"Hohn ist die Schere des Mohels der die Vorhaut der Unvernunft abschneidet"
"Derision is the Mohel of Reason's knife."
Die Skepsis der Pädiater
Unausgegoren, katastrophal - die Kritik der Pädiater am Gesetzentwurf zur Beschneidung ist eindeutig. Sie sehen die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention verletzt - und das Gesetz quasi schon zur Verhandlung in Karlsruhe. Aber die Kinderärzte haben einen Kompromissvorschlag.Von Raimund Schmid
Sunday, August 5, 2012
4= Original letter to the Ethik Rat
material, in progress
Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht stellt die Zirkumzision bei fünf- bis achtjährigen Jungen eine kollektive sexualtraumatische Erfahrung dar. Diese kann in besonders patriarchalisch geprägten Kulturen eine der Ursachen für eine starke Kontrolle der Sexualität und der Frau sein. So kann das Trauma zur Stabilisierung von Machtstrukturen führen. Franz: „Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht resultiert aus dieser definitiven Klarstellung hierarchischer Bezüge eine durch starke Ängste (vor dem ultimativen Schnitt) fundierte patriarchalische Loyalität.“
Sowohl Juden als auch Muslime betrachten die Beschneidung als Zeichen ihrer exklusiven Zugehörigkeit zu Gott. Während die Beschneidung im Alten Testament ausdrücklich gefordert wird („Das aber ist mein Bund, den ihr halten sollt zwischen mir und euch… eure Vorhaut sollt ihr beschneiden... Jedes Knäblein, wenn’s acht Tage alt ist, sollt ihr beschneiden bei euren Nachkommen“) ist sie im Islam nicht durch den Koran vorgegeben. Sie ist allerdings ein fester Bestandteil der Ritualkultur. Der Prophet Mohamed wurde nach der Überlieferung vorhautlos geboren, denen, die diesem Vorbild folgen, werden Belohnungen in Aussicht gestellt.
Das Ritual der Beschneidung selbst stammt noch aus vorgeschichtlicher Zeit. Franz: „Es könnte in Jägerkulturen als männlicher Initiationsritus der sozialen Aggressionskontrolle gedient haben. Die mit der Erlaubnis zur Jagd erforderliche Überwindung der Tötungshemmung bedingt eine Aggressionsfreisetzung, vor der die Bezugsgruppe geschützt werden muss. Die Kontrolle aggressiver (und sexueller) Impulse innerhalb der Gruppe könnte durch die rituelle Kastrationsandrohung erleichtert worden sein, wenn sich die kindlich erlittenen Ängste und Schmerzen an das Verbot von Grenzüberschreitungen gegenüber Gruppenmitgliedern knüpften. Durch ein demonstratives, öffentlich wiederholtes Ritual mit Drohpotenzial wird ein Phantasieraum erschlossen, in dem Kastration als Strafe vielleicht doch möglich ist. Die rigide patriarchalisch geprägte Loyalität, die durch dieses Ritual erzeugt wurde, diente einerseits also wohl der sozialen Triebkontrolle, andererseits der Herausbildung einer Gruppenidentität.“
Zudem kann die Beschneidung auch der von der Mutter trennenden Initiation zum Mann einschneidenden Ausdruck verleihen: Auf Grund der Anatomie kann die männliche Vorhaut in den archaischen Schichten des Unterbewusstseins als „weiblich“ imaginiert werden, ihre Entfernung trennt den Jungen dann endgültig von der Mutter.
Für die Zukunft rechnet Prof. Franz mit vermehrten Schadensersatzprozessen beschnittener Männer, nicht nur gegen die Ärzte, sondern möglicherweise auch gegen die Eltern.
Die gesamte Pressemitteilung können Sie im WWW abrufen unter:
Kontaktdaten zum Absender der Pressemitteilung stehen unter:
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
"Hohn ist die Schere des Mohels der die Vorhaut der Unvernunft abschneidet"
"Derision is the Mohel of Reason's knife."
1) http://analytic-comments.blogspot.com/2012/10/michael-wolffsohns-foreskin-of-heart.html
http://www. circumcisioncomplex.com/ fundamentals/
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) agree with MC for personal, cultural, financial, and professional reasons. No medical organization finds any proven medical benefit for circumcision, and European organizations are against circumcision. Circumcision is painful and a shock to the system.--
Making it a taboo to compare male with female sexual mutilation is the biggest scandal of the controversy. In both instances the most sensitive and most erogenous zone of the human bod is amputated and severely damaged. In both instances, what counts primarily is the cutting of human sexuality. The imposition of control by the patriarchy.
The purpose
of this Weblog is to supply information to help the discussion of the German
Circumcision controversy.
I initially
threw up the first version of the blog shortly before the German Ethic Council
was to meet to discuss what to do, more on that further down.1) http://analytic-comments.blogspot.com/2012/10/michael-wolffsohns-foreskin-of-heart.html
theory of circumcision however submits that circumcision was caused by a
single dynamic- lack of fresh water- and subsequently the unhygienic
conditions arising from irregular ablution. Irregular ablution causes,
bad odour, thrush, cystitis, and other poor sanitation infections, which
diminish libidos and stifle sexual concert with the main malefactors
being unwashed and accumulated smegma, or poorly managed menstruation.
Relatedly, non-circumcising groups are commonly settled around large
fresh water bodies, as those which practice circumcision are settled far
from fresh water bodies. Indeed, the prescription of mid-teen-age for
circumcision is preemptively designed, to prepare teens for healthy
relationships devoid of stigmatising claims of uncleanliness or sexual
Doctors oppose infant circumcision
18. mar. 2013 13.08 English
The circumcision of infants entails a risk of serious physical injury, or even death, and should be banned, according to 38 leading doctors.
maart 2013
International physicians protest against American Academy of Pediatrics’ policy on infant male circumcision
Circumcision conflicts with children’s rights and doctors’ oath and can have serious long-term consequences, state an international group of 38 physicians from 16 European countries in Pediatrics today. They comment on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ new policy on infant male circumcision.
There are no compelling health arguments in favor of circumcision, while it can have serious long-term urological, psychological and sexual consequences. And performing medically unwarranted circumcision of underage boys conflicts with good medical practice. Male infant circumcision conflicts with children’s rights and the doctors’ oath not to do harm.
Making it a taboo to compare male with female sexual mutilation is the biggest scandal of the controversy. In both instances the most sensitive and most erogenous zone of the human bod is amputated and severely damaged. In both instances, what counts primarily is the cutting of human sexuality. The imposition of control by the patriarchy.
Tabuisierung jeglichen Vergleichs von männlicher mit
weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung ist der große Skandal
der Debatte. In beiden Fällen wird der empfindsamste und
erogenste Teil des menschlichen Körpers amputiert oder
schwer beschädigt. In beiden Fällen geht es in erster
Linie um die Beschneidung menschlicher Sexualität.
Die Skepsis der Pädiater
Unausgegoren, katastrophal - die Kritik der Pädiater am Gesetzentwurf zur Beschneidung ist eindeutig. Sie sehen die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention verletzt - und das Gesetz quasi schon zur Verhandlung in Karlsruhe. Aber die Kinderärzte haben einen Kompromissvorschlag.Von Raimund Schmid
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Here is my
opening statement which I have reduced
it to a kind of stub - a stub onto which one could add back on the entire
controversy relating to Anti-Semitism, and how guilt distorts German ways of
handling matters of that kind, and various defenses made of the practice
for reasons of "inscription of the law onto the body, “the law”, and which
is manifested in its multifariousness below. Towards the end there will be a section devoted to discussions that derive from the German yahootherapeuten group. Section "Yahoo".
4= Original letter to the Ethik Rat
material, in progress
On June 26 of this year a Judge in Cologne,
condemned a German physician
for violating the German constitution’s guarantee of the
inviolability of a person for having circumcised - it was a four
year old Muslim boy. But the judge did not pronounce a guilty verdict nor
administer punishment since the physician was practicing within a tradition and
was unaware of the conflict of those constitutional guarantees with those
guaranteeing freedom of religion, in this instance the Abrahamic religious
practices of Brit Milahhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Brit_milah
in Judaic and the Islamic
practice of Khitan
Thus ensued a conflict between the Jewish and
Islamic religious in Germany and the German legal authorities that continues to
this day. The chief Israeli Rabbi went to Germany and asserted that
the prohibition of the Brit Mila constituted a prohibition of the fundament of
Jewish identity and German Jews therefore would have to leave the country. The
Bundestag, the German parliament, responded quickly to calls from the two
dominant parties, Christian and Social Democrats, to pass a resolution,
endorsed by Chancellor Angele Merkel, in favor of an exception for the practice
Yet the controversy will not be
resolved until that law has been
studied by the German Ethic Council, if then.
Circumcision, the lopping off of a penis’s
foreskin incises appr. 5,000 nerves; for the concentration of nerves at that
region it is one of the most excruciatingly painful procedures if administered
without anesthetic, as it is in the Jewish practice of the Prit Milah, which is
celebrated on the 8th day extra-uterine. The child is in no
position to be consulted, no empathy of its pain can even be communicated for
whatever trauma the procedure will induce. The child screams holy murder but is
then coddled and attempts are made to reassure it. Islamic practice, which
occurs anywhere between the 4th and 12th birthday
is voluntary and circumcision, there called Khitan, is administered with
anesthesia. Only puncturing of the eardrum, which has a higher concentration of
nerves, is more painful. However, as I can testify, done under emergency
conditions at age 8 and with advance warning from a kindly house physician, the
shockingly extreme pain, is exceedingly brief though you remember it forever as
the high point, the lightning strike of the pain continuum when consulted
during later hospital procedures.
those who have lost their foreskin eventually loose recollection of the
procedure, it makes the infant fearful; other subsequent painful procedures,
say inoculations, re-evoke the original trauma for many years. In a mature
male, the trauma can be recovered under psychoanalysis; the lack of the
foreskin, during adolescence, tends to suppress premature ejaculation; as a
mature lover the lack will deprive the man of whatever pleasure 5,000 nerve
cells can induce.
As a religious as
distinct from a medical practice Brit Milah and Khitan, like other religious
practices, has a rather dark past; it is the left-over of the original
sacrifice of the first born son, replaced subsequently by his castration. It
gives evidence of the Patriarchy’s fear of generational conflict. Some Jewish
reform congregations merely practice a simulation of the Brit Milah, I myself
have come up with the ingenious compromise solution of the “Mosquito Bite” –
one drop of blood to commemorate the dark history while keeping the name-
giving and celebration and compact with God and the formation of group identity
intact in this homogenizing world.
The controversy persists to this day in
various forum in Germany. Many resolutions by German psychologists, lawyers and
medical personnel calling for the prohibition of involuntary circumcision have
been addressed to the Bundestag
jungen.de/home/ gesellschaftliche-aspekte-der- beschneidung/beschneidung-und-
politik/petition-gegen- beschneidung-minderjaehriger. html
Warum wird jemand wie Professor Michael Wolffsohn nicht ueber andere Juedischen Ansichten befragt?,
Ausgelassen aus ihren Überlegungen ist die Herkunft
der Beschneidung in den Abrahamischen Religionen,
von Opfer des erstgeborenem Sohns, zu dessen Kastration, bis zur der Beschneidung
der Vorhaut, wobei nur ein Fetzen Haut samt 5000 Nerven daran glauben müssen.
Da es doch eine langsame Entwicklung in der Verminderung dieses brutalen Vorgehens in der Geschichte gibt, kann man sich leicht eine weitere Verminderung vorstellen. Da das Brit Milah ein Grund für wahnsinnige anti-Semitische Voruteile gab [Freud fand, dass die Beschneidung im Unterbewussten, oder halb-bewussten DER Grund zum Anti-Semitismus - als Furcht, Castrationsangst - überhaupt bei seinen Patienten war] sollte sich das orthodoxe Rabbiniat auch diesen Tatbestand in Bezicht ziehen bei
den Überlegungen zu einer Kompromiss Lösung. Ausserdem wird man Jude durch
Blog enthaelt eine reiche Material Sammlung zu dem Thema Beschneidung und wird taeglich erfrisch..
P.S. Gerd Boettcher of therapeuten yahoo groups made a communication the other day via my analytic list, to which had had no access to except by theft or illegal misuse. I will reply to it separately and in a comment to the above blog. m.r.
Warum wird jemand wie Professor Michael Wolffsohn nicht ueber andere Juedischen Ansichten befragt?,
Professorin , sehr geehrter Ethik Rat.
der von Ihnen vorgeschlagene Kompromiss in der
Beschneidungs Angelegenheit scheint sich nicht
bewusst zu sein, dass auch trotz Anästhesie der Schnitt
ein Trauma hinterlässt. Die Jüdische Gemeinde hat
vor den Schmerz zu lindern, mit einem Tropfen was
uns in the USA als Manischevitz bekannt ist,
also zeigt sie jedenfalls ein Mindesmass an Empathie,
der von Ihnen vorgeschlagene Kompromiss in der
Beschneidungs Angelegenheit scheint sich nicht
bewusst zu sein, dass auch trotz Anästhesie der Schnitt
ein Trauma hinterlässt. Die Jüdische Gemeinde hat
vor den Schmerz zu lindern, mit einem Tropfen was
uns in the USA als Manischevitz bekannt ist,
also zeigt sie jedenfalls ein Mindesmass an Empathie,
Ausgelassen aus ihren Überlegungen ist die Herkunft
der Beschneidung in den Abrahamischen Religionen,
von Opfer des erstgeborenem Sohns, zu dessen Kastration, bis zur der Beschneidung
der Vorhaut, wobei nur ein Fetzen Haut samt 5000 Nerven daran glauben müssen.
Da es doch eine langsame Entwicklung in der Verminderung dieses brutalen Vorgehens in der Geschichte gibt, kann man sich leicht eine weitere Verminderung vorstellen. Da das Brit Milah ein Grund für wahnsinnige anti-Semitische Voruteile gab [Freud fand, dass die Beschneidung im Unterbewussten, oder halb-bewussten DER Grund zum Anti-Semitismus - als Furcht, Castrationsangst - überhaupt bei seinen Patienten war] sollte sich das orthodoxe Rabbiniat auch diesen Tatbestand in Bezicht ziehen bei
den Überlegungen zu einer Kompromiss Lösung. Ausserdem wird man Jude durch
Geburt von einer Jüdischen Mutter; Reform Rabbiniate simulieren das Brit Milah!
Ein Gedankengang der mich besonders bei ihren Überlegungen aufgefallen ist was
Strafrechtler und Rechtsphilosoph
Reinhard Merkel, der es zwar „bizarr“ nannte, wenn Religionsgemeinschaften eine
Definitionsmacht über die Zulässigkeit von Körperverletzungen erhielten, wollte
sich am Ende dem Argument beugen, dass es in Deutschland eine „weltweit singuläre Pflicht gegenüber allen
jüdischen Belangen“ gebe. Er sagte, im Konflikt zwischen dem strafrechtlich
unzulässigen körperlichen Eingriff und der Verpflichtung der deutschen
Nation gegenüber dem Judentum entstehe ein „rechtspolitischer Notstand“.
Führt man diesem Gedanken weiter, kommt man dort an, dass Deutschland nichts unternehmen sollte wenn Israel sich entchied eine "Endlösung" der Palestinier/ Bedouinen Problems durchzuführen, da
Deutschland selbst solch eine Schuld trägt. Also, ad absurdum. Eine schlechte Begründung, besonders von einem Strafrechtler, aber eine Begründung welche zeigt was ich besonders bei diesen Überlegungen
vermisse: die wahrlich einzigartige Schuld, den die Deutsche Gesellschaft in den 20ger bis 40ziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts auf sich genommen hat als sie Schritt für Schritt zu der Endlösung, der Shoah zuging ohne dass die Eliten, das Deutsche Rechtswesen, das Volk, seine Soldaten sich dagegen auflehnten und diesen einzigartige selbstzerstörerischen Ausbruchs des Hasses und des Neids verhinderten. Ich fand es absolute korrekt, dass im
Historiker Streit, es zu dem Ergebnis kam der dieses Vorkommen nicht relativiert. Auf so eine Art hat der menschliche Hass sich nie vorher noch nachher manifestiert, was nur Menschen Menschen antun können.
Aber Überlegungen zu einer
Schuld und der Versuch einer Wiedergutmachung ist kaum Grund oder Pflicht eine andere Art
Schuld zu erlauben oder sich dafür von dem Orthodoxen Rabbiniat erpressen zu
lassen. Schuld verdummt, sie wird / wurde immer von Eltern missbraucht. Es
sollte vielleicht überlegt werden inwiefern Deutsche Schuld bei diesen Überlegungen verdummt.Führt man diesem Gedanken weiter, kommt man dort an, dass Deutschland nichts unternehmen sollte wenn Israel sich entchied eine "Endlösung" der Palestinier/ Bedouinen Problems durchzuführen, da
Deutschland selbst solch eine Schuld trägt. Also, ad absurdum. Eine schlechte Begründung, besonders von einem Strafrechtler, aber eine Begründung welche zeigt was ich besonders bei diesen Überlegungen
vermisse: die wahrlich einzigartige Schuld, den die Deutsche Gesellschaft in den 20ger bis 40ziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts auf sich genommen hat als sie Schritt für Schritt zu der Endlösung, der Shoah zuging ohne dass die Eliten, das Deutsche Rechtswesen, das Volk, seine Soldaten sich dagegen auflehnten und diesen einzigartige selbstzerstörerischen Ausbruchs des Hasses und des Neids verhinderten. Ich fand es absolute korrekt, dass im
Historiker Streit, es zu dem Ergebnis kam der dieses Vorkommen nicht relativiert. Auf so eine Art hat der menschliche Hass sich nie vorher noch nachher manifestiert, was nur Menschen Menschen antun können.
Blog enthaelt eine reiche Material Sammlung zu dem Thema Beschneidung und wird taeglich erfrisch..
P.S. Gerd Boettcher of therapeuten yahoo groups made a communication the other day via my analytic list, to which had had no access to except by theft or illegal misuse. I will reply to it separately and in a comment to the above blog. m.r.
The controversy, which has elicited sometimes
heated discussions, also in psychoanalytic circles, has barely has
managed to make a dent on the news media in the U.S. Brief mention in the
Washington Post; the German editor of Die Zeit and Neo-Con
co-founder of The National Interest Josef Joffe in the Wall
Street Journal seemed very wrought up
We unobtrusively
inform you that the last couple of months many new
appeared on our website.
Best Regards:
The Circumcision Complex
Hier the you-tube of an Islamic Bris
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Dr. Victoria Meinschäfer, 18.07.2012 11:37
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Dr. Victoria Meinschäfer, 18.07.2012 11:37
bei Jungen
Beschneidung der Vorhaut (Zirkumzision) ist der älteste und am häufigsten
durchgeführte operative Eingriff überhaupt. Prof. Dr. Matthias Franz,
stellvertretender Direktor des Klinischen Instituts für Psychosomatische
Medizin und Psychotherapie, warnt deutlich vor den Gefahren der meist religiös
motivierten Operation: „Die Entfernung der Vorhaut im Säuglings- oder
Kindesalter stellt ein Trauma dar und kann zu andauernden körperlichen,
sexuellen oder psychischen Komplikationen und Leidenszuständen führen. Diese
Problematik wird aus Respekt vor religiösen oder kulturellen Tabus und aus
Angst vor möglichen Konflikten bislang aber vorwiegend in Fachkreisen diskutiert.“
Forschung zeigt, dass die Erfahrung elterlicher Gewalt während der Kindheit
Brüche in der emotionalen Wahrnehmung und Empathiefähigkeit des später
erwachsenen Kindes bewirkt. In der Kindheit erfahrene Traumata werden
verinnerlicht und oft später auch selber wiederholt. Kollektiv rituell
vermittelte traumatische kindliche Erfahrungen führen daher zu Empathiebrüchen.
Die Gruppe der Beschnittenen reagiert mit Abwehr, d.h. sie verleugnet die
erlittenen Schmerzen. Dadurch wird die Einfühlung in das Erleben der nächsten
Opfer desselben Rituals beeinträchtigt: Es kann und darf nicht schlecht gewesen
sein, was die Eltern damals mit mir gemacht haben. Deshalb tue ich es auch.
Eine derartige Erfahrung führt bei den betroffenen Jungen meist zu einer Fortsetzung
der rituellen Praxis. Die erwachsenen Eltern leugnen aus eigenen
Abwehrbedürfnissen die erlittene Gewalt, deshalb kann das emotionale Erleben
des zu beschneidenden Kindes von den handelnden Erwachsenen nicht empathisch
erfasst werden. So entsteht eine Täter-Opfer-Kette, die sich über viele
Generationen hinweg etablieren kann. Franz: „Eine deutsche Variante, noch gar
nicht so lange her: Eine ordentliche Tracht Prügel hat noch niemandem
Unterschieden werden muss zwischen den Auswirkungen der Beschneidung im Säuglingsalter, wie es das Judentum fordert, und der im Kindesalter, die im Islam üblich ist.
Jüdische Jungen, die laut Bibel am achten Tag zu beschneiden sind, erleiden bei der Zirkumzision Schmerzen, die noch nach einem Jahr im Körpergedächtnis nachweisbar sind als überschießende Schmerzreaktionen auf Impfungen. Muslimische Jungen werden dagegen meist im Alter von fünf bis acht Jahren beschnitten. Franz: „Dass die Beschneidung des Jungen auf dem Höhepunkt der infantilen Sexualentwicklung besondere Entwicklungsrisiken mit sich bringen kann, erscheint zumindest plausibel. Die Beschneidung kann von Jungen, die sich in dieser Phase zunehmend auf ihre Genitalität zentriert erleben, wie eine elterlich herbeigeführte, schwere Sanktion oder Kastrationsdrohung erlebt werden. Der schmerzlich-traumatische Eingriff erfolgt faktisch, bewusst wahrnehmbar und unter direktem Zugriff auf den libidinös und narzisstisch hoch besetzten Genitalbereich. Der ängstigende Gewaltaspekt unterliegt dabei einer bemerkenswerten Verleugnung durch die beteiligten Erwachsenen. Er wird rationalisiert als festlich und forciert freudig gestalteter Männlichkeitsritus. Der kleine Junge, der ja in keiner Weise an der Schwelle zum Mannesalter steht, wird mit hypermaskulinen Attributen und großen Geschenken zum Mann erklärt, eigentlich aber von Erwachsenen manipuliert.“
Unterschieden werden muss zwischen den Auswirkungen der Beschneidung im Säuglingsalter, wie es das Judentum fordert, und der im Kindesalter, die im Islam üblich ist.
Jüdische Jungen, die laut Bibel am achten Tag zu beschneiden sind, erleiden bei der Zirkumzision Schmerzen, die noch nach einem Jahr im Körpergedächtnis nachweisbar sind als überschießende Schmerzreaktionen auf Impfungen. Muslimische Jungen werden dagegen meist im Alter von fünf bis acht Jahren beschnitten. Franz: „Dass die Beschneidung des Jungen auf dem Höhepunkt der infantilen Sexualentwicklung besondere Entwicklungsrisiken mit sich bringen kann, erscheint zumindest plausibel. Die Beschneidung kann von Jungen, die sich in dieser Phase zunehmend auf ihre Genitalität zentriert erleben, wie eine elterlich herbeigeführte, schwere Sanktion oder Kastrationsdrohung erlebt werden. Der schmerzlich-traumatische Eingriff erfolgt faktisch, bewusst wahrnehmbar und unter direktem Zugriff auf den libidinös und narzisstisch hoch besetzten Genitalbereich. Der ängstigende Gewaltaspekt unterliegt dabei einer bemerkenswerten Verleugnung durch die beteiligten Erwachsenen. Er wird rationalisiert als festlich und forciert freudig gestalteter Männlichkeitsritus. Der kleine Junge, der ja in keiner Weise an der Schwelle zum Mannesalter steht, wird mit hypermaskulinen Attributen und großen Geschenken zum Mann erklärt, eigentlich aber von Erwachsenen manipuliert.“
Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht stellt die Zirkumzision bei fünf- bis achtjährigen Jungen eine kollektive sexualtraumatische Erfahrung dar. Diese kann in besonders patriarchalisch geprägten Kulturen eine der Ursachen für eine starke Kontrolle der Sexualität und der Frau sein. So kann das Trauma zur Stabilisierung von Machtstrukturen führen. Franz: „Aus psychoanalytischer Sicht resultiert aus dieser definitiven Klarstellung hierarchischer Bezüge eine durch starke Ängste (vor dem ultimativen Schnitt) fundierte patriarchalische Loyalität.“
Sowohl Juden als auch Muslime betrachten die Beschneidung als Zeichen ihrer exklusiven Zugehörigkeit zu Gott. Während die Beschneidung im Alten Testament ausdrücklich gefordert wird („Das aber ist mein Bund, den ihr halten sollt zwischen mir und euch… eure Vorhaut sollt ihr beschneiden... Jedes Knäblein, wenn’s acht Tage alt ist, sollt ihr beschneiden bei euren Nachkommen“) ist sie im Islam nicht durch den Koran vorgegeben. Sie ist allerdings ein fester Bestandteil der Ritualkultur. Der Prophet Mohamed wurde nach der Überlieferung vorhautlos geboren, denen, die diesem Vorbild folgen, werden Belohnungen in Aussicht gestellt.
Das Ritual der Beschneidung selbst stammt noch aus vorgeschichtlicher Zeit. Franz: „Es könnte in Jägerkulturen als männlicher Initiationsritus der sozialen Aggressionskontrolle gedient haben. Die mit der Erlaubnis zur Jagd erforderliche Überwindung der Tötungshemmung bedingt eine Aggressionsfreisetzung, vor der die Bezugsgruppe geschützt werden muss. Die Kontrolle aggressiver (und sexueller) Impulse innerhalb der Gruppe könnte durch die rituelle Kastrationsandrohung erleichtert worden sein, wenn sich die kindlich erlittenen Ängste und Schmerzen an das Verbot von Grenzüberschreitungen gegenüber Gruppenmitgliedern knüpften. Durch ein demonstratives, öffentlich wiederholtes Ritual mit Drohpotenzial wird ein Phantasieraum erschlossen, in dem Kastration als Strafe vielleicht doch möglich ist. Die rigide patriarchalisch geprägte Loyalität, die durch dieses Ritual erzeugt wurde, diente einerseits also wohl der sozialen Triebkontrolle, andererseits der Herausbildung einer Gruppenidentität.“
Zudem kann die Beschneidung auch der von der Mutter trennenden Initiation zum Mann einschneidenden Ausdruck verleihen: Auf Grund der Anatomie kann die männliche Vorhaut in den archaischen Schichten des Unterbewusstseins als „weiblich“ imaginiert werden, ihre Entfernung trennt den Jungen dann endgültig von der Mutter.
Für die Zukunft rechnet Prof. Franz mit vermehrten Schadensersatzprozessen beschnittener Männer, nicht nur gegen die Ärzte, sondern möglicherweise auch gegen die Eltern.
Die gesamte Pressemitteilung können Sie im WWW abrufen unter:
Kontaktdaten zum Absender der Pressemitteilung stehen unter:
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
idw -
Informationsdienst Wissenschaft e. V.
Zur freundlichen Kenntnisnahme
und mit besten Kolleg. Grüßen
Dipl. Psych. Michael B.
auch unter dem Link: http://www.circumcision.org/studies.htm
Medical Studies on
Circumcision is Associated with Adult Difficulty in Identifying
and Expressing Feelings
preliminary study investigates what role early trauma might have in alexithymia
(difficulty in identifying and expressing feelings) acquisition for adults by
controlling for male circumcision. Three hundred self-selected men were
administered the Toronto Twenty-Item Alexithymia Scale checklist and a personal
history questionnaire. The circumcised men had age-adjusted alexithymia scores
19.9 percent higher than the intact men; were 1.57 times more likely to have
high alexithymia scores; were 2.30 times less likely to have low alexithymia
scores; had higher prevalence of two of the three alexithymia factors
(difficulty identifying feelings and difficulty describing feelings); and were
4.53 times more likely to use an erectile dysfunction drug. Alexithymia in this
population of adult men is statistically significant for having experienced
circumcision trauma and for erectile dysfunction drug use. (See link to article
on our home page.)
Bollinger, D. and Van Howe, R. , "Alexithymia and
Circumcision Trauma: A Preliminary Investigation," International
Journal of Men's Health (2011);184-195.
Circumcision Associated with Sexual Difficulties in Men and
A new national survey
in Denmark, where about 5% of men are circumcised, examined associations of
circumcision with a range of sexual measures in both sexes. Circumcised men
were more likely to report frequent orgasm difficulties, and women with
circumcised spouses more often reported incomplete sexual needs fulfillment and
frequent sexual function difficulties overall, notably orgasm difficulties, and
painful sexual intercourse.
Frisch, M., Lindholm,
M., and Gr�nb�k, M., "Male Circumcision and Sexual Function in Men and
Women: A Survey-based, Cross-sectional Study in Denmark,"
International Journal of Epidemiology (2011);1�15.
Circumcision is
Associated with Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation
(PE) is common. However, it has been underreported and undertreated. The aim of
the study was to determine the prevalence of PE and to investigate possible
associated factors of PE. This cross-sectional study was conducted at a primary
care clinic over a 3-month period in 2008. Men aged 18-70 years attending the
clinic were recruited, and they completed self-administered questionnaires. A
total of 207 men were recruited with a response rate of 93.2%. Their mean age
was 46.0 years. The prevalence of PE was 40.6%. No significant association was
found between age and PE. Multivariate analysis showed that erectile
dysfunction, circumcision, and sexual intercourse =5 times in 4 weeks were
predictors of PE. These associations need further confirmation.
Tang, W. and Khoo, E. "Prevalence and Correlates of
Premature Ejaculation in a Primary Care Setting: A Preliminary Cross-Sectional
Study," Journal of Sexual Medicine (2011) Apr 14.
NOTE: There have been numerous
articles in American media about claims that circumcision prevents HIV
transmission. No mainstream media article has reported on an opposing view, as
described in the findings of the following five medical articles.
Claim of Circumcision
Benefit is Overstated and Premature
Further research is required to assess
the feasibility, desirability and cost-effectiveness of circumcision to reduce
the acquisition of HIV. This paper endorses the need for such research and
suggests that, in its absence, it is premature to promote circumcision as a
reliable strategy for combating HIV. Since articles in leading medical journals
as well as the popular press continue to do so, scientific researchers should
think carefully about how their conclusions may be translated both to policy
makers and to a more general audience. The importance of addressing
ethico-legal concerns that such trials may raise is highlighted. The
understandable haste to find a solution to the HIV pandemic means that the
promise offered by preliminary and specific research studies may be overstated.
This may mean that ethical concerns are marginalized. Such haste may also
obscure the need to be attentive to local cultural sensitivities, which vary
from one African region to another, in formulating policy concerning
Fox, M. and Thomson, M., "HIV/AIDS and Circumcision : Lost
in Translation," Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2010):798-801.
Circumcision/HIV Claims
are Based on Insufficient Evidence
An article endorsed by thirty-two
professionals questions the results of three highly publicized African
circumcision studies. The studies claim that circumcision reduces HIV
transmission, and they are being used to promote circumcisions. Substantial
evidence in this article refutes the claim of the studies.
Examples in the article include the
1. Circumcision is
associated with increased transmission of HIV to women.
2. Conditions for the
studies were unlike conditions found in real-world settings.
3. Other studies show that
male circumcision is not associated with reduced HIV transmission.
4. The U.S. has a high rate
of HIV infection and a high rate of circumcision. Other countries have low
rates of circumcision and low rates of HIV infection.
5. Condoms are 95 times
more cost effective in preventing HIV transmission.
6. Circumcision removes
healthy, functioning, unique tissue, raising ethical considerations.
Green, L. et al., "Male Circumcision and HIV Prevention:
Insufficient Evidence and Neglected External Validity," American Journal
of Preventive Medicine 39 (2010): 479-82.
In National Survey
Circumcision Had No Protective Effect
A survey of South African men showed
that circumcision had no protective effect in the prevention of HIV
transmission. This is a concern, and has implications for the possible adoption
of mass male circumcision strategy both as a public health policy and an HIV
prevention strategy.
Connolly, C. et al., South African Medical Journal 98(2008):
Circumcision is Not Cost
The findings suggest that behavior
change programs are more efficient and cost effective than circumcision.
Providing free condoms is estimated to be significantly less costly, more
effective in comparison to circumcising, and at least 95 times more cost
effective at stopping the spread of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa. In addition,
condom usage provides protection for women as well as men. This is significant
in an area where almost 61% of adults living with AIDS are women.
McAllister, R. et al., "The Cost to Circumcise
Africa," American Journal of Men's Health 7(2008): 307-316.
Circumcision/HIV Have
Incomplete Evaluation
The push to institute mass
circumcision in Africa, following the three randomized clinical trials (RCTs)
conducted in Africa, is based on an incomplete evaluation of real-world
preventive effects over the long-term � effects that may be quite
different outside the research setting and circumstances, with their access to
resources, sanitary standards and intensive counseling. Moreover, proposals for
mass circumcision lack a thorough and objective consideration of costs in
relation to hoped-for benefits. No field-test has been performed to evaluate
the effectiveness, complications, personnel requirements, costs and
practicality of proposed approaches in real-life conditions. These are the
classic distinctions between efficacy and effectiveness trials, and between
internal validity and external validity.
Campaigns to promote safe-sex
behaviors have been shown to accomplish a high rate of infection reduction,
without the surgical risks and complications of circumcision, and at a much
lower cost. For the health community to rush to recommend a program based on
incomplete evidence is both premature and ill-advised. It misleads the public
by promoting false hope from uncertain conclusions and might ultimately
aggravate the problem by altering people�s
behavioral patterns and exposing them and their partners to new or expanded
risks. Given these problems, circumcision of adults, and especially of
children, by coercion or by false hope, raises human rights concerns.
Green, L. et al., "Male Circumcision is Not the HIV �Vaccine� We
Have Been Waiting For!" Future Medicine 2 (2008): 193-199, DOI
Circumcision Decreases
Sexual Pleasure
A questionnaire was used to study the
sexuality of men circumcised as adults compared to uncircumcised men, and to
compare their sex lives before and after circumcision. The study included 373
sexually active men, of whom 255 were circumcised and 118 were not. Of the 255
circumcised men, 138 had been sexually active before circumcision, and all were
circumcised at >20 years of age. Masturbatory pleasure decreased after
circumcision in 48% of the respondents, while 8% reported increased pleasure.
Masturbatory difficulty increased after circumcision in 63% of the respondents
but was easier in 37%. About 6% answered that their sex lives improved, while
20% reported a worse sex life after circumcision. There was a decrease in
masturbatory pleasure and sexual enjoyment after circumcision, indicating that
adult circumcision adversely affects sexual function in many men, possibly
because of complications of the surgery and a loss of nerve endings.
Kim, D. and Pang, M., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on
Sexuality," BJU International 99 (2007): 619-22.
Circumcision Removes the
Most Sensitive Parts of the Penis
A sensitivity study of the adult penis
in circumcised and uncircumcised men shows that the uncircumcised penis is
significantly more sensitive. The most sensitive location on the circumcised
penis is the circumcision scar on the ventral surface. Five locations on the
uncircumcised penis that are routinely removed at circumcision are
significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive location on the
circumcised penis.
In addition, the glans (head) of the
circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the
uncircumcised penis. The tip of the foreskin is the most sensitive region of
the uncircumcised penis, and it is significantly more sensitive than the most
sensitive area of the circumcised penis. Circumcision removes the most
sensitive parts of the penis.
This study presents the first
extensive testing of fine touch pressure thresholds of the adult penis. The
monofiliment testing instruments are calibrated and have been used to test
female genital sensitivity.
Sorrells, M. et al., �Fine-Touch
Pressure Thresholds in the Adult Penis,� BJU
International 99 (2007): 864-869.
Circumcision Policy
Influenced by Psychosocial Factors
The debate about the advisability of
circumcision in English-speaking countries typically has focused on potential
health factors. The position statements of committees from national medical
organisations are expected to be evidence-based; however, the contentiousness
of the ongoing debate suggests that other factors are involved. Various
potential factors related to psychology, sociology, religion, and culture may
also underlie policy decisions. These factors could affect the values and
attitudes of medical committee members, the process of evaluating the medical
literature, and the medical literature itself. Although medical professionals
highly value rationality, it can be difficult to conduct a rational and
objective evaluation of an emotional and controversial topic such as
circumcision. A negotiated compromise between polarized committee factions
could introduce additional psychosocial factors. These possibilities are
speculative, not conclusive. It is recommended that an open discussion of
psychosocial factors take place and that the potential biases of committee
members be recognized.
Goldman, R., �Circumcision
Policy: A Psychosocial Perspective,� Paediatrics
& Child Health 9 (2004): 630-633.
Circumcision is Not Good
Health Policy
A cost-utility analysis, based on
published data from multiple observational studies, comparing boys circumcised
at birth and those not circumcised was undertaken using the Quality of
Well-being Scale, a Markov analysis, the standard reference case, and a
societal perspective. Neonatal circumcision increased incremental costs by
$828.42 per patient and resulted in an incremental 15.30 well-years lost per
1000 males. If neonatal circumcision was cost-free, pain-free, and had no
immediate complications, it was still more costly than not circumcising. Using
sensitivity analysis, it was impossible to arrange a scenario that made
neonatal circumcision cost-effective. Neonatal circumcision is not good health
policy, and support for it as a medical procedure cannot be justified
financially or medically.
Van Howe, R., �A
Cost-Utility Analysis of Neonatal Circumcision,� Medical
Decision Making 24 (2004):584-601.
Pain, Trauma, Sexual,
and Psychological Effects of Circumcision
Infant male circumcision continues
despite growing questions about its medical justification. As usually performed
without analgesia or anaesthetic, circumcision is observably painful. It is
likely that genital cutting has physical, sexual and psychological
consequences, too. Some studies link involuntary male circumcision with a range
of negative emotions and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some circumcised
men have described their current feelings in the language of violation,
torture, mutilation and sexual assault. In view of the acute as well as
long-term risks from circumcision and the legal liabilities that might arise,
it is timely for health professionals and scientists to re-examine the evidence
on this issue and participate in the debate about the advisability of this
surgical procedure on unconsenting minors.
Boyle G. et al., "Male Circumcision: Pain, Trauma and
Psychosexual Sequelae," Journal of Health Psychology (2002): 329-343.
Circumcision Results in
Significant Loss of Erogenous Tissue
A report published in the British
Journal of Urology assessed the type and amount of tissue missing from the
adult circumcised penis by examining adult foreskins obtained at autopsy.
Investigators found that circumcision removes about one-half of the erogenous
tissue on the penile shaft. The foreskin, according to the study, protects the
head of the penis and is comprised of unique zones with several kinds of specialized
nerves that are important to optimum sexual sensitivity.
Taylor, J. et al., "The Prepuce: Specialized Mucosa of the
Penis and Its Loss to Circumcision," BJU 77 (1996): 291�295.
Circumcision Affects
Sexual Behavior
A study published in the Journal of
the American Medical Association found that circumcision provided no
significant prophylactic benefit and that circumcised men were more likely to
engage in various sexual practices. Specifically, circumcised men were
significantly more likely to masturbate and to participate in heterosexual oral
sex than uncircumcised men.
Laumann, E. et al., "Circumcision in the U.S.: Prevalence,
Prophylactic Effects, and Sexual Practice," JAMA 277 (1997): 1052�1057.
Researchers Demonstrate
Traumatic Effects of Circumcision
A team of Canadian researchers
produced new evidence that circumcision has long-lasting traumatic effects. An
article published in the international medical journal The Lancet reported the
effect of infant circumcision on pain response during subsequent routine
vaccination. The researchers tested 87 infants at 4 months or 6 months of age.
The boys who had been circumcised were more sensitive to pain than the
uncircumcised boys. Differences between groups were significant regarding
facial action, crying time, and assessments of pain.
The authors believe that
"neonatal circumcision may induce long-lasting changes in infant pain
behavior because of alterations in the infant�s central neural processing of painful
stimuli." They also write that "the long-term consequences of surgery
done without anaesthesia are likely to include post-traumatic stress as well as
pain. It is therefore possible that the greater vaccination response in the
infants circumcised without anaesthesia may represent an infant analogue of a
post-traumatic stress disorder triggered by a traumatic and painful event and
re-experienced under similar circumstances of pain during vaccination."
Taddio, A. et al., "Effect of Neonatal Circumcision on Pain
Response during Subsequent Routine Vaccination," The Lancet 349 (1997):
Circumcision Study
Halted Due to Trauma
Researchers found circumcision so
traumatic that they ended the study early rather than subject any more infants
to the operation without anesthesia. Those infants circumcised without
anesthesia experienced not only severe pain, but also an increased risk of
choking and difficulty breathing. The findings were published in the Journal of
the American Medical Association. Up to 96% of infants in some areas of the
United States receive no anesthesia during circumcision. No anesthetic
currently in use for circumcisions is effective during the most painful parts
of the procedure.
Lander, J. et al., "Comparison of Ring Block, Dorsal Penile
Nerve Block, and Topical Anesthesia for Neonatal Circumcision," JAMA 278
(1997): 2157�2162.
Circumcised Penis
Requires More Care in Young Boys
The circumcised penis requires more
care than the natural penis during the first three years of life, according to
a report in the British Journal of Urology. The clinical findings of an American
pediatrician showed that circumcised boys were significantly more likely to
have skin adhesions, trapped debris, irritated urinary opening, and
inflammation of the glans (head of the penis) than were boys with a foreskin.
Furthermore, because there are large variations of appearance in circumcised
boys, circumcision for cosmetic reasons should be discouraged.
Van Howe, R., "Variability in Penile Appearance and Penile
Findings: A Prospective Study," BJU 80 (1997): 776�782.
Poll of Circumcised Men
Reveals Harm
A poll of circumcised men published in
the British Journal of Urology describes adverse outcomes on men�s health and well-being. Findings
showed wide-ranging physical, sexual, and psychological consequences. Some respondents
reported prominent scarring and excessive skin loss. Sexual consequences
included progressive loss of sensitivity and sexual dysfunction. Emotional
distress followed the realization that they were missing a functioning part of
their penis. Low-self esteem, resentment, avoidance of intimacy, and depression
were also noted.
Hammond, T., "A Preliminary Poll of Men Circumcised in
Infancy or Childhood," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 85�92
Psychological Effects of
Circumcision Studied
An article titled "The
Psychological Impact of Circumcision" reports that circumcision results in
behavioral changes in infants and long-term unrecognized psychological effects
on men. The piece reviews the medical literature on infants� responses to circumcision and
concludes, "there is strong evidence that circumcision is overwhelmingly
painful and traumatic." The article notes that infants exhibit behavioral
changes after circumcision, and some men have strong feelings of anger, shame,
distrust, and grief about having been circumcised. In addition, circumcision
has been shown to disrupt the mother-infant bond, and some mothers report
significant distress after allowing their son to be circumcised. Psychological
factors perpetuate circumcision. According to the author, "defending
circumcision requires minimizing or dismissing the harm and producing
overstated medical claims about protection from future harm. The ongoing denial
requires the acceptance of false beliefs and misunderstanding of facts. These
psychological factors affect professionals, members of religious groups, and
parents involved in the practice."
Expressions from circumcised men are
generally lacking because most circumcised men do not understand what
circumcision is, emotional repression keeps feelings from awareness, or men may
be aware of these feelings but afraid of disclosure.
Goldman, R., "The Psychological Impact of
Circumcision," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 93�102
Serious Consequences of
Circumcision Trauma in Adult Men Clinically Observed
Using four case examples that are
typical among his clients, a practicing psychiatrist presents clinical findings
regarding the serious and sometimes disabling long-term somatic, emotional, and
psychological consequences of infant circumcision in adult men. These
consequences resemble complex post-traumatic stress disorder and emerge during
psychotherapy focused on the resolution of perinatal and developmental trauma.
Adult symptoms associated with circumcision trauma include shyness, anger,
fear, powerlessness, distrust, low self-esteem, relationship difficulties, and
sexual shame. Long-term psychotherapy dealing with early trauma resolution
appears to be effective in healing these consequences.
Rhinehart, J., "Neonatal Circumcision Revistited,"
Transactional Analysis Journal 29 (1999): 215-221
Anatomy and Function of
the Foreskin Documented
A new article describes the foreskin
(prepuce) as an integral, normal part of the genitals of mammals. It is
specialized, protective, erogenous tissue. A description of the complex nerve
structure of the penis explains why anesthetics provide incomplete pain relief
during circumcision. Cutting off the foreskin removes many fine-touch receptors
from the penis and results in thickening and desensitization of the glans outer
layer. The complex anatomy and function of the foreskin dictate that
circumcision should be avoided or deferred until the person can make an
informed decision as an adult.
Cold, C. and Taylor, J., "The Prepuce," BJU 83 (1999):
suppl. 1: 34�44.
Male Circumcision
Affects Female Sexual Enjoyment
A survey of women who have had sexual
experience with circumcised and anatomically complete partners showed that the
anatomically complete penis was preferred over the circumcised penis. Without
the foreskin to provide a movable sleeve of skin, intercourse with a
circumcised penis resulted in female discomfort from increased friction,
abrasion, and loss of natural secretions. Respondents overwhelmingly concurred
that the mechanics of coitus were different for the two groups of men.
Unaltered men tended to thrust more gently with shorter strokes.
O�Hara, K. and O�Hara,
J., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on the Sexual Enjoyment of the Female
Partner," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 79�84
Male Circumcision and
Psychosexual Effects Investigated
Infant male circumcision continues
despite growing questions about its medical justification. As usually performed
without analgesia or anesthetic, circumcision is observably painful. It is
likely that genital cutting has physical, sexual, and psychological
consequences, too. Some studies link involuntary male circumcision with a range
of negative emotions and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some
circumcised men have described their current feelings in the language of
violation, torture, mutilation, and sexual assault. In view of the acute as
well as long-term risks from circumcision and the legal liabilities that might
arise, it is timely for health professionals and scientists to re-examine the
evidence on this issue and participate in the debate about the advisability of
this surgical procedure on unconsenting minors.
Boyle, G., Goldman, R., Svoboda, J.S., and Fernandez, E.,
"Male Circumcision: Pain, Trauma, and Psychosexual Sequelae," Journal
of Health Psychology 7 (2002): 329-343.
Surveys Reveal Adverse
Sexual and Psychological Effects of Circumcision
A survey of the 35 female and 42 gay
sexual partners of circumcised and genitally intact men, and a separate survey
of 53 circumcised and genitally intact men, and a separate survey of 30
genitally intact men themselves indicated that circumcised men experienced
significantly reduced sexual sensation along with associated long-lasting
negative emotional consequences.
Boyle, G. and Bensley, G., "Adverse Sexual and
Psychological Effects of Male Infant Circumcision,". Psychological Reports
88 (2001): 1105-1106.
Foreskin Reduces the
Force Required for Penetration and Increases Comfort
Masters and Johnson observed that the
foreskin unrolled with intercourse. However, they overlooked a prior
observation that intromission (i.e., penetration) was thereby made easier. To
evaluate this observation an artificial introitus was mounted on scales.
Repeated measurements showed a 10-fold reduction of force on entry with an
initially unretracted foreskin as compared to entry with a retracted foreskin.
For the foreskin to reduce the force required it must cover most of the glans
when the penis is erect.
Taves, D., "The Intromission Function of the
Foreskin," Med Hypotheses 59 (2002): 180.
Survey of Men
Circumcised as Adults Shows Mixed Results
Men circumcised as adults were surveyed
to assess erectile function, penile sensitivity, sexual activity and overall
satisfaction. Over 80% of these men were circumcised to treat a medical
problem. The response rate was 44% among potential responders. Mean age of
responders was 42 years at circumcision and 46 years at survey. Adult
circumcision appears to result in worsened erectile function, decreased penile
sensitivity, no change in sexual activity, and improved satisfaction. Of the
men 50% reported benefits and 38% reported harm. Overall, 62% of men were
satisfied with having been circumcised. Note: Results may be affected by the
fact that there was no sample of normal, healthy, genitally intact men for
Fink, K., Carson, C., DeVellis, R., "Adult Circumcision
Outcomes Study: Effect on Erectile Function, Penile Sensitivity, Sexual
Activity and Satisfaction," J Urol 167 (2002): 2113-2116.
Survey Finds
Circumcision Contributes to Vaginal Dryness
The impact of male circumcision on
vaginal dryness during coitus was investigated. We conducted a survey of 35
female sexual partners aged 18 to 69 years who had experienced sexual
intercourse with both circumcised and genitally intact men. Women reported they
were significantly more likely to have experienced vaginal dryness during
intercourse with circumcised than with genitally intact men.
Bensley, G. and Boyle, G., "Effects of Male Circumcision on
Female Arousal and Orgasm," N Z Med J 116 (2003): 595-596.
Early Adverse
Experiences May Lead to Abnormal Brain Development and Behavior
Self-destructive behavior in current
society promotes a search for psychobiological factors underlying this
epidemic. The brain of the newborn infant is particularly vulnerability to
early adverse experiences, leading to abnormal development and behavior. Although
several investigations have correlated newborn complications with abnormal
adult behavior, our understanding of the underlying mechanisms remains
rudimentary. Models of early experience, such as repetitive pain, sepsis, or
maternal separation in rodents and other species have noted multiple
alterations in the adult brain, correlated with specific behavioral types
depending on the timing and nature of the adverse experience. The mechanisms
mediating such changes in the newborn brain have remained largely unexplored.
Maternal separation, sensory isolation (understimulation), and exposure to
extreme or repetitive pain (overstimulation) may cause altered brain
development. (Circumcision is described as an intervention with long-term
neurobehavioral effects.) These changes promote two distinct behavioral types
characterized by increased anxiety, altered pain sensitivity, stress disorders,
hyperactivity/attention deficit disorder, leading to impaired social skills and
patterns of self-destructive behavior. The clinical importance of these
mechanisms lies in the prevention of early adverse experiences and effective
treatment of newborn pain and stress.
Anand, K. and Scalzo, F., "Can Adverse Neonatal Experiences
Alter Brain Development and Subsequent Behavior? Biol Neonate 77 (2000): 69-82
Note: CRC disapproves of animal
studies that involve inflicting pain.
Am 18.07.2012 um 12:54 schrieb bbpp:
Auch DIE ZEIT meldet sich zu dem Thema! Weiterverbreitet
Also, die Diskussion, ausgelöst durch das Kölner Urteil, entfaltet den WUNDEN SCHNITT-PUNKT der verschiedenen Interessen mit seltener Offen und Vielfältigkeit!!
Auch DIE ZEIT meldet sich zu dem Thema! Weiterverbreitet
Also, die Diskussion, ausgelöst durch das Kölner Urteil, entfaltet den WUNDEN SCHNITT-PUNKT der verschiedenen Interessen mit seltener Offen und Vielfältigkeit!!
Brief zur Beschneidung„Religionsfreiheit kann kein Freibrief für Gewalt sein“
21.07.2012 · In der
Beschneidungsdebatte appellieren mehr als 100 Mediziner und Juristen an Bundesregierung undBundestag, die Kinder stärker zu schützen.
Hier ist der volle Brief.
Anschauliches und Hörbares zum
Thema "Beschneidung"
Zitat aus der Homepage der DPtV:
Diskussion um Beschneidung von Jungen
des Bundesvorsitzenden Dieter Best an
die Bundesregierung
dem Brief schließt sich die DPtV, vertreten durch den Bundesvorsitzenden Dieter
der Bitte an, keine gesetzliche Lösung ohne eine gründliche Sichtung
der Forschungsergebnisse über mögliche somatische und psychische Folgen der Beschneidung von Jungen zu treffen.
der Bitte an, keine gesetzliche Lösung ohne eine gründliche Sichtung
der Forschungsergebnisse über mögliche somatische und psychische Folgen der Beschneidung von Jungen zu treffen.
Mit dem Credo "Niemand hat das Recht zu gehorchen" lehnte sie - Hannah Ahrndt alle Rückgriffe auf religiöse Dogmen zur Begründung von Gewissen und Moral ab, weil sie zutiefst davon überzeugt war, dass die auf solchen Wegen erzeugten Werte manipulierbar sind. In religiös organisierten Systemen kann jeder Moralkodex beliebig umgedeutet werden; wogegen die Vorstellung einer gemeinschaftlichen Ethik immer wieder neu überdacht und ausgehandelt werden müsse.
Mit dem Credo "Niemand hat das Recht zu gehorchen" lehnte sie - Hannah Ahrndt alle Rückgriffe auf religiöse Dogmen zur Begründung von Gewissen und Moral ab, weil sie zutiefst davon überzeugt war, dass die auf solchen Wegen erzeugten Werte manipulierbar sind. In religiös organisierten Systemen kann jeder Moralkodex beliebig umgedeutet werden; wogegen die Vorstellung einer gemeinschaftlichen Ethik immer wieder neu überdacht und ausgehandelt werden müsse.
Cologne judgment has also sparked a fine debate
also in
psycho-analytic and medical circles
PSYCHIC trauma that circumcision entails consigns the practice to the
domain of the atavistic An ethnic or religious group that after however
many of thousand years cannot come up with a better unifying practice must be
regarded as forever benighted. Like female circumcision, male circumcision
exists not so much to cement a community, but as a patriarchal practice, to
keep the sons and daughters in line, and, not so incidentally, eliminate
a great deal of sexual pleasure. That is scarcely "Kuechen
Psychologie"! A number of matters are are being confused here:
Inoculations can be administered painlessly - a mosquito bite is not comparable
with the narcissistic and fundamental Oedipal trauma that is circumcision.
Usage, custom could allow all sorts of other entirely atavistic traditions, no?
Headhunters anyone? if someone wishes to argue the matter from that angle. To
introduce the notion of intolerance into this discussion, also, is not
pertinent to the issue, as well as contradictory, since a child if he wishes
could decide to be circumcised, say, at the time of Bar Mitzvah, or equivalent
Islam rite. Actually, the elimination of the practice of circumcision would
also go some ways toward abating irrational forms of anti-Semitism, both
Judaism and Islam being Semitic religions. That some of the Religious will be
narcissistically mortified once one of their practices is prohibited - all I
can say: EDUCATE yourselves, empathize with the child and the trauma it suffers
so that you THE BELIEVER can regard its continuance as sacred! Or: get over it!http://www.facebook.com/mike.roloff1?ref=name
Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August
Pressemitteilung Deutscher Ethikrat, Ulrike Florian, 27.07.2012 10:34
Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August
Zudem richtet der Ethikrat eine Arbeitsgruppe zum Thema Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit ein und beschließt Thema der Jahrestagung 2013.
Am 23. August 2012 wird sich der Ethikrat im Rahmen einer öffentlichen Plenarsitzung mit dem aktuell diskutierten Thema der Beschneidung von minderjährigen Jungen aus religiösen Gründen beschäftigen. Die Ratsmitglieder Peter Dabrock,Wolfram Höfling, Ilhan Ilkilic, Leo Latasch und Reinhard Merkel werden in Impulsreferaten strafrechtliche, religiös-kulturelle, medizinische und ethische Aspekte der Beschneidung in den Blick nehmen und im Plenum zur Diskussion stellen.
Darüber hinaus wird der Ethikrat im Auftrag der Bundesregierung eine Stellungnahme zum Thema „Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit – Forschungsförderung und Umgang mit Forschungsergebnissen“ erarbeiten. Hintergrund dieses Auftrags sind Forschungen in den USA und den Niederlanden, bei denen Grippeviren erzeugt wurden, die im Vergleich zu ihren Wildformen leichter zwischen Säugetieren übertragbar sind. Im Verlauf seiner gestrigen Plenarsitzung hat der Ethikrat beschlossen, eine Arbeitsgruppe zu diesem Thema einzurichten, und die nächsten Arbeitsschritte festgelegt.
Im Mittelpunkt der Jahrestagung 2013 wird die Forschung am Menschen, vor allem mit Blick auf Fragen des Probanden- und Patientenschutzes im globalen Kontext, stehen.
Weitere Informationen unter http://www.ethikrat.org/.
Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August
Pressemitteilung Deutscher Ethikrat, Ulrike Florian, 27.07.2012 10:34
Öffentliche Sitzung des Ethikrates zum Thema Beschneidung im August
Zudem richtet der Ethikrat eine Arbeitsgruppe zum Thema Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit ein und beschließt Thema der Jahrestagung 2013.
Am 23. August 2012 wird sich der Ethikrat im Rahmen einer öffentlichen Plenarsitzung mit dem aktuell diskutierten Thema der Beschneidung von minderjährigen Jungen aus religiösen Gründen beschäftigen. Die Ratsmitglieder Peter Dabrock,Wolfram Höfling, Ilhan Ilkilic, Leo Latasch und Reinhard Merkel werden in Impulsreferaten strafrechtliche, religiös-kulturelle, medizinische und ethische Aspekte der Beschneidung in den Blick nehmen und im Plenum zur Diskussion stellen.
Darüber hinaus wird der Ethikrat im Auftrag der Bundesregierung eine Stellungnahme zum Thema „Biosicherheit und Forschungsfreiheit – Forschungsförderung und Umgang mit Forschungsergebnissen“ erarbeiten. Hintergrund dieses Auftrags sind Forschungen in den USA und den Niederlanden, bei denen Grippeviren erzeugt wurden, die im Vergleich zu ihren Wildformen leichter zwischen Säugetieren übertragbar sind. Im Verlauf seiner gestrigen Plenarsitzung hat der Ethikrat beschlossen, eine Arbeitsgruppe zu diesem Thema einzurichten, und die nächsten Arbeitsschritte festgelegt.
Im Mittelpunkt der Jahrestagung 2013 wird die Forschung am Menschen, vor allem mit Blick auf Fragen des Probanden- und Patientenschutzes im globalen Kontext, stehen.
Weitere Informationen unter http://www.ethikrat.org/.
Herr Josef Joffe von DIE ZEIT meldet sich zu Worte in der
Beschneidungsangelegehenheit, im WALL STREET JOURNAL, dem nach zu urteilen sind
die Neo-Cons fuer die Beschneidung und ich fuer die Abschneidung der Neo-Cons!
Die Juedische Allgemeine berichtet
von der Aufregung ueber
die Beschneidungs Debatte in ihrer
eine laufende grosse Diskussion
got wind of the impending Ethik Council meeting I initially contacted
Frau Dr. Woopen of the Ethic Council
Liebe geehrte
Frau Dr. Woopen,
wollte Sie, als Leiterin des Ethikrates,
machen darauf dass auch
bei der hauptsächlich Deutschen von Dr. Gerd Boettcher
bei der hauptsächlich Deutschen von Dr. Gerd Boettcher
es eine kontuierlich blühende Diskussion über das Thema Beschneidung gibt, in dem sich das gros der Mitglieder, aber auch nicht alle, gegen den Brauch des Bris wenden.
es eine kontuierlich blühende Diskussion über das Thema Beschneidung gibt, in dem sich das gros der Mitglieder, aber auch nicht alle, gegen den Brauch des Bris wenden.
yahootherapeuten groups discussion is now
entirely at
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 1622 Newer› Newest»Doctors perform surgery on 6-year-old West African girl suffering from botched ...
Houston Chronicle (blog)
A team of doctors at The Woman's Hospital of Texas performed a life-changing surgery this week on a 6-year-old West African girl, who has suffered complications from a circumcision, hospitals officials announced today. On Monday, Hadiatu Jalloh ...
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Janice Dickinson Says She Lives For Plastic Surgery - The Inquisitr
The Inquisitr
However, she admitted during her interview with the publication that she would never consider getting “butt implants” or “vaginal circumcision.” I guess we all have to draw the line somewhere. While most would think that getting all sorts of surgeries ...
The Problems with Male Circumcision: An Interview with ... - Patheos
By Hemant Mehta
Francelle Wax is the producer of a film called American Secret: The Circumcision Agenda which takes a close look at the problems with male circumcision. More broadly speaking, it addresses the ideas of how ideas spread, why we believe in ...
Clearly the most egregious form of child abuse yet it continues unabated throughout the world ...
Houston doctors save 6-year-old girl from botched circumcision ...
Trek to heal scars of tribal healers leads girl, mom to Houston doctors [...] last week, the family's journey ended in Houston, where doctors at The Woman's ...
traditional muslim circumcision surgery performed at home - YouTube
This video is a record of a tradition that is 100% legal, very, very common and widespread ...
Possible to get full feeling back after circumcision if frenulum ...
I was unfortunately circumcised. I am currently looking into "regrowing" it. I know it's impossible to regrow the old foreskin at this period in time(Come on stem ...
Did Circumcision stop you from enjoying the first week of sons life ...
My sister recently gave birth to a baby girl and I helped take care of her on the first week. I told her it would be a hard week of not sleeping and loud crying.
circumcision | Blogerim בלוגרים - Jüdisches Museum Berlin
My Two Hours as a Living Exhibition Object in the Show “The Whole Truth“. This was a truly extraordinary experience. The best moments were when the visitors ...
Anti-circumcision activists coming to NOLA want doctors to put down the knife
WWL First News
The ob-gyn group already says doctor's should not routinely recommend circumcision to parents, but protesters want to make their point to what they call "the largest assemblage of baby-cutters under one roof." I asked local folks which side they're ...
See all stories on this topic »
NY Mayoral Candidates Mostly Support Consent Forms for Circumcision Rite
Jewish Daily Forward
All the top Democratic candidates vying to become the next mayor of New York City are calling for greater dialogue between Orthodox groups and city officials concerning the controversial Jewish circumcision practice known as metzitzah b'peh. But among ...
See all stories on this topic »
Jewish Daily Forward
My way or the highway
Russellville Courier
There were a lot of strong feelings in several points to the circumcision issue. Neither, Timothy or Titus had been circumcised as children. Acts 16 tells us that Paul had Timothy circumcised. Galatians 2 states that Paul refused to have Titus circumcised.
See all stories on this topic »
Intactivists Call on Obstetricians Meeting in New Orleans to Stop Circumcising ...
DigitalJournal.com (press release)
Intactivists are gathering in New Orleans this weekend to call upon members of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) to join the global medical community's movement away from neonatal male circumcision. Intact America, the ...
See all stories on this topic »
Web 3 new results for circumcision
Female opinion on cosmetic circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
1. okay, so I'm EXTREMELY embarrassed about this b…
H-Net Discussion Networks - Re: Circumcision
To: H-NET List for African History and Culture Dear Dr. Darwin: I am afraid that I missed the link to this discussion of male ...
Voluntary Male Circumcision Campain in Malawi, April 2013 ...
There are NO health benefits to circumcision: pediatrics aappublications org/ content/early/2013/03 ...
Domian - Beschneidung - YouTube
Mark berichtet über seine Beschneidung. Sendung vom 6.7.2012.
A letter to my son - Von Beschneidung betroffene Frauen ...
Einer Mutter wurde in den USA erzählt, Beschneidung sei harmlos und reine Routine. Sie gab ihr Kind her. In einem Raum mit Schallschutzwänden wurde ihm ...
Nach Beschneidung wielang warten ? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
21.04.13 18:41. Wurde diese Woche am Montag beschnitten, da ich Phimose hatte. Nun würde ich gerne wissen wielange ich da jetzt warten muss um wieder ...
Kopftuch, Beschneidung, Kreuz - Aktuelles Uni Konstanz ...
„Kopftuch, Beschneidung, Kreuz“. Tagung im Neuen Schloss Meersburg zu „ Religiöse Minderheiten“. Religiöse Minderheiten erscheinen vielfach als neuartige ...
Forum: Weibliche Beschneidung – auch Mädchen in Deutschland ...
Zeitschrift des Berufsverbandes der Kinder- und Jugendärzte e.V.. Heft 03/13 · 44 . (62.) Jahr · A 4834 E. Forum: Weibliche Beschneidung – auch. Mädchen in ...
Beschneidung von Mädchen: Straftat Genitalverstümmelung - taz.de
Die Idee ist nicht neu, die Erfolgsaussicht jedoch besser: Siegfried Kauder (CDU) fordert einen Straftatbestand für „weibliche Genitalverstümmelung“.
Frau drängt ihren Freund zur Beschneidung, damit sie beim Sex mehr ...
Schon etwas älter: Ich möchte dass mein Freund sich beschneiden lässt. Er hat eine rüsselförmige Vorhaut und wenn sie zurückgezogen ist bildet sie eine dicke ...
Mein Glaube - Dein Glaube WDR Schulfernsehen? 2005 ? Taufe ...
Jugendliche reden über Gott, Taufe und Beschneidung. "Also ich wurde gar nicht ...
Beschneidung videos unter 18 schauen ?? wo?? - Gutefrage.net
Auf Youtube findest du sehr viele Filme dazu, wie die Prozedur abläuft - angefangen beim Säugling bis zu Schulkindalter. Meist sind die Videos nicht deutsch ...
Regelung zur Beschneidung - „Ich werbe bei jeder Gelegenheit dazu“
Die Bundesjustizministerin äußerte sich zu der aktuellen Gesetzeslage und den Reformvorhaben des Betreuungsrechts. Sie betonte, dass nach dem Gesetz die ...
"Der Arzt sagte mir, er würde nichts fühlen." - Von Beschneidung ...
"Nach seiner Beschneidung entzog er sich, und war nur schwer zu erreichen. Seine Augenbrauen waren fast immer in der ersten Woche in die Stirn gezogen.
Female opinion on cosmetic circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
1. okay, so I'm EXTREMELY embarrassed about this b…
H-Net Discussion Networks - Re: Circumcision
To: H-NET List for African History and Culture Dear Dr. Darwin: I am afraid that I missed the link to this discussion of male ...
Voluntary Male Circumcision Campain in Malawi, April 2013 ...
There are NO health benefits to circumcision: pediatrics aappublications org/ content/early/2013/03 ...
'Clitoraid' Declared By Human Rights Group To Highlight Female Circumcision ...
Medical Daily
An international human rights group has declared the first-ever "International Clitoris Awareness Week" this May to denounce the continuing practice of female circumcision in much of the African world. (Photo : creative commons) A human rights ...
See all stories on this topic »
Medical Daily
The Guggie Daily: Circumcision: When Surgery is a Snip on a Board
Contrary to popular claims, circumcision isn't a quick snip of dangling skin. Yes, it's performed on a very small person, hence a small body part. But it's actually ...
Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Clinical Director | ReliefWeb
Responsibilities: Provides overall strategic leadership and direction for all male circumcision, and STI treatment-related clinical activities to ensure achievement ...
Anti-circumcision activists coming to NOLA want doctors to put down the knife
WWL First News
The ob-gyn group already says doctor's should not routinely recommend circumcision to parents, but protesters want to make their point to what they call "the largest assemblage of baby-cutters under one roof." I asked local folks which side they're ...
See all stories on this topic »
NY Mayoral Candidates Mostly Support Consent Forms for Circumcision Rite
Jewish Daily Forward
All the top Democratic candidates vying to become the next mayor of New York City are calling for greater dialogue between Orthodox groups and city officials concerning the controversial Jewish circumcision practice known as metzitzah b'peh. But among ...
See all stories on this topic »
Jewish Daily Forward
My way or the highway
Russellville Courier
There were a lot of strong feelings in several points to the circumcision issue. Neither, Timothy or Titus had been circumcised as children. Acts 16 tells us that Paul had Timothy circumcised. Galatians 2 states that Paul refused to have Titus circumcised.
See all stories on this topic »
Intactivists Call on Obstetricians Meeting in New Orleans to Stop Circumcising ...
DigitalJournal.com (press release)
Intactivists are gathering in New Orleans this weekend to call upon members of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) to join the global medical community's movement away from neonatal male circumcision. Intact America, the ...
Judentum ins Abseits?
Dass im letztjährigen Diskurs um die religiöse Beschneidung von Jungen einiges durcheinander geriet, hatte ich bereits in einem längeren Beitrag aufzuarbeiten versucht. Dass es zudem gut ist, diesen eigenartigen Diskurs aus der Sicht eines Fachmanns ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
Meisterhafte Farce: Arnon Grünberg "Der jüdische Messias"
hr online
Die Beschneidung gelingt, doch verliert Xavier aufgrund einiger lesenwerter Komplikationen einen Hoden, den er von nun in einem Einmachglas mit sich von Basel nach Amsterdam bis nach Israel schleppt und "König David" getauft hat. In Israel wird er ...
„Kopftuch, Beschneidung, Kreuz“ - Gesellschaft ...
Kopftuch, Beschneidung, Kreuz: Negative und positive Religionsfreiheit in Deutschland Kamran Safiarian (ZDF) -Moderation Werner Schiffauer Professor für ...
Warum hat die Beschneidung immer noch einen guten Ruf ...
Ich habe vor gut 1.5 Jahre realisiert was eine Beschneidung für mich und meine Partnerin tatsächlich bedeutet und heute frage ich mich, warum die ...
Beschneidung - Video @ Fucked-Tube
Und auch: beschnitten, circumcision, cutting, schneiden, piercing, folter, katheter, ohne clit, blutung beim sex, knive, zigarette, orgasmus, frauenarzt, ...
Forumsbeitrag aus Mamikreisel - Islam - beschneidungsforum.de ...
Ich weis nicht ob das hier richtig ist Beschneidung aus religiösen Gründen » Rechtliches & Soziales » Forum - mamikreisel.de. Ist ein neues Thema von Gestern.
BMJ - Regelung zur Beschneidung - Engagement von Hardy Krüger ...
Gemeinsam mit Hardy Krüger, Dieter Hallervorden, Bernd Wagner (EXIT Deutschland), Hans-Ulrich Jörges (Stern) und einem ehemaligen Neonazi- Aktivisten ...
Streit um die Beschneidung - Kirchenkreis Herford
Vortrag und Diskussion mit. Dr. Matthias Küntzel. Montag | 13. Mai 2013 | 20 Uhr. Ernst-Lohmeyer-Haus, Herford,. Stiftbergstraße (an der Marienkirche) ...
HIV circumcision drive misses targets - New Zimbabwe.com
New Zimbabwe.com
The country director of the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe (UNAIDS) Tatiana Shomiliana said a lot of resources were mobilised in anticipation of the uptake of a large number of men following the circumcision of lawmakers at the ...
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New Zimbabwe.com
340 undergo circumcision in Siavonga
OVER 340 men were circumcised in Siavonga district during the April male circumcision campaign. Acting Siavonga district medical officer Dr Phallon Mwaba said this had surpassed the target of 280. He said that the hospital had received overwhelming ...
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NIH Spends Tax Dollars to Study Circumcision Habits of Gay Men in Colombia ...
Christian Post
The federal government is giving millions of taxpayers' dollars to universities and colleges throughout the United States to study the stigma of transgender communities in India, the perception of circumcision among gay men in Colombia, alcohol-related ...
See all stories on this topic »
Christian Post
A Father's Pain at Overseeing Son's Circumcision
Jewish Daily Forward
I'm in the shower at 6 a.m. with a sick feeling in my gut. Today, my 8-day-old son is going to be circumcised. This is my third round, and many people told me this time would be easier — and being an Orthodox Jew who embraces ritual in his life, you'd ...
See all stories on this topic »
Jewish Daily Forward
Why doesn't America replace circumcision with a method that leaves ...
What you are suggesting is artificially creating paraphimosis, a quite rare condition where the foreskin remains retracted for an extended period of ...
WWL - AM870 | FM105.3 | News | Talk | Sports - Anti-circumcision ...
The ob-gyn group already says doctor's should not routinely recommend circumcision to parents, but protesters want to make their point to what they call " the ...
Your Circumcision Dilemma – Forward.com
It's a ceremony that inspires emotions ranging from rejoicing to repugnance. Share your experiences as parents of a Jewish newborn facing this ancient, primal ...
Circumcision - June 2013 Birth Club - BabyCenter
Circumcision: I have three girls and this will be my first boy!!!! Can anyone give me info on the circumcision and if the baby feels anything? Also are we...
Circumcision Advise for a 9 year old. - Netmums
Hello, We have been advised to circumcise my 9 year old son due to phimosis and balanitis and to stop repeated infections. We have seen two different.
HIV circumcision drive misses targets - New Zimbabwe.com
New Zimbabwe.com
The country director of the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe (UNAIDS) Tatiana Shomiliana said a lot of resources were mobilised in anticipation of the uptake of a large number of men following the circumcision of lawmakers at the ...
See all stories on this topic »
New Zimbabwe.com
340 undergo circumcision in Siavonga
OVER 340 men were circumcised in Siavonga district during the April male circumcision campaign. Acting Siavonga district medical officer Dr Phallon Mwaba said this had surpassed the target of 280. He said that the hospital had received overwhelming ...
See all stories on this topic »
NIH Spends Tax Dollars to Study Circumcision Habits of Gay Men in Colombia ...
Christian Post
The federal government is giving millions of taxpayers' dollars to universities and colleges throughout the United States to study the stigma of transgender communities in India, the perception of circumcision among gay men in Colombia, alcohol-related ...
See all stories on this topic »
Christian Post
A Father's Pain at Overseeing Son's Circumcision
Jewish Daily Forward
I'm in the shower at 6 a.m. with a sick feeling in my gut. Today, my 8-day-old son is going to be circumcised. This is my third round, and many people told me this time would be easier — and being an Orthodox Jew who embraces ritual in his life, you'd ...
Why doesn't America replace circumcision with a method that leaves ...
What you are suggesting is artificially creating paraphimosis, a quite rare condition where the foreskin remains retracted for an extended period of ...
WWL - AM870 | FM105.3 | News | Talk | Sports - Anti-circumcision ...
The ob-gyn group already says doctor's should not routinely recommend circumcision to parents, but protesters want to make their point to what they call " the ...
Your Circumcision Dilemma – Forward.com
It's a ceremony that inspires emotions ranging from rejoicing to repugnance. Share your experiences as parents of a Jewish newborn facing this ancient, primal ...
Circumcision - June 2013 Birth Club - BabyCenter
Circumcision: I have three girls and this will be my first boy!!!! Can anyone give me info on the circumcision and if the baby feels anything? Also are we...
Circumcision Advise for a 9 year old. - Netmums
Hello, We have been advised to circumcise my 9 year old son due to phimosis and balanitis and to stop repeated infections. We have seen two different.
The foreskin contains thousands of nerves that create sensitivity and pleasure. Since circumcision is the removal of the entire foreskin, you are ...
The Guggie Daily: Jewish Anti-Circumcision and Intactivist Ads in ...
Photo 1: "In the natural state, the corona within the foreskin is protected as an internal organ, moist like the eye. In infancy, the foreskin is connected to the organ ...
Circumcision and HIV Meta-Analysis: A Critical Appraisal - The ...
The aim of this paper is to critically appraise a meta-analysis examining the relationship between circumcision and prevention of HIV acquisition in heterosexual ...
The Acceptability and Safety of the Shang Ring for Adult Male ...
The Acceptability and Safety of the Shang Ring for Adult Male Circumcision in ... OBJECTIVES:: Medical male circumcision (MMC) is recommended for HIV ...
DAPS Cast 9 – Nerds, Pokemon, and Circumcision by augiemania ...
Listen to DAPS Cast 9 – Nerds, Pokemon, and Circumcision by augiemania: Carlo and Kristin talk about stuff on the internet, their lives, and other really fun stuff.
Circumcision Moron of the Month - YouTube
David J. Bernstein of Facebook notoriety has named the latest Circumcision Moron of the ...
Circumcision - YouTube
people need to get over the fact that darren is circumcised and keep the rude comments to ...
Circumcision? - September 2013 Birth Club - BabyCenter
Circumcision?: What is your opinion on circumcision? I've been doing a lot of research since we found out we're having a boy. Some people have very strong...
Circumcision Controversy Endangers Fight To Keep Rite Legal in Germany
Jewish Daily Forward
The practice of metzitzah b'peh, a controversial part of some Jewish circumcisions, is reigniting concern about religious circumcision in Germany, where the government only recently fended off an effort to outlaw the ritual altogether. The chief ...
See all stories on this topic »
Jewish Daily Forward
Islamic Rules Towards Women
Opposing Views
Another issue touching on Muslim women's sexuality that is frequently misunderstood is the question of female circumcision. While some predominantly Muslim countries do practice it, female circumcision is not an Islamic tradition, but rather a tribal ...
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Opposing Views
Your Circumcision Dilemma
Jewish Daily Forward
The bris: It's a ceremony that inspires emotions ranging from rejoicing to repugnance — and dissonant combinations of everything in between. We would like you, our readers, to share your experiences as parents of a Jewish newborn facing this ancient, ...
See all stories on this topic »
Jewish Daily Forward
Few Mayoral Candidates Stand Up to Chassidim on 'Metzitzah B'peh'
The Jewish Press
When it comes to the mayoral candidates' stances on the controversial Jewish circumcision practice known as metzitzah b'peh, Rev. Erick Salgado and City Comptroller John Liu pledged to outright abolish the city's regulation of the practice, The Forward ...
See all stories on this topic »
Web 4 new results for circumcision
Intactivists Call On Obstetricians Meeting in New ... - Intact America
Intact America calls circumcision “an unnecessary, inherently risky surgery that ... global medical community's movement away from neonatal male circumcision.
Circumcision is Mother/Child Trauma Brainwashing - Henry Makow
Circumcision ("torture mutilation") is designed to destroy the bond between mother and son, and "freeze the mother's heart." "The idea that a parallel intention of ...
Health Briefs
Detroit Free Press
Circumcision's impact on bacteria studied. A new study reveals that circumcision affects the type of bacteria that live on the penis, which could explain why circumcised men have a 50% to 60% reduced risk of being infected by HIV, the virus that causes ...
See all stories on this topic »
Miley Cyrus accidentally reveals Maxim Hot 100 list - Lifestyle - MSN New Zealand
Miley Cyrus accidentally reveals Maxim Hot 100 list · Man has 60kg scrotum growth removed · Jerry Seinfeld's 'typical' girlfriend revealed · Want to be attractive? Don't shave · Ideal traits of the perfect man listed · Circumcision reduces STD risk by ...
See all stories on this topic »
Mayoral Candidates (Mostly) Agree: Snip-N-Suck Circumcision ...
Last year, the Board of Health unanimously approved a circumcision consent form that requires parents to sign a waiver before their infant can undergo the ...
So after circumcision what is supposed to happen......? - Yahoo
Nach negativem Urteil von Kinderärzten: Beschneidungsdebatte kocht wieder ...
Zwar hatte die Regierung später den Eingriff per Gesetz legalisiert und sich auf ärztliche Urteile berufen, doch nun sorgt ein Gutachten von 19 europäischen Kinderarztverbänden für Zweifel an den gesundheitlichen Vorteilen einer Beschneidung. Laut ...
Die Beschneidung, die Richter und das Gesetz ... - Goethe-Institut
Im Juni 2012 wertete das Kölner Landgericht Beschneidung von Jungen als Körperverletzung. Daraufhin entstand eine hitzige Debatte um Religionsfreiheit und ...
Schwellungen nach der Beschneidung - Zirkumzision ...
Schwellungen nach der Beschneidung. Hallo Ich wurde vor 4 Tagen komplett beschnitten. Jetzt habe ich oberhalb der Naht einige Schwellungen und kleinere ...
Regelung zur Beschneidung - NPD-Verbot: Kein zweites Scheitern
Der Fehler eines juristisch nicht restlos überzeugenden Antrags dürfe sich deshalb nicht wiederholen, so Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger. Sie sagte dazu: „ Ein ...
Beschneidung | Predigtblog von Pfarrer Oliver Meik
Posts about Beschneidung written by pfarrermeik. ... Verfasst von pfarrermeik. Du durchsuchst derzeit die Archive der Kategorie Beschneidung. Hintergrund ...
Circumcision | Health | Patient.co.uk
A circumcision is an operation to the foreskin (the skin covering the top of the penis). It is mostly done in babies and young children but can be done...
NationStates • View topic - Circumcision
It has been proven time and time again that having foreskin is more beneficial than being circumcised, and yet for some reason people still keep circumcising ...
Circumcision: not worth the pain - YouTube
COMM111 Persuasive Speech: "Circumcision: not worth the pain"
Re: Circumcision: Divided we fall | BMJ
Male genital mutilation is abuse. In the United States, "circumcision" has been pushed over the years to "treat" a variety of ills. The real issue seems to be the fact ...
How to treat pain after circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
Okay its been 17 days after circumcision, and today was the first day I put on a ... Aww honey! This could have been fixed using a cream and daily stretching. I'm so ...
Circumcision, a dangerous collective madness: from an individual ...
Fom a psychiatric point of view, Matteoli sees sexual mutilation, as a collective and transgenerational syndrome of Münchhausen by proxy. From the ...
Circumcision - Mothering.com
Amie, I fear with the AAP's latest statement on circumcision. ... Circumcised and Hate It - the Tip of the Iceberg ... Best single site or link for circumcision facts?
Mythen und Wahrheit über Beschneidung in "Psychology Today ...
Forum zum Thema Beschneidung mit Berichten von Beschneidungsopfern und Diskussionen über alle Aspekte der Beschneidung. Beschneidungsforum.de ...
Beschneidung und Epigenetik - Medizin allgemein (Studien, usw ...
Es ist durchaus möglich, daß die Beschneidung von Säuglingen einen für die Gesundheit positiven Einfluß auf die biochemische Regulation von Genen hat, ...
Beschneidung: Demonstrationen für Selbstbestimmung ...
News, die ein friedliches Miteinander behindern oder fördern.
Medizin: Beschneidung reduziert das Risiko von sexuell ...
Die Beschneidung von Jungen in der Kindheit kann sie von Ansteckung mit sexuell übertragbaren Krankheiten und Transfer in der Zukunft zu schützen, nach ...
BMJ - Regelung zur Beschneidung - Deutsch-Britischer Justizdialog ...
Die gute und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Bundesjustizministerium und dem britischen Ministry of Justice wurde durch die Gespräche von ...
Beschneidung notwendig? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Beschneidung notwendig? 04.05.13 20:40. Hallo,. also ich habe irgendwie festgestellt, dass mein Penis an Umfang zugenommen haben muss (vermutlich nur ...
Why circumcision protects against HIV, study explains - Guardian
The Guardian Nigeria
Randomised controlled trials show that circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection in men by 50-60 per cent and reduces the risk of infection with human papillomavirus and herpes simplex virus type 2, but the biology behind these benefits is not ...
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Never trust a Norwegian with his stick between your legs (Video)
Yahoo! Sports (blog)
Norway would lose the game, 5-1, as Gabriel Landeskog scored two goals and successfully avoided an amateur circumcision from Ole-Kristian Tollefsen. Hey, Jarnkrok, just be happy Tore Vikingstad retired; that stick would have butterfly filleted you.
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Prenatal and perinatal analgesic exposure and autism: an ecological link
7thSpace Interactive (press release)
states and when comparing the 3 main racial/ethnic groups in the U.S. The country-level correlation between autism/ASD prevalence in males and paracetamol was considerably weaker before 1995 when the drug became widely used during circumcision.
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FGM: my life of pain, grannies who ruin young girls' lives and why it was a ...
Evening Standard
She began researching FGM, and then campaigning against it, later working as a translator at a clinic in Brent for those who have undergone circumcision. Even when she is teaching English as a foreign language or visiting homes, she brings it up: “I ...
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Evening Standard
Does anyone actually have circumcision and not regret it ...
Im in my 20's and and had to get circumcision due to partial phimosis after a ... I have it but I didn't ever regret it. ... I was unnecessarily circumcised as a child,... like ...
What's the deal with circumcision? - Off-A - Asexual Visibility ...
I had a random long discussion with a friend the other day, in which he told me that upwards of eighty percent of the American male population is circumcised.
Chief Mumena's circumcision advert 'out of context'
Zambia Daily Mail
It is in sharp contrast because his message on HIV and AIDS, no matter how well intentioned, fails to gel with the traditional morals on which his ancestors drove him and others into circumcision at that time. What the chief must know is that ...
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Push to cut off foreskins winning as Thyolo youth lead in voluntary circumcision
The Maravi Post
THYOLO (Mana) -- Over 3,400 youths in Thyolo have been circumcised and many more are still dropping in for Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision (VMMC). Thyolo District Youth Officer, Doreen Mbendera, told the Malawi News Agency (Mana) that many ...
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The Maravi Post
Nurse At LA Medical Facility Accused Of Posting Pics Online Of Circumcised ...
CBS Local
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — A man who claims to be a nurse at a Los Angeles medical facility allegedly posted photos online of baby boys after they've been circumcised. In one picture on Instagram, the man is holding a baby in his arms. “Tryin to keep ...
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'Jewish religion is under attack in Europe'
Jerusalem Post
A recent circumcision ceremony conducted by a hassidic rabbi in Berlin – during which he performed a controversial custom in which blood is orally suctioned from the wound – threatened to reopen the debate regarding circumcision, he said. The issue of ...
Deutschland ist ja bekanntlich das Land, in dem ehemalige Waffen SS Mitglieder dem Staate Israel Lektionen in Menschenrechten meinen geben zu müssen ...
„Kopftuch, Beschneidung, Kreuz“ - Gesellschaft ...
"Religiöse Minderheiten erscheinen vielfach als neuartige Herausforderung für das politische und kulturelle Handeln der Gegenwart. Doch waren multireligiöse ...
Mein bester Freund und die Wippe
Na ja, dank dir hat er eine Beschneidung bekommen. So hat das auch ... Langen und schönen Sex kann man auch ohne Beschneidung haben. +5. 07.05.2013 ...
Zum Kindesmissbrauch - Gesellschaft - beschneidungsforum.de - das ...
Das zeigt gerade auch die Debatte um weibliche Beschneidung, wo der eine oder andere plötzlich die Empathie und den gesunden Menschenverstand aus ...
“Meine Beschneidung” mit Burak Yigit erhält Prädikat Besonders ...
“Meine Beschneidung” mit Burak Yigit erhält Prädikat Besonders Wertvoll. und gewinnt das rund um den Fussball kreisende Filmfest 11mm. YouTube Preview ...
Mythen und Wahrheit über Beschneidung in "Psychology Today ...
Forum zum Thema Beschneidung mit Berichten von Beschneidungsopfern und Diskussionen über alle Aspekte der Beschneidung. Beschneidungsforum.de ...
Beschneidung und Epigenetik - Medizin allgemein (Studien, usw ...
Es ist durchaus möglich, daß die Beschneidung von Säuglingen einen für die Gesundheit positiven Einfluß auf die biochemische Regulation von Genen hat, ...
Beschneidung: Demonstrationen für Selbstbestimmung ...
News, die ein friedliches Miteinander behindern oder fördern.
Medizin: Beschneidung reduziert das Risiko von sexuell ...
Die Beschneidung von Jungen in der Kindheit kann sie von Ansteckung mit sexuell übertragbaren Krankheiten und Transfer in der Zukunft zu schützen, nach ...
BMJ - Regelung zur Beschneidung - Deutsch-Britischer Justizdialog ...
Die gute und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Bundesjustizministerium und dem britischen Ministry of Justice wurde durch die Gespräche von ...
Beschneidung notwendig? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Beschneidung notwendig? 04.05.13 20:40. Hallo,. also ich habe irgendwie festgestellt, dass mein Penis an Umfang zugenommen haben muss (vermutlich nur ...
Intactivists Call on Obstetricians Meeting in New Orleans to Stop Circumcising ...
Watch List News (press release)
Georganne Chapin, founding executive director of Intact America, the country's leading voice against neonatal male circumcision, said, "The leaders of ACOG apparently do not think their members – who, according to estimates, perform at least half of ...
Circumcision | Doctor | Patient.co.uk
Globally, an estimated 30% of males have been circumcised, 7% of whom are Muslim. [ 30150 : WHO Circumcision ] There are an estimated 30000 ritual ...
A Father's Pain at Overseeing Son's Circumcision – Forward.com
Preparing for a son's circumcision is not easy. One father who is also a rabbi feels conflicted about inflicting pain on an infant to fulfill the requirements of an ...
Cons:When will we ban abortion and circumcision and fully enstate ...
Abortion is a severe Human Rights violation and should only be legal in the ... Like anyone is going to read your babble/rant ... INSTALLING STUPID QUESTION.
Circumcision - RuneLocus
Do you agree with it? Do you disagree? I personally think there is no point to it, but what are your thoughts?
Surgical Circumcision of Young Boy in Malaysia / Для чего ...
As a member of the species that practise and encourage en masse mutilation of sexual organs ...
Samburu girls still chained to cultural bondage
The Standard Digital News
The Morans appear like glorious rainbows as shoulder to shoulder; they straighten to their full lengths and in choreographed slow movements chant circumcision songs. Tweet. The air is electric, the mood infectious, but one Moran especially is ecstatic. circumcision
Is it your decision to have your baby to be infant circumcision ...
In the US they do ask the parents. However, it is not their body, it is not their penis and they will not feel through the nerves that will be cut off. It is not a ...
HPV Load Lower With Circumcision Among Men in Rakai, Uganda ...
Human papillomavirus (HPV)-infected men who were circumcised in the randomized trial of circumcision for HIV prevention in Rakai, Ugand had significantly ...
Group holds infant circumcision protest in Houston Medical Center ...
A group called Intact Houston held a march Monday to protest the routine circumcision of infants.
The ethics of infant male circumcision | Brian D. Earp - Academia.edu
Is the non-therapeutic circumcision of infant males morally permissible? The most recent major developments in this long-festering debate were (a) the 2012 ...
Dr. Elist Circumcision Benefits by Dr Elist
There are lots of reasons people may want to get circumcised. Here are the most common circumcision benefits. Easier Personal Hygiene, Preventing Disease.
Beschneidung: der innere Gazastreifen. – Primaklima - ScienceBlogs
Aber die verglichen damit so irrelevante Beschneidung der Juden soll am besten gleich vom BKA verfolgt werden. Nachdem Papa und Grosspapa also erst die ...
Überwachungsstaat - konsequente Beschneidung ... - YouTube
Freiheit versus Sicherheit Wie der Anti-Terror-Kampf unsere Freiheit beschneidet Bernd ...
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 590) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 590)
Pressemitteilung Nr. 46/2013 „Kopftuch, Beschneidung, Kreuz“
„Kopftuch, Beschneidung, Kreuz“. Tagung im Neuen Schloss Meersburg zu „ Religiöse Minderheiten“. Religiöse Minderheiten erscheinen vielfach als neuartige ...
Umgang Beschneidung, Duschen, Bekanntmachen? | Forum ...
Hallo Zusammen! Ich möchte in Erfahrung bringen, wie ihr mit eurer Beschneidung umgeht. Wissen eure männlichen Freunde von der Beschneidung ? Scheut.
Lust und Liebe - 01 - Beschneidung (Dokumentation) - YouTube
Lust und Liebe - 01 - Beschneidung (Dokumentation). Marco Liesig·140 videos ...
Lubawitscher Rabbi: Lassen Sie Nichtjuden oder ... - Criticomblog
Lubawitscher Rabbi: Lassen Sie Nichtjuden oder Durchschnittlsjuden nicht wissen, daß wir die umstrittene Saugritus-Beschneidung machen. FAILED MESSIAH ...
Circumcision exposed rethinking a medical cultural tradition
Circumcision Exposed: Rethinking A Medical & CulturalTraditionCircumcision Exposed: Rethinking A Medical & Cultural Tradition Short Review:This BookAddr.
Free voluntary male circumcision campaign to fight HIV/AIDS in ...
Research findings show that male circumcision prevents up to 60% of getting HIV /AIDS. NGOs like USAID and Impact Research Development Organization ...
Circumcision? - Plus Size and Pregnant - BabyCenter
Circumcision?: We are team blue, and my husband, who is also snipped would like for us to get our...
LiveLeak.com - Jewish circumcision (uncut)
Two babies Contract herpes after ritual orthodox Jewish oral sucking circumcision in NYC ...
Galatians 6:15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means ...
For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth ...
Samburu girls still chained to cultural bondage
The Standard Digital News
The Morans appear like glorious rainbows as shoulder to shoulder; they straighten to their full lengths and in choreographed slow movements chant circumcision songs. Tweet. The air is electric, the mood infectious, but one Moran especially is ecstatic.
Is it your decision to have your baby to be infant circumcision ...
In the US they do ask the parents. However, it is not their body, it is not their penis and they will not feel through the nerves that will be cut off. It is not a ...
HPV Load Lower With Circumcision Among Men in Rakai, Uganda ...
Human papillomavirus (HPV)-infected men who were circumcised in the randomized trial of circumcision for HIV prevention in Rakai, Ugand had significantly ...
Group holds infant circumcision protest in Houston Medical Center ...
A group called Intact Houston held a march Monday to protest the routine circumcision of infants.
The ethics of infant male circumcision | Brian D. Earp - Academia.edu
Is the non-therapeutic circumcision of infant males morally permissible? The most recent major developments in this long-festering debate were (a) the 2012 ...
Dr. Elist Circumcision Benefits by Dr Elist
There are lots of reasons people may want to get circumcised. Here are the most common circumcision benefits. Easier Personal Hygiene, Preventing Disease.
Circumcision exposed rethinking a medical cultural tradition
Circumcision Exposed: Rethinking A Medical & CulturalTraditionCircumcision Exposed: Rethinking A Medical & Cultural Tradition Short Review:This BookAddr.
Free voluntary male circumcision campaign to fight HIV/AIDS in ...
Research findings show that male circumcision prevents up to 60% of getting HIV /AIDS. NGOs like USAID and Impact Research Development Organization ...
Circumcision? - Plus Size and Pregnant - BabyCenter
Circumcision?: We are team blue, and my husband, who is also snipped would like for us to get our...
LiveLeak.com - Jewish circumcision (uncut)
Two babies Contract herpes after ritual orthodox Jewish oral sucking circumcision in NYC ...
Galatians 6:15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means ...
For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth ...
"And you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, and it shall be the sign of the covenant between Me and you. King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) ...
Circumcision, Judges and the Law. An interview ... - Goethe-Institut
In June 2012 the Cologne District Court judged the circumcision of boys to be a form of bodily harm. There ensued a heated debate about religious freedom and ...
NationStates • View topic - Circumcision
I noticed this topic hasn't existed here since November, so I decided to bring it up again (Because we're desperately in need of a new thread not regarding ...
My Circumcision Story :: Men's Health
Hello, I am currently 20 years old and got circumcised on the 23rd of April, 9 days ago. For all my life I had phimosis and was never really too bothered by it, ...
Wann wieder Sex nach beschneidung? (Heilung) - Gutefrage.net
Ich wurde vor 10 tagen beschnitten und 3 fäden sind schon raus. Viele lösen sich schon und die erektion zieht nur ein wenig durch die fäden, wann kann ich ...
Penis riecht - Vorhautproblem - Beschneidung nötig? | Planet-Liebe ...
Hallo ihr alle, Bin beim googlen auf dieses Forum gestossen und dachte ihr könntet mir vielleicht weiterhelfen. Ich habe seit kurzem einen neuen Freund...
Lust und Liebe - 01 - Beschneidung (Dokumentation) - YouTube
Lust und Liebe - 01 - Beschneidung (Dokumentation). Marco Liesig·140 videos ...
Lubawitscher Rabbi: Lassen Sie Nichtjuden oder ... - Criticomblog
Lubawitscher Rabbi: Lassen Sie Nichtjuden oder Durchschnittlsjuden nicht wissen, daß wir die umstrittene Saugritus-Beschneidung machen. FAILED MESSIAH ...
Circumcision plans go awry in Swaziland
Male circumcision has been scientifically proven to reduce a man's risk of contracting HIV through vaginal intercourse by as much as 60 percent. Follow-up studies have found that the effectiveness of male circumcision in HIV prevention is maintained ...
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Dozens of children get circumcised in Naga City
Another batch of 70 young boys was given free circumcision during the “Operation Tuli” conducted by Kepco SPC Power Corp. last April 27 at the Enan Chiong Activity Center in Naga City, southern Cebu. The boys also received free pain relievers, anti ...
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Foundation to hold operation tuli, school brigade
Cebu Daily News
Eighty children from barangay Pardo are targeted to benefit from the free circumcision during the Operation Tuli, a new offering of the foundation that will take place on May 17. The barangay will provide medical personnel who will conduct the ...
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Web 5 new results for circumcision
allAfrica.com: Swaziland: Circumcision Plans Go Awry
"First they told me that circumcision will not really protect me against HIV. Then they tell me that I cannot have sex for some weeks or months after circumcision.
Genesis 17:11 You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the ...
Beschneidung? - World of Players
Leute, Findet ihr das ne gute sache oder eher ne schlechte? War heute beim arzt und der meinte das bei mir nun da am piepan die vorhaut abgenommen ...
Sex nach beschneidung, wann? - Gutefrage.net
Hallo, Ich wurde jetzt vor 3 wochen beschnitten und alle fäden sind raus, sieht alles gut aus & ich habe auch keine schmerzen oder ein ziehen bei einer erektion ...
Beschneidung? - World of Players
Leute, Findet ihr das ne gute sache oder eher ne schlechte? War heute beim arzt und der meinte das bei mir nun da am piepan die vorhaut abgenommen ...
Sex nach beschneidung, wann? - Gutefrage.net
Hallo, Ich wurde jetzt vor 3 wochen beschnitten und alle fäden sind raus, sieht alles gut aus & ich habe auch keine schmerzen oder ein ziehen bei einer erektion ...
Circumcision Controversy Endangers Fight To Keep Rite Legal in ...
An effort to ban circumcision only recently failed in Germany. Will a rabbi's video of the controversial practice of metzitzah b'peh reignite the battle?
Does infant circumcision violate human rights? – Debate.org
Medical studies show that the chances of a child contracting an infection that circumcision could prevent are lower than the chances of complications from the ...
On Covenant and Circumcision | Sh'ma Journal: A Journal of Jewish ...
On Covenant and Circumcision. Julie Pelc Adler. May 12, 2013 ...
3 Ways to Have a Safe Circumcision for Your Son - wikiHow
How to Have a Safe Circumcision for Your Son. You've studied the issues, and weighted the possible risks and benefits, and decided to circumcise your infant.
Colossians 2:11 In him you were also circumcised with a ... - Bible
In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised ...
1 Corinthians 7:19 Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is ...
Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God. King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) ...
Romans 2:29 No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and ... - Bible
And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a ... But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, ...
Circumcision: The Intact Point-of-View - Parent Savers
We're continuing our discussion on circumcision with a closer look at the option of staying intact. What are some of the potential risks and benefits? Plus, learn ...
"Beschneidung erfolgt überfallartig" - Islam - beschneidungsforum ...
Ich hatte gestern wieder einmal ein Gespräch mit einer türkischen Muslima über die Beschneidung. Sie erzählte mir - wie schon etliche vor ihr -, dass die ...
BMJ - Regelung zur Beschneidung - 3. Rosenburg-Symposium der ...
Dem Thema der „Aufarbeitung“ der NS-Vergangenheit haben sich jetzt bereits zahlreiche Bundesministerien und nachgeordnete Behörden angenommen.
Vortrag & Diskussion: Beschneidung und jüdische Identität, Liberale ...
Beschneidung und jüdische Identität, Liberale Jüdische Gemeinde, 08.05.2013, 19:00 Uhr. Infos zu aktuellen Veranstaltungen (im Bereich Vortrag ...
Circumcision plans go awry in Swaziland
Mail & Guardian Online
It was an ambitious plan to circumcise the majority of men in Swaziland, an effort to reduce the risk of HIV transmission in a country with the world's highest HIV prevalence. How could it have gone wrong? “First they told me that circumcision will not ...
WWL - AM870 | FM105.3 | News | Talk | Sports - Anti-circumcision ...
The ob-gyn group already says doctor's should not routinely recommend circumcision to parents, but protesters want to make their point to what they call " the ...
How do you feel about circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
I am almost 36 weeks pregnant with my little boy &…
Boy, 11, tells circumcision 'ordeal' | Zambia Daily Mail
By NOMSA NKANA YOUTHS, Pre-teens and little boys have been queuing up in their numbers this holiday for a daylong 'circumcision party', at the Young W...
A country that has made male circumcision compulsory? - Yahoo ...
has any country made circumcision of all males compulsory? ... No but the more insanely religious lots would no doubt try to ! ... I could not find any source to prove ...
Romans 2:25 Circumcision has value if you observe the law, but if ...
The Jewish ceremony of circumcision has value only if you obey God's law. But if you don't obey God's law, you are no better off than an uncircumcised Gentile.
Deuteronomy 10:16 Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and do not ...
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart,.... Content not yourselves with, nor put your confidence in outward circumcision of the flesh, but be concerned for ...
Genesis 17:24 Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he ... - Bible
And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh ... Abraham was 99 years old when the flesh of his foreskin was circumcised , ...
Das Urteil des Kölner Landgerichts zur Beschneidung vom 7. Mai 2012 hat eine gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzung zu diesem Thema in Gang gesetzt.
Beschneidung unumgänglich ? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
14.05.13 11:56. Hallo ! Schön mal ein medizinisches Forum zu dem Thema gefunden zu haben,. ich hoffe hier mal auf Hilfe zum Thema Beschneidung und ...
Dialogtagung Beschneidung von Jungen - Bundesforum Männer
Dialog ist für uns eine Form des Ge- sprächs, in dem nicht nur Argumente ausgetauscht, sondern in erster Linie. Horizonte eröffnet werden. Ein Dialog bietet die ...
Datenschutz-Berater - 14.05.2013 Bundesgerichtshof stärkt ...
14.05.2013 Bundesgerichtshof stärkt Persönlichkeitsschutz durch Beschneidung Googles Autocomplete-Funktion - Datenschutz-Berater - Zeitschrift für ...
Tödliche Tradition in Südafrika: 23 Jugendliche sterben nach Beschneidung
FOCUS Online
Für den Beschneidung-Ritus gibt es gesetzliche Vorgaben, meist ist ein Arzt anwesend. Jährlich werden Zehntausende Jugendliche beschnitten. Wegen des oft unsachgemäß durchgeführten Eingriffs mit zahlreichen Verletzungen und Todesfällen wird die ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
Bis zu 23 Tote bei Beschneidungen
Spiegel Online
Neben der Beschneidung müssen die Jungen Kräutergebräu verschiedener Art zu sich nehmen und Mutproben bestehen. Manchmal geht es etwa darum, in dünner Kleidung der winterlichen Witterung zu trotzen. Die Gesichter der Jugendlichen werden mit ...
23 Jugendliche sterben bei Beschneidung | Panorama - HNA
Bei der traditionellen Beschneidung von Jungen sind in der südafrikanischen Provinz Mpumalanga binnen zwei Wochen 23 Jugendliche gestorben.
In Südafrika: 23 Jungen sterben bei Beschneidung | Panorama ...
In 22 Fällen sind mittlerweile Mordermittlungen eingeleitet worden. Die Todesumstände des 23. Opfers werden von den Behörden noch überprüft.
23 Tote bei Beschneidung in Südafrika - ShortNews
Bei einer traditionellen Beschneidung in der südafrikanischen Provinz Mpumalanga sind 23 Jugendliche innerhalb von 14 Tagen verstorben. In 22 Fällen wird ...
Beschneidung und Epigenetik - Medizin allgemein (Studien, usw ...
Es ist durchaus möglich, daß die Beschneidung von Säuglingen einen für die Gesundheit positiven Einfluß auf die biochemische Regulation von Genen hat, ...
Johannesburg - Bei der traditionellen Beschneidung ... - Ad Hoc News
23Jugendliche sterbenbei Beschneidung Johannesburg Bei der traditionellen Beschneidung von Jungen sind in der südafrikanischen Provinz Mpumalanga ...
NAIROBI (Xinhua) -- Kenya is optimistic of reaching the target that about 900,000 men are involved in the country's voluntary medical circumcision program by the end of this year as part of crucial steps in its fight against HIV. While launching the ...
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Police and Politicians Turn Blind Eye to FGM Because of Victims' Skin Colour
Huffington Post UK (blog)
It began many centuries ago, indeed one version is known as Pharoanic Circumcision because it began in the time of Egypt's Pharoahs. It became part of the male-dominated culture in that part of the world, remained so when the Muslim faith spread there, ...
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Fighting Against FGM in Somaliland
Huffington Post
She tells her that she must convince the elder to perform the least harmful type of circumcision. That it's the best they can hope for, for now. The shooting is over and I reach into her pocket to retrieve my audio transmitter. Edna sings her usual ...
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Financier gives away £50000 to help fight the scourge of FGM
Evening Standard
“This issue does not get the publicity that it should. People do not know it is happening and compare it wrongly with male circumcision. There should be a lot of publicity and education about it. “If young kids are done very early they can't do ...
Ritual circumcision kills 23 men and boys in South Africa | The Raw ...
By Agence France-Presse
South African police said Friday they had launched a series of murder inquiries after 23 males died while undergoing circumcision during traditional rites of passage into manhood. The 23 — aged between 13 and 21 — died in various places ...
The Raw Story
Over 20 S.African boys die in circumcision rituals: police - Yahoo ...
From Yahoo! News: JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - More than 20 South African boys have died over the past week during coming of age rituals, police said on ...
Ritual circumcision kills 23 in S Africa | News.com.au
SOUTH African police said they had launched a series of murder inquiries after 23 males died while undergoing circumcision during traditional rites of passage ...
Murder probe in S. African circumcision deaths | Bangkok Post: news
23 deaths of young men in circumcision rituals subject of murder investigation in South Africa.
Circumcision rites claim more than 20 South African boys - News
Botched circumcisions during South African coming of age rituals are being blamed in the deaths of more than 20 boys in the past week, police say.
Over 20 S.African boys die in circumcision rituals - police | Reuters
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - More than 20 South African boys have died over the past week during coming of age rituals, police said on Thursday, and they ...
South African boys die in circumcision rituals | African Spotlight
Over 20 South African boys have died over the past week during coming of age rituals, and they blamed botched circumcisions as the likely cause of death.
Die Beschneidung, die Richter und das Gesetz - Goethe-Institut
Im Juni 2012 wertete das Kölner Landgericht Beschneidung von Jungen als Körperverletzung. Daraufhin entstand eine hitzige Debatte um Religionsfreiheit und ...
der VÄTER Blog » Blog Archiv » Dialogtagung des Bundesforum Männer
Friends Africa » Circumcision Plans Go Awry in Swaziland
14/05/2013- It was an ambitious plan to circumcise the majority of men in Swaziland, an effort to reduce the risk of HIV transmission in a country with the world's ...
Male Circumcision - YouTube
Male Circumcision http://www.surgicalvideos.net. ... Surgical Circumcision of Young Boy in ...
I'm anti-circumcision and am invited to a bris — how can I make it ...
I have a friend who is pregnant, and as it is wont to do, the topic of circumcision recently came up. My friend's husband is Jewish, and a bris is expected.
Genesis 21:4 When his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham ...
Eight days after Isaac was born, Abraham circumcised him as God had ... And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had ...
Ritual circumcision kills 23 in S Africa
Herald Sun
Ritual circumcision is common among South Africa's ethnic Xhosa, Sotho and Ndebele ethnic groups. Deaths at so-called initiation schools in South Africa are common, with several hundred cases recorded in recent years due to bleeding and infections.
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Ritual circumcision kills 23 males in South Africa
JOHANNESBURG — South African police said Friday they had launched a series of murder inquiries after 23 males died while undergoing circumcision during traditional rites of passage into manhood. The 23 -- aged between 13 and 21 -- died in various ...
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No clampdown on use of circumcision device
Times LIVE
The KwaZulu-Natal government and the Zulu monarch, Goodwill Zwelithini, yesterday came out in support of the Tara clamp, saying the province would not use any other device in its male circumcision drive, despite criticism.
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SAfrican police: 23 youths die in initiation ceremonies involving circumcision ...
Montreal Gazette
JOHANNESBURG - Twenty-three youths have died in the past nine days at initiation ceremonies that include circumcisions and survival tests, South African police said Friday. Police have opened 22 murder cases in the deaths in the northeastern province ...
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Circumcision Rituals Took The Lives Of 22 South African Boys
Medical Daily
A coming-of-age ceremony involving ritual circumcision resulted in the death of over 20 boys in South Africa last week, Reuters reported. (Photo : Creative Commons) 22 South African boys died as a result of circumcisions. Previous image Enlarge Close ...
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'Re-emerging: The Jews of Nigeria,' a Documentary
New York Times
A longstanding tradition among the Ibo says they are, and points to similarities in Ibo and Jewish cultures: a prescribed day of rest, circumcision (male, that is), the prohibition of pork. And now some Ibo have embraced Judaism, considering it the ...
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Mabuza calls on chiefs to fight HIV
The provincial government is targeting 60000 males to get circumcised in the current financial year, but would also rely on traditional leaders to stimulate interest from the people. "We must do everything under the sun to protect our people ... The ...
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Ministry upbeat of attaining male
Over 20 South African boys die in circumcision rituals: police
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - More than 20 South African boys have died over the past week during coming of age rituals, police said on Thursday, and they blamed botched circumcisions as the likely cause of death. Northern Mpumalanga province's police ...
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Neil Wallis: Why can't the police tackle the barbarity of FGM?
Evening Standard
My brave Somali friend confirmed: “they even have circumcision parties, where three or four families get together and make the victims feel it is an honour and a treat that awaits them.” Not everyone agrees that a blind eye should be turned to this ...
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Over 20 S.African boys die in circumcision rituals – police - Firstpost
By FP Staff
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - More than 20 South African boys have died over the past week during coming of age rituals, police said on Thursday, and they blamed botched circumcisions as the likely cause of death. Northern Mpumalanga ...
Global bioethics blog: Ethics of implementing male circumcision in ...
By Stuart Rennie
Ethics of implementing male circumcision in Swaziland. Dispatch from Maputo, Mozambique. As far as I know, the European Union has sent me here to discuss ethical issues in research with new ethics committee members. In the past, there ...
Global bioethics blog
Beschneidung - Leser-Kommentar - FOCUS Online
Beschneidung: Auch in Deutschland, einem der entwickelsten Läder, wird die Rital der Beschneidung unter Schutz der Politik gestellt. Die Uvershrtheit wird ...
Zu Brit Milah / Beschneidung eingeladen: Was anziehen? (Judentum ...
Wir sind zu einer Brit Milah eingeladen. Leider habe ich vergessen zu fragen, was wir dabei anziehen sollten - also Anzug oder schicker, aber legere oder .
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 589) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 589)
SimCity #040: Beschneidung & Böses - Gronkh
Klein Großingen steht vor einem kleineren Umbruch. Wir hatten ja bereits beschlossen, die Straßen diesmal ein wenig anders aufzubauen. Weniger ...
Lubawitscher Rabbi: Lassen Sie Nichtjuden oder ... - Criticomblog
Lubawitscher Rabbi: Lassen Sie Nichtjuden oder Durchschnittsjuden nicht wissen, daß wir die umstrittene Saugritus-Beschneidung machen. FAILED MESSIAH ...
WICHTIG - Beschneidung bitte HELFEN - WICHTIG (allgemein, Urologe ...
so guten Tag es geht um die Beschneidung ,die sache ist das ich es schon bin . Blos nicht so wie ich es haben wollte ich hatte damals eine High and Tight ...
Johannesburg. Bei der traditionellen Beschneidung ... - Ad Hoc News
23 Tote bei Beschneidungen in Südafrika Johannesburg Bei der traditionellen Beschneidung von Jungen sind in der südafrikanischen Provinz Mpumalanga ...
Mädchenmannschaft » Beschneidung
Die heutige “Feminismus im Recht”-Kolumne wird nicht von Maria beigesteuert, sondern von Kollegin Dr. Anja Schmidt, die am Lehrstuhl für Strafrecht, ...
Beschneidungsritual Polizei ermittelt in 22 Todesfällen JOHANNESBURG Bei der traditionellen Beschneidung von Burschen sind in der südafrikanischen ...
Male circumcision could save Zimbabwe US$3 billion - The Standard
The Zimbabwe Standard
Zimbabwe could save up to US$3 billion in treatment of HIV and Aids and downstream costs if the country can scale up its Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC), a health official has said. Report by Christopher Mahove. Ministry of Health and Child ...
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Changing Customs of the Riverain Sudan (the Circumcision)
Sudan Vision
The Social customs that were practiced by the Sudanese, who live along the Nile or near it over the past century, rolled up some change due to variables of time and vicissitudes age and variability. some are still practiced even today in some parts of ...
MEC in hot water for circumcision comments | eNCA
MPUMALANGA - The Mpumalanga Health MEC should be fired over her circumcision comments, according to the National Education Health and Allied Workers ...
Resistance hinders circumcision programme - The Standard
PROMOTERS of the male circumcision programme need to go back to the drawing board after only 8% of the targeted people responded positively.
Circumcision Resources | Supporting families to make healthy, safe ...
Home. Supporting families to make healthy, safe choices based on scientific evidence. What are the benefits of circumcision? What are the risks and ...
South Africa – Circumcision Initiation Murder Charges
Guardian Express
The ceremony takes three weeks to complete and the circumcision is not the only painful activity experienced. With painted red clay faces and dressed with inadequate clothing, the young men drink a herbal mixture of unknown ingredients, and exposed to ...
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Over 20 S.African boys die in circumcision rituals: Police
Daily News & Analysis
More than 20 South African boys have died over the past week during coming of age rituals, police said on Thursday, and they blamed botched circumcisions as the likely cause of death. More than 20 South African boys have died over the past week during ...
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Nehawu Condemns the Death of Twenty Three Initiates in Mpumalanga
Male circumcision is not only relevant as a cultural ritual but is also important for medical reasons. It has been proven that medical male circumcision reduces the rate of HIV/Aids infection by almost 40/60%.We therefore fully support male ...
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Malawi divorce cases increase due to genital infection: Health expert calls ...
Nyasa Times
Male circumcision may be one of the possible solutions to family breakups in the country, one of the country's health experts has said. Health and Communication Expert, Timothy Bonyonga said most women like men whose foreskin is cut off for the ...
SAfrican police: 23 youths die in initiation ceremonies ... - The Record
Twenty-three youths have died in the past nine days at initiation ceremonies that include circumcisions and survival tests, South African police said...
Südafrika: 23 Jungen sterben bei Beschneidung | Brights - Die Natur ...
von nickpol
Drama in Südafrika: Bei der traditionellen Beschneidung von Jungen sind in der Provinz Mpumalanga innerhalb von nur zwei Wochen 23 Jugendliche gestorben. Berliner Kurier. In 22 Fällen sind mittlerweile Mordermittlungen eingeleitet ...
Brights - Die Natur des Zweifels
Web 5 neue Ergebnisse für Beschneidung
Sibylle Berg - Links - beschneidungsforum.de - das Forum zum Thema ...
Sibylle Berg ber Beschneidung und die Emprung der Deutschen - SPIEGEL ONLINE Eine Forumsuche nach Sibylle Berg hat kein Ergebnis hervorgebracht, ...
Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon: ein (Quer-)Schnitt durch ... - Humanist News
Beschneidung schädigt, sie entfernt den Großteil der spezialisierten „neuralen ... Manche beschnittene Männer sind sehr für die Beschneidung an Kindern und ...
Beschneidung 11 (Vorhautverengung, Penis) - Gutefrage.net
wenn man davon redet dass ein mann eine vorhautverengung hatte und das operiert wurde,ist das dann das gleiche wie eine beschneidung?
SimCity #040: Beschneidung & Böses - Let's Play
Aktuelle Let's Plays. SimCity Penumbra: Black Plague Metro: Last Light Pokémon Mystery Dungeon TES V: Skyrim Resident Evil 6 Two Worlds 2 Mass Effect ...
beschneidung weiblicher ge... : Französisch » Deutsch : PONS.eu
Übersetzungen für beschneidung weiblicher ge... im Französisch » Deutsch- Wörterbuch auf PONS.eu: bot, a. gram, rel, Beschneidung, weiblich, eine weibliche ...
BMJ - Regelung zur Beschneidung - Parlamentarischer ...
Der Parlamentarische Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium der Justiz, Dr. Max Stadler, ist am Sonntag, dem 12. Mai 2013, überraschend verstorben.
Brit Mila und Schechita Beschneidung und Schlachtung
Zertifikatsprogramm. „Interkulturelle Jüdische Studien“. Blockseminar. Brit Mila und Schechita. Beschneidung und Schlachtung mit. Rabbiner Jona Simon, M.A. ...
Fachtagung am 15.06.2013 - stop-mutilation - Gegen die ...
Gegen die Beschneidung von Mädchen in Europa und Afrika ... Wie können sie eine drohende Beschneidung kleiner Mädchen erkennen und verhindern?
Betäubung oder Narkose bei Beschneidung? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Hallo hier ans Forum ! Bei meinem Sohn (13) wurde bei der J1 Untersuchung eine Phimose diagnostiziert. Ich wußte das schon, da es auch früher schon ...
Eschelbach: Kommentar zu § 223 StGB - Beschneidung von Jungen
ein längerer Passus zum Thema Beschneidung Minderjähriger männlichen Geschlechts. Der Text ist eine selbständige kleine Abhandlung. Verfasser ist Herr ...
Leute, wir müssen reden | Tante Jays Café
Denn die Beschneidung von Jungen ist durch NICHTS zu rechtfertigen. Auch nicht religiös. Und schon gar nicht feministisch. Es ist übrigens nur folgerichtig, ...
Binnen zwei Wochen sind in der südafrikanischen Provinz ... - Focus
Fotos auf FOCUS Online: Binnen zwei Wochen sind in der südafrikanischen Provinz Mpumalanga 23 Jungen nach der traditionellen Beschneidung gestorben.
Beschneidung ? muss das sein ? - EURO CIRC Diskussionsforum ...
ich hoffe hier mal auf Hilfe zum Thema Beschneidung. ... Ich dachte, das Thema Beschneidung ist für ... Beschneidung, der Kinderarzt hat es glücklicherweise ...
Warum wir nie etwas ändern sollten – Hier wohnen Drachen
Was ist denn soo schrecklich schlimm an einer Beschneidung (einige versuchen ja sogar zu argumentieren, dass die auch gar nicht weh tut, selbst ohne ...
Das Recht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit | arprin
Beschneidung und das Recht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit ... seine Kinder beschneiden zu lassen, und somit der Ansicht sind, ein Verbot der Beschneidung ...
Beschneidung - Leser-Kommentar - FOCUS Online
Beschneidung: Auch in Deutschland, einem der entwickelsten Läder, wird die Rital der Beschneidung unter Schutz der Politik gestellt. Die Uvershrtheit wird ...
Zu Brit Milah / Beschneidung eingeladen: Was anziehen? (Judentum ...
Wir sind zu einer Brit Milah eingeladen. Leider habe ich vergessen zu fragen, was wir dabei anziehen sollten - also Anzug oder schicker, aber legere oder .
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 589) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 589)
SimCity #040: Beschneidung & Böses - Gronkh
Klein Großingen steht vor einem kleineren Umbruch. Wir hatten ja bereits beschlossen, die Straßen diesmal ein wenig anders aufzubauen. Weniger ...
Lubawitscher Rabbi: Lassen Sie Nichtjuden oder ... - Criticomblog
Lubawitscher Rabbi: Lassen Sie Nichtjuden oder Durchschnittsjuden nicht wissen, daß wir die umstrittene Saugritus-Beschneidung machen. FAILED MESSIAH ...
Circumcision deaths outrage Zuma
In addition to being circumcised, the boys and young men are put through a series of survival tests which sometimes includes exposure to South Africa's winter with very little clothing. Their faces are painted with red clay and they are given herbal ...
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Avoid dangerous circumcision
The New Age Online
MEC for local government and traditional affairs Mlibo Qoboshiyane said: “We urge families and communities with young boys ready for circumcision, to encourage them to go through normal supervised processes and not to go to iiNgcibi (surgeons) without ...
Merdu Suara Hati Kansil The Circumcision. - YouTube
This is a video of my son's birthday when the sixth years. He asked for circumcised, this ...
Free Circumcision Surgery this Summer (Rotary in Action 05/01 ...
Libreng tule is a yearly project of Rotary Club of St. Ignatius for kids to undergo circumcision ...
Avoid dangerous circumcision - The New Age
Avoid dangerous circumcision. May 21 2013 10:43AM logo. Sithandiwe Velaphi. The department of local government and traditional affairs in the Eastern Cape ...
Have you read what the European Pediatrics are saying about ...
According to a Journal by the Pediatricians of Europe there is Cultural Bias in the AAP's 2012 policy statement on circumcision. When it comes to preventative.
Over 20 boys die in circumcision ritual | News24
More than 20 boys have died during coming-of-age rituals in Mpumalanga in the past week. Watch.
Circumcision appointment says consultation? - Yahoo! Answers
Usually a doctor does do a consult first with a patient to explain the procedure and the risks of it. He may do the procedure that day or he may not.
Ritual circumcision kills 23 males in South Africa - ModernGhana.com
JOHANNESBURG AFP - South African police said Friday they had launched a series of murder inquiries after 23 males died while undergoing circumcision ...
Neues in der Beschneidungsdebatte
Im Beck-Online-Kommentar zum StGB ("Beck OK") erschien kürzlich im Rahmen der Kommentierung zu § 223 StGB (Körperverletzung), Randnummer 9 f. ein längerer Passus zum Thema Beschneidung Minderjähriger männlichen Geschlechts. Der Text ist ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
EU holt Rundflug-Gäste vom Himmel
Bereits vor In-Kraft-Treten der neuen EU-Verordnung zu den Pilotenlizenzen protestierte der Weidener Fluglehrer Alfred Neubert gegen die Beschneidung seiner Rechte. Mit der Cessna 150 (links) darf er trotz seiner Erfahrung von 3500 Flugstunden keine ...
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Die Antigone aus Mali singt erstmals in Wien
Die damals 26-jährige Fatoumata Diawara wurde zur Stimme eines jungen, selbstbewussten Afrika: Ohne falsche Zurückhaltung, aber mit Poesie, sang sie gegen Polygamie, Beschneidung und Einschränkung der Freiheit von Frauen an. „All diese Probleme ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
Rabbiner ehren Merkel
Die Rabbinerkonferenz würdigte Merkels 'anhaltende Unterstützung für die Jüdische Gemeinschaft in Deutschland und ihren entschiedenen Einsatz gegen Antisemitismus in ganz Europa'. Sie dankte Merkel auch dafür, im Streit über die Beschneidung von ...
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Amnesty kritisiert Diskriminierung in Ungarn
Im Jahresbericht 2013 von Amnesty International (AI) werden „Besorgnisse“ wegen der „potenziell diskriminierenden Auswirkung“ des neuen ungarischen Grundgesetzes formuliert. Das Gesetz wird hart kritisiert, da es Möglichkeiten für die Beschneidung der ...
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Wie weit darf Religionsfreiheit gehen?
Der ZDF-Moderator Kamran Safiarian (Mitte) moderiert die Diskussion „Kopftuch, Beschneidung, Kreuz: Negative und positive Religionsfreiheit in Deutschland“. Sie bildet den Abschluss einer zweitägigen Tagung zum Thema „Religiöse Minderheiten“, die die ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
Europas Rabbiner ehren Angela Merkel
Jüdische Allgemeine
Beschneidung Besonders hob Goldschmidt das klare Eintreten der Kanzlerin für das Recht zur Beschneidung in Deutschland hervor. Dies sei ein Kernelement des jüdischen Lebens. Im Vorfeld hatte es der Vorsitzende der Jüdischen Gemeinde von Brüssel, ...
Merkel erhält heute Rabbinerpreis für Beschneidung in BRiD | Der ...
Unterschieden werden muss zwischen den Auswirkungen der Beschneidung im Säuglingsalter, wie es das Judentum fordert, und der im Kindesalter, die im ...
Erotik Filme beschneidung Normal? (Mann, allgemein, Allgemeines ...
Hallo, ich habe mal viele Erotik Filme/clips angeschaut und dabei sieht man ( bei Deutschen filmen & Ami ) das sogut wie jeder Mann Beschnitten ist am Glied.
Dialogtagung: Beschneidung von Jungen
Bundesforum Männer: Dialogtagung Beschneidung von Jungen am 24. Juni 2013 im Radialsystem V, Berlin. Das Urteil des Kölner Landgerichts zur ...
Beschneidung | Cognito Magazin – Wissens- und Aufklärungs-Journal
Völkischer Beobachter, Nazi-Zeitung 1933, Schlagzeile zum SPD-Verbot, Quelle: Von Raphael B. Ebler - für Cognito-Magazin.de - Am 22. Juni 1933 wurde die ...
If on the Sabbath a man receives circumcision, so that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with me because on the Sabbath I made a man's ...
Winnie Mandela Medical Male Circumcision Clinic Tembisa ...
Winnie Mandela Medical Male Circumcision Clinic Tembisa, Tembisa, Gauteng. 16 likes · 3 talking about this · 135 were here.
FH: "Beschneidung der Autonomie nicht bestreitbar" "Grund ist ...
Suedtirol News
Bozen - Landeshauptmann Luis Durnwalder will eine universitäre Studie in Auftrag geben, um in Erfahrung zu bringen, ob die derzeitige Autonomie seit dem Paketabschluss 1992 an Kompetenzen dazu gewonnen oder Kompetenzen verloren habe. „Wenn ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen
Beschneidung News | In Südafrika starben mehrere Jugendliche nach ...
In weiten Teilen Südafrikas gehören sogenannte Initiationsriten für männliche Jugendliche zum Erwachsenwerden dazu. Bei diesen Ritualen müssen sich die ...
Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen ist strafbar - Café ...
Auch das ist eine Verallgemeinerung, die nur oft zutrifft, aber nicht grundsätzlich. Ich zum Beispiel, war bis zu meiner Pubertät und noch in ihr ein gläubiger ...
23 Jungen starben nach Beschneidungen « FemokratieBlog
In der südafrikanischen Provinz Mpumalanga haben in den vergangenen 14 Tagen 23 Jungen durch illegale Beschneidungen ihr Leben verloren. 2009 starben ...
Zuma condemns botched circumcisions
Independent Online
IOL circumcision. INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPERS. File photo: Every year some initiates die from botched circumcisions and there s disagreement over who should be responsible for overseeing this coming-of-age ritual. Related Stories. Sanac condemns ...
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Gambian parents jailed in Spain for circumcising daughters
Social services had visited the parents in 2008 and discussed the issue of female circumcision. "On that occasion the woman made a promise as a mother not to undertake such a practice on her daughters," the court ruling stated. Both parents denied ...
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Focus on traditional medicine and cultural customs
Screen Africa
The programme also addresses whether we should be less reliant on Western medicine and if traditional healers and customs should be regulated, especially in light of the way Mkhize highlights the risks involved in ritual circumcision. Watch this week's ...
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Circumcision Secrets - Part 2 - May 22nd, 2013
Circumcision Secrets - Part 2 - May 22nd, 2013. KOBITVWebsite·3,617 videos. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 435. 6 views. Like 0 Dislike 0. Like. Sign in to YouTube. Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) ...
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Ethiopia's Bogaletch Gebre wins King Baudouin Prize
Also known as female circumcision, it is seen as a traditional rite of passage and is used culturally to ensure virginity and to make a woman marriageable. It typically involves removing the clitoris, and can lead to bleeding, infections and childbirth ...
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Naming a Baby in Contemporary Jewish Life
Huffington Post (blog)
I was blessed with the opportunity to be present at the circumcision (brit milah) and naming ceremony of my first grandson last week in New York. I was at the ceremony with my wife, daughter and son-in-law (parents of the baby boy), and with many other ...
South Africa: Zuma expresses outrage at circumcision related deaths
South African President Jacob Zuma has expressed shock and outrage at the deaths of 30 young men at a traditional circumcision clinic in the country's ...
John 7:23 Now if a boy can be circumcised on the Sabbath so that
33 men 'die in South African circumcision ceremonies'
Tens of thousands of young South Africans take part in traditional initiation ceremonies each year where circumcision is normally performed by traditional healers. Although fatalities during the winter ceremony season are not uncommon, the high toll ...
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S. Africa's ANC Criticizes Circumcision Investigation
In 2009 and 2010, 145 boys died because of complications related to their circumcision, and another 1,200 were hospitalized, according to a 2010 report by the Johannesburg-based Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, ...
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Local leader blames negligence in S. Africa circumcision deaths
JOHANNESBURG — Negligence is to blame for some of the 27 deaths of young males who died while undergoing ritual circumcision, a local traditional leader said Tuesday. The death toll during the procedures -- part of traditional rites of passage into ...
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'Sensitise subjects on male circumcision'
Times of Zambia
UNITED States Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella has urged traditional leaders in Zambia to help sensitise their subjects and other citizens on the importance of male circumcision. Mr Storella said male circumcision was important in reducing the spread ...
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Zuma: Initiate deaths must end
Times LIVE
"It cannot be acceptable that every time young men reach this crucial time in their development, their lives are culled in the most painful of ways, in the care of circumcision schools." Zuma added that justice must be swift in apprehending and ...
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Mpumalanga initiate deaths: Politics again trumps black life
Almost every year I write a column about initiates who die during the season of circumcision. Shockingly again, 23 young men died in the North East of Mpumalanga from botched circumcisions. Worse, it was at a government-registered initiation site where ...
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Busy Morning for Mitzvot in Montreal
Chabad.org (blog)
Festivities for the third baby boy ensued at the newly rebuilt Jewish Russian Community Center, where Rabbi Chaim and Chanie Brand, co-directors of Chabad of Lasalle, celebrated the circumcision of Mordechai Zev. In Jewish tradition, eight days after a ...
Local leader blames negligence in circumcision deaths - SowetanLIVE
Negligence is to blame for some of the 27 deaths of young males who died while undergoing ritual circumcision, a.
Infant Circumcision: Are There Any Medical Benefits? · Sexual ...
Is circumcision a much-needed minor medical intervention that helps prevent conditions like penile cancer, HIV, and urinary tract infections? Or is it nothing more ...
SIM CITY HD+ #040 - Beschneidung & Böses Video - Gronkh ...
Im Let's Play SIM CITY #040 steht Klein Großingen steht vor einem Umbruch. Es wurde ...
23 Jugendliche sterben bei Beschneidung | Welt
Bei der traditionellen Beschneidung von Jungen sind in der südafrikanischen Provinz Mpumalanga binnen zwei Wochen 23 Jugendliche gestorben.
Beschneidung reduziert Bakterien auf den Genitalien um ein Drittel ...
In Deutschland ist die männliche Beschneidung zuletzt durch ein umstrittenes Urteil des Kölner Landgerichtes wieder stark im Gerede gewesen. Nach das ...
Bundesforum Männer: Dialogtagung – Beschneidung von Jungen am 24 ...
Das Urteil des Kölner Landgerichts zur Beschneidung vom 7. Mai 2012 hat eine gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzung zu dem Thema Beschneidung von ...
Johannesburg - Bei der traditionellen Beschneidung ... - Ad Hoc News
23Jugendliche sterbenbei Beschneidung Johannesburg Bei der traditionellen Beschneidung von Jungen sind in der südafrikanischen Provinz Mpumalanga ...
Beschneidung von Jungen - Cuncti
Seitenblick. Beschneidung von Jungen · Drucken · E-Mail. In Südafrika starben nach Beschneidung 23 Jungen: Focus. Cuncti auf Facebook. Folgen Sie uns!
Merkel erhält heute Rabbinerpreis für Beschneidung in BRiD ...
rebloggt von Der Honigmann sagt...: Merkel erhält wegen Beschneidung den Lord-Jakobovits-Preis der Europäischen Rabbinerkonferenz. Merkels Engagement ...
Erfahrungsbericht bei Teilbeschneidung - EURO CIRC ...
ich möchte jetzt auch mal meine Erfahrungen zum Thema Beschneidung erzählen. Bei mir wurde vor 4 Wochen eine Teilbeschneidung durchgeführt, wobei die ...
23 Tote bei Jungen-Beschneidung | SÜDKURIER Online
Der Online-Auftritt der führenden Tageszeitung im Raum Bodensee, Schwarzwald und Hochrhein.
23 Jungs sterben nach Beschneidung - BalkanForum
Tödliche Tradition in Südafrika 23 Jugendliche sterben nach Beschneidung Eine Beschneidung gilt bei den meisten Völkern Südafrikas als Einstieg ins.
Beschneidung-Sünnet Von Jungen Pro-Contra | Facebook
Beschneidung-Sünnet Von Jungen Pro-Contra ist bei Facebook. Tritt Facebook bei, um dich mit Beschneidung-Sünnet Von Jungen Pro-Contra und anderen ...
According to this culture, the ikhankatha, or people in charge of the circumcision school, will simply leave shards of broken calabash to signal the mysterious death of your child, your prince. And this, they argue, is tradition. How about helping the ...
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European Orthodox rabbis honor Merkel at Brussels shul
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Moscow Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, the rabbinical group's president, said Merkel's intervention in the circumcision debate “was a decision based not on opinion polls and a populist agenda but on the deeply held conviction that it was the right thing to ...
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Shocked and Outraged
1 Mr Zuma, has been outraged as of late at the 20 deaths related to ritual circumcision in a veld somewhere. You folks, have been shocked at a private Afrikaner property in Kleinfontein. For only allowing Afrikaners there. You folks, have recently ...
Just a Snip - against genital mutilation aka circumcision | Facebook
Just a Snip - against genital mutilation aka circumcision. 1088 likes · 121 talking about this.
Women's Involvement in Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision for ...
I work as part of a team dedicated to scaling up voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) in Kenya. In 2007-2008, clinical trial results confirmed that VMMC ...
ECR.co.za - Is it time to ban traditional circumcision?
Circumcision has been a hot topic in this country for years. Every year around this time we have the same debate about whether or not traditional circumcision ...
Jacaranda FM - Zuma outraged at circumcision deaths
President Jacob Zuma on Tuesday expressed shock and outrage at the deaths of 27 boys who attended initiation schools in Mpumalanga.
Die Grenzen von Glauben und Vernunft
Wiener Zeitung
Man denke an die Auseinandersetzungen um das islamische Kopftuch an französischen oder deutschen Schulen, an diverse Urteile auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene zu Kruzifixen in staatlichen Klassenzimmern wie auch zur rituellen Beschneidung ...
Just researching about it as i have never thought about why or why not to do it, ... He'll have a healthier penis because it'll b easier to clean and if you don't then in ...
Circumcision rites claim more than 20 South African boys - News
Botched circumcisions during South African coming-of-age rituals are blamed in the deaths of more than 20 boys in the past week, police say.
Over 20 S.African boys die in circumcision rituals: police | Yahoo ...
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - More than 20 South African boys have died over the past week during coming of age rituals, police said on Thursday, and they ...
S. Africa's ANC Criticizes Pace of Circumcision Investigation ...
South Africa's ruling African National Congress criticized the slow pace of a police investigation into the death of 35 young men during traditional initiation ...
Death toll from S' Africa's circumcision rituals hits 29
The Guardian Nigeria
But in a new development, Xinhua quoted the ruling African National Congress (ANC) as saying that the latest six deaths were reported on Tuesday in Sekhukhune, the Limpopo Province, during initiation and circumcision rituals. Previously, Mpumalanga was ...
Hindus flock to mosques for circumcision
Deccan Chronicle
Chennai: While his friends spent the summer enjoying the sights of various holiday locations, 13-year-old Surendar headed for a mosque – not for religious reasons, but for undergoing 'khatna', otherwise known as 'sunnath' (circumcision), to overcome a ...
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In South Africa, funny hats mark boys' circumcision, transition to manhood
Public Radio International PRI
Last week, police in Mpumalanga province announced that they were filing murder charges against several operators of illegal “circumcision schools.” The men are accused of being responsible for the deaths of more than 20 boys. Over the past decade, ...
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Horrifying time for initiates' families
Independent Online
The parents spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal as no one - especially female - is allowed to speak openly on Ndebele circumcision rituals. “I am not sure if he will come back alive or not,” said one mother. Her 20-year-old son went to ...
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Study okays safety of PrePex device
KISUMU (Xinhua) -- A first study to assess the safety and acceptability of PrePex, a device-assisted adult male circumcision in routine clinical settings in Kenya has approved the use of the device. The study conducted by the Male Circumcision ...
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Initiation a touchy topic in Mpumalanga
Mashile, who underwent traditional circumcision and initiation in 1984, has produced dark artworks inspired by the experience. "At that time, not much money was paid to undergo the ritual. Initiates with certain illnesses were not allowed to undergo ...
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Brave Warriors and Elegant Women
Circumcision was the first question and he answered candidly. Every seven years is "the season" for circumcision, signifying the passage of male childhood so all males within a certain age are included in the ceremonies. Circumcision of females is not ...
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Traditions must honour life, not take it
Independent Online
Cultures of 'magic' and healing
It opens a window onto the closed world of ritual circumcision of boys from the 10 million strong Xhosa tribe of which former South African President Nelson Mandela is the most prominent member. As a Xhosa man himself, Baza felt the need to stand up ...
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Doctors: 'Initiate deaths unnecessary'
Anyone conducting a circumcision without proper training could easily sever a blood vessel, she said. The deaths occurred in the KwaMhlanga area in Mpumalanga over a two week period. Government and traditional leaders have blamed unauthorised ...
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The Voice Online (blog)
The 2013 Sekwata Campaign will emphasise an integrated prevention intervention package to ensure a comprehensive approach to the reduction of HIV/AIDS, with a focus on three key areas: Safe Male Circumcision (SMC), HIV Counselling and Testing ...
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South2North - Cultures of 'magic' and healing
While some swear by ancient practices, some cultural traditions have become increasingly dangerous. Already more than 20 young men have died in South Africa after undergoing traditional Xhosa circumcision ceremonies. This week, South2North discusses ...
Ritual circumcision kills 23 in S Africa Alex Jones' Infowars: There's ...
News.com.au. May 17, 2013. South African police said they had launched a series of murder inquiries after 23 males died while undergoing circumcision during ...
Murder probe in S. African circumcision deaths | Bangkok Post ...
23 deaths of young men in circumcision rituals subject of murder investigation in South Africa.
Local leader blames negligence in South Africa circumcision deaths
NEGLIGENCE is to blame for some of the 27 deaths of young males who died while undergoing ritual circumcision, a local traditional leader said Tuesday.
Thinking of Circumcision ? - Yahoo! Answers
Beschneidung in Südafrika - Tödliche Schwelle zur Männlichkeit
Mindestens 30 südafrikanische Jugendliche sind in diesem Monat allein in der Provinz Mpumalanga gestorben, während sie sich zur traditionellen Beschneidung in "Initiations-Schulen" aufhielten. Bei einem Großteil der Fälle ermittelt die Polizei nun ...
Betäubung oder Narkose bei Beschneidung? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Also ich war 19 Jahre alt als ich mich beschneiden lies, es war eine richtige befreiung für mich. Hatte alledings damals, (noch DDR-zeiten) eine Vollnakose, ...
Beschneidung II (UMT) - www.mykath.de - Seite 6
wenn man schon mit der jahrtausendealten Tradition argumentiert, sollte man aber auch die historischen Rechtfertigungen berücksichtigen und nicht d...
In Südafrika - 23 Jungen sterben bei Beschneidung | Virato
In Südafrika - 23 Jungen sterben bei Beschneidung. So oft wurde dieser Artikel geteilt: 100. Bild der Quelle. www.mopo.de. 17.05.2013 – 16:19 Uhr. In 22 Fällen ...
Betäubung oder Narkose bei Beschneidung? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Also ich war 19 Jahre alt als ich mich beschneiden lies, es war eine richtige befreiung für mich. Hatte alledings damals, (noch DDR-zeiten) eine Vollnakose, ...
Beschneidung II (UMT) - www.mykath.de - Seite 6
wenn man schon mit der jahrtausendealten Tradition argumentiert, sollte man aber auch die historischen Rechtfertigungen berücksichtigen und nicht d...
In Südafrika - 23 Jungen sterben bei Beschneidung | Virato
In Südafrika - 23 Jungen sterben bei Beschneidung. So oft wurde dieser Artikel geteilt: 100. Bild der Quelle. www.mopo.de. 17.05.2013 – 16:19 Uhr. In 22 Fällen ...
Liebes Netz, bitte neutral bleiben
Doch was wenn die Beschneidung des Festnetzes folgt? Und was ist überhaupt diese Netzneutralität von der alle sprechen? Wertneutrale Datenübertragung Provider wie die Deutsche Telekom gefährden die Netzneutralität, indem sie Flats drosseln wollen ...
Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Beschneidung - Beschneidung von ...
In der nun folgenden Abhandlung werden die Erläuterungen zur Frage der Einwilligung in die Beschneidung von Jungen besprochen, unter Beleuchtung ihrer ...
Beschneidung? - Seite 2 - World of Players
Leute, Findet ihr das ne gute sache oder eher ne schlechte? War heute beim arzt und der meinte das bei mir nun da am piepan die vorhaut abgenommen ...
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 595) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 595)
SimCity #040: Beschneidung & Böses - Let's Play
Klein Großingen steht vor einem kleineren Umbruch. Wir hatten ja bereits beschlossen, die Straßen diesmal ein wenig anders aufzubauen. Weniger ...
Zimbabwe: Resistance Hinders Circumcision Programme - All Africa
PROMOTERS of the male circumcision programme need to go back to the drawing board after only 8% of the targeted people responded positively to their ...
Let's talk about circumcision ? - Yahoo! Answers
Okay, so I'm just a little confused on the whole circumcision ordeal. Why do ... I know one uncircumcised man, he is very self conscious about it. I wouldn't want my ...
Brutal Circumcision - by Charles Owor - YouTube
Health issues, a young boy being circumcised. Who is responsible?
Reducing the Spread of HIV through voluntary medical male ...
About eight years ago three randomized controlled studies showed done in Uganda, Kenya and South Africa showed that male circumcision for sexually active ...
Circumcision Risk Of Death & Disfigurement Not Disclosed to ...
Tonight, we reveal the little known facts behind a well known procedure performed on millions of little boys in hospitals and doctors offices every year. Here's.
Ritual circumcision kills 23 in S Africa | Alternative - Before It's News
South African police said they had launched a series of murder inquiries after 23 males died while undergoing circumcision during traditional rites of passage ...
Beschneidung in Südafrika - Tödliche Schwelle zur Männlichkeit
Mindestens 30 südafrikanische Jugendliche sind in diesem Monat allein in der Provinz Mpumalanga gestorben, während sie sich zur traditionellen Beschneidung in "Initiations-Schulen" aufhielten. Bei einem Großteil der Fälle ermittelt die Polizei nun ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen
Keep your hospital circumcision
Over the past few weeks, the circumcision ritual has been at the center of widespread media interest, following the deaths of over 20 initiates in Mpumalanga. As is always the case when such deaths are discussed; many have made a call for the ritual to ...
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Women must speak out against slaughter of initiates: iLIVE
Times LIVE
I have been horrified to read about the deaths of young men as a result of circumcision and conditions in initiation schools ("Children being killed in the name of 'Africanness'", yesterday). Surely they can be circumcised in a hospital where it is safe.
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Blogs 1 new result for circumcision
A Gift of Circumcision Creates a Lasting Impression | Rick Steves ...
By Rick Steves
If ever you're making a TV show about village and traditional culture in Turkey, be sure to arrange to film a circumcision. For a few hundred dollars you can hire the band, the doctor, and the horse, and pay for all the pizzas and soft drinks.
Rick Steves Travel Blog: Blog...
Siyayinqoba Beat It VIII - Ep. 1 - Circumcision - YouTube
Safe male circumcision forms part of the plan to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. The ...
Modern medical procedures and cultural practices like male ...
eNCA's Gareth Edwards interviews Operations Manager for the Centre for HIV and Aid ...
Circumcision | UF Health, University of Florida Health
There are a variety of ways to perform a circumcision. Most commonly, the foreskin is pushed from the head of the penis and clamped with a metal or plastic ...
Genesis 34:24 All the men who went out of the city gate agreed with ...
And all who went out of the gate of his city listened to Hamor and his son Shechem, and every male was circumcised, all who went out of the gate of his city.
Cutting to truth about circumcision
Independent Online
Mpumalanga Health MEC Candith Mashego-Dlamini, pictured with traditional leaders Kgosi Mothibedi Mokoena and Ikosi Sipho Mahlangu, addresses the media on the deaths of boys at initiation schools in the Nkangala region. Picture: Boxer Ngwenya ...
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MEC sets police on illegal cultural circumcisions
The New Age Online
Motsepe told the media in Polokwane on Monday, about 1326 boys were sent to various initiation schools by the Ndebele traditional leaders in Limpopo and Mpumalanga in violation of the Northern Province Circumcision School Act of 1996. Already six ...
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ON THE WATER: Don't lay any bets on prosecution over circumcisions
THE member (of the Upper Jukskei Flyfishing Collective) is not a betting man, but he is prepared to lay money that the murder investigations into the deaths of 27 youths in Mpumalanga following what the media calls "botched" circumcisions during ...
Beschneidung News | In Südafrika starben mehrere Jugendliche ...
In weiten Teilen Südafrikas gehören sogenannte Initiationsriten für männliche Jugendliche zum Erwachsenwerden dazu. Bei diesen Ritualen müssen sich die ...
Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen ist strafbar - Café ...
Darum ging es mir ja. Wenn der Staat die Beschneidung legalisiert und zugleich als Bewahrer des Menschenrechts auf körperliche Unversehrtheit auftritt, muss ...
Beschneidung II (UMT) - www.mykath.de - Seite 7
Außerdem schätze ich die Einflussmöglichkeiten der Betroffenen gar nicht so gering ein: Wenn da genügend Leute zusammenkommen und als Betroffene nac ...
Gesellschaft: Bis zu 15 Jahren Haft bei Genitalverstümmelung geplant
FOCUS Online
Eine solche Verstümmelung insbesondere durch die traditionelle oder rituelle Beschneidung sei „ein schwerwiegender Eingriff in die körperliche Unversehrtheit, dem als Menschenrechtsverletzung ernsthaft begegnet werden muss“, heißt es in einer ...
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Tote nach Beschneidung in Südafrika
Natürlich sind weder die hygienischen noch die kulturellen Verhältnisse in Südafrika mit denen in Deutschland vergleichbar; dass die männliche Beschneidung jedoch nicht so ungefährlich ist, wie es die deutsche Regierung weismachen will, beweisen diese ...ür Beschneidung
Probleme nach Beschneidung | Forum Männergesundheit | Onmeda.de
Hallo Herr Dr. Kreutzig, Hallo liebe Mitleser, vor zwei Wochen musste ich aufgrund einer Phimose die durch ein Diabetes Typ II entstanden ist.
meine beschneidung - EURO CIRC Diskussionsforum Beschneidung
meine beschneidung, 25 May. 2013 15:54. hallo zusammen ich wurde am 21.5. 2013 ratikal beschnitten , der grosse grund dafür war das ich auf der inneren ...
( Gast 20 - Ria - Beschneidung ) [Deutsch] -HD- [560] - YouTube
Die größte Offenbarung ist die Stille. Laotse (um 400 v.Chr.) News immer hier: http://www ...
Circumcision now a 'cash cow': ANC
Independent Online (blog)
File photo: Every year some initiates die from botched circumcisions and there s disagreement over who should be responsible for overseeing this coming-of-age ritual. Related Stories. Initiate deaths blamed on witchcraft · Initiation deaths 'sadden ...
Circumcision plans go awry in Swaziland
MBABANE — It was an ambitious plan to circumcise the majority of men in Swaziland, an effort to reduce the risk of HIV transmission in a country with the world's highest HIV prevalence. IRIN. How could it have gone wrong? “First they told me that ...
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Norwegian daily prints cartoon of gory circumcision, child abuse
Canadian Jewish News (blog)
Tags: News. Comments. A cartoon published in Norway's Dagbladet on May 28 (photo credit: screen capture/Dagbladet.no). A leading Norwegian daily published a caricature depicting what some construed to be Jews torturing a baby during a circumcision.
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Initiates' deaths trigger action
Independent Online
This comes in the wake of six deaths at illegal circumcision schools operated by Mpumalanga's King Mabhoko III of the Ndebele and the nation's Chief PJ Mahlangu of Limpopo. The 154 illegal schools, with more than 1 000 initiates, operate on the Limpopo ...
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MPs discuss initiation deaths
Eyewitness News
The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP)'s Russell Cebekhulu said the practice of ritual circumcision needs to be modernised while African National Congress (ANC) Chief Whip Mathole Motshekga appeared to agree. He told MP's that they need to re-examine the ...
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Germany plans to increase jail terms for female circumcision
Europe Online Magazine
The cabinet resolution means the German parliament would be asked next month to amend the criminal code to make female circumcision a separate crime. Currently, it is treated as causing serious personal injury with a maximum sentence of 10 years.
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Seven-Figure Verdict in "Botched" Circumcision Case
MarketWatch (press release)
CHICAGO, May 29, 2013 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- A Cook County jury on Tuesday returned a verdict of $1,357,901.12 on behalf of a 5-year-old boy who suffered a partial amputation of the tip of his penis during a circumcision procedure performed when ...
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In ingoma culture trumps the law
Independent Online
The Ndebele have managed to cling to their ceremonial circumcision ritual, maintaining a measure of unbroken orderliness and jealously guarding it as a secret. “Who are you to ask about the ingoma? Have you been circumcised yourself?” retorted a police ...r circumcision
A Mother's Story: Circumcision... A Mother's Story - by Nancy S.
The question of circumcision came up in my discussion with my husband only days before he was born. My husband was more in line with the idea of not ...
Circumcision | A child can see ...
By perfectchild
“Like countless men who have been circumcised, I'm angry about what was taken from me. If I could go back in time to the moment before this was done to me, I would use any means necessary to stop it. I wish there'd been a law against it.
A child can see ...
Anthony Weiner Circumspect on Circumcision Controversy
By Ross Barkan
At a Jewish Press mayoral forum tonight in Anthony Weiner's old congressional district, the former congressman was evasive when pressed about his stance on a controversial Orthodox Jewish circumcision practice that Mayor Michael ...
Capitol Confidential
Greed behind rise in S.Africa circumcision deaths ... - Daily Nation
South Africa's health minister said Wednesday that traditional male circumcision rituals had been.
Chicago Family Wins $1.3M Judgment for Son's Botched Circumcision
In 2007, one Chicago family underwent a nightmare at Northwestern hospital: their newborn son's circumcision went awry, with a doctor amputating the tip of the ...
Gentle Circumcision | Facebook - Log In
Gentle Circumcision, Culver City, CA. 403 likes · 95 talking about this.
Greed behind rise in S.Africa circumcision deaths: minister - France 24
South Africa's health minister said Wednesday that traditional male circumcision rituals had been "hijacked" by people looking to make money from the ri.
Circumcision 'no ticket to promiscuity' - Post | IOL.co.za
Pretoria - Being circumcised must not be viewed as a licence to promiscuous relations, Higher Education Deputy Minister Mduduzi Manana said on Thursday.
Are there any benefits to circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
I was born and my parents had me circumsized. I obviously had absolutely NO ... That's weird, because most girls around where I am would think an uncircumcised ...
Re: Circumcision should not be outlawed: Off Topic Forum: Digital ...
1- "On the plus side, circumcised infants are less likely to develop urinary tract infections (UTIs), especially in the first year of life." followed by "UTIs are about 10 ...
Norwegian Cartoon 'Appalling Distortion of Core Jewish Ritual'
Arutz Sheva
The Anti-Defamation League issued a statement on Wednesday condemning a cartoon appearing in the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, which grossly demonized Jewish ritual circumcision, as “deeply offensive and appalling.” The cartoon, which was ...
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Nearly 50 000 circumcised in Mpuma - MEC
Johannesburg - Nearly 50 000 people had been circumcised in Mpumalanga in the past 12 months, Health MEC Candith Mashego-Dlamini said on Thursday. A Sapa correspondent reported Mashego-Dlamini as saying that 49 609 men underwent ...
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European Jewish Congress considering legal action against 'anti-Semitic ...
World Jewish Congress
The leading Norwegian newspaper 'Dagbladet' has published a cartoon on circumcision which has been criticized by many in the Jewish world as "anti-Semitic". The caricature depicts what what looks like Jews torturing a baby during a circumcision.
Motsoaledi: Initiation schools are not about money
Eyewitness News
The Minister was speaking during a snap debate on the recent deaths of some 36 initiates during ritual circumcisions in the Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces. The issue of deaths during ritual circumcision came into focus in the National Assembly.
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On the tragic deaths of young initiates - Mathole Motshekga
To understand why male circumcision is important in Xhosa and other cultural groupings one needs to truly appreciate the reasons why the practice of circumcision has been carried through from generation to generation, and its impact on young men as ...
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Regulations in place to control initiation schools: Motsoaledi
South African Broadcasting Corporation
At least 36 initiates in Mpumalanga and Limpopo have died so far this year. Motsoaledi was speaking during the launch of voluntary medical male circumcisions in Pretoria. He says medical male circumcision is considered an effective measure to reduce ...
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European Jewish Congress: Norway cartoon may be hate crime
Israel Hayom
"The European Jewish Congress is carefully considering the possibility of taking legal action over a cartoon in Dagbladet, one of Norway's leading papers, which depicted circumcision in a blood-thirsty-demonic manner," says EJC press release. Israel ...
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Blogs 3 new results for circumcision
Video: NYC Mayoral Democratic Candidates On Permitting ...
By Shmarya Rosenberg
NYC's Democratic mayoral candidates each explain their position on metzitzah b'peh (MBP), the direct mouth-to-bleeding-penis sucking done by haredi (and some Modern Orthodox) mohels after cutting off the baby's foreskin. If you care ...
Jewish groups slam 'deeply offensive' Norwegian circumcision cartoon for ...
European Jewish Press
NEW YORK/PARIS/OSLO (EJP)---The European Jewish Congress (EJC) announced Thursday it was considering taking legal action against the Norwegian publishers of a cartoon depicting religious circumcision, after its President Moshe Kantor denounced ...
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North Shore Family Awarded $1.5 Million For Botched Circumcision Of Newborn
CBS2 Chicago
CHICAGO (CBS) — A North Shore family has won a lawsuit against a physician at Northwestern they say botched their son's circumcision. play pause. North Shore Family Awarded $1.5 Million For Botched Circumcision Of Newborn; WBBM Newsradio's Steve ...
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Mayoral Candidates Take Positions on the 'Sucking Blood From a Baby's ...
New York Magazine
In this beautiful ancient ritual, a mohel sucks the blood from a baby's penis following a circumcision. Since 2000, thirteen babies in New York City have been infected with herpes during the metzitzah b'peh process. Two of them died, and two suffered ...
10 000 students to undergo medical male circumcision
The New Age Online
“Through circumcision campaign, we are speaking to young men to take responsibility for their sexual and reproductive health. This is very critical if we want to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS. We want 10 000 young men to undergo the procedure by 2013,” ...
Baby in critical condition after circumcision
The Times of Israel
A baby boy slipped into unconsciousness during a circumcision ceremony and was taken to hospital in a critical condition on Thursday. The eight-day-old infant underwent the brit milah ritual at the Pinhas Lavon synagogue in Holon when he stopped ...
Jewish groups 'appalled' by Norwegian cartoon
Jewish groups 'appalled' by Norwegian cartoon. European Jewish Congress considers taking legal action over caricature published in one of Norway's leading papers, which it says depicts circumcision in bloodthirsty-demonic manner. ADL slams 'distortion ...
Jewish organizations slam circumcision cartoon
Jerusalem Post
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Thursday called a cartoon depicting the Jewish ritual circumcision appearing in the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, “deeply offensive and appalling.” The caricature, that appeared in Norway's third largest daily, ...
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Circumcision 'no ticket to promiscuity'
Independent Online
Pretoria - Being circumcised must not be viewed as a licence to promiscuous relations, Higher Education Deputy Minister Mduduzi Manana said on Thursday. “The message remains one: which is prevention. Circumcision has been proven to reduce chances ...
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Circumcisions a money-spinner - Motsoaledi
Unscrupulous people are abusing the traditional ritual of circumcision to earn quick money, Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi said on Thursday. 30 May 2013 | Sapa. null. Not rated yet. He said post mortems had shown that the death of Mpumalanga ...
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Metzitzah B'peh, Blood-Sucking Jewish Circumcision Ritual, Debated By NYC ...
Huffington Post
The ritual, called metzitzah b'peh, is controversial because infants can contract herpes when the mohel, or circumciser, sucks the blood to "cleanse" the circumcision wound. Current New York City law says parents must sign a consent form acknowledging ...
Jury awards more than $1.3million to boy after botched circumcision left him ...
Daily Mail
A boy who had part of his penis amputated during a botched circumcision when he was just 12-hours-old has been awarded more than $1.3million. A jury returned a verdict of $1,357,901.12 on Tuesday on behalf of Daniel Burden, now five, for the damage ...
Circumcision no ticket: Manana
The New Age Online
Circumcision has been proven to reduce chances of contracting HIV infections and STIs [sexually transmitted diseases] more significantly," he told students at Tshwane University of Technology, west of Pretoria. "However, more importantly, circumcision ...
Norwegian Cartoon Depicts Circumcision as a Demonic Ritual
Arutz Sheva
The European Jewish Congress is “carefully considering the possibility of taking legal action" over a cartoon in Dagbladet [click for translated version as featured on the Tundratabloids blog], one of Norway's leading papers, which depicted ...
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Anthony Weiner Circumspect on Circumcision Controversy
At a Jewish Press mayoral forum tonight in Anthony Weiner's old congressional district, the former congressman was evasive when pressed about his stance on a controversial Orthodox Jewish circumcision practice that Mayor Michael Bloomberg sought to ...
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Greed behind rise in S Africa circumcision
South Africa's health minister says traditional male circumcision rituals have been "hijacked" by people looking to make money from the rite of passage, fuelling a spike in deaths of young males. Police have reported that 34 young men have died in ...
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Video: Most Democratic Mayoral Candidates Are AGAINST Snip-N-Suck ...
Earlier this month, the candidates fighting to become the next mayor weighed in on the controversial circumcision consent form that requires parents to sign a waiver before their infant can undergo the "metzitzah b'peh" ritual—the circumcision ...
Ich war ein Nomadenmädchen
Daneben engagiert sie sich gegen die Beschneidung von Mädchen, hält Vorträge an Schulen, Universitäten und macht Fortbildungen für Hebammen. Fadumo fühlt sich wohl in München. Die Menschen hier sind ihr im Laufe der Zeit vertraut geworden.
RE: Beschneidung? - EURO CIRC Diskussionsforum Beschneidung
2013 01:12. laß dich radikal Beschneiden ... (sahed * | 16 Apr. 2013 21:43); RE: Beschneidung? (Sven03 * | 17 Apr. 2013 07:56); RE: Beschneidung? (bobo66 ...
Beschneidung – Oder: Von Perversen und blöden Schweinen ...
Forum zu Beschneidung mit Berichten von Beschneidungsopfern und Betroffenen. Für körperliche Unversehrtheit.
Merkel erhält heute Rabbinerpreis für Beschneidung in BRiD ...
rebloggt von Der Honigmann sagt...: Merkel erhält wegen Beschneidung den Lord-Jakobovits-Preis der Europäischen Rabbinerkonferenz. Merkels Engagement ...
Beschneidung in Afrika: tödliche Schwelle zur Männlichkeit - Forum ...
Forum für Information und Diskussion zu Männerrechten.
And he gave him the covenant of circumcision: and so Abraham begat Isaac, and circumcised him the eighth day; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat the ...
Weiner hedges on circumcision controversy - Metro.us Metro.us
Anthony Weiner was reportedly cagey at a Jewish Press mayoral forum when a question regarding a controversial circumcision procedure arose.
On Jewish Circumcision Question, NYC Mayor Candidates Blame ...
New York's mayor did what was right—but set his successor up to fail.
Pomp and Circumcision | Rick Steves European Travel Blog
Fifteen years ago I paid for a poor family's circumcision in order to include it in a TV show and I was eager to do it again. A circumcision is a big deal in Turkey.
Beschneidung, Lymphschwellung (Schmerzen, Schwellung, OP ...
Tag, ich wurde letzten Donnerstag beschnitten und bisher lief alles gut - Das einzige Problem ist, dass meine Schwellung zugenommen hat und jetzt nicht mehr ...
Beschneidung | Der Hellseher – Ein skeptisches Weblog
Posts about Beschneidung written by derhellseher.
Beschneidung - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Ich glaube es gibt eigentlich nur nach teile die Beschneidung beim mann wird ja meiner meinung nur vollzogen wegen der Hygiene weil unter der Vorhaut sich ...
Darf man eine Feier mache für die Beschneidung eines jungen - Ahlu ...
Salam u3laikum Ich wollte gern wissen ob es Beweise gibtVon Koran und sunnah ob man eine Feier machen Darf für die Beschneidung eines jungen ...
Beschneidung bei Frauen : Forum goFeminin
Beschneidung bei Frauen. Hallo mal eine Frage: werden heutzutage immernoch die muslimischen Frauen nach der Geburt beschnitten? Habe dazu das hier ...
Circumcision Device Approved by World Health Organization
New York Times
A nonsurgical circumcision device that relies on a rubber band was approved by the World Health Organization on Friday, opening the way for its widespread use in Africa. The device, known as PrePex, is the only adult circumcision method, other than
IRIN Africa | KENYA: The fringe benefits of male circumcision rollout ...
In November 2008, Kenya launched an ambitious national voluntary male circumcision drive, which aims to have more than one million men circumcised by ...
Pomp and Circumcision - YouTube
Fifteen years ago I paid for a poor family's circumcision in order to include it in a TV show and ...
RealClearReligion - Weiner Dodges Circumcision
Newly minted New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner dodged a question at a mayoral debate last night on the controversial Jewish circumcision ...
Circumcision deaths unacceptable – Centre for Child Law - City Press
Circumcision deaths unacceptable – Centre for Child Law. 31 May 2013 16:35. The recent deaths of initiates in Mpumalanga and Limpopo are unacceptable, ...
Pagans Against Circumcision | Facebook - Log In
Pagans Against Circumcision. 560 likes · 364 talking about this.
Acts 7:8 KJV: And he gave him the covenant of circumcision: and so ...
allAfrica.com: Kenya: Experts Say Prepex Is Safe for Circumcision
The PrePex device used in male circumcision is safe, say experts. The decision follows a three month study to assess the safety and acceptability of ...
IRIN Middle East | AFRICA: Male circumcision slowly taking off ...
IRIN Middle East | AFRICA: Male circumcision slowly taking off | AFRICA | Angola | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Benin | Botswana | DRC | Central African Republic ...
Circumcision - An American Opinion - YouTube
While visiting New Orleans on business for the ACOG Convention, Anthony saw a group of ...
Circumcision services expand | The Zimbabwean
At least 23 more health districts will from next week start providing male circumcision services as efforts to achieve universal access through decentralisation ...
Greed behind rise in S.Africa circumcision deaths: minister - Yahoo ...
'Greed behind rise in S.Africa circumcision deaths: minister' on Yahoo! News UK. South Africa's health minister said Wednesday that traditional male ...
Zimbabwe: Resistance Hinders Circumcision Programme | SAfAIDS
HARARE, 20 May 2013 (Standard) - Promoters of the male circumcision programme need to go back to the drawing board after only 8% of the targeted people ...
Baby Fellatio Circumcision: The Candidates Weigh In - ANIMAL
It's been a while since we've heard anything about Metzitzah B'peh, the controversial Orthodox Jewish practice that involves a rabbi sucking (with his mout.
Jewish groups slam 'deeply offensive' Norwegian circumcision ... - EJP
The mother is pictured apparently defending her right to choose to religiously circumcise her child, as she tells an investigating policeman: “Mistreating? No, this ...
Male Circumcision Clinical Trainer | ReliefWeb
Primary Responsibilities: • Develop, organize and conduct clinician training in MC procedures and strategies for scale up • Identify and train clinician trainers ...
Jury Awards $1.3M For Newborn's Failed Circumcision
RTT News
An attorney for the doctor says that this was a predictable complication of circumcision, however, the family's lawyer responded to that by saying, "If that were a known complication to a circumcision procedure, I suggest to you that nobody would dare ...
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NYC Mayor Candidates concerned over Jewish blood-sucking circumcision ritual
Press TV
Candidates running for New York City Mayor have expressed concern over a controversial Jewish circumcision rite in which blood is sucked orally from the wound on the baby boy's penis. During a Jewish Press forum on Wednesday night, contenders ...
European Jewish Parliament denounces 'obscene' Norwegian newspaper ...
European Jewish Press
BRUSSELS (EJP)---The European Jewish Parliament (EJP) on Friday denounced an anti-Semitic cartoon published this week in Norwegian daily newspaper Dagbladet, depicting the circumcision of a newborn as an act of torture of horrific cruelty.
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South Africa: Circumcisions a Money-Spinner - Motsoaledi
Pretoria — Unscrupulous people are abusing the traditional ritual of circumcision to earn quick money, Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi said on Thursday. He said post mortems had shown that the death of Mpumalanga initiates were a result of ...
Circumcision deaths unacceptable: CCL
Independent Online
Johannesburg - The recent deaths of initiates in Mpumalanga and Limpopo are unacceptable, the Centre for Child Law (CCL) said on Friday. “ 1/8We are 3/8 encouraged by the statements of President Jacob Zuma and (Health) Minister Aaron Motsoaledi, ...
Comment and Analysis The art of reporting on what's interesting, but also ...
Mail & Guardian Online
During last year's circumcision season (terrible expression, that), the M&G published a report that illustrated what can be done. Writer Kwanele Sosibo provided a thoughtful, detailed account of the dynamics around the practice in the Eastern Cape ...
Sexual Mutilation and the Moral Order - Part 1-4
(PARIS) - (Editor's note: Michel Hervé Navoiseau-Bertaux is Salem-News.com's original anti-circumcision writer. Hailing from Paris, France, Michel, who uses the name 'Sigusmund,' is a non-stop force for the rights of the child in our modern age where ...
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Preventing the spread of HIV infection
Nursing Times
In sub-Saharan Africa, circumcision has been found to reduce the risk of HIV infection in heterosexual men by 38-66% over two years (Siegfried, 2009). The World Health Organization and UNAIDS have both recommended male circumcision as a method of ...
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I Enjoyed My Son's Bris
New York Times (blog)
According to the Bible, the bris ritual began when God told Abraham that he and his male descendants should be circumcised as a symbol of the Jewish covenant, or special relationship, with God. “And ye shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin ...
Have a Little Faith
Huffington Post
In my last posting on this blog, I wrote about the meaning of faith, as expressed so beautifully by my daughter, Rabbi Dahlia Kronish, in her remarks at the baby-naming and circumcision ceremony of her son. I received more "likes" for this than any ...
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Unofficial initiation schools run by conmen
Eyewitness News
The Minister was speaking after the launch of a medical male circumcision campaign at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) in Pretoria. At least 28 young men died in the Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces over the past month. Motsoaledi said the ...
ational circumcision drive to snip 4.3 million men by 2016
Times LIVE
Thousands of students are expected to be circumcised in the next six months following the launch of the Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision drive specifically aimed at universities and FET colleges nationwide.
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Jewish answers to circumcision debate must be more than 'it's our religion'
Haaretz (blog)
A journalist's cartoon has once again raised the ire of a religious group: this time it's various Jewish organizations from around the world who are calling foul on a Norwegian newspaper for publishing a graphic indictment of circumcision. In the ...
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Circumcision Cartoon In Norwegian Newspaper Angers Jewish Groups
Huffington Post UK
Jewish groups have spoken out against a cartoon published in a Norwegian newspaper that portrays circumcision as an act of barbarism. The European Jewish Congress (EJC) called the depiction a “hate crime” and is considering legal action, while the Anti ...
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Experts say PrePex is safe for circumcision
The Star
The PrePex device used in male circumcision is safe, say experts. The decision follows a three month study to assess the safety and acceptability of device-assisted adult male circumcision in routine clinical settings in Kenya. The study conducted by ...
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Motsoaledi seeks to quell fear over circumcision
HEALTH Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has spoken out against growing fear regarding circumcision, following the recent spate of mutilations and deaths at traditional rural circumcision schools, saying the procedure is by and large safe and necessary to ...
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NEW YORK — It is a measure of the multicultural finesse it takes to run for mayor in New York City that seven Democratic candidates — including some of Chinese, Latino, Irish and Italian backgrounds — have staked out positions on an Orthodox Jewish ...
Kann sie schon rein körperlich nicht, weil sie keine Klitoris mehr besitzt..
Kontakt - koeln-beschneidung.de
Kontakt aufnehmen zum Kompetenz-Standort Köln für Beschneidungen.
Pressemitteilung: Blockupy: Kraftvolle Proteste gegen europaweite ...
Pressemitteilung. Bundesweites Blockupy-Bündnis. Frankfurt am Main, 2. Juni 2013. * Blockupy: Kraftvolle Proteste gegen europaweite Verarmungspolitik ...
Partnerorganisation - stop-mutilation - Gegen die Beschneidung von ...
Gegen die Beschneidung von Mädchen in Europa und Afrika. Startseite. Beratung: Beratungsstelle · Medizinische Sprechstunde · Rekonstruktion. Jugendliche: ...
openPR - Bundesforum Männer: Dialogtagung - Beschneidung von ...
Das Urteil des Kölner Landgerichts zur Beschneidung vom 7. Mai 2012 hat eine gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzung zu dem Thema Beschneidung von ...
Die Beschneidung | laizismus.net
Die Trennung von Staat und Kirche Unter Laizismus wird die Trennung von Staat und Kirche verstanden. Für einen Staat ist der Laizismus sehr wichtig, denn ...
Beschneidung – Oder: Lasst Kindergenitalien doch einfach in Ruhe ...
war unsere deutsche Politik schnell mit vorauseilendem, duckmäuserndem Gehorsam vor Religionsvertretern dabei, die Beschneidung von Jungen ...
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 597) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 597)
hey leute! ich habe am mittwoch meine mündliche prüfung in werte und normen und meine lehrerin meinte, dass ich mich mit den vor und nachteilen ...
Unzufrieden nach Beschneidung - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Unzufrieden nach Beschneidung. 25.05.13 14:05. Es ist jetzt schon fast eineinhalb Jahre her dass ich aufgrund einer Vorhautverengung beschnitten wurde.
Blockupy 2013: Kraftvolle Proteste gegen europaweite ...
Blockupy 2013: Zehntausende protestieren gegen europaweite Verarmungspolitik – Erneut skandalöse Beschneidung der Demonstrationsfreiheit » ...
Beschneidung in Köln: Vorstellung des Kompetenz-Standortes für ...
Kompetenz-Standort in Köln: Beschneidung / Zirkumzision in Köln.
Beobachtung einer an einem Bantuneger vorgenommenen ...
Beobachtung einer an einem Bantuneger vorgenommenen Beschneidung in Tanganyika: Amazon.de: Johann Rudolf Geigy: Bücher.
Die Wurzeln des Übels
Chr. wird die Beschneidung von Mädchen ebenfalls erwähnt, und auch einige Mumienfunde aus der Antike wiesen Anzeichen von Beschneidungen auf. Dem griechischen Geschichtsschreiber Strabon zufolge wurde die im alten Ägypten bereits an beiden ...
Beschneidung bei Frauen ?? (Film, Sexualitaet, Frau) - Gutefrage.net
Was wird gemacht wenn eine Frau beschnitten wird? Habe nämlich einen Film Gesehen (Wüstenblume) habe aber nicht verstanden was da genau gemacht ...
Beschneidung - Video / Jüngst @ Fucked-Tube
Und auch: beschnitten, circumcision, cutting, schneiden, piercing, folter, katheter, tongue split, circumcising, behindert, elektro folter, zigarette, blutung beim sex, ...
Beschneidung von Jungen - Cuncti
Seitenblick. Beschneidung von Jungen · Drucken; E-Mail. In Südafrika starben nach Beschneidung 23 Jungen: Focus. Cuncti auf Facebook. Folgen Sie uns!
Beschneidung bei Frauen/ genital verstümmelung, vor und nachteile
Infant Male Circumcision | Child Trends
Child Trends improves the lives and prospects of children and youth by conducting high-quality research and sharing the resulting knowledge with practitioners ...
Circumcision. Male vs. female? - The Debate Team - BabyCenter
Male circumcision from a secular perspective- It can be argued that from a health perspective there are some perceived benefits from this procedure and if that's ...
Traditional male circumcision is being used for financial gain | SA ...
The minister was speaking at the Tshwane University of Technology on Thursday at the launch of a voluntary medical male circumcision campaign aimed at ...
WHO approves Israeli-developed circumcision device
Move paves the way for widespread introduction of Circ MedTech's PrePex in Africa, where the UN organization hopes to perform 20 million procedures by 2015. By Inbal Orpaz | Jun.02, 2013 | 7:17 PM ...
Circumcision: Whose Initiation? | Rabbis Without Borders - My ...
By Laura Duhan Kaplan
You may know the contemporary arguments for and against a brit milah, ritual circumcision of infant Jewish boys. For: It's traditional. It affirms a fam.
Rabbis Without Borders - My Jewish...
MALAWI: Government finally moves on male circumcision - IRIN
LILONGWE, 10 February 2012 (IRIN) - Clement Zulu never thought he would be circumcised. A Christian from the north of Malawi, Zulu was among millions of ...
Cutting to truth about circumcision - Post | IOL.co.za
This is just one of the shocking findings of an investigation by The Star into the deaths of at least 28 initiates in Mpumalanga since the start of the circumcision ...
ADL: Norwegian Newspaper Cartoon Demonizing Jewish Ritual ...
ADL: Norwegian Newspaper Cartoon Demonizing Jewish Ritual Circumcision “ Deeply Offensive”. New York, NY, May 29, 2013 … The Anti-Defamation League ...
Why is male circumcision still legal in the U.S.? - Yahoo! Answers
I find the fact that parents are mutilating their baby's genitals at an age in which ... Freedom of religion.
Beschneidung | Das Ende des Sex: Biologisches Geschlecht ist ...
Bereits 2007 rieten sowohl die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) als auch die UN dringend zur Beschneidung von Männern: als Prävention gegen Aids, ...
Beschneidung bei Frauen/ genital verstümmelung, vor und nachteile
Travel ban on Arab doctor after 'botched circumcisions'
Saudi Gazette
MADINAH — Government bodies in Madinah have banned an Arab doctor from leaving the country after he was accused of botching four circumcision procedures, Al-Watan newspaper reported. Madinah Health Affairs have admitted the babies to a local ...
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Junior doctors respond to initiation deaths
The New Age Online
Shocked by the deaths of at least 36 initiates at the cultural circumcision schools in Mpumalanga and Limpopo, the Junior Doctors Association of SA (JUDASA) has kicked off free male medical circumcision campaign for boys. And the association members ...
Astonishingly, demand for circumcisions is lower than expected ...
By Matt
Thanks to three randomised controlled trials held in several sub-Saharan countries, it is now fairly clear that male circumcision leads to a sizeable reduction in the probability that a man will go on to contract HIV. The treatment effect of getting ...
Aid Thoughts
IRIN Africa | SWAZILAND: Ambitious target for male circumcision ...
Mbabane, 5 October 2009 (IRIN) - Swaziland's Ministry of Health and Human Services aims to provide circumcision to 80 percent of men aged 15 to 24 in the ...
"American Secret: The Circumcision Agenda" by Francelle Wax ...
Francelle Wax is raising funds for "American Secret: The Circumcision Agenda" on ...
WHO approves Israeli-developed circumcision device | Jewish ...
The World Health Organization approved an Israeli-developed non-surgical circumcision device that could soon be used throughout Africa to help control AIDS.
Greed behind rise in S.Africa circumcision deaths: minister : News ...
A series of murder inquiries have been launched after several males died while undergoing circumcision during traditional rites of passage into manhood. AFP ...
Romans 2:25 NIV: Circumcision has value if you observe the law ...
For circumcision verily profiteth - It is a blessing to belong to the Church of God and wear the sign of the covenant, provided the terms of the covenant are ...
WHO approves first circumcision device to slow AIDS spread
Times of India
The nonsurgical circumcision device relies on a rubber band and was approved by the WHO recently, opening the way for its widespread use in Africa, The New York Times reported. Dr Eric P Goosby, the US Global AIDS Coordinator, said that it would "truly ...
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First non-surgical circumcision device could slow spread of AIDS in Africa ...
Fox News
Health officials have approved a first-of-its-kind, non-surgical circumcision device hailed as a potential game-changer in the battle to forestall the spread of AIDS in Africa. The PrePex is the only circumcision method, aside from conventional surgery ...
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WHO approves Israeli-developed circumcision device
PrePex, the work of the Israeli-based socially conscious company Circ MedTech, uses a pair of elastic rings to complete circumcision in an average of four and a half minutes without the need for anesthesia, sutures or a sterile setting. The inexpensive ...
Takes two nurses four minutes to apply and doesn't need sterile conditions
Daily Mail
A new method of carrying out male circumcision without the need for surgery has been approved by the World Health Organisation. The PrePex circumcision device uses an elastic band to cut off the blood supply to the foreskin until it dies and falls off ...
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WHO approves first non-surgical circumcision device that could slow spread of ...
Newstrack India
Washington, June 3 (ANI): A first-of-its-kind, non-surgical circumcision device that could forestall the spread of AIDS in Africa has reportedly received approval from World Health Organization. According to The New York Times, The PrePex is the only ...
Jewish Community Condemns Dagbladet Cartoon
The Nordic Page
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called a cartoon appearing in the Norwegian daily Dagbladet, mocking Jewish ritual circumcision, “deeply offensive and appalling.” Jewish Community Condemns Dagbladet Cartoon. Screenshot from Dagbladet ...
d Coleman Column: I'm so worried about my child being circumcised I ...
Irish Independent
Preparation is the key to helping your son get through the experience of his circumcision. The more he knows in advance, the more predictable the experience will feel. Knowing what to expect usually reduces anxiety. So you definitely need to mention it ...
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Non-Surgical Circumcision: PrePex Device Hopes To Decrease HIV And AIDS ...
Headlines & Global News
A non-surgial circumcision device has been approved by the World Health Organization according to Fox News. The device, PrePex, is the first of its' kind and health professionals are hoping to use the new device to decrease the amount of HIV ...
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Non-Surgical Israeli Circumcision Device Will Slow Spread of AIDS
The Jewish Press
The study demonstrated that circumcision performed by nurses when using the PrePex device is safe and effective. This third step follows the PrePex clinical validation of safety, efficacy and supremacy over surgical circumcision performed by surgeons ...
The sex appeals: Length, curve, and circumcision
For some people, penises are a pretty big deal. Maybe you have one, maybe you like one. They matter to some people, and I'd like to tackle a few misconceptions about them. A cliche concern around penises but still an anxiety-inducing one is length. To ...
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WHO approves Israeli-developed circumcision device
The Times of Israel
JTA — The World Health Organization approved an Israeli-developed non-surgical circumcision device that could soon be used throughout Africa to help control AIDS. PrePex, a disposable and easy-to-use device made of rubber bands that obviates the need ...
What We're Reading: Circumcision device approved by World ...
By Michaela Balderston
What We're Reading: Circumcision device approved by World Health Organization. NYTimes: Circumcision Device Approved by World Health Organization – A nonsurgical circumcision device that relies on a rubber band was approved by the ...
WHO approves first circumcision device to slow AIDS spread
A first-of-its-kind, non-surgical circumcision device that could forestall the spread of AIDS in Africa has reportedly received approval from World Health ...
WHO approves low-tech Israeli circumcision device ...
PrePex, a simple nonsurgical circumcision device made of a rubber band and a grooved ring, has gained crucial World Health Organization approval.
Thinking of Circumcision ? - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers
Just researching about it as i have never thought about why or why not to do it, ... He'll have a healthier penis because it'll b easier to clean and if you don't then in ...
Beschneidung bei Frauen. Hallo mal eine Frage: werden heutzutage immernoch die muslimischen Frauen nach der Geburt beschnitten? Habe dazu das hier ...
Beschneidung bei Männern JA ? NEIN ? Warum ? - Page 3 - elitepvpers
Aha? & mit Vorhaut nicht so hoch? ^^ Klingt für mich sogar plausibler als umgekehrt. Aber eigentlich halte ich beides für Schwachsinn.
USA Forum :: View topic - Beschneidung bei Neugeborenen
Es ist mein erstes Kind und ich habe mir bisher nie wirklich Gedanken um Themen wie Beschneidung gemacht, da ich nicht wirklich viel Erfahrung mit kleinen ...
Ein Säugling, der kurz nach seiner Beschneidung in ... - Ad Hoc News
Brennpunkte Israel Säugling stirbt nach Beschneidung aber nicht wegen der Beschneidung Ein Säugling der kurz nach seiner Beschneidung in ernstem ...
Psychoanalytisches Archiv und jüdisches Gedächtnis : Freud ...
Psychoanalytisches Archiv und jüdisches Gedächtnis : Freud, Beschneidung und Monotheismus. 2 likes · 0 talking about this. Book.
Ehemaliger Verfassungsrichter Fordert EU Beschneidung | Der ...
Ich dachte zuerst beim Durchlesen der Ueberschrift, das wir uns jetzt alle beschneiden lassen muessen. Aber das kann ja durch aus auch noch kommen.
Beschneidung bei Männern JA ? NEIN ? Warum ? - elitepvpers
Hey com, Hier wieder mit einer neuen abstimmung Was haltet ihr generell von der Beschneidung beim Mann. Habe gehört das es viele vorteile hat und auch.
Die Beschneidung | vorhautverengung.com
Wird eine Beschneidung, auch Zirkumzision genannt, beim Mann vorgenommen, kann dies unterschiedliche Ursachen haben. Es wird unter hygienischen, ...
Beschneidung von Jungen – Dialog-Veranstaltung in Berlin ...
Beschneidung von Jungen – Dialog-Veranstaltung in Berlin. Das „Bundesforum Männer“ (Interessenverband für Jungen, Männer und Väter e.V.) lädt für den 24.
Fux über Sex «Ich leide wegen der Beschneidung»
Ausserdem habe ich das Gefühl, dass die Beschneidung die Entwicklung meines Nervensystems geschädigt hat. Jeden Tag muss ich immer über meine fehlende Vorhaut nachdenken. Meine Freundin sagt, ich solle zum Psychiater, aber ich schäme mich.
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
Falsche Sorglosigkeit beim Sex dreht Aids-Trend um
Die UAC zitiert einen Jugendlichen mit den Worten: "Wir sind stolz auf unsere Beschneidung, weil wir jetzt kein Aids bekommen und unser Sexleben voll genießen können." Vom einstigen Vorzeigestaat im Kampf gegen Aids hat sich Uganda innerhalb kurzer ...
Beschneidung und Taufe unter 16 - Leser-Kommentar - FOCUS ...
Beschneidung und Taufe unter 16: sind vom Gestzgeber leider nicht verboten. Ein trauriges Kapitel der Inkonsequenz. - von Martin Lindemann.
Betäubung oder Narkose bei Beschneidung? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
28.05.13 13:05. Ok dann schalte ich mich hier auch mal dazu: 1. Dehnübungen wurden bereits mehere Monate versucht -> kein Erfolg bzw. Verbesserung. 2.
Beschneidung News | Initiationsriten bei Beschneidung als ...
Afrika ist ein Kontinent, der sehr von Traditionen geprägt ist, dies ist auch der Fall wenn es um Beschneidungsriten in der männlichen Bevölkerung geht.
Israel: Säugling stirbt nach Beschneidung – aber nicht wegen der ...
Weiter wurden vor einer Woche Sanitäter des Rettungsdiensts MDA unmittelbar nach einer Beschneidung zu einem Säugling gerufen worden. Dieser Säugling ...
Beschneidung bei Frauen : Forum goFeminin
Video: Most Democratic Mayoral Candidates Are Against Snip-N ...
By Mastodon
'Earlier this month, the candidates fighting to become the next mayor weighed in on the controversial circumcision consent form that requires parents to sign a waiver before their infant can undergo the "metzitzah b'peh" ritual—the circumcision ...
Rabbi Dr. Tendler Joins Quinn in Attacking Metzitzah B'Peh ...
By Matzav Editor
New York - While metzitzah b'peh is not illegal in New York City, the city requires parents having their children circumcised in that manner to sign a consent form saying they understand “direct oral suction should not be performed because it ...
Matzav.com - The Online Voice...
Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision A 'Critical Pillar' In Fight ...
Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision A 'Critical Pillar' In Fight Against HIV/AIDS. Jun 05, 2013. In “the 12th blog in a series of blogs from the Office of the Global ...
Is it Kosher? PrePex Bloodless Circumcision Device Now Approved ...
While male circumcision remains a highly controversial issue for some, research has shown that it is very effective in limiting the spread of AIDS and othe.
FOX News - Health - Top Headlines - First non-surgical circumcision ...
Health officials have approved a first-of-its-kind, non-surgical circumcision device hailed as a potential game-changer in the battle to forestall the spread of AIDS ...
Israel: Säugling stirbt nach Beschneidung - aber nicht wegen der Beschneidung
Die Komplikationen, aufgrund derer der Säugling ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wurde, sind nach Aussage der behandelnden Ärzte nicht direkt auf die Beschneidung zurückzuführen, sondern waren Folge einer bereits vor der Beschneidung bestehenden ..
Circumcision Lawsuit Makes Snipping Boys Look Downright Dangerous
The Stir
scalpel What's a botched circumcision worth to you? A 5-year-old who suffered damage from his circumcision has been awarded $1.3 million. The boy was just 12 hours old when the doctor who performed the procedure amputated the tip of his penis. Doctors ...
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Study On Prepex Use in Male Circumcision Incomplete
I refer to the story published in your newspaper on Friday, 31 May 2013, headlined 'Experts say PrePex is safe for circumcision'. The story implies that the PrePex device has been approved following a three-month study which assessed the safety and ...
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Daily Compares Jewish Ire on Circumcision Cartoon to Muslim Riots
The Jewish Press
The Norwegian daily Dagbladet not only defends its blood libel caricature of circumcision, it also equates the angry Jewish response as being like Muslim violence in response to anti-Mohammed cartoons. Photo Credit: Dagbladet. The Norwegian daily ...
Doctor admits performing 47 circumcisions
Saudi Gazette
Circumcision procedures were earlier performed by only licensed and specialist persons, with hardly any botched cases coming to light. “It is a simple procedure that does not require a degree in medicine,” some of those interviewed by the newspaper said.
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Jim Gaffigan stands up for parenthood at DC comedy stop
Washington Examiner
He also talked circumcision, the horrors of Disney theme parks, the absurdity of the tooth fairy, and his new book "Dad is Fat." Gaffigan's book finds the funny side of family life, and he had plenty of stories about raising five kids -- all delivered ...
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Encounters Film Festival: Shorter, still sweet
Daily Maverick
The documentary offers a rare glimpse into the usually secretive circumcision tradition, taking as its focus a schoolboy who is about to go to the bush. The juxtaposition of the schoolboy's two worlds seems almost surreal: Sibusiso Gaga is initially ...
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Gertrude Sibalwa is Miss Intellect
Times of Zambia
Miss Fairview 2012, Gertrude Sibalwa last Friday night was crowned the queen of all colleges as Miss Intellect 2013 at a contest held at Chrismar Hotel in Lusaka under the theme “Promoting Male Circumcision in the Fight Against Cervical Cancer.” ...
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The Muhammad Cartoons and the Jews
Commentary Magazine
By contrast, the Dagbladet circumcision cartoon was part of a specific campaign aimed at banning a religious practice of both Jews and Muslims. The goal there was not, as with Jyllands-Posten, to defend free speech but to demonize Judaism and Jews in a ...
UNAIDS welcomes pre-qualification by WHO of first non-surgical device for ...
UNAIDS (press release)
There is compelling evidence that medical male circumcision reduces sexual transmission of HIV from women to men by 60%. WHO and UNAIDS urge countries with high HIV prevalence and low levels of male circumcision to expand access to safe, voluntary ...
Christianity: Is circumcision mandatory for Christians? - Yahoo ...
God had made a covenant with Abraham in the Book of Genesis: Genesis 17:9 ... My penis seems to be intact.. and I'm Christian lol ...
Circumcision Resources | Facebook
Circumcision Resources. 421 likes · 36 talking about this.
WHO approves Israeli-developed circumcision device | j. the Jewish ...
J. provides weekly news articles, reviews and features about the Jewish community of the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California.
Study: Circumcision Pain Not Severe
MedPage Today
BALTIMORE -- Analysis of neonatal breathing rates suggests that infants circumcised without anesthesia did not experience more pain or a greater likelihood of sleep disturbances than infant boys who were not circumcised, researchers reported. An ...
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Oslo daily: Reaction to circumcision cartoon similar to Mohammed riots
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
(JTA) — The Norwegian daily newspaper Dagbladet said reactions to its caricature on circumcision “are similar” to riots that erupted over Danish cartoons mocking Mohammed. Referencing Denmark's Jyllands-Posten caricatures of Mohammed in 2005, ...
Circumcision drive aimed at students
Independent Online
Voluntary male circumcision was also being taken into the traditional initiation sector where young initiates, who were not at their healthiest and/or had HIV, were at risk of developing any of the number of ailments that affected those who died from ...
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Dept sued over circumcision
The national and Mpumalanga health departments are being sued for R10.7-million after a botched circumcision in which a nine-year-old boy lost the tip of his penis. A Sapa correspondent reported on Friday that the boy, who cannot be named because he is ...
Constitution demands safe circumcision
Mail & Guardian Online
Cultural circumcision is an age-old practice in many African communities and its advocates see it as a vital rite of passage for boys in their preparation for manhood. My contribution to the debate focuses on the constitutional rights that allow the ...
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Ten things about circumcision
Mail & Guardian Online
The origins of circumcision are obscure. The earliest record is from ancient Egypt, 25 centuries ago: a bas-relief in the sixth-dynasty tomb of Ank-Mahor at Saqqara shows what seems to be an adult or adolescent circumcision. About a century later, a ...
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Baby who stopped breathing during circumcision dies
Shortly after the circumcision, his mother noticed the baby turning blue. Volunteers who were on the scene found him without a pulse and not breathing. An MDA team arrived and began advanced CPR, during which the baby's pulse and breathing returned, ...
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Baby Dies in Israeli Hospital following Circumcision
The Jewish Press
A newborn baby who was hospitalized in serious condition at Wolfson Medical Center in Holon, Israel, from complications following a rite of circumcision, passed away on Friday. Both Chief Rabbis and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel expressed their sorrow ...
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Baby Dies after Post-Brit Complications
Arutz Sheva
“Starting immediately after the initial reporting of the incident,” said the Rabbinate, “the Director of Circumcisions in the Chief Rabbinate was in constant contact with the mohel who conducted the circumcision, with the doctors who treated the baby ...
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Weiner And Liu Fervently Court Frum Vote
The Jewish Week
On a more serious note, Liu took perhaps the most harshest stance on the metzeitza b'peh (MBP) circumcision consent decree controversy, blasting Mayor Michael Bloomberg as an arrogant billionaire who deigns to tell religious people who to live their lives.
Der Sabbat. Das Schweinefleisch. Die Beschneidung. Das Gesetz ...
Suchbegriffe die herbrachten: black sabbath, band sabbat, sabbath, sabbatical, de, shabat ...
keine beschneidung nötig!! will trotzdem vorhaut nur von eichel ...
Wie kann man die Vorhaut zurückgezogen haben ohne sich zu bescheiden lassen?
Beschneidung bei Männern JA ? NEIN ? Warum ? - Page 6 - elitepvpers
Originally Posted by Elo? MrSmith leider gebe ich dir dabei unrecht. Sie oder er kritisiert nicht meine aussagen sondern verneint diese und stellt sie.
BMJ - Regelung zur Beschneidung - Pressemitteilung: „Ein ...
Die heutige Entscheidung ist ein weiterer konsequenter Schritt und markiert den Durchbruch für die volle Gleichstellung der eingetragenen Lebenspartnerschaft ...
USA Forum :: View topic - Beschneidung bei Neugeborenen
Katieaz wrote: Ich denke, ich bin einfach noch zu uninformiert, aber ich hoere mehr und mehr Meinungen die dagegen sprechen. Wie gesagt, mein Gedanke ...
Gericht stellt religiöse Beschneidung unter Strafe - 26.06.12 ...
Diskussion zum Thema: Gericht stellt religiöse Beschneidung unter Strafe - 26.06 .12 - Seite 144.
Ehemaliger Verfassungsrichter Fordert EU Beschneidung ...
rebloggt von Der Honigmann sagt...: Ex-Verfassungsrichter: Einfluss der EU muss beschnitten werden Die EU habe eine Demokratie-Krise über Europa ...
Sollten Beschneidungen als Körperverletzung geahndet werden ...
Bei der Entfernung der Vorhaut wird ein Stück des Geschlechtsorgans entfernt aus religiösen/kulturellen Gründen, ohne die Einstimmung des Babies (ofc.
Beschneidung nun als Teil des jüdischen Rituals | Maria Lourdes Blog
Tag Archives: Beschneidung nun als Teil des jüdischen Rituals ... Dieser Ritus birgt jedoch Risiken; kürzlich ging eine Beschneidung schief und der ...
PrePex male circumcision device meets international standards, says WHO
Africa Science News Service
The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on 31 May that it has “prequalified” the PrePex™ device for performing circumcision on adult men for HIV prevention even as safety and acceptability studies on device continue in Kenya's Nyanza province.
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Mistaken identity: Brought for circumcision, operated for kidney stones
The Express Tribune
MS Javed Umer said that the child would be kept in intensive care and be circumcised after his wounds healed properly. He said the hospital will bear the cost of treatment. He said the other boy, who was originally brought for kidney stones surgery on ...
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Health minister blasts 'culturepreneurs'
Local Government and Traditional Affairs Minister Richard Baloyi said there was a need for a safer, healthier and more sustainable circumcision practice. “The rules should also be clear on issues related to nutrition for initiates, and medical and ..
WHO Approval of Adult Male Circumcision Device: UNITAID Calls ...
UNITAID welcomes the World Health Organization's (WHO) approval for the first time of a non-surgical adult male circumcision device that can be used to help ...
Health dept sued for botched circumcision | eNCA
Stock image: The national and Mpumalanga health departments are being sued for R10.7 million after a botched circumcision in which a nine-year-old boy lost ...
Beschneidung tötet immer noch viele junge FrauenAls Folge lebenslange ...
Schwäbische Zeitung
Den eigenen Tränen einen Sinn geben: Fadumo Korn will jungen, afrikanischen Mädchen ein Leben ohne Beschneidung ermöglichen. Am Donnerstag, 13. Juni, berichtet sie in den Lindauer Friedensräumen über rituelle Beschneidung. (Foto: Walter Korn) ...
Baby dies eight days after losing consciousness following brit
Israel Hayom
About 30 minutes after circumcision, family noticed that infant had stopped breathing • Doctors have yet to pinpoint the cause of death, but believe it was unrelated to the circumcision and he may have suffered from an undiagnosed medical disorder.
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IRIN Africa | UGANDA: Finally ready for male circumcision | Uganda ...
RAKAI, 29 June 2010 (IRIN) - The Ugandan government will begin a nationwide male circumcision programme in July as part of its HIV prevention strategy, ...
Circumcision in New Zealand (My Views) - YouTube
This is a requested video I got from one of my subscribers in the U.S. This is my views as a New ...
Information update on the PrePex device for adult male circumcision ...
HIV programmes in priority countries of East and Southern Africa are facing challenges in scaling up male circumcision as an additional prevention intervention, ...
Beschneidung der Grundrechte: Russland stellt Homosexualität in der ...
Deutsch Türkische Nachrichten
Mit großer Mehrheit hat das Unterhaus des russischen Parlaments an diesem Dienstag einen Gesetzesentwurf verabschiedet, der die Stigmatisierung der gesamten russischen Homosexuellencommunity bedeutet. Künftig stellt Russland nicht nur ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
Neue Aktion auf 'With (he)art against FGM': Verlosung von 'Dougna', die neue ...
Ein sehr wichtiges Thema für Sayon Bamba ist die weibliche Beschneidung, die trotz internationaler Ächtung in Guinea, dem Heimatland der Sängerin, sowie in vielen anderen afrikanischen Ländern immer noch praktiziert wird. In ihrem FGM-Lied "L'excisée" ...
Beschneidung Vorhaut usw (Penis, Arzt) - Gutefrage.net
Eine Frage, kann man nach der Beschneidung die Vorhaut beim masturbieren zurückziehen oder geht das bei einer ''Low & Tight'' Beschneidung nicht mehr?
Ein Sondergesetz zur Jungenbeschneidung – kein Beitrag zur ...
Ein Jahr ist das „Kölner Urteil“ her, in dem ein deutsches Landgericht erstmals eine Beschneidung an einem Jungen, die nicht medizinisch erforderlich war, als ...
Stoppt Genitalverstümmelungen! | - netzfrauen- netzfrauen
Dass eine geplante Beschneidung wie in Bremen öffentlich wird und die Polizei eingreift, ist nach Kenntnis der Frauenrechtsorganisation Terre des Femmes ...
Egyptian girl dies undergoing circumcision : atheism - Reddit
Sure, the doctor knows the risks of committing circumcision, but the parents are to blame for the decision (probably without the girl actually wanting it?). The only ...
IRIN Africa | KENYA: Male circumcision sparks controversy | Kenya ...
Both men are members of an ethnic Luo community in Nyanza that traditionally does not practice circumcision, but is being introduced to the idea of male ...
Lets Talk about Circumcision - YouTube
This is a vlog sharing our journey . http://www.intactamerica.org/ http://www. mothersagainstcirc ...
Why do I feel like beat someone when they mention circumcision has ...
Why I feel like beat someone when they mention ...... 1.circumcision has ... You still got that foreskin, huh? Go wash your penis. ... Go get laid; you'll feel better about ...
A Gift of Circumcision Creates a Lasting Impression | Rick Steves ...
A good circumcision comes with a decorated horse and a three-piece band. The extended family, and anyone who hears the commotion and wants to drop by, ...
Beschneidung - Teil 3 - Beschneidung aktuell - beschneidungsforum ...
Forum zu Beschneidung mit Berichten von Beschneidungsopfern und Betroffenen. Für körperliche Unversehrtheit.
Beschneidung wer hat Erfahrung wie sehr das weh tut ? (Vorhaut ...
Ich werde in ca. 2 Wochen beschnitten. Es gibt dabei das Problem dass ich gegen Lidocain und ähnliche Sachen allergisch bin, darum kann das nicht örtlich ...
Beschneidung "vererblich" - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Wenn Religionszugehörigeit vererblich ist, dann kann auch Beschneidung in gewisser Weise vererblich sein. Wenn man die Mendelschen Regeln darauf ...
Egyptian girl, 13, dies after circumcision operation
CAIRO, June 10 (UPI) -- The parents of an Egyptian girl who died after being circumcised accused the doctor of negligence and an organization called female circumcision a criminal act. The operation was performed on the 13-year-old girl at a private ...
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Over 1400 schoolboys get free circumcision services
Philippine Information Agency
MALAYBALAY CITY, Bukidnon, June 10 (PIA)—A total of 1,442 schoolboys ages 7 to 14 availed themselves of free circumcision during the annual 'Operation Tuli” program offered by Malaybalay City Health Office (CHO). Dr. Dennis Sangalang, City Health ...
Education department upset cultural circumcision programme
The New Age Online
Education department upset cultural circumcision programme. Education department upset cultural circumcision programme. Cosas provincial secretary Thulani Baloyi blames the department for a situation where some pupils will leave for cultural initiation .
To Circ or Not to Circ
Today I wanted to talk about circumcisions and the recent American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Guidelines that came out in the fall of 2012 about this issue. As we know, circumcisions have been performed since biblical times. In fact, there has been a ...
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Egyptian girl, 13, dies after circumcision operation
By UPI News Headlines
CAIRO, June 10 (UPI) -- The parents of an Egyptian girl who died after being circumcised accused the doctor of negligence and an organization called f.
Latin Business Today
Egyptian GIRL Dies After Barbaric Islamic 'Circumcision' Surgery
By Confidential Reporter
Egyptian GIRL Dies After Barbaric Islamic 'Circumcision' Surgery. Medieval barbarism in Muslim Brotherhood-run Egypt. Read more. In non-Arab Turkey, secular middle and working class men and women are rebelling against a regime that is ...
Inmate seeks circumcision
A Florida prison inmate is asking the state's corrections department for permission to be circumcised. Pablo Manuel Diaz, 37, of Miami-Dade County, who is serving a life sentence at the Blackwater Correctional Facility in Milton, sent a letter to the ...
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Is surgical circumcision the key to halting initiation deaths?
Mail & Guardian Online
Our hosts told us to shoot what we wanted, but not to mention that the circumcisions were being done surgically. In that season, sources from the Eastern Cape department of health told the M&G that well over 40 boys had died and several hundred had ...
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Egyptian girl dies during female circumcision ritual outside Cairo
New York Daily News
A 13-year-old Egyptian girl has died undergoing circumcision at a village near Cairo, Egyptian media reported on the weekend. "We left our daughter with the doctor and the nurse. Fifteen minutes later, the nurse took my daughter out of the operation ...
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WHO okays non-surgical circumcision devise
The Observer (blog)
The World Health Organisation (WHO) last week prequalified a non-surgical circumcision device, PrePex, that could delay the spread of HIV/Aids. PrePex is a disposable and easy-to-use device made of rubber bands. When applied to a penis, the foreskin ...
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Egypt's forgotten war
Egyptian Gazette
Suheir Mohamed is Egypt's latest reported victim of female circumcision, also known as female genital mutilation (FGM). The 13-year-old girl died during an FGM operation inside a clinic in her village in the Nile Delta province of Daqahlia. A social ...
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Suhair Al-Bata'a, 13-Year-Old Egyptian Girl, Dies While Being Circumcised
Huffington Post
The death of a 12-year-old girl from a circumcision procedure in 2007 prompted Egypt to outlaw the practice, according to The Guardian. The country had banned such procedures a decade earlier, but continued to allow them under certain circumstances.
Egyptian Girl, 13, Dies During Female Circumcision Procedure ...
Thirteen year old Egyptian girl Suhair al-Bata'a died Thursday during a circumcision operation, also known as female genital mutilation (FGM), a practice ...
RDFRS: Egypt teen dies after female circumcision
Cairo: The death of a 13-year-old girl at a private clinic while undergoing a circumcision operation has once again highlighted that female genital mutilation ...
Egyptian girl dies undergoing circumcision
Suhair al-Bata'a, a 13-year-old Egyptian girl, has died undergoing circumcision at a village in the Daqahliya governorate northeast of Cairo, Egyptian media reported on Sunday. “We left our daughter with the doctor and the nurse. 15 minutes later, the ...
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Botched circumcision doctor claims to be a 'scapegoat'
Saudi Gazette
He claimed he started circumcision operations in the current polyclinic only recently on May 14 and the last operation was done on May 19. He said some visitors came and wanted circumcisions to be conducted, as the polyclinic is well known for carrying ...
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Deadly initiation: Govt lacks numbers on circumcision deaths
Mail & Guardian Online
The state has been unified in its calls for better monitoring and interventions to improve the outcomes of traditional circumcision. But how can the state intervene in a process on which it does not even have basic data? When the Mail & Guardian ...
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Egypt teen dies after female circumcision
Cairo: The death of a 13-year-old girl at a private clinic while undergoing a circumcision operation has once again highlighted that female genital mutilation continues to endanger lives in Egypt despite laws forbidding the practice. The family of the ...
Uncut Truth: Anti-Circumcision Documentary on Kickstarter Raises $30K+ In a ...
One week after launching a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, American Secret, an anti-circumcision documentary that “pushes back against this rarely questioned cultural norm, which, though ingrained domestically has long since fallen out of favor ..
13-Year-Old Dies During Female Circumcision
The Inquisitr
A 13-year-old died during a female circumcision procedure. Suhair al-Bata'a of Egypt reportedly suffered from shock and a dangerous drop in blood pressure during the procedure to remove a portion of her genitalia. While the procedure may seem barbaric, ...
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Florida inmate requests prison bris
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Diaz is being represented in his request by students from the Stanford Law School's Religious Liberty Clinic in California. The Brit Yosef Yitzchak organization has offered to perform the circumcision at no charge and said it will file a federal ...
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Kimberley O'Brien Trial: Chicago Woman's Shocking Testimony Claims Sexual ...
Huffington Post
In America, most parents opt to have their male infant circumcised. Because it makes daily hygiene easier, the medical community recommends it. For Jews, circumcision is a religious practice. Medical research has show that if circumcision is performed ...
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Florida Inmate Seeks Bris Milah In Jail
Yeshiva World News
Pablo Manuel Diaz, 37, of Miami-Dade County, who is serving a life sentence at the Blackwater Correctional Facility in Milton, sent a letter to the Florida Department of Corrections requesting a circumcision to be performed by a mohel in the prison's ...
Suhair Al-Bata'a, 13-Year-Old Egyptian Girl, Dies While Being Circumcised
The doctor who performed the circumcision allegedly offered the family 20,000 Egyptian pounds (about $2,900) to keep quiet about the incident, said the girl's uncle, Mohammed al-Bata'a, according to Al Masry. The doctor, who is not named in Al Masry's ...
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'Parliament debates must remain relevant'
Eyewitness News
The second debate was on the deaths of young initiates at circumcision schools in Mpumalanga and Limpopo. During that debate, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi said thugs were exploiting tradition to make quick money. Sisulu said care should be taken ...
Big News in Circumcision - Jonathan Wolfman - Open Salon
Uncircumcised adult men, for some reason, don't, in vast numbers, like the idea of traditional circumcision for themselves. So, like you, I am buoyed by the news ...
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 608) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 608)
Die rituelle Beschneidung im Judentum - Veranstaltungskalender ...
Weiterdenken - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sachsen Weiterdenken ist ein politisches Bildungswerk. Neben eigenen Projekten sind wir Kooperationspartner für ...
Beschneidung II (UMT) - www.mykath.de - Seite 8
Deut 21, 18-21 fixiert das Recht eines "widerspenstigen Sohnes" auf einen öffentlichen Prozess. Damit ist zum einen die aus dem römischen R...
Was denkt Ihr? - EURO CIRC Diskussionsforum Beschneidung
ich hatte gestern meine Beschneidung, da ich unter einer Phimose litt. Diese wurde unter örtlicher Betäubung durchgeführt und ging recht schnell von der ...
Kiefer "beschneidung" ;-) | Koi-Live.de - Koi Forum
Beitrag Verfasst am: 10.06.2013 18:53 Titel: Kiefer "beschneidung" ;-), Beitrag dem Moderator/Admin melden. Nabend zusammen, haben bei uns im Beet vorm ...
Beschneidung vom Mann - Vor- und Nachteile - Helpster
Eine Beschneidung bei einem Man kann aus verschiedenen Gruenden erfolgen. Dennoch sind auch immer die Nachteile zu bedenken, da es sich immerhin um ...
World Health Organization says circumcision device safe
The Standard Digital News
“WHO prequalification is an important step in the process, but we also need to ensure that the prepex device is a safe and acceptable complement to conventional male circumcision surgery in our local context,” he said. Prepex device that is already in ...
Big News in Circumcision - Jonathan Wolfman - Open Salon
Uncircumcised adult men, for some reason, don't, in vast numbers, like the idea of traditional circumcision for themselves. So, like you, I am buoyed by the news ...
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 608) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 608)
Die rituelle Beschneidung im Judentum - Veranstaltungskalender ...
Weiterdenken - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sachsen Weiterdenken ist ein politisches Bildungswerk. Neben eigenen Projekten sind wir Kooperationspartner für ...
Beschneidung II (UMT) - www.mykath.de - Seite 8
Deut 21, 18-21 fixiert das Recht eines "widerspenstigen Sohnes" auf einen öffentlichen Prozess. Damit ist zum einen die aus dem römischen R...
Was denkt Ihr? - EURO CIRC Diskussionsforum Beschneidung
ich hatte gestern meine Beschneidung, da ich unter einer Phimose litt. Diese wurde unter örtlicher Betäubung durchgeführt und ging recht schnell von der ...
Kiefer "beschneidung" ;-) | Koi-Live.de - Koi Forum
Beitrag Verfasst am: 10.06.2013 18:53 Titel: Kiefer "beschneidung" ;-), Beitrag dem Moderator/Admin melden. Nabend zusammen, haben bei uns im Beet vorm ...
Teen girl dies after religious ritual circumcision procedure | NIGERIA ...
By Toni Talk
A teen girl died after a religious ritual circumcision procedure was performed on her. The 13-year-old Egyptian girl has died while undergoing the circumcision...
Web 3 new results for circumcision
WHO says circumcision device safe - The Standard
Prepex device used in voluntary male circumcision in Nyanza meets international standards, World Health Organization (WHO) has declared.
Question for men concerning circumcision. IMPORTANT 10 points to ...
I had my son circumcised at 5 years old. He keep complaining about his penis ... Little boys don't need that extra bit of skin; that's why we're born without it.
13-year-old Egyptian girl dies from 'shock trauma' during circumcision
Suhair al-Bata'a, a 13-year-old Egyptian girl, died on Thursday during a circumcision operation at a village in the Daqahliya governorate northeast of Cairo, ...
World Health Organization says circumcision device safe
The Standard Digital News
“WHO prequalification is an important step in the process, but we also need to ensure that the prepex device is a safe and acceptable complement to conventional male circumcision surgery in our local context,” he said. Prepex device that is already in ...
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Uncut Truth: Anti-Circumcision Documentary on Kickstarter Raises $30K+ In a ...
One week after launching a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, American Secret, an anti-circumcision documentary that “pushes back against this rarely questioned cultural norm, which, though ingrained domestically has long since fallen out of favor ...
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13-Year-Old Dies During Female Circumcision
The Inquisitr
A 13-year-old died during a female circumcision procedure. Suhair al-Bata'a of Egypt reportedly suffered from shock and a dangerous drop in blood pressure during the procedure to remove a portion of her genitalia. While the procedure may seem barbaric, ...
Florida inmate requests prison bris
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Diaz is being represented in his request by students from the Stanford Law School's Religious Liberty Clinic in California. The Brit Yosef Yitzchak organization has offered to perform the circumcision at no charge and said it will file a federal ...
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Kimberley O'Brien Trial: Chicago Woman's Shocking Testimony Claims Sexual ...
Huffington Post
In America, most parents opt to have their male infant circumcised. Because it makes daily hygiene easier, the medical community recommends it. For Jews, circumcision is a religious practice. Medical research has show that if circumcision is performed ...
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Florida Inmate Seeks Bris Milah In Jail
Yeshiva World News
Pablo Manuel Diaz, 37, of Miami-Dade County, who is serving a life sentence at the Blackwater Correctional Facility in Milton, sent a letter to the Florida Department of Corrections requesting a circumcision to be performed by a mohel in the prison's ...
Suhair Al-Bata'a, 13-Year-Old Egyptian Girl, Dies While Being Circumcised
The doctor who performed the circumcision allegedly offered the family 20,000 Egyptian pounds (about $2,900) to keep quiet about the incident, said the girl's uncle, Mohammed al-Bata'a, according to Al Masry. The doctor, who is not named in Al Masry's ...
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'Parliament debates must remain relevant'
Eyewitness News
The second debate was on the deaths of young initiates at circumcision schools in Mpumalanga and Limpopo. During that debate, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi said thugs were exploiting tradition to make quick money. Sisulu said care should be taken ...
Circumcision doctor verdict due Sunday
Saudi Gazette
Okaz/Saudi Gazette MADINAH — A medical Shariah committee has set next Sunday as a preliminary date for the public right sentencing of a doctor who allegedly performed botched circumcision procedures in Madinah. ENT specialist Dr. Naser Al-Sayed is ...
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Political correctness resulting in female circumcision being ignored in UK ...
The Independent
Up to 140m women and girls worldwide are estimated to have undergone female circumcision. It is practised in more than 40 African countries - it is particularly widespread in Somalia - as well as in parts of Asia the Middle East. Female genital ...
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Italy: Jewish and Arab doctors to cooperate on circumcision
He stressed it was important to protect children's health. Health authorities also want to eliminate the circumcision 'black market' that is flourishing in Italy where doctors can be paid a thousand euro for a single operation, forcing many families to ...
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Religious leaders ask Malawi's circumcised men: 'Zip up those pants!'
Nyasa Times
Religious leaders in Malawi are strongly advising the country's male community not to take circumcision as a license of engaging into promiscuous behavior by taking advantage of the researches that indicated reduction of chances of getting HIV to men ...
MP's Call For 'Robust Action' To Tackle Female Circumcision
Female genital mutilation, also know as female circumcision, is illegal in the UK but remains a cultural tradition in parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Ending sexual violence has been a key aim of the UK while holding the presidency of the G8 ...
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Analgesia for infants'circumcision
7thSpace Interactive (press release)
Male circumcision (MC) is one of the oldest and most common operations performed all over the world. It can be performed at different ages, using different surgical techniques, with or without analgesia, for different religious, cultural and medical ...
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Unkindest cut: 13-year-old's death shines spotlight on rise of FGM in Egypt
Evening Standard
Female circumcision is practised in both Muslim and Christian communities, although Egypt's Coptic Christian Church and Al-Azhar, the country's leading Islamic authority, have condemned it. Al-Azhar refuted claims that FGM is sanctioned by Islam ...
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A barbaric practice that shames us all
Whether you call it female circumcision or female genital mutilation, it is a horrible practice. Forty years ago, in Sudan, where I first heard of it, they called this cutting of young girls tahoor. In those days it was estimated that more than 95 per ...
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Blogs 1 new result for circumcision
WHO approves use of prepex device on male circumcision
KISUMU (Xinhua) -- The World Health Organization (WHO) said it has “prequalified” the PrePex device for performing circumcision on adult men for HIV prevention, making it the first such device to be recognized as meeting international standards. The UN ...
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Soher Ebrahim Egyptian Girl, 13, Dies After Illegal Female Genital Mutilation ...
Huffington Post UK
Soher's father Mohammad told the Egyptian daily newspaper Al Masry Al Youm his daughter had been one of four girls being circumcised at the clinic at the time. He said the family had been informed Soher died of an anaesthesia overdose, though this has ...
Joe Lhota Now Strongly Opposes Bloomberg's Metzitzah B'peh Regulation ...
Yeshiva World News
He said that as mayor, he would bring the circumcision issue back to the Board of Health, whose members are appointed by the mayor, with an eye toward repealing the consent decree. Whether the issue is oral suction at circumcision, supersized sodas or ...
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Nose job? £4064 please
Warrington Guardian
The list also included some surprising most common options including vasectomy reversal with a guide price of £2,328 and £1,760 for a circumcision operation on a child. The move comes as the competition commission investigates whether there are any ...
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Egyptian doctor accused in female genital mutilation death is released
The doctor who performed an illegal female genital circumcision that killed a 13-year-old girl in Egypt last week has been released by prosecutors pending further investigation, according to a report from Gulf News. Female genital mutilation (FGM) has ..
WHO approves first circumcision device to slow AIDS spread - Times ...
NEW DELHI: The World Health Organization (WHO) has approved a first-of-its- kind, non-surgical circumcision device to forestall the spread of AIDS. The device ...
American Secret: The Circumcision Agenda - Patheos
I've written about the morality of circumcision from a secular standpoint, as well as the medieval sages and Victorian doctors who advocated circumcision ...
WHO says circumcision device safe - The Standard
Standard Mobile - WHO says circumcision device safe.
Viagra Use And Circumcision - The Most Reliable Online Pharmacy ...
Viagra Use And Circumcision. Alveolar enlargement was accompanied lecture writing books of is a drug used. A variety of fairly stable API one the approach ...
WHO Approves Israeli-Developed Circumcision Device
The World Health Organization approved an Israeli-developed non-surgical circumcision device that could soon be used throughout Africa to help control AIDS.
American Secret – The Circumcision Agenda - Skeptic Money
The new movie - American Secret The Circumcision Agenda will help educate and hopefully eradicate this archaic practice.
Salem: Engagiert gegen weibliche Beschneidung | SÜDKURIER ...
(mba) Nach Schätzungen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) sind weltweit rund 150 Millionen Frauen von der Praxis der verstümmelnden weiblichen ...
Kiefer "beschneidung" ;-) | Koi-Live.de - Koi Forum
Nabend zusammen, haben bei uns im Beet vorm Haus eine Kiefer die mein Nachbar mal gepflanzt und immer mal wieder gestutzt hat. Shocked Habe nun ...
Betäubung oder Narkose bei Beschneidung? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
06.06.13 21:18. danke chris für die infos :-). Melaniemum. Zur Behandlung einer Phimose gibt es den konservativen , also nicht operativen Weg und zum ...
Legal battle over Fl prisoner circumcision request
Live 5 News
PENSACOLA, FL (WEAR/CNN) - A Jewish inmate at Florida's Blackwater River Correctional Facility in Pensacola, FL, wants a ceremonial circumcision. An earlier request was turned down by the prison's warden. Pablo Diaz, 37, is serving a life sentence for ...
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Jewish inmate in Milton requests circumcision
A Jewish inmate at the Blackwater River Correctional Facility in Milton is asking the state's correction's department for permission to be circumcised. An earlier request was turned down by the prison's warden. For Jewish people the circumcision ...
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TARIME - Anti - FGM Campaign Bears Fruit
In the past FGM was a compulsory thing and a girl could not be married or perform some family duties unless she is circumcised. But many Tarime people have started believing that FGM will soon become history in the area. "Female circumcision is almost ...
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SMC clinic to embark on schools campaign
Mmegi Online
SMC clinic to embark on schools campaign. CALISTUS KOLANTSHO Correspondent. Tweet. SELEBI-PHIKWE: The Safe Male Circumcision (SMC) clinic in the copper mining town is embarking on a campaign targeting boys in primary and secondary schools.
WHO approves first circumcision device to slow AIDS spread - Times ...
NEW DELHI: The World Health Organization (WHO) has approved a first-of-its- kind, non-surgical circumcision device to forestall the spread of AIDS. The device ...
American Secret: The Circumcision Agenda - Patheos
I've written about the morality of circumcision from a secular standpoint, as well as the medieval sages and Victorian doctors who advocated circumcision ...
WHO says circumcision device safe - The Standard
Standard Mobile - WHO says circumcision device safe.
Viagra Use And Circumcision - The Most Reliable Online Pharmacy ...
Viagra Use And Circumcision. Alveolar enlargement was accompanied lecture writing books of is a drug used. A variety of fairly stable API one the approach ...
WHO Approves Israeli-Developed Circumcision Device
The World Health Organization approved an Israeli-developed non-surgical circumcision device that could soon be used throughout Africa to help control AIDS.
American Secret – The Circumcision Agenda - Skeptic Money
The new movie - American Secret The Circumcision Agenda will help educate and hopefully eradicate this archaic practice.
Beschneidung der Informationsfreiheit in Ungarn gesetzlich bestätigt
Pester Lloyd
Beschneidung der Informationsfreiheit in Ungarn gesetzlich bestätigt. Trotz des Einspruchs des Staatspräsidenten wurde am Dienstag das Gesetz zur Beschränkung der Auskunftspflicht staatlicher Behörden und staatsnaher Betriebe, mit nur kleinen formalen ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
Schulprojekt des Jüdischen Museums im Problemkiez
"Wir werden jetzt noch mal wiederholen, was wir die letzte Woche gemacht haben, also die grundlegenden Informationen zur Beschneidung im Islam, im Judentum oder die Nichtbeschneidung im Christentum. Im Judentum nennt man das die Brit Mila, der ... Beschneidung
Legal battle over Fl prisoner circumcision request
Live 5 News
PENSACOLA, FL (WEAR/CNN) - A Jewish inmate at Florida's Blackwater River Correctional Facility in Pensacola, FL, wants a ceremonial circumcision. An earlier request was turned down by the prison's warden. Pablo Diaz, 37, is serving a life sentence for ...
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Jewish inmate in Milton requests circumcision
A Jewish inmate at the Blackwater River Correctional Facility in Milton is asking the state's correction's department for permission to be circumcised. An earlier request was turned down by the prison's warden. For Jewish people the circumcision ...
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TARIME - Anti - FGM Campaign Bears Fruit
In the past FGM was a compulsory thing and a girl could not be married or perform some family duties unless she is circumcised. But many Tarime people have started believing that FGM will soon become history in the area. "Female circumcision is almost ...
See all stories on this topic »
SMC clinic to embark on schools campaign
Mmegi Online
SMC clinic to embark on schools campaign. CALISTUS KOLANTSHO Correspondent. Tweet. SELEBI-PHIKWE: The Safe Male Circumcision (SMC) clinic in the copper mining town is embarking on a campaign targeting boys in primary and secondary schools.
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WHO approves use of prepex device on male circumcision
KISUMU (Xinhua) -- The World Health Organization (WHO) said it has “prequalified” the PrePex device for performing circumcision on adult men for HIV prevention, making it the first such device to be recognized as meeting international standards. The UN ...
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Soher Ebrahim Egyptian Girl, 13, Dies After Illegal Female Genital Mutilation ...
Huffington Post UK
Soher's father Mohammad told the Egyptian daily newspaper Al Masry Al Youm his daughter had been one of four girls being circumcised at the clinic at the time. He said the family had been informed Soher died of an anaesthesia overdose, though this has ...
Joe Lhota Now Strongly Opposes Bloomberg's Metzitzah B'peh Regulation ...
Yeshiva World News
He said that as mayor, he would bring the circumcision issue back to the Board of Health, whose members are appointed by the mayor, with an eye toward repealing the consent decree. Whether the issue is oral suction at circumcision, supersized sodas or ...
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Nose job? £4064 please
Warrington Guardian
The list also included some surprising most common options including vasectomy reversal with a guide price of £2,328 and £1,760 for a circumcision operation on a child. The move comes as the competition commission investigates whether there are any ...
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Egyptian doctor accused in female genital mutilation death is released
The doctor who performed an illegal female genital circumcision that killed a 13-year-old girl in Egypt last week has been released by prosecutors pending further investigation, according to a report from Gulf News. Female genital mutilation (FGM) has .
Africa: Joint Statement Warning of Female Circumcision During Summer Holidays
With summer vacation just around the corner and many French children visiting family in their countries of origin, a joint statement has been issued by a collection of female organisations warning young girls on the risks of female circumcision. It's ...
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Greed behind rise in S.Africa circumcision deaths
South Africa's health minister said Wednesday that traditional male circumcision rituals had been "hijacked" by people looking to make money from the rite of passage, fuelling a spike in deaths of young males. Police have reported that 34 young men ...
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Call for Submission of Proposals From NPOs/NGOs/CBOs Providing MMC ...
The Free State Department of Health is calling on interested NPOs (non-profit organisations)/NGOs (non-governmental organisations) / CBOs (community based organisations) to respond to a call for proposals to deliver MMC (Medical Male Circumcision) ...
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Action against doctors, staff ordered
The News International
LAHORE. Punjab Health Secretary Hassan Iqbal ordered action, under PEEDA Act 2006, against the doctors and other staff involved in the kidney operation of a child instead of his circumcision in the Nishtar Hospital, Multan, a handout said on Friday.
Inmate seeks circumcision - Sun Sentinel
A Florida prison inmate is asking the state's corrections department for permission to be circumcised. Pablo Manuel Diaz, 37, of Miami-Dade County, who is ...
Female Circumcision Widely Practiced in Malaysia - YouTube
The World Health organization has declared female circumcision as as a violation of the human ...
R10,7m for botched circumcision - General | looklocal Lowveld
BARBERTON - It is almost five years since a boy of Umjindini suffered a severed penis, allegedly at the hands of an intern at the Barberton General Hospital.
How A Botched Circumcision Can Be Fixed? - Dr. Elist
While it is true that there are benefits to circumcision, it is possible for the procedure to lead to all kinds of problems and circumcision complications.
Israels Oberrabbinat erklärt, dass das Saugen mit dem Mund bei der ...
von nickpol
Die Praxis des Saugens des Blutes vom Penis des Babys mit dem Mund (Metzitzah B'peh) wird in Deutschland aufgrund einer Klage geprüft, die gegen einen Berliner Rabbi wegen angeblicher Körperverletzung während einer Beschneidung ...
Wozu dieses unsägliche "Beschneidung schützt vor HIV" führt ...
Forum zu Beschneidung mit Berichten von Beschneidungsopfern und Betroffenen. Für körperliche Unversehrtheit.
Prof. Merkel & Prof. Putzke: After Cologne... - Beschneidung von ...
Holm Putzke veröffentlichten kürzlich im Journal of Medical Ethics (jme.bmj.com) einen Artikel über die Rechtmäßigkeit der Beschneidung und das neue ...
USA Forum :: View topic - Beschneidung bei Neugeborenen
Es ist mein erstes Kind und ich habe mir bisher nie wirklich Gedanken um Themen wie Beschneidung gemacht, da ich nicht wirklich viel Erfahrung mit kleinen ...
Polypenentfernung und Beschneidung » mit einem Kleinkind (1 bis ...
Hallo Ihr... hoffe auf ein paar Meinungen und Ratschläge. Mein Sohn ist 2einhalb , körperlich jedoch mind. ein Jahr weiter entwickelt. Er hat eine extreme Fimose ...
Beschneidung! HILFE! - EURO CIRC Diskussionsforum Beschneidung
Ich möchte an alle die mir jetzt sagen " scheiss drauf " lass beschneiden ignorieren werde.Es geht mehr um den Ablauf als um den Wunsch der Beschneidung.
Israels Oberrabbinat erklärt, dass das Saugen mit dem Mund bei der ...
Israels Oberrabbinat erklärt, dass das Saugen mit dem Mund bei der Beschneidung vorzuziehen ist. Die Kosher Nostra meldet über die Sprachrohre JEWISH ...
Psychoanalytisches Archiv und jüdisches Gedächtnis : Freud ...
Psychoanalytisches Archiv und jüdisches Gedächtnis : Freud, Beschneidung und Monotheismus. 2 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · 0 sprechen darüber. Buch.
weibliche beschneidung - Webstatsdomain.net
weibliche beschneidung sites: www.faduma-korn.de, fadumo-korn.de.
Hainsfarth: Jüdische „Brit Mila“ in der Diskussion
Augsburger Allgemeine
Jüdische „Brit Mila“ in der Diskussion. Religionsgesetzliche und medizinische Aspekte der Beschneidung waren Thema einer Veranstaltung mit der Rabbinerin Dr. Antje Yael Deusel in der ehemaligen Synagoge Von Ernst Mayer. vergößern Die Vorsitzende .
Constitution demands safe circumcision | News | National | Mail ...
Cultural circumcision is an age-old practice in many African communities and its advocates see it as a vital rite of passage for boys in their preparation for ...
Circumcision of african teen - YouTube
This is a beautiful traditional, sensitively captured. Anyone who opposes female circumcision ...
Circumcision and sexuallity? - Yahoo! Answers
i was circumcised as an infant and i have heard a …
Egypt: another circumcision death - Al-Bab.com
The victim's father, Mohamed Ibrahim, a farmer, told Al-Masry Al-Youm: "We left our daughter with the doctor and the nurse. Fifteen minutes later, the nurse took ...
to circumcise or not to circumcise. - Questioning Circumcision ...
According to latest statistics, more parents then ever are choosing to keep their sons intact. Have or planning on having an intact son? Thinking about not ...
100,000 Men in Shinyanga Region, Tanzania, Opt for Medical ...
100000 men in the Shinyanga Region of Tanzania are now less likely to contract HIV thanks to the benefits of voluntary medical male circumcision.
WHO Approves First Non-surgical Circumcision Device | Medindia
World Health Organization has approved a first-of-its-kind, non-surgical circumcision device that could forestall the spread of AIDS in Africa.
Parents with Infants: Circumcision: yay or nay? - Baby Gaga
Would you or have you had your son circumcised? I know a young lady who is having a son soon and is researching which is the best decision for her, and shes ...
Initiation schools are not irrelevant
If these Initiation schools are seen as relevant because of what they teach then let them be kept but have the kids taken to proper doctors for circumcision which is much safer. They'll go to the mountains after healing and only receive teachings there.
Boys rescued from illegal circumcision school | eNCA
File: Parents notified the department of health of several boys, between the ages of 12 and 13, who had received illegal circumcisions in Sicambeni village in the ...
My Summative of Puberty Project ! (Circumcision) - YouTube
This video shows the growth of Penis, puberty and about circumcision included the De Bono's ...
The Hacksaw Circumcision (REST IN PEACE NATHAN) | Free ...
The Hacksaw Circumcision (REST IN PEACE NATHAN)'s official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
Asian Journal of Andrology - Effects of circumcision on male sexual ...
Asian Journal of Andrology, the top clinical research journal based in China, is a print and online publication that focuses on new basic and clinical (including ...
Illegal circumcision schools under investigation
The illegal circumcisions were reportedly taking place in Cibeni, Mkhantatho, Gebali, Lukuni, and KwaGorha villages, spokesman Sizwe Kupelo said. "At least 70 boys are reported to be in illegal circumcision schools. They are reportedly being ...
Circumcised boys rescued in Eastern Cape
Two Eastern Cape boys who underwent an illegal circumcision were hospitalised on Sunday, the provincial health department said. 16 June 2013 | Sapa. null. Not rated yet. "A team of police and health officials responded to [a call from] one of the ...
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Eastern Cape health investigates illegal circumcisions
Times LIVE
The Eastern Cape health department is investigating reported illegal circumcisions in villages in the province, it said on Sunday. The illegal circumcisions were reportedly taking place in Cibeni, Mkhantatho, Gebali, Lukuni, and KwaGorha villages ...
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Ignorant comparison of Jewish Activism to Muslim Rioting
The cartoon Dagbladet published ostensibly depicts the circumcision of an infant, but the sinister-looking people carrying out the ritual are actually cutting off the baby's toes and stabbing his head with a demonic-looking fork. On the right side of ..
Do the Health Benefits of Neonatal Circumcision Outweigh the Risks?
Wall Street Journal
Circumcision rates in the U.S. have been falling since the 1960s, when the vast majority of infant boys had their foreskins removed before leaving the hospital. These days, approximately 57% of boys are circumcised in U.S. hospitals, with the procedure ...
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Circumcised boys rescued
Independent Online
Johannesburg - Two Eastern Cape boys who underwent an illegal circumcision were hospitalised on Sunday, the provincial health department said. “A team of police and health officials responded to (a call from) one of the villages, Mkhantatho, and ...
Egyptian doctor convicted of botched surgery
Cairo: A Saudi court has given an Egyptian doctor six months in prison and barred him from working in the kingdom and other Gulf countries after finding him guilty of carrying out botched circumcision operations. The Islamic Sharia Court in the western ...
OU Publishes Defense Of Dangerous Haredi Circumcision Practice ...
Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv 2 The OU has published an article on the medical halakha rulings of the late haredi leader Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv that contains a defense of metzitzah b'peh (MBP), the dangerous mouth-to-bleeding-penis sucking done ...
Disorder: Why The Addition To The DSM-5 Is ...
Huffington Post
To the great surprise of no one, the policy was an immediate source of debate, with one "intactivist" leader telling HuffPost that the AAP had failed to ...
LGBT-Aktivisten im Zentrum der Proteste von Istanbul
Auch Schwule und Lesben sind über den zunehmend autoritär agierende Erdogan-Regierung und die Beschneidung der Grundrechte empört. Deshalb beteiligen sich Homo-Aktivisten an den Protesten in Istanbul. Bei den seit drei Wochen andauernden ...
Legal: Rabbis in New York saugen jüdischen Babys den Penis ...
Dieser Ritus birgt jedoch Risiken; kürzlich ging eine Beschneidung schief und der Verantwortliche für die Entfernung der Vorhaut kürzte den Penis des Kindes ...
Beschneidung bei Männern JA ? NEIN ? Warum ? - Page 7 ...
Finde beschneidung ein bisschen sinnlos. Dennoch ist das für jeden überlassen. Mein Bruder ist beschnitten und wir beide sind ohne Probleme groß.
Überwachungsstaat - Beschneidung der Privatsphäre oder ...
Überwachungsstaat - Beschneidung der Privatsphäre oder Notwendigkeit. Seit 2007 munkelt man in Deutschland von einem sogenannten "Bundestrojaner", ...
USA Forum :: View topic - Beschneidung bei Neugeborenen
Katieaz wrote: Ich denke, ich bin einfach noch zu uninformiert, aber ich hoere mehr und mehr Meinungen die dagegen sprechen. Wie gesagt, mein Gedanke ...
Beschneidung bei Männern JA ? NEIN ? Warum ? - Elitepvpers.com
Hey com, Hier wieder mit einer neuen abstimmung Was haltet ihr generell von der Beschneidung beim Mann. Habe gehört das es viele vorteile hat und auch.
Beschneidung von Jungen – Dialog-Veranstaltung in Berlin ...
http://www.bundesforum-maenner.de/2013/05/dialogtagung-des-bundesforum- manner-beschneidung-von-jungen/. Posted in. Comments are currently closed.
Kein Erlass einer Einstweiligen Anordnung z. Verhinderung einer ...
Kein Erlass einer Einstweiligen Anordnung zur Verhinderung einer Beschneidung des gemeinsamen Kindes.
"Oy-Vey." In Circumcision Debate, Mayoral Candidates Hit Below the Belt
Huffington Post
The problem is not so much circumcision as it is an ancient, perhaps primitive is a better word, practice called metzitzah b'peh. Among some ultra-Orthodox Jewish sects the mohel uses his mouth to suck blood from the circumcised penis. There have been ...
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Traditional surgeon killed
A 21-year-old traditional circumcision nurse who was also inside the room was wounded during the incident. The nurse is in a stable condition in hospital, according to Fatyela. “The motive for the shooting is unknown at this moment. No arrests have ...
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Doctor jailed for botched circumcisions
Arab News
An ENT doctor has been sentenced to six months in prison and fined SR 100,000 for botching up circumcision operations on six children in a private clinic in Madinah, local media reported. The ruling, issued by a health commission, included canceling ...
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SA gears up for new device in the fight against HIV
South African Broadcasting Corporation
Clinical trials conducted in South Africa have shown that Medical Male Circumcision (MMC) reduces the susceptibility to HIV infection in circumcised men by up to 50 to 60%. MMC is the most cost-effective preventive approach and only requires a once-off ...
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Man shot dead at E Cape initiation school
Mail & Guardian Online
"An unknown man entered [the school] during the night and shot and killed a 22-year-old circumcision traditional surgeon," Lieutenant Colonel Mzukisi Fatyela said on Tuesday. He said a 21-year-old man, who was also responsible for the initiates, was ...
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Limpopo Taxis to cultural initiation schools in Limpopo
The New Age Online
... the Sekhukhune district in Limpopo on Tuesday following allegations that some taxi operators had been abducted and forcefully taken to local initiation schools. Some taxi drivers went into hiding as cultural circumcision was not part of their ...
'Pain-free' circumcision device to be tested in SA - City Press
A new medical male circumcision device, which could be a pain-free alternative to surgical circumcision, is about to be piloted in South Africa.
Inmate seeks circumcision | Stanford Law School
SLS Religious Liberty Clinic students Paul Harold and Courtney Quiros are noted in this Jewish Journal article on their roles in representing a client who is ...
Italy: Jewish and Arab doctors to cooperate on circumcision - Ansamed
Italy: Jewish and Arab doctors to cooperate on circumcision, Rome meeting hears 35% secret operations by Muslims, , Italy, Ansa.
Practice circumcision ON? - WordReference Forums
Hi, I want to translate the following sentence into English: -John, practicáis la circuncisión a las niñas de vuestro pueblo? My try would be: -John, do you practice ...
WHO Prequalification of PrePex Male Circumcision Device Has ...
The announcement last week that the World Health Organization (WHO) prequalified the PrePex device for non-surgical voluntary medical male circumcision ...
Circumcision: No harm in asking the question
Mail & Guardian Online
I am a Muslim, and circumcision is also part of my culture. In the days after my son was born, I was caught up in an internal struggle between what my culture told me to do, which is to have my son circumcised, and what my mind was telling me to do ...
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Government replaces circumcision device
AIDS activist organisations such as the Treatment Action Campaign also lauded the introduction of the device as a positive step by the government, which is promoting medical male circumcision as being more hygienic and reducing the risk of HIV.
In Rwanda, Circumcision Is All The Rage
“We are always on the look-out, listening to the radio so we don't miss announcements from the Rilima district board about the next circumcision campaign," says Kamanzi, a student from the Rilima school, in the eastern Rwandese town of Bugesera.
Known as the Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Campaign it is aimed at encouraging men to get circumcised, as this minimises the chances of contracting HIV-AIDS or the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. The procedure in which the foreskin is ...
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PrePex will save many lives in SA - with traditional leaders' help
Mail & Guardian Online
While doctors are needed for medical circumcisions, the prequalification trials proved that "low cadre" nurses can administer PrePex … and because no live tissue needs to be cut, the three–minute placement and removal procedures don't have to be ...
How do you feel about circumcision? Be sure to freak out about it in the comments below ...
Israel: Information on forced circumcision of new immigrants - Refworld
According to a representative of the Consulate General of Israel in New York, circumcision is not physically forced upon people although a person who chooses ...
Circumcision and sexuality? - Yahoo! Answers
hello i have asked this question before but people…
LiveLeak.com - Baby dies after Jewish Circumcision Rite
Doctors tells Rabbinate that the complications resulted from a "preexisting condition". AAFont ...
Circumcision - Reproductive System Disorders and Clinical Cases
Learn more about circumcision in the Boundless open textbook. Circumcision is the surgical removal of either the foreskin in males, or the clitoris and labia in ...
Legal battle over Fl prisoner circumcision request - Hawaii News Now
A Jewish inmate at Florida's Blackwater River Correctional Facility in Pensacola, FL, wants a ceremonial circumcision. An earlier request was turned down by ...
Ehepaar Dahlins Kampf gegen die Genitalverstümmelung
Überlingen - Angelika Dahlin und ihr Mann, Arzt Claes-Göran Dahlin, vom Verein Netzwerk Rafael berichten in einem Vortrag darüber, wie sie der Beschneidung junger Mädchen in Afrika ein Ende setzen wollen. Im Kampf gegen die Beschneidung ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
Verschlechterung der Entsenderichtlinie - IG BAU: Schwarzer Tag für entsandte ...
Nachdem der Beschäftigungsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments (EP) heute der massiven Beschneidung der Rechte entsandter Arbeiter zugestimmt hat, muss die deutsche Regierung die EU-Kommission stoppen. Der Beschluss läuft darauf hinaus, ...
Hilfe bei beschneidung...?! (Vorhaut, Sex, Leben) - Gutefrage.net
hi,ich bin 15 jahre alt und will mich auf jedenfall beschneiden lassen. Ich will es aber eig. keinem sagen so und erst recht nicht mit meinen Eltern absprechen :D ...
Schweigen oder die Beschneidung aus der Sicht ... - Jüdische Zeitung
Aus der Sicht des Kindes? Das Neugeborene sieht nicht, hört nicht, empfindet nicht. Bis in die siebziger Jahre des vergangenen Jahrhunderts war diese ...
Beschneidung Ja oder Nein? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Und er würde mir auch direkt zu einer radikalen Beschneidung raten, weil eine Teilbeschneidung das Risiko trägt, das wieder eine Verengung auftritt.
Vorhaut-Bändchen nach Beschneidung (phimose, Penis) - Gutefrage.net
Vorige Woche wurde bei mir aufgrund einer Phimose eine radikal-Beschneidung durchgeführt. Dass Bändchen welches vernäht wurde steht ein wenig weg ...
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 620) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 620)
Beschneidung der Vorhaut
Urologe in Göppingen, Gemeinschaftspraxis Urologisches Zentrum in Göppingen.
Nach Beschneidung tritt Flüssigkeit aus?! - Vorhautprobleme - med1
18.06.13 12:22. Hallo ich wurde nun vor 5 Tagen radikal beschnitten aufgrund einer Vorhautverengung. Jetzt hab ich dass Problem dass aus der Naht oder dem ...
Beschneidung von Jungen in Deutschland unter Strafrecht! - Seite 132
Zitat von Prof_Dr_Spock Unser Spiel heißt jetzt: Finde den Widerspruch, Anouk... hier werden islamische und jüdische Rituale kritisiert...archaische,
Ehepaar Dahlins Kampf gegen die Genitalverstümmelung
Überlingen - Angelika Dahlin und ihr Mann, Arzt Claes-Göran Dahlin, vom Verein Netzwerk Rafael berichten in einem Vortrag darüber, wie sie der Beschneidung junger Mädchen in Afrika ein Ende setzen wollen. Im Kampf gegen die Beschneidung ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
Verschlechterung der Entsenderichtlinie - IG BAU: Schwarzer Tag für entsandte ...
Nachdem der Beschäftigungsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments (EP) heute der massiven Beschneidung der Rechte entsandter Arbeiter zugestimmt hat, muss die deutsche Regierung die EU-Kommission stoppen. Der Beschluss läuft darauf hinaus, ...
Hilfe bei beschneidung...?! (Vorhaut, Sex, Leben) - Gutefrage.net
hi,ich bin 15 jahre alt und will mich auf jedenfall beschneiden lassen. Ich will es aber eig. keinem sagen so und erst recht nicht mit meinen Eltern absprechen :D ...
Schweigen oder die Beschneidung aus der Sicht ... - Jüdische Zeitung
Aus der Sicht des Kindes? Das Neugeborene sieht nicht, hört nicht, empfindet nicht. Bis in die siebziger Jahre des vergangenen Jahrhunderts war diese ...
Beschneidung Ja oder Nein? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Und er würde mir auch direkt zu einer radikalen Beschneidung raten, weil eine Teilbeschneidung das Risiko trägt, das wieder eine Verengung auftritt.
I Don't Even Know Anymore: Penis-Shaped Egg Molds
While it's easy to understand the appeal of sucking down Screaming Orgasms oozing out of dick-shaped shot glasses, it's a little harder to think our future husbands would appreciate experiencing a virtual circumcision every time they sit down to read ...
Today's Headlines: Health Plans, Circumcision and Head Lice | The ...
Do the Health Benefits of Neonatal Circumcision Outweigh the Risks? “ Circumcision rates in the U.S. have been falling since the 1960s, when the vast majority ...
Noch mal zur Beschneidung - Gesellschaft - beschneidungsforum.de ...
Habe grade das mit der Beschneidung gelesen und frage mich doch ob es stimmt das so vile Jungen "beschnitten" werden. Es mag ein Trend geben aber so ...
Beschneidung mit 12 Jahren - Leidensgeschichten Beschnittener ...
Er schaute sich meinen Penis an und meinte das da nur noch eine Beschneidung hilft und es wurde ein OP Termin vereinbart. 3 Tage nach meinen 12 ...
Probleme durch Kondom und Beschneidung? » Gefühle » Forum ...
Guten Abend und vorab Entschuldigung fürs Anonym-Bleiben. Bin hier definitiv nicht als Troll oder dergleichen, aber Freundinnen von mir sind auch hier ...
SCHATTENBLICK - FRAUEN/498: Somalia - Kultureller Wandel ...
SCHATTENBLICK → POLITIK → SOZIALES → FRAUEN/498: Somalia - Kultureller Wandel begünstigt weniger radikale Form der Beschneidung (IPS) - IPS-Inter ...
Beschneidung - eingewachsene Fäden | Forum Männergesundheit ...
Guten Tag, ich bin gestern vor einer Woche beschnitten worden aufgrund einer phimose und ständig er entzündungen. Alles lief super, verheilt auch.
Beschneidung bei Männern JA ? NEIN ? Warum ? - Page 9 ...
Die Vorteile sind z.B. Hygiene.. aber ob das nötig ist, ist die Frage. Ich denke, nein.. ein normaler Mann, weiss sein bestes Stück auch ohne vollkommene ...
Post circumcision - YouTube
According to the doctors concerned with male genitalia throughout Europe, there is no medical case ...
What does the bible say about circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
I'm a teen, and a long way from having any children, but I have been curious ... Another horrible idea religious idiocy makes possible. ... The Jewish faith practice ...
Egyptian girl dies undergoing circumcision - ModernGhana.com
Suhair al-Bataa, a 13-year-old Egyptian girl, has died undergoing circumcision at a village in the Daqahliya governorate northeast of Cairo, Egyptian media ...
The circumcision decision | Parent24
How to make circumcision choices without starting a 'penis war'
Five circumcision deaths in E Cape
Independent Online
“The department describes the situation as not circumcision but acts of barbarism being perpetrated by greedy people who are interested in making money, and who have total disregard for human life.” An urgent meeting had been called between the ...
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Circumcision device could save lives
GAUTENG - The Centre for HIV and AIDS Prevention Studies wants to pilot a new male circumcision device that could save lives in South Africa. The device is already being successfully used in at least four African countries. Doctors are now hoping a new ...
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Can circumcision affect your sex life?
India.Com Health
Circumcision is the practice of surgically removing the foreskin. While in some religions like Islam and Judaism it's a common practice, nowadays more and more people are getting circumcised for non-religious reasons, mostly in the English-speaking ...
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New circumcision booklet to avert deaths
The New Age Online
With an escalating number of young boys dying during botched and illegal circumcisions, the Aids Foundation South Africa has developed a booklet to guide parents on how to deal with circumcision, complications and intricacies. The book, titled Male ...
Protector probes botched circumcisions
Independent Online
Johannesburg - Deputy public protector Kevin Malunga will help probe the issues surrounding botched circumcisions, his office said in a statement on Wednesday. “Malunga (has) offered his office as a platform for constructive and impartial dialogue to ...
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Somalia's 'Cultural Shift' Means Less-Severe Form of FGM
Inter Press Service
The practice is regarded by Somalia's new constitution as “torture.” Article 15 (4) of the Provisional Constitution stipulates: “Circumcision of girls is a cruel and degrading customary practice, and is tantamount to torture. The circumcision of girls ...
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Public protector probes botched circumcisions
The New Age Online
"In this era of advanced medical technology, there is no reason why anyone should die or be dehumanised as a result of a botched circumcision," he said. Malunga said tradition, science and government could meet each other halfway in resolving a painful ...
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The Unkindest Cut?
The Slatest
Circumcision: Why? Humans have done OK with uncut junk throughout the ages. I am against it due to the scar tissue and what is essentially a numb spot there. While I have come to terms with it (what other choice do I have?), I find it odd that people ...
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Household survey: HIV prevalence increases
Mail & Guardian Online
According to the national health department's deputy director for male circumcision, Dayanund Loykissoonlal, almost a million South African men between 15 and 49 have been medically circumcised since the department launched its medical circumcision ...
New UN anti-Israel report even slams Jewish circumcision!
By Elder of Ziyon
Perhaps they are referring to the practice of metzitzah b'peh, which has been marginalized in recent years after reports of health issues, but their recommendation indicates that the UN is taking aim at Jewish circumcision altogether - and only ...
Elder of Ziyon
Five circumcision deaths in E Cape
Independent Online
“The department describes the situation as not circumcision but acts of barbarism being perpetrated by greedy people who are interested in making money, and who have total disregard for human life.” An urgent meeting had been called between the ...
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Circumcision device could save lives
GAUTENG - The Centre for HIV and AIDS Prevention Studies wants to pilot a new male circumcision device that could save lives in South Africa. The device is already being successfully used in at least four African countries. Doctors are now hoping a new ...
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Can circumcision affect your sex life?
India.Com Health
Circumcision is the practice of surgically removing the foreskin. While in some religions like Islam and Judaism it's a common practice, nowadays more and more people are getting circumcised for non-religious reasons, mostly in the English-speaking ...
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New circumcision booklet to avert deaths
The New Age Online
With an escalating number of young boys dying during botched and illegal circumcisions, the Aids Foundation South Africa has developed a booklet to guide parents on how to deal with circumcision, complications and intricacies. The book, titled Male ...
I Don't Even Know Anymore: Penis-Shaped Egg Molds
While it's easy to understand the appeal of sucking down Screaming Orgasms oozing out of dick-shaped shot glasses, it's a little harder to think our future husbands would appreciate experiencing a virtual circumcision every time they sit down to read ...
Today's Headlines: Health Plans, Circumcision and Head Lice | The ...
Do the Health Benefits of Neonatal Circumcision Outweigh the Risks? “ Circumcision rates in the U.S. have been falling since the 1960s, when the vast majority ...
Circumcision ring to the fore in SA
Independent Online
Durban - A new circumcision device will be piloted in the country in the next sixth months after success in other African countries. The non-surgical PrePex device was officially pre-approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in May. A media ...
R2.2m for boy's botched circumcision
Independent Online
Durban - The parents of a boy whose circumcision was botched at a Vryheid hospital were awarded R2.2 million to be paid within 14 days by the provincial Health Department, Deputy Judge President Achmat Jappie ordered in the Pietermaritzburg High ...
Cosatu rejects Israeli circumcision device
The device was described as cheap, safe and easy to use and would replace the controversial Malaysian-made Tara KLamp during the government's medical male circumcision campaign. The Department of Health said the PrePex would be rolled out across ...
Circumcision: No harm in asking the question | Opinion | Comment ...
I am a Muslim, and circumcision is also part of my culture. In the days after my son was born, I was caught up in an internal struggle between what my culture told ...
EC Health Department acts on circumcision | eNCA
June 20 - One young man has already lost his life during a botched circumcision in the Eastern Cape. It follows nearly 50 similar deaths in Mpumalanga and ...
Circumcision: What should be done? - Journal of Medical Ethics
I explain why I think that considerations regarding the opposing rights involved in the practice of circumcision—rights of the individual to bodily integrity and ...
New non-surgical male circumcision device to be piloted in SA
Unlike surgical male circumcision which requires highly trained medical professionals and sterile surgery-type settings that come at a cost to patients, male ...
DailyNews Live | Zim circumcision 'thrusting' ahead
HARARE - Zimbabwe's male circumcision (MC) drive is throbbing ahead amid revelations that 15 134 men went under the blade in...
Circumcision - Ethnic Health Court
Circumcision. By ethnichealth on June 15, 2013. Tweet · Pin It. Tweet · Pin It · Circumcision ... Male Circumcision : Advantages and Disadvantages.
Facts about Circumcision A Video - Our Muddy Boots
Not only should every parent-to-be read this, but every person residing in the USA should too. Here are the facts about circumcision.
On youth unemployment and circumcision - Voices of Africa
Three of the Mail & Guardian's 200 Young South Africans discuss the country's unemployment issues and the controversial topic of male initiation. ← Learning to ...
Mum goes to court to get daughter out of circumcision school - City ...
By Austil Mathebula
A Limpopo woman has obtained a court order to get her 12-year-old daughter out of a circumcision school.
City Press
Forced Funding for Circumcision? - LewRockwell.com
As such, it will be teaching its law students how to represent "Seventh-day Adventists who were fired by FedEx for refusing to work on Saturdays, a Jewish convert in prison whose request to be circumcised was rejected and a Muslim group ...
'Circumcision controls women's sex common sense' - Sheikh Yu ...
By Marty Powell
Female genital mutilation was made illegal in Egypt in 2008 but is still very widely practiced. Some estimates suggest over 75% of women, Muslim and Christian, still have had the procedure in some areas of the country.
Care2 News Network
Young South Africans on youth unemployment and circumcision ...
Three of the M&G's 200 YSA discuss the country's unemployment issues and the ...
Mom gets girl out of circumcision school | News24
A Limpopo woman has obtained a court order to get her 12-year-old daughter out of a circumcision school.
BBC News - 'Circumcision controls women's sex common sense ...
Female genital mutilation is vital to "control women's sex common sense", says Sheikh Yussef al-Badri, one of Egypt's biggest advocates of bringing back a ...
Malawi's Innovative Approach to Delivering Voluntary Medical Male ...
Thyolo, Malawi—When the outreach roadshow advertising free male circumcision services arrived in the village of Helimani, Kizito Liyasi was curious enough to ...
The Ethics of Male Circumcision
One of the most difficult issues about this question of circumcision is the ethics of who gets to make the decision: Is it the parents responsibility to make the ...
Circumcision The Whole Story - YouTube
Circumcision The Whole story - is an informational video about the culture of circumcision ...
News and information about circumcision - Health - NBC News.com
News, videos and photos about circumcision - Health - NBC News.com.
Circumcision Experience POLL - Bargain Hunters - BabyCenter
Circumcision Experience POLL:I'm giving birth to a boy in 3 weeks. DH wants to circumcise. I'm adamantly opposed. We're at a stalemate at the moment. Yes.
Circumcised boys rescued in ECape | The New Age Online
Two Eastern Cape boys who underwent an illegal circumcision were hospitalised on Sunday, the provincial health department said.
Court order against circumcision school
Independent Online
Driefontein - A Limpopo woman obtained a court order to get her 12-year-old daughter out of a circumcision school, police said on Tuesday. She received a letter of demand from the Moutse Magistrate's Court in Dennilton on Monday, Constable Lethunya ...
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Written by A Correspondent
Daily News
MORE than 125,000 men in Shinyanga Region have received voluntary medical male circumcision services for HIV prevention. According to Intra Health International's Tanzania HIV Prevention Project, as of May 31, this year, 125,760 men in the region had ...
Matlhabaphiri cries for shelter from media in adultery case
Mmegi Online
He said the media has disregarded the impact of its stories on his family. He said he was disheartened by the media's emphasis that he is an Assistant Minister of Health who is also championing the safe male circumcision campaign, when reporting the case.
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Sudan MP Calls for Banning Females From Sports
Dafa'a Allah who is dubbed in the local media as the "controversial" MP, is known for his support for female circumcision. He once described uncircumcised women as "dirty". Last month, he demanded the parliament to adopt a motion calling for polygamy, ...
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What's the Point of a One-Time Mitzvah?
I'm at a circumcision. During the inevitable ten-minute delay waiting for the baby to be sent down to the ceremony, I persuade the nervous father to put on tefillin. I explain to him the connection between circumcision and tefillin; which are both ...
Society: Male circumcision in Namibia
Afrique en Ligue
Harmful male circumcision condemned - Namibian First Lady Penehupifo Pohamba has condemned all practices within the traditional, religious and social environment that are detrimental to the well-being and general development of the African child.
Namibia: Harmful Male Circumcision Condemned
In her statement read by Councillor Jan Schotlz during the commemoration of the Day of the Africa Child held at the J Stephanus Stadium last Friday, Pohamba specifically singled out traditional circumcision as being harmful to children. She said that ...
Intactivists Contingent in San Francisco Pride Parade
Bay Area Intactivist Jonathon Conte said, "We welcome all who wish to put an end to infant circumcision and other forms of forced genital cutting to join us as we carry signs and hand out goodies. More details about this event will be posted here in ...
Mbale Residents Flee Forceful Circumcision Uganda Picks
By Uganda News Picks
By Emmanuel Okwii. If you are an adult male who has been planning to visit Mbale anytime this week, then you might as well postpone your visit unless you want to be circumcised in the streets. The youth in Mbale are on the run following the ...
Uganda Picks
By Antonio C. S. Rosa
Circumcision. JOKE OF THE WEEK, 24 June 2013. by TMS Editor. Two five year old boys are sitting in a hospital waiting room. One leans over to the other and says, “What are you in here for?” The other says, “Circumcision.” The first boy says ...
New male circumcision device could save lives | News24
The Centre for HIV and AIDS Prevention Studies wants to pilot a new circumcision device in South Africa. It has already being successfully used in at least four ...
Mpumalanga tackles circumision
The South African Nursing Council (SANC) has finally given the Mpumalanga Department of Health permission to allow professional nurses to perform Medical Male Circumcision under the supervision of a medical doctor. This is a major breakthrough for the ...
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Holiday rush for MMC
Katlego Masonoke, who is in charge of the clinic's circumcision programme said most of the young men were arriving now because they have been targeted for health talks which share the benefits of medical male circumcision. Tshwarelo Paulus, from ...
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Concern that mutilation victims are being failed
Herald Scotland
FGM – also known as female circumcision – is practised in 28 African countries and some in Asia and the Middle East. Some Christian and Muslim communities believe FGM is a necessary part of becoming a woman, that it reduces female sex drive and ...
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More needs to be done in FGM fight
Since the Kurya in Tarime district are related to the Kurya in Kenya, the Kurya in Tanzania are sending girls for circumcision in Kenya to avoid arrest. TAMWA research shows that in Tarime today, the time for which circumcision is conducted has changed.
Circumcision: The Whole Story - YouTube
Dr. Christopher Guest of CHHRP.org discusses the history of circumcision, medical myths ...
Jewish Activist Speaks on Metzitzah B'Peh Circumcision Practice
Loewen has been capturing emotionally gripping images and videos from inside the anti-circumcision movement. Many of his videos have been uploaded to his ...
Circumcision? - December 2013 Birth Club - BabyCenter
Circumcision?:So I've been thinking of circumcizing this LO if its a boy. Any thoughts?
Adult Circumcision, please help :: Men's Health
Hello.. I want your help badly. I went to a doctor to see another matter that had a nerve that drove down to my testicles, so he had to see to check my penis aswell ...
Shinyanga men opt for circumcision - In2EastAfrica - East African ...
More than 125,000 men in Shinyanga Region have received voluntary medical male circumcision services for HIV prevention. According to Intra Health ...
R2.2m for boy's botched circumcision - Post | IOL.co.za
Durban - The parents of a boy whose circumcision was botched at a Vryheid hospital were awarded R2.2 million to be paid within 14 days by the provincial ...
Circumcision death report due
Independent Online
KWAMHLANGA, Mpumalanga - A report on the deaths of 29 initiates in Mpumalanga will be released on Tuesday, the provincial House of Traditional Leaders said. Chairman Kgoshi Mathupa Mathibela Mokoena told Sapa on Monday that the report was ...
Circumcision The Whole Story - YouTube
Subscribe 4. Top Comments. TheWorstWarlock 5 days ago. Where the hell were videos like this 30 ...
UKZN supports Medical Male Circumcision on Campuses
Lack of information and fear of pain are the main reasons male students fear getting circumcised, say two UKZN students who recently underwent medical male ...
Practice circumcision ON? - WordReference Forums
Hi, I want to translate the following sentence into English: -John, practicáis la circuncisión a las niñas de vuestro pueblo? My try would be: -John, do you practice ...
WHO Technical Advisory Group on Innovations in Male Circumcision
Male circumcision for HIV Prevention. WHO Technical Advisory Group on Innovations in Male Circumcision: Evaluation of two adult devices. Meeting report .
Female Circumcision in a Different Light | Green Lifestyles Network
femalecirc “All three of her daughters are circumcised” my mother gossiped while sipping her chai. I did not know what to make of what she had just told me, so I ...
Circumcision ban not necessary, board of health finds
The Copenhagen Post
Sundhedsstyrelsen laid out its findings into the potential dangers of circumcision in a report commissioned by the Health Ministry and published on Wednesday. They also found that there was insufficient documentation to generally recommend circumcising ...
Video: Eric Selgado Lies About Dangerous Haredi Circumcision Practice, Says ...
Appalling: In a new low, New York City mayoral candidate Eric Selgado lies, claiming "rabbis" agreed to a DNA test to prove metziztah b'peh (MBP), the direct mouth-to-bloody-penis sucking done by many haredi mohels after cutting of the foreskin, does ...
Young South Africans on youth unemployment and circumcision ...
Three of the M&G's 200 YSA discuss the country's unemployment issues and the ...
Mom gets girl out of circumcision school | News24
A Limpopo woman has obtained a court order to get her 12-year-old daughter out of a circumcision school.
BBC News - 'Circumcision controls women's sex common sense ...
Female genital mutilation is vital to "control women's sex common sense", says Sheikh Yussef al-Badri, one of Egypt's biggest advocates of bringing back a ...
Malawi's Innovative Approach to Delivering Voluntary Medical Male ...
Thyolo, Malawi—When the outreach roadshow advertising free male circumcision services arrived in the village of Helimani, Kizito Liyasi was curious enough to ...
The Ethics of Male Circumcision
One of the most difficult issues about this question of circumcision is the ethics of who gets to make the decision: Is it the parents responsibility to make the ...
Leave Health Risk Assessment Of Dangerous Haredi Circumcision Procedure ...
John_Liu In the continuing rush by candidates for New York City mayor to pander for the haredi bloc vote, city comptroller John Liu says haredi rabbis – not doctors and public health professionals – should decide whether metzitzah b'peh (MBP), the ...
Refugee influx spurs action on mutilation
Bendigo Advertiser
Mr Davis has written to federal Health Minister Tanya Plibersek, urging her to match state government funding of $900,000 in 2013-14 for the Family and Reproductive Rights Education Program, to meet growing demand for female circumcision support and ...
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Parents urged to ensure safe initiations
At least 19 initiates had died so far in the Eastern Cape during the current circumcision season. The causes of death had not yet been established. "Post mortem results, which are yet to be released, will indicate what has led to the demise of these ...
Initiates deaths: arrests pending
Independent Online
The Star reported last month that inexperienced and bogus traditional surgeons were using a single razor blade to circumcise multiple initiates, which exposed them to life-threatening diseases, including HIV/Aids. The paper also reported that there ...
PMB lead8
Beyond the Bris: Questioning Jewish Circumcision: Our Covenant Is ...
Our Covenant Is With Our Son: My Family's Take on Jewish Circumcisions ... So Noah doesn't know how the circumcision was performed, what device was used, ...
Doctors Opposing Circumcision | Facebook
Doctors Opposing Circumcision. 234 likes · 1 talking about this. Company.
Know the facts before infant circumcision
The Zimbabwe Standard
This made the opening of the foreskin large enough to insert a circumcision instrument, the device used to protect the glans from being severed during the surgery. The baby began to gasp and choke, breathless from his shrill continuous screams ...
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Boy's botched circumcision: health dept must pay R2.2m
City Press
This was the reaction of the mother of a 9-year-old boy who had suffered a botched circumcision at a Vryheid hospital in KwaZulu-Natal after the provincial health department was ordered to pay R2.2 million to the family this week. The mother, who is ...
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Mufti's deputy reiterates: Female circumcision prohibited by religion
Egypt Independent
In an event marking a national day for countering female circumcision, held at the Population Council, Mohamed Wessam Khedr, a director at Dar al-Iftaa and a representative of Grand Mufti Shawqi Abdel Karim Allam, urged state authorities to redouble ...
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IDAHO HISTORY: Boise's Jewish pioneers built their first synagogue in 1895
The Idaho Statesman
Since Boise had no resident rabbi, David Falk sent to Portland in November 1871 for Rabbi Herman P. Bories to perform the rite of circumcision on his young son. "The novel and interesting ceremony was witnessed by a number of invited guests.
The Cruelest Cut of All: Why Male Circumcision is Wrong | The Daily ...
Even with circumcision no longer freely available on Medicaid, 55% of boys born in America still undergo the grizzly procedure, whereas in Europe circumcision ...
Kenya study evaluates novel male circumcision device | FHI 360
A study by FHI 360 and its partners in western Kenya will help the country's Ministry of Health decide whether to add to its HIV prevention program an innovative ...
Circumcision - series | University of Maryland Medical Center
Circumcision of a newborn boy is usually done before he leaves the hospital. A numbing medication (local anesthesia such as Xylocaine) is injected into the ...
Circumcision - Reproductive System Disorders and Clinical Cases
Estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO) suggest that 30% of males worldwide are circumcised, of whom 68% are Muslim. The prevalence of ...
Circumcision death report due
Independent Online
KWAMHLANGA, Mpumalanga - A report on the deaths of 29 initiates in Mpumalanga will be released on Tuesday, the provincial House of Traditional Leaders said. Chairman Kgoshi Mathupa Mathibela Mokoena told Sapa on Monday that the report was ...
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Society: Male circumcision in Namibia
Afrique en Ligue
Harmful male circumcision condemned - Namibian First Lady Penehupifo Pohamba has condemned all practices within the traditional, religious and social environment that are detrimental to the well-being and general development of the African child
ing psychological HIV&AIDS findings!
Whilst circumcision plays a pivotal role in the study, Rusha is adamant that circumcision alone is not objectively the prime aim of the study neither is the equipment used, but the focus is on the risk assessment after the circumcision procedure. The ...
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Bogus Doctor Off the Hook
THE Karasburg Magistrate's Court has slapped an Angolan refugee, Jose Rodriques Eduardo (60), with a suspended sentence for performing haemorrhoid operations, circumcisions and dental extractions without a medical licence. Charged under the Allied ...
M&G Hangout: Non-surgical circumcision? - Mail & Guardian
The Mail & Guardian Online is South Africa's oldest quality news source on the web and ...
What is the point of circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
I was curious about whether I should get my son circumsised when he is born. ... Well if he's in the USA then circumcision may be appropriate simply from the ...
Circumcised women uncritical of the ritual | ScienceNordic
Researcher Jon-Håkon Schultz talks in this video about how the study was conducted and some of its results. (Video: Dovepress)
Male circumcision | Marie Stopes South Africa
Having a circumcision performed by qualified doctor or nurse ensures that you get all the health and sexual benefits of male circumcision, and that you are not ...
Circumcision disagreement - July 2013 Birth Club - BabyCenter
Circumcision disagreement:Ok I know this circumcision topic has been done to death, and that there are a lot of different (strong) opinions out there but I just ...
SoulPancake / Conversations / Let's talk circumcision.
Female circumcision, that is. I think it's disgusting and cruel. Taking young girls and completely removing their clitoris is not only painful, but completely ...
Circumcision as a Strategy to Minimize HIV Transmission.
Curr Urol Rep. 2013 Jun 18. [Epub ahead of print]. Circumcision as a Strategy to Minimize HIV Transmission. Rosario IJ, Kasabwala K, Sadeghi-Nejad H.
Bibel lesen: Titus Brief. Beschneidung. Zerrüttung. Kreta. Geschwätz ...
Bearbeitete Themen: titus bibel, hörbibel, audio bibel, bibel lesen, zerrüttung, christsein ...
Soll beschnitten werden, welche Art - EURO CIRC Diskussionsforum ...
Er hat uns vorgeschlagen, einen Teil wegzumachen oder gleich ganz zu beschneiden. Er will das noch in diesen Ferien machen, damit ich keine Probleme ...
Beschneidung im Islam – Wikipedia
Die Beschneidung im Islam ist die im Normalfall vollständige Entfernung der Vorhaut aus religiösen Motiven. Sie gilt heute bei den meisten Muslimen als Pflicht ...
Beschneidung (bei Jungs) vergleichbar mit Schamlippenkorrektur ...
Hab grad einen Thread über Beschneidung gelesen, und war schon verwundert über die Einstellung mancher Frauen. Einige schreiben "finde das bei Jungs ok ...
Beschneidung | Die schwarze Seite
Posts about Beschneidung written by Die Schwarzbesaiteten.
Behandlung/ Verhalten nach medizinischer Beschneidung ...
15.06.13 15:12. hey.. schönen guten tag. bin auf dieses forum durch google gestoßen und es war recht interessant zu lesen was andere für erfahrungen ...
Beschneidung unseres Sohnes - EURO CIRC Diskussionsforum Beschneidung
Seit einiger Zeit beschäftigen wir uns recht intensiv mit dem Thema Beschneidung und da gibt es ja 1000 verschiedene Meinungen. Ich wurde selber als Kind ...
Nach Beschneidung: mit dem Penis auf Kriegsfuss ...
Forum zu Beschneidung mit Berichten von Beschneidungsopfern und Betroffenen. Für körperliche Unversehrtheit.
Beschneidung wann wieder rausgehen (Kurde) - Gutefrage.net
Hallo also ich wurde vor 4 Tagen ( am Samstag ) radikal beschnitten bin 14 meine ganze Vorhaut ist weg darf ich jetz wieder rausgehen oder wann darf ch das ...
USA Forum :: View topic - Beschneidung bei Neugeborenen
Ich bin froh, dass die beiden darauffolgenden kinder maedchen waren und das thema beschneidung keine frage mehr war. Ich weiss ehrlich gesagt nicht, ob ich ...
Beschneidung – Religiöses Ritual oder Körperverletzung
Die im Februar präsentierte Facharbeit zum Thema „Beschneidung – Religiöses Ritual oder Körperverletzung“ wurde bei der Evangelischen Kirche von ...
Bibel lesen: Titus Brief. Beschneidung. Zerrüttung. Kreta. Geschwätz ...
Bearbeitete Themen: titus bibel, hörbibel, audio bibel, bibel lesen, zerrüttung, christsein ...
Soll beschnitten werden, welche Art - EURO CIRC Diskussionsforum ...
Er hat uns vorgeschlagen, einen Teil wegzumachen oder gleich ganz zu beschneiden. Er will das noch in diesen Ferien machen, damit ich keine Probleme ...
Beschneidung im Islam – Wikipedia
Die Beschneidung im Islam ist die im Normalfall vollständige Entfernung der Vorhaut aus religiösen Motiven. Sie gilt heute bei den meisten Muslimen als Pflicht ...
Beschneidung (bei Jungs) vergleichbar mit Schamlippenkorrektur ...
Hab grad einen Thread über Beschneidung gelesen, und war schon verwundert über die Einstellung mancher Frauen. Einige schreiben "finde das bei Jungs ok ...
Beschneidung | Die schwarze Seite
Posts about Beschneidung written by Die Schwarzbesaiteten.
Doktor Gay gibt Auskunft Was hat Mann von einer Beschneidung?
Als Beschneidung bezeichnet man die ganze oder partielle chirurgische Entfernung der Vorhaut des Penis. In Europa wird sie hauptsächlich aus medizinischen Gründen durchgeführt, etwa bei einer Phimose (Vorhautverengung). In anderen Ländern oder ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
Genitalverstümmelung : Wenn eine zugenähte Vulva Normalität bedeutet
"Es ist ein Signal an die afrikanische Community: Beschneidung ist bei uns verboten!", sagt Irmingard Schewe-Gerigk, die Vorsitzende von Terre des femmes. Denn auch wenn niemand offen darüber redet, Aktivisten und Terres des femmes gehen davon aus, ...
Von Bienenvölkern und Beschneidungen: Beschneidung - SPIEGEL ...
Paragraf 1631d: "Die Personensorge umfasst (...) das Recht, in eine medizinisch nicht erforderliche Beschneidung des nicht einsichts- und urteilsfähigen ...
Studie: Beschneidung schützt nicht vor Harntraktinfektionen (UTI ...
We were unable to identify any randomised controlled trials on the use of routine neonatal circumcision for prevention of UTI in male infants. Until further ...
Wenn die Beschneidung von Kindern in Ordnung ist... - Sonstiges ...
Meine folgende Reaktion mag inhaltlich vielleicht besser in einem anderen Thread aufgehoben sein. Aber sie ist das direkte Ergebnis der Betrachtung des ...
Dialogtagung: Beschneidung von Jungen; Berlin 24.06.13 ...
Eine Veranstaltung des Bundesforum Männer in Berlin http://www.bundesforum- maenner.de/2013/0…ung-von-jungen/ Etwas kurzfristig, aber vielleicht ist ja ...
Kritik und Zweifel am PrePex-Vorhautentfernungsplan | Telepolis
Sollte dieses nicht ganz unrealistische Szenario eintreten, dann könnte die HIV- Infektionsrate deutlich steigen, anstatt zu sinken. Denn Beschneidungen bieten ..
Doktor Gay gibt Auskunft Was hat Mann von einer Beschneidung?
Als Beschneidung bezeichnet man die ganze oder partielle chirurgische Entfernung der Vorhaut des Penis. In Europa wird sie hauptsächlich aus medizinischen Gründen durchgeführt, etwa bei einer Phimose (Vorhautverengung). In anderen Ländern oder ...
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Genitalverstümmelung : Wenn eine zugenähte Vulva Normalität bedeutet
"Es ist ein Signal an die afrikanische Community: Beschneidung ist bei uns verboten!", sagt Irmingard Schewe-Gerigk, die Vorsitzende von Terre des femmes. Denn auch wenn niemand offen darüber redet, Aktivisten und Terres des femmes gehen davon aus, ...
Von Bienenvölkern und Beschneidungen: Beschneidung - SPIEGEL ...
Paragraf 1631d: "Die Personensorge umfasst (...) das Recht, in eine medizinisch nicht erforderliche Beschneidung des nicht einsichts- und urteilsfähigen ...
Studie: Beschneidung schützt nicht vor Harntraktinfektionen (UTI ...
We were unable to identify any randomised controlled trials on the use of routine neonatal circumcision for prevention of UTI in male infants. Until further ...
Nach Beschneidung Eichel empfindlichkeit (Schmerzen) - Gutefrage.net
Moin, habe mich gestern beschneiden lassen. Habe morgen einen Termin beim urulogen da er nachgucken will ob alles okay ist. Aber ich habe ein riesen ...
Initiativen gegen Beschneidung (wird laufend aktualisiert) - Forum ...
Liebe Forumsteilnehmer, seit kurzem ist das Forum über die eigenständige Internetadresse www.forum-maennerrechte.de zu erreichen. Dank kompetenter ...
Tansania: Zur HIV-Vorsorge - Beschneidung von 125.000 Männern
Mehr als 125.000 Männer haben sich in Shinyanga, Tansania einer Beschneidung unterzogen, um ihr Risiko an HIV zu erkranken, zu senken. Finanziert wurde und wird diese Massenbeschneidungsaktion von PEPFAR mit Unterstützung des "US Centre for ...
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Deutsche Ärzte entsetzt über afrikanische Tradition
Die hatte ihr zwei Tage zuvor gezeigt, wie das dann aussieht: die teilweise oder vollständige Entfernung des äußerlich sichtbaren Teils der Klitoris und der inneren Schamlippen, vielleicht auch die Beschneidung der äußeren Schamlippen. Die Freundin ...
Das israelische Unternehmen Circ MedTech will international tätigen Organisationen einen sogenannten "PrePex-Nekrotisierungsring" verkaufen, der eine Beschneidung des Penis nicht mehr notwendig machen, aber das gleiche Ergebnis erzielen soll.
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9. Internationales Begegnungsfest: Frauenrechte im Fokus - Zu Gast Kampagne ...
Die im Dezember 2010 von Isabel Henriques ins Leben gerufene Kampagne 'With (he)art against FGM' hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, auf die „weibliche Beschneidung“ und ihre schwerwiegenden Folgen aufmerksam zu machen und die Bevölkerung für ...
Beschneidung bei Frauen - das sind die Fakten - RP Online
Nach Angaben der Kinderschutzorganisation Unicef sind weltweit 70 bis 140 Millionen Frauen beschnitten - viele davon in Afrika. Was sich harmlos anhört, ...
Beschneidung tötet immer noch viele junge Frauen - Schwäbische Zeitung
Ihre Geschichte ist ungeheuerlich, wenn auch in vielen Ländern Afrikas immer noch Alltag: Wie über 90 Prozent der Einwohnerinnen Somalias wurde Fadumo ...
Hurra auf das Elternrecht | Tante Jays Café
Und wenn sie dann immer noch versuchen, ihre Kinder beschneiden verstümmeln zu ... Der Begriff “Beschneidung” verschleiert diesen Hintergrund zu sehr.
Beschneidung bei Männern JA ? NEIN ? Warum ? - Page 8 ...
So wie es in der Natur ist, ist es am besten heißt = Beschneidung nein danke. Bin selbst nicht ... Würde mir lieber Kopfschuss geben als beschneiden.
Beschneidung von Jungen in Deutschland unter Strafrecht! - Seite 142
Zitat von korkutdede Gut, der Thread lautet dann ab sofort nicht "Beschneidung von Jungen unter Strafrecht" sondern "Verstümmelung von.
sgv gegen Beschneidung des Initiativrechts
FinanzNachrichten.de (Pressemitteilung)
sgv gegen Beschneidung des Initiativrechts. Bern - Der Schweizerische Gewerbeverband sgv lehnt die vom Bundesrat vorgeschlagenen Massnahmen zur besseren Vereinbarkeit von Völkerrecht und Initiativrecht ab. Die Volksinitiative als wichtiges .
Phimose... wie läuft eine Beschneidung ab? (Behandlung, Vorhaut ...
Hey, Ich habe seit einem Jahr eine schwache Vorhautverengung. Leider war ich idiot bisher zu feige, zu einem Arzt zu gehen und möchte dies jetzt machen.
Oberrabbiner Jona Metzger unter Hausarrest
Das an sich wäre keine Meldung wert - aber Herr Metzger ist im letzten Sommer durch Deutschland gereist, um im Rahmen der Diskussion um die Beschneidung unmündiger Knaben für die Beschneidung Werbung zu machen. Dabei sollen auch finanzielle ...
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Zoff am Saarbrücker Franzenbrunnen: Bürger zeigen Saarbrücken an
Zoff am Saarbrücker Franzenbrunnen: Bürger zeigen Saarbrücken an. Dass ihre Protestplakate entfernt wurden, ist für die Initiative, die das neue Wohngebiet am Franzenbrunnen verhindern will, eine Beschneidung des Rechts auf Meinungsäußerung.
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Schmolz+Bickenbach: Hauptaktionär wird gebremst
Nun liegt ein Entscheid des Handelsgerichts vom Kantons Zürich vor, das mit einer vorsorglichen Massnahme eine Beschneidung des Stimmrechts verfügt. So dürfe die KG, die über eine Beteiligung von 40,46% verfügt, an der GV nur mit 20,46% stimmen.
Vorteile einer Beschneidung vor dem 14. Lebensjahr - EURO CIRC ...
Im Hinblick auf das Beschneidungsgesetz frage ich mich immer wieder wo die konkrteten Vorteile einer Beschneidung vor dem 14. Lebensjahr liegen!? Es gab ...
Beschneidung bei einem echten Profi---Vielen,vielen Dank!!! - Jameda
Bewertung für Dr. Müller in 70806 Kornwestheim. Lesen Sie die gesamte Bewertung bei jameda.
Beschneidung von Jungen in Deutschland unter Strafrecht! - Seite 144
Zur Erinnerung: Heute vor exakt einem Jahr, am 26.6.2012 haben mutige Richter am Kölner Landgericht geurteilt: Die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiÃ.
Beschneidung | Planet-Liebe Forum
hallo ich hab mal ne frage wie viel würde das kosten wen man sich beschneiden lassen will ?? nicht aus religiosen gründe oder vorhautverrenckung oder so...
The Doctor & Black Sugar - Vegizeit und Beschneidung - Grower.ch
Es soll ja sorten geben die ihr gesamtes Potential erst beim beschneiden zeigen. . wie sieht es hier aus? Eher nicht beschneiden, oder eher doch beschneiden?
Medienanfrage: Betroffener von Beschneidung gesucht - Forum ...
Forum für Information und Diskussion zu Männerrechten.
beschneidung von frauen? - Seite 25 - Mädchen.de
Zitat von fefew95 Bei mir hat sich herraus gestellt, dass ich wirklich beschnitten bin, mein kompletter Kitzler ist weg und ich hatte die erinnerungen.
Beschneidung und trockene Eichel - NetDoktor.de
Hallo Liebe Community, Ich bin nun seid ca. 2 Jahren beschnitten (22 Jahre alt) und es war auch aufgrund einer extremen vorhautverängung mit vernarbung ...
Less painful circumcision method on the cards
The Zimbabwe Standard
GOVERNMENT will soon introduce a less painful and blood-free circumcision method as it steps up efforts to circumcise three million males by 2015. The Ministry of Health and Child Welfare in conjunction with the Zimbabwe Community Health Intervention ...
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Danish Health Board Says No Need to Ban Circumcision
The Jewish Press
Leo Milgrom, deputy chairman of the anti-circumcision group responded, “Even without all the weighty ethical considerations, and without all the many legal, sexual and psychological consequences, at the very least a scientific precautionary principle ...
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NSFW "Foreskin Pride" Activists Will March Into NYC On Sunday
A few years ago, we became aware of the http://gothamist.com/tags/intactivist">growing Intactivist movement—Intactivism is the belief in the right of baby boys to keep their foreskins intact, and its members have been trying to legally ban circumcision.
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New Jersey State Assembly Opposes Therapy for Gay Minors
Einnews Portugal
Christine C. Quinn, the City Council speaker, supported the policy imposed by the Bloomberg administration to require parental consent forms for traditional circumcision practice. She also said she would not allow the use public money to buy textbooks ..
New non-surgical male circumcision device to be piloted in SA
Unlike surgical male circumcision which requires highly trained medical professionals and sterile surgery-type settings that come at a cost to patients, male ...
PSI seeks an experienced Chief of Party to oversee a national program to scale up Early Infant Male Circumcision (EIMC) in Lesotho. The Chief of Party will work ...
HIV Blogger | Is this true: “Circumcision prevents HIV/AIDS”?
David Ferguson writes on Raw Story that Circumcision reduces HIV risk by changing penis 'biome', says study. Before I even read this story I was not convinced, ...
Circumcised at cop shop? Too much for kids
Jakarta Post
... took to their heels leaving parents and relatives behind. Circumcision, the surgical removal of the foreskin from the penis, is obligatory among Muslims and is also widely practiced among other religious faiths in Indonesia for cultural or ...
Making the Cut: Circumcision in Rwanda Becomes a Status Symbol...
Thanks to Rwanda's Ministry of Health's HIV/AIDS prevention program, circumcision is in high demand among the country's males...
The only valid arguments for or against circumcision: - The Debate ...
The only valid arguments for or against circumcision:: I am lukewarm about RIC and circumcision in general. I wouldn't circumcise my newborn because to me ...
The image of two attractive young female soldiers cleaning their AK 47's and proclaiming: “We like our rifles clean – so we encourage men to circumcise' – is the ...
Lower Mainland Parents Against Circumcision | Facebook
Lower Mainland Parents Against Circumcision. 32 likes · 0 talking about this.
The History of Circumcision [NSFW] - A Voice For Men Forums
This video summarizes the history of circumcision, lists the ailments that it supposedly cures, and then answers a few common questions that parents have had ...
Seattle Newborn Circumcision Doctors & Newborn ... - Polyclinic
Newborn Circumcision. If you're expecting a boy, you will need to make a decision about whether or not to have your baby circumcised. Circumcision involves ...
Female circumcision is contrary to the Bible - GKS
Circumcision is the act of cutting off the foreskin of a man. It is a practice which the Almighty God enjoined upon Abraham and his descendants. The rule was that ...
The What, Why and How of Circumcision - Intermountain Healthcare ...
Soon after a baby boy is born, one of the first choices for parents is whether to circumcise their new son. Here is what you should know before making this ...
Less Painful Circumcision Method On the Cards - All Africa
GOVERNMENT will soon introduce a less painful and blood-free circumcision method as it steps up efforts to circumcise three million males by 2015.
Why do people overreact to circumcision? - Yahoo! Answers
I am circumcised, and I do not think it is a big deal at all. People are always ... your genitals have been mutilated, this is not a good thing ... I'm not jealous of you're ...
The circumcision decision | Parent24 - News24
How to make circumcision choices without starting a 'penis war'
Male circumcision as a weapon against HIV/Aids - Informante
I am obliged to comment on the ongoing debate about male circumcision as an additional method of combating the scourge of HIV/Aids in our country.
Man Protests Circumcisions at State House - Government - Concord ...
New Hampshire has one of highest rates of circumcisions in the United States, according to "intactivists."
Nelson Mandela: Circumcision ceremony for teenage boys in former president's ...
Daily Mail
A set of astonishing photographs taken today show a group Xhosa boys covered with blankets in a field as they undergo the traditional male circumcision ceremony into manhood in South Africa. The ceremony was taking place in Qunu, near the home of the ...
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Hospital running out of beds as botched circumcision patient's rise
South African Broadcasting Corporation
The number of initiates who had to be admitted in hospital due to botched circumcisions in the Eastern Cape has now increased to 227. Earlier on Monday, Health authorities said they were treating 151 initiates. Health spokesperson, Sizwe Kupelo says ...
Podcast: The Ethics of Infant Male Circumcision
Practical Ethics (blog)
In this talk (audio- MP3) , Brian D. Earp argues that the non-therapeutic circumcision of infant males is unethical, whether it is performed for reasons of obtaining possible future health benefits, for reasons of cultural transmission, or for reasons ...
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Photos of the Day: Sunday, June 30
Wall Street Journal
RITE OF PASSAGE: Boys from the Xhosa tribe underwent circumcision Sunday near Qunu, South Africa, where former South Africa President Nelson Mandela grew up. Carl De Souza/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images. BUSINESS AS USUAL: A barber ...
The End of His-story
Huffington Post
Female circumcision, otherwise known as female genital mutilation (FGM/C), most commonly involves the surgical removal of a woman's clitoris but can involve the removal of the inner and outer labia as well. It may seem like a barbaric custom to many ...
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Initiate death: Premier wants action
A Xhosa boy covered with a blanket and smeared with chalky mud, sits in a field as he and others undergo a traditional circumcision ceremony into manhood. (Schalk van Zuydam, AP). Multimedia · User Galleries · News in Pictures Send us your pictures ...
Uganda: Men, Here Are Your Circumcision Options
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently approved a circumcision device, Prepex, which should be of interest to men seeking to be circumcised. Circumcision has been said to reduce risk of getting urinary tract infections, penile and cervical cancer ...
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Burney seeks world's assistance against female circumcision
Frontier Post
ISLAMABAD, (Online): The Chairman of Ansar Burney Trust, Ansar Burney, has again requested the UN Secretary General, entire world for assistance against female circumcision from most African some Arab, Middle Eastern and Asian countries including ...
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Woman arrested for illegal circumcision of two young boys
Big News Network.com
EKSJO, Sweden -- Swedish police have arrested a 36-year-old woman in connection with the illegal circumcision of two young boys in the town of Eksjo, authorities said. Police spokesman Goran Gunnarsson told the Swedish news agency TT that police ...
M&G Hangout: Non-surgical circumcision? - YouTube
From contraception for schoolchildren to PrePex circumcisions, we discuss the Aids-prevention ...
New male circumcision device could save lives - YouTube
For more on this and other stories please visit http://www.enca.com/ June 21 - The Centre for ...
Circumcision - Indications, Controversies, Complications & More | Dr ...
UCLA Pediatric Urologist, Dr. Jennifer Singer as she discusses current recommendations ...
R100m for SA male circumcision programmes
The new funding is in addition to the R360 million the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (Pepfar) has already committed to South Africa this year, and is the result of the USA's vigorous promotion of male circumcision as a preventive ...
US plans to give SA an extra $10m for male circumcision
The baseline funding from the US President's Emergency Programme for Aids Relief (Pepfar) for South Africa for fiscal year 2013 was $520m, of which $36m was for male circumcision. The new money brings total US support for male circumcision in South ...
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Spotlight on initiation deaths, safety
Independent Online
Xhosa boy's sit in a field as they undergo traditional Xhosa male circumcision ceremony into manhood near the home of former South African president Nelson Mandela in Qunu, South Africa, Sunday, June 30, 2013. Nelson Mandela, 94, remains in critical ...
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Major boost for 'love cuts'
Independent Online
Cape Town - The country's medical male circumcision (MMC) drive has received a significant boost from the US government, which could see more men getting the snip to curb HIV and Aids transmission. On Monday the US global aids co-ordinator, ...
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More medical staff hired for initiates
The number of patients being treated for traditional circumcision complications stood at 227. "These boys are mainly presenting dehydration, gangrene, and septic wounds, and some have lost their genitals... some hospitals are now running out of beds ...
Big boost for the snip
CAPE TOWN – The US government will give South Africa R100-million to expand its medical male circumcision programme, US Global AIDS Co-ordinator, Ambassodor Eric Goosby announced yesterday. This will be in addition to the R360-million the US ...
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Swedish police arrest amateur circumciser
The Local.se
She has been arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault, as it is illegal to perform a circumcision without the procedure being supervised by a medical professional. In 2001, the Swedish parliament passed a law to protect boys against being ...
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Ecape health hires more staff
The New Age Online
National & Provincial. Jul 2 2013 12:52PM. Ecape health hires more staff. Ecape health hires more staff. The Eastern Cape health department has employed additional doctors to deal with initiates needing treatment after circumcisions in the OR Tambo region.
CHO completes nutrition, health programs for San Fernando kids
Philippine Information Agency
Tuesday 2nd of July 2013. SAN FERNANDO CITY, July 2 (PIA) -- The City Health Office (CHO) has completed its nutrition and dental health programs for young children through key activities namely medical mission, circumcision and medical supplement.
Is anesthetic used before a circumcision?
I am wondering about circumcision. I am going to have a boy, and my husband and I are wondering if they numb the penis while they perform this.
Germany's Circumcision Indecision: Anti-Semitism or Legalism? by ...
Male ritual circumcision is one of the most frequently conducted surgical procedures in the world and constitutes an important aspect of the Jewish and Muslim r.
Circumcision: The First Administrative Change in God's Law - Life ...
A major crisis of the early Church was whether gentiles had to be circumcised. What did this change mean? Part 4 of the “Has God's Law Been 'Done Away'?
Government replaces circumcision device | Health Systems Trust
THE government is replacing the controversial Malaysian-made Tara KLamp used in medical male circumcisions with a new, Israeli-made PrePex device.
Südafrika, Ostkap: Ärztemangel und 28 Tote wegen ritueller Beschneidung
Um die Verletzungen nach stümperhaften rituellen Jungenbeschneidungen versorgen zu können, hat das Gesundheitsministerium Ostkap sechs weitere Ärzte in den Krankenhäusern angestellt. 40 freiwillige Krankenhelfer unterstützen diese bei ...
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Religion und Gesellschaft: Lernen macht Stress
Berliner Zeitung
Letztes Jahr der Streit um Beschneidung, davor der um Kreuze in Klassenzimmern und Kopftücher in Behörden. Es werden weitere Debatten kommen, um die Kirchensteuern mit Sicherheit, gewiss auch noch einmal um den Religionsunterricht. Und wie ..
Kinderrechte – Thema Beschneidung | Mutmachen
Zufallszitate. Aktivismus, Ehrgeiz und Wirbelei sind nur andere Formen des Auf- der-Stelle-Tretens. Verfasser unbekannt ...
Südafrika, Ostkap: Ärztemangel und 28 Tote wegen ritueller ...
Juli 2013, 21:56 und wurde abgelegt unter Beschneidung. Du kannst die Antworten auf diesen Beitrag über RSS 2.0 verfolgen. Du kannst ans Ende springen ...
„Der Sündenfall des Rechtsstaats“ von Tilman Jens
Am 12. Dezember 2012 hat der Deutsche Bundestag mit parteienübergreifender Mehrheit das „Gesetz über den Umfang der Personensorge bei einer Beschneidung des männlichen Kindes“ verabschiedet. Tilman Jens sieht darin einen „Tiefpunkt“ des ...
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Alkohol nach Beschneidung. - Gutefrage.net
Hallo hab jetzt 6 Tage hinter mir mit meiner OP, jedoch weiß ich nicht wie lange ich keinen Alkohol mehr trinken kann. Ich habe keinerlei Schmerzen oder ...
BMJ - Regelung zur Beschneidung - Pressemitteilung: Aussetzung ...
Die Hochwasserkatastrophe hat ihre Spuren hinterlassen. Die Betroffenen benötigen jede erdenkliche Hilfe, gerade wenn ihr Unternehmen durch die Folgen ...
Angeblich nötige Beschneidung kleiner Buben wegen Phimose ...
Eltern nehmt euch in Acht - Fügt euren Buben keinen schlimmen Schaden zu, indem ihr Ärzten vertraut. Bitte das hier lesen und weiterverbreiten: ...
Beschneidung von Jungen in Deutschland unter Strafrecht! - Seite 124
Zitat von wudi Ich hab`s gewusst. Beschneidung wird als Antisemitismus ausgelegt Meinst Du Kritik an der Beschneidung, Wudi?
Filmtipp: The Cut – die rituelle Beschneidung von Jungen und ...
Offenbach, Filmtipp: The Cut – die rituelle Beschneidung von Jungen und Mädchen in Kenia.
“Mein blaues Licht” – Filmpremiere zum Thema Beschneidung beim ...
Die Film-Absolventin der Kampala University zeigt in dem mehrfach prämierten Film die Vorbereitung und Durchführung einer Beschneidung und kombiniert die ...
Weiterer Bericht über die Dialogtagung "Beschneidung von Jungen ...
So versteht sich, dass Beschneidung, kosher Essen usw. auch von nichtreligiösen Juden als identitätsstiftend empfunden werden. Sie führte weiter aus, wie ...
beschneidung von frauen? - Seite 26 - Mädchen.de
Zitat von JanneKi Es gibt sowohl Bescheidungen an Frauen als auch an Männern - wobei es dabei natürlich nochmal große Unterschiede gibt ! So gibt es .
Harte ringförmige Schwellung unter der Eichel nach Beschneidung ...
Harte ringförmige Schwellung unter der Eichel nach Beschneidung. 23.06.13 21 48. Hallo ich wurde am 13.06.13 aufgrund einer Phimose beschnitten. Der Arzt ...
Beschneidung von Jungen in Deutschland unter Strafrecht! - Seite 148
Zitat von Tierfreundin Man hat es bis jetzt zugelassen und keiner hat sich darüber erregt. Ich sage dir ehrlich, es bleibt den jeweiligen Kulturen üb.
Beschneidung penis
Beschneidung penis. Bald aber ändert, als der alle die erste Gartenschau des 17 . Beschneidung penis. Jahren angelegt wird er in dem Buckingham Palace ...
Kasungu registers low turnout for male circumcision - Malawi News ...
Blantyre, July 5: Kasungu Health Authorities have expressed concern that a few men are undergoing voluntary male circumcision in the district despite...
Eastern Cape circumcision situation a crisis: MEC | The New Age ...
The influx of patients with circumcision-related injuries to Eastern Cape hospitals is a crisis, health MEC Sicelo Gqobana said on Friday.
Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in Lesotho: A Counselor's ...
2 July 2013 Lebeoana Tsasanyane's voice booms over a crowd of young men gathered at an HIV awareness event in Mafeteng, Lesotho. Lesotho has the third ...
Circumcision altering penis flora may reduce HIV suscept ...
"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and ...
Parental consent for circumcision: It takes two - Paediatrics case ...
SB, a nine-year-old boy, arrived at a private hospital with his father Mr B after making an appointment for an elective non-therapeutic circumcision. Mr B spoke to ...
Circumcision not a permanent condom- first lady Janet Museveni ...
The First Lady Janet Kataha Museveni in a demystifying statement on the myth about the circumcision craze that is perceived by some Ugandans as being an.
Should circumcision be illegal? - BabyCentre - Community
What's Your Opinion On ...?: WYOO - Beats arguing with your 3 year old whether they really do need shoes on to go to nursery.
30 ECape initiates dead, nearly 300 hospitalised
The New Age Online
Thirty initiates from the Eastern Cape have died from circumcision-related injuries, and nearly 300 have been hospitalised, the provincial health department said on Sunday. In the most recent case of botched circumcisions during the traditional ...
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More initiates die in Eastern Cape
Eyewitness News
CAPE TOWN - The Eastern Cape Health Department on Sunday said 30 initiates had died and nearly 300 others were hospitalised from circumcision-related injuries. In the most recent case, 10 initiates were rescued from a forest in Mbizana earlier.
30 South African men killed in ritual circumcision | Capital News
JOHANNESBURG, Jul 7 – Botched circumcisions killed 30 young men and landed almost 300 more in hospital during traditional initiation rites in a South African province, the health department said on Sunday. The 30 deaths in rural Eastern ...
30 South African men killed in ritual circumcision - The Voice of Russia
Botched circumcisions killed 30 young men and landed almost 300 more in hospital during traditional initiation rites in a South African province, the health ...
I am tired of answering to circumcision questions should I retire ...
If you're tired answering circumcision you can take a break. Should you retire? If you want to continue to protest against circumcision, then don't retire.
Circumcision, Sabbath, Food, and Purification Rites in Early ...
Jewish Identity, Beliefs, and Practices: Circumcision, Sabbath, Food Laws and Purity By Archie T. Wright The four issues addressed here are inherently linked to ...
Use of Male Circumcision Device in All Four Childhood Groups in ...
A proof of concept study to evaluate the feasibility of using the Shang Ring, a novel male circumcision device across all childhood age groups namely infants ...
30 South African men killed in ritual circumcision
JOHANNESBURG — Botched circumcisions killed 30 young men and landed almost 300 more in hospital during traditional initiation rites in a South African province, the health department said Sunday. The 30 deaths in rural Eastern Cape province occurred ...
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OUCH: Penis amputated after botched circumcision
Malaysia Chronicle
A 30-year-old man in Guangzhou has been forced to have his penis amputated after experiencing complications following what he believes to have been a botched circumcision operation and subsequent treatment. The dispute has become public after the ...
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30 EC circumcision initiates dead
Johannesburg - Thirty initiates from the Eastern Cape have died from circumcision-related injuries, and nearly 300 have been hospitalised. According to the provincial health department spokesperson Sizwe Kupelo, ten initiates were rescued from a forest ...
THE INSIDER: The fallacy of trying to prevent phallic leave
CIRCUMCISION is never out of the news headlines, so anyone with a smattering of foresight ought to ask if men should be allowed to take sick leave to get circumcised, whether at initiation school or hospital, and claim the expenses from their medical aid.
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Tim King Discusses Salem-News.com Song Featured at San Francisco Pride ...
(SAN FRANCISCO) - Tim King of Salem-News.com introduces the Bay Area Intactivists where Agron Belica's brilliant and powerful song "Say No To Circumcision, Leave Those Babies Alone" [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNN3Xv...], helped rock 1.2 ...
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The truth behind cutting is that many of us are told lies
This is Nottingham
"Circumcision is a religious thing for boys. For girls it is a cultural thing, and it involves a girl's vagina being cut in different ways in a dangerous procedure. "Most people in Eritrea think that if a girl is cut, she will grow up to be a good girl
Man's penis chopped off after circumcision goes horribly wrong in ...
By Kevin McGeary
Man's penis chopped off after circumcision goes horribly wrong in Guangzhou. Posted: 07/4/2013 4:19 pm. A man who went to Guangzhou to get circumcised experienced every man's nightmare when his genitals were accidentally cut off.
Nanfang Insider
IRIN Africa | Planning for non-surgical male circumcision | Botswana ...
Surgical circumcision is more complex than PrePex. KAMPALA, 3 July 2013 ( IRIN) - In May, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) announced the ...
Woman arrested for illegal circumcision of two young boys - Breitbart
Swedish police have arrested a 36-year-old woman in connection with the illegal circumcision of two young boys in the town of Eksjo, authorities said.
Danish Health Board Says No Need to Ban Circumcision
The tide of the anti-circumcision seems to be ebbing. Germany passed a law to bypass a Cologne court ruling that the procedure is illegal. Now, Danish doctors ...
Seattle Program Officer, Male Circumcision Initiative Job - WA, 98101
Seattle Program Officer, Male Circumcision Initiative Job - WA, 98101.
DPP drops WA female circumcision case | Herald Sun
A WA couple who allegedly took their baby daughter to Bali for a genital mutilation procedure has had charges against them dropped.
Health announces United States Government support for Medical ...
The representatives of the South African government and Ambassador Goosby will observe mobile medical male circumcision services at Woodstock ...
Intactivist of the Month - Circumcision is Medically Unnecessary ...
Our "Intactivist of the Month" series highlights some of the most ardent opponents of infant and childhood circumcision, whose tireless efforts will ensure a future ...
Janet: Circumcision Not A “Permanent Condom” - Chimpreports
“I was surprised to see in the media many men including one from Ruhama County where I represent lining for circumcision with hope that it is an absolute cure ...
Circumcision From the Perspective of Protecting Children
“As regards circumcision, I think that one of its objects is to limit sexual intercourse, and to weaken the organ of generation as far as possible, and thus cause man to be moderate. Some people believe that circumcision is to remove a defect in man's ...
Female circumcision case falls through
WA today
Prosecutors in Perth have reportedly dropped charges against a northern suburbs couple who had been accused of organising a genital mutilation procedure for their baby daughter. The couple's identities had been suppressed throughout the couple's ...
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Burney trust to take up cudgels against female circumcision
Times of India
"Not many right activists dare to touch sensitive issues like female circumcision, which is still practiced by select conservative communities and tribes in India and Pakistan. This tradition is against the dignity of women and Ansar Burney Trust ...
Swedish Illegal Circumcision Ends in Arrest, But Legal Rites Are Scarce
The Jewish Press
In 2001, the Swedish parliament passed a law to protect boys against being circumcised without a professional present. The legislation was designed to safeguard against all the imaginable results of an unskilled circumcision, from unnecessary ..
DPP drops WA female circumcision case
The Australian
It is understood the girl remained with her parents following an extensive investigation by the Department of Child Protection. Digital Pass $1 for first 28 Days. Female circumcision is a common practise in some parts of the world but is illegal in ...
ECape circumcision situation a 'crisis'
Independent Online
Xhosa boys sit in a field as they undergo traditional Xhosa male circumcision ceremony into manhood near the home of former president Nelson Mandela in Qunu. (AP Photo/Schalk van Zuydam). Related Stories. Spotlight on initiation deaths, safety · E Cape ...
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Kasungu Registers Low Turnout for Male Circumcision
Blantyre — Kasungu Health Authorities have expressed concern that a few men are undergoing voluntary male circumcision in the district despite studies showing that the intervention reduces HIV transmission by about 60 percent. District Medical Officer ...
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Live Wire: No license plates required for mopeds
Fayetteville Observer
Some groups who say circumcisions are not only medically unnecessary but risky and painful have long lobbied states to quit funding circumcisions. A 1999 position paper by the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended against routine circumcision.
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Dar es Salaam youth alliance wins many hearts
Daily News
According to the director, youth can access information from TAYOA on circumcision and female genital mutilation, gender based violence, HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. Mr Masika said that his organization had focused innovations on health, education ...
UKZN supports Medical Male Circumcision on Campuses
Lack of information and fear of pain are the main reasons male students fear getting circumcised, say two UKZN students who recently underwent medical male ...
Hospitals struggle with botched circumcisions
Hospitals in the OR Tambo region report that they don't have enough beds to deal with the increasing demand for medical treatment once a traditional circumcision is botched. St Barnabas Hospital is one of the hospitals battling with the situation. The ..
NHS bosses silent as botched circumcisions put ... - mra london.org
By Guest Author
When it comes to female genital mutilation, everybody is horrified. When it comes to the mutilation of boys, nobody gives a damn. Glen Poole describes how baby boys are suffering as a result of botched circumcisions, and how their plight is ...
Routine infant male circumcision: reasons for and against? - Yahoo ...
The only argument ive heard for circumcision is because uncircumcised penises are "ugly". That wasn't a good enough reason for me. You teach a child to clean ...
Circumcision - The Missing Pieces - Intaction
They are discovering that they were circumcised as infants. They now understand what circumcision did to their body, soul, and mind. Guys like you are realizing ...
Capital News
30 South African men killed in ritual circumcision - The Voice of Russia
Botched circumcisions killed 30 young men and landed almost 300 more in hospital during traditional initiation rites in a South African province, the health ...
I am tired of answering to circumcision questions should I retire ...
If you're tired answering circumcision you can take a break. Should you retire? If you want to continue to protest against circumcision, then don't retire.
Circumcision, Sabbath, Food, and Purification Rites in Early ...
Jewish Identity, Beliefs, and Practices: Circumcision, Sabbath, Food Laws and Purity By Archie T. Wright The four issues addressed here are inherently linked to ...
Use of Male Circumcision Device in All Four Childhood Groups in ...
A proof of concept study to evaluate the feasibility of using the Shang Ring, a novel male circumcision device across all childhood age groups namely infants ...
Kasungu registers low turnout for male circumcision - Malawi News ...
Blantyre, July 5: Kasungu Health Authorities have expressed concern that a few men are undergoing voluntary male circumcision in the district despite...
Eastern Cape circumcision situation a crisis: MEC | The New Age ...
The influx of patients with circumcision-related injuries to Eastern Cape hospitals is a crisis, health MEC Sicelo Gqobana said on Friday.
Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in Lesotho: A Counselor's ...
2 July 2013 Lebeoana Tsasanyane's voice booms over a crowd of young men gathered at an HIV awareness event in Mafeteng, Lesotho. Lesotho has the third ...
Circumcision altering penis flora may reduce HIV suscept ...
"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and ...
Parental consent for circumcision: It takes two - Paediatrics case ...
SB, a nine-year-old boy, arrived at a private hospital with his father Mr B after making an appointment for an elective non-therapeutic circumcision. Mr B spoke to ...
Circumcision not a permanent condom- first lady Janet Museveni ...
The First Lady Janet Kataha Museveni in a demystifying statement on the myth about the circumcision craze that is perceived by some Ugandans as being an.
Should circumcision be illegal? - BabyCentre - Community
What's Your Opinion On ...?: WYOO - Beats arguing with your 3 year old whether they really do need shoes on to go to nursery.
30 South African men killed in ritual circumcision
JOHANNESBURG — Botched circumcisions killed 30 young men and landed almost 300 more in hospital during traditional initiation rites in a South African province, the health department said Sunday. The 30 deaths in rural Eastern Cape province occurred ...
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OUCH: Penis amputated after botched circumcision
Malaysia Chronicle
A 30-year-old man in Guangzhou has been forced to have his penis amputated after experiencing complications following what he believes to have been a botched circumcision operation and subsequent treatment. The dispute has become public after the ...
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30 EC circumcision initiates dead
Johannesburg - Thirty initiates from the Eastern Cape have died from circumcision-related injuries, and nearly 300 have been hospitalised. According to the provincial health department spokesperson Sizwe Kupelo, ten initiates were rescued from a forest ...
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30 ECape initiates dead, nearly 300 hospitalised
The New Age Online
Thirty initiates from the Eastern Cape have died from circumcision-related injuries, and nearly 300 have been hospitalised, the provincial health department said on Sunday. In the most recent case of botched circumcisions during the traditional ...
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More initiates die in Eastern Cape
Eyewitness News
CAPE TOWN - The Eastern Cape Health Department on Sunday said 30 initiates had died and nearly 300 others were hospitalised from circumcision-related injuries. In the most recent case, 10 initiates were rescued from a forest in Mbizana earlier.
30 South African men killed in ritual circumcision | Capital News
JOHANNESBURG, Jul 7 – Botched circumcisions killed 30 young men and landed almost 300 more in hospital during traditional initiation rites in a South African province, the health department said on Sunday. The 30 deaths in rural Eastern
ANC distressed over initiates' deaths
In the most recent case of botched circumcisions during the initiation season, ten initiates were rescued from a forest in Mbizana on Sunday, said departmental spokesperson Sizwe Kupelo. "The ten initiates' private parts are rotten. They are badly damaged.
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Circumcission culture has become criminal: Minister
The New Age Online
Circumcission culture has become criminal: Minister. Circumcission culture has become criminal: Minister. Illegal initiation schools have turned the circumcision culture into "something criminal", Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi said in on Monday. Print.
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Dept concerned with initiation injuries
Eyewitness News
The Department of Health's Spokesman Sizwe Kupelo said the number of boys in need of medical treatment due to botched circumcision puts added pressure on the resources at their health facilities. “One hospital is treating over 36 boys. Now we've got to ... circumcision
Pro-Circumcision Culturally Biased, Not Scientific: Experts ...
Does American Academy have Political Agenda Advocating Infant Circumcision? By Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D....
30 boys die from circumcision related injuries in South Africa - Africa ...
Thirty boys have died from circumcision-related injuries in the Eastern Cape Province alone during the initiation season, authorities said on Sunday.
Circumcision culture has become criminal – Motsoaledi - City Press
Illegal initiation schools have turned circumcision culture into “something criminal ”, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has said.
Voluntary neo-natal circumcision planned | The Chronicle
Lindani Dube Chronicle Reporter The Ministry of Health and Child Welfare says plans to introduce neo-natal circumcision on voluntary basis are at consultation ...
South African police arrest five for botched circumcision deaths
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African police have arrested five people on suspicion of murder for botched circumcisions that led to the deaths of about 30 boys in coming-of-age rituals in the rural Eastern Cape province, a police spokeswoman said on ...
Two in court for botched circumcision
Independent Online
Kimberley - Two men accused of running an illegal initiation school appeared in the Barkley West Magistrate's Court on Monday, Northern Cape police said. Winston Moleleki, 38, and Joseph Makhasane, 24, would be back in court on July 15, Colonel ...
Botched Circumcisions Claim 30 Lives
TopNews Arab Emirates
The health department on Sunday revealed botched circumcisions have attributed to the deaths of 30 young men and more than 300 had to be hospitalized. During the annual season, as many as 30 people died in rural Eastern Cape Province. Circumcision ...
Dozens killed in ritual circumcisions
Dozens killed in ritual circumcisions. 11:58am July 8, 2013. Botched circumcisions killed 30 young men and landed almost 300 more in hospital during traditional initiation rites in a South African province, the health department said Sunday. Aussie ...
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Initiation has become criminal, says Motsolaedi
Mail & Guardian Online
Illegal initiation schools have turned the circumcision culture into "something criminal", says Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi in the Times. "The mushrooming of initiation schools is seen every single day in Eastern Cape. Hooligans ... tsotsis take ...
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Eastern Cape initiates deaths 'distressing': ANC
The New Age Online
Eastern Cape initiates deaths 'distressing': ANC. Eastern Cape initiates deaths ''distressing'': ANC. The deaths of at least 30 youngsters who died as a result of circumcision-related injuries in the Eastern Cape were "distressing," the ANC said. Gallo ...
Circumcision culture has become criminal - Motsoaledi
Independent Online
Johannesburg - Illegal initiation schools have turned the circumcision culture into “something criminal”, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi said in The Times newspaper on Monday. “The mushrooming of initiation schools is seen every single day in (the) ...
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Circumcision: 30 People Die In South Africa
P.M. News
Death related to the traditional circumcision in South Africa keeps increasing with another thirty people losing their lives at the weekend, a Cape Town health official has said. Mr Mizwe Kupelo, Eastern Cape health department spokesman told ...
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Is circumcision reversal possible?
Jamaica Observer
"It is not a surgical procedure but you would have to actually stretch the skin," Gyno-cosmetic surgeon Dr Kemel Gajraj said. "But it can't be completely reversed, no. Because the skin is gone (after circumcision). But you can achieve quite a bit by ...
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Zimbabwe's circumcision drive fails to take off
HARARE, 8 July 2013 (IRIN) - Funds for the male circumcision programme in Zimbabwe are lying idle, as the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare says not enough men are coming forward to use the service, which was launched as part of an HIV-prevention ...
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Circumcision ritual kills 30 tribesmen
Courier Mail
BOTCHED circumcisions killed 30 young men and landed almost 300 more in hospital during traditional initiation rites in a South African province. The 30 deaths in rural Eastern Cape province occurred during the annual season when young males undergo ...
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Circumcision ritual kills 30 tribesmen in South Africa's Eastern Cape
Perth Now
The 30 deaths in rural Eastern Cape province occurred during the annual season when young males undergo a rite of passage into manhood. Ten other youths were hospitalised after being rescued from a forest on Sunday, said provincial health department ...
Misslungene traditionelle Beschneidungen in Südafrika ...
(afp) Bei missglückten rituellen Beschneidungen in Südafrika sind dreissig junge Männer ums Leben gekommen. Rund 300 weitere junge Männer würden im ...
Die Beschneidung - YouTube
Auszug aus dem Kapitel "Jüdisches Festival" aus dem fiktionalen Reisebericht "I am ...
Religiöse Beschneidung von Jungen ist strafbar - Seite 83 ...
Zitat von Albyyy Du willst mich wahrscheinlich nur dumm anquatschen Flokrass Ne, wirklich nicht, das ist mein voller Ernst. Wieso glaubst du, dass ich.
www.politik-forum.eu • Thema anzeigen - Endlich - Gericht greift ...
Warum? Es wird doch gegen die Beschneidung als solche "gehetzt", nicht gegen Juden oder Muslime. Dass sie in diesem Kontext erwähnt werden liegt ...
Beschneidung des penis
Beschneidung des penis. Da reicht kosten kann, solche Fotos auf einen durch die Seite. Hier muss man auf den Daten, ist das keine Garantie dafür, dass nicht ...
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 621) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 621)
USA Forum :: View topic - Beschneidung bei Neugeborenen
Ich bin froh, dass die beiden darauffolgenden kinder maedchen waren und das thema beschneidung keine frage mehr war. Ich weiss ehrlich gesagt nicht, ob ich ...
Beschneidung oder nicht Beschneidung? - Thema anzeigen• 2jesus.de •
Du schreibst aber hier im Forum, also bist Du real nicht tot. Entzieht sich Hesekiel 44, 9 der pauschalen Vergeistlichung nicht von vornherein, indem die ...
Tödliche Tradition in Südafrika: 30 Jugendliche sterben nach... - Focus
Für den Übertritt ins Erwachsenenleben bezahlen junge Männer im ländlichen Südafrika einen hohen Preis. Wer Glück hat, überlebt das archaische ...
30 junge Männer sterben bei misslungener Beschneidung
Bei missglückten rituellen Beschneidungen in Südafrika sind 30 junge Männer ums Leben gekommen. Rund 300 weitere Teenager sind in ärztlicher ...
Südafrika: Beschneidungen fordern 30 Todesopfer - Spiegel Online
30 junge Männer tot, mehr als 300 verletzt oder verstümmelt - eine Beschneidungszeremonie in Südafrika endete für viele junge Männer schrecklich.
Verstümmelt, dehydriert, verblutet: 30 junge Männer sterben nach ...
Gleich 30 junge Männer in Südafrika mussten ihre Beschneidung mit dem Leben bezahlen, fast 300 liegen schwer verletzt im Krankenhaus. Einige von ihnen ...
Schmerztabletten nach Beschneidung (Medikamente, Schmerzen ...
Da ich bald beschnitten werden muss, wollte ich mal fragen wie lange darf man eigentlich Schmerztabletten einnehmen? Ich weiß von Bekannten, etc., dass ...
30 Tote bei Beschneidung in Südafrika - home - Bild.de
news 30 Tote bei Beschneidung in Südafrika. Vergrößern .Johannesburg – Bei missglückten rituellen Beschneidungen in Südafrika sind 30 junge Männer ums ...
30 junge Männer bei misslungener Beschneidung in Südafrika ...
'30 junge Männer bei misslungener Beschneidung in Südafrika gestorben' auf Yahoo! Nachrichten Deutschland lesen. Bei missglückten rituellen ...
der VÄTER Blog » Blog Archiv » Beschneidung von Jungen
Die Dialogtagung des Bundesforums Männer zum Thema 'Beschneidung von Jungen' am 24. Juni in Berlin war ein erfolgreicher Einstieg in eine notwendige ...
Nehbergs Kampf für Frauenrechte erfolgreich
Hamburger Abendblatt
Sie seien mit der Religion nicht vereinbar, habe Mohamed Wessam Khedr bei einem Treffen anlässlich des Tags zur Bekämpfung der weiblichen Beschneidung gesagt. Die Beschneidung stelle eine Straftat dar. Bei dem Treffen kamen Vertreter des ...
Beschneidung Forum | Frage an die Frauen - lieber cut oder uncut ...
Hallo, mögen Frauen lieber unbeschnittene oder beschnittene Penisse, oder ist es euch vollkommen egal?
Deutschland: Eigenständiges Gesetz zur weiblichen Beschneidung verabschiedet
Wenn jemand volljährig ist, kann er sich, dann ganz bewusst, beschneiden lassen, um den Geboten seiner Religion zu folgen. So wird niemand eingeschränkt und Kinder werden nicht zu etwas gezwungen, dass sie weder wollen oder dessen Folgen sie ...
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Web 5 neue Ergebnisse für Beschneidung
Aktueller Talk im Börsenforum: Beschneidung das sinnlose Morden
der Grüne niedersächsische Landwirtschaftsminister will das Schnäbelkürzen bei Legehennen bis 2016 verbieten. Die Körperverletzung durch Beschneidung ...
Johannesburg – Bei missglückten rituellen Beschneidungen in Südafrika sind 30 junge Männer ums Leben gekommen. Rund 300 weitere Männer wurden im.
Ex-Fotomodel Dirie erhält Dehler-Preis für Kampf gegen ...
München (dpa/lby) - Die Bestsellerautorin Waris Dirie ("Wüstenblume") wird für ihr Menschenrechts-Engagement mit dem Thomas-Dehler-Preis ausgezeichnet.
news 30 Tote bei Beschneidung in Südafrika 30 Tote bei Beschneidung in Südafrika Johannesburg Bei missglückten rituellen Beschneidungen in Südafrika ...
30 Tote bei Beschneidung in Südafrika
Das ist ein archaisches Ritual, das eigentlich niemand für gut halten kann. Aber es geht noch besser: Brasilien: Schiri ersticht Spieler und wird gevierteilt
Südafrika: 30 Männer bei Beschneidung gestorben - KURIER.at
Rund 300 weitere junge Männer wurden mit teilweise schwersten Verletzungen ins Spital gebracht.
Geschlechterdiskriminierung beim Thema Beschneidung jetzt ...
So bemühten sich auch in der Diskussion diejenigen, die meinten, dass eine deutliche strafrechtliche Sanktionierung der Beschneidung von Mädchen von ...
20 Minuten - 30 Männer sterben nach Beschneidung - News
Damit sie richtige Männer werden, werden Teenager vieler südafrikanischer Stämme beschnitten. Bei einer dieser Zeremonie ging etwas schief. 30 Männer ...
Betäubung oder Narkose bei Beschneidung? - Vorhautprobleme - med1
ich hatte eine vernarbte Vorhautverengung und war vor der Beschneidung bei drei Ärzten. Der erste war mit arabischem Hintergrund und hätte die ...
Genitalverstümmelung: 30 Männer sterben bei misslungener ...
In Südafrika sind 30 junge Männer bei rituellen Beschneidungen ihres Stammes gestorben. 293 weitere Jugendliche werden im Krankenhaus behandelt.
Beschneidung News - Alle aktuellen Nachrichten im Überblick bei ...
Beschneidung: Die neuesten Meldungen in der Übersicht. Alle aktuellen News aus Zeitschriften, Magazinen, Zeitungen, Portalen, Blogs. Nutzen Sie die ...
Südafrika: 30 junge Männer sterben nach Beschneidung | Virato
Südafrika: 30 junge Männer sterben nach Beschneidung. So oft wurde dieser ... In Südafrika sind 30 junge Männer nach der rituellen Beschneidung gestorben.
Beschneidung bei Mädchen: Deutschland verabschiedet besonderen und ...
Bereits seit einigen Jahren wurde versucht, in Deutschland die Beschneidung von Mädchen als eindeutig genannten Straftatbestand im Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) aufzunehmen, statt sie, wie bisher, als "gefährliche Körperverletzung" im Sinne des StGB zu ...
Misslungene Beschneidung in Südafrika - 30 Tote
Kleine Zeitung
Bei missglückten rituellen Beschneidungen in Südafrika sind 30 junge Männer ums Leben gekommen. Rund 300 weitere junge Männer würden im Krankenhaus behandelt, nachdem auch an ihnen die traditionelle Beschneidung der Genitalien vollzogen ...
Der diesjährige Thomas-Dehler-Preis geht an Bestsellerautorin Waris Dirie ("Wüstenblume"). Das ehemalige Fotomodel wird für ihr Menschenrechts-Engagement ausgezeichnet. Dirie sei es gelungen, "das Thema Beschneidung von jungen Mädchen auf die ...
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Der Bestsellerautorin gelang es, "das Thema Beschneidung von ...
Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung)
Thomas-Dehler-Preis 2013 geht an Waris Dirie Der Bestsellerautorin gelang es, "das Thema Beschneidung von jungen Mädchen auf die öffentliche Agenda zu bringen", erklärte die bayerische Stiftung. Der undotierte Preis wird am 24. Juli verliehen.
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Südafrika: Traditionelles Beschneidungsritual fordert 30 Todesopfer
Wie die Gesundheitsbehörde in der Provinz Ostkap in Südafrika mitteilte, starben 30 Jugendliche an den Folgen von rituellen Beschneidungen und fast 300 kamen ins Krankenhaus. Die rituelle Beschneidung von Jungen wird bei manchen Stämmen als ...
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Rund 300 weitere in ärztlicher Behandlung: Einige haben ...
Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung)
Rund 300 weitere junge Männer würden im Krankenhaus behandelt, nachdem auch an ihnen die traditionelle Beschneidung der Genitalien vollzogen worden sei, teilte die Gesundheitsbehörde der Provinz Ostkap am Sonntag mit. Den vollständigen Artikel ...
Beschneidung - Siegfried
Vor einiger Zeit kochte das Thema Beschneidung ziemlich hoch. Dabei ging es im Wesentlichen um die Beschneidung von männlichen Säuglingen oder ...
Beschneidung kostet 30 Männern in Südafrika das Leben - RebRob
Ob ihr es glaubt oder nicht, aber Beschneidung kostet Menschenleben. Es rettet keinen. Es tötet oder zumindest Brandmarkt den Menschen.
30 Jugendliche sterben nach misslungener Beschneidung
Tödliche Tradition in Südafrika: 30 Jugendliche sterben nach misslungener Beschneidung.
30 Tote bei Beschneidung in Südafrika - DIGITAL FERNSEHEN - Forum
30 Jungen sterben bei Beschneidung in Südafrika
Hamburger Abendblatt
Erneut sind bei Beschneidungen in Südafrika 30 Jungen ums Leben gekommen. Die Beschneidungszeremonien fanden in ländlichen Gegenden der Provinz statt. In dieser Jahreszeit halten dort Angehörige der Volksgruppen Xhosa, Sotho und Ndebele ...
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Auszeichnungen: Ex-Fotomodel Dirie erhält Dehler-Preis für Kampf gegen ...
FOCUS Online
Dem ehemaligen Fotomodel sei es gelungen, „das Thema Beschneidung von jungen Mädchen auf die öffentliche Agenda zu bringen“, erklärte die FDP-nahe bayerische Thomas-Dehler-Stiftung am Montag zur Begründung. Der undotierte Preis werde am 24.
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Südafrika 30 junge Männer sterben nach Beschneidung
Das Ritual soll ihnen den Weg in eine neue Lebensphase ebnen - doch für 30 junge Männer endete die rituelle Beschneidung in Südafrika tödlich. Zehn weitere wurden schwer verletzt im Wald gefunden. Ihr Zustand sei "beängstigend", heißt es von der ...
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Schlechte Ausbildung und schmutzige Instrumente : 30 Jungen sterben bei ...
In Südafrika werden Hunderte Jugendliche beim traditionellen Ritual der Beschneidung grausam verstümmelt, Dutzende verlieren sogar ihr Leben. Offensichtlich werden bei der Operation im Freien unsaubere Instrumente benutzt. Bei missglückten rituellen ...
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Dirie erhält Preis wegen Kampf gegen Beschneidung
Kleine Zeitung
Die Bestsellerautorin Waris Dirie ("Wüstenblume") wird für ihr Menschenrechts-Engagement mit dem Thomas-Dehler-Preis ausgezeichnet. Dem ehemaligen Fotomodel sei es gelungen, "das Thema Beschneidung von jungen Mädchen auf die öffentliche ...
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Tödliche Tradition: 30 Tote bei Beschneidungen in Südafrika
Die Beschneidung ist bei den Angehörigen der Volksgruppen Xhosa, Sotho und Ndebele fester Bestandteil einer traditionellen Zeremonie auf dem Weg zum vollwertigen Mann. Doch diese Tradition bezahlten 30 junge Männer in Südafrika mit ihrem Leben.
30 Tote bei Beschneidungsritual
Bei den traditionellen Beschneidungen in Südafrika kommt es jedes Jahr zu Unglücken, die von Penis-Amputationen bis hin zu Todesfällen reichen. Foto: dpa. Johannesburg. Bei missglückten rituellen Beschneidungen in Südafrika sind 30 junge Männer ...
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"An ihrer Stelle" im Kino - Guckloch in ein Paralleluniversum
Von der Welt der schläfengelockten Männer mit den großen Hüten, von der Beschneidung bis zur Beerdigung. Und von den Frauen, die meist im Hintergrund die Fäden ziehen. Es geht ihr um Aufklärung der säkularen Gesellschaft, nicht um Vermittlung.
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Die Beschneidung ist bei den Angehörigen der Volksgruppen ...
Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung)
Massenbeschneidung endet im Blutbad Die Beschneidung ist bei den Angehörigen der Volksgruppen Xhosa, Sotho und Ndebele fester Bestandteil einer traditionellen Zeremonie auf dem Weg zum vollwertigen Mann. Doch diese Tradition bezahlten 30 ...
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Thomas-Dehler-Preis 2013 geht an Waris Dirie
30 Tote nach Beschneidung
Vor einigen Tagen berichtete der hpd darüber, dass in Südafrikas Krankenhäusern weitere Ärzte angestellt werden, um verpfuschte Beschneidungen zu behandeln. Nun wurde bekannt, dass in Südafrika 30 junge Männer bei den Beschneidungsritualen ums ...
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Südafrika : Mordanklage wegen verpfuschter Beschneidung
Laut Mitteilung der südafrikanischen Polizei sollen fünf Personen aufgrund Mordverdachts wegen verpfuschter ritueller Beschneidungen inhaftiert worden sein, nachdem 30 Jugendliche, die sich diesem Ritual unterzogen haben, in der Provinz Ostkap ...
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Thomas-Dehler-Preis für Waris Dirie
In der Jury-Begründung wird hervorgehoben, Dirie sei es gelungen, das Thema Beschneidung von jungen Mädchen auf die öffentliche Agenda zu bringen. Der undotierte Preis wird am 24. Juli in München überreicht. Dirie gründete die Desert Flower ...
Beschneidung - das sinnlose Morden - 09.07.13 - Forum - ARIVA.DE
Diskussion zum Thema: Beschneidung - das sinnlose Morden - 09.07.13.
Waris Dirie für Kampf gegen Beschneidung geehrt | Kultur - Berliner ...
Die Autorin Waris Dirie („Wüstenblume“) wird für ihr Menschenrechts- Engagement mit dem Thomas-Dehler-Preis ausgezeichnet. Dem ehemaligen Fotomodel ...
Bericht und Fragen zu meiner Beschneidung heute - EURO CIRC ...
200 Beschneidungen machte, sagte mir eine high & tight Beschneidung zu, wobei mindestens 1 cm inneres Vorhautblatt erhalten werden würde, und wollte das ...
Beschneidung - das sinnlose Morden | Aktienforum | Aktien Forum ...
Beschneidung - das sinnlose Morden | Aktienforum | Aktien Forum | Diskussionsboard | Community von finanzen.net.
Nach der Beschneidung kein Gefühl mehr - Vorhautprobleme - med1
Könnte es evtl daran liegen, da nach der Beschneidung die Nerven so überempfindlich waren, sie nun "eine Pause einlegen" und dass die Gefühle mit der Zeit ...
The Doctor & Black Sugar - Vegizeit und Beschneidung - Grower.ch
Es soll ja sorten geben die ihr gesamtes Potential erst beim beschneiden zeigen. . wie sieht es hier aus? Eher nicht beschneiden, oder eher doch beschneiden?
Beschneidung II (UMT) - www.mykath.de - Seite 9
Wen interessiert schon die Verfassung - Jungs sind demnach eben nur Wesen dritter Klasse (nach Mädchen und Hunden).Dass nicht jeder in der Verfassung...
Amateur circumciser arrested in Sweden
They arrested her on suspicion of aggravated assault because carrying out a circumcision without a medical professional being present is illegal. The Swedish parliament introduced a law in 2001 stating that young boys cannot be circumcised without a ...
The ethics of infant male circumcision | Brian D. Earp - Academia.edu
Is the non-therapeutic circumcision of infant males morally permissible? The most recent major developments in this long-simmering debate were (a) the 2012 ...
circumcision | National Conference for Men & Boys
Could you help change the way that people think about medically unnecessary male circumcision in the UK? While the ritual of female circumcision (or female ...
Female circumcision case in WA dropped
... District Court on Thursday, prosecutors discontinued the case. Female circumcision is commonly practised in some parts of the world but is illegal in Australia.
Govt to introduce less painful male circumcision - The Sunday News
Moreblessing Manenji Sunday News Correspondent GOVERNMENT is set to introduce a less painful and blood free circumcision method as it scales up its ...
South African police arrest five for botched circumcision deaths
South African police have arrested five people on suspicion of murder for botched circumcisions that led to the deaths of about 30 boys in coming-of-age rituals in the rural Eastern Cape province, a police spokeswoman said on Monday.
Popular Standard Digital News Feeds
Urgent meeting planned to halt further initiate deaths | DispatchOnline
Thirty initiates died of botched circumcisions in the current winter bush season that has just finished in the province, and close to 300 were hospitalised. Thirty initiates died of botched circumcisions in the current winter bush season that has ...
5 held for botched circumcision deaths | News24
Police have arrested five people on suspicion of murder for botched circumcisions, which have led to the deaths of about 30 boys in the Eastern Cape .
Zimbabwe's anti-HIV circumcision drive fails to take off | News ...
Government says there has been a poor response to the male circumcision programme which aims to circumcise about 3-million men by the end of 2015.
Circumcision culture has become criminal: Minister - Sowetan LIVE
Illegal initiation schools have turned the circumcision culture into something criminal, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi said in The Times newspaper.
The History of Circumcision - Today I Found Out
Mark asks: When did people first start cutting the foreskins off penises? Having served variously as a mark of virility, servility and gentility, circumcision.
EDITORIAL: Circumcision — a winter horror in rural South Africa
EVERY year as winter sets in, thousands of young boys from around the country, but especially in the Eastern Cape and Limpopo, gather for the "ulwaluko", during which they start a new phase of their lives by being circumcised and learning how to be men.
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Lack of resources stalls male circumcision in northern Malawi
Nyasa Times
Male circumcision, a campaign that government embarked about two years ago after establishing that it puts men at a lesser risk of contracting HIV, has stalled in the northern region because of lack of enough resources and well trained personnel.
South Africa: 30 Teenagers Die in Agony After Botched Circumcisions Rotted ...
Thirty young men have died in South Africa after botched circumcisions at initiation ceremonies left their infected penises dropped off. Another 300 more were hospitalised after being circumcised in the Eastern Cape and the African National Congress is ...
ANC too passive over circumcision deaths
SO, the ANC, as usual, is “deeply distressed” by the news of the deaths of at least 30 youngsters in the Eastern Cape through botched “bush” circumcisions. 09 July 2013 | JOHN of Germiston. null. Current rating: 4 from 1 votes. The somnambulistic ANC ...
Dying in name of tradition: iLIVE
Times LIVE
However, some tribes in some parts of Limpopo and Mpumalanga have recently opened circumcision schools without consulting the provincial government and are not following the Northern Province Circumcision Schools Act No 6 of 1996 as they feel their ...
Genital mutilation talk ' deterrent '
WA today
You have to put children's welfare first, that's a much better deterrent. A northern suburbs mother and father were alleged to have organised the illegal circumcision of their baby girl in Bali and were arrested at Perth Airport in August 2012. Their ...
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Target is a million snips a year
Times LIVE
The Israeli company Circ Med Tech designed the Prepex to increase the number of circumcisions in Africa and reduce the spread of HIV, according to its website. Circumcision cut s a man's risk of getting HIV by between 40% and 60%. T his is partly ...
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Culture is being used to cloak the murder of children
Times LIVE
Eastern Cape health department spokesman Sizwe Kupelo said the latest incidents were outright castration and not circumcision. He said some of the boys had a gangrenous and infected penis. Others have lost their penis entirely. Though we all raise our ...
Deadly circumcision and initiation practices should be outlawed
Thought Leader
In Xhosa tradition, this is achieved through one means only: circumcision. In my tradition, an uncircumcised male cannot be heir to his father's wealth, cannot marry or officiate in tribal rituals. An uncircumcised Xhosa man is a contradiction in terms ...
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Xhosa Ritual Killed My Son
BBC News
The ritual is carried out when boys turn 18 and involves circumcision with unsterilised instruments carried out by unqualified people. Marcus Samuelsson was born in Ethiopia, raised in Sweden and lives in the USA. He is one of America's top chefs and ...
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ANCYL: Initiation schools should be regulated
Mail & Guardian Online
The ANC Youth League has called for initiation schools in South Africa to be regulated after cases of botched circumcision in the Eastern Cape arose. The youth league has proposed all initiation schools be registered with the health department and ...
Botched Circumcisions Kill 30 South African Boys
Voice of America
JOHANNESBURG — South Africa's ruling party has said enough is enough after 30 boys died over the weekend because of botched ritual circumcisions. The latest wave of deaths has doubled this year's toll, making 2013 one of the deadliest years on record.
Minister slams rising circumcision deaths
Eyewitness News
JOHANNESBURG – Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi lashed out at circumcision schools across the country on Tuesday following the deaths of 30 initiates in the Eastern Cape. Motsoaledi said the practice of illegal circumcisions has become a growing ...
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Ritual Circumcision Causes Death of 30 Boys in South Africa (GRAPHIC VIDEOS)
International Business Times AU
The latest round of circumcision deaths doubles the toll for 2013 due to the procedure on the male penis, making the year as one of the deadliest. In May, 30 more boys from the provinces of Limpopo and Mpumalanga died because of the rite. The police ...
Amateur circumciser arrested in Sweden
They arrested her on suspicion of aggravated assault because carrying out a circumcision without a medical professional being present is illegal. The Swedish parliament introduced a law in 2001 stating that young boys cannot be circumcised without a ... circumcision
The ethics of infant male circumcision | Brian D. Earp - Academia.edu
Is the non-therapeutic circumcision of infant males morally permissible? The most recent major developments in this long-simmering debate were (a) the 2012 ...
circumcision | National Conference for Men & Boys
Could you help change the way that people think about medically unnecessary male circumcision in the UK? While the ritual of female circumcision (or female ...
Female circumcision case in WA dropped
... District Court on Thursday, prosecutors discontinued the case. Female circumcision is commonly practised in some parts of the world but is illegal in Australia.
Govt to introduce less painful male circumcision - The Sunday News
Moreblessing Manenji Sunday News Correspondent GOVERNMENT is set to introduce a less painful and blood free circumcision method as it scales up its ...
Cialis circumcision
Concentration peak perscriptions cialis circumcision nhs guidelines re sildenafil cialis bought over the counter africa relation to varicocele. For whiskey where can be purchased is it better to take before eating or after, can you take aclohol with ...
Low uptake for male circumcision
“We are not happy with the response for male circumcision,” Mugurungi said. “We have only circumcised close to 8% of the target population, whereas we need to make sure that we go way beyond 85% of the target population, so we need to work hard to ...
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Five arrested in S.Africa over circumcision deaths
Besides the deaths, some had lost genitals in botched circumcisions during the rites of passage into manhood that started in May. Police arrested the five after investigating cases that contravened the country's circumcision laws. These included murder ...
Men turn backs on circumcision - New Zimbabwe.com
FUNDS for the male circumcision programme in Zimbabwe are lying idle, as the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare says not enough men are coming forward ...
Circumcision: Is It The Cruelest Cut or Common Sense Care ...
http://foodnsport.com Is circumcision an outdated practice or an ever more necessary safety ...
Tell the ACLU "Stop defending forced circumcision!" - Oakland, California
In 2011, the ACLUNC argued that the San Francisco Male Genital Mutilation Bill, a ballot initiative to restrict non-therapeutic circumcision to consenting adults, violated the parental right to subject boys to ritual circumcision in order to satisfy ...
The Observer - Men, here are your circumcision options
Device-assisted circumcision, which is sometimes referred to as non-surgical method of circumcision is also available in Uganda and it has its pros and cons.
Planning for non-surgical male circumcision | ReliefWeb
In Kenya, the Male Circumcision Consortium (MCC), in collaboration with the National AIDS and STIs (sexually transmitted infections) Control Programme ...
Germany's Circumcision Indecision: Anti-Semitism or Legalism? by ...
Male ritual circumcision is one of the most frequently conducted surgical procedures in the world and constitutes an important aspect of the Jewish and Muslim r.
Two young boys illegally circumcised by relative in Sweden - UPI.com
Swedish police have arrested a 36-year-old woman in connection with the illegal circumcision of two young boys in the town of Eksjo, authorities said.
5 Arrested In South Africa Over 30 Circumcision Deaths - Daily Chilli
5 Arrested In South Africa Over 30 Circumcision Deaths. Five people have appeared in court in a South African province where bungled traditional initiation
Circumcision Device Expands Access in Developing Countries
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — A novel device called the Shang Ring that is used to perform male circumcision has been shown to be safe and relatively pain-free in a field trial of more than 1000 men in Kenya and Zambia. A Shang Ring circumcision takes a ...
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Zim's circumcision drive fails to take off
Funds for the male circumcision programme in Zimbabwe are lying idle, as the Health and Child Welfare ministry says not enough men are coming forward to use the service, which was launched as part of an HIV-prevention package. IRIN. Following the ...
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Circumcision: A sharp twist of the knife and all is lost
Mail & Guardian Online
The song she sang was the same 'Somagwaza' that is meant to be sung during the different phases of the circumcision ceremony. The verse she chose was particularly significant, for it is the one that reports to the mythical Somagwaza that the cowards ...
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South African traditional initiation ceremonies leave 60 dead, spark concerns ...
Washington Post
The young men are put through a series of survival tests which sometimes include exposure to South Africa's near-freezing winter conditions with little clothing, and being given only dried foods and very little water for five days after circumcision ...
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Eastern Cape police have arrested five suspects in connection with the deaths ...
Eyewitness News
Eastern Cape police spokesperson Colonel Sibongile Soci said, “A number of cases ranging from murder to unlawful circumcision have been opened for circumcision related incidents since the beginning of the season.” Meanwhile, Eastern Cape Health ...
some new articles published on our website:
What Circumcision Is Certainly Not
Is Circumcision All It’s Cut out to Be?
What Circumcision Simulates
What Circumcision Certainly Is
Irrationality of the Castration Complex
Freudian Sexualisation of Neuroses
Normalization of the Castration Anxiety
Low uptake for male circumcision | SAfAIDS
HARARE, 11 July 2013 (Newsday) - Government is concerned at the low uptake of male circumcision in the country with less than 10% of the 1,2 million target ...
30 South African men killed in ritual circumcision - Free Republic
AFP - Botched circumcisions killed 30 young men and landed almost 300 more in hospital during traditional initiation rites in a South African province, the health ...
Free for All: circumcision - Baby Gaga
my sisters son got circumcised today and the Jewish doctor let her husband do the circumcision... wtf?! I never heard of such a thing... Anyone else find this weird ...
Circumcision campaign succesful in schools ‹ The Patriot on Sunday
OBUILWE NKOKONYANE onkokonyane@thepatriot.co.bw. The director of Department of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care in the Ministry of Health Refeletswe ...
Um die Vorhautbeschneidung bei Jungen ranken sich so unglaublich viele Mythen und Falschmeinungen. Die Vorhaut ist nicht nutzlos, die Beschneidung ohne ...
LG Köln: Religiöse Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung : Allgemein ...
DIE ZEIT veroeffentlicht einen interessanten Artikel zum Thema von Dr. Tonio Walter von der Uni Regensburg. Seit Ende Juni gibt es den neu geschaffenen ...
30 Männer sterben nach Beschneidung | assimilation1secularism
30 Männer sterben nach Beschneidung. HBNmVAwI_Pxgen_r_1100xA. Damit sie richtige Männer werden, werden Teenager verschiedener südafrikanischer ...
Beschneidung aus hygienischen Gründen | Rund-ums-Baby-Forum
Beschneidung aus hygienischen Gründen | Eine beschneidung kostet doch keine 1500... Bei uns sind es zw. 250 un500€ . Und ja, mein sohn ist beschnitten.
Friedman schaut hin – Beschneidung in Deutschland | Urlaub und ...
Michel Friedman spricht mit Juden und Muslimen, trifft einen Rabbi, besucht eine Moschee und spricht mit den Menschen in Deutschland. Was ist des Volkes ...
1000 youth circumcised
The Observer
More than 1,000 men, mainly youth aged between 18 and 29, heeded the call for free safe male circumcision at the 21st edition of the national agricultural show that ended in Jinja on Sunday. The youth, who were galvanised into action by radio ...
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Nac Pleased With Strides in Circumcision
Mzimba — The National Aids Commission NAC says it is pleased with high turn up of people demanding for Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision (VMMC) services in the country's hospitals. NAC's Information Officer Eliam Kamanga said this along the ...
The Observer (blog)
The youth, who were galvanised into action by radio announcements for free safe medical circumcision (SMC) services at the show grounds, walked to the tent of the Aids Information Centre (AIC), where the circumcision was carried out from Monday to ...
Ex-Fotomodel Dirie erhält Dehler-Preis für Kampf gegen ...
Die Bestsellerautorin Waris Dirie («Wüstenblume») wird für ihr Menschenrechts- Engagement mit dem Thomas-Dehler-Preis ausgezeichnet. Dem ehemaligen ...
Beschneidung im muslimischen Sinne | NetMoms.de
Beschneidung im muslimischen Sinne | Finde alle Antworten bei NetMoms.de: " nur Vorweg, wir sind Christen. Aber in unserer Nachbarschaft soll nun ein ...
Kolumne Hinter der Hecke: Die Kleinkarierten kommen immer von draußen
Schrebergärtner stehen im Verdacht, für die millimetergenaue Beschneidung ihrer Hecken mit ebensolchem Fanatismus zu kämpfen wie Al-Kaida-Terroristen für die Errichtung eines globalen Kalifats: Die Islamisten sind von der Religionswut befallen, die ...
Frau Brocke - Berichte zu Veranstaltungen - beschneidungsforum.de ...
Im ersten Impulsgespräch schilderte Frau Dr. Edna Brocke die Bedeutung der Beschneidung für die jüdische Religion und das jüdische Volk. Besonderen Wert ...
Selbstbefriedigung nach der Beschneidung? - EURO CIRC ...
Eine vollständige Beschneidung wollte ich eigentlich vermeiden, aber ich denke, dass ich wohl nicht mehr drum herum komme. Ein Grund für meine Bedenken ...
Gesetz zur Beschneidung von Mädchen verschärft - Wieviel ...
Die WHO will ja in Afrika demnächst die ersten 25 Millionen Männer zum Schutz vor HIV beschneiden (http://www.wgvdl.com/forum3/index.php?id=19704).
Die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten rund um die Beschneidung
ON THE WATER: Circumcision is sadism, not culture
Who needs that? Rites of passage are essential, but there is no reason to permit the sexual mutilation of circumcision. Circumcisions for purposes other than surgical intervention (rarely necessary) are unnecessary. They serve no function in hygiene ...
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More men getting cut
The New Age Online
Gauteng. Jul 15 2013 2:51PM. More men getting cut. More men getting cut. More than 90,000 males underwent male medical circumcision in Gauteng public health facilities during the 2012/13 financial year, the departement said. Picture: Gallo Images. Print.
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Intactivism Spreads in Israel. This Time by Jews.
RECOVERY FROM THE CIRCUMCISION WOUND IS SIMILAR IN SEVERITY AND RISKS TO RECOVERY FROM A THIRD DEGREE BURN. (A LIMB WITHOUT SKIN). Following the removal of the foreskin, the psychology of sexual relations is changed.
Illegal circumcision: 'Traditional leaders to blame' - City Press
Traditional leaders in Pondoland in the Eastern Cape say the blame for the proliferation of illegal initiation schools in the region should be laid squarely at their ...
Society for Pediatric Urology - The impact of circumcision status on ...
SPU 2013 Fall Congress Abstracts: The impact of circumcision status on yield of diagnostic imaging among boys with history of UTI.
Five arrested in S.Africa over circumcision deaths - ModernGhana.com
JOHANNESBURG AFP - Five people have appeared in court in a South African province where bungled traditional initiation rites killed 30 young men and ...
6 Part Series on Circumcision In Psychology Today ...
When we receive messages on circumcision, we usually stop everything else, read them and try to answer to the best of our knowledge. Here are some typical.
Medical male circumcision on the increase - South Africa
South Africa - Medical male circumcision is on the increase in Gauteng. “More than 90 000 males underwent male medical circumcision in Gauteng public health ...
Dr. Elist Circumcision Healing by Dr Elist Health Blog
Set, cut, close, and it heals in no time. Most of us know what circumcision is and what its benefits can be. Dr Elist talks about circumcision healing time.
Circumcision: Why we chose Not to Circumcise - YouTube
Lets Talk about Circumcisionby JPSUESS 12,106 views; 9:52 ... Circumcision: A Balanced ...
Circumcision on older boys 6 plus - Netmums
Any mums recently had to have their boys done . My son is 61/2 and i know he needs to be circumcised he can retract his foreskin a bit but it is.
Man Loses Penis in Medical Circumcision
At 44 years, Patrick Izimba, is a lost man after he lost his penis to a botched male medical circumcision procedure in a private clinic. Izimba is at Mulago Hospital's Urology Ward 2A, where he has endured pain for the past three weeks. Speaking with ...
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Why a white South African risked traditional circumcision
BBC News
A white South African teenager has undergone a traditional circumcision, even though dozens of boys die each year in such ceremonies, which are seen as a rite of passage into manhood in some communities. He told the BBC's Pumza Fihlani it had ...
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Foreskin - GP men opt for the snip
Eyewitness News
Meanwhile, over 50 teens have died countrywide since the beginning of the initiation season in June. Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi also lashed out at circumcision schools following the deaths of 30 initiates in the Eastern Cape earlier this month.
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A cut above the rest
"More than 90,000 males underwent male medical circumcision in Gauteng public health facilities during the 2012/13 financial year," the department said in a statement. It said 94,151 circumcisions had been conducted at 64 sites, including 41 clinics ...
Medical male circumcision on the rise | News24
Medical male circumcision is on the increase in Gauteng, the provincial health department says.
The History of Circumcision - Today I Found Out
Mark asks: When did people first start cutting the foreskins off penises? Having served variously as a mark of virility, servility and gentility, circumcision.
Man loses penis in medical circumcision - New Vision
At 44 years, Patrick Izimba, is a lost man after he lost his penis to a botched male medical circumcision procedure in a private clinic. Izimba is at Mulago ...
Website Aims to Dispel Myths, Misconceptions About HIV and ...
Website Aims to Dispel Myths, Misconceptions About HIV and Circumcision.
Circumcision - Personality Cafe
This is always good fun, and I haven't seen the topic for a while. Circumcision, heinous child brutality or just making it pretty?
Male circumcision: the message is catching on, but scale-up poses monitoring ...
Other studies explored some of the difficulties encountered in the push to scale up circumcision. A study from South Africa found that in the race to scale up, while VMMC is still being performed safely, the reporting of adverse events has deteriorated ...
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Anti-Circumcision Group to Picket ACLU's Marriage Equality Rally
The Jewish Press
San Francisco anti-circumcision activists are planning to picket a campaign for marriage equality by the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (ACLU )in Oakland Wednesday evening because the civil liberties group opposes circumcision bans.
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90 000 male medical circumcisions performed in 2012/13 - Gauteng DoH
More than 90 000 males underwent male medical circumcision in Gauteng public health facilities during the 2012/13 financial year. These 94 151 circumcision were conducted in 64 sites (41 clinics and 2 hospitals) across the province. Male Medical ...
Talking Female Circumcision Out of Existence
New York Times (blog)
Like every other girl of her era in her part of southern Ethiopia — and most girls in the country — Bogaletch Gebre was circumcised. In some regions girls are circumcised as infants, but in her zone it happened at puberty. It was around 1967, and she ...
Medical male circumcision campaigns face cultural challenges in southern Africa
Campaigns to circumcise tens of thousands of men in southern Africa are falling victim to lingering acceptability issues six years after the procedure was first recommended to help prevent HIV infection, according to speakers at the 2nd International ...
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If Your Son Is Not Circumcised... Beware the Well-Baby Check
Huffington Post
Imagine this. It's the middle of the night and your baby boy has croup -- you are worried. So you take him to your local emergency room. The ER doc comes in, removes the boy's diaper, and forcibly retracts your child's foreskin, leaving the child ...
LETTER: Death is not a tradition
THE media reports on the initiates in the Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga who died from circumcision-related injuries, and the hundreds who have been hospitalised, are shocking and catastrophic. I would rather choose not to be associated with a tradition ...
Medical male circumcision on the increase - City Press
Medical male circumcision is on the increase in Gauteng.
สาธิตการผ่าตัด Circumcision โดย นพ.จำรูญ โรงพยาบาลนครพิงค์ 2 ...
ختان الذكور د / حاتم محمد داودMale circumcision by Dr:Hatem daoud by hatem daoud 660 ... Circumcision of african ...
South African police arrest five for botched circumcision deaths
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African police have arrested five people on suspicion of murder for botched circumcisions that led to the deaths of about 30 ...
Ritual Circumcisions Botched, 30 Men Die - Breitbart
JOHANNESBURG (AFP) - Health Department officials in South Africa said that 30 young men recently died and 300 were hospitalized as a result of botched ...
Einzige Lösung wäre laut Experten die Beschneidung des ...
Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung)
38 Mrd. Euro Schaden pro Jahr durch Spam Einzige Lösung wäre laut Experten die Beschneidung des Zahlungsverkehrs. Weltweit verursachte Internetkriminalität jährlich einen geschätzten Schaden von 750 Milliarden Euro, in Österreich immerhin mehr als ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
Impfzwang durch die Hintertür?
Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
Impfgegnerinnen und -gegner wehren sich gegen die Beschneidung ihrer Freiheitsrechte. Nur durch den Ausschluss der nicht geimpften Schüler und Lehrer könnten bei einem Masernausbruch weitere Ansteckungen verhindert werden, argumentiert das ...
Religiöse islamische Beschneidung durch Arzt Muhanad Abu Baker www ...
Veröffentlicht am 08.07.2013. Eine Beschneidung durch mich, Muhanad ABu Baker : Assistenzarzt für Innere Medizin im Krankenhaus in Dortmund. Unter lokale ...
Waris Dirie erhält Dehler-Preis für Kampf gegen Beschneidung
Ihr sei es gelungen, „das Thema Beschneidung von jungen Mädchen auf die öffentliche Agenda zu bringen“, erklärte die FDP-nahe bayerische ...
RockHardForum - Thema anzeigen - was denkt ihr über die religiöse ...
Dass der Akt der Beschneidung dabei oft von Frauen ausgeführt wird, macht das ganze noch ein Stück elender, aber ich denke nicht, dass der Impuls oder die ...
Beschneidung ist Körperverletzung (Seite 628) – Allmystery
Es ist ein Urteil mit großer Wirkung: Das Landgericht Köln hat entschieden, dass die Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen str... (Seite 628)
Beschneidung Mann - Ihre urologische Beratung
Spielen Sie mit dem Gedanken sich beschneiden zu lassen? Alle wichtigen Infos über die Beschneidung der Vorhaut beim Mann: Vor- und Nachteile einer ...
Beschneidung in Südafrika: Wer ein echter Mann sein will ...
Um als erwachsen zu gelten, müssen sich Xhosa-Jungen in Südafrika nach einem wochenlangen Ritual beschneiden lassen – immer mehr sterben dabei.
Warum beschneiden Juden - Judentum - beschneidungsforum.de - das ...
Auslöser war, dass da auch jemand mit einer "Broschüre wedelte" und meinte " die WHO empfehle ausdrücklich die Beschneidung von Kindern zur HIV ...
Fäden nach Beschneidung (circumcision) - Gutefrage.net
Hallo, vor 11 Tagen wurde bei mir eine Circumcision durchgeführt. Nach anfänglicher starker Blutung scheint jetzt alles gut zu verheilen. Von den Fäden hat ...
FAQ Beschneidung | Tante Jays Café
FAQ Beschneidung. So. Schnauze voll. Echt nu. Ich tipp mir immer und immer wieder einen Wolf, wenn es um die immer gleichen Mythen und Legenden geht.
Südafrika: 30 junge Männer sterben bei misslungener Beschneidung ...
Südafrika: 30 junge Männer sterben bei misslungener Beschneidung ... Bei missglückten rituellen Beschneidungen in Südafrika sind 30 junge Männer ums ...
Beschneidung ist Genitalverstümmelung - Leser-Kommentar ... - Focus
Beschneidung ist Genitalverstümmelung: und zwar unabhängig vom Geschlecht. Da hier die Opfer nur männlich sind fällt die Berichterstattung und der ...
Schutz Vor Beschneidung | Männerstreik
Während die Beschneidung von Mädchen kürzlich unter eine besonders harte Strafandrohung gestellt wurde, hat unsere Regierung die Beschneidung von ...
Regierung leitet Verfassungsänderung ein
Kritiker hatten darin eine Beschneidung von Freiheit und Menschenrechten gesehen. Das Militär setzte die Verfassung schließlich am 3. Juli außer Kraft, nachdem es Expräsident Mohammed Mursi entmachtet hatte. An der Übergangsregierung sind die ...
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Ägypten im Umbruch Übergangsregierung gibt Verfassungsänderung in Auftrag
Kritiker hatten in dem Gesetzestext eine Beschneidung von Freiheit und Menschenrechten bemängelt. Die Regierung ringt um eine Stabilisierung der Lage in dem nordafrikanischen Land, wo es immer wieder zu Zusammenstößen zwischen Anhängern und ...
The Public Media: 30 Männer sterben nach Beschneidung
30 Männer sterben nach Beschneidung. Damit sie richtige Männer werden, werden Teenager verschiedener südafrikanischer Stämme beschnitten. Bei einer ...
„Alte Schätzchen“ sind besonders gefragt
Aachener Zeitung
Der Aufschrei des Entsetzens war groß: Ruin für die Händler, Beschneidung der gewerblichen Freiheit, gar das Aus für die beliebten Flohmärkte. Als Ende der Woche die Pläne der rot-grünen Landesregierung öffentlich wurden, den Verkauf von Neuwaren ...
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Ohne Vorhaut-Schnitt kein Mann
Berliner Zeitung
So lautet die poetische Umschreibung des Lageraufenthalts, in dessen Mittelpunkt die Beschneidung der sogenannten Initianten steht. „In meiner Tradition kann ein Unbeschnittener nicht die Güter seines Vaters erben“, schreibt Nelson Mandela in seiner ..
Adult Circumcision : The Greatest Thing You Will Ever Do - YouTube
None of this POLITICALLY CORRECT explanations for why CIRCUMCISION is great. I will 110 ...
Why a white South African risked traditional circumcision
A white South African teenager has undergone a traditional circumcision, even though dozens of boys die each year in such ceremonies, which are seen as a ...
Circumcision | High Existence
People seem ignorant to the mutilation of children when it comes to Circumcision. I am talking about Male Circumcision here but, it happens to women also.
Circumcision regrets? - TCOYF
Our son was born in the USA, where circumcision is the norm. My husband is European (British) where circumcision is the minority. We chose not to circumcise ...
Lesotho counselor champions HIV treatment access, voluntary ...
As one of the first HIV counselors trained in voluntary medical male circumcision ( VMMC), a key HIV prevention strategy, Tsasanyane will personally accompany ...
Beschneidung hat viele Vorteile - Medizin allgemein (Studien, usw ...
Beschneidung hat viele Vorteile: http://beschneidungmann.de/. Wir kommt jemand dazu, rein privat so eine Seite ins Netz zu stellen und was bezweckt er wohl ...
Empfinden nach Beschneidung? - Yahoo! Clever
Ist das Empfinden am Penis (bzw. Eichel) beim Sex nach durchgeführter ... Keien Ahnung, ich habe meine Klito noch und das bleibt auch so. ... gemindert. Denn die ...
When circumcision can mean death in South Africa
BBC News
Nearly 80 boys and young men have died this year in South Africa from injuries sustained during ritual circumcision. This has led to renewed calls for more effective regulation of the so-called "traditional surgeons" who carry out the procedure. The ...
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Malawi Targets Two Million Males to Go for Circumcision By 2016
Speaking to Mana on Tuesday after a stakeholders meeting in Mangochi, Spokesperson in the Ministry of Health, Henry Chimbali said Malawi is expecting to have 2.1 million males who will have undergone Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) by ...
Malawi: Ministry of Health Targets 60000 Males in National Voluntary Male ...
Ministry of Health (MoH) has targeted 60,000 males between the ages of 15-45 in the upcoming national voluntary male circumcision campaign slated from July 22 to August 22 in Lilongwe. The one month campaign according to the Lilongwe District Health ...
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Which Wikipedia Topics Are Most Controversial?
Sci-Tech Today
In order, they were: George W. Bush, anarchism, the prophet Muhammed, the list of World Wrestling Entertainment employees, global warming, circumcision, the U.S., Jesus, race and intelligence, and Christianity. Using the "mutual reverts" metric, a ...
Get a Bullet-Proof Vest
Traditionally in Zimbabwe there have been tribes that have practised circumcision for ages and these being the Shangaan and the Remba as part of a rite of passage from boyhood into manhood. In these procedures, women stay far from the camps only ...
Israeli Cabinet Minister and IDF General Celebrate Illegal Outpost Settlement
Daily Beast
"I know that only in the last two weeks there were three circumcisions here, so our answer to the European Commission is another circumcision, another birth, and another tree planted, another house and another community." --Habayit Hayehudi leader and ...
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Wikipedia editors love fighting about Israel and the Holocaust
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
In fact, none of those pages showed up on the English Top 10, while Muhammad, Jesus and Christianity did break through. Circumcision did finish #6. But enough with all of that. Coolest result: “World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. employees” finished #4 ...
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King David's moment of panic
Then he looked at his circumcision and began to create a song of praise about it, as it is written, 'For the Leader; on the Sheminith. A Psalm of David' (Pss. 12:1).” The midrash thus tersely provides the broad outlines of an entire existential drama ...
Federal funding to fight female circumcision
The Age
Ms Gbla said she hoped the government money would help fund a hotline for family members or children who had suspicions there were plans afoot for a circumcision. The African refugee was aged nine or 10 and in a camp in Gambia when her mother told ...
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Circumcision in young boys
Daily News
Here, circumcision of male babies is virtually unknown. Circumcisions are not common among the Wajaluo, Wahaya and Wasukuma of Mara, Kagera and Mwanza regions respectively. I must mention at the outset, however, that this discussion mainly centres ...
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UK court ducks position on circumcision
UK Human Rights Blog (blog)
As for the circumcision question, it was unnecessary to decide whether the procedure could infringe a child's rights under Article 3 or Article 8 as the first instance tribunal had found that C would have the positive emotional support of his father ...
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Ritual circumcisions kill dozens in South Africa
This includes a circumcision as well as lessons on masculine courage and discipline. Traditional surgeons perform the procedure in the bush, sometimes with unsterilised instruments or lacking in technique. Botched circumcisions leading to penis ..
Most intense 'edit-wars' on Wikipedia
Deccan Chronicle
The report said that the top ten most debated topics include George W. Bush, anarchism, the Prophet Muhammad, circumcision, Jesus, Christianity and race and intelligence. The researchers found that the most controversial topics across all the editions ...
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A Terrible Thing To Waste
Gilmer Mirror
Titus 1:10-16 points out some dangers that a church leader should look out for, “For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, 11 who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families,
K24 Looks Into The Mysterious Circumcision Of Boys In Korogocho ...
On Wednesday, K24 highlighted the story of five boys in Nairobi's Korogocho area who were ...
Doubt, Defiance, And Identity: Resistance To Male Circumcision ...
Male Circumcision Policy In Africa. Justin Parkhurst, David Chilongozi*, Eleanor Hutchinson. Social Science and Humanities in HIV/AIDS Conference. Paris, July ...
Protests mark new campaign against 'female circumcision'
The Independent
Since the 1985 Prohibition of Female Circumcision Act, FGM has been a criminal offence in the UK, yet nobody has been successfully convicted of the crime, in contrast to more than 100 convictions in France since 1988. In today's Independent on Sunday, ..
Malawi to circumcise two million males by 2016: Only 42 000 ...
By thomas
As Malawi embarks on a national voluntary medical male circumcision campaign (VMMC) next Monday, July 22, officials say the country estimates 2.1 million males to have undergone the knife by 2016. Since the country introduced voluntary ..
When circumcision can mean death in South Africa | African Spotlight
Nearly 80 boys and young men have died this year in South Africa from injuries sustained during ritual circumcision.
An alternative rite of passage: Circumcision with words | Foundation ...
By Cathleen O'GradyThe World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 140 million girls and women worldwide have undergone female ...
Circumcision - PC Magazine
Male circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin from the human penis. In some cultures, males must be circumcised shortly after birth, during childhood, ...
Weniger Genitalverstümmelungen bei Mädchen
Als häufigster Grund für die Beschneidung wird das Gefühl sozialer Verpflichtung angegeben. Die Angst vor Ausgrenzung ist dabei sogar stärker als die Sorge vor Strafverfolgung: In den meisten Ländern ist die Beschneidung von Mädchen mittlerweile ...
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DVB-T: LfM betrachtet Pläne der BNetzA mit Sorge
Die Medienkommission der Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein-Westfalen (LfM) betrachtet die Pläne der Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) zur Beschneidung der Frequenzen des digitalen terrestrischen Rundfunks (DVB-T) mit Sorge. Auf einer Sitzung vom .
30 Männer sterben bei Beschneidung - sueddeutsche.de
Johannesburg - Bei missglückten rituellen Beschneidungen in Südafrika sind 30junge Männer ums Leben gekommen. Rund 300 weitere junge Männer würden ...
Beschneidung bei einem erwachsenen Mann - Sapir.eu
Unter dem medizinischen Begriff Zirkumzision versteht man die Beschneidung, welche sich aus dem lateinischen Begriff circumcisio ableitet. Unter dem Begriff ...
Gesetzgeber behandelt Mädchen und Jungen ungleich - Kinder ...
Diese Vorhaut ist das Gegenstück zur Vorhaut der Jungen - deren Beschneidung ist kürzlich ausdrücklich legalisiert worden. Mit dieser unterschiedlichen ...
Beschneidung von Jungen aus religiösen Gründen ist strafbar - Café ...
Ja, und das ist auch bei der Knabenbeschneidung z.B. in den USA einer der großen Gründe, vor allem für sehr straffe Beschneidungsformen. Also kein ...
Beschneidung News | Rituelle Beschneidung mit schrecklichem ...
Zum Erwachsenwerden gehört für die männlichen Angehörigen der südafrikanischen Stämmte Xhosa, Sotho und Ndebele auch eine rituelle ...
www.politik-forum.eu • Thema anzeigen - Endlich - Gericht greift ...
Daraus entstand dann der andere Gesetzentwurf, die Beschneidung auf das 14. Lebensjahr zu verschieben, wenn das Kind selbst religionsmündig ist und so ...
Why is "Circumcision helps prevent HIV," a good argument for ...
Circumcision is a religious ritual. A ritual in a religion that prohibits premarital sex. If you're taking your religion seriously, then you shouldn't have to worry about ...
Bush, pro wrestlers and circumcision are all very controversial on ...
What do former President George W. Bush , pro wrestlers, and circumcision have in common?
Royal Baby: Beschneidung?: Königliche Tradition: Wird Kates Sohn beschnitten?
Abendzeitung München
Zurück reicht die Tradition Hunderte Jahre, vor allem Queen Victoria war eine Befürworterin der Beschneidung. Sie ließ das Prozedere an allen ihren Söhnen durchführen. Nach Angaben der Zeitung „The Observer“ war sie zum einen davon überzeugt, dass ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
Unicef-Bericht Mädchen werden seltener Opfer von Beschneidung
Weltweit müssen laut Unicef 125 Millionen Frauen mit den Folgen des Eingriffs leben. Nach Angaben des Kinderhilfswerks, wird als häufigster Grund für die fortgesetzte Beschneidung das Gefühl sozialer Verpflichtung angegeben. Die Angst vor Ausgrenzung ...
Alles zu diesem Thema ansehen »
Beschneidungen von Mädchen werden seltener
Die heutige Generation der Mädchen wird laut einer UNICEF-Studie deutlich seltener Opfer von Genitalverstümmelungen als die Generation ihrer Mütter. Demnach habe sich die Haltung zur weiblichen Beschneidung in vielen Ländern mit einer derartigen ..
Live-Ticker zum Royal Baby: Kate bekommt Sohn: So soll Kates Baby die ...
FOCUS Online
16.57 Uhr: Historien-Update zur Beschneidung: Zurück reicht die königliche Tradition Hunderte Jahre, vor allem Queen Victoria war eine Befürworterin. Sie ließ das Prozedere an allen ihren Söhnen durchführen. Sie habe sich der viktorianischen ...
Genderama: Männerrechtler-Artikel in der "Zeit": "Das weibliche ...
Kinder und Jugendliche, denen ihr Geschlecht zum Verhängnis wurde – das männliche. Sie starben an den Folgen ihrer Beschneidung, sind verblutet oder an ...
Wieso lassen sich manche Männer beschneiden? - Yahoo! Clever
Wenn es dem Menschen zu wohl ist, dann geht er auf´s Eis.
beschneidung ist kein bündnis mit gott? - T-Online
geht man nach diesem bibelzitat, ist die beschneidung nicht unbedingt "das" bündnis mit den göttern. das heilige buch der christen weiss zu berichten: zitat:
Beschneidung im Judentum | BabyZauber
Die Beschneidung ist ein wichtiger Brauch im Judentum. Welche Bedeutung Sie hat und warum dieser Tradition nachgegangen wird, lesen Sie hier!
Politicsweb - 90 000 male medical circumcisions performed in 2012 ...
Male Medical circumcisions on the rise in Gauteng. 15 Jul 2013. More than 90 000 males underwent male medical circumcision in Gauteng public health ...
John Robbie circumcision deaths by Primedia Broadcasting on ...
Listen to John Robbie circumcision deaths by Primedia Broadcasting: John Robbie discussed circumcision deaths, asking Contralesa's Chief Phathekile ...
Jehovah Covenant of Circumcision verse - Topix
Jehovah Covenant of Circumcision verse. Posted in the Lesotho Forum. Share. Read. 69 Comments. Add to my Tracker. More Lesotho Discussions ».
USA RX: Viagra Circumcision you wont regret about! - FVSU Review
Viagra circumcision . Buy Generic Viagra Online at our E-Pharmacy Without Prescription! Best offers of generic viagra and lowest price ! Only legal drugs.
Kenya National Male Circumcision task force and players in the Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision have launched a pilot study to lure men within 24-49 years to circumcision. The initiative is aimed at circumcising male adults. The awareness will start ...
English court denies asylum to Malaysian who does not want child to be raised ...
Catholic Culture
The husband has since become a Muslim. In its ruling, the Court of Appeal acknowledged that the government's decision to return mother and son to Malaysia would result in the boy's circumcision and being raised a Muslim. “C [the boy] himself is only 6 ...
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The Merchant of Venice, Bregenz Festival, Austria
Financial Times
©Karl Forster. 'The Merchant of Venice' with Christopher Ainslie, right, as Antonio. André Tchaikowsky gave his pound of flesh, in the form of three traumatic operations when he was seven years old to reverse his circumcision. A Polish Jew, he lost his ...
Does circumcision leave a mark? - Yahoo! Answers
I'm 15 and I've just had circumcision and there is a small circular mark that ... You do get a mark from circumcision, but not on the head. You get a ring around the ...
Religious circumcision and the courts – again | Law & Religion UK
What happens when parents disagree about whether or not their son should be circumcised? The issue came up on Thursday in SS (Malaysia) v Secretary of ...
Georgia Urology - Circumcision
What is a circumcision? A circumcision is the removal of the excess skin at the end of the penis (foreskin). In the United States, many newborn circumcisions are ...
Gauteng Health on 2012/13 male medical circumcisions (English)
More than 90 000 males underwent male medical circumcision in Gauteng public health facilities during the 2012/13 financial year. These 94 151 circumcision ...
Malawi's Innovative Approach to Delivering Voluntary Medical Male ...
Thyolo, Malawi—When the outreach roadshow advertising free male circumcision services arrived in the village of Helimani, Kizito Liyasi was curious enough to ...
Male circumcision as HIV prevention in Africa : debates and ...
While the practice of male circumcision (MC) is declining in Western countries, its promotion in order to prevent HIV/AIDS is currently implemented in Eastern
Male circum
Acceptance of male circumcision in PNG
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), male circumcision (MC) performed by trained professionals in a sterile environment can reduce the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV in men by some 60 percent. Estimates suggest just 10 percent of PNG ...
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Met to Get Cash, Food Prizes for Circumcision
Inner-Standing the Ritual of Circumcision
Huffington Post
As a cultural hybrid continually navigating between my cultural upbringing and ancestral linage, I have come to see female genital circumcision through the lens of choice and right. The Sierra Leonean president's Agenda for Prosperity at a policy level ...
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183 avail of free medical-dental services
Philippine Information Agency
Cristina in Tapaz town availed of the free medical and dental services in a Medical-Dental-Circumcision Mission and Bloodletting Activity recently conducted by the Philippine Army's 61st Infantry Batallion and Capiz Archdiocese's Social Action Center ...
Weird Amazon Items: A Round up of the Strangest Items for Sale on Amazon ...
Huffington Post
... Practice Circumcision Foreskins. Need some more practice performing circumcisions? Purchase this <a href=
cision key to HIV fight'
Times of Zambia
Community Development, Mother and Child Health Minister Joseph Katema said male circumcision was an effective intervention for HIV prevention that should be embraced by all. Speaking at a VMMC media briefing in Lusaka yesterday, Dr Katema said if ...
Royal Baby Circumcision? We're Just Better Off Not Knowing Some Things
The Inquisitr
We're Just Better Off Not Knowing Some Things. royal baby circumcision. The Royal Baby's circumcision is a hot topic of debate online right now. While not as popular as baby name speculation, circumcision is a close and uncomfortable second and .
Beschneidungsrituale in Afrika: Alle tun es, das ist Tradition Berliner Zeitung
Ja, Beschneidung ist ein Grund zum Feiern. Das Fest beginnt eine ... Es gibt viele Frauen, die sehr große Probleme seit ihrer Beschneidung haben. Für die ist es ...
Unicef-Studie:Mädchen werden seltener Opfer von Beschneidung Süddeutsche.de,Nach Angaben des Kinderhilfswerks, wird als häufigster Grund für die fortgesetzte Beschneidung das Gefühl sozialer Verpflichtung angegeben. Die Angst vor ...,Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen », ,Royale Tradition - Muss Kate ihr Baby beschneiden lassen? Express.de,Außerdem habe sie sich der viktorianischen Vorstellung angeschlossen, eine Beschneidung diene der Hygiene und Gesundheit. Noch viele Jahre danach sei ...,Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen », ,Wird Williams und Kates Sohn beschnitten? Deutsch Türkisches Journal,Schon Queen Victoria war eine Befürworterin der Beschneidung und überzeugt davon, dass die englische Königsfamilie in direkter Linie von König David
Berliner Klinik soll Frauen mit Genitalverstümmelung helfen Berliner Zeitung
Ihr Buch „Desert Flower“ (Wüstenblume) wurde zum Weltbestseller, sie selber zur Sonderbotschafterin der UN gegen diese Form der Beschneidung. Nun, rund ...
Aufregung um royale Sitte Promiflash.de
Momentan wird allerorts gemunkelt, dass dem Sohn von William (31) und Kate (31) eine Beschneidung droht. Dies sei royale Tradition und dieser muss doch ..
Knappes Ja zur NSA-Bespitzelung 20 Minuten Online
Der US-Geheimdienst NSA darf weiter fleissig die Telekommunikation überwachen. Das Repräsentantenhaus lehnte eine Beschneidung des Programms ab ...
Tradition: Muss das Royal-Baby zur Beschneidung? | Promiflash.de
Aufregung um royale Sitte. Muss der Mini-Prinz direkt mit einem kleinen, nicht ganz angenehmen Eingriff in sein noch so junges Leben starten? Momentan wird ...
Wien wird zum Sitz des Europäischen Zentrums für Beschneidung Vienna Online
Die Aufgabe der UME sei es, die nationalen Bestimmungen zur religiösen Beschneidung einzuhalten, sagte Hofmeister im Gespräch mit der “Wiener Zeitung”.
Europäisches Zentrum für Beschneidung in Wien Kleine Zeitung
Die Beschneidung wird ausschließlich von zu Mohel zertifizierten Beschneidern durchgeführt, von denen erwartet wird, nach den Vorgaben der Halacha, dem ...
Dirie erhält Dehler-Preis für Kampf gegen Beschneidung DIE WELT
"In Afrika ist die "weibliche Beschneidung", wie diese Barbarei etwas schönfärberisch bezeichnet wird, in vielen Ländern immer noch gängige Praxis unter ..
Rabbinische Gruppe ist bestrebt die Beschneidung in Europa zu ... 02elf Düsseldorfer Abendblatt
Eine europäische rabbinische Gruppe hat eine Vereinigung von Mohels oder rituellen Beschneidern geschaffen, in dem Bemühen, rituelle Beschneidung zu ..
Herzogin Kate: Muss sie den kleinen Prinzen beschneiden lassen? InTouch
Nach victorianischen Vorstellungen dient die Beschneidung bei Jungen der Hygiene und Gesundheit. Queen Victoria hatte diese Tradition damals eingeführt ..
Circumcision? :/ - BabyandBump JayMari
I'm having a baby boy and the only thing I can think about is this circumcision. It's killing me. I know it isn't an absolute necessity but I feel it's what's best.
Unicef-Studie:Mädchen werden seltener Opfer von Beschneidung Süddeutsche.de
Nach Angaben des Kinderhilfswerks, wird als häufigster Grund für die fortgesetzte Beschneidung das Gefühl sozialer Verpflichtung angegeben. Die Angst vor ...
Royale Tradition - Muss Kate ihr Baby beschneiden lassen? Express.de
Außerdem habe sie sich der viktorianischen Vorstellung angeschlossen, eine Beschneidung diene der Hygiene und Gesundheit. Noch viele Jahre danach sei ..
Wird Williams und Kates Sohn beschnitten? Deutsch Türkisches Journal
Schon Queen Victoria war eine Befürworterin der Beschneidung und überzeugt davon, dass die englische Königsfamilie in direkter Linie von König David ...
Diskussion um Beschneidung geht weiter hpd.de
Im FREITAG vergleicht Gerhard Hafner die Beschneidung der männlichen und der weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane. Und stellt dabei - in Übereinstimmung mit ...
Traditionelle Beschneidungsrituale stehen wegen ihrer ... Deutschlandradio
In einigen südafrikanischen Volksgruppen wird man nur durch die Beschneidung zum Mann. Doch da die hygienischen Bedingungen schlecht sind und ...
Europa: Angriffe auf die Beschneidung | abseits vom mainstream ... heplev
In Europa sind im Verlauf der letzten Jahre bedeutenden Attacken gegen die religiöse Beschneidung aufgekeimt. Ein Amtsgericht in Köln stieß das Thema im ...
abseits vom mainstream - heplev
The (Mis)Reporting of Male Circumcision Status among Men and ... Becca Fielding-Miller
Paul C. Hewett, Nicole Haberland, Lou Apicella, Barbara S. Mensch. The study was conducted in urban and rural Zambia and urban Swaziland. Men (N = 1264) ...
Swaziland AIDS Research Network
The (Mis)Reporting of Male Circumcision Status among Men and ... Becca Fielding-Miller
Paul C. Hewett, Nicole Haberland, Lou Apicella, Barbara S. Mensch. The study was conducted in urban and rural Zambia and urban Swaziland. Men (N = 1264) ...
Swaziland AIDS Research Network
Zambian Chief Challenges Beliefs on Circumcision AllAfrica.com
As the influential leader of Zambia's Kaonde people, Chief Jonathan Eshiloni Mumena's decision to undergo male circumcision was nothing short of a public ..
Rabbinical group aims to standardize circumcision in Europe Jewish Telegraphic Agency
(JTA) — A European rabbinical group has created a union of mohels, or ritual circumcisers, in an effort to standardize ritual circumcision and combat attempts to ...
Poor Circumcisions Take 60 Lives in the Eastern Cape French Tribune
May is the month of beginning of circumcision season and it ends in the month of July. This is the time when the young boys go to schools and face difficult time.
ethnicity and opinions on male circumcision, newly/finally published ... dadakim
Last month a paper I wrote with Michelle Poulin, “Ethnic identity, region and attitudes towards male circumcision in a high HIV-prevalence country”, was ...
haba na haba
'Circumcision is one of the oddities of the Royal Family' Telegraph.co.uk
It is one of the oddities of the Royal Family -- shared by the majority of the English upper classes -- that for many generations they have circumcised their male ...
The Circumcision Wars: What's a Parent to Do? The Atlantic
The deadlock began around week 20 of my pregnancy, when my mom casually asked about when and where our son would be circumcised. I presumptuously ...
'Male Circumcision Key to HIV Fight' AllAfrica.com
THREE latest studies have shown that the Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) would reduce men's chances of contracting HIV by 60 per cent.
ACHAP happy with circumcision drive Mmegi Online
FRANCISTOWN: African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnership's (ACHAP) Safe Male Circumcision (SMC) Manager Benjamin Binagwa says his organisation is ...
Royal Baby Circumcision? We're Just Better Off Not Knowing Some ... The Inquisitr
The Royal Baby's circumcision is a hot topic of debate online right now. While not as popular as baby name speculation, circumcision is a close and ...
European circumcision union announced Ynetnews
VIDEO – A European rabbinical group has created a union of mohalim, or ritual circumcisers, called the Union of Mohalim in Europe.
State launches male circumcision in Mbala rural Zambia Daily Mail
GOVERNMENT in collaboration with the United States of America has launched the Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision (VMMC) programme in Chief Nondo's ...
Standardisierung der Beschneidung: Union der Mohalim in Europa ... ShortNews.de
Auf einer Konferenz in Wien, deren Teilnehmer Beschneidungen an Neugeborenen vornehmen, wurde die Union der Mohalim in Europa (UME) gegründet.
Why Women Don't Need Circumcision Chabad.org
He was four years old when he read of Abraham's circumcision and of G‑d's subsequent appearance to him. Something about the story moved him, and he ...
Ministry of Health Upbeat On Meeting Circumcision Target AllAfrica.com
Blantyre — The Ministry of Health (MoH) has expressed optimism that it will reach its target of circumcising 60,000 males across the country during the 30-day ...
Royal Baby News: Will Kate Middleton Allow Prince George to Be ... Headlines & Global News
There is a history of the men in the royal family undergoing the procedure, but will Kate Middleton let Prince George get circumcised? (Photo : Reuters).
Headlines & Global News
They Mutilate Boys Don't They? Huffington Post
As reported in The Huffington Post, Female Genital Mutilation/Circumcision may be on the decline after ... The thing is, all cocks look different, circumcised or not.
Leaders sorry for initiates' deaths eNCA
File: The Congress of Traditional leaders has apologised for the deaths of initiates in circumcision schools, saying it wants to " go back to the drawing board".
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Diskussion um Beschneidung geht weiter | hpd fnavissi
Im FREITAG vergleicht Gerhard Hafner die Beschneidung der männlichen und der weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane. Und stellt dabei - in Übereinstimmung mit ...
Prinz George: Stillen, Beschneidung, Kosenamen? inFranken.de
Während sich Prinz George und seine Eltern Prinz William und Herzogin Kate in Bucklebury auf den optimale Rhythmus zwischen Nahrungsaufnahme, ...
Sambia: 11,4 Millionen Dollar Zuschuss für Beschneidungen zur ... ShortNews.de
"Wir hoffen, dass mit diesem Programm Chiefs und traditionelle Führer Männer dazu ermutigen, sich für ihre Gesundheit beschneiden zu lassen ... ." sagte ...
Nach klaren Regeln Jüdische Allgemeine
Mehrere Personen aus sieben europäischen Ländern, die Beschneidungen ... Auch die Beschneidung aus religiösen Gründen rufe in Europa immer wieder ...
Neues von Prinz George: Stillen, Beschneidung, Kosenamen N24
Neues von Prinz George Stillen, Beschneidung, Kosenamen. Während sich Prinz William und Herzogin Kate momentan wohl hauptsächlich aufs Windeln ...
Medical Male Circumcision Services Available At Health Facilities AllAfrica.com
Medical male circumcision (MMC) is one of the successful measures in the prevention of HIV transmission. Michael Mapongwana, Kraaifontein, Eerste River and ...
Britons in Suspense over Possibility of a 'Royal Circumcision' The Jewish Press
Queen Victoria might have wanted to adopt the practice of circumcision because she “basically got it into her head that her children were the sons of David,”
27.06.2012Urteil zu BeschneidungenWenn Richter zu ... Qantara.de
Die Beschneidung der männlichen Kinder war und ist das unauslöschlich archaische Unterscheidungsmerkmal der Juden und Muslime, oft genug riskierten ...
HDE: "Keine Beschneidung der Vertragsfreiheit" GABOT
Durch zunehmende gesetzliche Regulierungen werden die Handlungsspielräume der Einzelhandelsunternehmen immer weiter eingeschränkt. Das geltende ...
Bei den britischen Royals Tradition seit dem 17. Jahrhundert | Wird ... BILD
Jahrhundert üblich, die männlichen Nachkommen zu beschneiden. ... Besonders Königin Victoria war eine große Befürworterin der Beschneidung und legte alle
Royal Baby Circumcision: Will Prince George Be Circumcised? Huffington Post
But among the things that remain a mystery: whether Prince George will be circumcised. Kensington And Chelsea Review editor Coco Khan and pediatrician Dr.
IT'S called the "ulwaluko" and if the pain doesn't kill you, the infection ... NEWS.com.au
The ulwaluko is a circumcision ritual practised by South Africa's ethnic Xhosa tribe between May and July each year. The Xhosa, whose name is pronounced ...
Thyolo Teenager Dies After Circumcision, Death Natural - Postmortem AllAfrica.com
Blantyre — A postmortem carried out at Thyolo District Hospital has revealed that a teenager who died after being circumcised during an initiation ceremony ...
Somalia Leads World in Per Capita Female Circumcision AllAfrica.com
In addition, the report states that female circumcision is higher among Somalis even in countries where the practice is less common. For instance, 74% of ...
Solicitor joins eight on female genital mutilation charges Mackay Daily Mercury
The 46-year-old was arrested at his Strathfield office by sex crime detectives investigating the illegal circumcision of two sisters, aged six and seven, at Burwood.
African chief evangelizes about adult circumcision Washington Post (blog)
LUSAKA, Zambia — African Chief Jonathan Eshiloni Mumena will eagerly tell you about his ivory Star of David ring and the Texas flag on his tie. But Mumena's .
Will Prince George be circumcised? Examiner.com
Will Prince George be circumcised? According to HNGN on Thursday, he likely will be circumcised based on tradition. No one will know unless it is made public.
Rockstar Uproar Festival Booth - Wantagh, Long Island, New York IntactNews
Many don't know what was done to them as babies, what circumcision involves, or how it may have affected them. If your in the area and you like hard rock ...
Crude Flyers Offend Pickerington Residents ABC6OnYourSide.com
Among the items promoted, “medical marijuana treats” at the Farmer's Market and an “On-Site Mobile Circumcision drive.” Officials don't know who's behind the .
Birth and circumcision in Turkey - Today's Zaman, your gateway to ...
Circumcision is a major rite of passage for a boy. ... The circumcision party involves the son wearing a special suit for a week before, looking just like a little ...
African Chief Eshiloni Mumena Evangelizes About Adult ... Huffington Post
But Mumena's real passion has recently turned to advocacy for adult circumcision to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. In some African countries, tribes have ...
Forcible Circumcision Turned This Man Into an Anti-Circumcision ... VICE
When he was eight years old and boarded at a church-run school in Montreal, Paul was forcefully held down on a desk and circumcised, because a priest had ...
Female genital mutilation still widespread in Africa Channel News Asia
Female circumcision, an ancient practice which predates Judaism, Christianity and Islam, is performed with the misguided belief that it will ensure a girl's chastity ..
In South Africa, an Initiation Rite Gone Wrong Wall Street Journal
The men had just been circumcised; the white clay symbolized purity and the ... The prevalence of traditional male circumcision varies between eastern and
starke Beschneidung der Rechte von Arbeitnehmern Lokalkompass.de
starke Beschneidung der Rechte von Arbeitnehmern. Hallo, seit einer Woche habe ich nun wieder einen Job. Leider im Call-Center, da ich im Büro z. Z. nichts ..
Innenministerium: Nur noch fair produzierte Hardware CHIP Online Business
... ohne Diskriminierung aufgrund von Rasse, Hautfarbe oder Herkunft und ohne Beschneidung der Rechte der Arbeitnehmer" hergestellt werden und darüber ...
"The Cut" in der Naxoshalle Frankfurter Rundschau
Beryl Magoko brachte für ihren Film alle zum reden: Befürworter und Gegner der Beschneidung, Alte und Junge. Foto: Martin Weis. Der Film "The Cut" zeigt ...
Daily Mail
8000 Busia men to get circumcised The Star
A non-governmental research organisation is set to circumcise 8,000 men from Busia county aimed at reducing HIV/Aids infections. Impact Research coordinator ...
Pickerington officials object to 'offensive' fliers Lancaster Eagle Gazette
Pickerington police Sgt. Tod Cheney said the fliers list fake, upcoming events, including an American Red Cross event offering on-site circumcision, a vote for an ...
Female Circumcision Declining in Africa, but 30 Million Girls Still at ... brose
A new report by UNICEF finds that the practice of female genital cutting (FGC), which started centuries ago, has been declining in Africa. But even where.
Aid for Africa
PRESS RELEASE - Jhpiego: Over 32000 adult male in Gambella ... Daily Ethiopia
Gambella-The Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) program-supported by Jhpiego and funded with PEPFAR grants through the Center for Disease ...
(RESEND) African chief evangelizes about adult circumcision Washington Post (blog)
In some African countries, tribes have shunned circumcision because it was seen ... Mumena read the pamphlets on circumcision's health benefits, which argue ...
Two in court for botched circumcision Independent Online
Barkly West - Two men accused of running an illegal initiation school in Windsorton, Northern Cape, appeared in the Barkly West Magistrate's Court on ...
Independent Online
Patient beats 'attender' to death Times of India
MANGALORE: In a strange incident, a patient who had undergone circumcision and was undergoing treatment at the District Government Wenlock Hospital here ...
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Female circumcision ? - Theology Online | Christian Forums & More wincam
it has been suggested that circumcision as such can be and is and was only positive - it seems the horror of female circumcision was not included - does anyone ...
Theology Online | Christian Forums & More
Circumcision not HIV foolproof - RugundaPublish Date: Aug 07, 2013 New Vision
Health Minister Ruhakana Rugunda has cautioned that circumcision is not a ... Rugunda said that male circumcision has been misrepresented especially in the ...
New Vision
Our initiation ritual is leading to genocide, claims African tribal ... Daily Mail
Botched circumcision procedures in remote parts of South Africa are killing young men to such an extent that it has been labelled 'genocide' by a local health .
Sydney researchers find that contrary to perception circumcision ... The Daily Telegraph
A major review by the University of Sydney of all international investigations into the effect of circumcision on sex has found it "has no adverse effect on male
Nur Otan party arranges mass circumcision of children in Kyzylorda ... Tengrinews
Kyzylorda branch of Nur Otan political party organized a campaign called Alpamys Goes to School that involved provision of free circumcision services to 200 ...
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Child dies after circumcision at hospital Independent Online
Reggie Mokalapa is still in shock after his son Gugulethu, 4, was declared brain dead after undergoing a circumcision at a Germiston hospital. Photo: Bongiwe
Independent Online
Camping with the Maasai Tribal chief teaches visitors the ways of his ... Montreal Gazette
Soon after arriving, Salaton, who speaks fluent English despite never having attended school, told me that a circumcision ceremony would be held the next day ...
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Montreal Gazette
The Falashmura path to Judaism: Rigorous according to some ... Haaretz
The rest of the process is similar to that of other converts, by and large: circumcision for males who have not undergone the process, or, for those who have had ...
Beschneidung der individuellen Bürgerrechte zentral+
Missfällt ein Bundesgerichtsentscheid, wird der Ruf nach Beschneidung derer Rechte laut. So auch beim Wahlrecht im Kanton Zug. In der Verfassung ist für die ..
Tödliche Beschneidung mit dem Buschmesser Basler Zeitung
Vor wenigen Tagen verlor er seinen Penis, der sich bei der Beschneidung ... ohne jegliche Annehmlichkeiten, in dessen Mittelpunkt die Beschneidung steht.
'Our Time, Get Circumcised' campaign launched Times of Swaziland
MBABANE – The Mini-stry of Health in collaboration with PSI- Swaziland has officially launched the circumcision campaign dubbed; “Our Time, Get Circumcised.
Circumcisions In Newborn Males Have Decreased In U.S. Hospitals ... Medical Daily
(Creative Commons) It's a common practice to circumcise newborn males, though in the U.S. it appears to be decreasing, according to a new CDC report.
Medical Daily
Number of Baby Circumcisions in U.S. Declines in The Last Three ... Headlines & Global News
The number of baby boys in the U.S. subjected to circumcisions declined in the last three decades, according to a government report released Thursday.
Headlines & Global News
Education on initiation The New Age Online
In June this year, St Barnabas Hospital in Libode admitted a high number of initiates injured in botched circumcisions at initiation schools. Some of the boys had
WHO | Progress in male circumcision scale-up: country ...
Progress in male circumcision scale-up: country implementation and research update.
Circumcision Entering NYC Mayoral Debate With Jews Swinging Vote Businessweek
Circumcision regulation was the first question for mayoral candidates in a May forum sponsored by the Jewish Press. Jewish law requires removal of a male's ...
What price circumcision? Houston Chronicle (blog)
“Two groups of pediatricians are taking a stand in Anchorage, Alaska, after learning that Alaska Regional Hospital is charging $2,110 for a circumcision ...
Circumcision plan rolled out The New Age Online
The provincial department of health, in partnership with the World Health Organisation (WHO), are on a mission to reduce the HIV and Aids pandemic within the ...
Popularity Of Circumcision Falls In U.S., Especially Out West HPPR
Back in 1979, about two-thirds of boys out West got circumcised in the hospital ... Overall, rates of circumcision performed in U.S. hospitals have dropped about a
Botched circumcisions on the rise Herald Sun
WA Department of Health chief medical officer Gary Geelhoed said he was not aware of a rise in the number of cosmetic circumcision procedures being done ...
Jährlich 3 Millionen Mädchen in 29 Ländern von Beschneidung ... ZWD - Zweiwochendienst (Abonnement)
zwd Berlin (sk). 125 Millionen Mädchen und Frauen in Afrika und auf der Arabischen Halbinsel leiden unter Genitalverstümmelung – jährlich werden 3 Millionen ...
Pigs Without Blankets Huffington Post (satire)
Well, you're also eating the ghosts of millions of baby boys' foreskins, according to overly affected San Francisco-based anti-circumcision activist and apparent ...
Guests continue party after extinguishing forest fire in Turkey's ... Hurriyet Daily News
Guests at a circumcision celebration ceremony in the northwestern province of Balıkesir extinguished a nearby forest fire before continuing with their festivities.
Circumcision In Anchorage Hospitals Can Cost $2110 or $235 Gant Daily
He and his partners no longer perform circumcisions at the 250-bed Alaska Regional. Another pediatric practice, LaTouche Pediatrics, also has stopped most of ..
An Alaska-Sized Price Difference: A Circumcision In Anchorage ... Kaiser Health News
He and his partners no longer perform circumcisions at the 250-bed Alaska Regional. ... Dr. Charles Ryan holds an infant after a circumcision (Photo by Annie ...
News 9 new results for circumcision
Hospital circumcisions down 10% over three decades USA TODAY
The nation's leading pediatrics group says the health benefits of newborn circumcision outweighs the risks, but rates for the procedure declined over the past ...
Circumcision Rate In US Hospitals Has Dropped Over 3 Decades Huffington Post
(Reuters) - The rate of circumcisions performed on newborn boys in U.S. ... During the period covered by the data, male newborn circumcision was most ...
Circumcision Rates Declined Over the Past Three Decades Parent Herald
In-hospital circumcisions for newborn infants fluctuated over the past three decades and overall rates for circumcision declined by 10 percent, according to a ...
Standard Digital News - Kenya : United States circumcision rate ...
The percentage of newborns who are circumcised in the United States has been on the decline in recent decades, according to a new report from the Centers for ...
Popular Standard Digital News Feeds
Hospital Circumcision Rate Drops By 10 Percent Empowered News
Circumcisions performed on new born babies in the United States have dropped by almost 10 percent in the past three decades. The data was collected from ...
Circumcision Rates Decline In US The Inquisitr
Circumcision rates have declined in the US according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The biggest decline was seen in states ...
Statistics show circumcision rates decline in US, stay flat in Northeast Hunterdon County Democrat - NJ.com
The percentage newborn boys circumcised in the United States fell from 64.5 percent in 1979 to 58.3 percent in 2010, according to the National Center for ...
Male Circumcision Declines In US Over Last Three Decades Latinos Post
A Palestinian baby is circumcised at Patient Care Association in Gaza May 20, 2010. Circumcision is a common surgery for Muslims in accordance to the ...
Latinos Post
Circumcision rates declining in the U.S. UPI.com (blog)
The rate, which only takes into account circumcisions performed on ... According to the CDC, newborn circumcision rates for the four U.S. census regions ...
Rate of Circumcision Drops in U.S. The Utah People's Post
The rate of circumcisions for baby boys in the United States fell by 10% over the last 32 years. Researchers said that fluctuating guidelines from health providers, ...
Male Circumcision Rates Decline In The US [VIDEO] Medicaid ... KpopStarz
Male Circumcision rates in the US have dropped by 10% in the last 32 years. From 1979 to 2010 circumcision rates have dropped from 65 percent to 55 percent ..
Babies' herpes linked to circumcision practice NewsOK.com
Two more infants have contracted the herpes virus after undergoing an ultra-Orthodoz Jewish type of circumcision, which has been linked to the spread of the ...
Circumcision – Tradition or a Matter of Health? Dubai Chronicle
Among them has always been circumcision, but now it seems not so trendy and classy as it was once considered, but more a question of culture and religion.
Circumcision Rates in U.S. Decline: Parents Skeptical Having ... Headlines & Global News
U.S. hospitals have performed about 6 percent less circumcisions than 30 years ago, dropping from 64.5 percent in 1979 to 58.3 percent in 2010. (Photo : Flickr).
Headlines & Global News
Circumcision rates falling sharply fox2now.com
(FOX NEWS) – Fewer male babies are being circumcised in the U.S. A centers for Disease Control and Prevention report says the number of circumcisions ...
Circumcision rate clipped Chicago Tribune (blog)
The rate of circumcisions performed on newborn boys in U.S. hospitals dropped 6 percentage points over the last three decades, with an especially steep ..
4 Reasons the Circumcision Rate Has Declined Over 30 Years Yahoo! News
The CDC's report looked at rates of newborn boys circumcised in hospitals from 1979 to 2010. It's important to note that since it only includes hospital ...
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Romanian Young Man Becomes A Muslim and Waits for Circumcision admin
romanyalı genç müslüman oldu (5) 17 year old Romainian Didi Elemo who lives in Ölüdeniz District of Fethiye has become a Muslim and waits for circumcision.
Sun Express News
Clinical Notes: Circumcision Rates Tumble MedPage Today
American boy babies were circumcised at a rate of 58.3% in 2010, down from ... Opposition to routine circumcision has been strongest in California and other ...
MedPage Today
Reality check: Tennis observes Yom Kippur Jerusalem Post
As Shas leader Aryeh Deri once noted in the context of circumcision: the vast majority of secular Jews circumcise their sons without any prompting, but were the ...
Why Circumcision Rates Are At All Time Low In The US [VIDEO] 3 ... KpopStarz
Why have male Circumcision rates in the US dropped by 10% in the last 32 years? There are three main reasons that from 1979 to 2010 circumcision rates have ..
Unternehmer fordern weitere Beschneidung der Arbeitnehmerrechte Wochenblatt.online
Nachdem die jüngsten Reformen des Arbeitsrechtes bereits den Interessen der Unternehmer zugute kamen, forderte der Unternehmerverband CEOE dieser .
Hexenjagd a´la „Mollath“ Scharf-links.de
2 Jahren erlebe ich hierdurch eine einzigartige Willkür mit, ein kollusives Zusam- menwirken der befassten Stellen sowie ein systematisches Beschneiden von .
Beschneidungs-Debatte: Zentralrat der Juden zieht gemischte Bilanz Balaton Zeitung
Ein Jahr nach dem Beginn der Debatte über religiöse Beschneidungen hat der Präsident des Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland, Dieter Graumann, eine ...
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