circumcision of boys, its leading elected official said. Per-Ola Mattsson ...
See all -
Negating circumcision, shedding our identity Israel Hayom
The ritual known as circumcision has been the source of endless chatter. There is no point in trying to persuade those who have been circumcised, nor ...
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Israel Hayom
Acute vulvar pain in a lady with post circumcision inclusion cyst of ... 7thSpace Interactive (press release)
Acute vulvar pain in a lady with post circumcision inclusion cyst of the vulva containing stones: a case report. Despite global eradication efforts, female ...
See all stories on this topic »
Web 8 new results for circumcision
Circumcision (male): How you prepare - Mayo Clinic
Male circumcision is Good or Bad for you? - David Icke
i didn't want to be circumcised but i was told i have to..... because it is good for my health..as a Muslim i have should done it younger but .i was ...
medical science - Does an unanesthetized circumcision where the ...
Similar to this question on Reddit. I've heard various sources claim that during unanesthetized, ceremonial) circumcision the boy can go into ...
Circumcision :: Men's Health
I'm currently living over in New Zealand and due to medical reasons i need to be circumcised. I'm flying back to the UK in a few months for a month ...
Male circumcision is Good or Bad for you? - David Icke
i always felt it is unnatural thing .هthe odd thing circumcision was never mentioned in holy quran .. it was mentioned in mu hammed oral haddith ...
Does unanaesthetized circumcision result in neurogenic shock?
Similar to this question on Reddit, which asks for sources, I've heard various claims that during unanesthetized, ceremonial circumcision, the boy can ...
Yahoo Answers - How do I get over circumcision....?
Im 27 and had to get circumcised almost a year ago due to partial phimosis, ... You shouldn't regret it because you took a decision based on personal ...
Cultural festival in Kisii relives past - YouTube
How did a traditional male circumcision ceremony among the Kisii community look like? Well, residents of Bomachoge had an opportunity to see how ...
News 1 new result for circumcision
My friends say that sensitivity of the penis reduces due to ... Bangalore Mirror
I am 18 years old. When I was young, I was made to undergo a circumcision. Some of my friends say that sensitivity of the penis reduces due to this.
See all stories on this topic »
Blogs 1 new result for circumcision
Suscipe Sancte Pater: Circumcision of the Lord and Our Interior Lives Matthew Roth
Father Beach gave an excellent homily at the Missa Cantata for the Octave Day of Christmas (the Circumcision of the Lord or Mary, Mother of God.
Suscipe Sancte Pater
Web 7 new results for circumcision
Circumcision (male): Risks - Mayo Clinic
Male circumcision is Good or Bad for you? - David Icke
i didn't want to be circumcised but i was told i have too because it is good for my health..as a Muslim i should done it younger but .i was circumcised at ...
How did the Jewish tradition of male circumcision get started ...
Or more specifically -- Who started it? ... All answers can be found in Genesis chapter 17 ... One psycho invented it and imposed it on everyone else.
Circumcision divide between Denmark and Israel
godlikeproductions.com - Excerpt: [i]Infant circumcision's negative long-term impact on human sexuality has been recognized by Jewish authorities for ages. t
Circumcision will soon be banned in Denmark. Americans explode ...
reddit.com - I don't know why America has such a fetish for circumcision, to the point where most American men are circumcised, even when they are not Jewish.
Circumcision divide between Denmark and Israel - Facepunch
facepunch.com - http://cphpost.dk/news/circumcision-divide-between-denmark-and-israel.8440.html. t
Why Isn't Male Circumcision A Crime? - Find Answers to this Question
experienceproject.com - ... replace professional advice, such as from a doctor or lawyer. This page is for providing answers to the question "Why isn't male circumcision a crime ...
Circumcision - June 2014 - BabyCenter Canada
babycenter.ca - This is not intended to start a debate, but rather to encourage mommies of boys to think about and research this decision before making it.
Circumcision divide between Denmark and Israel - LGF Pages
littlegreenfootballs.com - It is my first post, be gentle! Tips welcome. Yes I did say that. In the Israeli media, readers have repeatedly been told that the widely-held European
Religious circumcisions not subject to Pennsylvania oversight
Pittsburgh Post Gazette - It hearkens back to circumcision of Abraham and other biblical patriarchs as a sign of their covenant with God. The practice, t
Challenges of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision
AllAfrica.com - This week, I revisit the issue of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC). Recently when I attended the 17th International Conference on AIDS
DHS wants teen returned to mum who held him down while ...
Herald Sun - THE Department of Human Services is trying to force a 14-year-old boy who was pinned down by his mother while he was forcibly circumcised by an ..
Jewish Daily Forward
Swedish, Danish medical groups call for brit milah ban
Jewish Telegraphic Agency - In Denmark, the Danish College of General Practitioners – a group with 3,000 members – said in statement that non-medical circumcision of boys ...
Why is female circumcision illegal in the west but male circumcision ...
yahoo.com - Female circumcision was traditionally done to make sex painful for women so they would not cheat on their husbands w t
What are the benefits of circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
yahoo.com - Yeah, So I just got circumcised and i'm just wondering what are the benefits of it.I know it's also about hygine and stuff but is there any other benefits
Why Underage/Forced Circumcision is not considered as a Sexual ...
yahoo.com - let's say someone rapes a woman then there is no consent there is damage to her genital there is a psychological damage so now let's say a boy was ...
Thread: Denmark, first country in the world to ban non-therapeutic ...
avoiceformen.com - Denmark, first country in the world to ban non-therapeutic circumcision of boys? They are talking about it on Reddit and a lot of people are defending it ...
Denmark may soon become the first country to ban circumcision ...
mmo-champion.com - They're calling it genital mutilation. Meanwhile, Israel is trying pretty hard to block what are broadly perceived as a clear step forward in children's ...
Circumcision Ban = Holocuast - Funnyjunk
funnyjunk.com - Circumcision Ban = Holocuast. oy vey the goyim knows this is a shoah Source: Also, I declare myself king of Political.. News e World e Europe
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New Vision
'Non-surgical' circumcision starts next month...
New Vision - A male circumcision procedure which does not involve surgery and is considered to be bloodless is to be implemented starting next month.
European Circumcision Debate to be Broadcast Live
Salem-News.Com - In October the Council of Europe, an organization of 47 member States, overwhelmingly passed a non-binding resolution that called circumcision, ...
Circumcision for 1 year old - BabyandBump
BabyandBump (kellie_w) - Has anyone on here had the experience of having their 1 year old circumcised? This is tearing me apart as I don't know what to do for the best.
Circumcision divide between Denmark and Israel - Democratic ...
democraticunderground.com - In two fresh statements, Danish doctors express deep concern over ritual circumcision of boys. The Danish Society of Family Physicians, whose 3,000 ...
Jews, Muslims unite to combat circumcision ban - Israel Jewish ...
ynetnews.com - Jewish Scene: Council of Europe Secretary-General Thorbjorn Jagland tells delegation of Muslim, Jewish leaders that religious discrimination of ...
Kibera women sue government over circumcision ... - The Standard
standardmedia.co.ke - A group of Kibera woman and a man allegedly circumcised by rioters during the post-election violence have moved to court.
Israel's circumcision interventions draw mixed reception from ...
chicagojewishnews.com - The Israeli government is wading into the burgeoning European debate over circumcision and receiving a mixed reception from the continent's Jews.
Circumcision is genital mutilation? What?? - Mixed Martial Arts Forum
mixedmartialarts.com - I was listening to some lady, on the radio, who's against circumcision and she says its genital mutilation. I've been genitally mutilated?!? What the hell
Circumcision - Circle of Moms
circleofmoms.com - Circumcision - I think I should circumcise my son and so does my husband but something feels wrong. I know my husband is the one that should... -...
yahoo.com - I got curcumcised last week and I put lube on my penis today to try and ... You SHOULD be worried. You are not even supposed to have any type of ...
Yahoo Answers - Has any one in uk had circumcision reverale on ...
yahoo.com - Why would any guy want a foreskin? That is disgusting! BTW- I do not think there is a reversal, once you are cut you are are perfect!
.. t
"circumcision nurse"
orpp.biz - NURSEREVIEW. ORG CIRCUMCISION Circumcision is a surgical procedure in which the prepuce (foreskin) of the penis is separated from the glans, ... nt
Adult circumcision video
orpp.biz - Adult Circumcision , live Adult Circumcision , Adult Circumcision videos , Adult Circumcision surgical videos , Circumcision videos , Circumcision live ...
Anger in NT community after circumcision rite ends ... - News.nom.co
news.nom.co - There is continuing anger in a remote NT community after three teenage boys were injured in a botched circumcision ceremony., News from ...
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In rebuttal: Physicians trained as mohalim are competent and reliable
thejewishchronicle.net - The rabbi would have been better off asserting that newborn circumcision is, in fact, statistically quite safe in competent hands. And when I say ...
Irexis.com Promotes Health Awareness, Answering Frequently ...
The International News Magazine - This is an issue that continues to be debated: Should a newborn baby boy be circumcised? There are definitely some advantages to circumcision ...
The Copenhagen Post
Elsewhere: Eastern tastes, analyzing Freud's grandson, Israel's free ...
Jewish Telegraphic Agency - Circumcision in Denmark and Israel: As Denmark moves toward a circumcision ban, Israel's protest defies European sensibilities, Morten Frisch writes.
San Diego Jewish World
What kind of a family man was Moses?
San Diego Jewish World - Although she was a Midianite, a member of the Abrahamic clan, none of the ancient peoples of the ANE ever practiced infant circumcision—only the ...
Boys hospitalised after circumcision rite | NT News
ntnews.com.au - A TRADITIONAL circumcision ritual that ended with three teenage boys in hospital was neither criminal nor child abuse, an investigation has ... t
Anger in NT community after circumcision rite ends with ... - Yahoo!
yahoo.com - There is still anger in a remote Northern Territory community after three teenage boys had to be medically evacuated following an Indigenous initiation
Newborn Circumcision Shown To Be a Better Financial Choice in ...
scientificamerican.com - Physicians have debated for years whether to cut foreskin. It's unclear whether potential benefits of circumcision—greater prevention of health ... t
Another circumcision question, just a few queries?! Please help me ...
yahoo.com - I got circumcised just over a week ago due to righ… t
Female Circumcision, Facts and Opinions + Pics - Women's Health
womens-health.com - Hi, I am doing a research on female circumcision and its possible physical and mental consequences. As you know, female circumcision has been a ..
Anger in NT community after circumcision rite ends in injury - ABC ...
abc.net.au - Three teenagers had to be airlifted from a remote NT community after a circumcision ceremony went wrong. The NT Government says investigators
Circumcision Coverage Comes Into Focus - Democratic Underground
democraticunderground.com - Like a dozen other states, Florida ended Medicaid coverage of routine circumcisions for newborns after the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a ...
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Circumcision – defending the indefensible
Jerusalem Post - Shai insinuated that the documentary, celebrated for its depiction of parental remorse over circumcision, was made by an enemy of the Jewish state.
Circumcision cuts? * Glenn Beck's confession * Pope to Korea ...
Religion News Service - A Christian allegory? “Elsa,” from the Disney movie “Frozen,” makes the same choices Satan did, says one critic — and fan. From the official Disney
Israel's chief rabbinate says oral suction at circumcision is preferred ...
The Ugly Truth (editor) - The practice of 'metzitzah b'peh,' in which blood is sucked orally from the circumcized penis, is under scrutiny in Germany, due to a complaint filed
Israel produces pro-circumcision short film to fight ... - RT.com
rt.com - The claim of Israel being more civilized than the Arabs is exposed here. A primitive practice based on even more primitive dogma.
Israel produces pro-circumcision short film to ... - The Muslim Times
themuslimtimes.org - Russia Today: As Council of Europe parliamentarians brace for a clash, the Israeli Knesset prepares a short film praising circumcision to be shown in .. t
I m 16...nd my i hav to undergo circumcision next month....very much ...
yahoo.com - i am 16 year old, nd i hav relative phemosis,...my doctor prescribed me to ... Circumcision itself does not help to reduce sexual pleasure. Even if you are ...
"circumcision nurse"
ythj.biz - "circumcision nurse". What action nurses can take against infant circumcision and for genital integrity. Fiction, written by Jennifer. About a boy getting ...
US Jewish Parents Question Circumcision | I Am Bored
i-am-bored.com - US Jewish Parents Question Circumcision. Is it just more religious cherry picking?
Yahoo!7 News
Anger in NT community after circumcision rite ends with three boys ...
ABC Online - The boys were part of a group of around 20 who were circumcised two days before Christmas near the small Gulf of Carpentaria town of Borroloola,
JP Updates
Knesset Producing Pro-Circumcision Film To Combat EU Restrictions
JP Updates - knesset The Knesset is producing a short pro-circumcision documentary, to be filmed this week and shown in a committee of the Parliamentary
Israel produces pro-circumcision short film to fight opposing ...
RT - Daily news (RT) - As Council of Europe parliamentarians brace for a clash, the Israeli Knesset prepares a short film praising circumcision to be shown in response to ...
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Israel produces pro-circumcision short film to fight ... - RT.com
rt.com - Child Mutilation is an assault whatever the so called religious justification
Circumcision Coverage Comes Into Focus
Wall Street Journal - In Gainesville, Fla., pediatric surgeon Saleem Islam says more older boys are coming to him for circumcision. Bryan Soderlind for The Wall Street ...
Knesset producing film to fight anti-circumcision laws
Jerusalem Post - PACE secretary-general calls motion limiting minority rights dangerous; MK Shai plans to screen pro-circumcision short in PACE committee meeting.
A brief history of circumcision - A Voice for Men
Kellogg recommended male circumcision as a cure for masturbation, impure thoughts, and sexual desires. He is quoted as saying, “A remedy which is ...
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Circumcision Alters Penis Bacteria - Scientific American
Microbiome changes might explain how circumcision reduces HIV risk, possibly by eliminating bacteria that activate immune cells in the skin that .
Benefits of circumcision vs non circumcision
When going over specifics about circumcision at one of my appointments, I was told that they do not do the circumcision at the birth center,.
Self circumcision photos
One Man And His Adult Circumcision . My Circumcision Decision. My Circumcision Experience Aged 21 (With Photo 's) - Photo Intensive Page!
Circumcision vs non circumcision photos
Moms want what is best for their TEENren; make a fully informed decision about infant circumcision . Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as ...
Tablet Magazine
Circumcision Coverage Back on the Table
Tablet Magazine - In recent years, the public funding of circumcisions for newborns has been a subject of continued debate. Florida, for example, ended Medicaid ...
Kommunalpolitiker einig - Friedrichstädter wollen Krähen vertreiben
Husumer Nachrichten - Der Friedrichstädter Umweltausschuss beschließt ein Baumpflegeprogramm. Das Fällen der Bäume und die Beschneidung der Kronen dürfte Sie Google Alerts abonniert haben. Alert abbestellen | Alle meine Alerts ansehen
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Beschneidung: Evidenz ohne Ethik | Evidenz-basierte Ansichten
Evidenz-basierte Ansichten (Harald Stücker) - Mit einem „evidenzbasierten Blick auf die Beschneidungsdebatte“ will Hendrik Pekárek die Risiken und Vorteile der Zwangsbeschneidung
Beschneidung: Evidenz ohne Ethik | Atheist Media Blog
wordpress.com - Mit einem "evidenzbasierten Blick auf die Beschneidungsdebatte" will Hendrik Pekárek die Risiken und Vorteile der Zwangsbeschneidung ..
Trends bei der Beschneidung | WISSEN BLOGGT
wissenbloggt.de - Das Bild zeigt die Beschneidung eines Kinds, das damit zum jüdischen Kind abgestempelt werden soll (Cheskel Dovid, Wikimedia Commons).
Beschneidung | kuckucksvater
wordpress.com - Beiträge über Beschneidung geschrieben von Max Kuckucksvater.
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Beschneidung: Why I say “YES!” to the big cut | Atheist Media Blog
Beschneidung: Why I say “YES!” to the big cut. Chloe Maxwell's decision to circumcise her son wouldn't even have been worth mentioning 40 years ...
EU: Ukraine muss Beschneidung von Demonstrationsrecht ...
'EU: Ukraine muss Beschneidung von Demonstrationsrecht zurücknehmen' auf Yahoo Nachrichten Deutschland lesen. Die Europäische Union hat ...
Ja, Beschneidung Minderjähriger ist fragwürdig, ...
Ja, Beschneidung Minderjähriger ist fragwürdig, ... - Das Forum der Augsburger Allgemeinen. Diskutieren Sie mit.
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Evidenz ohne Ethik
hpd.de - Er berichtet von den Schwierigkeiten und Anfeindungen, die er bei dem Versuch erlebte, eine Studie zu veröffentlichen, die Beschneidung zum
Beschneidung in Deutschland verbieten? (Seite 3) – Allmystery
Nachdem das Landgericht Köln am 7. Mai 2012 ein Urteil ausgesprochen hat, das die medizinisch nicht notwendige Beschneidung an klein... (Seite ...
Beschneidung aus religiösen Gründen ist strafbar - Medi-Learn
http://www.gmx.net/themen/gesundheit/kind/089bvwk-gericht-religioes-motivierte-beschneidung-straftat ...
Öffentlich RechtlicheDoku über Beschneidung freiewelt.net
Trotz Kritik will der Kinderkanal von ARD und ZDF die Beschneidung eines 11-jährigen Jungen ausstrahlen. Ärztever
TÜSİAD-Chef: Die Türkei könnte zum Polizeistaat abrutschen Deutsch Türkische Nachrichten
Der führende türkische Wirtschaftsverband TÜSİAD warnt die Regierung vor einer zu starken Beschneidung des türkischen Rechtstaats. Denn genau ...
Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen »
Israel will im Europarat für Beschneidung werben
kipa-apic - Jerusalem, 21.1.14 (Kipa) Das israelische Parlament will im Europarat mit einem Film für die rituelle Beschneidung von Jungen werben. Geplant sei
Der Kinderkanal auf Mission hpd.de
Weder wird der Sinn der Beschneidung hinterfragt - und dieses Thema wurde ausführlich auch in deutschen Medien kontrovers diskutiert - noch .
"Schau in meine Welt" begleitet ein Sünnet-Fest in der Türkei / Doku ... 02elf Düsseldorfer Abendblatt
Aufgeregt und voller Vorfreude blicken der elfjährige Tahsin und sein kleiner Bruder auf das kommende Ereignis: die Beschneidung. “Wenn ich
„Sie versprachen mir ein herrliches Fest“ WESER-KURIER online
Das Thema Beschneidung und Genitalverstümmelung von Mädchen und Frauen hat sie seitdem nicht losgelassen. Auch deshalb wird ab Sonntag, 5.
ubelt Beschneidung | Nics Bloghaus
Weder wird der Sinn der Beschneidung hinterfragt - und dieses Thema wurde ausführlich auch in deutschen Medien kontrovers diskutiert - noch ...
Verherrlichung der Beschneidung im KIKA - HPF
ich habe dem KIKA geschrieben: " Im KIKA wird die Verstümmelung von Kindern als freudiges Fest gefeiert! Ich habe eine Petition gegen die ...
KiKa strahlt „Tahsins Beschneidungsfest“ aus | Atheist Media Blog
Januar 2014, 20:24 und wurde abgelegt unter Beschneidung. Du kannst die Antworten auf diesen Beitrag über RSS 2.0 verfolgen. Du kannst ans ...
Gesetz zur Beschneidung der Demonstrationsrechte in der Ukraine ...
In der Ukraine hat Präsident Janukowitsch ein Gesetz unterzeichnet, das die Demonstrationsrechte massiv einschränkt. Damit drohen Demonstranten ...
Ukraine: Beschneidung der Demonstrationsrechte in Kraft ... - Spin.de
Ukraine: Beschneidung der Demonstrationsrechte in Kraft (Forum Gesellschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft - Diskussion zu den Nachrichten) - markieren
Beschneidung von Demonstrationsrechten in Ukraine : EU und USA ... n-tv.de NACHRICHTEN
Wegen der Beschneidung der Demonstrationsrechte in der Ukraine haben die EU und die USA ihre Besorgnis geäußert. Die vom ukrainischen ...
Warnungen vor heraufziehender "Diktatur" in der Ukraine STERN.DE
AFP. Die geplante Beschneidung des Demonstrationsrechts in der Ukraine hat Warnungen vor einer heraufziehenden "Diktatur" hervorgerufen. Teilen.
D-EU-USA-Ukraine-Regierung-Proteste: Janukowitsch setzt ...
DIE WELT - ... hat der ukrainische Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch am Freitagabend ein Gesetzespaket zur Beschneidung des Demonstrationsrechts unterzeichnet, ...
Westen entsetzt über die Entwicklung in der Ukraine
www.dw.de - Mit harscher Kritik haben die Bundesregierung, die EU und die USA auf die Beschneidung des Demonstrationsrechts durch das Parlament in Kiew ..
Krise in der Ukraine eskaliert
Südwest Presse - Die Opposition in der Ukraine macht gegen die Beschneidung der Bürgerrechte mobil. Fünf restriktive Gesetze sind bereits in Kraft getreten.
Neue Gesetze gegen Demonstranten
tagesschau.de - ... im Polizeistaat". Der ukrainische Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch hat ein Gesetzespaket zur Beschneidung der Demonstrationsrechte unterzeichnet.
Kretschmann akzeptiert Pädophile, wie sie sind
freiewelt.net - Der Kinderkanal von ARD und ZDF wird am 19. Januar zur Mittagszeit eine Dokumentation über die Beschneidung eines 11-jährigen Jungen.
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Ukraine: Beschneidung der Demonstrationsrechte in Kraft - Yahoo ...
'Ukraine: Beschneidung der Demonstrationsrechte in Kraft' auf Yahoo Nachrichten Deutschland lesen. Ungeachtet massiver Proteste im In- und ..
Schönheits-OP nein aber Beschneidung ja ???? - 02.12.13 - Seite 2 ...
Diskussion zum Thema: Schönheits-OP nein aber Beschneidung ja ???? - 02.12.13 ... Schönheits-OP nein aber Beschneidung ja ???? Postings: 26
KiKA muss Kritik einstecken
Wochenblatt.de - Die Kritiker sind der Meinung, dass KiKA die Beschneidung verharmlosend und romantisierend zeigen würde. Außerdem würde der Kinderkanal nicht ..
Neue Gesetze gegen Demonstranten "Ukraine - Willkommen im ...
SWR Nachrichten - ... Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch hat ein Gesetzespaket zur Beschneidung der Demonstrationsrechte unterzeichnet. Den
USA: Jüdische Eltern beginnen die Notwendigkeit der ...
USA: Jüdische Eltern beginnen die Notwendigkeit der Beschneidung in Frage zu stellen. Growing numbers make changes to ceremony that
Beschneidung von Jungen: Verharmlosung der Körperverletzung im ...
Die Beschneidung von Jungen darf nicht verharmlost werden, erst recht nicht in den ÖR-Medien und schon gleich gar nicht im KiKA.
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Wiener Zeitung
Ukraine: Beschneidung der Demonstrationsrechte in Kraft
STERN.DE - Ungeachtet massiver Proteste im In- und Ausland hat der ukrainische Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch am Abend ein Gesetzespaket zur Beschneidung
Israel will im Europarat für Beschneidung werben – kipa/apic
kipa-apic.ch - Jerusalem, 21.1.14 (Kipa) Das israelische Parlament will im Europarat mit einem Film für die rituelle Beschneidung von Jungen werben. Geplant sei .
Israel will im Europarat für Beschneidung werben | Atheist Media Blog
wordpress.com - Das israelische Parlament will im Europarat mit einem Film für die rituelle Beschneidung von Jungen werben. Geplant sei ein etwa achtminütiger ...
Diagnose "Phimose" bei Jungen und Beschneidung - Seite 28
brigitte.de - Vor allem ist ja bemerkenswert, daß gerade im Bereich Sexualität (und Partnerschaft) gelogen und geschönt wird was das
EU: Ukraine muss Beschneidung von Demonstrationsrecht ...
DIE WELT - Die Europäische Union hat die ukrainische Regierung aufgefordert, ein umstrittenes Gesetzespaket zur Beschneidung des Demonstrationsrechts
“Um ein echter Mann zu sein”
freiewelt.net - Januar zur Mittagszeit eine Dokumentation über die Beschneidung eines 11-jährigen Jungen... Limburg_Dom. Laien unterstützen Limburger Bischof.
diewahrheit.at » Blog Archive » Beschneidung und Blindheit
Die Folge war also auch kein Erkenntnisgewinn, sondern ein Email: Dieser Mensch schrieb mir: „Mich stört, dass du das Thema Beschneidung ..
1 Berliner Männerforum – Tagung zum Thema Beschneidung, 24 ...
beschneidungsforum.de - 1. Berliner Männerforum – Tagung zum Thema Beschneidung, 24. Juni 2013. Statement von Michael Ingber. Zuerst möchte ich mich für die Einladung ...
Diagnose "Phimose" bei Jungen und Beschneidung - Seite 31
brigitte.de - Zitat von nur_so Das ist doch irgendwie auch eine Frage des Leidensdruckes. Da handelt es sich schließlich auch wieder um einen medizinischen.
Auswirkungen der Beschneidung auf die Partnerschaft.
augsburger-allgemeine.de - Auswirkungen der Beschneidung auf die Partnerschaft. - Das Forum der Augsburger Allgemeinen. Diskutieren Sie mit.
Schwetzinger Zeitung
„Dinge in einem anderen Licht sehen“
Schwetzinger Zeitung - Der große Tag: Der Film "Meine Beschneidung" setzt sich auf humorvolle Weise mit dem rituellen Akt auseinander. © Veranstalter. Ketsch.
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Reisediplomatie für die Brit Mila
Jüdische Allgemeine - Die Knesset will kommende Woche im Europarat mit einem Film für die rituelle Beschneidung von Jungen werben. Wie die Jerusalem Post berichtete, ...
At least 9 penis amputations after traditional circumcision
Times LIVE
Initiates who needed medical attention during the traditional circumcision season were often stigmatised by their communities. Some men in the ...
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Business Insider
Someone Has Named Their Baby 'Facebook'
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Banned names include: Marciana, or Martian, and Circuncision, or Circumcision, the Associated Press reports. The state has also seen names like ...
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Rambo, RoboCop, Email banned as baby names in Mexico
Verboten, as of Monday, are Scrotum, Rambo, Circumcision, USNavy, Panties, Hitler, Burger King, Virgin, Rolling Stone, Robocop, Email, Facebook, ...
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Lonely boys made Xhosa men
Mail & Guardian Online
... hut in the mountains, the young man is left with just his little brother to help him to recuperate following the traditional circumcision procedure. During ...
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Is it normal for the skin to tear after circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
I recently had my newborn circumcised about 2 weeks ago and I just have a couple of questions. First, I did leave a message for the doctor, who did ...
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Is there something wrong with my sons circumcision? - Yahoo Answers
My baby is a month old (January 11th 2014) and today I noticed he was red around his pee hole. So I inspected a little more. I pulled back his skin on ...
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adult circumcision - Page 2 - LiverpoolFC Official Forums
I guess that insult might annoy men if I knew what it meant. Btw I do not have fat fingers because I stay in shape. Yeah, thumbing through GQ is great ...
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It wasn't really MY circumcision. - Foreskin Restoration / Intactivism Network
We've talked long enough about "intact" versus "un-circumcised". Instead I want to talk about two slightly different uses of language that affects the ...
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