below you will find a letter of mine addressed to my name cousin and colleague lee roloff, who is the head of the local jungian clan and who had sent me, via snail, a sketch by prof alan schnaiberg, northwestern u., detailing his speculations about president bush's NPD [narcissistic personality disorder]. I myself would add and emphasize the impetus of Bush's reaction formation to his once dissolute life, which, as far as i am concerned, hugely distorts his views. michael roloff
Dear Lee,
Thanks for Alan Schnaiberg's evaluation of our president's narcissistic problem, his narcissistic personality disorder.[ NPD]
I will make a JPEG of the Schnaiberg pages and send the images to you and interested parties.
I would agree with most of the sketch: indeed, a difficulty with admitting to mistakes appears to be one feature of the syndrome - however, it runs in the family: recall Bush pere, on the US sending an Iranian passenger airliner with about 250 human beings aboard into the Persian Gulf, saying that the US never apologized for anything. The son learned about photo-ops from dear old Dad, too; and in Rove found an enabler for safe mirroring on a grand scale. Whether the fraudulence of all of it ever matters? sinks in? Did it ever with any of the sun kings? It is said that the Crawford Kid has a higher IQ than Kerry, which may or may not be saying much or anything at all interesting if you lack the capacity for empathy [the initial response to Katrina/ New Orleans, during the "fly-by", except perhaps in the closest circles of buddies. The frat boy buddiedom is on the primitive sadistic nipping level that you find among no end of strivers. As a president he was the cheapest of buys, at 100 million, for the moneyed class. And when the fix that was supposed to be in in Florida didn't seem to be in deep enough they did what they had to in the Supreme Court, this time only!with no precedent! Gore is to be blamed for being a babe in the woods, considering his experience in those corridors. The huge corruption goes with the buddiedom. I recall that he seems to have taken Dad's defeat at his first run at the job and at Clinton's hand quite personally, as well as old Bad Ass's attempt to do away with dear old dad. So we have a primitive automatic family vengeance streak [talking about clan fealty!].
Schnaiberg is right about LBJ looking haunted, and the best thing to be said for LBJ, in that part of his career, is that he died of a broken heart. Yet he persisted in the huge criminal venture because he did not want to be known as soft on communism. I always thought that that was the heart of the country's problem as a whole: not the being soft on the mythical threat of communism, but being other directed. In that respect, Bush, once the tide, as was to be expected, turned against him, has indeed remained admirably un-other-directed! Yet for the wrong reasons and under the wrong circumstances! If stupidity, according to Oedon von Horvarth, give you a foretaste of eternity, narcissistic compensations are a sure fire guarantee of stupefying the greatest intelligence.
It is said that he is dyslexic, a family feature, genetic one expects, just the way dear old dad pronounced the very word "innelectual", which I simply love. But Dad did have the sense of realism that accomplished criminals have, there may be an element of Oedipal competition there as many people claim.
- Hide quoted text -"Bomber" Bail would look for "the mother's signature" and I suspect would find a lot of the horrors of the old warhorse transmitted intra-uterine. What would that man be, even with his prep-school and college and Harvard Biz degrees but lacking the genealogy of power? Well, apparently he shaped up under Laura's threat, I've known a lot of dissolute characters who did, which however points to what can move the dirigible. Indeed, he surrounds himself with no end of minor mirrors, like that typical Mexican sycophant Gonzales, and his insecurities are over-powered by the likes of Cheney and Rumsfeld, but in the trafficking of loyalties remains to them as they have to him, as compared to the far more nimble Clinton, and will only let them go once they have become entirely untenable, Rumsfeld, Miers, etc. Gonzales I expect. Perhaps the whole presidency will unravel, since the US got into a country that is fragmenting perhaps that entire warrior class will fragment here, wishful thinking no doubt. Of course someone like Bush will believe a surge will do the trick, it appears in college he was one of these try and try again guys, not a bad thing really; however sheer madness when your own troops, as of the git go, produced an insurrection. Actually, he's incredibly lucky that they did this to a country riven by a thousand plus year old family feud. If those religious factions ever put their difference aside, the green zone would turn into the black zone overnight. Everything they did and will do there went and will go wrong. "Democratization" [the modern version of conversion to Christianity] produced religiously based parties where there had been a secular state, etc.etc. That entire class of power-mongers belongs into Guantanomo for a good long time. They produced a really big dog that they can't get out of. Cheney is quite right, and perhaps all those who talked about WW IV knew it and wanted it all along. All that maneuvering in Congress is for peanuts type election advantage. Hell, he might as well wag a really big dog and attack Iran, and get even deeper into the dog that will do him in, it will drive the price of Texas light medium sky high! Unfortunately the country and large parts of the world will go down. Then they can all "wait for Godot"... who will appear, surprise, surprise as a cool Chinaman!
Your geopolitical horned owl in the U-District.
Last nite, before going to sleep around midnight, outside my place there is a small pool of accumulated water around a stand of bushes, tall bushes, some of them trees; ducks love freshly accumulated water, it seems to free nutrients; the one duck there was periodically going into fluttering protesting hysterics; and a bird seemed to be swooping down on it. Then I saw an animal I took to be a medium sized Raccoon sitting at about eight feet off the ground on the branch of one of these semi-trees, seemingly hugging it too the way our branch of the Koalas does; I tried to shoo this coon away as the duck took flight from the noise of my exertion and the "raccoon, " a huge owl took off after it! i looked up owls of the northwest... fits the description of a great horned... the size and the hornish fluff in the ears..
OCCASIONAL COMMENTS ON PSCHO-ANALYTIC MATTERS + CONTIBUTIONS fromMICHAEL ROLOFF Member Seattle Psychoanalytic Institute and Society this LYNX will LEAP you to all my HANDKE project sites and BLOGS: "MAY THE FOGGY DEW BEDIAMONDIZE YOUR HOOSPRINGS!" {J. Joyce} "Sryde Lyde Myde Vorworde Vorhorde Vorborde" [von Alvensleben]
Saturday, March 31, 2007
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- seattle, Washington, United States
- MICHAEL ROLOFF exMember Seattle Psychoanalytic Institute and Society this LYNX will LEAP you to all my HANDKE project sites and BLOGS: "MAY THE FOGGY DEW BEDIAMONDIZE YOUR HOOSPRINGS!" {J. Joyce} "Sryde Lyde Myde Vorworde Vorhorde Vorborde" [von Alvensleben] contact via my website